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‫ترجمة األزمنة‬

The English Tenses
[The Simple Present Tense]
‫زمن المضارع البسیط‬

• S + V + C…..
• We use the present tense to talk about:

• something that is true in the present:

• I’m nineteen years old.
He lives in London.
I’m a student.
• something that happens again and again in the present:
• I play football every weekend.
• We use words like sometimes, often. always, and never
(adverbs of frequency) with the present tense:
• I sometimes go to the cinema.
She never plays football.
• something that is always true:
• The adult human body contains 206 bones.
Light travels at almost 300,000 kilometres per
• something that is fixed in the future.
• The school term starts next week.
The train leaves at 19:45 this evening.
We fly to Paris next week.

‫ مفعول أو تكملة الجملة‬+ ‫ فاعل‬+ ‫ فعل‬+ ‫• أنیت‬

‫• ال يمكن الوصول إلى كوخ المزرعة إال عبر‬
• The only access to the farmhouse is
across the fields.
‫• من معايير الحكم على تقدم بلد من البلدان إتاحة‬
.‫فرصة التعليم للمرأة‬
• One criterion of judging a country’s
advancement is women’s access to
‫• تفيد التقارير الدبلوماسية بضرورة االتصال بقادة‬
.‫الفصيل المنشق‬
• Diplomatic reports imply a need for
contacts to be made with the leaders of
the dissident faction.
[The Present continuous Tense]
‫زمن المضارع المستمر‬
‫ اآلن‬+ ‫ تكملة‬+ ‫ فاعل‬+ ‫ فعل مضارع‬+ ‫• أنيت‬

• We use the present continuous tense to

talk about the present:
• for something that is happening at the
moment of speaking:
.‫ األطفال نائمون‬،‫• من فضلكم ابقوا هادئين‬
• Please be quiet, the children are sleeping.
• for something which is happening before and
after a given time:
.‫• عادة ما نتناول افطارنا في الساعة الثامنة‬
At eight o’clock we are usually having breakfast.
• for something which we think is temporary:
.‫• يدرس مايكل التاريخ في الجامعة‬
Michael is studying history at university.
• for something which is new and contrasts with a
previous state:
‫يستخدم معظم الناس البريد االلكتروني بدال من كتابة الرسائل هذه‬
These days most people are using email instead of
writing letters.
• to show that something is changing, growing or
.‫ينمو االطفال بسرعة‬
The children are growing quickly.

• We use the present continuous tense to talk

about the future:
• for something which has been arranged or
.‫ستذهب ماري الى مدرسة جديدة الفصل القادم‬
• Mary is going to a new school next term.
‫[زمن‬The Present Prefect Tense]
‫المضارع التام‬
‫ تكملة‬+ ‫ الفاعل‬+ ‫ فعل ماضي‬+ ‫لقد‬

I, we, they, you + have + p.p

+ complement
He / She / It + has + p.p
• We use the present perfect tense:
• for something that started in the past and continues in the
She has lived in Liverpool all her life.

• for something we have done several times in the past and

continue to do:
I’ve played the guitar ever since I was a teenager.

• when we are talking about our experience up to the present:

Note: We often use the adverb ever to talk about experience up

to the present:
My last birthday was the worst day I have ever had.
• for something that happened in the past but is important at
the time of speaking:
I can’t get in the house. I’ve lost my keys.

• We use the present perfect of be when someone has gone to

a place and returned:
A: Have you ever been to San Francisco?
B: No, but I’ve been to Los Angeles.

• But when someone has not returned we use have/has gone:

A: Where is Maria? I haven’t seen her for weeks.
B: She's gone to Paris for a week. She’ll be back tomorrow
• Scientists have recently discovered a new breed of monkey.
We have just got back from our holidays.
• or adverbials which include the present:
• ever (in questions); so far; until now; up to now; yet (in
questions and negatives)
Have you ever seen a ghost?
Where have you been up to now?
Have you finished your homework yet?
No, so far I’ve only done my history.
• We do not use the present perfect with an adverbial which
refers to past time which is finished:
I have seen that film yesterday.
.‫• غادرت المنزل توا‬
• I have just left home.
.‫• لقد قطعت تلك الدولة اشواطا في مجال الرفاه االجتماعي‬
• That country has made good progress in social welfare.

.‫• لقد عاش أحمد حياة بائسة إلى فترة بسيطة‬

• Ahmad has until recently lived a miserable life.

.‫• شهدت المنطقة موجة من العنف مؤخرا ادت الى مقتل عشرة اشخاص‬
• The region has lately/recently seen a wave of violence
that claimed the lives of ten.
‫المضارع التام المستمر‬
• I, we, they, you + have + been + v + ing
• He, She, It + has + been + v + ing
.‫زلت أدرس اللغة اإلنكليزية‬ ُ
‫كنت وما‬ ‫• لقد‬
• I have been studying English.

.‫• لقد كان وما يزال يلعب كرة القدم‬

• He has been playing football.

.‫• طرقت الباب حتى كلَّت يدي وال أدري متى سيفتح لي‬
• I have been knocking at the door for ages and I
wonder when it will open for me.

.‫• عاش أحمد في فرنسا أحد عشر عاما ً وما زال هناك الى اليوم‬
• Ahmad has been living in France for eleven years.
[The Past Simple Tense]
‫زمن الماضي البسيط‬
• something that happened once in the past:
I met my wife in 1983.
• something that happened again and again in the
When I was a boy I walked a mile to school every day.
• something that was true for some time in the past:
I lived abroad for ten years.
• we often use phrases with ago with the past tense:
I met my wife a long time ago.
.‫• شهد ذلك الرجل موت والديه عندما كان طفال صغيرا‬
• That man witnessed the death of his parents
when he was a little child.
‫• شهدت تلك البالد أعمال سطو ونهب وعصيان وحالة من‬
.‫الفوضى وموجة عارمة من العنف‬
• That country saw acts of pillage and mutiny and
was in a state of chaos and vehement wave of
‫ ولكنه ظل على‬،‫• كان الموقف يتطلب منه المشاركة في النقاش‬
.‫سلبيته المعهودة ولم يحرك ساكنا‬
• The situation required him to take part in the
discussion, but he was as passive as ever and did
not lift a finger.
[The continuous past tense]
‫زمن الماضي المستمر‬
• We use the past continuous to talk about the past:
• for something which continued before and after
another action:
The children were doing their homework when I got
• for something that happened before and after a
particular time:
It was eight o’clock. I was writing a letter.
• to show that something continued for some time:
My head was aching.
Everyone was shouting.
• with verbs which show change or growth:
The children were growing up quickly.
Her English was improving.
While, When
.‫ جرح يده‬،‫• بينما كان يعمل في الحديقة‬
• While he was working in the garden, he hurt his
.‫• كانت تكتب رسالة عندما رن الهاتف‬
• When the phone rang, she was writing a letter.
[The Past Perfect Tense]
‫زمن الماضي التام‬
.‫• كنتُ قد أنھیت عملي‬
• I had finished my work.

.‫• كنت قد أطفئت األضواء قبل مغادرتي المنزل‬

• I had switched off the lights before I went out

.‫ آویت الى الفراش‬،‫• بعد آن غادر الضیوف‬

• After the guests had left, I went to bed.
[The simple future tease]
‫زمن المستقبل البسیط‬
1. Promise:
.ً ‫سأكتب لك غدا‬
I will write to you tomorrow.

2. Determination:
.‫سأذهب للخارج‬
I will go a broad.

3. Polite Request:
.‫رجا ًء أغلق الباب‬
Will you please close the door?
4. Certainty:
.‫انا متأكد بأنني سأنجح‬
I’m sure I will pass.

5. Expectation:
.‫أتوقع انها ستتصل هذا المساء‬
I expect she will call this evening.

6. Offer:
.‫سأساعدك على حمل هذه الحقيبة الثقيلة‬
I will help you carry this heavy bag.
[The Future Perfect Tense]
‫زمن المستقبل التام‬
.‫ سأكون قد تخرجت‬،‫في الوقت الذي أراك فيه‬
By the time I see you, I will have graduated.

.‫ سنوات‬10 ‫ سنكون قد عملنا هنا لمدة‬،‫بحلول شهر حزيران‬

By June, we will have worked here for 10 years.
‫ترجمة المبني‬
Translating the Passive
Verbs and Voice
• Voice is the form a verb takes to
indicate whether the subject of the
verb performs or receives the
• There are two types of voice: active
voice and passive voice.
Active Voice
• Active Voice – indicates that the
subject of the verb is acting

• Because the subject does or "acts

upon" the verb in such sentences,
the sentences are said to be in the
active voice.
Active Voice
▪ These examples show that the subject
is doing the verb's action.
 The dog jumped onto the boy.
 The dog (subject) is doing the jumping (verb).

 Kristy will give a book report to the class.

 Kristy (subject) is doing the giving (verb).

 The computer ate my paper.

 The computer (subject) is doing the eating (verb).
Passive Voice
• In a passive voice sentence, the subject and
object flip-flop. The subject becomes the
passive recipient of the action.

• Because the subject is being "acted upon" (or

is passive), such sentences are said to be in
the passive voice.
Passive Voice
• These examples show the subject being acted
upon by the verb.
• The boy was jumped on by the dog.
– Boy (subject) was being jumped on (verb)
• A book report will be given by Kristy to the
– Report (subject) will be given (verb).
• My paper was eaten by the computer.
– Paper (subject) was being eaten (verb).
Form of Passive Voice Verbs
▪ The passive voice requires a "double verb"
and will always consist of a form of the verb
"to be" and the past participle (usually the
"en/ed/t" form) of another verb.
▪ Example:
Active: John baked the bread.
Passive: The bread was baked by John. (Was is a
form of the verb “be”.)
Form of Passive Voice Verbs
▪ Writers should be familiar with the forms of
"to be" , often called linking verbs, so that
they can easily identify the passive voice in
their work.

▪ Review the forms of "to be":

 am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been
Form of Passive Voice Verbs
• Note the forms of "to be" in the examples of
the verb "to kick" in various forms of the
passive voice:

• is kicked----------------had been kicked

was kicked-------------is going to be kicked
is being kicked---------will be kicked
has been kicked-------can be kicked
was being kicked------should be kicked
.‫• وجهت اليه تهمة قتل التاجر الغني‬
• He was accused of murdering the rich
‫• إن الجهود تبذل للتغلب على العقبات التي تؤخر انضمام‬
.‫المملكة العربية السعودية الى منظمة التجارة العالمية‬
• Efforts are being made to overcome the
difficulties delaying the accession of Saudi
Arabia to the World Trade Organization.
‫• رفعت عدة اقتراحات مؤخرا بشأن التحقيق بقضايا الفساد‪.‬‬
‫‪• Several reports have been submitted‬‬
‫‪regarding the investigation of the corruption‬‬
‫• تعتبر السياحة اليوم علما له قواعده الخاصة وموضوعا‬
‫يدرس في الجامعات‪.‬‬
Translating the Conditional
‫ترجمة الجمل الشرطية‬
)‫ (تدل على توقع حدوث الفعل‬.‫• سأعطيك المفتاح إذا اعطيتني القلم‬
• I will give you the key if you give me the pen.
• If you give me the pen, I will give you the key.

.‫• أعدك انني سأساعدك إذا اقرضتني المال‬

• I give you my word for it that if you lend me the money, I
will help you.
.‫• سأذهب معك حيثما ذهبت‬
• Wherever you go, I will go with you.
• (If you go anywhere, I will go with you)
.‫• سأعقبك مهما فعلت‬
• I will punish you whatever you do.
• (I will punish you if you do anything)
.‫ستنجح طالما امنت باهلل‬ •
• You will succeed as long as you believe in God.
)‫ (غير متوقع الحدوث في المستقبل‬.‫لو رأيتهم لملئت منهم رعبا‬ •
• If you saw them, you would be frightened by them.
)‫ (مستقبل غير متوقع الحدوث‬.‫جئتك بالكتاب على أمل أن تقرأه‬ •
• I brought you the book in case you wanted to read it.
)‫ (مستقبل متوقع الحدوث‬.‫سأجيئك بالكتاب إذا أردت أن تقرأه‬ •
• I will bring you the book in case you want to read it.
)‫ (مستحيل الحدوث‬.‫لو كنت ملكا لوهبتك المال‬ •
• If I were a king, I would give you money.
.‫إن كنت ستصبح غنيا فإنني أود أن أستغني أيضا‬ •
• If you grew to be rich, I would like to grow rich, too.
.‫إن مرضت فسأشقى‬ •
• If you grew ill, I would be miserable.
‫ (اي انك لم تأت وهكذا لم تجدني ولكن لو‬.‫لو جئت البارحة لوجدتني في البيت‬ •
)‫ صيغة مستحيلة في الماضي‬،‫فرضت جئت لوجدتني‬
• If you had come yesterday, you would have found me at
.‫لو لم تجتهد لم تكن لتنجح‬ •
• If you had not studied hard, you would not have passed.
)‫ (لوال وجود الحرية‬.‫لوال الحرية لعاش الناس مستعبدين‬ •
• Had it not been for freedom, people would have lived as
.‫لوال صمود البالد لتشجع العدو على الهجوم‬ •
• Had it not been for the steadfastness of our country, the
enemy would have been encouraged to attack.
.‫• لو لم تقل هذه الكلمة لقلتها بنفسي‬
• Had you not said this word, I would have said it myself.
.‫• لوال صداقتك المخلصة لعشت عيشة بائسة‬
• But for your sincere friendship, I would have led a miserable
• (Had it not been for your sincere friendship, I would have lived
a life of misery.)
‫ترجمة أدوات الربط‬

What is a conjunction?
Conjunction is the name for those common words
that are used to join (conjoin) parts of sentences. Also,
conjunctions may be used to begin certain sentences.

There are two different types of conjunctions:

coordinating conjunctions and subordinating

Conjunctions sometimes work in pairs and are called

correlative conjunctions.

Conjunctive adverbs are also frequently used to

provide logical connections in sentences.
Types of Coordinating
• There are seven coordinating
conjunctions: Use FANBOYS to remember

for and nor but

or yet so
Coordinating Conjunctions Coordinating
conjunctions are used to join words, phrases, and
independent clauses.

Examples of coordinating conjunctions in sentences:

Ex. He only wears striped ties and polka dotted bow

ties. ( And joins two words.)

Ex. The shoes were not blue suede nor black leather.
(Nor joins two phrases.)

Ex. It wasn’t a costume party, yet many came dressed

as literary villains. (Yet joins two independent clauses.)
Subordinating Conjunctions
These conjunctions are used to express relationships
between a dependent and an independent clause.

When to Use Common Subordinate Conjunctions:

Reason Subordinate Conjunction

Regarding time after, before, once, since,
until, when, whenever, while
To communicate a reason/cause as, because, since
To communicate a result/effect in order that, so, so that, that
To communicate a condition even if, unless
To communicate contrast although, even though,
though, whereas
Regarding location where, wherever
Regarding a choice than, whether
• If you decide to go to the picnic (dependent
clause), we will accompany you (independent
• Once we finish learning about Beethoven, we
will begin our discussion about his music.
• If the paper does not fit the professor’s
requirement, you will have to rewrite it.
Correlative Conjunctions
…link together similar components of a sentence and are technically
composed of a coordinating conjunction and an adjective/adverb.

Correlative conjunctions are:

either / or neither / nor whether / not
both / and as / as (positive) so / as (negative)
not only / but also
Neither the dog nor the cat was bothered by the noise.
Once the winds die down, bring in both the horse and his saddle out to
the corral.
Not only the student but also the instructor missed the error.
Either the heroine committed the murder, or the butler framed her.
Mable talks incessantly not only on the phone but also in person.
Conjunctive Adverbs

Show the relationship between two independent

clauses. The words are adverbs, but they also
function as connectors.

• Use a semicolon before a conjunctive adverb when it

joins two independent clauses.

PP 15-12a
Conjunctive Adverbs

consequently furthermore hence

however indeed instead
likewise moreover nevertheless
otherwise similarly still
therefore thus

PP 15-12b
Conjunctive Adverbs

Exercise can reduce lower-back pain;
nevertheless, you should see a doctor before
beginning an exercise program.
Chris and I planned to eat lunch together;
instead, I ate a sandwich at my desk.
I felt isolated and stressed working at home;
therefore, I requested a transfer to a local
branch office.
PP 15-12c
‫إذا نجحت باالمتحان الشامل فسوف أهاجر الى أستراليا‪.‬‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫لو كان عندي خس لعملت لكم االن سلطة لذيذة‪.‬‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫لو أنني قد بكرت بالمجيء الى هنا لما عاقبني المدير‪.‬‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫عندما سمع بانهيار مشروعه أستولى عليه اليأس‪.‬‬ ‫‪.4‬‬
‫كانت بصحة جيدة في الصباح ولكنها أصيبت بالحمى في‬ ‫‪.5‬‬
‫رفعت اللجنة الوزارية تقريرا يتضمن عددا من التوصيات الى‬ ‫‪.6‬‬
‫الوزير ولكنه لم يتخذ اي اجراء بشأن أي منها‪.‬‬
‫دعا القائد رجاله الى الهجوم عندما انتهك االعداء وقف اطالق‬ ‫‪.7‬‬
‫لن تشفى من مرضك اال اذا اتبعت نصائح الطبيب‪.‬‬ ‫‪.8‬‬
1. If I pass the comprehensive exam, I will migrate to
2. If I had lettuce, I would make you a delicious salad.
3. If I had arrived here early, I wouldn’t have been
punished by my manager.
4. When he heard about the collapse of his project, he
had an access to despair/ he fell into despair/ he got
5. She was well in the morning, but she had a fever at
6. The ministerial committee submitted a report that
includes a number of recommendations, but the
minister didn’t act upon any of them.
7. The commander called on his soldiers to attack when
the enemies violated the cease-fire.
8. You will not get well unless you follow the doctor’s
Build Your Vocabulary
.‫ لم يستطع إتمام المهمة‬،‫• مع أنه بذل جهود جبارة‬
• Although he spared no efforts, he could not
finish the mission.
• “‫ ”بذل جهود جبارة‬can be translated as:
• He spared no efforts.
• He did every effort.
• He did his best.
• He left no stone unturned.
• He left no avenue unexplored.
• He put his best foot forward.
.‫• رأيت شجرة كبيرة‬
• I saw a big tree.
.‫• رأيت بأم عيني الرجل يضرب ابنه‬
• I saw with my own eyes/with my naked eyes a
man beating his child.
.‫• إنني أرى ما تراه تماما‬
• I totally agree with you.
• I am in total agreement with you.
.‫• أرى بأنك على خطأ‬
• I feel/think/believe that you are mistaken.
.‫• قطع جندي المشاة النهر بخفة‬
• The infantry soldier crossed the river swiftly.
.‫• أكره أن يقاطعني أحد أثناء حديثي‬
• I hate being interrupted.
• I hate to be interrupted.
.‫• قطعت األمل من النجاح في تلك المادة‬
• I lost hope to pass that course.
.‫ تذكرة ذهاب فقط‬/‫• قطع لي فالن تذكرة ذهاب وإياب‬
• So and so bought me a return/one-way ticket.
.‫• قطعت فالنة حبل أفكاري‬
• So and so interrupted the train of my thought.
‫• انقطع التيار الكهربائي وانطفأت األضواء وغرقت المدينة في‬
.‫ظالم دامس‬
• Electricity was cut off, lights went off and a
blackout hit the city.
.‫• انقطع االتصال بين جهاز الحاسوب والشبكة‬
• The computer has been disconnected.
• The computer is disconnected.
.‫• قطعت تلك الدولة عالقاتها الدبلوماسية مع الصين‬
• That state severed (cut) its diplomatic ties
with China.
.‫• قُطع رأس لويس الثاني على أيدي الثوار‬
• Louis II was beheaded by the revolutionists/
.‫• رأى القاضي أن المدان قد تورط بأعمال قطع الطريق‬
• The judge ruled that the convict was
engaged/involved in highway robbery.
.‫• قطع لي وعدا بأال يكذب علي ثانية‬
• He promised me not to lie to me again.
.‫• قطع رئيس الوزراء عهدا على نفسه باجتثاث الفساد‬
• The prime minister vowed (pledged, took upon
himself) to root out the corruption.
.‫• قطع الجزار اصبعه‬
• The butcher has chopped off his finger.
.‫• قاطعت بعض الشركات عابرات القارات البضائع الفرنسية‬
• Some multinational corporations boycotted French
.‫• قطع الوزير زيارته المقررة يوم األحد‬
• The minister cut short his visit scheduled on Sunday.
Build Your Vocabulary
..... ‫• استنادا إلى المادة الرابعة من الدستور‬
• According to Article 4 of the constitution…
• (In accordance with)........................
• (By virtue of)....................................
• (On the basis of)...........................….
• OR (On the strength of)……..............

.‫• تتناسب هذه اإلجراءات مع نصوص القانون‬

• These measures (are in line with/are in harmony
with/are in conformity with/conform to) the
provisions of the law.
.‫• رأيت رجال مستندا إلى سيارة يأكل شطيرة هامبرغر‬
• I saw a man leaning on a car, eating a hamburger.
‫• أكد الوزير على موقف بالده في دعم القضية الفلسطينية‬
• The minister underscored/reiterated/underlined
his country’s support of the Palestinian Cause.
.‫• سأساند صديقي وقت العسرة‬
• I will stand by my friend in bad times.
.‫• سيساند بعضهم بعضا في مقارعة األعداء‬
• They will stand shoulder-to-shoulder against the
• Please note that some words that refer to the parts of the
body (like shoulder in the previous example) may express
different meanings, for example:
• Head: ‫رأس‬
.‫• توجهت إلى موقف الحافلة‬
• She headed to the bus stop.

• Hand: ‫يد‬
.‫• أعطاني قلم رصاص‬
• He handed me a pencil.

• Arm: ‫ذراع‬
.‫• كانوا خائفين لدرجة أنهم تسلحوا ببنادق محشوة‬
• They were so terrified that they armed themselves with
loaded guns.
• Eye: ‫عين‬
.‫• نظر كل منا إلى االَخر بعمق وتفكير‬
• We eyed each other thoughtfully.

• Nose: ‫أنف‬
.‫• ال أحب أن أحشر أنفي في أمور ال تعنيني‬
• I am not keen on poking my nose in matters that
do not bother me.
.‫• فالن ينظر إلى الناس من أرنبة أنفه‬
• So and so looks down his nose at people.
• Back: ‫ظهر‬
.‫• يقول محامي الدفاع أنه وجد شاهدا يؤيد ادعاءاته‬
• The defence says he found a witness to back his

• Finger: ‫إصبع‬
.‫• أشاروا إليه بإصبع االتهام على أنه هو الذي ارتكب الجريمة‬
• They fingered him as the one who committed
the crime.

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