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AURLTX101 Diagnose and repair light vehicle manual transmissions

Student Assessment Agreement

Make sure you read through the assessments in this booklet before you fill out and sign the agreement below.
If there is anything that you are unsure of, consult your assessor prior to signing this agreement.
Have you read the assessment requirements for this unit?  Yes  No
Do you understand the requirements of the assessments for this unit?  Yes  No
Do you agree to the way in which you are being assessed?  Yes  No
Do you have any specific needs that should be considered?  Yes  No
If so, explain these in the space below.
Do you understand your rights to re-assessment?  Yes  No
Do you understand your right to appeal the decisions made in an assessment?  Yes  No

Student name Sahil Maan

Student number 20231095

Student signature Sahil Maan

Date 6/7/24

Qualification Code and

AUR30620: Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology

AURLTX101 Diagnose and repair light vehicle manual

Unit Code and Title

Assessor name

Assessor signature


Document Name: Student Practical Demonstration of Tasks – AURLTX101 Created Date: 6 June 2023
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AURLTX101 Diagnose and repair light vehicle manual transmissions

Assessment Task Cover Sheet

Student Declaration
To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses

 I declare that this task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any
other student(s).
 I understand that if I If I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me
according to the process explained to me.
 I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
Student name Sahil Maan

Student ID number 20231095

Student signature Sahil Maan

Date 6/7/24

Assessor declaration
 I hereby certify that this student has been assessed by me and that the assessment has been carried out
according to the required assessment procedures.

Assessor name

Assessor signature


Assessment outcome S NS DNS Resubmission Y N


Student result response

 My performance in this assessment task has been discussed and explained to me.
 I would like to appeal this assessment decision.
Sahil Maan
Student signature

Date 6/7/24

A copy of this page must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence

Document Name: Student Practical Demonstration of Tasks – AURLTX101 Created Date: 6 June 2023
Document No: Trinity Institute (Australia) – AURLTX101 Version No: 1.0 Last Modified
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AURLTX101 Diagnose and repair light vehicle manual transmissions

Assessment 2 – Direct Observation

Student Name Sahil Maan Student ID Number 20231095

Unit Start Date Unit End Date

Assessment Due Date Date Submitted 6/7/24

This cover sheet is to be completed by the student and assessor and used as a record to determine student
competency in this assessment task

The assessment process and tasks were fully explained. Yes / No

I am aware of which evidence will be collected and how. Yes / No

I am aware of my right to appeal an assessment decision. Yes / No

I am aware that I can locate The RTO Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure on their Yes / No
website at (insert website address)

I have discussed any additional educational support or reasonable adjustments I require in order to
undertake this assessment with the Student Support Services Officer and Trainer / Assessor, (if Yes / No
applicable). e.g. Student Handbook and Access and Equity Policy (insert website address)

I have access to all required resources? Yes / No

Cheating & Plagiarism Declaration

Student Declaration: In accordance with The RTO Plagiarism Policy, I hereby acknowledge by signing this
declaration that I have not cheated or plagiarised any work regarding the assessment tasks undertaken in this unit
of competency except where the work has been correctly acknowledged.
NOTE: Student must sign this prior to submitting their assessments to the assessor

____6__ / ___7___ /
Signature Sahil Maan Date:

Satisfactory or Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessment Results
(Please circle the assessment result for this task)

Feedback to Student - Please provide general feedback on the Student’s performance

Student Declaration: - I verify that the work completed Assessor Declaration: - I verify that I have adequately
is my own and that I was adequately informed of the explained and negotiated the assessment tasks with the
Document Name: Student Practical Demonstration of Tasks – AURLTX101 Created Date: 6 June 2023
Document No: Trinity Institute (Australia) – AURLTX101 Version No: 1.0 Last Modified
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AURLTX101 Diagnose and repair light vehicle manual transmissions

assessment process prior to commencing this student prior to commencing assessment.

assessment task.

Student Name: Sahil Maan Assessor Name:

Student Signature: Sahil Maan Date 6/7/24 Assessor Signature: Date

Student Guide for Practical Assessment

Overview of Instructions to include, but not limited to:
1. Assessors will observe the student completing the service tasks.
2. Students may work individually or in pairs depending on class size.
3. Assessment is based on the Assessment Requirements (R1) of AURLTX101
Diagnose and repair light vehicle manual transmissions.
4. At any time, students may refer to technical manuals and their learning guides or
Textbooks for further information.
5. If there is a clear breach of safety, assessors MUST intervene immediately and advise
the student of the breach.
6. Students MUST successfully diagnose and repair light vehicle manual transmissions
before competency can be achieved for the practical component.
7. Observable behaviors and answers to oral questions MUST be recorded on this
8. If reassessment is required, this must be done after further study and discussion with
the student.

Task/s to be The tasks you will be observed undertaking are:

The student MUST diagnose and repair light vehicle manual transmissions for specific
applications that safely follows workplace procedures to meet required outcomes.
This includes:
 Diagnose and repair two [2] of the following faults in two [2] different light vehicle
manual transmissions, including faults in two of the following components:
o Input or primary shaft gear or bearing
o Secondary shaft or main shaft gear or bearing
o Synchroniser assembly
o Shift rail, shift fork, interlock and detent mechanisms
o Counter shaft gear or bearing
 Remove, refit or replace one [1] manual transmission in a light vehicle.

Oral questioning During the practical demonstration your assessor will ask you questions that will address
the knowledge aspects of the unit of competency. You will respond orally, and your
assessor will record your response.
Topics will include:
 Prepare to diagnose and repair light vehicle manual transmissions
 Diagnose manual transmissions
 Repair manual transmissions

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AURLTX101 Diagnose and repair light vehicle manual transmissions

 Complete work processes

Time allowed On average, the Assessment should take 4 – 8 hours to complete each Job Card.

Location Assessment will take place in a simulated workshop environment relevant to the trade
stream being studied.

Practical Practice You should have practiced these practical tasks and feel comfortable completing the tasks
before attempting the practical assessment.

Decision making To achieve a satisfactory outcome, you MUST diagnose and repair light vehicle manual
rules transmission on two [2] occasions in automotive service and repair workplace before
competency can be achieved for the practical component, and answer all questions
presented by the Assessor.
Expected answers to oral questions are indicative of the correct answer.
Your assessor will be looking for the following in this assessment task: -
You MUST diagnose and repair light vehicle manual transmission for specific applications
that safely follows workplace procedures to meet required outcomes.
This includes:
 Diagnose and repair two [2] of the following faults in two [2] different light vehicle
manual transmissions, including faults in two of the following components:
o Input or primary shaft gear or bearing
o Secondary shaft or main shaft gear or bearing
o Synchroniser assembly
o Shift rail, shift fork, interlock and detent mechanisms
o Counter shaft gear or bearing
 Remove, refit or replace one [1] manual transmission in a light vehicle.

Performance The assessment methods MUST be by direct observation of tasks on required skills and
Observation knowledge to ensure correct interpretation and application. Your Assessor will observe you
Criteria for on the following observations:
Assessment Task
 Obtain and read through job card to determine customer concern and discuss the
speed and driving conditions in which the concern occurs with the customer and
road-tested vehicle to confirm fault.
 Access and understand the correct workshop manual for the light vehicle manual
transmission being diagnosed.
 Use the correct workshop manual to select the most appropriate diagnostic options
and diagnostic procedures to diagnose the customer manual transmission concern.
 Observe all safety requirements, wear correct PPE and identify any hazards with
working around light vehicle manual transmission assembly, such as; lifting heavy
transmission components, hot engine/exhaust systems, hot and hazardous manual
transmission oils and rotating driveline components and managed risks by following
the vehicle manufactures workshop manual, Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and Safe
Operating Procedures (SOPs).
 Select the correct tools and diagnostic equipment for light vehicle manual
transmissions, including stethoscope, torque wrench, Vernier calipers, micrometers,
dial indicator, special service tools, scan tool, lifting and supporting workshop
equipment such as vehicle hoist, transmission jack, floor jack and stands and
checked that the tools and diagnostic equipment are safe to use.
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AURLTX101 Diagnose and repair light vehicle manual transmissions

 Safely carry out diagnostic tests on the vehicle following the procedures in the
Vehicle Manufactures Workshop Manual [WSM] such as; abnormal noise diagnosis,
shift diagnosis and diagnostic scan tool tests using tools and diagnostic equipment
including stethoscope, torque wrench, Vernier Caliper, micrometers, dial indicator,
special service tools, scan tool, lifting and supporting workshop equipment such as
vehicle hoist, transmission jack, floor jack and stands and trapping of manual
transmission fluid released from manual transmission during diagnosis.
 Compare the test results to the specifications in the Vehicle Manufactures
Workshop Manual [WSM] and identify the cause of the fault/s on the vehicle
following the procedures in the Vehicle Manufactures Workshop Manual [WSM].
 Report and discuss diagnostic findings and repair recommendations with the
customer and/or workplace supervisor for approval to repair the vehicle.
 Use the correct vehicle workshop manual to select the most appropriate repair
options to repair the customer concern.
 Select and use the correct tools, equipment and materials to repair light vehicle
manual transmission, such as; Vernier calipers, micrometers, dial indicator, torque
wrench and Special Service Tools.
 Repair or adjust the light vehicle manual transmission or components using and
following the correct vehicle workshop manual and using the correct tools and
equipment without causing any damage to the vehicle or manual transmission
components and trapping of manual transmission fluid released from manual
transmission during repairs.
 Retest the light vehicle manual transmission or components following the
procedures in the Vehicle Manufactures Workshop Manual [WSM] and using tools
and diagnostic equipment including, abnormal noise diagnosis, shift diagnosis, and
diagnostic scan tool tests using tools and diagnostic equipment including
stethoscope, torque wrench, Vernier calipers, micrometers, dial indicator, special
service tools, scan tool during the retest.
 Carry out a final inspection of the customers vehicle to ensure that the repairs
completed are to the workplace repair standards and the vehicle is ready to be
given back to the customer.
 Clean the work area of any waste and disposed recyclable and non-recycle waste
into correct waste or recycling bins.
 Clean and check tools and equipment used for correct operation and tagged out
and report any faulty tools and equipment.
 Complete and finalise the Job Card/Repair Order detailing the diagnostic and repair

Assessment Assessors MUST satisfy NVR/AQTF assessor requirements.

Competency is to be assessed in the workplace or a simulated environment that accurately
reflects performance in a real workplace setting.
Assessment MUST include direct observation of tasks.
Where assessment of competency includes third-party evidence, individuals MUST provide
evidence that links them to the light vehicle manual transmissions that they have worked on,
e.g. repair orders.
Assessors MUST verify performance evidence through questioning on skills and knowledge
to ensure correct interpretation and application.

Resources required The following equipment will be made available to students:

Document Name: Student Practical Demonstration of Tasks – AURLTX101 Created Date: 6 June 2023
Document No: Trinity Institute (Australia) – AURLTX101 Version No: 1.0 Last Modified
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AURLTX101 Diagnose and repair light vehicle manual transmissions

 Automotive repair workplace or simulated workplace

 Workplace instructions
 Manufacturer light vehicle manual transmission specifications
 Two different light vehicles with faults in the manual transmission components
specified in the performance evidence
 Diagnostic equipment for light vehicle manual transmissions
 Tools, equipment and materials appropriate for repairing light vehicle manual
Students MUST be wearing the correct PPE.
This is to include:
 Safety boots/shoes,
 Protective clothing,
 Safety glasses, and
 Gloves as required
Students MUST have the practical assessment sheet and a pen to complete each task.

Results/Re-  Your Assessor will grade as either S – Satisfactory or NS – Not Satisfactory for the
assessment assessment. In all cases your Assessor will provide you with feedback.
 Only when all assessment tasks have been graded as S – Satisfactory you will be
deemed C – Competent in the final result of the unit of competency; if you do not
satisfactorily complete all the assessment tasks you will be deemed NYC – Not Yet
 If the evidence is graded as NS – Not Satisfactory you will be required to re-submit
the evidence. In this case, you will be provided with clear and constructive feedback
based on the assessment decision so that they can improve your skills / knowledge
prior to reassessment.
 Where a ‘NS – Not Satisfactory’ judgement is made, you will be given guidance on
steps to take to improve your performance and provided the opportunity to resubmit
evidence to demonstrate competence. The assessor will determine and discuss the
reasons for NS – Not satisfactory on any of the criteria and will assess you through
a different method of assessment e.g. verbal/oral questioning, problem solving

Reasonable Assessor may adjust assessment conditions (vehicles, tools, analysis required) to suit
Adjustment workplace objectives provided that the integrity of the task is maintained.

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AURLTX101 Diagnose and repair light vehicle manual transmissions

Assessment 2 – Direct Observation

Practical Demonstration of Tasks

Job Card 1: Diagnose and repair light vehicle manual transmissions

Job Details:
Upon completion of this task, you should be able to demonstrate how to diagnose and repair light vehicle manual

You MUST diagnose and repair light vehicle manual transmissions in which the fault MUST involve one [1] of the
following components:
 Input or primary shaft gear or bearing
 Secondary shaft or main shaft gear or bearing
 Synchroniser assembly
 Shift rail, shift fork, interlock and detent mechanisms
 Counter shaft gear or bearing
One [1] light vehicle manual transmission MUST be removed, refitted or replaced. If it is not carried out in Job Card 1,
then it MUST be carried out in Job Card 2
Your Trainer/Assessor has setup the vehicle with a light vehicle manual transmissions fault. Your Trainer/Assessor will
observe you against the performance observation criteria for diagnose and repair light vehicle manual transmissions.



The Assessment will be STOPPED IMMEDIATELY if you are attempting to carry out any step in an unsafe or
dangerous way.

1. Obtain tools and equipment from your trainer.

2. Ask your trainer to direct you to a work area.
3. You MUST answer the Assessor’s verbal questions
4. You MUST write the customers concern (fault) on the front of the Job Card.
5. You MUST identify the nature of the fault or problem. Write the fault on the front of the Job Card. You must
carry out your diagnosis on that fault using the diagnosis as specified in the vehicles workshop manual.
6. You MUST report the faults or problems. You must report your findings to the customer by filling in the
Recommendations for the repair of the vehicle on the back of the Job Card. The customer can be your
Assessor, record the conversation with the customer on the back of the Job Card.
7. You MUST repair the light vehicle manual transmissions as specified in the vehicles workshop manual.
8. You MUST complete post repair testing to confirm repair
9. You MUST clean-up work area, tools and equipment are stowed in their appropriate area and finalise Job
Document Name: Student Practical Demonstration of Tasks – AURLTX101 Created Date: 6 June 2023
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AURLTX101 Diagnose and repair light vehicle manual transmissions

Card documentation by filling in the Customers Fault, the Cause of the Fault, the Rectification to repair the
vehicle and the Parts used on the back of the Job Card.

Job Card 1

Customer Details

Customer: John Smith Contact Details: (H) 03 9 123 4567 (M) 0401 234 567
Address: 101010 Melbourne Street City Melbourne State: Victoria Post code: 3000

Vehicle Details (Must fill in the vehicle details) If simulated environment used, please tick 

Make: FORD CORRIER Model: Colour: WHITE License No: 12345

VIN No: DHJY658767 Odometer Reading: 223346
Engine No: 12345 Engine Type: DIESEL Trans Type: MANUAL

Customer Concern


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AURLTX101 Diagnose and repair light vehicle manual transmissions

Declaration by the Customer

Please execute at my cost and as soon as you conveniently can repair the listed items above, and also any work considered essential. The vehicle, its
accessories and contents are at my risk entirely whether theft or loss thereof or damaged thereto arises from any want of care on the part of yourself or
your contractors or servants or from any cause whatsoever. Any claims for faulty workmanship is to be raised within seven (7) working days after the
vehicle is returned to me. I agree such claim is limited solely to the rectification free of cost of the faulty work. No claim for loss consequential or otherwise
being admissible.
X / / 20
Signature of Owner Date (Fill in the date)

Fault: Record of Conversation with Customer:



Service Advisor:




Rectification: Parts Used

Recommendations: Sublet Repairs Order No
Document Name: Student Practical Demonstration of Tasks – AURLTX101 Created Date: 6 June 2023
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AURLTX101 Diagnose and repair light vehicle manual transmissions

Fluids QTY Tyre Report Tech # Job # Time Clock Record

Gear Oil 3 L/H/F R/H/F ON

2.3 2
Auto Oil mm mm OFF

Engine Oil 2L L/H/R R/H/R ON

3 2
Diff Oil 3 mm mm OFF

Coolant Brake Report 3

2 2
P/S Oil 2 L/H/F R/H/F OFF

Brake Fluid mm mm ON
4 2
Other L/H/R R/H/R OFF

mm mm ON
2.3 2

Ensure that the following actions / tasks / checks in your work area have been performed:
a. Tools & equipment used are in working order and have been put away ready for use next time. Where
necessary, tag any tools / equipment which had faulted during use and inform the Assessor about it.
b. Waste materials is to be disposed of via the appropriate recycling methods or place in general waste.
c. Ensure that any reusable materials are stored away appropriately and ready for reuse at another time.
d. Make sure the work area is cleaned and tidy. All equipment is put away and report on any issues / faults
with equipment when problems are noticed.

End of Practical Task

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AURLTX101 Diagnose and repair light vehicle manual transmissions

Job Card 2: Diagnose and repair light vehicle manual transmissions

Job Details:
Upon completion of this task, you should be able to demonstrate how to diagnose and repair light vehicle manual

You MUST diagnose and repair light vehicle manual transmissions in which the fault MUST involve one [1] of the
following components:
 Input or primary shaft gear or bearing
 Secondary shaft or main shaft gear or bearing
 Synchroniser assembly
 Shift rail, shift fork, interlock and detent mechanisms
 Counter shaft gear or bearing
One [1] light vehicle manual transmission MUST be removed, refitted or replaced. If it is not carried out in Job Card 1,
then it MUST be carried out in Job Card 2
Your Trainer/Assessor has setup the vehicle with a light vehicle manual transmissions fault. Your Trainer/Assessor will
observe you against the performance observation criteria for diagnose and repair light vehicle manual transmissions.

(MUST be different Vehicle and Fault to Job Card 1)

(If the Transmission was NOT Removed, Refit and Replaced in Job Card 1, it MUST be Removed,
Refit and Replaced in Job Card 2)



The Assessment will be STOPPED IMMEDIATELY if you are attempting to carry out any step in an unsafe or
dangerous way.

1. Obtain tools and equipment from your trainer.

2. Ask your trainer to direct you to a work area.
3. You MUST answer the Assessor’s verbal questions
4. You MUST write the customers concern (fault) on the front of the Job Card.
5. You MUST identify the nature of the fault or problem. Write the fault on the front of the Job Card. You must
carry out your diagnosis on that fault using the diagnosis as specified in the vehicles workshop manual.
6. You MUST report the faults or problems. You must report your findings to the customer by filling in the
Recommendations for the repair of the vehicle on the back of the Job Card. The customer can be your
Assessor, record the conversation with the customer on the back of the Job Card.
7. You MUST repair the light vehicle manual transmissions as specified in the vehicles workshop manual.
8. You MUST complete post repair testing to confirm repair
9. You MUST clean-up work area, tools and equipment are stowed in their appropriate area and finalise Job
Document Name: Student Practical Demonstration of Tasks – AURLTX101 Created Date: 6 June 2023
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AURLTX101 Diagnose and repair light vehicle manual transmissions

Card documentation by filling in the Customers Fault, the Cause of the Fault, the Rectification to repair the
vehicle and the Parts used on the back of the Job Card.

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AURLTX101 Diagnose and repair light vehicle manual transmissions

Job Card 2

Customer Details

Customer: SARAH Contact Details: (H) 555-9844985 (M)

Address: 123STREET SIDNEY City SIDNEY State: NSE Post code: 4468

Vehicle Details (Must fill in the vehicle details) If simulated environment used, please tick 

Make: FORD CORRIER Model: Colour: WHITE License No: 12345

VIN No: 6FY84856 Odometer Reading: 2346
Engine No: 12345 Engine Type: DIESEL Trans Type: MANUAL

Customer Concern

The engine is concerned that the engine is overheating and they are constantly topping up the coolant level.
firstly the pressure test was done wo extrnal coverage found pressuer droped after few minutes .
radiation coolant was checked and found oil getting mixed .
after prper inspection head gaseet was found
leaking head gasket replaced head gasket
with the one refitting everything back .
every thing word fine .

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AURLTX101 Diagnose and repair light vehicle manual transmissions

Declaration by the Customer

Please execute at my cost and as soon as you conveniently can repair the listed items above, and also any work considered essential. The vehicle, its
accessories and contents are at my risk entirely whether theft or loss thereof or damaged thereto arises from any want of care on the part of yourself or
your contractors or servants or from any cause whatsoever. Any claims for faulty workmanship is to be raised within seven (7) working days after the
vehicle is returned to me. I agree such claim is limited solely to the rectification free of cost of the faulty work. No claim for loss consequential or otherwise
being admissible.
X / / 20
Signature of Owner Date (Fill in the date)

Fault: Record of Conversation with Customer:

head gasket found demag and there replaced Date:


Service Advisor:



main causes are run driving and no proper seavice

Rectification: Parts Used

whole seavice done with gasket replaced head gasket

Recommendations: Sublet Repairs Order No

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AURLTX101 Diagnose and repair light vehicle manual transmissions

getb the seavice done one recommondation time 2

Fluids QTY Tyre Report Tech # Job # Time Clock Record

Gear Oil 3 L/H/F R/H/F ON

2.3 2
Auto Oil 3 mm mm OFF

Engine Oil
1. L/H/R R/H/R ON
3 2
Diff Oil
9 mm mm OFF

Coolant 3 Brake Report 3

P/S Oil 4 L/H/F R/H/F OFF

Brake Fluid 3 mm mm ON
4 2
Other 3 L/H/R R/H/R OFF

mm mm ON
2.3 2

Ensure that the following actions / tasks / checks in your work area have been performed:
a. Tools & equipment used are in working order and have been put away ready for use next time. Where
necessary, tag any tools / equipment which had faulted during use and inform the Assessor about it.
b. Waste materials is to be disposed of via the appropriate recycling methods or place in general waste.
c. Ensure that any reusable materials are stored away appropriately and ready for reuse at another time.
d. Make sure the work area is cleaned and tidy. All equipment is put away and report on any issues / faults
with equipment when problems are noticed.

End of Practical Task

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