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J. Inst. Eng. India Ser.

C (April 2023) 104(2):449–453


Creating Value for Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)

in Ship Machinery Maintenance from BIG Data and Artificial
Ulhas S. Kalghatgi1

Received: 24 May 2022 / Accepted: 4 October 2022 / Published online: 28 October 2022
© The Institution of Engineers (India) 2022

Abstract Seagoing ships transport nearly 90% (Interna- Introduction

tional Maritime Organization, in IMO’s contribution to sus-
tainable maritime development, 2012) of the world trade by The maritime industry should be agile to adapt to emerg-
volume worldwide through a large network of maritime logis- ing newer technology, using Big data analytics tools. With
tics companies located in different time zones making it the an increasing degree of automation in bridge and machinery
lifeline of the global economy. This makes it challenging for control systems, a significant amount of data is generated,
the shipping companies to run their operations economically making it well-nigh impossible to manually sieve the data,
ensuring the safety of life at sea and a pollution-free envi- analyze it and then use it to make quick decisions, whether
ronment. The introduction of Electronic Chart Display and it is about ship’s performance, maintenance, make course
Information System onboard ships to improve safe naviga- corrections en route, or even to supplement the spare parts
tion and the use of sensors to monitor machinery parameters stock. Big data analytics tools are enablers to ship owners to
and track real-time ship performance have paved the way for analyze and comprehend such capacious data that facilitates
digital transformation in the maritime industry. These per- decision-making.
formance monitoring tools though fundamental to improv- Big Data is likely to be used in the following six principal
ing fleet performance, fetch enormous data, however, their areas:
complexity makes it challenging to deal with the 4 Vs, vol-
ume, velocity, veracity, and a variety associated with big data • Technical operation and maintenance,
terminology. This paper describes how ships can benefit by • Ship’s energy efficiency,
deploying Big Data analytics, the Internet of Things and Arti- • To improve the safety culture and score of the organiza-
ficial intelligence (AI) in enhancing the value of Reliability tion,
Centered Maintenance (RCM) in ship maintenance and thus • Managing and monitoring shipping traffic to reduce acci-
are indispensable for the RCM. The author believes that the dents and environmental risks,
synergy that will be created by using Big data, RCM and AI • Commercial operations to figure out the most valuable
concepts will enable the creation of a maintenance business customers and help businesses create new experiences,
model that will eventually develop a new growth engine for services, and products,
the stakeholders in the shipping industry. • Autonomous ship operations.

Keywords Big data · RCM · Artificial intelligence ·

ECDIS · Internet of Things (IoT) A framework for Intelligent Reliability Centered
Maintenance Analysis

RCM, since its development in the late seventies, has been

* Ulhas S. Kalghatgi
historically relying heavily on manual processes to manage
the data, compiled by the shop floor operators/maintenance
Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 400703, India staff ashore or by the ship’s crew, for decision-making at both

450 J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (April 2023) 104(2):449–453

strategic and tactical levels, for its successful implementation, perspective, the author has included only four Vs as shown in
whether on shore-based industries or onboard ships. Fig. 1, defined as follows:
RCM can gain immensely by making use of advanced tech-
nology, which is gaining rapid traction with the introduction • Volume applies to the magnitude of data, which could be
of the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, Artificial intelli- in terabytes, petabytes and beyond.
gence (AI), use of sensors, etc. Land-based industries have • Velocity refers to how quickly data is generated, entailing
become tectonic to usher in sea changes in their maintenance distinct processing techniques
plan of plant machinery. The net result is less downtime, • Veracity refers to data precision and reliability. Datasets
greater availability of machinery, and keeping the wheels of from various sources may use different range to measure
the business running smoothly. Shipping industries can repli- the same variable, raising the issue of maintaining data
cate this model to improve their footfall. quality throughout the data life process.
In the olden days, manning on ships was adequate; ships’ • Variety means structural diversity of the data consisting of
staff were conducting maintenance in a timebound manner, unstructured data such as text, images, video, and audio.
adhering to the schedule as recommended by makers or ship
owners’ maintenance plans. But a drastic reduction in man- What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
ning scale and faster turnaround of ships has resulted in the
reduced time available to conduct maintenance, with the avail- The term artificial intelligence refers to a set of technolo-
able crew onboard, within the stipulated time. gies that enable computers to simulate human intelligence.
The COVID 2019 Pandemic had a multiplier effect on the Examples of AI include speech recognition, such as directing
shipping sector creating a myriad of problems, which ship- virtual assistants like Alexa to perform tasks, image recogni-
owners must overcome, such as keeping statutory certificates tion for identification, and autonomous driving. AI systems
valid, keeping the ship ready for surveys to be conducted introduced on autonomous ships can operate independently
by Classification Society, Port state and Flag state inspec- without human interaction, reducing the error rate below that
tions, ISM and ISPS audits, timely crew repatriation, etc. The of manned ships. AI will gradually transform the traditional
answer to this unprecedented problem lies the need for ship- operations of the maritime industry.
owners to have a Data-Driven Policy as a first step and then Within the ambit of AI is included.
moving toward IoT solutions, which will enable the ships’
crew to operate and maintain the ship efficiently, whether • Machine learning, the use of algorithms to learn and exe-
offshore or when the ship is berthed. It is predicted that Big cute tasks without human intervention,
Data in combination with IoT and AI will enable condition- • Deep learning, using neural networks to find complex pat-
based maintenance to play a significant role in enhancing the terns in high-volume data,
application of RCM onboard ships. • Cognitive computing, simulating the functioning of the
human brain to solve complex problems, and natural lan-
guage processing

Big Data and Big Data as a Concept

The term Big Data is a blanket term for the data so sizable and
labyrinthine that conventional operating system was unable to
process them [2]. However, today, it is a hypothesis [3] that
goes beyond the issue of dealing with immense data. Big data
analytics is not just about accumulating data but also covers
the process of analysis to discover the hidden insights, trends,
and correlations, which have the potential to bring a competi-
tive advantage to any industry, including maritime.
The industry has proposed several definitions of big data,
namely the one advanced by Gartner [4], which says the
concept "Big Data" is strongly linked to three (3) aspects,
called the famous "3Vs" the Volume, Velocity and Variety.
IBM has added the fourth characteristic “V,” Veracity mak-
ing it 4Vs. Oracle [5] has put forward the fifth “V” calling it
Value to make it more inclusive. However, keeping brevity in Fig. 1  4 Vs of Big data

J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (April 2023) 104(2):449–453 451

• Helping computers to understand and interpret human Key Drivers for Gaining Digital Ascendancy
The maritime sector delivers goods effectively and effi-
ciently around the globe on time, relying on Information
and Communication Technologies (ICTs). In addition, the
How to Create Value for RCM from Big Data vessel performance data, which includes fuel consumption,
and Artificial Intelligence port stay, cargo manifestation sheets and bill of lading,
machinery parameters, and other vital information are con-
A typical ship generates a large volume of data, captured tinuously exchanged between shore and ship on a real-time
by deploying sensors, e.g., engine room machinery param- basis through Information Communication and Technology
eters, information from ECDIS, weather reports, tempera- (ICT) platform.
tures recorded by reefer containers of the cargo inside the The quintessential amalgamation of technologies, namely
containers, cargo temperatures inside the holds of a coal Cloud Computing, Cyber Security, Internet of Things (IoT),
carrier, monitoring of container lashings tautness, etc. The and Artificial Intelligence (AI), takes place through ICT.
use of sensors is a widespread practice in the industry, to
capture physical changes such as deformation, vibration or
temperature all under real-life conditions that cannot always
be described by numerical models. Communication Architecture
Shipping industries are on the cusp of embracing digi-
tal transformation to gain operational advantage over their The high-level communication architecture of a ship shown in
competitors; however, they must focus on crew training and Fig. 2 is a combination of terrestrial and satellite components,
spread digital literacy to achieve digital transformation. as well as possible High-level Platform (HAP) elements. The
Three digital technologies—cloud computing, cyber ship is connected to the remote Shore Control Center with
security and big data analytics—are at the heart of the digital multiple redundant systems to ensure uninterrupted data flow.
transformation. Adding artificial intelligence and IoT to these Figure 2 illustrates how the networking is done between
repertoires of technologies will bring in not only a paradigm ships and shore establishment and between ships and ports
shift in the maintenance practices being followed onboard using communication architecture and ICT. The intent of
ships but will also be considered as groundbreaking evolu- this paper is not to dwell on autonomous ships, but to apply
tion. This will enable the acceleration of the adoption of AI- the conceptualization of an autonomous ship to facilitate the
assisted ship operations and optimization of vessel mainte- RCM implementation on board ships.
nance approaches based on RCM principles. The Internet of Things (IoT) will be one of the key driv-
Preventive maintenance is planned based on propulsion ers, impacting the maritime sector to make shipping more
and auxiliary machinery parameters, which are at best less efficient with the help of connected sensors and unified plat-
accurate. These data help ship engineers to monitor the forms allowing the real-time monitoring of machinery sys-
machinery’s health and condition. In such a scenario, ship’s tems onboard the ship.
superintendents are not involved on a real-time basis. IoT-based solutions can monitor variables including loca-
With this method of monitoring parameters, it is exceed- tions, temperature, pressure, shock, and humidity in seago-
ingly difficult to predict failure accurately. The drawbacks of ing vessels and exchange data among vessels and shore-based
this method are as follows: data centers for further analysis and provide information to
masters, chief engineers, to take necessary actions, whether
1. Upper limit of each parameter is not indicated. machinery maintenance or course correction of a ship or
2. Pre-failure warning does not occur, which reduces the sequencing of loading and discharging of cargo at a differ-
possibility to take remedial action before failure. ent port of calls. Such information will facilitate achieving
3. Engine room and deck logbook records are maintained various energy efficiency and emission control standards in
manually every 4 h which may give rise to data inaccu- shipping.
4. Preventive maintenance task is performed, though not
needed to just fulfil the maintenance schedule making the Emerging Technologies: Cloud and Edge
machinery susceptible to failure. Computing

Big data analytics and AI will endeavor to overcome the Emerging technologies such as cloud and edge comput-
above drawbacks, thus adding value to RCM in its applica- ing are playing an increasingly important role in maritime
tion to shipboard machinery maintenance. logistics and will also bring about sea changes in the way

452 J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (April 2023) 104(2):449–453

Fig. 2  High-level communication architecture of an autonomous ship

maintenance is carried out, which is based on the Potential A step ahead is Edge Computing; IoT or edge computing
Failure (P-F) interval of machinery and not based on a time involves the use of tiny sensors and computing devices at or
scale, thus optimizing the maintenance cost onboard ship near the points where instant action is taken using the data
thereby increasing the availability of machinery. generated by the sensors.
Applying cloud-based solutions in conjunction with high- The confluence of IoT, AI and 5G will play an important
speed data links via satellite will help to connect vessels at role in the remote control of autonomous ships in the future.
sea with operational matters ashore and maintenance service 5G will replace fiber optic cables to minimize the cost of data
providers. Such an approach will allow stakeholders to access transportation from sensors to the shore office.
and share data stored in the cloud and provide insights based
on comprehensive information.

J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (April 2023) 104(2):449–453 453

Constraints and Challenges Conclusion

The installation of IoT and other remote sensing devises may “Big data” does not refer to a single technology, but to the grow-
pose various challenges to shipping industry under large-scale ing array of techniques to manage and extract actionable infor-
data sets, so-called Big Data challenges, which must be over- mation from data. This paper has described a new emerging
come before harnessing the full potential benefits of big data. model, which can be used to create value for RCM by using BIG
These could be: Data and AI, thus minimizing the cost of maintenance, avoiding
downtime, and ensuring the availability of essential machinery.
1. Ensuring Sensor data quality and reliability to provide Digitalization can reach its full potential when data flows are
useful information, to make informed decisions about seamless. The confluence of IoT, AI, and 5G will be the biggest
course correction, stoppage of machinery, or any other revolution in the next 30 years, transforming life in every aspect.
emergency, that a ship may have to address. Edge computing is also important because it is too expensive
2. Limitation of bandwidth to minimize the Data quantity: to transport everything to the cloud, putting a heavy burden on
This will reduce the transmission cost using high sea sat- the bandwidth. AI at the edge can filter out the waste and send
ellite communication. only the valuable data to the cloud, keeping in mind the data
3. Avoid Sensor degradation by tracking and monitoring security.
the health conditions of the sensors to prevent abnormal AI becoming “mainstream technology” will integrate with
detection and inconsistency. other emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things
4. Standardization of Data: This is a key to improving data (IoT), Augmented Reality (AR), 3D printing, and edge comput-
flow and enhancing interoperability and synergy. ing that will play a role in shipboard operations and maintenance
5. Building trust in data to ensure to data accuracy because in the future.
datasets from diverse sources may use different scales to
measure the same variable. This raises issues of maintain-
ing data quality throughout the data lifecycle. Funding The author declares that no funds, grants, or other support were
received during the preparation of this manuscript.
6. Focusing on right pool of digital talent by imparting sea-
farers and ship managers sufficient digital knowledge to Declarations
become partners in bringing about digital transformation
in shipping industry. Conflict of interest The author has no relevant financial or non-financial
7. Paying attention to Cybersecurity and Data Protection interests to disclose. The author declares that there is no conflict of interest
from cyber-attack, viruses, and malware to prevent dis- regarding the publication of this paper.
ruption in ship operations to ensure business continuity.
8. Data distillation is essential to deal with disparate sets of References
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