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Group 4

Erina Dwi Muslikah (2211401058)

Annisa Febrian Hadiyanti (2211401059)


Face Disaster Due to Climate Change in Vulnerable Areas

Gunungkidul Regency is one of the districts in Yogyakarta that experiences quite
severe drought almost every year. In 2017, BPBD noted that there were 11 sub-districts
experiencing drought in Gunungkidul Regency and in dire need of water assistance.This
drought is caused because Gunung Kidul water sources are mostly underground rivers where
access is difficult and expensive. One of the initial efforts to reduce drought disasters is to
rely on rainwater. However, it is necessary to analyze rainfall using a long enough data series
so that we can determine appropriate and effective steps in minimizing the impact of drought
disasters. Through analysis of rainfall variability using 10 (ten) year data from 6 (six) rain
posts around Gunung Kidul Regency, information was obtained that in June, July and August
there was no rain at all, this is what causes most areas in Gunung Kidul Regency to
frequently experiencing drought, even before the dry season arrives. Efforts are needed to
overcome drought due to climate change.

This drought is caused because Gunungkidul's water sources are mostly underground
rivers where access is difficult and expensive. According to the Central Statistics Agency of
Gunungkidul Regency, in 2022 there will be a decrease in rainfall from April to September. A
drastic decrease in rainfall occurred in July, August and September. It can be seen from the
graph below :
One of the initial efforts to reduce drought disasters is to rely on rainwater. The
impact of the drought disaster on people's livelihoods, namely: water scarcity in the dry
season, low natural resource productivity, and low people's income

1. Water Storage Building
Some rainwater harvesting methods include rainwater collection ponds (PAH).
Rainwater collection ponds use containers to collect rainwater that falls through the
roofs of houses in Gunungkidul Regency and is channeled through gutters. In line
with research conducted in 2020, structural mitigation in Gunungkidul Regency can
take the form of building drilled wells, building public wells and making water
storage tanks for clean water (Puspajati 2020).

2. Community Organizing
Another way that can be done is by involving the community in a series of
ways to save water, such as not bathing livestock temporarily, using rice washing
water for watering plants and drinking water for livestock, as well as carrying out
forest, land rehabilitation, resource conservation and watershed management through
agroforestry and spring conservation.

3. Appropriate technology
Water scarcity in the southern part of Gunungkidul Regency can be overcome
by distilling brackish water into fresh water that is ready for consumption. Research
on distilling sea water into fresh water ready for consumption has been widely carried
out in Indonesia, the working system is to use a distillation apparatus and then apply
the concept of evaporation, namely sea water is heated to produce fresh water vapor.
Let's also spread awareness about the importance of water conservation. Share tips on
saving water with friends, family, and neighbors. Together, we can inspire more people to
join the water-saving movement.

Water is essential for life. By saving water together, we can make a real difference in
the lives of those in need. Let's make water conservation a part of our sustainable lifestyle.

Join us in becoming part of the solution to the water crisis. Together, we can bring
hope to those who need it most.

We have a quote. Treat water as if it were the most precious thing in the world, for in
truth, it is. Without it, life as we know it would cease to exist - Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.

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