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Kanoria School of Law for Women, Jaipur

Project Topics (Semester IV )

S.No. Name
Meanung and natureof macro Alphabate & Numbers (0-
1 AABHA MAROTHIA Party System in France Town Planning in the Harappan Civilization
economics National Emergency as a Threat to Democarcy: A Critical Analysis 20)
aggregrate demand and its Direct Democracy in
2 AARTI BAIRWA Administration in the Harappan Civilization loZuke
compoents Switzerland Emergency Provisions: A Unitary Feature of Indian Constitution
circular flow of income (2 sector
3 ADITI GOSINGHA The Congress in USA Economy of the Harappan Civilization fo'ks"k.k
model) Impact of National Emergency on Freedom of Press
4 AKANKSHA CHOUDHARY concept of stock and flow Political Parties in China Social Structure of the Harappan Civilization Effects of National Emergency on Governance of the Country Aceents, to present oneself
5 AKSHARA JAIN Political Parties in Britain Religious Beliefs of the Harappan Civilization President Rule: A Critical Examination vO;;
comparitive static and comparitive
6 ANUPAMA DADHICH The Senate in USA Decline of the Harappan Civilization laKk
dynamic model Effects of President Rule on Governance of the States
Numbers (21-50) Verbe -
meaning and definition of National
7 AROHI SHARMA Judiciary in Switzerland Comparison of Early and Mature Harappan Phases avoir, Apprendre, Habiter,
44th Amendement: Roadblock Preventing the National Emergency Present Yourself
Growth and Evolution of
8 ARUSHI RAJ ATAL theory of income and employment Early Vedic Age: Political Pattern loZuke
Japanese Constitution Duty of Union Government Towards State Government
importance and limitations of macro
9 AYESHA BI The Emperor In Japan Early Vedic Age: Religious Ideas and rituals lekl
economics Relationship of Article 19(1)(g) with Part XIII of the Constitution of India
difficulties in measurement of National People's Congress of Montas of the years, days of
10 BHARTI SONI Early Vedic Age: Vedic Literature
national income China Liquor Trade: An Exception to the Article 19(6) the week
11 BHAVYA SHARMA theory of multiplier Political Parties in Britain Late Vedic Age: Political Pattern Can 'Batting & Gambling' constitute as a Trade? loZuke
aggregrate supply and its Understanding the Position of President under Parliamentary System of
12 CHHAVI YADAV French Legislature Late Vedic Age: Religious Ideas and rituals izR;;
components Governance
keynesian theory of income
13 DHANISHTHA ASERI The Cabinet of Japan Late Vedic Age: Vedic Literature loZuke
determination Use and Misuse of Ordinance Making Power
meaning and features of business
14 DIMPAL French Judiciary Transition from Early to Late Vedic Age loZuke
cycle Pardoning Power of President vis-a-vis of Governor
comparitive analysis of micro and
15 DIVYA CHOUDHARY Judicial System in France origin and Evolution of Buddhism fyax
macro economics Examining the Collective Responsibility of the Cabinet System
Freedom of Property: Journey from Fundamental Right to the Constitutional Greetings, Subject Pronouns,
16 DIVYANSHI JOSHI say's law of market Sources of British Constitution Main Teachings of Buddhism
Right Present yourself
Comparative Study of Political
17 GARIMA SHEKHAWAT money market in india Origin and Evolution of Jainism opu
System of India and USA
A Critical Analysis of the Doctrine of Pleasure (Article 310) of the Constitution
18 JHANVI concept of money and its function Political Parties of Japan Main Teachings of Jainism Special Leave to Appeal: In Comparison with other kinds of Appeals iq:"k
understand short dialouges,
19 KANISHKA CHOUDHARY hawtrey's theory of business cycle Federal Judiciary in America Comparison of Buddhism and Jainism likes & Dislike, Present
Centre-State Administrative Relations: Sarkaria Commission Report yourself
20 KANISHKA SHARMA meaning of inflation and its types Political Parties in Switzerland Influence of Buddhism and Jainism on Indian Society dky
A Critical Analysis of the Discretionary Power of Governor

21 KASHISH GUPTA capital market in india Party System in France Political Aspects of the Maurya Empire o`fRr Greetings, Subject Pronouns,
Power of Parliament: In relation with State Subjects Present yourself
Comparative Study of Political
22 KHANAK KUMAWAT phases of business cycle Social Aspects of the Maurya Empire Months, seasons, a short
System of India and UK
Case Analysis on Judicial Review letter (Presents yourself)
Asking time, venir, sortir,
23 KHUSHI GADIA monetary policy of india The British Executive Economic Aspects of the Maurya Empire i{k
Supreme Court: As a Court of Record savoir
classical theory of icome and
24 KHUSHI SHARMA House of Lords of UK Judicial and Administrative Aspects of the Maurya Empire o`fRr
employment Analysis of Supervisory Jurisdiction of the High Courts
Definite Articles,
hayek's over investment theory of
25 KIRAN BOSIYA President of China Political Aspects of the Gupta Empire Nationalities & Professions
business cycle
Navigating the Original and Appellate Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court Numbers (11-69)

26 KRITIKA function of commercial bank House of Commons of UK Social Aspects of the Gupta Empire Refussing an invitation,
Understanding the concept of Judicial Accountability passessive adjective, dislikes
comparitive analysis of money Qui, Quiest - ceque ? Present
27 LUCKY SAINI The American Presidency Economic Aspects of the Gupta Empire
market and capital market NJAC v. Colleguim System for Appointment of Judges oneself
Comparative Study of Political
interdependence between micro and
28 MAHIMA MEENA System of India and Judicial and Administrative Aspects of the Gupta Empire o`fRr
Switzerland Doctrine of Pleasure vis-à-vis the Constitutional Safeguards to Civil Servants.
Apprendre, Avoir, habites,
29 MONIKA FISCAL POLICY OF INDIA The Prime Minister of UK Overview of Legal Literature in Ancient India
Composition of the Indian Parliament and Parliamentary Privileges negation
circular flow of income (3 sector
30 MONIKA DHAKED Standing Committee of China Role of Manu in Ancient Indian Law rn~Hko 'kCn
medel) Restrictions on Freedom of Trade and Commerce under Article 19 (6)
Monts of the years, sessions,
31 MUSKAN SHARMA credit creation by commercial banks Powers of Senate in America Role of Brihaspati in Ancient Indian Law
Judicial Activism with Recent Supreme Court Judgments dislike
32 NEHA CHOUDHARYA banks v/s NBFI Judiciary of China Role of Yagyavalkya in Ancient Indian Law Impeachment of the President: Requirements and Procedure okP;
Negation, Avoir, habiter,
33 NEHA SINGH new generation banking reforms Federal System in USA Role of Narada in Ancient Indian Law
Relationship of the President with the Council of Ministers Number (11-70)
34 NIKITA SHRIVASTAVA national income and its aggregrates The Prime Minister of France Role of Katyayana in Ancient Indian Law Scope and Extent of Judicial Review of Executive Actions okD; jpuk
role of banks in economic Comparative Study of Political
35 NIKITA TAK The Source of Law in Ancient India fojke fpg~u
development of a nation System of India and China
Qualification and Disqualification of the Members of Parliament
Power and functions of
36 PALAK RAJ measures to control inflation The Concept of Dharma in Ancient Indian Law eqgkojs
Parliament of France Promulgation of an Ordinance: Essential Conditions

37 PRIYA BISHNOI meanind and scope micro economics Executive in Switzerland Law-Making and Law-Interpreting Process in Ancient India o`fRr
Examining the Advisory Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
Curative Petition with special reference to the case of Rupa Ashok Hurra v.
38 RIDHIMA BANERJEE supply and demand of money Judiciary of Japan Relationship between Law and Custom in Ancient India yksdksfDr;kW
Ashok Hurra (2002)
39 RIMJHIM SHARMA RBI ; Role and function The Diet of Japan Human Law vs Divine Law in Ancient India Overreach of Judicial Activism: A Critical Analysis greetings short dialogues
verb - adover, detester,
40 ROOPALI ASHIWAL impact of inflation The Cabinet of Japan Judicial Institutions in Ancient India habiter, negntion of er ending
Public Interest Litigation: Modern Age Invention verbs
Investigating into the concept of 'Compensatory Taxes' with the Judicial (50-75) Numbers Present
41 SAJAL YADAV NABARD The British Judiciary Types of Courts in Ancient India
Opinions yourself, Pronone Tonique
House of Representation of
42 SAMEEKSHA SHARMA concept of deflation and its causes Role of Village Panchayats in Ancient Indian Justice fons'kt 'kCn
Japan Case Analysis: SP Gupta v. Union of India (1982)
Organisation of Judiciary in Judicial Procedure, role of judges and punishment in
43 SANYA JAIN small and payment bank in india ns'kt 'kCn
France Ancient India A Conceptual Analysis of Article 355
meaning and scope of macro
44 SARGAM PODDAR House of Councillors of Japan Ghorian Invasions: causes and Consequences ijlxZ
economics Case Analysis: SR Bommai v. Union of India (1994)
national income : methods and Judicial Review: Exploring the Role of the Judiciary in Constitutional
45 SAUMYA SINGH Cabinet System of UK Administrative Measures of Alauddin Khalji
precautions Interpretation i{k
(50-75) Numbers Present
46 SHIVYA JOSHI credit control mechanism of RBI Prime Minister of Japan Economic and agrarian Measures of Alauddin Khalji
Prime Minister & Council of Ministers – Power & Functions yourself, Pronone Tonique
Comparative Study of Political okD;ka'k ds fy, lkFkZd
47 SNEHA JOSHI consequences of inflation General Administration of Sultanate Rulers
System of India and Japan
Is President only a titular head? A Critical Analysis

Salient features of Political

48 SNEHA YADAV measuremnt of national income Cultural Aspects of the Delhi Sultanate Possessive Adijective, Verbe -
System of USA
Supreme Court: As a Guardian of the Indian Constitution aimer, Adorer, Detester
Examination of Financial Relations between Centre and State in light of Recent
49 SOMYA BARWAL keynesian criticism of SAY's law Executive in Japan Legal and judicial Aspects of the Delhi Sultanate leJqr fHkUukFkZd 'kCn
Salient features of Political Iniviting a friend, months,
50 SONAKSHI SHARMA meaning and role of NBFIs Administration of Sher shah Suri
System of France Power of Supreme Court to do 'Complete Justice': Article 142 days of the week
modern theory of income nad Comparative Study of Political
51 SOUMYA SHARMA Legal and judicial Aspects of the Vijayanagar Empire lekukFkhZ 'kCn
employment System of India and France
Article 226: Writ-Issuance Power of High Courts
52 TANISHKA SINGH impact of inflation Standing Committee of China Administrative Aspects of the Vijayanagar Empire Doctrine of Pleasure: A Comparative Study between India and USA Pronom Tonique,
Separation of Powers: Analyzing the Doctrine's Evolution and Application in
53 VANDNI SONI NABARD Powers of Senate in America Maratha Administration
Differenr Jurisdictions lekl
54 VIBHUTI SHARMA concept of deflation and its causes Judiciary of China Political Aspects of the Mughal Empire Federalism: A Comparative Study between USA, Canada and India izR;;
55 VINITA small and payment bank in india Federal System in USA Economic Aspects of the Mughal Empire Examining the concept of Financial Emergency under Article 360 laf/k

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