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TEST I. Select the best answer in the given choices.

Shade the letter that corresponds the

correct answer.

1. This is defined as the writer’s stand point of view on a particular issue.

A. Thesis Paper B. Position Paper C. Academic Paper D. Informal Paper

2. Which of the following describes the function of an introduction of a position paper?

A. It states your main arguments.
B. It provides sufficient evidence for each argument presented.
C. It provides a general statement of your position via your thesis statement.
D. It may also provide counter arguments against your presented arguments.

3. The following are the functions of a conclusion in a position paper, EXCEPT:

A. It suggests a course of action.
B. It restates your position and main arguments.
C. It defines the issue and discussion its background.
D. It state what makes your position superior and more acceptable.

4. Which of the following describes the functions of an introduction of a position paper?

A. It states your main arguments.
B. It provides sufficient evidence for each argument presented.
C. It provides a general statement of your position via your thesis statement.
D. It may also provide counterarguments against your presented arguments.

5. Which of the following is a good topic for a position paper?

A. Media and Information Literacy
B. Communication: Language in Context
C. English and Academic and Professional Purposes
D. Mobile Assisted Language Learning: Boon or Bane?

6. Which of the following is NOT the outcome of writing a position paper?

A. Writing a position paper helps you elaborate thesis concepts.
B. Writing a position paper is essential in bringing about the society.
C. Writing a position paper gives you a change to negate or to agree certain issue.
D. Writing a position paper invests you power to change the opinions and attitudes
of others.

7. The following questions are essential in self-checking the organization of your position
paper EXCEPT:
A. Are cohesive devices effectively used?
B. Is the flow of idea smooth and easy to read?
C. Is the paper free from colloquial word expressions?
D. Does the paper use organizational pattern and structure appropriate for genre?

8. The following are the considerations in evaluating a position paper, EXCEPT:

A. Paper clearly states the bias of the writer.
B. Spelling, capitalization, and punctuations are correctly used.
C. Ideas are correctly placed which improves the paper’s organization.
D. Paper uses organizational pattern, and structure appropriate for the genre.
9. Which you SHOULD NOT DO in writing a position paper?
A. View an issue in different perspective.
B. Reflect on your position about an issue.
C. Incorporate as many information as you can in your position paper.
D. Begin the writing process by conducting an in-depth research on the chosen
argument or issue.

10. The following are the parts of a position paper except one.
A. Body B. Conclusion C. Introduction D. Thesis Statement

11. How should you write a position paper?

A. Choose an issue.
B. Conduct an experiment.
C. Implement a survey.
D. Observe a phenomenon.

12. Which of the following is NOT the outcome of writing a position paper?
A. Writing a position paper is essential in bringing about change in society.
B. Writing a position paper helps you elaborate thesis concepts and related theories.
C. Writing a position paper gives you a chance to negate or to agree certain issue in
D. Writing a position paper invests your power to change the opinions and attitudes
of others.

13. Which of the following is the correct structure for a research report?
A. Title page, introduction, literature review, methodology, result, conclusion
B. Title page, introduction, literature review, methodology, summary, result,
C. Title page, abstract, introduction, literature review, methodology, results,
D. Title page, abstract, introduction, methodology, literature review, results,
discussion, conclusion

14. What is the best form to present a research report?

A. Sort your discussion
B. Organize your presentation
C. Paraphrase as much as possible
D. Focus on the result and discussion

15. What instrument would you use in measuring attitudes, perceptions, and opinion?
A. Survey B. Questionnaire C. Observation D. Interview

For numbers 15-17, evaluate and state the thesis statement of the following academic texts
through the following choices.

_______1. Where is the thesis statement located on the abstract below?

The recent trend in education is leading towards vertical alignment of skills. Students are
encouraged to work on the skills which are aligned to their educational background. Thus,
SHS curriculum is geared towards responding this call. This study focuses on determining
the right skills the education graduates need to focus.
A. First Sentence B. Second Sentence C. Third Sentence D. Fourth

_______2. Where is the thesis statement located on the abstract below?

Benchmarking is a useful strategy that has the potential to help public officials improve the
performance of local services (Folz, 2004; Ammons, 2001). Once the practice of a
particular city is benchmarked, it can be a guidepost and the basis for the other
counterparts to improve its own. Hence, benchmarking is practiced in almost all companies
and institutions. This practice has been done through the years.
A. First Sentence B. Second Sentence C. Third Sentence D. Fourth

_______3. Where is the thesis statement located on the abstract below?

A significant numbers of researches led educators to utilize faceboook for communicating

with their students. The study conducted by Labasano (2015) showed that students who
are using facebook frequently have lower academic performance compared to those who
are just using facebook occasionally. The respondents of this study were education
students of the University of Immaculate Conception in Davao City. The paper was a
requirement to have the degree in the Bachelor of Secondary Education.

A. First Sentence B. Second Sentence C. Third Sentence D. Fourth


_______4. What is the best summary of the passage below?

Tsunamis, large ocean waves caused by underwater earthquakes, can be deadly and
destructive. For example, in December 2004, an underwater earthquake triggered a
massive tsunami throughout the Indian Ocean. The tsunami killed more than 200,000
people and caused billions of dollars of damage to the coasts of numerous Southeast Asian
A. Tsunamis
B. Tsunamis, large ocean waves caused by underwater earthquakes, can be deadly
and destructive.
C. In December 2004, an underwater earthquake triggered a massive tsunami
throughout the Indian Ocean.
D. The tsunami killed more than 200,000 people and caused billions of dollars of
damage to the coasts of numerous Southeast Asian countries.

_______5. What is the best summary of the passage below?

High achievement motivation affects people's choice of occupation and job success. (High
achievement motivation refers to the psychological need for success in school, sports,
occupations, or other competitive situations.) People with high achievement motivation
often go into occupations that provide rewards for individual achievement, such as sales,
engineering, architecture, or law. Moreover, people with high achievement motivation tend
to go into occupations that realistically match their abilities. For this reason, they have little
anxiety or fear of failure. And when success is achieved, they enjoy the fruit of their labor
more than the average person.
A. For this reason, they have little anxiety or fear of failure.
B. High achievement motivation affects people's choice of occupation and job success.
C. Moreover, people with high achievement motivation tend to go into occupations that
realistically match their abilities.
D. People with high achievement motivation often go into occupations that provide
rewards for individual achievement, such as sales, engineering, architecture, or law.

_______6. Please don’t spend a lot of money on my birthday present. I’m just thankful to have such a
wonderful mother and father. I’ll just use the little money I have to buy myself an
inexpensive coat. And if I can only find coats that cost more than what I have saved up, I’ll
just continue wearing the coat I have, even if the zipper is broken.

What is the message of the above passage?

A. I don’t want a gift. C. Coats are expensive

B. Buy me a coat. D. The zipper on my coat is broken.

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