01.01 Algebraic Expressions

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7/10/2024 Algebra I


Focus Question
What are the parts of an algebraic expression?

To get started in algebra, you first need to understand algebraic expressions. An algebraic expression is a
mathematical sentence that contains numbers, variables, and operations, like addition or subtraction.
Explore the activity to get a deeper understanding of the elements that make up algebraic expressions.

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Vocabulary—Text Version
Example 1: 2x2 − 3y − z + 6

Expressions, whether they are mathematical or verbal, can contain variables. A variable is a
letter that holds the place for some unknown value in an expression.

Many times, expressions can have two or more unknown values. In those cases, you simply
use a new letter for each unknown value.

For example, the mathematical expression shown here has three unknown values because
there are three variables: x, y, and z. Remember, each variable represents a different
unknown quantity. Also, notice the exponent is a separate part from the variable in the term.


Expressions are made up of terms separated by a plus or minus sign. Terms can contain
variables, numbers, or products of variables and numbers.

This expression contains four total terms: 2x2, −3y, −z, and 6. Notice how the plus or minus
sign is attached to the term immediately following it.


Factors are numbers you multiply together to produce a product. Look at the factors that are
easily seen in this expression.

2 and x2 are factors of 2x2.

−3 and y are factors of −3y.
−1 and z are factors of −z.


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When multiplying a variable and a number to write a term, the number is listed first and is
called the coefficient. It is important to remember the sign in front of the term also goes with
that term.

If you do not see a number in front of the variable, it is understood there is an invisible 1
holding that place value. Any value multiplied by 1 is the number itself.

For example, notice how there is no number in front of the variable z in this expression. It is
understood that there is an invisible 1 in front of z, because 1 • z = z. Therefore, it is not
necessary to write the 1 in the expression. Since the sign in front of the term belongs to that
term, the coefficient of this term would be −1.

The coefficients in this expression are 2, −3, and −1.


Constants are numbers that stand alone. They are called constants because they have fixed
value. The constant of this expression is 6.

Example 2: 4(t + 3) − s

This mathematical expression contains two unknown values, or variables, identified as t and s.


Terms are the parts of an expression separated by a plus or minus sign. Remember, the
addition and subtraction symbol could also mean positive and negative. They are grouped
with the numbers behind it to form the term.

There are two terms in this expression:

4(t + 3) and −s.

Notice, too, that the first term also contains two terms within the parentheses: t and 3.


Parentheses not only group operations together, they also mean multiplication of two factors.
4 and t + 3 are factors of the term 4(t + 3).

As well, −1 and s are factors of the terms −s.


Coefficients are numbers multiplying either a variable or some unknown quantity. Therefore,
sometimes coefficients can be located outside the parentheses.

To determine the coefficients, simply find the factors of the terms.

Remember, if there is no number in front of a variable, it is understood as 1 times that variable

and is not written.

The coefficients in this expression are 4, 1, and −1.


To determine the constant of an expression, find the number that stands alone. Sometimes,
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In this expression, the second factor of the term 4(t + 3) has a constant of 3.

Vocabulary ?


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Directions: Answer the questions on the basics of algebraic expressions, and then select
Check Your Answer to check your work.

1) How many terms are in the expression 3x2 + 2x +

 Check Your Answer


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