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Symbolic Gesturing in Normal Infants

Author(s): Linda Acredolo and Susan Goodwyn

Source: Child Development, Vol. 59, No. 2 (Apr., 1988), pp. 450-466
Published by: Blackwell Publishing on behalf of the Society for Research in Child
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Accessed: 20/12/2008 09:49

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Symbolic Gesturing in Normal Infants

Linda Acredolo and Susan Goodwyn

University of California, Davis

LINDA,and GOODWYN, Symbolic Gesturingin NormalInfants. CHILDDEVELOP-
MENT, 1988, 59, 450-466. 2 studies are presented that document the spontaneousdevelopment by
normalinfants of nonverbalgestures to symbolicallyrepresentobjects,needs, states, and qualities.
These symbolic gestures are shown to be a typical ratherthan rarephenomenon of early develop-
ment and to function in ways similarto early verbal symbols. Indeed, the case is made that these
gestures and early words are both representativeof commonunderlyingmechanisms,in particular,
the recognitionthat things have names. In the firststudy, mothersof 38 17-month-oldinfantswere
interviewed in regardto their infants' verbal and nonverbaldevelopment. The second study, de-
signed to documentwith greaterprecisionthe findingsof the interviewstudy,is a longitudinalstudy
of 16 infantswho were followed from 11 to 24 months.Both studies provideevidence that symbolic
gestures tend to develop in tandem with the child's early words,thatgirls tend to rely more heavily
than boys on such gestures, that structuredparent-childinteractionsare importantto the develop-
ment of these gestures, that the gestures tend to depict the functionratherthan the formof objects,
and that the use of gesturallabels is positively related to verbal vocabularydevelopment. Implica-
tions of these findingsfortheories of languagedevelopmentand forspeech pathologyare discussed.

As recently as 15 years ago, a pervading dition, we will explore the manner by which
assumption within the language-acquisition such gestures arise, the degree to which they
literature was that a discontinuity existed be- are grounded in interpersonal interactions
tween the onset of language, as marked by the with parents, and their relation to language
appearance of the first verbal "word," and development in the form of verbal acquisi-
everything that went before. What went be- tion. We will conclude that such gestures
fore, presumably, was language "play" in the function for the young infant very much the
form of babbling rather than any type of com- same way that early verbal items do, and that,
municative competence. Satisfaction with this as a consequence, the evidence points to the
discontinuity hypothesis began to decline as existence of a common mechanism underly-
it became clear that the communicative func- ing both forms of early communication.
tion of language was far from totally depen-
dent on vocal symbols but was instead an Theoretical Foundations and Existing
early product of a rich repertoire of nonverbal In their classic book on symbol forma-
behaviors. For example, Bates and her as-
sociates showed quite conclusively that in- tion, Werner and Kaplan (1963) suggested
fants develop gestural pointing, giving, and that one should expect young infants to re-
cruit sensorimotor schemes in the service of
showing in order to signal the desire for a
specific item and/or joint attention to a early language. These schemes, developed
specific object (Bates, Benigni, Bretherton, originally within the context of "action on the
world," would be adapted for use as symbols
Camaioni, & Volterra, 1979). once the infant had grasped the underlying
The purpose of the present set of studies notion of representation. Such behavior, they
is to describe another form of nonverbal com- contended, would constitute an excellent ex-
munication during the early stages of lan- ample of the developmental dictum that old
guage development, namely, the use of non- forms (i.e., sensorimotor schemes) serve new
verbal gestures (often referred to here as functions (i.e., naming). These action-based
"signs") to symbolically represent objects, symbols would have the advantage of contain-
events, desires, and conditions in order to ing within them a practiced association with
communicate with those around them. In ad- the referent, even, in many cases, an iconic

The authorsare extremely gratefulto Nancy Herse and CurtAcredolofor their generous help
and supportin all phases of this research.Portionsof this articlewere reportedat the meetings of the
Society for Research in Child Development in Toronto(April 1985) and the InternationalConfer-
ence on InfantStudies in Beverly Hills (April1986).Requestsforreprintsshould be sent to LindaP.
Acredolo,Psychology Department,Universityof California,Davis, CA 95616.
[Child Development, 1988, 59, 450-466. ? 1988 by the Society for Researchin Child Development, Inc.
All rightsreserved.0009-3920/88/5902-0017$01.00]
Acredolo and Goodwyn 451
association, thus easing memory load. Even- contention that action in the service of
tually, with the continued passage of time and representation is within the capacity of young
experience in the symbolic realm, one would infants.
expect a shift toward a distancing of symbolic
vehicle from referent, a process Werner and However, by far the most promising evi-
dence to date comes from a case study of our
Kaplan called "decontextualization." The end own involving an American infant who spon-
result would be a tolerance of, and even a
taneously developed a repertoire of 13 sym-
preference for, the type of arbitrary relation bolic gestures (Acredolo & Goodwyn, 1985),
between vehicle and referent that charac-
and recent reports by two Italian co-workers
terizes most verbal words.
who document the development of symbolic
Although Werner and Kaplan pose an gestures by several Italian infants (Caselli,
intriguing hypothesis, the question remains 1983; Volterra, 1981; Volterra & Caselli,
whether normal infants do in fact exhibit 1983). Of additional interest is a recent report
spontaneous gestural symbols early in the de- by Zinober and Martlew (1985) describing
velopment of language. At first glance, a phe- the general development of gestures in two
nomenon labeled "gestural names" by Bates children. Although they do not single out in
and her associates (Bates et al., 1979; Bates, any formal way the type of gestures of interest
Bretherton, Shore, & McNew, 1983; Brether- here, they do report that some gestures
ton, Bates, McNew, Shore, Williamson, & tended to become increasingly "flexible" in
Beeghly-Smith, 1981) might seem to be a can- that they were extended beyond the context
didate. However, these gestures-such as in which they developed and seemed to take
pretending to feed a doll-were never re- on representational properties during com-
ported as being used communicatively, nor munication.
were they abbreviated or consistent in their As provocative as case study data are,
form from time to time. In short, these behav-
however, they obviously cannot tell us how
iors are more akin to symbolic play and, al-
widespread a phenomenon symbolic gestur-
though interesting in their own right, do not ing is, the context within which it typically
provide the kind of evidence we seek in our develops, or how it relates to language acqui-
efforts to validate Werner and Kaplan's hy- sition in general. The two studies presented
pothesis. here were designed to provide information
Other reports come much closer to prov- relevant to these questions. The first, a study
of 38 17-month-old infants, consisted of
ing Werner and Kaplan's contention that early
naming is not modality specific. First, there lengthy interviews with mothers concerning
are the provocative data provided by Goldin- the nonverbal and verbal communication
Meadow and Feldman (1975) showing that they had observed in their infants (Experi-
ment 1). The purpose was to determine as
congenitally deaf infants denied exposure to
sign language will on their own develop ste- quickly as possible if the phenomenon was
reotyped gestures to refer to objects around pervasive enough to warrant long-term study.
them. Such data are indicative of the flexibil- Based on the success of the interview study,
a longitudinal study of 16 infants was con-
ity of the symbolic system but leave unans-
wered whether such gestural symbols are re- ducted (Experiment 2). Throughout the de-
sorted to only under the extreme conditions scription of both studies, the labels "symbolic
imposed by total inaccessibility of verbal gesture" and "sign" are used interchange-
symbols. ably, the latter deriving from an analogy to
the symbolic gestures of ASL.
Complementing this milestone work
with deaf infants are reports of success in ex- Experiment 1: Interview Study
posing hearing infants to American Sign Lan- METHOD
guage (ASL) during the first year of life (Bon-
villian, Orlansky, & Novack, 1983; Holmes & Subjects
Holmes, 1980; Prinz & Prinz, 1979). These Subjects included 38 16-18-month-old
studies are consistent in showing that hearing infants (M = 16.89), 21 males and 17 females,
infants are quite capable of incorporating ges- whose names were located through birth an-
tural symbols into their early vocabularies. nouncements in local newspapers. Forty-two
Moreover, they even provide some evidence percent of the infants (nine males, seven fe-
that such symbols actually predate verbal males) were firstborns. Eighty-two percent
symbols in the repertoire of the infants. Over- of the mothers and 92% of the fathers had
all, then, there does seem to be at least had at least some college, indicating a pri-
indirect support for Werner and Kaplan's marily middle-class sample.
452 Child Development
Procedure occurrence during infancy has already been
An introductoryletter alerted mothers to well documented: the deictic gestures of
the types of nonverbal communication of in- pointing to request and to comment, the re-
terest to us. Interviews lasted about 1 hour plies "yes" and "no," and waving for "bye-
and were audiotaped. In addition, two inter- bye." The relation between the gestures at
viewers kept independent written records of issue in the present research and these more
the mothers' responses. During the initial conventional gestures is a question for future
phase, discussion centered around any non- research.
verbal gesture the mother thought might
General criteria.-In order to be in-
qualify as symbolic. Once the mother had cluded in any category,a gesture had to meet
identified a potential gesture, informationwas
elicited about its form, frequency, and age of the following two criteria:(1) Frequency:The
gesture had to be described as occurring re-
appearance,the manner in which it had been
acquired, the contexts in which it occurred, peatedly in the same form,a criterionparallel
to one of the classic requirementsfor identify-
and the age at which synonymous vocaliza-
tions had appeared. Informationrelevant to ing early verbal words. In addition, this crite-
rion served to discriminatebetween true sym-
the context of use included whether the ges-
ture tended to occur spontaneously, in re- bolic vehicles and one-time-only imitationsof
ongoing actions of objects. Our assumption
sponse to some kind of verbal prompt,and/or was that behaviors of the latter sort quite
in response to modeling by the parent. The
likely represent an attempt by the child to
types of physical situations in which the ges- mimic what is being seen rather than an
ture occurred were also recorded, and in the
case of Object signs (i.e., gestures repre- attempt to attach a symbolic vehicle to it.
(2) Gesturalcomponent: The behavior had to
senting specific objects in the environment), include at least one truly gesturalcomponent.
this included whether the gesture was used to In other words, when a gesture included a
label real objects, pictures, and/or items re-
sound, a nonauditory component had to be
sembling the referent in appearanceor name
clearly discernible were one unable to detect
(e.g., a "turkey"sign to label frozen turkeys). the sound.
Demographicquestions (e.g., birth order)and
questions about verbal development fol- Criteria for object gestures.--Included
lowed. Motherswere also asked to reportany in this category were gestures used to denote
words (including proper names) in their chil- the presence of specific objects (e.g., a pant-
dren's repertoires, with "word" defined as a ing gesture for "dog," a sniffing gesture for
sound patternused consistently by a child to "flower").They were often reported by the
refer to an identifiable referent. In order to mother to be accompanied by pointing, and
prompt their memory, the interviewer sug- even more often by eye contact.In additionto
gested categories (e.g., food items) within meeting the general criteria, an Object sign
which early words are likely to fall. Although also had to be generalized by the child be-
admittedly only an estimate of each child's yond the specific situation in which it was
verbal vocabulary,the measure was adequate first acquired. In 70% of the cases this crite-
for the types of correlational analyses rion was met by use of the gesture to refer
planned. both to examples of the real object and to pic-
tures of the object. In cases where such
Categorization generalizationwas not seen (quite frequently
Each example of nonverbal communica- due to lack of exposure to such pictures, or
tion described by a mother was judged sym- only exposure to pictures) the gesture had to
bolic or nonsymbolic using the criteria spe- occur in response to multiple examples of the
cified below. In order to be secure in our object (e.g., to more than one dog or cat). The
application of the label "symbolic," two purpose of this criterion was in part to help
coders independently reviewed all the mate- rule out the type of one-time imitations de-
rials. Use of the formula "number of agree- scribed above. A second purpose was to elim-
ments over the total number of agreements inate gestures that had been learned within
plus disagreements" yielded a reliability the contexts of specific songs, routines, or
figure of 86%. Disagreements were resolved games (e.g., "spider" in "Eency Weency
through discussion. Gestures were also Spider") and were never spontaneously gen-
placed into one of five categories based on the eralized beyond this context. Such gestures
function served. These included Object signs, probably lack true symbolic meaning for the
Requests, Attributes, Replies, and Events. child and would more accurately be cat-
Notably absent from our categorization egorized as "prelexical"(Dore, 1985; Nelson
scheme are the five nonverbalgestures whose & Lucariello, 1985).
Acredolo and Goodwyn 453
Requests.-A nonverbal behavior was fore instrumental rather than symbolic. In
categorized as a Request sign if, in the contrast,a child who opened and qlosed her
mother's opinion, it served primarilyto indi- fist to signal the desire to be lifted was cred-
cate something the child wanted or needed. ited with having a symbolic gesture.
These opinions were inevitably based on Attributes.-In order to be categorized
pairing of the gesture with looks to the parent as an attribute,a sign had to function primar-
and, often, on continuation of the sign until
the parent responded. Sometimes the request ily to describe an object or objects. Included
in this category were signs representative of
signaled a desire for something quite specific, such qualities as "hot,""all gone," and "big."
such as a popsicle (i.e., a knock on the re-
As was the case with the Request gestures,
frigeratordoor) or an opportunityto play the the gesture had to be communicative rather
piano (i.e., up-down movement of the hands). than "instrumental."For example, in orderto
The temptationin these cases was to construe
be counted, the gesture for "hot"could not be
these gestures as Object signs since they oc- involved in actually cooling off the object be-
curred in relation to specified objects. How- ing described.
ever, we were careful not to do so because
such behaviors lacked generalizability to Replies.-Included in this categorywere
other contexts. It should also be recognized, signs, other than "yes" and "no," that were
though, that this is essentially a conservative used by the child specifically in response to a
criterion and one that may lead to the incor- question. The most common of these by far
rect categorizationof some gestures. It seems was a shrug of the shoulders to symbolize "I
quite conceivable that the failure to observe don't know."
generalizationof a Request gesture could re- Events.-Included in this categorywere
sult fromfactorsother than the cognitive limi-
tationbeing assumed. Opportunitiesmay sim- signs, other than "bye-bye," that were used
ply not arise, the child may not be motivated by the child to comment on a specific type of
to gesture, or the parent may simply fail to event. For example, one child used a clapping
notice or may misinterpretuse of the gesture. sign in response to baseball games-real or
It seemed to us, however, that in this initial pictured.
investigationthe advantagesof a conservative RESULTSANDDISCUSSION
criterion overrode the possible problems as-
sociated with it. Frequency and Individual Differences
Overall, 148 gesture/referent pairs met
Request gestures also had to be symboli- our criteria (62 Object, 50 Request, 30 Attri-
cally representativeof a desire ratherthan di- bute, 3 Reply, 3 Event), thus indicating that
rectly instrumentalin attaininga goal. For ex- symbolic gesturing is far from rare (see Table
ample, infants who push or pull on the front 1 for examples). Signs tended to be used on a
door when they want to go out may well be
daily basis and to depict a great variety of ob-
signaling a desire to their mother.An alterna- jects, desires, and states. Among the most
tive explanation, however, is that the infants
are simply tryingto get out by themselves and commonly observed were the Object signs
"flower" (7), "dog" (4), and "horse" (4), the
really have no notion that they are in fact sig- Request signs "out"(10) and "up"(6), and the
naling something. In other words, such be- Attributesigns "hot"(15) and "all gone" (11).
haviors are inherently ambiguous. Since it is It is instructive to note that these items are
impossible to determine the presence or ab- also frequently noted among infants' earliest
sence of the intent to signal in cases like words. Parents reported that signing was a
these, the decision was made to exclude all
potentially instrumentalactions from consid- phenomenon of the first half of the second
eration as signs. In contrast, if an infant, as year, with individual signs continuing only
until a comparable verbal label was devel-
several did, goes to the door and makes a
knob-turninggesture (without the knob), we oped. In other words,just as Wernerand Kap-
felt justified in assuming the presence of an lan had predicted, the gestures seemed to be
intent to communicate since there was no transitionalforms that served to ease the in-
fants into the symbolic function and substi-
way that such a gesture could succeed in tute until the "distancing"process was com-
opening the door directly. Ratherthan being plete and the articulation of specific words
instrumental, the gesture is symbolic. The could be worked out.
same distinction was frequently made in con-
nection with requests to be lifted, where the Presented in Table 2 are the percentages
raising of the arms was considered a neces- of male, female, firstborn,and later-bornsub-
sarycomponent of the desired goal and there- jects who produced signs of the five types
454 Child Development

Total Onset
Category and Examples Observeda Ageb Frequencyc

"Flower": sniff ........................................ 44 13.47 1.68
"Dog": panting
"Airplane": arms out
"Out": knob-turn gesture 41 12.88 2.55
"Nurse": pats M's chest .................................
"Food": smacks lips
"Hot": blow or wave hand ............................... 6 12.40 2.39
"Many": wave hand back/forth
"Big": raise arms
"I don't know": open palms .......... ............. .. 1 14.12 2.17
"Baseball game": clapping ............................... 2 13.00 .50
a Number of different
b Mean age in monthsgestures observed, some exhibited by more than one subject.
based on mothers' estimates.
CMean frequency per day at height of use.

under investigation. Also presented are the = .015, two-tailed).In addition, a subgroupof
mean number of signs in each categoryexhib- children who exhibited a particularlylarge
ited by these subject groups. Overall, 87% of number of signs included only females. Spe-
the subjects had at least one sign in their rep- cifically, three females were credited with 12
ertoire, with the mean number of signs equal gestures and one with 14. The next largest
to 3.89 (range = 0-16). A 2 (sex) x 2 (sibs) number among the remaining children was
analysis of variance applied to the total num- eight. Why there should be this apparentad-
ber of signs indicated a main effect for sex that vantage for females is not clear. It may in part
was very close to significance, F(1,34) = be due to the frequently documented advan-
4.049, p = .052, with females producingmore tage girls are found to have over boys in the
signs than males. No sibs main effect or in- rate of language development in general. In
teraction was found. Thus, these data suggest addition, a close look at the nature of parent-
a trend in the direction of more signing by child interaction and its relation to symbolic
girls than boys. Such a possibility is bolstered gesturingcould shed light on the issue. At the
by the results of a 2 (sex) x 2 (sib) analysis of very least, the suggestion of a sex effect favor-
variance applied to the subcategoryof Object ing females in this phenomenon deserves fur-
signs. This analysis revealed a significant ther attention.
main effect for sibs, firstborns> later-borns,
In contrast, analyses applied to the Re-
F(1,34) = 4.362, p = .044, and a sex x sibs
interaction which came very close to signifi- quest and Attributedata indicated no signifi-
cant differences based on sex, sibs, or the in-
cance, F(1,34) = 3.895, p = .057, due to the teraction between them. Both these types of
fact that there was a significant difference (p
< .01) between first- and later-bornfemales signs occurred among the majorityof infants
and were evenly distributed across sub-
(means = 3.86 and .90, respectively) but not
males (means = 1.89 and 1.00, respectively). groups.
From this analysis it seems that Object sign- Relation to verbal development.-In or-
ing was especially the province of firstborn der to explore the relationbetween the verbal
infant girls. Nonparametric analyses of the and nonverbal symbolic domains, each child
proportionsof subjects in each group produc- was assigned a score from0 to 10 based on the
ing Object signs supported this conclusion. number of words estimated to be in his or her
The only significantdifference in the propen- vocabularyat the time of the interview ( 0 =
sity to use Object signs was between seven 0-9 words, 1 = 10-19 words, 2 = 20-29
firstbornfemales (86%)and 10 later-bornfe- words, etc.). These scores were correlated
males (20%)(Fisher's exact probabilitytest, p with the number of (1) Object signs, (2) Re-
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456 Child Development
quest signs, and (3) total number of signs ex- ysis of the source and form of Object signs
hibited by each child. The Pearson correla- was conducted. Two major categories were
tions were r = .53 (p = .001) between identified, both of which were furtherdivided
vocabulary and Object signs, r = .03 (N.S.) into subcategories. Two independent coders
between vocabularyand Request, and r = .42 judged category membership and achieved a
(p = .009) between vocabulary and total reliability figure of 93%based on the number
signs. These results suggest that it is the pro- of agreements over the total number of agree-
pensity to produce Object signs, not Request ments plus disagreements. Disagreements
signs, despite the prevalence of both, that were resolved through discussion.
might be linked with vocal development.
Object signs first were designated as
The next step was to determine whether either arising within (59%)or outside (41%)of
these correlations between vocabulary and interactiveroutines. Within the formergroup,
signing behavior were simply reflections of two subcategories were identified. The first
relations between vocabularyand the subject included symbols purposefully taught in
variables of sex, sib status, and mother's edu- routines by parents but spontaneously gener-
cation, all of which have repeatedly been ac- alized by the infant (20%of Object signs). For
knowledged to be predictive of language de- example, a child taught to clap wrists like a
velopment. To this end, three hierarchical seal might then spontaneously use this ges-
multiple regression analyses were conducted ture to label seals. The second subcategory
with vocabulary as the dependent variable. included symbols abstracted from routines
Sib status (firstbornvs. later-born),sex, and by the child (39% of Object signs). For ex-
level of mother's education were considered ample, several infants used bouncing of their
potential covariatesand were entered as a set torso as a sign for horse, an action stemming
in the first step. The next variable entered in from being bounced on an adult's knee.
each regression was one of three signing vari-
ables: the number of Object signs, Request Among the 41% developed outside of in-
signs, or total signs. Results indicated that, as teractive routines, the vast majoritywere de-
expected, both sex and sib status were each veloped by the child as imitations of actions
significantlyrelated to vocabularyeven when associated with the object (36% of Object
the two remaining subject variables in the set signs). This action might be an action inher-
were partialed,sex: F(1,34) = 4.139, p < .05; ent in the object (e.g., panting of a dog, flap-
sibs: F(1,34) = 5.093, p < .05. More impor- ping of a bird) or, even more frequently, an
tant for our purposes, Object signs continued action the child does or sees done with the
to be significantlycorrelatedwith vocabulary, object (e.g., cord-pulling for "motor,"kissing
even with all three subject variables par- motion for "dog," rubbing tummy motion for
tialed, F(1,34) = 5.948, p < .025. In terms of "soap"). The remainder of those developed
the amount of variance accounted for, the outside of interactive routines (5%)either de-
covariates accounted for 28% of the variance picted the form of the object (e.g., cupped
in 18-month vocabulary, while Object signs hand held high for "moon") or were am-
accounted for an additional 11%. Thus, the biguous.
relationbetween Object signs and vocabulary
Whatare we to make of these data?First,
appeared to be robust and to exist indepen- the fact that
dent of sex, sib status, and parent-establishedroutinesplay a
mother's educa- role is reminiscent
tion. In contrast, neither the number of Re- of the ways in which early
verbal words are thought to be acquired
quest signs nor the total number of signs was
related to vocabulary once the subject vari- thus (Bruner, 1983; Camaioni & Laicardi, 1985),
ables were partialed. It is our guess that supporting the supposition of parallels
the relation between Object signs and verbal between symbolizationin the two modalities.
is indicative of a common de- By creating a predictable scenario within
vocabulary which the child's contributionis clearly struc-
nominator underlying development in both
tured, the parent is providing the optimum
modalities. Specifically, those infants who for the child to grasp the representa-
have figured out that objects have names and setting
that names can be used to represent objects to tive nature of names, as well as the motivation
others have solved a significantportion of the to do so (Dore, 1985). However, in some
mystery language. sense the Object signs arising outside of
routines are the more interesting, given that
Acquisition of Object Signs the initiative seems to have arisenfromwithin
Because of their similarityto early words, the child rather than as an element from a
as well as their apparentstatisticalassociation well-rehearsed interactive pattern.The stress
with vocal development, more detailed anal- on the term "well-rehearsed" is important.
Acredolo and Goodwyn 457
What distinguishes those signs arising within to establish well-rehearsed routines with a re-
routinesfromthose arising outside of routines quest or attributeas a central, salient compo-
is not whether or not the child was imitating nent. However, particularlyfor the Attributes,
an action he or she had seen a parentperform. observation of gestures frequently modeled
For many of the Object signs assigned to the by one's parents remains important.
lattercategory(i.e., outside of routines),imita-
tion of an action done with the object was the Experiment 2: Longitudinal Study
form of the gesture, and it is presumed that
the child's knowledge of such actions arose in It would seem that Werner and Kaplan's
part from having observed the use of the ob- prediction is correct.Nonverbal sensorimotor
behaviors are indeed used in the service of
jects by those around them (e.g., fist to ear the representativefunction of naming during
for "phone," wheel-turning for "tractor").In-
stead, the crucialdistinction is whether or not language development. However, due to re-
the child's observationof the action occurred liance on maternal memory for the data just
primarilywithin a set formulaof parent-child described, it is difficult to assess accurately
behavior or whether the child was abstracting the age or manner of onset of these symbolic
the action from a loosely defined set of per- gestures or their relation to verbal develop-
ment as it proceeds step by step. In order to
son-object interactions.The latter is quite of- obtain more accuratedata,it seemed essential
ten the case, and the implication is that in-
teractive routines are not the sole source of that a longitudinal study be conducted on as
early nonverbal names for things. large a scale as possible.
Finally, the manner-of-acquisitiondata METHOD
also point to the importance of "function"to
the child's concept of the object. In fact,these Subjects
gesturalnames provide a unique window into Subjects included 16 11-month-old in-
the natureof the child's early concepts in that, fants, six males (three firstborn)and 10 fe-
unlike verbal names, the child is often re- males (seven firstborn).Ninety-four percent
of the mothers and 100% of the fathers re-
sponsible for choosing the formthe gesture is
going to take. Looking at the gestures arising ported having had at least some college, thus
outside of routines, we see a clear preference indicating a primarilymiddle-class sample.
for depicting an action associated with the ob- Design
ject rather than a static perceptual quality. During the 9-month period from 11 to 20
Thus, as Nelson predicts, the function of the months of age, mothers were asked to keep
object for the child seems to take precedence weekly records of both nonverbal and verbal
over its form. Of course, as Nelson also pre- behavior. In addition, at 17 months, the in-
dicts, the extension of the gestural "name"to fants were seen in the laboratoryto assess in-
new objects may well be based on perceptual dividual differences in the propensity to im-
qualities (Nelson & Lucariello, 1985). itate gestures produced by an adult. At 20
Acquisition of Requests and Attributes months, a formal estimate of verbal vocab-
The same categories used to categorize ulary size was collected, and an interview
the Object signs were not all applicable to the regarding signing behavior was conducted
to clarify the information contained in the
question of the origin of the other two large
groups of signs-Requests and Attributes. weekly reports. Finally, at 24 months, verbal
Briefly, our analysis of Request signs indi- vocabulary size was estimated again, MLU
cated that 10% arose within interactive was measured, and each infant was given the
Mental Development Inventory (MDI) of
routines, while 90% did not. This 90% in- the Bayley Scales of Infant Development.
cluded 10%conventional gestures (e.g., wave
for "want out"), 52% easily interpreted ges- The whole study, then, covered the 13-month
tures (e.g., tug on clothes for "wantup"), and period from 11 to 24 months.
28% idiosyncratic gestures (e.g., lips on Procedure
mother'slips for "nurse").The Attributeges- Diary recordings (11-20 months).-All
tures lent themselves to division into the fol- mothers attended an orientation session just
lowing categories: 3% within routines, 73% prior to their infant's 11-month birthday.
imitations of adult gestures (e.g., blow for Mothers were asked to record details of both
"hot"),and 7%idiosyncratic.From these data nonverbal and verbal communicatorybehav-
it would seem that routinized interactionsbe- ior on a weekly basis using diary sheets. Em-
tween parent and child are less importantfor phasis in the former case was on behaviors
Requests and Attributesthan they are for Ob- the mothers felt might fit the definition of
jects, perhaps because parents are less likely symbolic gestures, and questions on the
458 Child Development
sheets included specific queries about form, used by Bates et al. (1979), consisted of a
derivation, and contexts of use. We stressed categorized list of potential words (including
that they should describe any gesturing that propernames) plus space for additionalitems.
even remotely seemed communicativeand/or
symbolic, and that it was our responsibility to Twenty-four-month follow-up.-At 24
determine which behaviors actually did or months of age, infants were visited in their
did not qualify. Space was also provided for homes in order to assess MLU and cognitive
recording any new verbal words occurring maturity.The formerwas calculated from au-
during the week, with "word" defined as a diotapes of a play session lasting about30 min
sound used consistently to referto a particular and involving mother, child, experimenter,
referent or class of referents. This definition, and a standardset of toys. At the close of this
along with a definition of "symbolic gesture," play session, the MDI portion of the Bayley
was included in a notebook containing diary Scales of Infant Development was adminis-
sheets and general instructions. Finally, tered. Finally, mothers were given 1 week to
mothers were informed that an experimenter complete the same questionnaire used at 20
would visit once a month to pick up com- months to estimate vocal vocabularysize.
pleted sheets and answer questions. RESULTS
Seventeen-monthassessment of gestural
imitation.-A videotaped laboratorysession Categorization of Gestures
at 17 months was designed to assess infants' The system used in Experiment 1 was
propensity to imitate gestures modeled by an applied here, except that Events were sub-
adult. The supposition was that the tendency sumed under Objects due to the rarity of
to rely on gestures for communicationmight Event gestures and their functional overlap
be related to a general tendency to attend to with the largergroup. In the present study, of
and imitate physical gestures of salient adults. those gestures that qualified as Object signs,
The gestures chosen included representatives 57% were used to refer to more than one of
of each of the following categories of gestures, three types of referents:real objects, pictures,
other representations. The remaining 43%
presented here in order of increasing diffi- were used to refer to more than one example
culty (Uzgiris & Hunt, 1975): (a) familiarges- of the same category of referent (e.g., more
tures with objects (i.e., stir cup with spoon,
than one candle). Two coders reviewed all
clap blocks together, put arm through ring); the materials independently, yielding a reli-
(b) unfamiliargestures with objects (i.e., drink
fromshoe, wind beads aroundarm,clap doll's ability figure of 86%.Disagreements were re-
solved through discussion.
legs together);(c) visible gestures without ob-
jects (i.e., wiggle finger, pound fists together,
flap armslike chicken); and (d) invisible (dur- Frequency.-Presented at the bottom of
ing execution by child) actions without ob- Table 2 are the percentages of male and fe-
jects (i.e., pat head, pull ear, poke puffed male subjects exhibiting symbolic gestures
cheeks). Orderof presentationof the 12 items and the mean number exhibited for each of
was random,and each gesture was introduced four gesture categories. As can be seen, an
with the phrase, "[Name], look at this." For impressive degree of symbolic gesturing oc-
those items involving objects, duplicate ob- curred, thus corroboratingthe results of the
jects were available to experimenter and interview study. Overall, 81 gesture/referent
child. The gesture was modeled three times pairs met our criteria.These included 38 Ob-
separated by approximately 10 sec, and the ject signs, 21 Request signs, 18 Attribute
child was given credit if at least one imitation
signs, and 4 Other signs across the 16 chil-
occurredbefore the next item was presented. dren. The mean number of signs per child
Since the dimension of interest was the pro- was 5.06 (range = 1-17), with Object signs
pensity to imitate rather than imitative skill
being the most numerous (contributed by
per se, a perfect replication was not required
75% of the subjects). Examples of Object
in order to be credited for an item. signs, along with age and manner of acquisi-
tion information,are presented in Table 3.
Twenty-month interview and language
assessment.-As the diary recordingscame to Consistent with the trend observed in the
an end, each family was visited in order to interview study, a comparison of the total
clarify, where needed, the information sup- number of signs exhibited by males versus
plied in the diaries. In addition, they were females indicated a significantlyhigher num-
given a week to fill out a questionnaire de- ber among the females, t(14) = - 1.77, p <
signed to estimate verbal vocabulary. This .05. Females also exhibited more Request
questionnaire, modeled after a procedure signs than males, t(14) = -2.00, p < .05. The
Acredolo and Goodwyn 459

Referent Gesture Agea Acquisitionb

Rabbit ....................... Hops 14.8 Within/taught
Spider ....................... Rubs index fingers 15.5 Within/taught
Bee/jet ....................... Thumb to index, waved 17.0 Within/taught
Light switch .................. Wiggles finger 15.0 Within/abstracted
Horse ........................ Bounces body 14.3 Within/abstracted
Sun .......................... Finger pressing eye 18.0 Within/abstracted
Bird ......................... Waves hands to side 14.0 Outside/inherent action
Horse ........................ Raspberry motion 15.5 Outside/inherent action
Cookie monster ............... Fingers to mouth 19.0 Outside/inherent action
Swing ....................... Rocks torso 17.3 Outside/child's action
Noise ........................ Finger to ear 17.0 Outside/child's action
Ball .......................... Throwing motion 16.0 Outside/child's action
a Age in months when symbolic use of gesture appeared.
b Mannerof acquisition: (a) within interactive
routine/purposefullytaughtby parentsbut spontaneouslygeneral-
ized by child; (b) within interactiveroutine/spontaneouslyabstractedby child; (c) outside interactiveroutine/imitation
of action inherent in object; (d) outside interactive routine/actiondone by child with object.

number of Object signs, however, did not dif- Manner of acquisition of Object ges-
fer significantly between the sexes, nor did a tures.-The categorization system used in
2 (sex) x 2 (birth order) analysis of variance this study was the same as that used in the
applied to any of the gesturing measures re- interview study. Object gestures were cate-
veal any differences attributable to birth order gorized as originating either within or outside
or interactions between sex and birth order. of interactive routines. Moreover, those occur-
Given the relatively low numbers within each ring within routines were subcategorized ac-
sex x birth order group (three later-born cording to whether the gesture had been pur-
males and three later-born females), the fail- posefully taught by an adult, or had been
ure to replicate the birth order effect for Ob- spontaneously abstracted by the child. Those
ject gestures found in the larger interview acquired outside of interactive routines were
study is not surprising. However, consistent subcategorized as either imitations of actions
with the earlier study, these data revealed in- inherent in the object, imitations of actions
dividual differences in use of symbolic ges- done with the object, or actions depicting a
tures. Specifically, one firstborn female exhib- perceptual quality (form or sound) of the ob-
ited 17 different signs, eight more than the ject. Intercoder reliability of assignment to
next highest total. these categories was 87%. Disagreements
were resolved through discussion.
Age of onset.-As determined from the
diary records, the average age of onset for Ob- The results indicated that 32% of the Ob-
ject gestures was 15.59 months, for Request ject gestures, compared to 59% in the inter-
gestures 14.16 months, and for Attribute ges- view, were identified by mothers as arising
tures 15.27 months. In order to determine if within interactive routines. For example, an
the difference in age between Object and Re-
"airplane" gesture used by one little girl was
quest gestures was significant, we examined purposefully taught as a response to the
the age data from the subset of subjects (N =
question, "What does Daddy do?" (He was a
9) who had exhibited gestures of both kinds. pilot). The child then spontaneously general-
Mean age of onset for each type of sign for ized the gesture to real airplanes, pictures,
each subject was calculated, and both a sign
test and a Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed- models, and the noise of a plane heard over-
head. About half the signs originating within
ranked test were applied to the data. Both in- routines were described like this one, as pur-
dicated a significant tendency (p < .05, two-
posefully taught (14% of the total). The re-
tailed) for Request gestures on the average to maining half (18% of the total) were spontane-
precede Object gestures for these subjects. ously abstracted from a routine by the child,
Specifically, in only one out of nine cases did the parents having made no conscious effort
the average age of onset for Request gestures to teach the child the gesture.
exceed that for Object gestures. Thus, Re-
quest gestures appear to be an earlier phe- In comparison, 68% of the Object ges-
nomenon than Object gestures. tures, compared to 41% in the interview, were
460 Child Development
identified as having arisen outside of interac- A second importantgesture/vocalization
tive routines. These are perhaps the more in- question concerns the relative timing of these
teresting, given that we can ask what it is that two types of communication in the develop-
the child chooses to use to represent an ob- ment of the child's language capacity. Do
ject. The results showed a clear preference for such symbolic gestures precede vocal lan-
using an imitation of an action the child did guage, representing an earlier step in the de-
with the object (45% of the total). An addi- velopment of the naming/symbolicfunction?
tional 13%of the total were imitations of ac- Do they come later, beneficiaries of the learn-
tions inherent in the object, and 10% were ing that has preceded them in the verbal do-
depictions of some perceptual quality of the main? Or do both develop simultaneously,as
object. evidence, perhaps, of some common mecha-
nism underlying them both? In order to an-
Manner of acquisition of requests and swer this very important question, each
attributes.-The same categories used for child's verbal vocabulary development was
the interview data were used here. Among broken down into five stages: 0 words, 1-10
the 21 Request signs, 24% arose within in- words, 10-25 words, 25-50 words, 50 +
teractive routines, while 76% did not. This words. Presented in Table 4 are the numbers
latter 76% included 9.5% conventional ges- (and percentages) of gestures that were ac-
tures, 29% easily interpreted gestures, and quired within each of these five stages of
38% idiosyncratic. Of the 18 Attribute ges- vocal development. As can be clearly seen
tures, 5% arose within a routine, 55% were from the Table, symbolic gesturing tends
imitations of adult gestures, and 39% were strongly to be a phenomenon of early lan-
idiosyncratic. Although not identical to the guage development, 80% of them having an
percentages observed in the interview study, age of onset before the child reaches the 25-
these data also provide supportfor our earlier word stage. Despite their later age of onset in
conclusion that well-rehearsed interactive general, this same relation with early vocabu-
routines are not as likely to give rise to Re- lary was found for the subset of Object ges-
quests or Attributes as they are to Object tures too, 71% being acquired during the 0-
signs. 25-word stage. These data, then, would seem
to argue for the "simultaneity" hypothesis.
Relation to verbal vocabulary.-Another
Analysis in terms of individual subjects is to-
question of interest is the relation of these tally consistent with the group picture: Out of
nonverbalcommunicationbehaviorsto verbal
16 subjects, 11 developed all their symbolic
development. Three patterns relative to this
gestures before they hit the 25-word point.
question emerged from the data. First, it was Five subjects developed gestures later than
once again clear that the gestures and early
words were serving complementary func- this, but even for them the majorityof ges-
tions. As had been found in the interview tures (M = 66%)were developed in the 0-25-
word period.
study, a child tended stronglyto have either a
gesture or a word to refer to a referent, not A second way to approachthe question
both. When the two did overlap, it was invari- of whether or not these two communication
ably due to the word being briefly added to modalities are the product of one underlying
the gesture before the gesture disappeared mechanism is to look forcorrelationsbetween
completely. the rates of development within each. The


No. OF
WORDSa Object Request Attribute Other Total
0 ....................... 3 (8) 2 (10) 3 (17) 0( 0) 8 (10)
1-10 .................... 10 (26) 9 (43) 6 (33) 1(25) 26 (32)
10-25 ................... 14 (37) 8 (38) 7 (39) 2 (50) 31(38)
25-50 ................... 10 (26) 1 (5) 2(11) 1(25) 14 (17)
50+ .................... 1( 3) 1( 5) 0( 0) 0( 0) 2( 2)
a Based on
diary records.
Acredolo and Goodwyn 461
presence of positive relations would suggest, 10 words, vocabulary at 20 and 24 months,
although not prove, that both are fueled by and MLU at 24 months), the logic being that
some common developmental advancement strong intercorrelationsacross time and tech-
that enables the child to grasp the general niques would be indicative of having genu-
value of symbolic function for communica- inely tapped an individual child's linguistic
tion. The possibility that such a positive rela- progress. The four language measures did in
tion might exist was suggested by the results fact correlate significantly (r's from +.45 to
of the interview study in which a positive cor- +.81), the only exception being a nonsignifi-
relation was uncovered between the rate of cant relation between age at 10 words and
vocal vocabularydevelopment and the num- MLU at 24 months. In addition,the children's
ber of Object gestures in the child's reper- scores on the Bayley exam at 24 months were
toire. The search for similar correlations positively related to vocabularyand MLU at
within the longitudinaldata led us to examine 24 months and the propensity to imitate ges-
the relations among three gesturing measures tures at 17 months. These results lend credi-
(i.e., total gestures, Object gestures, and Re- bility to the methods used to assess vocal de-
quest gestures) and fourmeasures of vocal de- velopment and show a predictable relation
velopment (i.e., age at 10 words, vocabularyat between language and cognitive develop-
20 months, vocabulary at 24 months, and ment.
MLU at 24 months). It is perhaps not surpris-
ing, given the small number of subjects in- DISCUSSION:EXPERIMENT
cluded, that most of these correlations were
neither large nor even approached statistical Overall, the results of the longitudinal
significance. The one exception was a corre- study corroboratethe findings of the inter-
lation between number of Object gestures view study. First, a wide range of symbolic
and age at 10 words (r = -.48, p < .10). gestures were found, their occurrence being
The larger the number of Object gestures a noted by all 16 mothers. Second, the nearly
child developed, the younger the child was significant sex difference (favoring females)
when the 10-wordmilestone was reached. Al- revealed in the interview study was bolstered
though only marginallysignificant,this corre- by the presence in the longitudinal study of a
lation is worth reportingsince it was obtained significant sex difference also favoring fe-
with so few subjects, is consistent with the males. In both studies, females produced
positive correlation found in the interview more symbolic gestures than their male
study for Object gestures, and is suggestive, counterparts.Third, as was the case with the
as was the analysis described above, of a rela- earlier data, striking individual differences
tion between symbolic gesturing and very were found, at least one child in the longitu-
early verbal development. dinal sample relying much more heavily than
her peers on this type of communication.
Subsidiary measures.-Four other mea-
sures were examined for any relation with Fourth, the mothers' reports of the ways in
which these gestures were acquired were
symbolic gesturing. These included mother
and father's education, the propensity to im- very similarto the retrospectivereportsof the
itate an adult's gestures in the laboratoryat 20 mothers in the interview study. Specifically,
months, and cognitive development at 24 many gestures seemed to grow out of interac-
months (as assessed by the MDI scale of the tive routines between parent and child, while
others were products of the child's own asso-
Bayley). No correlation between these mea- ciation of an action with an object or event.
sures and any symbolic gesturing measure
even approached significance. Although the Finally, the longitudinal study, as did the in-
terview study, provided some correlational
presence of a relation between symbolic ges- evidence that the production of Object ges-
turing and imitation in the lab setting would tures was related to verbal development, in
have been interesting,its absence is really not
all that surprising.It would seem to be a very this case in the form of a tendency for those
differentthing to imitate a strangerdoing ges- with many Object signs to reach the 10-word
tures on a one-time-only basis and to imitate a verbal vocabulary level earlier. In addition,
the longitudinal data support the conclusion
gesture one has seen a parent or an object advanced earlierthat symbolic gestures play a
perform many, many times. Moreover, the
purpose of the symbolic gestures is "com- complementary role to the child's verbal vo-
munication," something clearly absent from cabulary, the typical course of development
the imitation game played in the laboratory. being the replacement of a gesture by a ver-
balization as language acquisition proceeds.
We also looked for intercorrelations Implicit in this finding is also the fact that
among the fourlanguage measures (i.e., age at symbolic gesturing has been revealed in the
462 Child Development
longitudinal study to be a phenomenon of ences in the propensity to rely on this type of
early linguistic development, one that in the communication. For example, both studies re-
main proceeds in tandem with acquisition of vealed a stronger tendency for girls to engage
the child's early verbal vocabulary. in symbolic gesturing than boys, and Experi-
ment 1, with its larger representation of later-
General Discussion born children, indicated that this tendency
was particularly strong among firstborn girls.
Taken together, these studies provide the
In addition, both samples included some chil-
first definitive evidence of the widespread
dren who were clearly much more likely to
use by infants of symbolic gesturing for the
use gestures than their peers. These findings
purpose of communication during the early also corroborate those of Zinober and Mart-
stages of language development. Thus, it lew (1985) who, in their informal recognition
seems clear that Werner and Kaplan (1963)
of symbolic gesturing, noted that such be-
were right in their prediction that the discov-
haviors were much more frequent in one of
ery by the infant of the symbolic function two children whose development they were
could be expected to manifest itself in the
transformation of actions on objects to actions chronicling. Interestingly, this child was also
the more advanced of the two in verbal vocab-
in the service of representations of objects.
ulary development, a fact which fits well with
But merely stating that infants adapt sen- our own discovery of some positive relations
sorimotor schemes for communicative pur- between symbolic gesturing and verbal de-
poses does not explain why they do so, espe- velopment.
cially when it would seem that the more
conventional verbal format is modeled so The question of why such striking indi-
heavily around them. Although no definitive vidual differences exist is an intriguing one,
answer is possible, several suggestions can be but at this point all we have to offer are specu-
made. It may be, for example, that division of lative answers. The fact that there was evi-
the "sound stream" is harder for infants than dence of more gesturing by firstborns and by
division of the "action stream," perhaps due females, for example, may indicate that the
in part to the infants' accummulated familiar- degree or kind of parental interaction the
ity and preoccupation with actions on objects child enjoys plays an important role. This pos-
during the first year of life. Thus, as a child sibility receives additional support from the
experiences a given routine with a parent in fact that many of these behaviors arise within
which both actions and verbalizations are re- the context of interactive routines between
peatedly used with reference to a particular parent and child. What such interactions ap-
object, it may be that the child finds it easier parently provide are clearly identifiable ac-
to isolate and remember the action. If in turn tions to which the child is encouraged to at-
the parent cooperates by acknowledging the tend and often, even encouraged to repeat.
association the child is making, the stage is Thus, one obvious hypothesis is that parents
set for the development of a gestural vehicle of firstborns (perhaps due to fewer demands)
rather than a verbal one. In fact, it may be that and parents of females (perhaps due to greater
in some cases the parent also finds the action incentive) create more opportunities of this
produced by the child easier to interpret than sort and are therefore more likely to have chil-
his or her sound, and therefore provides rein- dren who abstract nonverbal labels. In regard
forcement for the action in the form of suc- to birth order effects, it is also, of course, con-
cessful communication. Viewed in this way, it ceivable that parents of firstborns are simply
is easy to understand why actions enter the more likely to remember nonverbal gestures
early lexical picture. It also makes somewhat than are parents of later-borns.
more understandable why we might expect
individual differences in reliance on this non- The importance of parental style to an ex-
verbal mode of communication. As will be planation of individual differences in gestur-
discussed in more detail below, the degree to ing can also be viewed from the perspective
of how the parent responds to gestural labels.
which an infant develops symbolic gestures After all, it takes two to communicate, and if a
may turn out to be as much a function of the
parents' behavior as the child's. It is to this parent fails to interpret correctly the child's
topic we now turn. gesture, then the nonverbal behavior is quite
likely to be abandoned as ineffective and re-
Individual Differences placed by more attention-inducing behaviors
One of the most striking consistencies (e.g., verbalizations, grabbing). This may be
between the interview and longitudinal sam- particularly likely in the case of a later-born
ples was the evidence of individual differ- child who has to compete with other children
Acredolo and Goodwyn 463
for parental attention. In summary, it may be is a natural extension of the cognitive insight
that the tendency to try using gestures sym- that objects are identifiable entities, amenable
bolically is fairly consistent across children, to labeling, which can be separated from the
but that variations in parental reactions result wholistic scenarios in which they are rou-
in the individual differences eventually seen. tinely encountered. The grasping of a decon-
textualized concept of objects is essentially a
Manner of Acquisition
The question of how these symbolic ges- cognitive milestone and, according to Nelson
tures are acquired is important for the insights (Nelson, 1974; Nelson & Lucariello, 1985),
one which grows directly out of the child's
the acquisition data provide relative to an on-
interactions with objects in the course of daily
going debate within the verbal development life. Whether social interactions are involved
literature. This debate concerns the role of
is relevant only to the extent that such interac-
social interactions versus cognitive advances
in providing the foundation for the acquisi- tions constitute additional structured experi-
ences with objects. More important, these ex-
tion of labels. Although at this point there is
periences are primarily ones in which the
general agreement that both the social and
cognitive domains have a role to play, theo- function of the object is highlighted. And for
rists still differ on the relative importance of Nelson the term "function" includes "the ac-
the two as "driving forces" in the achieve- tions of things, actions on things, reactions of
ment of the insight that objects can be named things, and the conventional uses of things"
and the resulting vocabulary spurt generally (Nelson & Lucariello, 1985, p. 70). Once a
seen midway through the second year. concept of a given object has been developed,
then-and only then-can a label be at-
Proponents of the social-interaction hy- tached. Thus, in contrast to the social interac-
pothesis (e.g., Bruner, 1983; Camaioni & tion view, social interactions are not of any
Laicardi, 1985; McShane, 1979; Ninio & particular importance, and the achievement of
Bruner, 1978) argue that one way in which labeling is considered more a by-product of a
the child's social world facilitates language is cognitive advance than a milestone in its own
through establishment of well-structured, fre- right.
quently repeated "routines" between adult What makes it difficult to determine the
and child. The idea is that these routines pro- exact role of social interactions versus more
vide frameworks that highlight the label-
referent match. Because each player's part is general child-object experiences in account-
well rehearsed, the child's memory capacity ing for acquisition of a given verbal label in
the "real world" is that the label itself is the
is not taxed and his or her attention can be
more easily focused on the pairing of a certain same no matter how it was acquired. The
word with a certain object. The adult player word "doggie" is the end result of either path
of development. That is not so, however, with
may then encourage the child's fledgling ef- the symbolic gestures described here. Unlike
forts to try out the label by having the two
switch roles within the game or by having the words, one can look at the specific gestural
child play out the routine alone. Although ini- form the child adopts as his or her symbol for
a particular referent and thereby gain some
tially context bound and therefore prelexical
rather than truly lexical, these early labeling insight into the relative importance of rou-
tines versus general experience, or form ver-
experiences increase the child's attention to sus function, or whatever other distinctions
labeling as a means of communication and seem theoretically important. For example,
thereby lead to the "naming insight" and the the fact that the gesture adopted for "ball" is a
vocabulary spurt. Thus, even though cogni-
tive processes such as concept development throwing gesture instead of a depiction of
and attention are undoubtedly involved, the "roundness" provides evidence for the impor-
tance of function over form, and the fact that a
recognition that things have names is more
directly a function of the "scaffolding" pro- finger-rubbing gesture is adopted for "spider"
vided by interactive routines and the labels provides evidence of the importance of a
learned within them. specific routine between parent and child.
Thus, we feel that these symbolic gestures
In general, proponents of the cognitive provide a unique window into the processes
hypothesis of language acquisition place that underlie language development in gen-
more emphasis on cognitive insights as the eral. In particular, these data provide support
driving force behind advances in language. for the notion that both the cognitive and the
When one focuses on the development of the social interaction scenarios operate during de-
recognition that objects have names, this em- velopment and probably operate in tandem to
phasis translates into the theory that labeling bring about recognition by the child that
464 Child Development
things have names. Our conclusion is based each gesture is eventually replaced by a ver-
on the fact that about half of the Object bal word or phrase. But the fact that a gesture
gestures the mothers reported (over both was used initially indicates unequivocally
studies) took a form that mirrored an action that, in these cases at least, a concept of the
specific to a given interactive routine be- object was well developed before the arrival
tween parent and child (e.g., sniffing for of the verbal label. In summary, then, what
"flower"). Thus, in these cases there is evi- these data yield is evidence that both the so-
dence that the highly structured experience cial interaction and the cognitive models sup-
offered repeatedly by the parent provided ply pieces of the puzzle. This observation is
both the action "label" and the framework for not original with us, but these supporting
identifying that action's "referent." In this data, we would argue, are.
sense, then, the data provide support for the
social interaction model. Relation to Verbal Development and
Practical Implication
However, evidence in favor of the cogni- Our belief that the phenomenon of sym-
tive model is also clearly available in these bolic gesturing is intimately connected to ver-
data. Although many of the Object gestures bal language development is based on a num-
arose within identifiable interactive routines, ber of patterns revealed in our data. First,
at least an equal number did not. (In addition, there are significant parallels between devel-
relatively few of the Request or Attribute ges- opment in the two modalities: gestures and
tures came about in this way.) Based once early words appear about the same time, as-
again on the form of the specific action sume a similar range of functions (with re-
adopted by the child to depict the referent, quests tending to precede object labels in
we feel justified in concluding that Nelson's both domains; see Griffiths, 1985), they arise
emphasis on experientially derived knowl- in similar contexts, and both achieve symbolic
edge of function is not misplaced. For the vast status after an initial period of context-bound
majority of the Object gestures developed usage. Second, verbal and gestural labels tend
outside of routines, the action chosen by the very strongly to complement each other, a
child depicted either actions of things (e.g., child exhibiting one or the other for a given
waving hands for "butterfly"), actions on referent rather than both. It is as though the
things (e.g., blowing for "matches"), reactions child's desire to communicate is supreme,
of things (e.g., blowing in imitation of mother with the choice of which modality to use de-
for "hot"), or conventional uses of things (e.g., pending on whatever works within his or her
fist to ear for "telephone")-in other words, particular social environment. Third, there
the whole litany of possibilities suggested by are positive correlations between Object ges-
Nelson. turing and early verbal vocabulary. Although
at this point mainly suggestive, these rela-
In fact, the case for the cognitive model tions do lend support to the hypothesis that
even receives some support from a few of the development in the two domains is underlaid
gestures developed within interactive rou- by common mechanisms (e.g., the symbolic
tines. These are cases in which the referent function). It may even be the case that suc-
was never actually present but instead was cessful communication with gestures as ob-
merely represented verbally by the parent. ject labels adds to the child's overall convic-
For example, no actual horse is involved in tion that he or she is "on to something" with
the bouncing game through which one child this labeling business and thus speeds along
acquired a gesture for real horses, and no ac- the naming process in the verbal modality.
tual spider is ever encountered in the song Such a facilitating effect could account for the
that resulted in one child's finger-rubbing fact that infants with more Object signs
gesture for real spiders. Instead, the child's tended to advance more quickly to the 10-
concept of horse or spider arose independent word point. Finally, it is worth noting that at
of the routine, and through the common link least one child created a sign + sign combi-
of the verbal label provided inside and out- nation, analogous to a verbal two-word combi-
side of the routine, the child eventually saw nation, in our presence at 17 months. Spe-
the applicability of the gestural "label" pro- cifically, she combined her panting sign for
vided within the routine. Thus, in these cases "dog" with her knob-turning sign for "go
the contribution of cognitive processes is es- out," whereupon her mother proceeded to the
pecially clear. next room to let the dog out. Although not
common (see Acredolo & Goodwyn, 1985, for
One final source of support for the cogni- another example), such cases do add to our
tive model stems from the phenomenon of conviction that these gestures are functioning
symbolic gesturing taken as a whole. After all, like verbal labels.
Acredolo and Goodwyn 465
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