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Prayer and Praise

Pray for Unity Baptist Church and Pastor Bruce Moir and his wife Linda who is battling MS Pray for our Leadership Boards Pray for Elysa Failes as she serves in Turkey. Pray for Pastor Jason and Pastor Dave as they lead Westbourne Pray for Daphne Tuck as she recovers from hip surgery Pray for Juliettes health Pray for the Preschool as they look for a new teacher Pray for Kens father dealing with throat cancer Pray for Josh Brady as he recovers from shoulder surgery Pray for Bevs brother Roy as he prepares for back surgery Calgary Tower Pass and Canada Parks Pass (for 4) Ruth Christian Salvage Mission is collecting any used Bibles, Christian books, Daily Breads, childrens books, VBS materials, etc to be sent overseas. Please talk to Shirley Drysdale who will be collecting these used materials Volunteers Needed for the Preschool Concerts Dec. 20 & 21, 9:30am or 1:30pm If you can help with setting up, serving and clean-up please contact Sylviane at the Preschool at 403.274.7433 or . OCC volunteering days to sign up for: Wednesday Dec. 7, 6:45-9:30pm; Saturday, Dec. 10, 9am-12pm Church Library Come visit the Library before or after the service, which is located upstairs across from the kitchen. Contact Betty

December 4, 2011

Where People Matter

Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7 Welcome to our Service - thank you for choosing to worship with us today. We trust you
will be blessed and encouraged. Please feel free to use the Connecting Card in the chair in front of you to tell us of your visit or share your concerns and prayer requests with us Nursery (ages 0 - 3 years) and Childrens Church (ages 3 - 10 years) are available during the service Did you know you can listen to the sermon from Sunday the following week? Check it out at

This Week
Monday 7:30 pm Tuesday 6:30 pm Wednesday 7:30 am Wednesday 2:00 pm Wednesday 7:00 pm Wednesday 7:00 pm Thursday 7:00 pm Thursday 7:00 pm Thursday 7:00 pm Friday 6:30 pm Sunday 9:30 am Ladies Life Group (66 Love Letters) AWANA (ages K-grade 6) Morning Prayer Life Group (Psalms) Life Group (Be Concerned Minor Prophets) Life Group (Life Lessons the Book of James) Life Group (1Corinthians) Basic Life Principles Seminar Hebrews (C&C) Youth Airdrie Festival of Lights Prayer in the Preschool room

Lead Pastor: Jason Pastor of Family Ministries: Dave

Church Office
Suite 221, Westbourne Place Administrative Assistant: Lorraine Mailing address: 823- 64th Avenue NW Calgary, AB T2K 0M6 403.274.1440 If you have any announcements to put in the bulletin please contact the office before 10:00 am Thursday

A BIG thank you to all who participated and helped with decorating, set up and take down for the Banquet last night!!!

Upcoming Events
December 10 9 am-12 OCC Shoebox Volunteering at Samaritans Purse warehouse (20 Hopewell Way NE) December 10 2:00pm Ladies Christmas Tea please bring cookies to share and exchange Please check the website for Upcoming Events

Encouraging people to pursue a lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ and Christ others, while empowering them to proclaim the Gospel to the world.

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