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S t r a t e g y + M a r k e t i n g + A n a l y s i s + R e s o u r c e s + T e c h n o l o g y


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leadership at TCS
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by S Ramadorai

The discipline of knowing what you can do before

you utilize a resource is core to TCS's culture. It's
one of the elements which has enabled TCS to
become the world's fifth most profitable IT
Shantanu Zagade

company. In an exclusive to The Smart Manager,

S Ramadorai, TCS's reticent CEO, talks about
what it takes to achieve performance manage-
ment as well as his personal leadership style.
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S M A R T L E A D E R S Ramadorai

The soft spoken, bespectacled 59 year old

CEO has worked in the world's fifth most
profitable IT company for 32 years and
says he was never tempted to leave n He
enjoys the challenge of working in an innovative
part of a huge empire whose owner rarely
interferes n He started out as a junior engineer
and was later entrusted with the task of
establishing a beachhead in the USA in 1979 in New
York n He holds a BSc in physics from Delhi University,
an engineering degree in electronics and telecommuni-
cations from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore,
and a masters in computer science from the University of
California n He enjoys reading, Hindustani and Carnatic music,
golf and long walks n The New York Times’ science supplement is his
favorite read n His father worked in the government's audit department n He
grew up in Delhi in a secure family environment n Candid, circumspect and self
critical, he is a good listener but does not shy away from stating his mind n He
would prefer consensus, but is unafraid of decision taking n Controversy comes with the
CEO's job, he says n Don't take it if you can't handle the heat n He spends 45% of his time
with customers, the same with employees, and balance with stakeholders and analysts and in board meetings n

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S M A R T L E A D E R S Ramadorai

s ramadorai:
indian footprint, global design

a t TCS we have a dream: to be Global Top 10 by

2010. Our strength comes from our wealth of
have? As a trusted advisor, can you tell us what to
address?" So domain competency becomes very, very critical.
talent, world class customers, the global organization and And a consulting mindset with an execution capability
Tata support. To achieve our dream, the challenge is greater makes the difference.
focus on the customer, on the employee and on building
competence in the organization. There can be no wavering a dream without alignment is just theory. A personal
from that focus. The second challenge is speed. To make a goal for each employee aligned to the company's vision: that
good organization better requires continuously working on is how we wish to set the organizational structure. If
improving a razor sharp focus at a speed which is unmatched. everybody is not aligned, a vision of being one of the top ten
Why so much emphasis on speed? In IT (Information IT companies in the world does not make any sense.
Technology), much of your performance is measured in Alignment is the key. At the end of the day people must
terms of speed. Speed means, if you take a project, the believe in what the organization wants to achieve and be
execution must be faster than what you did yesterday. If able to see their role within that chain. A vision if understood,
you take customer responsiveness, it must be faster than becomes that much more meaningful.
what you did before. Anticipation of everything: whether This need for alignment has led us to do a phenomenal
it is an employee whose well being you have to continuously amount of work in performance management. Performance
worry about; whether it is creating an infrastructure where management begins with clear individual appraisals. The
you have to be proactive with respect to the organization to employee asks himself or herself what he or she wants to
address it; whether it is building competencies in a new do in the next one or two years; whether there are mechanisms
area, be it bioinformatics, manufacturing, embedded systems in the organization to address his or her wants and needs.
or whatever - performance depends on how quickly you At the managerial level, we ask ourselves: does the organization
move into that space so that you can reach the market in look at a set of generic growth paths for everybody in the
anticipation of the needs. This is what we have been doing organization. There is a continuous assessment of how a
in the past, but I know we have to get faster. person is performing vis-à-vis those goals. This assessment
By focus I mean we have to get the desired competency. evaluates how that goal translates into a competency and how
Today customers want to know how much we understand that competency translates into a meaningful deployment
about the space in which they operate. It may be a financial in terms of value addition to the self, value addition to the
services company, it may be a telecommunications company, business unit, value addition to the organization.
it may be a healthcare institution: the question they will ask Appraisal takes place at all levels. At the junior level the
is, "You have been in this domain for so many years, are measures are simple, and include the training hours per
you able to identify the challenges that we as an organization employee. Essentially an individual, who may be new to

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S M A R T L E A D E R S Ramadorai

a VISION has to be AGGRESSIVE because that is when


the company or who may be one or two years old in the are continuously being set in the organization, which is made
company, must have a goal. It may be a simple one: such as up of people. A good vision is one where there is a difficult
a person asking oneself if he or she is spending enough time milestone, a stretch milestone, but one which you honestly
on a value adding activity. It gets more complicated and more believe is possible if you put the right teams in place, the
meaningful for those driving a business, driving a project or right leadership in place, the right management in place,
driving an activity in the organization. and it addresses the needs of the customer. That's what we
have done from the beginning.
The discipline of knowing what you can do before you
utilize a resource has to be inculcated as a culture in the Growth without profitability is meaningless. In the
organization. In the early days of the company, hardware beginning, the challenges of growing from a 1,000 people
resources were scarce. The government decided the computers organization to a 5,000 one were many. The systems,
we could import. When I joined as a software engineer, we training, procedures and processes: everything is different
had a very very restricted configuration and we had to use in the two situations. The next challenge was to grow from
it optimally. Everyone was allowed only three compilations. 5,000 to 10,000. To grow to that milestone, we asked
If a person did not complete a project, or a program error ourselves, what structural changes do we need to make
free after three compilations, he was grilled: have you done before we make the attempt? Today we are 32,000 strong,
adequate desk checking? Have you quality checked the code without counting CMC, and we are looking at what
you have written before it goes in the machine for program we need to do to become a 50,000 people organization. This
compilation? To justify himself, he had to even go to the is one dimension.
head of the organization. Those were days of artificially The second dimension is revenue. The first stretch target
inflicted restrictions in terms of foreign exchange, computer was to be a billion dollar company, which we reached in
configuration, the number of users. We had to extract every 2003. Now we want to be a $10bn company but growth
ounce of performance from the machines. It created a culture without profitability is meaningless. So can I put a benchmark
where every resource is used optimally. on what kind of profitable number we should look at? What
For EVA improvement, the efficiency of capital utilization is the productivity per employee or revenue per employee
is key, whether it is human capital or physical capital. While that we should achieve? What type of customers, what
conscious of this, nobody should police one another. We segments, what geographies, what industries verticals and
want an environment where every individual employee in what kind of initiatives? We look at a number of dimensions
TCS asks herself or himself whether he or she is optimally to arrive at the areas we want to excel in, based on the
utilizing his or her time, energies and efforts to do something accumulated competencies of the organization.
innovative. If the answer is no, then they should ask what It is this process which gives us the confidence to look
the organization can do to improve the situation. We have a at the next milestones. To us, and to me personally, a vision
culture of self appraisal and self discipline, and from that is a moving target and a target you set for yourself. It has to
comes self initiative. be a very aggressive target because that is when people
believe we can achieve the impossible.
A dream is like a hundred meter race. If you do it in
eleven seconds, the next bar is doing it in ten seconds. The A company's mindset has to be to encourage
next bar is can you go below the ten second level. There is innovation in the workplace. In the end, how do you
no stopping, no end of story, no last milestone. Challenges align the entrepreneurs and the leaders inside the

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the ISSUES, and take a CALL

organization? As an organization grows we don't want to improve maintenance of a certain code or a testing procedure.
lose either innovation or the entrepreneurial culture. The Or perhaps developing a business tool which improves the
dilemma can be met through a number of ways. For example capturing of the business requirements in a dialogue with
by encouraging innovation in terms of ideas, encouraging the customer or the customer's users.
open dialogue, and creating as many connections as possible We have created different communities with the specific
across the system. TCS is not a very hierarchical organization aim of evolving ideas. Communities in terms of open source
and there are no boundaries saying that if you have to meet technology working within the company. Communities in
the CEO, or a vice president of the company, you have to go terms of project managers or quality committees where the
through a chain of commands before you can meet them. practitioners of quality get together. They share best practices
Access is completely open for any person with an idea to and churn a lot of activities together and make themselves as
meet anybody in the organization. visible as possible in the company so that there is something
Then we have created a number of forums where an for everybody to see. The house magazine may come out with
employee can suggest any idea as an investment and a a column by the quality people or a column on an open
potential opportunity for the company to grow. These are forum on bioinfomatics and what TCS is doing in that field.
promoted by the leaders and an ownership is put. Essentially We are trying to say, let's talk about what is happening. It is
it is like seed funding, the activity is funded for a specified done through our corporate communication exercise.
number of years. But there is a constant measurement of
how that activity is doing. After a period of twelve months In an open environment, people will give conflicting
we ask, "Now that we have been at it for the past twelve advice, multiple advice and suggestions. The leader's
months where are we on this journey? Is it worthwhile? role is to resolve the issues, and take a call. You will always
Let's ask the researchers, let's ask the innovators as to what get conflicting advice but you have to apply rational thinking
they feel about it." and avoid decisions based on personal biases. If you have
Another form of innova- taken a decision based on the facts, based on the situation,
tion we encourage is based on the inputs you have, that's the best you can do.
within a project And you must be able to clearly articulate your thinking if
itself. The team your board or bosses ask.
finds out what You cannot wait for consensus forever. There is a time
kind of innova- for everything but maybe you have got to fix a time for
tive ideas they yourself. It could be that you say, "We are going to deliberate
can try out on this particular issue for the next two hours." You may brood
the project. over an issue, you may call for a meeting again, meet a
Some are simple number of people collectively and individually, but at the
things like may- end of the day, if the time has come to make a call, you
be building tool better make a call. And later, if something goes wrong, don't
sets which blame it on the advice you received.

We don't worry about failures but we must know

the cause of failures. I believe that opportunity, or the
reduction of opportunity, is not going to happen because of

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S M A R T L E A D E R S Ramadorai

the way I DEAL with FAILURE is to LEARN

FROM it and then put it BEHIND ME

one failure. Innovative ideas by definition may or may not enhancement plan. We give them a chance, giving clear
succeed. If we put our money somewhere else, for instance feedback on areas of improvement. The shortfall in
in a start up company which is not a part of TCS, and if performance could be for various reasons: deficiencies, lack
that company goes bust, it is no different from investing in of focus, problems at home - so we tell them - try once again.
a start up within your system and that not succeeding. What However it could also be due to a supervisor or a manager
is important is to understand whether we exited at the right bias. So in some cases, we may change the supervisor, change
time or whether we carried on too long, whether the leadership the manager. If we do not see an enhancement in performance,
understands the complexities involved or the challenges which is an extreme case then, we counsel them into alternate
involved. It is no different from a project because by definition options that would be better suited to them.
all projects are not successful. There are some projects which We try to seek out what causes attrition. Some attrition
do not go very well because of project management gaps, is due to people wanting to migrate abroad, some people
because of lack of understanding of the customer's who think that if they make a career somewhere else it is
requirements, because of customers changing requirements better, some people who think that they may get better
repeatedly, because of our people not having the full compensation elsewhere. In 2000, during the Y2K problem,
competency to interpret the way the customers wanted it. we analyzed the sources of attrition and what causes
Typically two out of ten projects succeed, we should be attrition in people, including whether there is a stress related
comfortable with that figure. We may not be trying out as activity with the organization pushing for more. But I think
many innovative ideas as we would want to but at any we are very comfortable with the way we are managing
point of time, we have 20, 30, 40, 100 innovative projects attrition, that we are fair both to people who have not
going on in the company, and if we classified all of them, it performed well and those who have performed well and
is possible that the success rate in risk taking projects may have been placed on a faster trajectory. And at the same
not be anything more than two out of ten. time, we recognize that steady performers are the backbone
For myself, the way I deal with failure is to learn from it of the organization and cannot be ignored.
and then put it behind me. It is not that you are not going to
be unsuccessful every time, so it's best to forget it and move It is difficult to spot leaders and the Peter Principle always
on. Frustrations will always be there. Often decision making operates. A manager is one who manages a project, manages
is too slow. In some cases, one loses a deal inspite of one's best a set of people. A leader by definition leads from the front
efforts. In some cases, one tried an area where the company by example, leads by building people, and leads by creating
did not go the way it should have gone. I've looked for an something that is long lasting. A project survives for a point
acquisition and it did not go the way I would have liked it in time. A leader is one who has a long term view and looks
to go. I deal with such situations by extracting the best learn- at more dimensions than just managing a project. And there
ing rather than worrying too much and brooding over forever. are very few of them. Just as two out of ten innovative
ideas may succeed, the ratio of leaders to managers may
At the end of the day there are going to be under be very similar. Out of a sample size of ten, only two
achievers in any system. We have to accept it. Besides may be real leaders.
the vast majority of average performers, there are going to There is no single defining dimension, no set of traits
be exceptional performers who have to be recognized that make a leader. You can't say that someone satisfies these
separately, and of course the under achievers. For under criteria, hence he is a leader. You spot leaders through a
achievers, we have a counseling and performance combination of interactions and observations, by throwing

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S M A R T L E A D E R S Ramadorai

you may have your OWN PRESSURES, but the FACT that you
challenges, by a feeling that you think there is something in people. Do you care about your people? Do you stand up
the person that sparks and you are willing to put a bet on for your people?
the person, and help shape the person. After the event you If a person comes to you with a problem, the easiest
might say, yes these are the criteria I saw. Honestly speaking, way is to say that I do not have time for you. The problem
there are times when a person has asked me, why did you does not disappear, the person disappears. But by listening
choose me for the job, and the real answer is that I didn't at that point in time, when the individual comes to you
have anybody else at that point in time. with a worry, half the problem is solved because the person
Only experience tells whether you are making a serious feels that this organization cares. You may have your own
mistake in choosing a person. When that happens, and the worries, you may have your own pressures, but the fact
limitations show up, be the first one to tell that person. As that you found the time to listen is a very major trait and
a professional person and one concerned about the well being very few people understand these things.
of a fellow professional, you should be honest enough to
talk about the problems. Just because you have put your Today we are moving away from the paternalistic
bet on him doesn't mean that you have to keep him in that approach of guidance. I think Indians by nature are caring
position irrespective of whether he performs or not. There but they also like to create an impression that they know
has to be counseling, an acceptance of limitations, of caliber what is good for you. Even as parents we do that. We always
and competence; that there are others better and more say, "I am your father, I know what is good for you, you
capable for the same leadership position. The person must should do engineering." Today this attitude doesn't work.
have the choice to stay or to leave, and be prepared to do so. Today children say, "Yes, I hear you but I will make my own
choices." Are you receptive to that? That is the shift from
Trust and fairness are perhaps the most important the paternalistic view to a professional view. It means
values at TCS and the Tata group as a whole. The belief moving to the human dimension where you are accessible,
that we can trust this organization, that the people in this available as a mentor, as a person who is willing to listen.
organization are caring and sharing, is very special. Whenever Mentoring is about building somebody. It comes
I had an idea, there was always somebody willing to listen naturally to me. If I can build an institution for the future,
to me. To give an example, when I wanted to invest in a leave people to take care of the institution, that's the best
start up company in California, or form a collaboration with contribution I can make. And the only way I can make that
an educational institution, or attend a senior manager contribution is by empowering people and making them grow.
development The same thing
program in an happened to me. I
university, I don't do not think that in
think anybody said all the years I have
that this is not for worked here, I have
you, that this is for had to be bothered
somebody else. And about what my
of course, fairness boss may think of
hits both ways, one me, or whether he
concerning you and could be angry, or
one concerning your whether he would

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S M A R T L E A D E R S Ramadorai



appraise me negatively next year. If those were the as well continue as a programmer, which is a safe, sound,
fundamentals of the company's culture, I would have non-challenging job, or challenging to a limited extent." And
probably left the organization long ago. To me, so long as once you have taken on a challenge, you start wondering
there are challenges and people recognize that you are overall how you are going to make it successful because otherwise
adding value to building an institution - and at our level we it is a problem. So you prove yourself as an entrepreneur,
need to look at whether we are building an institution for because there is no option but to succeed.
the future - whatever benefits I get is fine. It is not at the When moments like this come, you have to grab them.
cost of the institution that I get some benefits, and that's a And that is what I tell younger people. You have got to
great thing to do. You have got to be so clear that everything decide where your vision is, where you see yourself going to
you do should be long lasting. And it should be there for be. You may not say that you want to be the CEO of this
everybody to see and everybody to judge. organization, but there is nothing wrong in saying that I
My father, V Subramaniam, worked for the government want to look for that position. In my opinion there is very
in the Indian Audit and Account Service. So we grew up in little of difference between being an entrepreneur and being
Delhi and he made sure that all of us went to a good school. an entrepreneur in an organization which itself is a part of a
I studied physics, went to the Indian Institute of Science, big group. Entrepreneurship is a combination of upbringing
Bangalore, then I went abroad for a masters in computer and the ability to accept challenges. Entrepreneurs search
science. There I received an offer to join the Tatas, and he for challenges and learn from them.
wanted me to come back. In those days if you got a job in Money is never the key motivator. Recall the old Silicon
Tatas, people thought it was the best career in the world. I Valley days when people said they were going to change the
had opportunities in the USA, but he wanted the best for world, that they have an idea which will make a difference
me. So that forced me to come back to India, and I have not to the world. Money became a primary motivator
looked back other than to ask, are there enough challenges subsequently. And that's when the bust happened.
within the company for me.
For anyone, if the answer is no, then you had better Any controversy has to be handled quickly.As I said
start looking at something different. But for those situations earlier, speed is critical: your point of view must be visible
where there are enough challenges, you have to do your part very clearly very quickly. You do not want to be in a situation
of the work and grab them. When I joined the firm, my boss, where you are trying to defend, because anything that you
FC Kohli, suggested I maintain hardware. So I decided to have to defend is to that extent a problem. Yes, there will
maintain hardware. When we planned to import technology, sometimes be situations which you have to defend. At that
he suggested I go for training to the US. I did. When I came point, the key thing is to understand the essence of the
back, he asked me if I would sell the computers we were controversy and where the organization figures in the
importing. So I got into selling situations. Then he said we controversy. And the earlier you share this understanding
have to start up our operations in the US. And I did that. with people in the organization, the better it is. The last
thing they want is to know from outside about something
When challenges comes your way, grab them. that is happening, that something is being hidden from them.
Basically my mentor challenged me because he thought I It is the CEO's responsibility to completely take control
was capable despite the fact that I did not have any of the situation and drive it. The composition of the
experience in that field. A lot of fellows might have said, leadership team depends on the nature of the controversy,
"Why should I go break my head on all these things. I might and the leadership team has to be responsive and responsible,

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S M A R T L E A D E R S Ramadorai

if a CONTROVERSY, small, big or large ERUPTS,

there is NO point in BROODING OVER it

but the buck stops with the owner of the organization

namely the CEO. There is no denying that fact. And every To be world class there has to be continuous, quantifiable
CEO needs to understand the responsibility before accepting improvement, not mere intent. The organization must be
the CEO's position. able to do every project in a shorter time than the previous
If a controversy, small, big or large erupts, there is no project of the same kind. For example, if a company rolls
point in brooding over it. There is no point in letting it bother out a stock exchange system or a billing system or an
you, on worrying why it occurred in the first place, or why inventory system in twelve months, the question to ask is,
people are saying this, why the media is saying that, why can we deliver in ten months, eight months, six months. In
the reporting is negative. You have to know how to get terms of quality, which today is a hygiene factor, the question
along in life, else your personal health will be affected and to ask is, what is the quality of my deliverable in a Six Sigma
that will affect the health of the organization. According to framework? Is it at a four sigma, three sigma, two sigma
me, unless you have that mindset, you are not fit for the level? When will it reach a six sigma level? This is one measure
CEO position and you should not be in that position. of performance. Another world class benchmark is domain
competencies: what is the productivity and efficiency of
When an organization is supportive, opportunities the workforce? Another world class benchmark could be
are employed. Both the Tata group and Mr Tata have the revenue per person or the revenue-profitability ratio. If
been great sources of strength. When I took over as CEO, you measure TCS today, within the global context and in
Mr Tata became chairman of TCS and over the last eight to the information technology space, TCS stands fourteenth
nine years, my interactions have increased. He has in terms of revenue, fifth in terms of profitability and nineth
shaped TCS along with me. Support has come in terms of in terms of number of employees.
our forays into China and Latin America, in terms of our All these world class benchmarks are interconnected.
acquisitions, particularly CMC in 2001. The acceleration But at the end of the day customer satisfaction and employee
of growth from 1996 to 2004 was phenomenal on all satisfaction are the single most important drivers, and
counts, be it employee count, revenue, geographical presence, everything else is an operational parameter. Do 100% of the
inducting non-Indians into the company. And there is customers, 90% of the customers or X% of customers want
increasing synergy with other Tata group companies. to do business with us? Does a customer want to deal with
The telecommunications part of the Tata Group and the IT a company's people because they address all the dimensions
part of TCS is a powerful play, and a differentiator from of quality: being fair to customers, going out of the way to
any other company. The combination of automotives deliver value, being concerned about the customer's well
and IT or chemicals and IT offer potential opportunities being and at the same time being fair to its own people?
which can be leveraged phenomenally. The Tata Business From an employee perspective, people should feel that
Excellence Model and the quality framework of the they enjoy working for the company, that it is a place where
group as a whole, and the fact that TCS won the JRD quality there is learning for them, and because of that, they can add
award this year is again a group effort where TCS value to themselves, and in the process add value to the
participated in the group journey. Here some of the best company. It is not just the company deriving value. n

practices from the group forum came through very

effectively. These are some clear positive initiatives
and learnings from the group to TCS as well as from TCS
to the group. Post your views on this article at

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