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Abhishek Kumar Pandey +91- 7080122327

Computer Science Engineering
IEC College of Engineering and Technology,Greater Noida

Degree/Certificate Institute/Board Year
B.Tech IEC College of Engineering and Technology,Greater Noida 2019-2023
Senior Secondary CBSE 2018
Secondary CBSE 2016

• TESOD TECHNOLOGY Sept 2023 - Feb 2024
Cloud Developer Intern
– Developed and deployed cloud-based solutions using AWS services such as EC2, S3, and Lambda, reducing opera-
tional costs by 30% and enhancing system scalability for over 15 client projects.
– Optimized cloud infrastructure by conducting regular performance tuning and resource allocation assessments,
achieving a 25% increase in application performance and a 99.9% uptime guarantee.
• Pantech Solutions Apr 2023 - May 2023
Data Analyst Intern
– Analyzed and processed over 200 datasets, identifying key trends and insights that led to a 25% increase in data
accuracy for the company’s reporting systems, ensuring more reliable decision-making processes.
– Executed a comprehensive data cleaning project, enhancing data quality by 30% through the identification and
rectification of inconsistencies and errors, optimizing the overall reliability of analytical outcomes and improving
business insights.
• Real-Time Sentiment Analysis Feb 2024 - Apr 2024
Tools: AWS Lambda, S3, Apache Kafka, CloudWatch
– Engineered a real-time sentiment analysis system by integrating Apache Kafka and Spark Streaming, achieving a
95% accuracy rate in sentiment classification using a fine-tuned BERT model, processing over 1 million messages
– Optimized data ingestion and preprocessing pipelines utilizing AWS Lambda and S3, reducing data processing
time by 40%, ensuring scalable and efficient handling of live social media feeds and customer feedback.
– Deployed and monitored the sentiment analysis solution on AWS, leveraging CloudWatch and Grafana to achieve
99.9% system uptime, providing real-time insights and visualizations that improved customer engagement by 20%.
• Socket Programming in Python Feb 2023 - Apr 2023
Tools: Python, Pycharm, Socket, Threading
– Engineered a scalable client-server application using Python socket programming, enabling real-time communica-
tion for over 100 concurrent users with seamless data transmission and reception.
– Optimized server performance by implementing multi-threading, resulting in a 30% reduction in response time and
enhanced handling of multiple client connections without data loss.
– Implemented robust error handling mechanisms, achieving a 95% success rate in maintaining stable connections
and preventing data corruption during network interruptions and client disconnections.

Skills & Interests

Programming: Python, JavaScript, MySql. Tools and Frameworks : Network protocols (TCP/IP, DNS, DHCP,
etc.), Network security (firewalls, VPNs, etc.), Network management (SNMP, etc.), Network troubleshooting and
debugging Operating Systems : Windows, Linux
Positions of Responsibility
– Sponsorship Head - Raised INR 1,00,000 in cash and kind; headed a of team 10; hosted 5 events. 2022
– Event Head - Orchestrating school events with precision, represented 2500 students. 2018
– Student Council - Executed meetings for 2 years (2015 - 17); selected as Prefect 2017

Vocational Training & Achievements

– AWS training, Anudip Foundation Sept 2022 - Feb 2023
– Data Analytics American Indian Foundation 2023

– Michigan University : Python from Michigan University
– Great Learnig : MySql
– AWS : Data Analysis

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