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School Alfredo D.

Bersamina National High School Grade Level 11

GRADE 7 Teacher LHEA B. DOLUSAN Quarter 1
Daily Lesson Log Position Teacher II Week 6
A. Content Uses principles of effective speech delivery focusing on facial expressions, gestures, and movements
B. Performance The learner realizes the rigors of crafting one’s speech.
C. MELCS Using Principles of Effective Speech Delivery Focusing on Facial Expressions, Gestures and Movements
Specific Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Identify the proper Nonverbal signals used in a certain situation.

2. Use appropriate gestures in delivering a message/scene.
3. Demonstrate familiarity of nonverbal communication by answering related activities correctly.

II. CONTENT Using Principles of Effective Speech Delivery Focusing on Facial Expressions, Gestures and Movements
A. Reference
1. Teacher’s Module in Oral Communication in Context 11 Quarter 2- Week 6
2. Learner’s Meta cards, Sample Texts, Manila Paper, Markers, Power point Presentation,
B. Other Oral Communication in Context Textbook by Philippe John Fresnillo Sipacio and Anne Richie Garcia Balgos
A. Reviewing
previous Motivation: Charade!
lesson or The students will be divided into two groups. Each group will have a player and each player will act out words or phrases without
presenting the speaking. One player will pick a word or phrase and acts it out while the others try to guess what it is. Each team will be given 15
new lesson seconds to guess the action. The player cannot use words or sounds but can use gestures, facial expression, and body movements
to convey the meaning.
The teacher will present the rules in group activity.

Okay class before we proceed to
our lesson, we will play a game
called “Pass the message!
Okay class before we proceed to
our lesson, we will play a game
called “Pass the message!
Okay class before we proceed to
our lesson, we will play a game
called “Pass the message!
So class, what have you observe
“Yes ma’am”
Group 1:
Ma’am said, “I am definitely fine.”
Group 2:
Ma’am said that forever do exist.
Group 3:
Ma’am said “Things happen for a
Group 4:
Ma’am said that positivity is beauty.
Group 5:
Ma’am said, “Be who you want to be.”
So class, what have you observe
with these stateIs this the
B. Establishing a
So now, we are going to tackle
purpose for
the lesson

Direct and Indirect speech
Process Questions:
1) What can you say with the performance of your team in the game?
2) What are the acts that were correctly identified by your teammates.
3) What did you feel when your team were able to identify your actions?
4) How did you guess those acts?
5) Do you think those acts are important in our daily life?
C. Presenting of
the new
lesson. So now, we are going to tackle
Direct and Indirect spLook at
Look at the acts that your teammates have identified, what do these words describe or tell?
Do you think we can still say what we want our listener to understand even if we are not speaking? How?

Nonverbal signals only indicate that our body language makes up a huge part of our daily communication. From our facial
expression to our body movements, the things we don’t say can still convey volumes of information.

D. Discussing the The students will match the given words to its proper description. The student.
new concepts
and practicing The students will present the different key concepts of Using Principles of Effective Speech Delivery Focusing on Facial
new skills Expressions, Gestures and Movements through power point to lead students for discussion.

(The teacher facilitates the discussion and add necessary information about the concept)

E. Developing
mastery MEMES Quiz Bee!
(Leads to The students will have a quiz bee on the different Facial Expressions and Gestures. The teacher will show a picture then
formative they will identify the emotions and meaning of the said gestures. The first to get the answer will have the score.
assessment )

F. Finding Miming My Own Culture!

practical The students will form three groups. Each group will draw a card from the teacher. In each card are the customary laws
application of of Lacub. They will present a mime out of the customary laws being drawn.
Explain to them that Pantomime is a dramatic entertainment in which performers express meaning through gestures,
facial expressions and actions accompanied by music.

1. BUDA (wedding)
2. Leben/waksi (burial)
3. Sunga (offering to the spirits)

G. Making
generalization Abstraction:
and 1. What are the customary laws being presented by each group?
abstraction 2. Were you able to present it even without using words?
about the 3. What helps you transferring to your audience the message of your pantomime?
lesson 4. How can you then help in enriching your culture?
5. What are again the three key concepts of non-verbal signals in delivering a message?
6. How can we use them in our daily life?

Note to students: It is very important to show our emotion because, when we fail to express our emotions, our brain can
often go into the fight-or-flight state. This is a physical reaction to stress that sets off a chain of events throughout our
bodies. It increases our heart rate, slows digestive functions, and makes us feel anxious or depressed.

H. Evaluating
learning Paper and Pen Test.
Bring out a whole sheet of paper and answer the given questions.

I. Additional
activities for Agreement:
application or Memorize the following excerpt from one of the motivational speeches given by Bryan Dyson, the former CEO of Coca
remediation Cola, as a commencement address at Georgia Tech in 1996. Deliver it in front of your family members/friends. Make
sure to have proper gestures and facial expressions. Afterwards, complete the table below the speech given to you.
Interview your "audience" to complete the last column of the template.

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lesson worked? No. of learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized material did I use/discover which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by : LHEA B. DOLUSAN

Teacher II


Master Teacher II


Principal I

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