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displayVW = input(false, title="------Show VWAP--------")

vwp = displayVW ? vwap : na
plot( vwp, color=#ffff1f, title="VWAP", linewidth=2)

///// END VWAP

show_ps = input (false,title="----------Show Parabolic SAR---------")
start = input(0.02)
increment = input(0.02)
maximum = input(0.2, "Max Value")
out = sar(start, increment, maximum)
plot(show_ps? out : na, "ParabolicSAR", style=plot.style_cross, color=#2962FF)



show_K = input(false, title = "---------------Show Koncorde-------------")

srcTprice = input(ohlc4, title="Fuente para Precio Total")
srcMfi = input(hlc3, title="Fuente MFI", group="Money Flow Index")

//lengthEMA = input(255, minval=1)

scaleK= input(8,title = "Koncorde scale")

m=input(15, title="Media Exponencial")
longitudPVI=input(90, title="Longitud PVI")
longitudNVI=input(90, title="Longitud NVI")
longitudMFI=input(14, title="Longitud MFI")
multK=input(2.0, title="Multiplicador para derivacion estandar" , group="Bollinger
boLength=input(25, title="Calculation length ", group="Bollinger Oscillator" )
mult=input(2.0, title="Multiplicador para derivacion estandar" , group="Bollinger
pvim = ema(pvi, m)
pvimax = highest(pvim, longitudPVI)
pvimin = lowest(pvim, longitudPVI)
oscp = (pvi - pvim) * 100/ (pvimax - pvimin)
nvim = ema(nvi, m)
nvimax = highest(nvim, longitudNVI)
nvimin = lowest(nvim, longitudNVI)
azul =( (nvi - nvim) * 100/ (nvimax - nvimin) )

xmf = mfi(srcMfi, longitudMFI)

// Bands Calculation
basisK = sma(tprice, boLength) //Find the 20-day moving average average (n1 +
n2 ... + n20)/20
devK = mult * stdev(tprice, boLength) //Find the standard deviation of the 20-days
upperK = basisK + devK //Upper Band = 20-day Moving Average + (2 x standard
deviation of the 20-days)
lowerK = basisK - devK //Lower Band = 20-day Moving Average - (2 x standard
deviation of the 20-days)
OB1 = (upperK + lowerK) / 2.0
OB2 = upperK - lowerK

BollOsc = ((tprice - OB1) / OB2 ) * 100 // percent b

xrsi = rsi(tprice, 14)

calc_stoch(src, length,smoothFastD ) =>

ll = lowest(low, length)
hh = highest(high, length)
k = 100 * (src - ll) / (hh - ll)
sma(k, smoothFastD)

stoc = calc_stoch(tprice, 21, 3)

marron =( (xrsi + xmf + BollOsc + (stoc / 3))/2 )
verde = (marron + oscp)
media = ema(marron,m)
bandacero= 0
//scaleK1 = (ni/scale)/scaleK

buy_cK = crossover(marron,media)
sell_cK = crossunder(marron,media)
plotshape(ShowBuySellArrowsK and buy_cK, "Buy", shape.triangleup,
location.belowbar, color.green, text="Buy", textcolor = color.green)
plotshape(ShowBuySellArrowsK and sell_cK, "Sell", shape.triangledown,
location.abovebar, color.red, text="Sell",textcolor = color.red)


show_BB = input(false, title="--------- Show Bollinger ---------")
lengthB = input(20, minval=1)
srcB = input(close, title="Source")
//mult = input(2.0, minval=0.001, maxval=50, title="StdDev")
basis = sma(srcB, lengthB)
dev = mult * stdev(srcB, lengthB)
upper = basis + dev
lower = basis - dev
offsetB = input(0, "Offset", type = input.integer, minval = -500, maxval = 500)
plot(show_BB ? basis : na, "Basis", color=#919191, offset = offsetB)
p1 = plot(show_BB ? upper : na , "Upper", color=#ff0059, offset = offsetB)
p2 = plot(show_BB ? lower: na, "Lower", color=#ff0059, offset = offsetB)
fill(p1, p2, title = "Background", color=color.rgb(255, 205, 222, 95))



show_ATR = input(false,title="--------------Show ATR------------")

source_ATR = input(close, title="Source ATR")
length_ATR = input(14, minval=1, title="Period")
multiplier = input(1.6, minval=0.1, step=0.1, title="Multiplier")
shortStopLoss = source_ATR + atr(length_ATR) * multiplier
longStopLoss = source_ATR - atr(length_ATR) * multiplier
plot(show_ATR ? shortStopLoss : na, color=color.gray, transp=0, linewidth=1,
style=plot.style_stepline, title="Short Stop Loss")
plot(show_ATR ?longStopLoss: na, color=color.gray, transp=0, linewidth=1,
style=plot.style_stepline, title="Long Stop Loss")

//////END ATR


show_ich = input ( false , title = "--------Show Ichimoku---------")
tenkanIN = input(9, minval= 1, title="Tenkan"),
kijunIN = input(26, minval= 1, title="Kijun")
spanBIN = input(52, minval= 1, title="Span B"),
chikouIN = input(26, minval= 1, title="Chikou")
srcI = input(close, title="Source")
ShowAlert = input(defval = true, title="Show Alert")

donchian(len) => avg(lowest(len), highest(len))
tenkan = donchian(tenkanIN)
kijun = donchian(kijunIN)
spanA = avg(tenkan, kijun)
spanB = donchian(spanBIN)
chikou = srcI, offset = -chikouIN

Color00 = #f57f17//Orange
Color02 = #f57f17ff//Orange 100%
Color10 = #006400//Green
Color13 = #388e3c//Light Green
Color20 = #8B0000//Red
Color23 = #b71c1c//Light Red
Color30 = #ffffff//White

colorKumo = spanA > spanB ? Color10 : Color20

plot(show_ich ? tenkan : na, title="Tenkan", color= Color10)
plot(show_ich ? kijun : na, title="Kijun", color= Color20)
plot(show_ich ? srcI : na, offset = -chikouIN + 1, title="Chikou", color= Color00
, linewidth = 2)
kumoA = plot(show_ich ? spanA : na, offset = chikouIN - 1, title="Span A", color=
kumoB = plot(show_ich ? spanB : na , offset = chikouIN - 1, title="Span B", color=
fill(kumoA, kumoB, title="Kumo", color = show_ich ? colorKumo : na,
transp= 75)



sz = linreg(close - avg(avg(highest(high, 20), lowest(low, 20)), sma(close, 20)),
20, 0)
adxlen = 14 //input(14, title = "ADX Smoothing")
dilen = 14 //input(14, title = "DI Length")
keyLevel = 23 //input(23, title = "Key level for ADX")

dirmov(len) =>
up = change(high)
down = -change(low)
truerange = rma(tr, len)
plus = fixnan(100 * rma(up > down and up > 0 ? up : 0, len) / truerange)
minus = fixnan(100 * rma(down > up and down > 0 ? down : 0, len) / truerange)
[plus, minus]

adx(dilen, adxlen) =>

[plus, minus] = dirmov(dilen)
sum = plus + minus
adx = 100 * rma(abs(plus - minus) / (sum == 0 ? 1 : sum), adxlen)
[adx, plus, minus]

[adxValue, diplus, diminus] = adx(dilen, adxlen)

lbR = input(title="Pivot Lookback Right", defval=1)

lbL = input(title="Pivot Lookback Left", defval=1)

plFound(osc) => na(pivotlow(osc, lbL, lbR)) ? false : true
phFound(osc) => na(pivothigh(osc, lbL, lbR)) ? false : true

//pivots ADX AND SZ

//buy_cond= plFound(sz) and adxValue < adxValue[1] ? true : phFound(adxValue) and

sz >= sz[1] and sz<0 ? true : false

//sell_cond= phFound(sz) and adxValue < adxValue[1] ? true : phFound(adxValue) and

sz < sz[1] and sz>0? true : false

buy_cond1= plFound(sz) and adxValue < adxValue[1] ? true : false

buy_cond2= phFound(adxValue) and sz >= sz[1] and sz<0 ? true : false

buy_c=buy_cond1 or buy_cond2

sell_cond1=phFound(sz) and adxValue < adxValue[1] ? true : false

sell_cond2=phFound(adxValue) and sz < sz[1] and sz>0? true : false

sell_c = sell_cond1 or sell_cond2


if (sell_c or buy_c)
alert = sell_c?"Sell alert ":"Buy alert "
alert( alert + tostring(close), freq = alert.freq_once_per_bar_close )

plotshape(ShowBuySellArrows and buy_c, "Buy", shape.square, location.belowbar,

color.green, text="Buy",textcolor= color.green)
plotshape(ShowBuySellArrows and sell_c, "Sell", shape.square, location.abovebar,
color.red, text="Sell",textcolor = color.red)


//// INPUTS VOLUME PROFILE by @kv4coins
show_vp1 = input(true,title="-------------Show Voume Profile--------------")
vp_lookback = input(defval = 200,
title = "Volume Lookback Depth/ Velas atras [10-1000]",
type = input.integer,
minval = 10,
maxval = 1000)

vp_max_bars = input(defval = 100,

title = "Number of Bars / ancho [10-500]",
type = input.integer,
minval = 10,
maxval = 500)

vp_bar_mult = input(defval = 40,

title = "Bar Length Multiplier / largo [10-100]",
type = input.integer,
minval = 10,
maxval = 100)

vp_bar_offset1 = input(defval = 50,

title = "Bar Horizontal Offset / Distancia con grafico [0-
type = input.integer,
minval = 0,
maxval = 100)

vp_bar_width = input(defval = 2,
title = "Bar Width / ancho [1-20]",
type = input.integer,
minval = 1,
maxval = 20)

// As suggested by @NXT2017
vp_delta_type = input(defval = "Both",
title = "Delta Type",
type = input.string,
options = ['Both', 'Bullish', 'Bearish'])

vp_poc_show = input(defval = true,

title = "Show POC Line",
type = input.bool)

vp_bar_color = input(defval = color.new(#9ac8db, 60) ,

title = "Bar Color",
type = input.color)

vp_poc_color = input(defval = color.new(color.white, 10),

title = "POC Color",
type = input.color)

float vp_Vmax = 0.0
int vp_VmaxId = 0
int vp_N_BARS = vp_max_bars

var int vp_first = time

vp_a_P = array.new_float((vp_N_BARS + 1), 0.0)

vp_a_V = array.new_float(vp_N_BARS, 0.0)
vp_a_D = array.new_float(vp_N_BARS, 0.0)
vp_a_W = array.new_int(vp_N_BARS, 0)

float vp_HH = highest(high, vp_lookback)
float vp_LL = lowest(low, vp_lookback)

if barstate.islast and show_vp1

float vp_HL = (vp_HH - vp_LL) / vp_N_BARS
for j = 1 to (vp_N_BARS + 1)
array.set(vp_a_P, (j-1), (vp_LL + vp_HL * j))
for i = 0 to (vp_lookback - 1)
int Dc = 0
array.fill(vp_a_D, 0.0)
for j = 0 to (vp_N_BARS - 1)
float Pj = array.get(vp_a_P, j)
if low[i] < Pj and high[i] > Pj and (vp_delta_type == "Bullish" ?

close[i] >= open[i] : (vp_delta_type == "Bearish" ? close[i] <=

open[i] : true))
float Dj = array.get(vp_a_D, j)
float dDj = Dj + nz(volume[i])
array.set(vp_a_D, j, dDj)
Dc := Dc + 1
for j = 0 to (vp_N_BARS - 1)
float Vj = array.get(vp_a_V, j)
float Dj = array.get(vp_a_D, j)
float dVj = Vj + ((Dc > 0) ? (Dj / Dc) : 0.0)
array.set(vp_a_V, j, dVj)
vp_Vmax := array.max(vp_a_V)
vp_VmaxId := array.indexof(vp_a_V, vp_Vmax)
for j = 0 to (vp_N_BARS - 1)
float Vj = array.get(vp_a_V, j)
int Aj = round(vp_bar_mult * Vj / vp_Vmax)
array.set(vp_a_W, j, Aj)

if barstate.isfirst and show_vp1
vp_first := time
vp_change = change(time)
vp_x_loc = timenow + round(vp_change * vp_bar_offset1)

f_setup_bar(n) =>
x1 = ((vp_VmaxId == n) and vp_poc_show) ? max(time[vp_lookback], vp_first) :
(timenow + round(vp_change * (vp_bar_offset1 - array.get(vp_a_W, n))))
ys = array.get(vp_a_P, n)
line.new(x1 = x1,
y1 = ys,
x2 = vp_x_loc,
y2 = ys,
xloc = xloc.bar_time,
extend = extend.none,
color = (vp_VmaxId == n ? vp_poc_color : vp_bar_color),
style = line.style_solid,
width = vp_bar_width)

if barstate.islast and show_vp1

for i = 0 to (vp_N_BARS - 1) by 1

//// END

/////otro VP by @ LonesomeTheBlue

show_vp2 = input(false, title = "------------Show 2 Volume Proifle------------")

bbars = input(title="Number of Bars", defval = 150, minval = 1, maxval = 500)
cnum = input(title="Row Size", defval = 24, minval = 5, maxval = 100)
percent = input(70., title="Value Area Volume %", minval = 0, maxval = 100)
poc_color1 = input(defval = #ff0000, title = "POC", inline = "poc")
poc_width = input(defval = 2, title = "", minval = 1, maxval = 5, inline = "poc")
vup_color = input(defval = color.new(color.blue, 30), title = "Value Area Up")
vdown_color = input(defval = color.new(color.orange, 30), title = "Value Area
up_color = input(defval = color.new(color.blue, 75), title = "UP Volume")
down_color = input(defval = color.new(color.orange, 75), title = "Down Volume")

top = highest(bbars)
bot = lowest(bbars)
dist = (top - bot) / 500
step = (top - bot) / cnum

// calculate/keep channel levels

levels1 = array.new_float(cnum + 1)
for x = 0 to cnum
array.set(levels1, x, bot + step * x)

// get the volume if there is intersection

get_vol(y11, y12, y21, y22, height, vol)=> nz(max(min(max(y11, y12), max(y21, y22))
- max(min(y11, y12), min(y21, y22)), 0) * vol / height)

if barstate.islast and show_vp2

// calculate/get volume for each channel and candle
volumes = array.new_float(cnum * 2, 0.)
for bars = 0 to bbars - 1
body_top = max(close[bars], open[bars])
body_bot = min(close[bars], open[bars])
itsgreen = close[bars] >= open[bars]

topwick = high[bars] - body_top

bottomwick = body_bot - low[bars]
body = body_top - body_bot

bodyvol = body * volume[bars] / (2 * topwick + 2 * bottomwick + body)

topwickvol = 2 * topwick * volume[bars] / (2 * topwick + 2 * bottomwick +
bottomwickvol = 2 * bottomwick * volume[bars] / (2 * topwick + 2 *
bottomwick + body)
for x = 0 to cnum - 1
array.set(volumes, x, array.get(volumes, x) +
(itsgreen ? get_vol(array.get(levels1, x),
array.get(levels1, x + 1), body_bot, body_top, body, bodyvol) : 0) +
get_vol(array.get(levels1, x), array.get(levels1,
x + 1), body_top, high[bars], topwick, topwickvol) / 2 +
get_vol(array.get(levels1, x), array.get(levels1,
x + 1), body_bot, low[bars], bottomwick, bottomwickvol) / 2)
array.set(volumes, x + cnum, array.get(volumes, x + cnum) +
(itsgreen ? 0 : get_vol(array.get(levels1, x),
array.get(levels1, x + 1), body_bot, body_top, body, bodyvol)) +
get_vol(array.get(levels1, x), array.get(levels1,
x + 1), body_top, high[bars], topwick, topwickvol) / 2 +
get_vol(array.get(levels1, x), array.get(levels1,
x + 1), body_bot, low[bars], bottomwick, bottomwickvol) / 2)

totalvols = array.new_float(cnum, 0.)

for x = 0 to cnum - 1
array.set(totalvols, x, array.get(volumes, x) + array.get(volumes, x +

int poc = array.indexof(totalvols, array.max(totalvols))

// calculate value area

totalmax = array.sum(totalvols) * percent / 100.
va_total = array.get(totalvols, poc)
int up = poc
int down = poc
for x = 0 to cnum - 1
if va_total >= totalmax
uppervol = up < cnum - 1 ? array.get(totalvols, up + 1) : 0.
lowervol = down > 0 ? array.get(totalvols, down - 1) : 0.
if uppervol == 0 and lowervol == 0
if uppervol >= lowervol
va_total += uppervol
up += 1
va_total += lowervol
down -= 1

maxvol = array.max(totalvols)
for x = 0 to cnum * 2 - 1
array.set(volumes, x, array.get(volumes, x) * bbars / (3 * maxvol))

// Draw VP rows
var vol_bars = array.new_box(cnum * 2, na)
for x = 0 to cnum - 1
box.delete(array.get(vol_bars, x))
box.delete(array.get(vol_bars, x + cnum))
array.set(vol_bars, x, box.new(bar_index - bbars + 1, array.get(levels1, x
+ 1) - dist,
bar_index - bbars + 1 +
round(array.get(volumes, x)), array.get(levels1, x) + dist,
border_width = 0,
bgcolor = x >= down and x <= up ?
vup_color : up_color))
array.set(vol_bars, x + cnum, box.new(bar_index - bbars + 1 +
round(array.get(volumes, x)), array.get(levels1, x + 1) - dist,
bar_index - bbars + 1 +
round(array.get(volumes, x)) + round(array.get(volumes, x + cnum)),
array.get(levels1, x) + dist,
border_width = 0,
bgcolor = x >= down and x <= up ?
vdown_color : down_color))

// Draw POC line

var line poc_line = na
poc_line := line.new(bar_index - bbars + 1, (array.get(levels1, poc) +
array.get(levels1, poc + 1)) / 2,
bar_index - bbars + 2, (array.get(levels1, poc) +
array.get(levels1, poc + 1)) / 2,
extend = extend.right,
color = poc_color1,
width = poc_width)

/////Volume prifle By LUX ALGO //Copyright LuxAlgo
///// https://es.tradingview.com/u/LuxAlgo/

show_vp = input(false,title="-------------Show Voume Profile 3--------------")

length = input(300,'Lookback',minval=1,maxval=1000,group='Basic'
,tooltip='Number of most recent bars to use for the calculation of the volume
row = input(200,'Row Size',minval=1,maxval=500,group='Basic'
,tooltip='Determines the number of rows used for the calculation of the volume

vp_bar_offset = input(defval = 100,

title = "Bar Horizontal Offset / Distancia con grafico [0-
type = input.integer,
minval = 0,
maxval = 100)
show_rpoc = false
width = input(20,'Width (% of the box)',minval=1,maxval=100,group='Style'
,tooltip='Determines the length of the bars relative to the Lookback value')

bar_width = input(2,'Bar Width',group='Style'

,tooltip='Width of each bar')

flip = input(true,'Flip Histogram',group='Style'

,tooltip='Flip the histogram, when enabled, the histogram base will be located at
the most recent candle')
grad = input(true,'Gradient',group='Style'
,tooltip='Allows to color the volume profile bars with a gradient, with a color
intensity determined by the length of each bar')

solid = input(#2157f3,'Rows Solid Color',group='Style'

,tooltip='Color of each bar when "Gradient" is disabled')

poc_color = input(#ff5d00,'POC Solid Color',group='Style'

,tooltip='Color of the POC when "Gradient" is disabled')

var vol_css = array.new_color(na)
var a = array.new_line()
var b = array.new_line()

if barstate.isfirst and show_vp

array.push(vol_css,#1E152A), array.push(vol_css,#1E162B),
array.push(vol_css,#1F182C), array.push(vol_css,#1F192E),
array.push(vol_css,#201B2F), array.push(vol_css,#211C31),
array.push(vol_css,#211E32), array.push(vol_css,#222034),
array.push(vol_css,#222135), array.push(vol_css,#232337),
array.push(vol_css,#242438), array.push(vol_css,#24263A),
array.push(vol_css,#25273B), array.push(vol_css,#25293D),
array.push(vol_css,#262B3E), array.push(vol_css,#272C3F),
array.push(vol_css,#272E41), array.push(vol_css,#282F42),
array.push(vol_css,#283144), array.push(vol_css,#293245),
array.push(vol_css,#2A3447), array.push(vol_css,#2A3648),
array.push(vol_css,#2B374A), array.push(vol_css,#2B394B),
array.push(vol_css,#2C3A4D), array.push(vol_css,#2D3C4E),
array.push(vol_css,#2D3D50), array.push(vol_css,#2E3F51),
array.push(vol_css,#2E4153), array.push(vol_css,#2F4254),
array.push(vol_css,#304455), array.push(vol_css,#304557),
array.push(vol_css,#314758), array.push(vol_css,#32495A),
array.push(vol_css,#324A5B), array.push(vol_css,#334C5D),
array.push(vol_css,#334D5E), array.push(vol_css,#344F60),
array.push(vol_css,#355061), array.push(vol_css,#355263),
array.push(vol_css,#365464), array.push(vol_css,#365566),
array.push(vol_css,#375767), array.push(vol_css,#385868),
array.push(vol_css,#385A6A), array.push(vol_css,#395B6B),
array.push(vol_css,#395D6D), array.push(vol_css,#3A5F6E),
array.push(vol_css,#3B6070), array.push(vol_css,#3B6271),
array.push(vol_css,#3C6373), array.push(vol_css,#3C6574),
array.push(vol_css,#3D6676), array.push(vol_css,#3E6877),
array.push(vol_css,#3E6A79), array.push(vol_css,#3F6B7A),
array.push(vol_css,#3F6D7C), array.push(vol_css,#406E7D),
array.push(vol_css,#41707E), array.push(vol_css,#417180),
array.push(vol_css,#427381), array.push(vol_css,#427583),
array.push(vol_css,#437684), array.push(vol_css,#447886),
array.push(vol_css,#447987), array.push(vol_css,#457B89),
array.push(vol_css,#467D8A), array.push(vol_css,#467E8C),
array.push(vol_css,#47808D), array.push(vol_css,#47818F),
array.push(vol_css,#488390), array.push(vol_css,#498491),
array.push(vol_css,#498693), array.push(vol_css,#4A8894),
array.push(vol_css,#4A8996), array.push(vol_css,#4B8B97),
array.push(vol_css,#4C8C99), array.push(vol_css,#4C8E9A),
array.push(vol_css,#4D8F9C), array.push(vol_css,#4D919D),
array.push(vol_css,#4E939F), array.push(vol_css,#4F94A0),
array.push(vol_css,#4F96A2), array.push(vol_css,#5097A3),
array.push(vol_css,#5099A5), array.push(vol_css,#519AA6),
array.push(vol_css,#529CA7), array.push(vol_css,#529EA9),
array.push(vol_css,#539FAA), array.push(vol_css,#53A1AC),
array.push(vol_css,#54A2AD), array.push(vol_css,#55A4AF),
array.push(vol_css,#55A5B0), array.push(vol_css,#56A7B2),
array.push(vol_css,#56A9B3), array.push(vol_css,#57AAB5),
array.push(vol_css,#58ACB6), array.push(vol_css,#58ADB8),
array.push(vol_css,#59AFB9), array.push(vol_css,#5AB1BB)
for i = 0 to row-1
n = bar_index + vp_bar_offset
src = close
v = volume
var Alvl = 0.
var Blvl = 0.
var current_num_conf = 0
var current_num_cont = 0
highest = highest(length)
lowest = lowest(length)
line l = na
line poc = na
levels = array.new_float(0)
sumv = array.new_float(0)
condition = show_rpoc ? true : barstate.islast
if condition and show_vp
for i = 0 to row
array.push(levels,lowest + i/row*(highest-lowest))
for j = 0 to row-1
sum = 0.
for k = 0 to length-1
sum := high[k] > array.get(levels,j) and low[k] < array.get(levels,j+1)
sum + v[k] : sum
for j = 0 to row-1
mult = array.get(sumv,j)/array.max(sumv)
l := array.get(a,j)
get = array.get(levels,j)
if flip

line.set_color(l,grad ? array.get(vol_css,round(mult*99)) : solid)
if mult == 1
poc := array.get(b,0)
avg = avg(get,array.get(levels,j+1))
if flip
line.set_color(poc,grad ? #5AB1BB : poc_color)
if show_rpoc and show_vp
Alvl := array.get(levels,array.indexof(sumv,array.max(sumv)))
Blvl := array.get(levels,array.indexof(sumv,array.max(sumv))+1)
plot(show_rpoc and show_vp ? avg(Alvl,Blvl) : na,'Rolling POC',color=#ff1100)

// - All your common Pivot types in one nifty bundle.
// � Have up to three pivot sets.
// � Each pivot set has it's own resolution option.
// � Whatever flavour suits your tastes - each pivot set can be of a
// different type if you truly wish.
// ====== SOURCES and CREDITS
// - All included pivot calcs were sourced from:
// � https://www.tradingview.com/support/solutions/43000521824-pivot-points-
// � Using the new 'time_close()' function, so thankyou Pine dev's <3
// - To practice making scalable code for working with similar datasets.
// � all the reasons
// ====== DISCLAIMER
// Any trade decisions you make are entirely your own responsibility.
// I've made an effort to squash all the bugs, but you never know!

// //
// ====== OPTION LIST VARS ====== //
// //
// * Setting up option list variables outside of the actual input can //
// make them much easier to work with if any comparison checks are //
// required, and can help keep subsequent code clean and readable. //
// //

// -- verbose resolution options.

i_res0 = "1 Hour", i_res1 = "2 Hour", i_res2 = "3 Hour"
i_res3 = "4 Hour", i_res4 = "6 Hour", i_res5 = "12 Hour"
i_res6 = "1 Day", i_res7 = "5 Day", i_res8 = "1 Week"
i_res9 = "1 Month", i_res10 = "3 Month", i_res11 = "6 Month"
i_res12 = "1 Year"

// -- pivot options
i_piv0 = "Traditional", i_piv1 = "Fibonacci"
i_piv2 = "Woodie", i_piv3 = "Classic"
i_piv4 = "Demark", i_piv5 = "Camarilla"
i_piv6 = "Fibonacci Extended"

// -- line style options.

i_line0 = "Solid", i_line1 = "Dotted", i_line2 = "Dashed"

// //
// ====== VAR and ARRAY PRESET ====== //
// //

// -- Preset INT for maximum amount of S|R levels for any single pivot type.
// NOTE - this variable should only be changed if:
// � you extend a pivot to have more than 5 levels of S|R
// � you add a new pivot type wiith more than 5 levels of S|R
var int i_maxLevels = 5

// -- Preset INT for max length of pivot arrays [PP + S max + R max]
// * NOTE: should not be changed.
var int i_maxLength = 1 + ( i_maxLevels * 2 )

// -- Initiate arrays to contain INT variables used in drawing function

// settings, we fill these at the end of the INPUTS section.
var int[] i_settingsA = array.new_int(3, 0)
//var int[] i_settingsB = array.new_int(3, 0)
//var int[] i_settingsC = array.new_int(3, 0)

// //
// ====== INPUTS ====== //
// //
// * Using the new 'inline' feature * //
// //

// -- Pivots A Main Settings

INP_resolutionA = input( i_res6, " ", inline = "line1",

group = "Pivot Set A Settings",
options = [ i_res0, i_res1, i_res2, i_res3, i_res4, i_res5,
i_res6, i_res7, i_res8, i_res9, i_res10, i_res11, i_res12
INP_showPivotsA = input( false, " Show Pivots Set A", inline = "line1",
group = "Pivot Set A Settings",
type = input.bool
INP_supportsA = input( 2, " ", inline = "line2",
group = "Pivot Set A Settings",
type = input.integer, minval = 0, maxval = i_maxLevels
INP_flavourA = input( i_piv1, "S# ", inline = "line2",
group = "Pivot Set A Settings",
options = [ i_piv0, i_piv1, i_piv2, i_piv3, i_piv4, i_piv5, i_piv6
INP_resistsA = input( 2, " R#", inline = "line2",
group = "Pivot Set A Settings",
type = input.integer, minval = 0, maxval = i_maxLevels

// -- Pivots B Main Settings

//INP_resolutionB = input( i_res8, " ", inline = "line3",

group = "Pivot Set B Settings",
// options = [ i_res0, i_res1, i_res2, i_res3, i_res4, i_res5,
// i_res6, i_res7, i_res8, i_res9, i_res10, i_res11, i_res12
// ])
//INP_showPivotsB = input( false, " Show Pivots Set B", inline = "line3",
group = "Pivot Set B Settings",
// type = input.bool
// )
//INP_supportsB = input( 2, " ", inline = "line4",
group = "Pivot Set B Settings",
// type = input.integer, minval = 0, maxval = i_maxLevels
// )
//INP_flavourB = input( i_piv1, "S# ", inline = "line4",
group = "Pivot Set B Settings",
// options = [ i_piv0, i_piv1, i_piv2, i_piv3, i_piv4, i_piv5, i_piv6
// ])
//INP_resistsB = input( 2, " R#", inline = "line4",
group = "Pivot Set B Settings",
// type = input.integer, minval = 0, maxval = i_maxLevels
// )

// -- Pivots C Main Settings

//INP_resolutionC = input( i_res9, " ", inline = "line5",

group = "Pivot Set C Settings",
// options = [ i_res0, i_res1, i_res2, i_res3, i_res4, i_res5,
// i_res6, i_res7, i_res8, i_res9, i_res10, i_res11, i_res12
// ])
//INP_showPivotsC = input( false, " Show Pivots Set C", inline = "line5",
group = "Pivot Set C Settings",
// type = input.bool
// )
//INP_supportsC = input( 2, " ", inline = "line6",
group = "Pivot Set C Settings",
// type = input.integer, minval = 0, maxval = i_maxLevels
// )
//INP_flavourC = input( i_piv1, "S# ", inline = "line6",
group = "Pivot Set C Settings",
//// options = [ i_piv0, i_piv1, i_piv2, i_piv3, i_piv4, i_piv5, i_piv6
// ])
//INP_resistsC = input( 2, " R#", inline = "line6",
group = "Pivot Set C Settings",
// type = input.integer, minval = 0, maxval = i_maxLevels
// )

// -- price labels

INP_showPrice = input( false, " ", inline = "line7",

group = "Price Labels",
type = input.bool
INP_priceColour = input( color.gray, " Text Colour", inline = "line7",
group = "Price Labels",
type = input.color

// -- styling options

INP_supportStyle = input(i_line0, " ", inline = "line8",

group = "Styling Options",
options = [ i_line0, i_line1, i_line2
INP_supportColour = input( color.green, " S Levels", inline = "line8",
group = "Styling Options",
type = input.color

INP_pivotStyle = input(i_line0, " ", inline = "line9",

group = "Styling Options",
options = [ i_line0, i_line1, i_line2
INP_pivotColour = input( color.silver, " P Levels", inline = "line9",
group = "Styling Options",
type = input.color

INP_resistStyle = input(i_line0, " ", inline = "line10",

group = "Styling Options",
options = [ i_line0, i_line1, i_line2
INP_resistColour = input( color.red, " R Levels", inline = "line10",
group = "Styling Options",
type = input.color

// -- drawing settings for selection A

array.set(i_settingsA, 0, INP_showPivotsA ? 1 : 0)
array.set(i_settingsA, 1, INP_supportsA)
array.set(i_settingsA, 2, INP_resistsA)
// -- drawing settings for selection B
//array.set(i_settingsB, 0, INP_showPivotsB ? 1 : 0)
//array.set(i_settingsB, 1, INP_supportsB)
//array.set(i_settingsB, 2, INP_resistsB)
// -- drawing settings for selection C
//array.set(i_settingsC, 0, INP_showPivotsC ? 1 : 0)
//array.set(i_settingsC, 1, INP_supportsC)
//array.set(i_settingsC, 2, INP_resistsC)

// //
// ====== FUNCTIONS ====== //
// //

f_getResolution( _inputResolution ) =>

// string _inputResolution : user selected resolution input
// () Description:
// - Resolver for custom resolution input selection, converts input to
// compatible return string for security, output is also used for less
// verbose label text options.
// Dependencies:
// - i_res1, i_res2, i_res3, i_res4, i_res5, i_res6
// - i_res7, i_res8, i_res9, i_res10, i_res11, i_res12
// Notes:
// - i_res0 excluded as it's a token placeholder for default "60".

string _r = _inputResolution // a more ternary challenge friendly var

string _default = "60" // if i_res0 was input, or failure.

// compare input to determine proper string return for security calls.

_return = _r == i_res1 ? "120" : _r == i_res2 ? "180" : _r == i_res3 ? "240"
_r == i_res4 ? "360" : _r == i_res5 ? "720" : _r == i_res6 ? "1D"
_r == i_res7 ? "5D" : _r == i_res8 ? "1W" : _r == i_res9 ? "1M"
_r == i_res10 ? "3M" : _r == i_res11 ? "6M" : _r == i_res12 ? "12M"
: _default

f_getLineStyle( _inputStyle ) =>

// string _inputStyle : user selected style input
// () resolver for custom line style input selection, returns a usable
// line style type.
// Dependencies:
// - i_line1, i_line2
// Notes:
// * i_line0 omitted as we default to 'line.style_solid' anyway

// compare input to determine proper line style to return.

_return = _inputStyle == i_line1 ? line.style_dotted :
_inputStyle == i_line2 ? line.style_dashed : line.style_solid

// -- helper function for checking if a value is inside a min-max range

f_isInsideRange(_val, _min, _max) => _val >= _min and _val <= _max

f_getPivotTraditional( _prevHigh, _prevLow, _prevClose ) =>

// float _prevHigh | _prevLow | _prevClose : HTF security OHLC values
// () calculates a pivot set and assigns to proper array indexes for return.
// Notes:
// - f_renderPivotArray() expects float data in the following sequence..
// Pivot : [ 0 ]
// Supports : [ 1 to i_maxLevels ]
// Resists : [ ( i_maxLevels + 1 ) to i_maxLength ]

// init empty array with predefined length of i_maxLength

var float[] _array = array.new_float( i_maxLength, na )

// pivot level, array index [0]

_pivot = ( _prevHigh + _prevLow + _prevClose ) / 3
array.set( _array, 0, _pivot )

// support levels, array indexes [1] through [i_maxLevels]

array.set( _array, 1, _pivot * 2 - _prevHigh )
array.set( _array, 2, _pivot - ( _prevHigh - _prevLow ) )
array.set( _array, 3, _pivot * 2 - ( 2 * _prevHigh - _prevLow ) )
array.set( _array, 4, _pivot * 3 - ( 3 * _prevHigh - _prevLow ) )
array.set( _array, 5, _pivot * 4 - ( 4 * _prevHigh - _prevLow ) )

// resistance levels, array indexes [i_maxLevels + 1] through [i_maxLength]

array.set( _array, 1 + i_maxLevels, _pivot * 2 - _prevLow )
array.set( _array, 2 + i_maxLevels, _pivot + ( _prevHigh - _prevLow ) )
array.set( _array, 3 + i_maxLevels, _pivot * 2 + ( _prevHigh - 2 * _prevLow ) )
array.set( _array, 4 + i_maxLevels, _pivot * 3 + ( _prevHigh - 3 * _prevLow ) )
array.set( _array, 5 + i_maxLevels, _pivot * 4 + ( _prevHigh - 4 * _prevLow ) )

_return = _array

f_getPivotFibonacci( _prevHigh, _prevLow, _prevClose ) =>

// float _prevHigh | _prevLow | _prevClose : HTF security OHLC values
// () calculates a pivot set and assigns to proper array indexes for return.
// Notes:
// - f_renderPivotArray() expects float data in the following sequence..
// Pivot : [ 0 ]
// Supports : [ 1 to i_maxLevels ]
// Resists : [ ( i_maxLevels + 1 ) to i_maxLength ]

// init empty array with predefined length of i_maxLength

var float[] _array = array.new_float( i_maxLength, na )

// pivot level, array index [0]

_pivot = ( _prevHigh + _prevLow + _prevClose ) / 3
array.set( _array, 0, _pivot )

// support levels, array indexes [1] through [i_maxLevels]

array.set( _array, 1, _pivot - 0.382 * ( _prevHigh - _prevLow ) )
array.set( _array, 2, _pivot - 0.618 * ( _prevHigh - _prevLow ) )
array.set( _array, 3, _pivot - ( _prevHigh - _prevLow ) )

// resistance levels, array indexes [i_maxLevels + 1] through [i_maxLength]

array.set( _array, 1 + i_maxLevels, _pivot + 0.382 * ( _prevHigh - _prevLow ) )
array.set( _array, 2 + i_maxLevels, _pivot + 0.618 * ( _prevHigh - _prevLow ) )
array.set( _array, 3 + i_maxLevels, _pivot + ( _prevHigh - _prevLow ) )
_return = _array

f_getPivotWoodie( _prevHigh, _prevLow, _currentOpen ) =>

// float _prevHigh | _prevLow | _currentOpen : HTF security OHLC values
// () calculates a pivot set and assigns to proper array indexes for return.
// Notes:
// - f_renderPivotArray() expects float data in the following sequence..
// Pivot : [ 0 ]
// Supports : [ 1 to i_maxLevels ]
// Resists : [ ( i_maxLevels + 1 ) to i_maxLength ]

// init empty array with predefined length of i_maxLength

var float[] _array = array.new_float( i_maxLength, na )

// pivot level, array index [0]

_pivot = ( _prevHigh + _prevLow + 2 * _currentOpen ) / 4
array.set( _array, 0, _pivot )

// support levels, array indexes [1] through [i_maxLevels]

array.set( _array, 1, 2 * _pivot - _prevHigh )
array.set( _array, 2, _pivot - ( _prevHigh - _prevLow ) )
array.set( _array, 3, _prevLow - 2 * ( _prevHigh - _pivot ) )
array.set( _array, 4, array.get( _array, 3 ) - ( _prevHigh - _prevLow ) )

// resistance levels, array indexes [i_maxLevels + 1] through [i_maxLength]

array.set( _array, 1 + i_maxLevels, 2 * _pivot - _prevLow )
array.set( _array, 2 + i_maxLevels, _pivot + ( _prevHigh - _prevLow ) )
array.set( _array, 3 + i_maxLevels, _prevHigh + 2 * ( _pivot - _prevLow ) )
array.set( _array, 4 + i_maxLevels, array.get( _array, 3 + i_maxLevels ) +
( _prevHigh - _prevLow ) )

_return = _array

f_getPivotClassic( _prevHigh, _prevLow, _prevClose ) =>

// float _prevHigh | _prevLow | _prevClose : HTF security OHLC values
// () calculates a pivot set and assigns to proper array indexes for return.
// Notes:
// - f_renderPivotArray() expects float data in the following sequence..
// Pivot : [ 0 ]
// Supports : [ 1 to i_maxLevels ]
// Resists : [ ( i_maxLevels + 1 ) to i_maxLength ]

// init empty array with predefined length of i_maxLength

var float[] _array = array.new_float( i_maxLength, na )

// pivot level, array index [0]

_pivot = ( _prevHigh + _prevLow + _prevClose ) / 3
array.set( _array, 0, _pivot )

// support levels, array indexes [1] through [i_maxLevels]

array.set( _array, 1, 2 * _pivot - _prevHigh )
array.set( _array, 2, _pivot - ( _prevHigh - _prevLow ) )
array.set( _array, 3, _pivot - 2 * ( _prevHigh - _prevLow ) )
array.set( _array, 4, _pivot - 3 * ( _prevHigh - _prevLow ) )

// resistance levels, array indexes [i_maxLevels + 1] through [i_maxLength]

array.set( _array, 1 + i_maxLevels, 2 * _pivot - _prevLow )
array.set( _array, 2 + i_maxLevels, _pivot + ( _prevHigh - _prevLow ) )
array.set( _array, 3 + i_maxLevels, _pivot + 2 * ( _prevHigh - _prevLow ) )
array.set( _array, 4 + i_maxLevels, _pivot + 3 * ( _prevHigh - _prevLow ) )

_return = _array

f_getPivotDemark( _prevOpen, _prevHigh, _prevLow, _prevClose ) =>

// float _prevOpen | _prevHigh
// _prevLow | _prevClose : HTF security OHLC values
// () calculates a pivot set and assigns to proper array indexes for return.
// Notes:
// - f_renderPivotArray() expects float data in the following sequence..
// Pivot : [ 0 ]
// Supports : [ 1 to i_maxLevels ]
// Resists : [ ( i_maxLevels + 1 ) to i_maxLength ]

// init empty array with predefined length of i_maxLength

var float[] _array = array.new_float( i_maxLength, na )

// demark basis calc

var float _basis = na
if _prevOpen == _prevClose
_basis := _prevHigh + _prevLow + ( 2 * _prevClose )
else if _prevClose > _prevOpen
_basis := ( 2 * _prevHigh ) + _prevLow + _prevClose
_basis := _prevHigh + ( 2 * _prevLow ) + _prevClose

// pivot level, array index [0]

_pivot = _basis / 4
array.set( _array, 0, _pivot )

// support levels, array indexes [1] through [i_maxLevels]

array.set( _array, 1, _basis / 2 - _prevHigh )

// resistance levels, array indexes [i_maxLevels + 1] through [i_maxLength]

array.set( _array, 1 + i_maxLevels, _basis / 2 - _prevLow )

_return = _array

f_getPivotCamarilla( _prevHigh, _prevLow, _prevClose ) =>

// float _open | _high | _low | _close : HTF security OHLC values
// () calculates a pivot set and assigns to proper array indexes for return.
// Notes:
// - f_renderPivotArray() expects float data in the following sequence..
// Pivot : [ 0 ]
// Supports : [ 1 to i_maxLevels ]
// Resists : [ ( i_maxLevels + 1 ) to i_maxLength ]

// init empty array with predefined length of i_maxLength

var float[] _array = array.new_float( i_maxLength, na )

// pivot level, array index [0]

_pivot = ( _prevHigh + _prevLow + _prevClose ) / 3
array.set( _array, 0, _pivot)

// support levels, array indexes [1] through [i_maxLevels]

array.set( _array, 1, _prevClose - 1.1 * ( _prevHigh - _prevLow ) / 12 )
array.set( _array, 2, _prevClose - 1.1 * ( _prevHigh - _prevLow ) / 6 )
array.set( _array, 3, _prevClose - 1.1 * ( _prevHigh - _prevLow ) / 4 )
array.set( _array, 4, _prevClose - 1.1 * ( _prevHigh - _prevLow ) / 2 )

// resistance levels, array indexes [i_maxLevels + 1] through [i_maxLength]

array.set( _array, 1 + i_maxLevels, _prevClose + 1.1 * ( _prevHigh - _prevLow )
/ 12 )
array.set( _array, 2 + i_maxLevels, _prevClose + 1.1 * ( _prevHigh - _prevLow )
/ 6 )
array.set( _array, 3 + i_maxLevels, _prevClose + 1.1 * ( _prevHigh - _prevLow )
/ 4 )
array.set( _array, 4 + i_maxLevels, _prevClose + 1.1 * ( _prevHigh - _prevLow )
/ 2 )

_return = _array

f_getPivotFibonacciExt( _prevHigh, _prevLow, _prevClose ) =>

// float _open | _high | _low | _close : HTF security OHLC values
// () calculates a pivot set and assigns to proper array indexes for return.
// Notes:
// - f_renderPivotArray() expects float data in the following sequence..
// Pivot : [ 0 ]
// Supports : [ 1 to i_maxLevels ]
// Resists : [ ( i_maxLevels + 1 ) to i_maxLength ]

// init empty array with predefined length of i_maxLength

var float[] _array = array.new_float( i_maxLength, na )

// pivot level, array index [0]

_pivot = ( _prevHigh + _prevLow + _prevClose ) / 3
array.set( _array, 0, _pivot )

// support levels, array indexes [1] through [i_maxLevels]

array.set( _array, 1, _pivot - 0.236 * ( _prevHigh - _prevLow ) )
array.set( _array, 2, _pivot - 0.382 * ( _prevHigh - _prevLow ) )
array.set( _array, 3, _pivot - 0.618 * ( _prevHigh - _prevLow ) )
array.set( _array, 4, _pivot - 0.786 * ( _prevHigh - _prevLow ) )
array.set( _array, 5, _pivot - ( _prevHigh - _prevLow ) )

// resistance levels, array indexes [i_maxLevels + 1] through [i_maxLength]

array.set( _array, 1 + i_maxLevels, _pivot + 0.236 * ( _prevHigh - _prevLow ) )
array.set( _array, 2 + i_maxLevels, _pivot + 0.382 * ( _prevHigh - _prevLow ) )
array.set( _array, 3 + i_maxLevels, _pivot + 0.618 * ( _prevHigh - _prevLow ) )
array.set( _array, 4 + i_maxLevels, _pivot + 0.786 * ( _prevHigh - _prevLow ) )
array.set( _array, 5 + i_maxLevels, _pivot + ( _prevHigh - _prevLow ) )

_return = _array

f_getPivotSet( _flavour, _resolution ) =>

// string _flavour : user input pivot type selection
// string _resolution : user input resolution selection
// () gets OHLC values from selected resolution, and returns requested
// pivot calculation array.

// previous OHLC series for selected resolution

[ _prevOpen,
_prevClose ] = security( syminfo.tickerid, _resolution, [ open[1], high[1],
low[1], close[1] ], lookahead = true )

var float _currOpen = na

if change( time( _resolution ) ) != 0
_currOpen := open

// float array to contain S|R levels for return.

var float[] _pivotSet = array.new_float(i_maxLength, na)

_pivotSet := _flavour == i_piv0 ? f_getPivotTraditional( _prevHigh, _prevLow,

_prevClose ) :
_flavour == i_piv1 ? f_getPivotFibonacci( _prevHigh, _prevLow,
_prevClose ) :
_flavour == i_piv2 ? f_getPivotWoodie( _prevHigh, _prevLow,
_currOpen ) :
_flavour == i_piv3 ? f_getPivotClassic( _prevHigh, _prevLow,
_prevClose ) :
_flavour == i_piv4 ? f_getPivotDemark( _prevOpen, _prevHigh,
_prevLow, _prevClose ) :
_flavour == i_piv5 ? f_getPivotCamarilla( _prevHigh, _prevLow,
_prevClose ) : f_getPivotFibonacciExt( _prevHigh, _prevLow, _prevClose )

_pivotSet // return the float array

f_renderPivotArray( _resolution, _settings, _floats, _lines, _labels ) =>

// string _resolution : user selected resolution input
// int[] _settings : pivot specific input settings
// float[] _floats : pivot float array
// line[] _lines : line array to hold rendered lines
// label[] _labels : label array to hold rendered labels
// () Description:
// - Designed for scalability and plug-n-play functionality if any new
// pivot type is added, or extended.
// - If a f_pivotType() function properly assigns it's float values in the
// following format/order, it should be able to to render them with no
// hassle at all.
// Pivot : [ 0 ]
// Supports : [ 1 to i_maxLevels ]
// Resists : [ ( i_maxLevels + 1 ) to i_maxLength ]

// set up a few common vars for drawing using 'time' placement

_xloc = xloc.bar_time
_x1 = valuewhen( change( time( _resolution ) ), time, 0 ) // time
_x2 = time_close( _resolution ) // new! Thanks pine team <3

// set up some temp vars for creating our lines and labels
var line _line = na
var label _labelLeft = na
var label _labelRight = na
var label _labelPrice = na

// init some readable settings variables to hold _settings data

var bool _showPivot = false
var int _maxSupports = i_maxLevels
var int _maxResists = i_maxLevels
// hand off the settings array to the vars
_showPivot := array.get( _settings, 0 ) > 0 ? true : false
_maxSupports := array.get( _settings, 1 )
_maxResists := array.get( _settings, 2 )

// if we want to show the particular pivot set

// * the change() check was causing issues on extended hours intraday charts
// so i have removed it for now. I will look into other options for the
// next proper update.
if _showPivot // change( time( _resolution ) ) != 0 and _showPivot

// clean up old lines and labels before drawing our new set
for i = 1 to array.size( _lines ) // loop and delete 1 by 1
line.delete( array.get( _lines, i - 1 ) )

// the label array is dynamic length, so we..

if array.size( _labels ) > 0 // ..check to see if it has content..
for i = 1 to array.size( _labels ) // ..then loop it into the trash
label.delete( array.shift( _labels ) )

// check for properly populated float array

if array.size( _floats ) > 0 and not na( array.get( _floats, 0 ) )

// now loop through the floats

for i = 1 to array.size( _floats )

// don't want to bother with [i - 1] throughout the entire loop

_index = i - 1 // so set up a var

// if we have a valid float at the current loop index

if not na( array.get( _floats, _index ) )

// common variables used in all conditions

_activePrice = array.get( _floats, _index )
_priceString = "� " + tostring( _activePrice, "#.#####" )


// support index range : [ from 1 to i_maxLevels ]
if f_isInsideRange( _index, 1, i_maxLevels )

// only draw levels : [ from 1 to _maxSupports ]

if f_isInsideRange( _index, 1, _maxSupports )

// dynamic line width based on index value

int _width = _index > 3 ? _index - 2 : _index
// use index to set level numbers on labels
string _level = tostring( _index )

_line := line.new( _x1, _activePrice, _x2,

_activePrice, _xloc, extend.none,
style =
f_getLineStyle( INP_supportStyle ),
color = INP_supportColour,
width = _width )

_labelLeft := label.new( _x1, _activePrice, "S" +

_level + "\n", _xloc,
style =
color = #00000000,
textcolor = INP_supportColour

_labelRight := label.new( _x2, _activePrice, "S" +

_level + "\n", _xloc,
style =
color = #00000000,
textcolor = INP_supportColour

_labelPrice := INP_showPrice ? label.new( _x2,

_activePrice, _priceString, _xloc,
style =
color = #00000000,
textcolor = INP_priceColour )
: na


// resistance index range : [ from (1 + i_maxLevels) to (2 *
i_maxLevels) ]
else if f_isInsideRange( _index, 1 + i_maxLevels, 2 *
i_maxLevels )

// only draw levels : [ from (1 + i_maxLevels) to

(_maxResists + i_maxLevels) ]
if f_isInsideRange( _index, 1 + i_maxLevels, _maxResists +
i_maxLevels )

// adjusted _index value to attain 1/2/3 sequence for

string operation
int _adjust = _index - i_maxLevels
// dynamic line width based on adjusted _index value
int _width = _adjust > 3 ? _adjust - 2 : _adjust
// use adjusted index value to set proper level numbers
on labels
string _level = tostring( _adjust )

_line := line.new( _x1, _activePrice, _x2,

_activePrice, _xloc, extend.none,
style =
f_getLineStyle( INP_resistStyle ),
color = INP_resistColour,
width = _width )

_labelLeft := label.new( _x1, _activePrice, "R" +

_level + "\n", _xloc,
style =
color = #00000000,
textcolor =
INP_resistColour )

_labelRight := label.new( _x2, _activePrice, "R" +

_level + "\n", _xloc,
style =
color = #00000000,
textcolor =
INP_resistColour )

_labelPrice := INP_showPrice ? label.new( _x2,

_activePrice, _priceString, _xloc,
style =
color = #00000000,
textcolor = INP_priceColour )
: na

else // PIVOT - No identification needed, always using index 0

_line := line.new( _x1, _activePrice, _x2, _activePrice,

_xloc, extend.none,
style =
f_getLineStyle( INP_pivotStyle ),
color = INP_pivotColour,
width = 3 )

_labelLeft := label.new( _x1, _activePrice, "PP\n", _xloc,

style = label.style_label_left,
color = #00000000,
textcolor = INP_pivotColour )

_labelRight := label.new( _x2, _activePrice, "PP\n",

style = label.style_label_right,
color = #00000000,
textcolor = INP_pivotColour )

_labelPrice := INP_showPrice ? label.new( _x2,

_activePrice, _priceString, _xloc,
style = label.style_label_left,
color = #00000000,
textcolor = INP_priceColour ) :

// set our line to it's respective array index

array.set( _lines, _index, _line )

// push labels into array, order doesn't matter.

if not na(_labelLeft)
array.push( _labels, _labelLeft )
if not na(_labelRight)
array.push( _labels, _labelRight )
if not na(_labelPrice)
array.push( _labels, _labelPrice )

// //
// ====== SERIES, LINES and LABELS ====== //
// //
// -- selected resolutions
string _resolutionA = f_getResolution( INP_resolutionA )
//string _resolutionB = f_getResolution( INP_resolutionB )
//string _resolutionC = f_getResolution( INP_resolutionC )

// -- pivot series price data sets

float[] _pivotFloatsA = f_getPivotSet( INP_flavourA, _resolutionA )
//float[] _pivotFloatsB = f_getPivotSet( INP_flavourB, _resolutionB )
//float[] _pivotFloatsC = f_getPivotSet( INP_flavourC, _resolutionC )

// -- pivot lines array A, and companion labels array

var line[] _pivotLinesA = array.new_line( i_maxLength, na )
var label[] _pivotLabelsA = array.new_label()

// -- pivot lines array B, and companion labels array

//var line[] _pivotLinesB = array.new_line( i_maxLength, na )
//var label[] _pivotLabelsB = array.new_label()

// -- pivot lines array C, and companion labels array

//var line[] _pivotLinesC = array.new_line( i_maxLength, na )
//var label[] _pivotLabelsC = array.new_label()

// //
// ====== DRAWING and PLOTTING ====== //
// //

// -- feed in our settings and data to the render function for set A
f_renderPivotArray( _resolutionA, i_settingsA, _pivotFloatsA, _pivotLinesA,
_pivotLabelsA )

//The volume profile code is by @LuxAlgo all the contributions for him, i just
added Tradinglatino strategy and other indicators
// i got the ma calclation and function from @OskarGallard
// � Lupown
//// STUDY
study(title = "Multiple indicators + TL Alerts [LUPOWN]", shorttitle=
"Multiple Indicators [LPWN]", overlay =
true,max_bars_back=1000,max_lines_count=500,max_boxes_count = 200)

show_Emas = input(true, title="--------- Show EMAS ---------")

MA1 = input(10, minval=1, title="MA1",inline="ma1")

string type1 = input('EMA', title='Type MA1', options=["SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "LSMA",
"ALMA", "HMA", "KAMA", "RMA", "DEMA", "TEMA", "VWMA", "SWMA", "Wild"],inline="ma1")
MA2 = input(55, minval=1, title="MA2",inline="ma2")
string type2 = input('EMA', title='Type MA2', options=["SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "LSMA",
"ALMA", "HMA", "KAMA", "RMA", "DEMA", "TEMA", "VWMA", "SWMA", "Wild"],inline="ma2")
MA3 = input(100, minval=1, title="MA3",inline="ma3")
string type3 = input('EMA', title='Type MA3', options=["SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "LSMA",
"ALMA", "HMA", "KAMA", "RMA", "DEMA", "TEMA", "VWMA", "SWMA", "Wild"],inline="ma3")
MA4 = input(200, minval=1, title="MA4",inline="ma4")
string type4 = input('EMA', title='Type MA4', options=["SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "LSMA",
"ALMA", "HMA", "KAMA", "RMA", "DEMA", "TEMA", "VWMA", "SWMA", "Wild"],inline="ma4")

// Kaufman's Adaptive Moving Average - Fast and Slow Ends

fastK = 0.666 // KAMA Fast End
slowK = 0.645 // KAMA Slow End
kama(x, t)=>
dist = abs(x[0] - x[1])
signal = abs(x - x[t])
noise = sum(dist, t)
effr = noise!=0 ? signal/noise : 1
sc = pow(effr*(fastK - slowK) + slowK,2)
kama = x
kama := nz(kama[1]) + sc*(x - nz(kama[1]))

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