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+6281256408766 |
Ampek Angkek, Agam, Sumatera Barat
As a dedicated educator and graduate from a boarding school, I bring extensive experience in educating and
inspiring individuals to reach their full potential. I have a deep love for education and a strong belief in the
importance of empowering people through knowledge and values.
As a Boarding School (Pesantren) alumni, I have a deep understanding of values such as discipline, patience,
and hard work. I consider myself an individual with integrity, passion, and sensitivity to the needs of students
from different backgrounds.
My ability to communicate effectively enables me to engage with a variety of stakeholders, including parents,
coworkers, and students. I am also capable of fostering a supportive and inclusive learning environment and
running an inclusive classroom.
I am motivated to enhance my experience and utilize my knowledge and talents in a new work setting. I feel that
my participation as an educator may benefit this organization by improving staff development and managing
internal education programs.
I am excited to explore how my expertise and ideals may help the company's vision and purpose. Thank you for
considering my application.

Work Experiences
Pondok Pesantren Modren Diniyyah Pasia - West Sumatra Jul 2020 - Jun 2023
Pondok Pesantren Modern Diniyyah Pasia is a Gontor alumni boarding school that uses the same curriculum, namely kulliatul mualimin
islamic boarding school which islamiah, which provides balanced Islamic and contemporary education.

Education Level
MAS Pondok Pesantren Modren Diniyyah Pasia  - Agam, west sumatra
had joined the Pesantren Student Organization (OPPM) as a language section and had succeeded in creating a system of
memorizing 2 vocabulary words per day according to the language used that week.Participate in scouting activities and training and
achieving the Basic Advanced Course (KMD) certificate.

Organisational Experience
ORGANISASI PELAJAR PONDOK MODERN DINIYYAH PASIA - Agam District West Sumatra Province Jul 2018 - Jul 2019
Pengurus Keputrian
The women's section refers to a division or department that is responsible for affairs and activities related to female students or female
members of the pesantren or organisation. The role of the women's section may cover a wide range of matters, such as education and
guidance, welfare and health, extracurricular activities, character and leadership development.
Development of Effective Education Programmes: Design and implement effective and relevant education programmes for girls,
including academic curricula, religious formation, and other skills development according to their needs and aspirations.
Fulfilment of Student Wellbeing: Ensure the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of students by providing adequate access to
health, counselling, and social support services.
Participation and Achievement in Extracurricular Activities: Organising and facilitating a range of extracurricular activities that match
the interests and talents of girls, and providing support for their participation and achievement in these activities.
Evaluation and Continuous Improvement: Evaluating programmes and activities on a regular basis, and using the results of these
evaluations to make continuous improvements and enhancements.

Skills, Achievements & Other Experience

Workshop  (2021): preparation of learning tools and document 1 (KTSP)
Achievements  (2020): has memorised 10 juz of Quran during the learning process at PPM Diniyyah Pasia and has been tested
under the supervision of the head of Markaz Quran Diniyyah.
Workshop  (2020): participated as a learning workshop participant "Essential Materials in the New Normal Era"
Workshop  (2022): attended learning workshops at MTsS Diniyyah Pasia
Soft Skills  (2021): participated in training on making interesting and innovative learning videos based on the Kine Master
Achievements  (2019): Best Narrators

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