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TO: All Employees


Date: 01 JULY 2024

Subject: A Sincere Apology and Commitment to Improvement

Dear Valued Employees,

I am writing to express my deepest apologies for the recent difficulties we have faced as a company, particularly
regarding poor working conditions [working without a plan, and clear timetable for our daily duties] and salary
delays. I understand the frustration, anxiety, and hardship this has caused, and I take full responsibility as the
Managing Director.

Please know that we are working tirelessly to address these issues and implement solutions to prevent such
problems in the future. We are committed to providing a better work environment and ensuring timely
compensation for your hard work and dedication.

Specific actions we are taking include:

- Improving our working capital to allow continuous production and delivery of products to the market.
- Ensuring timely salary payments and exploring ways to enhance compensation packages we are hopeful that by
end of August we will have catch up with all back pays all factors being constant.
- Enhancing communication channels for feedback and concerns
- Reclaim our lost markets to improve turnover and revenue collection, this we had managed to do in the last 60

I want to assure you that we value and appreciate your contributions to our company's success. Your well-being
and satisfaction are paramount to me and the entire leadership team.Let's keep believing in the vision and have
patience once more, l know you have been stretched way too far and out of patience but be rest assured we are
working twenty-four hours to bring back the business to normalcy.

Kindly expect payments of part salaries from Monday the 8 July. We had committed to paying any amount every
Monday however natural factors are beyond our control weather had been too harsh and we could not manage to
keep the promise. We are praying that this week weather can favour so that we can manage payment on the 8th.

If you have any concerns or suggestions, please don't hesitate to reach out to your supervisor, HR, or directly to me.
I am committed to listening and working together to build a better future for our company.

Once again, I apologize for the challenges we have faced, and I appreciate your understanding, patience, and
continued hard work.


[P. Mutekwa.]
Managing Director

13826 Market Road Kelvin North

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