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Poblacion 3, Clarin, Misamis Occidental

Senior High School Department
S.Y 2023-2024


Highlights of Capstone Project

Prepared by:
Malon, Milane Mie L.

Grade and Section

12 – OLIVE

Submitted to:
Ricardo M. Vidad
School Principal III


Table of Contents
Application Letter..........................................................................1
Supporting Documents.............................................................…..3
Accomplishment Report .........................................................….4-9
Capstone Project
Insight of the Capstone Project…………………………………11
Overall Reflection of the Whole Portfolio……………………...12

Purok 7, Barangay Kinangay Norte, Clarin, Misamis Occidental

Zip Code No. 7201
May 09, 2024

Principal III, Ricardo M. Vidad

Clarin National High School
Purok V Poblacion III, Clarin, Misamis Occidental
Zip Code No. 7201

Dear Mr. Ricardo M. Vidad

I am writing to express my strong interest in the BSEd major in English position advertised by Clarin
National High School. With a passion for education and a commitment to fostering holistic learning
experiences, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your institution's mission of academic

As a recent graduate of MSU-IIT with a Bachelor of Secondary Education, majoring in English

Education, I have developed a solid foundation in curriculum development, classroom management, and
student-centered instruction. My student teaching experience at MSU-IIT, under the mentor-ship of
skilled educators, has equipped me with practical insights into creating dynamic learning environments
that cater to diverse student needs and learning styles.

During my tenure as a student teacher, I demonstrated a proactive approach to lesson planning,

incorporating innovative teaching methodologies to engage students and promote active participation. I
am adept at leveraging technology to enhance learning experiences and foster digital literacy skills
among students. Additionally, my strong communication skills enable me to collaborate effectively with
colleagues, parents, and community stakeholders to support student success and overall school

I am particularly drawn to Clarin National High School for its reputation for academic excellence and its
commitment to nurturing well-rounded individuals. I am eager to contribute to your institution's
academic community by empowering students to become critical thinkers, lifelong learners, and
responsible citizens.

Enclosed is my resume, which provides further details about my academic background, teaching
experiences, and relevant skills. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to discuss how my qualifications
align with the needs of Clarin National High School. Thank you for considering my application. I look
forward to the possibility of contributing to the continued success of your institution.

Sincerely yours,

Milane Mie L. Malon

Address: Purok 7 Barangay Kinangay Norte, Clarin, Misamis Occidental
Contact No.: +63 985- 187- 6857

To obtain a challenging and rewarding in any position where I can utilize my capabilities,
potentials, and experience to contribute to the success of the organization while continuously
expanding my knowledge and skills.

Secondary : Clarin National High School
Purok V Poblacion III, Clarin, Misamis Occidental
(S.Y. 2018- 2024)
: Antero Uy Roa Memorial School
Purok 3 Poblacion I, Clarin, Misamis Occidental
(S.Y. 2012- 2018)

• Academic Honor Roll: 2012-2024
• Graduate as Best in Science school year 2017-2018
• 5th Placer in Collaborative Publishing NSPC school year 2017-2018
• 1st Placer in Collaborative Publishing RSPC school year 2017-2018
• 1st Placer in Collaborative Publishing DSPC school year 2017-2018

• Science Discovery
• Dance
• Research
• Science and English are my forte

• Communication. Comfortable writing and speaking
• Computer Literacy. Proficient at MS Word, MS Excel, Canva, and MS PowerPoin
Supporting Documents
In order to produce an eco-friendly paper using Carabao grass and recycled carton as primary materials ,
the researchers went through the following steps.

1. Collecting the raw materials 2. Measuring the raw materials 3. Boiling the raw materials

4. Mixing the raw materials

with 5. Molding the
experiment paper. 6. Drying
the solution.

7. Sewing the experimental paper. 8. Final Product

Name of Student: Milane Mie L. Malon Grade & Section: Grade 12 – Olive
Track: Academic Immersion Site: Home – based
Duration of Work: 80 hours Strand/Specialization: STEM

School Mrs. Gloria V. Salvacion Contact Number:

Partnership Focal

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Misamis Occidental

Work Immersion Mrs. Mitzie L. Bocayong Contact Number:



Day 1: Monday
Date: 04-01-2024

As a member, I played a key role in preparing the raw materials, particularly the Cartons essential for
advancing to the next phase of our research project, Alongside this, I assisted in reviewing and refining
the research paper.

Day 2: Tuesday
Date: 04-02-2024

On the second day of our Work

Immersion, I worked with my
group members to sort the recycled
paper Carton into different sections
and soak them with water, essential for
advancing to the next phase of our
research project.

Address: Poblacion III, Clarin, Misamis Occidental

Telephone No.: (088) 564-2588
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Misamis Occidental

Day 3: Wednesday
Date: 04-03-2024

I helped my groupmates grind the

carabao grass, mold the paper in the
deckle and helped them start and
assisted them on writing our

Day 4: Thursday
Date: 04-04-2024

I helped my groupmates prepare the necessary materials for our research and helped them mold, the
boild materials in the deckle to form the paper and sun-dried it.

Address: Poblacion III, Clarin, Misamis Occidental

Telephone No.: (088) 564-2588
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Misamis Occidental

Day 5: Friday
Date: 04-05-2024

During the day, I spent time helping my groupmates making the research questions, and helped them
sew our product for our Paper Bag.

Address: Poblacion III, Clarin, Misamis Occidental

Telephone No.: (088) 564-2588
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Misamis Occidental

Day 6: Thursday
Date: 04-11-2024

We conducted our research survey on “A Feasibility Study of Carabao Grass and Recycled Carton as
Eco-friendly Paper Bag”, Additionally to ensure the reliability and acceptability of our product we
introduce the research product through a short demo in terms of its feasibility to texture, odor, color, and
durability, making our research likelihood feasible.

Day 7: Friday
Date: 04-12-2024

I contributed on revising the Scope and Delimitation and Significance of the study, and helped my
groupmates revise with their assigned parts of the paper.

Address: Poblacion III, Clarin, Misamis Occidental

Telephone No.: (088) 564-2588
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Misamis Occidental

Day 8: Wednesday
Date: 04-17-2024

Today, I checked the paper Bag product for any damages after the survey and also utilized this time to
practice on the upcoming research defense through preparing for my part, studying and reading the
research paper and questioning.

Day 9: Thursday
Date: 04-018-2024

The preparation of the upcoming research defense continues, also this day we started printing the
final research paper for the panelist. Final checking was done to ensure that there are no mistake made.
Additionally if the final product is ready.

Address: Poblacion III, Clarin, Misamis Occidental

Telephone No.: (088) 564-2588
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Misamis Occidental

Day 10: Friday

Date: 04-19-2024

Research defense proceed. Also after the presentation, the panelist question/corrected some area of
our research paper that needed a revision. This help us, by providing deeper insights on what should be
removed on the final paper, I contributed by defending our research paper in front of the panelist,
additionally some ideas was given example of that is “instead of making a eco-friendly paper bag using
Carabao grass and recycled carton, why not make a wrapping paper for decoration, since the texture of
your experimental paper is nice” said by sir Celso. Which enlightened the researchers, overall is was a
success and research defended.

Address: Poblacion III, Clarin, Misamis Occidental

Telephone No.: (088) 564-2588
A Feasibility Study of Carabao Grass (Paspalum conjugatum) and Recycled Carton as

Eco-Friendly Paper Bags

A Research Paper Presented to the

Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics Strand

Clarin National High School

Poblacion III, Clarin, Misamis Occidental

In Partial Fulfillment to the Requirments of

Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion


Chairel Cale

Jazzer Boy Hawom

Milane Mie Malon

Vince Matanog

Ansel Mae Ramayrat

Mrs. Mitzie Marish L. Bocayong

Practical Research Teacher II

Table of Contents


Chapter I
Background of the Study ……………………………………………………1-2
Statement of the Problem ……………………………………………………2
Objective of the Study ……………………………………………………2
Research Hypothesis………………………………………………………………...3
Conceptual Framework …………………………………………………….3
Significance of the Study…………………………………………………………….4
Scope and Delimitation of the Study………………………………………………...4
Definition of Terms ……………………………………………………4-5

Chapter II
Review of Related Literature………………………………………………………..6-9

Chapter III

Chapter IV
Result and Discussion………………………………………………………….....16-20

Chapter V
Conclusion and Recommendations…………………………………………...…..21


"We extend our sincere appreciation to all individuals whose contributions were

instrumental in the completion of this research study.

Firstly, we acknowledge our gratitude to our mentors, whose guidance and

expertise were invaluable throughout this endeavor. Special thanks to Mrs. Mitzie Marish

L. Bocayong for her unwavering support and profound understanding, which

significantly contributed to the success of this study.

We also express our profound gratitude to our parents, whose unwavering love,

encouragement, and sacrifices served as the foundation of our perseverance and

motivation. Their continuous support, both emotionally and financially, played an

essential role in our journey.

Furthermore, we extend our heartfelt thanks to all those who generously shared

their time, knowledge, skills, and resources. Without their contributions, this research

would not have been possible.

Lastly, we acknowledge the divine guidance and grace of our faith, which

provided us with strength, wisdom, and protection throughout this endeavor.

Each individual mentioned holds a special place in our hearts, and we are deeply

grateful for their invaluable contributions to this research."

This study explores the feasibility of producing eco-friendly paper bags using

Carabao grass (Paspalum conjugatum) and recycled carton as primary materials. The

objectives include assessing the texture, odor, color, and durability of the experimental

paper and examining its implications for biodegradability and availability. A quantitative

and descriptive research design was employed, with thirty senior high students from

Clarin National High School participating as respondents. Data collection involved

sensory evaluation through questionnaires and statistical analysis, including the t-test.

Key findings reveal a average mean score of 2.97, indicating general agreement among

evaluators and suggesting a high likelihood of feasibility. However, the t-test results

imply areas requiring further development. Recommendations include exploring

alternative organic-based chemicals and refining processing methods. The study

underscores the potential of Carabao grass and recycled carton as environmentally

friendly alternatives to conventional paper bags, with implications for waste management

and environmental conservation.



I. Background of the Study

The fast increase in the production of disposable plastic goods has outpaced the world’s capacity to

handle them, making plastic pollution one of the most urgent environmental problems. Despite its

versatility and durability as a packaging material, its impact on the environment is a cause for concern.

Therefore, taking effective action regarding this issue is crucial. One way to achieve this is by developing

and implementing eco-friendly packaging materials as substitutes for traditional ones.

Paper bags are widely used as a substitute for plastic bags in packaging worldwide. Eco-friendly

bags have been proven to decompose easily into simpler forms by bacteria and other microorganisms,

making them less time-consuming to break down. However, the production of conventional paper bags

often requires the consumption of significant quantities of wood pulp. Most paper bags are made by heating

wood chips under pressure at high temperatures. As a result, paper bags generate 70% more air pollution

and 50 times more water pollutants than plastic bags (Basett, 2021). This can have far-reaching negative

consequences, especially in terms of deforestation and habitat disruption.

This research paper focuses on exploring alternative ingredients in the production of eco-friendly

paper bags by using carabao grass (Paspalum conjugatum) and recycled cartons. Carabao grass, found in

many open waste places and backyards throughout the Philippines, is also known for its robust

characteristics. Papers made out of carabao grass is as versatile as regular paper, suitable for folding,

printing, and packaging, with a slightly rougher texture (Wingston, 2021). Recycled carton is a readily

available waste material with the potential to reduce the demand for new paper pulp. Using this material in

paper bag production not only addresses environmental concerns but also aligns with sustainable and

recyclable practices.

Moreover, this research study aims to investigate the feasibility of these ingredients to assess the

viability of the research paper. By delving into their mechanical properties and durability, we seek to
contribute valuable insights to the field of sustainable alternatives to plastic packaging and

conventional paper bags. Therefore, promoting responsible consumption.

II. Statement of the Problem

The surge in disposable plastic production has precipitated an urgent environmental crisis, demanding

effective measures to combat plastic pollution. Although paper bags are commonly used as a substitute, their

conventional production from wood pulp contributes to deforestation and water pollution. This research

addresses these issues by investigating the feasibility of incorporating carabao grass and recycled cartons into

the production of eco-friendly paper bags. Carabao grass, abundant in the Philippines, offers a robust alternative

with versatile applications, while recycled cartons have the potential to reduce dependence on new paper pulp.

Despite their promise, the feasibility of these alternatives remains unexplored. The study aims to assess the

mechanical properties and durability of carabao grass and recycled cartons in paper bag production. This will

contribute valuable insights into sustainable packaging practices and promote responsible consumption as a

viable solution to the escalating global problem of plastic pollution.

III. Objectives of the Study

This study aims to investigate the feasibility of producing eco-friendly paper bags using carabao grass

and recycled cartons as the main ingredients.

The study aims to achieve the following objectives:

1. Describe the experimental paper in terms of:

1.1 Texture

1.2 Odor

1.3 Color

1.4 Durability

2. Examine the implications of the study on:

2.1 Biodegradability

2.2 Availability

3. The study aims to contribute to waste management practices and environmental conservation efforts.

IV. Research Hypothesis

Alternative hypothesis (H1):

The texture, scent, color, and durability of the carabao grass and recycled cartoon is different from the

color of conventional paper bags.

V. Conceptual Framework

In this conceptual paper, the independent variables are the environmental factors (water, air, fire,

weather, and sunlight) that may influence the quality of the raw materials, while the dependent variables are the

resulting solution, carabao grass, and recycled carton. The process outlines the steps taken to prepare and

transform these materials into recycled paper, while considering the potential impacts of the independent

variables on the quality of the final product.

Figure 1: IPO Model

VI. Significance of the Study

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Carabao grass and recycled cartons as alternative raw

materials to test their feasibility and contribution to society as eco-friendly paper bags. It aims to benefit the

following groups:

Students: will understand the importance of using eco-friendly paper bags.

Consumers: The eco-friendly paper bag (experimental paper) is biodegradable, can be used as fertilizer.

Environment: The product will contribute to the environment as it is biodegradable.

Teachers: They can use this research study as a learning guide for their students.

Researchers: Future researchers can use this study as reference material to further explore the related topic.

VII. Scope and Delimitation

The study aims to assess the feasibility and acceptability of producing eco-friendly paper bags using

carabao grass and recycled cartons. The study will be conducted at Clarin National High School, Poblacion III,

Clarin, Misamis Occidental, within a predefined time frame. Data will be collected through evaluation and

rating forms completed by thirty respondents. While this research solely focuses on the feasibility aspect of

carabao grass and recycled cartons as alternative materials for paper bag production, it acknowledges the

potential broader implications for sustainability and environmental conservation. However, due to practical

constraints, the study will not delve deeper into these aspects, leaving them open for exploration by future


VIII. Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined to aid in a better understanding of this study:

Carabao Grass (Paspalum conjugatum), commonly known as carabao grass or hilo grass, is a subtropical

perennial grass.

Recycled Carton Waste used cartons are a form of packaging waste.

Fiber a thread or filament from which a vegetable tissue, mineral substance, or textile is formed.

Deckle a device in a paper-making machine for limiting the size of the sheet, consisting of a continuous belt

on either side of the wire.

Grinding the process of reducing something to small particles or powder by crushing it.

Mold a frame covered with metal or nylon.

Paper a thin material produced by pressing together moist fibers, typically cellulose pulp derived from

wood, rags, or grasses, and drying them into flexible sheets.

Eco-friendly not harmful to the environment.

Versatility refers to the ability to adapt or be adapted for different functions or activities.

Pulp a soft, wet, shapeless mass of material.

Waste refers to using or expending something carelessly, extravagantly, or without purpose.

Paper bag is a small bag made of paper.

Feasibility the state or degree of being easily or conveniently done.



This chapter is based on related literature and studies conducted by both foreign and local researchers,

providing a comprehensive understanding of the existing knowledge and research gaps in the field of carabao

grass (Paspalum conjugatum) and recycled cartons as eco-friendly paper bags.

2.1 Carabao Grass

Figure 2:

The carabao grass (Paspalum conjugatum) belongs to the following categories: order Cyperales, class

Poaceae, phylum Spermatophyta, subphylum Angiospermae, kingdom Plantae, and class Monocotyledonae, of

the genus Paspalum conjugatum and species Paspalum conjugatum (Sandoval, J., 2018).

Paspalum conjugatum, commonly known as carabao grass, is categorized as a stoloniferous grass. With

its long stolon’s, it vigorously crawls across the ground. As it spreads throughout the soil, roots grow at the

nodes. This causes the grass to diverge rapidly. The leaves are narrow, thin, and flat. The flowering branches are

20–70 centimeters high, and the stems below are spreading and diverging. The flat, thin, slender, lanceolate

leaves measure 8 to 20 centimeters in length and 5 to 15 millimeters in width. The plant's center produces two

slender, 6–12-centimeter terminal spikes. There are long, supple, white bordering hairs on the empty pods, and

the spikelets are encased, 1.2 to 1.4 millimeters long, dull green, and plano-convex (Stuart, Jr, 2015).

2.2 Benefits of Carabao Grass

Figure 3:

The carabao grass has evergreen leaves. The basic, dark-green leaves are alternating. With complete

edges and parallel venation, and they have a lanceolate shape. The leaves are beneficial for fever, stomach

issues, weakness, and lung disorders, among other conditions. Additionally effective for dysentery is leaf

decoction. Cuts and wounds can also be treated with it. The leaves can be used to make an ointment for sprains,

dislocations, and contusions (Stuart, Jr, 2015).

The creeping perennial carabao grass has dense culms that can grow up to one meter tall, along with

long stolons. It naturally occurs in all tropical and subtropical regions and has been extensively utilized as a
lawn grass and forage. P. conjugatum can withstand acidic and low-nutrient soils, grows swiftly in partial shade,

and spreads readily by seeds and stolons. This grass grows aggressively in natural woodlands and meadows that

are both damaged and undisturbed, as well as in agricultural areas and inactive pastures (Rojas, J., 2018).

Grass is commonly found in the Philippines, particularly Paspalum Conjugatum, or carabao grass.

rivers. A robust creeping perennial, carabao grass has long stolon’s that root at nodes. er cao, Cha zi cao);

German (Dallisgras); Danish (Hirse); French (Herbe sure, Herbe créole); Pasto dallis, Zacate dallis, Hierba

dallis, and Grama de agua. Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Paitan.It is known as rumput ala negri or rumput

kerbau in Malaysia and as such in Thailand. Spanish (Grama de agua), Japanese (Shima suzume no hie), Italian

(Paspalo dilatato), and other countries' colloquial names for this plant include China (Shuang sui que bai, Liang

referred to as yahep yanomnon; the Tagalogs and Ilocanos in the Philippines call it kulape. There are different

names for it in the Philippines. In Indonesia, people refer to it as either jampang pahit or found in large numbers

in both populated and open spaces, surrounding towns, on trails, and the Visayans call it kauat-kauat, and the

Calo-Kawayan call it kalo-kawayan (Stuart, Jr, 2015).

2.3 Recycled Carton

Figure 4:

While cartons are primarily composed of paper, specifically paperboard, along with thin layers of

polyethylene (plastic) and/or aluminum. According to a 2023 study by Pro Carton, cartons are increasingly

becoming the preferred packaging material for high-quality products. Cartons can be used to package a wide

range of products, including foodstuffs such as cereals, frozen and chilled foods, confectionery, bakery

goods, tea, coffee, and other dry foods, as well as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and many other products. The

most common alternative to paper made from fresh fibers is the use of recycled paper, such as cartons. After

all, a cellulose fiber can theoretically be reused up to six times. The additional positive aspect is that up to

60% less energy and up to 70% less water are used to produce recycled paper. In 2018, waste paper was
used for 76% of all paper produced in Germany. In figures, this is an impressive 17.2 million tons of

recycled paper (Kleinschmidt, K., 2021).

Corrugated fiberboard, a material commonly used for boxes, is referred to by the terms cardboard and

pasteboard. To fit a broad range of food products, this paper-based product is offered in numerous styles and

weights. In Europe, where corrugated holds a 63% market share over alternatives like plastics for

packaging, demand for the material has been growing steadily at a rate of 2-3% annually (European

Federation of Corrugated Board Manufacturers, 2021).


This chapter presents the procedure used in the study. It also covers the methodology, resources, and

subjects. The samples, data collection tools, along with the procedures followed to ensure the study’s validity

and reliability, are detailed. It also includes the statistical analysis performed to determine the relationships

between the variables that were being studied.

3.1 Respondents

The respondents of this study are all senior high students from Clarin National High School, specifically

from the senior high students of different curricula. The overall population is thirty respondents.

3.2 Location

This study will be conducted mainly at Clarin National High School, Poblacion III, Clarin, Misamis

Occidental. Moreover, the study acknowledges potential implications where findings are within an educational


3.3 Research Design

To meet the goals of this research study, a quantitative design is the main focus. In order to verify that

the durability, texture, and odor of the research could be studied, the researchers also chose to employ a

descriptive approach. This indicates that the research study used a combination of quantitative and descriptive


3.4 Research Method

The primary method used in this study is quantitative, which focuses on numerical data. The researcher

will use a survey questionnaire to collect data. The researcher used this technique to ensure the integrity and

validity of the study.

3.5 Sensory Evaluation

The durability, color, texture, and odor of the paper made from carabao grass (Paspalum conjugatum)

and recycled cartons, as an alternative material for eco-friendly paper bags, will be evaluated using an incidental

procedure. The researchers will select thirty respondents from Clarin National High School, Clarin, Misamis

Occidental. Depending on their availability at the time and full consent of the trials of the product. The

respondent was given a sample (experimental paper). Participants were given a questionnaire to evaluate the

texture, odor, color, and durability of the paper.

3.6 Research Instrument

The researcher chose to use a research questionnaire as the primary method for collecting data. This

method of collecting data was chosen because it is the most direct way to obtain results while ensuring the

validity of the research data at the same time directly from the respondents.

3.7 Survey Method

The eco-friendly paper bags used in this study are made from a blend of carabao grass and recycled

cartons, providing a sustainable alternative to traditional paper bags. To ensure a comprehensive perspective,

five participants will be selected from various curricula within each academic strand. The sample will consist of

thirty senior students from Clarin National High School, chosen through selective sampling. This method is

employed to enhance the credibility and reliability of the study, aiming to ascertain the practicality and

effectiveness of exploring eco-friendly materials in paper bag production.

3.8 Statistical Treatment

The researcher will use the t-test as a statistical analysis to evaluate the eco-friendly paper bags

(experimental paper). This analysis focuses on evaluating the feasibility of attributes such as texture, odor,

color, and durability. The t-test serves as a robust tool to quantify and determine significant differences in these

key characteristics. By applying this statistical approach, the study aims to provide precise insights into the

performance of eco-friendly paper bags (experimental paper).

3.9 Materials and Equipment

Materials/Equipment for Making Carabao and Recycled Paper

● (1/2 kg) Carabao grass ● (2) Pots

● (1/4 kg) Recycled carton paper pulp ● (1) Blender

● (15 L) Water ● (1) Molder

● (30) Okra ● (1) Basin

● (1) Sponge

● (1) Cloth

Materials/Equipment Needed for Making Eco-Friendly Paper Bag

Materials Equipment

● Experimental paper ● (1) Scissor

● (40ml) Non-toxic glue

● (1) Ruler

● (5 m) Ribbon

● (25 m) Sewing thread

● (1) Niddle
3.10 Research Schematic Diagram

Figure 5:

3.11 Procedures:

● Preparation of Raw Materials,

● Raw Material Treatment,

● Solution Preparation,

● Mixing and Processing,

● Quality Control,

● Output of the experimental paper

Step 1: Collecting Raw Materials

The researchers must first collect all the essential ingredients and materials to proceed. This step plays a vital

role that must be done well to ensure the success rate of the paper-making process.

Step 2: Preparation of the Fiber and Pulp

Both carabao grasses were ground to obtain their fibers, at least 1/2 kilogram. Meanwhile, recycled cardboard

was soaked in water to obtain its paper pulp of 1/4 kilogram.

Step 3: Weighing

After gathering the main ingredients, fiber and paper pulp, the researchers weigh them to obtain the precise

amounts required to make the paper. The weight of carabao grass fiber is measured at 1/4 kilogram, while the

weight of recycled carton is at least 1/8 kilogram.

Step 4: Boiling

In this step, the carabao grass is boiled for 2-3 hours with a measure in water of 2-3 liters (optional), on a 1/2

kilogram of carabao grass used. This process softens the fibers of the carabao grass. Also boil the recycled

carton on 2-3 liters of water. Additionally, the okra mucilage solution should be boiled in a pot with 1-2 liters of

water, as it is essential in paper making to strengthen the paper.

Step 5: Mixing

After boiling, in a separate container all the ingredients are mixed well to evenly distribute both the carabao

grass and recycled carton.

Step 6: Molding

This step is very crucial as it is also the step where research needs to be done carefully because it is vital

to spread the fiber and pulp to achieve the aimed quality of the product.

Step 7: Drying

After carefully spreading the fiber and pulp in the mold, they will undergo a drying process that will take 2-3

days, depending on weather conditions.

Step 8: Making the Final Product

This will be the last step, making the final product from the experimental paper. This involves folding and

sewing the experimental paper together to create the desired eco-friendly paper bag product.



This chapter presents the findings from the conducted survey on the feasibility study of Carabao Grass

and Recycled Carton as an eco-friendly paper bag, as well as the evaluation of the analyzed data. The

experimental paper, specifically the eco-friendly paper bag made from Carabao grass (Paspalum conjugatum)

was molded and sewn to form the product and was sampled as the survey product.

Table 1.1 Survey Result in Testing the Feasibility in Terms of Texture


No. Survey Question Total Respondent Mean Rate

The eco-friendly paper bag made

from carabao grass and recycled paper
1 carton has a pleasant texture. 30 3.43 Strongly


The texture of the eco-friendly paper

bag is smooth and enjoyable to touch.
2 30 3.1 Strongly


The eco-friendly paper bag has a nice

and comfortable texture.
3 30 2.73 Agree

The texture of the eco-friendly paper

bag is similar to traditional paper
4 bags. 30 2.8 Agree

The texture of the eco-friendly paper

bag is pleasing and not too rough.
5 30 3.1 Strongly


Average Mean 3.03 Strongly


In summary, after

evaluating the survey findings, it appears that there is strong agreement with a mean of 3.03 regarding the

perception of the feasibility of the texture of eco-friendly paper bags made from Carabao grass and recycled

carton. However, the study outcomes align with the feasibility objectives. This assessment suggests promising

prospects, particularly in terms of texture.

Table 1.2 Survey Result in Testing the Feasibility in Terms of Odor

No. Weighted

Survey Question Total Respondent Mean Rate

The eco-friendly paper bag made

from Carabao grass and recycled
1 paper carton has a pleasant scent. 30 3.06 Strongly


The scent of the eco-friendly paper

bag is subtle and not overpowering.
2 30 2.7 Agree

The scent of the eco-friendly paper

bag is pleasant.
3 30 3 Agree

The scent of the eco-friendly paper

bag adds to the overall experience of
4 using it. 30 2.96 Agree
The aroma of the eco-friendly paper
bag complements its environmentally
5 friendly nature. 30 3.36 Strongly


Average Mean 3.02 Strongly


In conclusion, a thorough analysis of the survey results reveals a generally high agreement, with an

average grade of 3.02, about environmentally friendly paper bags made from recycled cartons and Carabao

grass. The results emphasize a positive connection with the feasibility goals of the research. This evaluation

shows encouraging results, particularly in areas such as odor, which further supports the potential success of the


Table 1.3 Survey Result in Testing the Feasibility in Terms of Color

No. Total Respondent Weighted Legend

Survey Question Mean

The eco-friendly paper bag made

from carabao grass and recycled paper
1 carton has an attractive color. 30 3.27 Strongly


The color of the eco-friendly paper

bag is bright and attention-grabbing.
2 30 2.9 Agree

The color of the eco-friendly paper

bag is dull and lacks vibrancy.
3 30 2.13 Agree

The eco-friendly paper bag's color is

similar to that of traditional paper
4 bags. 30 2.97 Agree

The eco-friendly paper bag has a

unique and distinct color.
5 30 2.90 Agree
Average Mean 2.83 Agree

Table 1.3 provides a brief overview of the feasibility study, indicating an average score of 2.83. This

implies that most respondents agreed with the survey question or statement. This suggests that there is potential

in using Carabao grass and recycled cartons as alternative materials for eco-friendly paper bags. This indicates

that the study is moving in the right direction and could lead to further research and improvements in the future.

Table 1.4 Survey Result in Testing the Feasibility in Terms of Durability

No. Total Respondent Weighted Legend

Survey Question Mean

The eco-friendly paper bag is durable

enough to carry items without tearing.
1 30 2.93 Agree

The eco-friendly paper bag is made

from carabao grass and recycled paper
2 carton, which makes it strong enough 30 2.9 Agree
to carry heavy items.
The eco-friendly paper bag's
durability aligns with its mission of
3 providing a sustainable alternative to 30 3.07 Strongly
traditional paper bags.

Its impressive durability allows the

eco-friendly paper bag to retain its
4 structure even when carrying heavy 30 2.93 Agree
The combination of carabao grass
and recycled paper cartons enhances
5 the bag's strength, making it capable 30 3.13 Strongly
of withstanding heavy items.

Average Mean 2.99 Agree

Table 1.4 meticulously captures the consensus among respondents, revealing a mean score of 2.99.

While this data denotes a moderate level of agreement, it also serves as a preliminary indication of the

feasibility of the experimental paper's durability. This insight highlights the potential for enhancing the

durability of eco-friendly paper bags crafted from carabao grass and recycled cartons. This finding underscores

the need for continued exploration and refinement, aligning with professional standards in research and

development, to ensure optimal outcomes and meet industry benchmarks.

Table 1.5 Test Statistic Description of a Feasibility Study of Carabao Grass and Recycled Carton as

Eco-Friendly Paper Bag in Terms of Their Texture, Odor, Color and Durability

Texture Scent Color Durability Average Description

Table 5 Mean

presents a The eco-friendly

comprehensive paper bag 3.03 3.02 2.83 2.99 2.97 Agree

summary of the

study's results. The

average mean score of 2.97 aligns with the research survey's findings, indicating an acceptable result.

Furthermore, the analysis indicates a high likelihood of feasibility regarding the eco-friendly paper bags'

texture, odor, color, and durability, as evidenced by the approval of the majority of the 30 respondents. This

collective outcome underscores a strong probability that the study's objectives are achievable.

Table 1.6 T-test Results.

Now, we

compare this Average Standard T- Te Description new

Mean Deviation (ℳ) (n) st
t-value with the
critical t-value for
the left tail of the
eco-friendly 2.97 2.47 4 30 (-2.99) or Acceptable
distribution with
paper bags. (-1.699)
(df = n-1 = 29) at

the desired significance level (α = 0.05). Using a t-table, we found the critical t-value to be approximately

-1.699 (for a one-tailed test).

Since the computed t-value (-2.29) is less than the critical t-value (-1.699), we reject the null hypothesis.

This suggests that there is a statistically significant difference between the sample mean and the target value of

4, indicating that the characteristics of the eco-friendly paper bags made from carabao grass and recycled carton

are different from the expected "strongly agree" characteristics.



A. Conclusion

In this study, "A Feasibility Study of Carabao Grass (Paspalum conjugatum) and Recycled Carton as

Eco-friendly Paper Bags" received an average rating of 2.97 for texture, odor, color, and durability, indicating

agreement among the evaluators. This concept has the potential to serve as an environmentally friendly

alternative to conventional paper bags. However, the t-test result that rejects the null hypothesis suggests that

certain aspects may require further development. Further research and development are necessary to enhance

the product's overall quality and commercial appeal. Addressing these areas for development can make

eco-friendly paper bags made from carabao grass and recycled carton a more viable and competitive option for

environmentally conscious consumers.

B. Recommendation

After producing eco-friendly paper bags made from carabao grass and recycled carton, the researchers

recommend that future studies explore different alternative organic-based chemicals to make the paper bag
more compact, as the research suggests that okra mucilage may not be the best option. Exploring other organic

matter to be used as glue would be a better option. Furthermore, future researchers should consider using other

additives, such as starch, to provide effective support for the paper bags while also enhancing their durability

and reducing odor. To make the texture of the paper bag finer and smoother, it is best to shred the recycled

carton and soak it in water for a longer time before blending it. While based from the respondent’s response of

this study in terms of the color of the bag, the researchers suggest that exploring non-toxic dyeing agents should

be added to achieve a much pleasing color and appearance of the bag. Overall, further explorations and an

in-depth discovery should be implanted in conducting studies similar to this research in order to enhance the

quality and essential aspects that should be acquired in producing eco-friendly paper bags.

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A. Texture B. Odor

B. Color D. Durability


T-test Computation

T - table


Rating Scale Interpretation

3.01 – 4.00 Strongly Agree

2.01 – 3.00 Agree

1.01 – 2.00 Disagree

1.00 Strongly Disagree

Insight of the Capstone Project

Conducting a feasibility study on the use of carabao grass and recycled carton in the creation of
eco-friendly paper bags was an eye-opening experience, providing profound insights into sustainable
packaging techniques and environmental responsibility.
At first, the knowledge of the increasing environmental problem caused by the exponential
increase in disposable plastic manufacture served as a sobering reminder of the critical need for viable
alternatives. While paper bags have long been described as an alternative, their traditional
manufacturing techniques, which rely on wood pulp, have unintentionally contributed to deforestation
and water pollution. Thus, the investigation of carabao grass and recycled carton as potential raw
materials was an attractive proposition, promising both environmental benefits and economic viability.
Through meticulous experimentation and analysis, The study delves into the mechanical
qualities and durability of the experimental paper, attempting to understand its texture, odor, color, and
general practicality as a substitute for traditional paper bags. This process not only provided useful
scientific data, but it also promoted a better understanding of the intricate relationship between natural
materials and sustainable design.
Furthermore, an analysis of the study's implications for biodegradability and availability shed
light on the possible long-term benefits of implementing such environmentally friendly options. The
potential of using carabao grass, an abundant natural resource in the Philippines, together with recycled
cartons provided a peek into a future in which waste could be repurposed and resources saved., thereby
mitigating the adverse impacts of plastic pollution on our planet.
As I explore on this capstone project, I am struck by the broadness of its ideas. Aside from the
technical aspects of paper production, the study emphasized the significance of interdisciplinary
teamwork and inventive thinking in addressing difficult environmental issues. It has also instilled in me
a renewed feeling of responsibility as a global citizen, inspiring me to promote for sustainable practices
and conscious consumption in both my personal and professional lives.

In conclusion, The feasibility study of carabao grass and recycled carton as eco-friendly paper bags has
been an important development, providing not only practical solutions to critical environmental
challenges but also new insights into the interdependence of human activity and ecological well-being. It
is my goal that the study's findings will serve as a idea for additional research and action toward a more
sustainable and harmonious connection with our world.

Overall Reflection of the Whole Portfolio

As I reflect on the completion of my work immersion capstone portfolio, I find myself filled
with a sense of satisfaction and achievement. The process of building this portfolio has been nothing
short of trans-formative, characterized by significant personal and professional growth, as well as
unexpected enjoyment.
In the long run, I've realized that this portfolio is much more than a compilation of tasks and
projects. It's a thorough picture of my abilities, experiences, and goals, carefully developed to provide a
clear narrative of my path. Each component of the portfolio allowed me to reflect on the lessons learned
and milestones attained during my work immersion experience, as well as communicate their immense
influence on my personal and professional development.
What amazed me most about the portfolio-building process was how fascinating and fulfilling it
turned out to be. It felt like I was creating an vivid representation of myself, emphasizing my talents,
accomplishments, and goals in a way that was both brief and impactful. This process of self-reflection
and self-expression has been powerful, giving me renewed confidence in my abilities and future
prospects. Furthermore, I believe that this portfolio will be an invaluable resource as I move forward in
my academic and professional development. Whether I'm applying for internships, scholarships, or jobs,
I'm convinced that the portfolio will successfully highlight my skills and potential, distinguishing me
from other candidates.
Looking back, I grateful for the opportunity to create this portfolio. It has not only helped me to
recognize and appreciate the skills and growth I've gained along the way, but it has also given me a
building record of my work immersion experience. As I begin the next chapter of my life, I am positive
about the opportunities that await me, knowing that this portfolio will serve as a guiding light, allowing
me to achieve my goals and dreams with confidence and purpose.


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