line graph - land degradation - graph 1

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The pie chart shows the main causes of land degradation around, while the table shows the

impact these have had in three regions. Overall, while there are three main causes
worldwide, different regions are not affected equally by these. Notably, these causes are all
linked to human activity.

According to the pie chart, although there are other factors leading to land degradation
globally, logging appeared to pose the greatest threat, at 33%. However, as the farming of
crops and animals are responsible for a further 28% and 30% respectively, it is clear that
agriculture is the main culprit, causing more than half of all such problems.

Looking at the table, region 2 has experienced the greatest problems, with 23% of its land
degraded. Notably, it is affected by all three causes, and has the highest figures of the three
regions for both logging (9.8%) and growing of crops (7.7%). In contrast, region 3 is
unaffected by crop farming and vast majority of its land degradation is due to the farming
of animals (11.3% of the total 13% degraded). Region 1 has the lowest proportion of land
affected overall (5%), and has the lowest figures in almost all categories apart from crop
farming, which causes more than half of its land issues at 3.3%.

Band 9
(213 words)

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