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Computer literacy involves having a knowledge and understanding of computers and their uses.

Information refers to the knowledge obtained from reading, investigation, study, or research

ICT, or information and communications technology, is often used in a more general sense, and is
described as using computers and other digital technologies to assist individuals or institutions in
handling or using information.

Processed information is called knowledge.

Communication is an act of transmitting messages. It is a process in which information is exchanged

between individuals through verbal and non-verbal means.

Technology has evolved in ways that improve people's daily activities. As mentioned above,
technology has made communication much easier and faster through telephones, fax machines,
mobile devices, and the internet.

First Generation Computer- The first electronic computer was developed in 1946. Designed by J.
Presper Eckert and John W. Mauchly

ENIAC was a modular computer, composed of several panels capable of performing different
functions. However, it could store onlylimited or small amount of information and only do arithmetic
operations such as addition and subtraction of up to 10 digits.

Second-generation Computer (1959-1965)- In this second generation, the transistor was used as the
interior sections of the computer.

Third-generation Computer (1965-1971)- In 1965, Jack Kilby invented the integrated circuit (IC) that
was used instead of transistors as the interior sections to build the computer. IC has many transistors,
resistors, and capacitors that even the full circuit board of a transistor can be replaced entirely with
one chip.

Fourth-generation Computer - From 1971 to 1980, very large scale integrated (VLSI) circuits were
used to build computers. These circuits have about 5,000 transistors and other circuit elements with
their connected circuits on a single chip known as the microprocessor. These fourth generation
computers such as personal computers became more powerful, dense, reliable, and inexpensive.

Fifth-generation Computer - In this fifth generation, the VLSI technology has evolved into what is
called ultra large-scale integration (ULSI) technology, with the manufacture of microprocessor chips
having 10 million electronic components. This generation involves computer intelligence which is
associated with artificial intelligence (AI).

computer is an electronic device, operating under the control of instructions stored in its own
memory, that can accept data, process the data according to specified rules, produce results, and
store the results for future use.
Data is a collection of unprocessed items, which can include text, numbers, images, audio, and video

Information conveys meaning and is useful to people.

hardware pertains to the computer's physical devices It is any part of the computer that can be seen
and touched.

Input devices enter or send data and instructions from the user or from another computer system on
the internet

Output devices send back the administered data to the user or to another computer system. An
output device is any hardware component that transmits information to one or more people

Printer - produces text and graphics on a physical medium such as paper

Impact printer makes contact with the paper by pressing an inked ribbon against the paper using a
hammer or pins.

A non-impact printer does not use a striking device to produce characters on the paper, and because
it does not hammer against the paper, the printer produces less noise.

• Monitor - displays text, graphics, and videos on a screen.

 Cathode ray tube (CRT) is a vacuum tube containing an electron gun at one end and a
fluorescent screen at another end.

 Liquid crystal display (LCD) - is a flat-panel display that consists of a layer of color or
monochrome pixels arranged schematically between a couple of transparent electrodes
and two polarizing filters.

Light-emitting diode (LED) - is a flat-panel display that uses light-emitting diodes for

• Speaker - allows one to hear music, voice, and other sounds

Personal computer is a computer that can perform all of its input, processing, output,
and storage activities by itself.

Workstation is a powerful, single-user computer. A workstation is like a personal

computer, but it has a more powerful microprocessor and a higher-quality monitor

Minicomputer is a multiuser computer capable of supporting from 10 to hundreds of

users simultaneously.

Mainframe is a powerful multi-user computer capable of supporting hundreds or

thousands of users simultaneously.
Supercomputer is an extremely fast computer that can perform millions of instructions
per second. Below is a picture of NASA's Pleiades supercomputer that has 245,536 CPU
cores and a total memory of 935 TB.

Desktop computers - are computers designed to be placed on a desk

Laptop computers are battery-powered computer devices whose portability makes them
possible to use almost anytime, anywhere.

Tablet computers - are hand-held computers with touch sensitive screen for typing and

Smartphones - are hand-held telephones which can do things that computers can do.

Wearables - include fitness trackers and smart watches that can be worn throughout the

Smart TVs - are the latest television sets that include applications present in computers

An embedded computer is a special-purpose computer that functions as a component in
a larger product.

Speed: Computer operations occur through electronic circuits. When data, instructions,
and information flow along these circuits, they travel at incredibly fast speeds.

Reliability: The electronic components in modern computers are dependable and reliable
because they rarely break or fail.

Consistency: Given the same input and processes, a computer will produce the same
results – consistently

Storage: A computer can transfer data quickly from storage to memory, process it, and
then store it again for future use.

Communications: Most computers today can communicate with other computers, often

four information processing cycle operations-- input, process, output, and storage - with
another computer or a user

Violation of Privacy
Nearly every life event is stored in a computer medical records, credit
reports, tax records, etc. It is crucial that personal and confidential records be protected
Impact on Labor Force
Although computers have improved productivity in many ways and created an entire
industry with hundreds of thousands of new jobs, the skills of millions of employees
have been replaced by computers.

Health Risks
Prolonged or improper computer use can lead to injuries or disorders of the hands,
wrists, elbows, eyes, neck, and back

Impact on Environment
Computer manufacturing processes and computer waste are depleting natural resources
and polluting the environment.

Media normally refers to the means of communication that uses unique tools to
interconnect among people

Blog is a combination of two words web and log. It works the same way as pen and
paper would but privacy becomes irrelevant given that a blog post can be seen by
anyone online.

The Medium used refers to the tool or tools used in sending a message from the source
to the destination.

The Messenger is the one who delivers the message. This is why broadcasters, for
example, being the messenger of news are called "media."

it sees the letters as a series of 0's and l's called the binary language.

American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) for converting characters
into 0's and l's.

A system bus is a pathway composed of cables and connectors used to carry data from
a computer's peripheral devices-monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc.--to the CPU and the
main memory.

A data bus can transfer data to and from the memory of a computer, or into or out of the

Address bus
The address bus is used by the CPU to specify a physical address for instructions, files,
and other devices within the computer system

A control bus is used by CPUs to communicate with other devices within the computer
The computer software is a combination of instructions, data, and programs that the
computer needs in order to do a specific task

System software also called an operating system (OS) is the most important software
running on a computer since it manages the computer's memory and instructions and
has the ability to control all the connected hardware and installed software applications.

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