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Quality Education will be achieved through good school governance

and shared responsibilities of the school and the community as well. This is in
line with the Dep Ed SBM project that is improving the quality education
through decentralization which can be realized through collaboration and
involvement among school authorities and stakeholders. School
Empowerment through SBM may lead to school improvement and its
effectiveness thus resulting to better school performance.
In order to institutionalize SBM thru RA 9155, the Governance of Basic
Education, the School administration with the collaboration of the committed
mentors and supportive stakeholders are moving ahead to its quest for
"Quality Basic Education and Academic Excellence" and aspiring to soar high
in congruence with its vision and mission. It is in this context that this School
Improvement Plan came into being. Good governance requires great
responsibility pursuing for greater possibilities of improvement. The
formulation of the SIP caters for the total development and improvement of
the school and the community it serves. It is along this line that the school
tapped all the stakeholders for a collaborative endeavor to attain the
standards set by the School Planning Team among and between the pupils,
teachers, parents, school head and the community.
This Enhanced School Improvement Plan (ESIP), is a six-year
development plan of Canipaan National High School not only in its physical
outlay and facilities but in all aspects of the educational endeavor, which aim
for the attainment of quality education: a key to excellence; consequently,
producing graduates who will be worthy members of our society, contributors
to the posterity of the community where we belong, and potential builders of
our nation. Further, structured focusing on key objectives and appropriate
strategies that will lead to better student performance and a more effective
school organization. Further, this will serve not only as the mechanism to
support SBM implementation at the school level but also as the guide for the
school head in managing the school taking into consideration the different
goals and objectives in every area of the educational system. A good source
of information for the internal and external stakeholders wherein they could
see, analyze, and understand the school's actual situation that would attract
them to extend assistance for the school activities, projects and share their
responsibility in improving the school and the community it serves. This is also
a mechanism through which the public can share accountability for student
success and through which it can measure improvement. The school head,
using this document, may make representations and create links to expected
benefactors and other stakeholders who would be extending assistance to the
school for the realization of its goals and objectives stated herein. This plan is
considered to be a working document that we use to monitor progress
overtime and to make revisions when necessary to ensure that the plans stay
on course.
Furthermore, this plan is considered a working document that will be used to
monitor progress over time and to make revisions when necessary to ensure
that this plan stays on course.
As a shared responsibility, this SIP was crafted through the
collaborative efforts of the School Planning Team. The development of this E-
SIP involves teachers, parents and other community members working
together as the planning team to gather and analyze information about the
school and the students for them to determine what needs to be addressed
and improved. The SPT sorted out existing problems and educational
constraints; prioritized them; analyzed carefully and intelligently, sought for
avenues to effective solutions through united strengths, empowerment, and
collaboration. Moreover, strong points are considered an authentic and valid
basis for improvements. Tables, illustrations, and pictures utilized are
presented to guide factual information and enhance better understanding of
the school situation & these pave the way to possible accomplishments of
targeted projects and activities.
In developing this plan, the School Planning Team through a variety of
activities focused on three areas of priority: Access, Quality, Equity, Resilience
& Well Being and Governance. Members of the Planning Team were actively
involved in all stages of the process: planning, implementing, monitoring, and
evaluating progress. This drives subsequent decision-making, interactions,
activities, and planning processes to further the goal of student achievement
and to ensure that no child will be left behind. This SIP focused on priority
problems of the school on Low English Literacy, Low Numeracy rate, Lack of
Professional Development of teachers as well and GOVERNANCE. This also
contained other related programs, projects and activities that will improve
learner’s performance but also school physical facilities and other structures.
Along its implementation, the school continues to gather this kind of
data & compare the new data to the initial information on which the plan was
based. With this, the school planning team can measure the success of the
improvement strategies. The SPT with coordination and involvement of the
diligent and competent teachers, different project teams, PTA, cooperative
stakeholders, school organizations and NGOs could surely address to the
different issues and concerns, planned projects, activities that will lead to the
accomplishments of the desired goals and objectives by utilizing its resources
human, materials and financial resources such as MOOE, PTA initiated
funding sources, SEF, canteen, LGU and private donors.
Thus, the different activities, programs and projects of this School
Improvement Plan is geared toward the realization of the school's vision that
is ensuring a conducive learning environment that promote quality, equitable
culture-based and Complete Basic Education.

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