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How long have you been learning/studying English?

What is the main motivation for you to keep studying English?

What are the obstacles that you have already faced? How could you overcome it?

What brought you to love the English language ?

If English were not your ultimate choice, would you regret the decision?

Which are the fields in your daily life that you apply English to regularly?

How has learning English influenced your personal relationships and social interactions?

Can you share some specific instances where your ability to speak English enabled you to overcome a
significant challenge?

What are the greatest things you have made or got since English came into your life?

How has English widened your knowledge about cultures in the world?

Why do you think that English has such a massive impact on everyone's life?

Would you like to pursue your further studies/ occupation to be in an “English-speaking” country?

What was your first conversation with a foreigner like? Did it change anything towards you?

It is indeed a marvelous fact that English has become a well-known language in this generation as more
and more people begin to study it. Why do you think so?

Some were saying that English acts as a tool to support you in communication, some were saying English
creates your future path, careers, etc. What do you think about this/ what side are you on?

A question for trilinguals, do you feel that by learning English first, it makes the process easier to learn
another language?

Have you ever had a bad experience while learning English? If so, how did you overcome it?

Learning vocabulary by rote is an ever-present problem that many Vietnamese students face, so what
solutions do you think are possible to address the problem?

Tell us a moment where you feel like you can only express yourself through English

Can you share some useful tips for us to enhance our English skills significantly?

(and finally) Do you have any messages for individuals who are about to dive in the English journey?

### Personal Stories and Background

1. What was a pivotal moment in your life that significantly shaped who you are today?

2. Can you share a personal challenge you've overcome and how it impacted you?

3. Who has been the most influential person in your life and why?
### Career and Achievements

4. What inspired you to pursue your career path?

5. What has been your proudest professional achievement to date?

6. Can you tell us about a project or accomplishment that you consider to be a turning point in your

### Creativity and Innovation

7. Where do you find inspiration for your work or projects?

8. What’s the most innovative idea you've had, and how did you bring it to life?

9. How do you stay motivated and creative in your field?

### Current Events and Trends

10. What recent event or trend do you think will have a lasting impact on your industry?

11. How do you see your industry evolving over the next five years?

12. What’s a common misconception about your field that you’d like to debunk?

### Personal Interests and Hobbies

13. What are some of your hobbies or interests outside of work?

14. How do you balance your personal life with your professional responsibilities?

15. If you could pick up a new skill instantly, what would it be and why?

### Advice and Wisdom

16. What advice would you give to someone aspiring to enter your field?

17. Can you share a piece of advice that has stuck with you throughout your career?

18. What’s the best decision you’ve ever made, and what did you learn from it?

### Fun and Light-hearted

19. If you could have dinner with any three people, dead or alive, who would they be and why?
20. What’s the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled to, and what made it memorable?

21. Do you have a favorite quote or motto that you live by?

### Reflection and Future Plans

22. How do you define success, and has that definition changed over time?

23. What are your future goals, both personally and professionally?

24. Looking back, is there anything you would have done differently in your career or life?

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