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Excavation and Backfilling

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1.1 Section Includes

1.1.1. Definition: "Excavation" consists of removal of material encountered to the required formation levels
and subsequent disposal of materials remove.

1.1.2. In case of foundations located on natural grade (cut area), the contractor shall follow the
recommendation of soil report.

1.1.3.In case the foundations are located on fill area, and raising the level of these foundations to the
required level, the contractor shall carry out structural back filling as per soil report, and as specified L-
010 “Earthworks”.

1.2 Quality Assurance

1.2.1 Codes and Standards: Perform excavation work in compliance with applicable requirements of relevant
B.S. Standards and as approved by ENGINEER.

1.2.2 Testing and Inspection Service: Employ an independent Geotechnical Inspection and Testing company to
perform soil testing and inspection services, for quality control during earthwork operations.

1.3 Submittals

1.3.1 Test Reports - Excavating: Submit three copies of the following reports prepared by the inspection and
testing company: Condition and suitability of substrates to accept concrete blinding and foundation. Field density test reports. Test reports on backfill material brought to the site. Report of actual unconfined compressive strength and/or results of bearing tests of each strata tested. One optimum moisture-maximum density curve for each type of backfill brought to the site.

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ONYX GENERAL CONTRACTING CO LLC Test reports for compaction of backfill materials.

1.3.2 Method Statement - Contractor shall provide a method statement indicating methodology, sequence,
equipment intended to be used, for ENGINEER'S reference and approval.

1.4 Related Documents

Drawings and general provisions of the AGREEMENT, including CONTRACT CONDITIONS and SPECIFICATION
Sections, apply to work of this section.

1.5 Summary

This section covers:

 Procurement and supply of materials related to earthwork, delivery, transportation, handling and storing
at site.
 Survey of the site.
 Cleaning and grubbing, stock pilling and disposal of cut material.
 All necessary safety measures.
 Testing, preparing ground surface to final grade and levels.
 Extent of earthwork shall be as indicated on the Drawings.

1.6 Job Conditions

1.6.1 Existing Utilities: Prior to commencement of any on-site work - Carefully excavate, using humans only to locate existing
underground utilities in areas of Work. If utilities are to remain in place, provide adequate means of
support and protection during earthwork operations. Refer to Divisions 15 and 16 for relocation of
existing services. Make test boring and conduct other explanatory operations as necessary. Should any utilities or services are encountered during excavation, immediately consult ENGINEER for
direction. Such services shall be removed, sealed or rerouted in a manner described by ENGINEER at the
Contractor expenses. Co-operate with ENGINEER in keeping respective services and facilities in operation.
Repair damaged utilities to the satisfaction of ENGINEER. Do not interrupt existing utilities serving facilities used and occupied by ENGINEER, except when
permitted in writing by ENGINEER. This will be given only after acceptable temporary utility services have
been provided. Provide minimum of 72-hour notice to ENGINEER and receive written authorisation to proceed, before
interrupting any utility.
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1.6.2 Protection of Persons and Property: Barricade open excavations and provide warning tapes and lights. The CONTRACTOR shall protect structures, utilities, pavements, and other facilities from damage caused
by settlement, lateral movement, washout, and other hazards created by his operations. CONTRACTOR
shall maintain the existing roads in good condition during construction and repair damaged roads as
required to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER. The CONTRACTOR shall plan and execute all aspects of the site preparation work so that the safety of
personnel, the work and adjacent property is guaranteed and such that a minimum of inconvenience is
caused. Safety of Excavations: The Contractor shall provide proper supports for the sides of excavations to
prevent collapse, using all necessary means, and shall be responsible for the safety of the excavation and
workers concerned.

1.7 Reference Standards

Earthwork shall be performed in compliance with Drawings, tests and with the requirements of the specifications
of the British Standard Institute (BSI), American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
(AASHTO), and the specifications of the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) as noted

British Standard Institute

BS 1377: 1990 Methods of Test for Soils for Civil Engineering Purposes

American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM)

C 136 Sieve Analysis of Fine and Course Aggregates

C 142 Clay Lumps and Friable Particles in Aggregates

D 421 Practices for Dry Preparation of Soil Samples for Particle Size Analysis and Determination of Soil

D 422 Particle Size Analysis of Soils

D 427 Shrinkage Factors of Soils

D698 Moisture Density Relation of Soils and Soil Aggregate Mixtures

D854 Specific Gravity of Soils

D1556 Density of Soil in Place by the Sand-Cone Method

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D1557 Moisture Density Relations of Soils and Soil Aggregate Mixtures Using 10 lb (4.54 kg) Hammer and 18 in
(457 mm) Drop

D 1586 Penetration Test and Split-Barrel Sampling of Soils

D 2167 Density and Unit Weight of Soil In-Place by the Rubber Balloon Method

D 2487 Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes

D 2940 Graded Aggregate Material for Bases or Sub-bases for Highways or Airports

The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)

T-191 Sand Cone Method


2.1 Soil Materials:

Materials for backfilling should comply with BS 6031. The chemical composition of the fill shall be as per BS 1377.
Any fill material placed within 500 mm of any concrete structure shall be free of chemicals in such
concentration that it would cause a deleterious effect on the concrete. It should not contain any
Unsuitable material, which is defined/explained below.

2.1.1 Unsuitable Materials: shall mean other than Suitable Materials and shall among others include:

 Particles in excess of 75 mm size

 Organic material, peat, logs, stumps and perishable materials
 Dangerous or toxic material or material susceptible to spontaneous combustion, metal, rubber or
synthetic material.
 Material with undefined properties
 Materials with salt content greater than 5% (max.)
 Materials having a moisture content greater than the maximum specified
 Building rubber and domestic and industrial wastes
 Soils and rock susceptible to deterioration/change of their properties
 Gypsum, and dredged materials
 Materials susceptible to volume change, including marine, mud, swelling clays and collapsible soils.
 Soils of liquid limit exceeding 30% and/or plasticity index exceeding 6%.
 Any other material which the ENGINEER may deem to be unsuitable for earthworks.

2.1.2 Suitable Materials: Materials excavated from the site or imported from outside that are in conformance
with the specifications and are approved by the ENGINEER and the GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER for their
intended use. Additionally, they shall be free from refuse, large stones or rocks, or other material which
might prevent proper compaction or cause the compacted fill or embankment to perform inadequately
or to have insufficient stability or bearing capacity for the superimposed loads to which it is likely to be
subjected. Material shall have a maximum allowable chlorides content of 1% and a maximum allowable
sulphate content of 5%. Suitable Fill Material shall comply with the following limits:
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– Liquid Limit (AASHTO - T89) 30% max.
– Plasticity Index (AASHTO - T90) 6% max.
– Total Water Soluble Salts (BS1377) 5% max.
– Minimum soaked CBR of 15% when the material is compacted to 95% of the MDD.
– Maximum Chloride contents 1%
– Maximum allowable Sulphates 5%
– Maximum particle size to be not more than 100mm.
– MDD is the maximum dry density by BS1377 Test 13.
– CBR values are to be determined by BS 1377 Test 16.

Rock shall mean those geological strata or deposits so designated on the Drawings and any hard, natural or
artificial material requiring the use of approved pneumatic tools for its removal, but excluding individual
masses less than 0.20 cubic meters.

2.1.3 Gatch material: From borrow areas approved by ENGINEER provided that their CBR after 4 days soaking
is not less than 10% when compacted to 95% MDD.

2.1.4 Granular Fill: Washed, evenly graded, crushed stone, with 100% passing a 20 mm sieve and not more
than 5% passing a 6 mm sieve.

2.2 Common Excavation: Common excavation shall mean any excavated materials including soil and rock. All
common excavation shall be classified as suitable or unsuitable materials for use as fill.

2.3 Concrete Fill: Compressive strength 20N/mm2.


3.1 General:

Workmanship for excavation shall comply with BS 8000 Part 1, Sections 3. 1, 3.2 & 3.3

3.2 Stability of Excavation

3.2.1 The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions during excavation for the Works, particularly in the
case of excavations that adjoin existing buildings and underground services, and shall take precautions
against damage or collapse by means of temporary or permanent shoring, strutting, sheet piling or
underpinning of adjacent buildings, and such other methods, as he deems fit.

3.2.2 The Contractor shall be held solely responsible for the safety of buildings utilities and paving adjoining all
excavations. Should any subsistence or other damage occur due to the inefficiency of the CONTRACTOR,
the damage shall be made good by him at his own expense.

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3.2.4 ENGINEER health and safety requirements shall be strictly adhered to in all respects.

3.3 Clearing and Grubbing

3.3.1 Perform the clearing and grubbing of top soil consisting mainly of loose soil, vegetation and organic
matters, drift sand, unsuitable soil and rubbish by scarifying the areas to be excavated and side-walks to a
minimum depth of 300 mm from the natural ground-level.

3.4 Setting-Out

3.4.1 The Contractor shall stake out the work as shown on Drawings, in accordance with requirements
approved by ENGINEER.

3.5 Excavation for Structures

3.5.1 Excavation for Structures shall be done down to a suitable bearing strata as approved by ENGINEER.
Maintain a tolerance of +/- 25 mm beneath plain concrete foundations and +/- 15 mm beneath
reinforced concrete foundations and ground bearing slabs.

Prior to commencing the excavation works, all lines, levels and natural ground levels shall be agreed with

3.5.2 Excavation shall include the removal of all earth, rocks, boulders, remains of buildings, services not to be
used and all items found but required to be removed, to permit the construction of the building.
In excavating for foundations, take care not to disturb bottom of excavation. Excavate by hand the last 200 mm
to final grade, just before blinding is placed. Trim bottoms to required lines and grades to leave solid
base to receive other work.

3.5.3 Should excavations for structures be extended by error or oversight to depths lower than required, the
Contractor shall raise the bottom of the excavation to the required level using 20 N/mm2 concrete of the
type which is resistant to deterioration from the chemicals present in the soils and ground water, at no
additional cost to the Contract.

3.5.4 All excavations shall be kept clear of water arising from any cause.

3.5.5 The elevation of any point and the line of any edge or center of the grading shall conform to that shown
on the drawings within the tolerances stated below:
Tolerances from Tolerances from
True Level True Line
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Basic Grading +0 +75 mm
-25 mm -75 mm
Embankments & + 75 mm +75 mm
Bunds +0 -75 mm

3.6 Excavation for Trenches

3.6.1 Dig trenches to uniform width required for particular item to be installed and sufficiently wide to provide
ample working room. Provide required clearance on both sides of pipe or conduit. Provide all necessary
planking and strutting.

3.6.2 Excavate trenches to depths indicated and required. Slope trenches for piping to establish indicated flow
lines and invert elevations.

3.6.3 For pipes or conduit 125 mm or less in nominal size and for flat-bottomed multiple-duct conduit units, do
not excavate beyond indicated depths. Hand excavate bottom cut to accurate elevations and support
pipe or conduit on undisturbed soil.

3.6.4 For pipes or conduit 150 mm or larger in nominal size, tanks and other mechanical/electrical work
indicated to receive sub-base, excavate to sub-base depth indicated, or, if not otherwise indicated, to 150
mm below bottom of work to be supported, and backfill with 150 mm 20 N/mm2 concrete fill prior to
installation of mechanical/electrical piping conduits, etc.

3.6.5 Except as otherwise indicated, excavate for exterior water-bearing piping (water, drainage) in a manner
that top of piping is not less than 1000 mm below finished grade.

3.6.6 Grade bottoms of trenches as designated by ENGINEER, notching under pipe bells to provide solid bearing
for entire body of pipe.

3.6.7 Do not backfill trenches until tests and inspections have been made and backfilling is authorised by
ENGINEER. Use care in backfilling to avoid damage or displacement of pipe systems.

3.6.8 Backfill trenches with concrete fill where trench excavations pass within 450 mm of column or wall
footings or foundations and which are carried below bottom of such footings or foundations, or which
pass under wall footings of foundations or as indicated on drawings. Place concrete to level of bottom of
adjacent footing or foundation.

3.6.9 For piping or conduit less than 750 mm below surface of roadways, provide 150 mm thick concrete base
slab support. After installation and testing of piping or conduit, provide minimum 150 mm thick
encasement (sides and) of concrete, prior to backfilling or placement of roadway sub-base.

3.7 Inspection of Excavation

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The Contractor shall report to ENGINEER when excavations are ready to receive permanent materials. No
material shall be placed in the excavation until the Contractor demonstrates to ENGINEER that the
excavation has been carried out to the lines and levels required

3.8 Removal of Unsuitable Material

3.8.1 The ENGINEER may order the excavation and removal of any material deemed unsuitable for supporting
fill, pavements or structures to be placed thereon, and its replacement by suitable fill material.
3.8.2 Where the excavation reveals a combination of suitable and unsuitable materials the Contractor shall,
unless otherwise agreed by the ENGINEER, carry out the excavation in such a manner that the suitable
materials are excavated separately for use in the Works without contamination by the unsuitable

3.9 Over Excavation for infra-structure works: If somewhere and for any reason excavations are executed
beyond the established lines and without the ENGINEER'S prior approval, the CONTRACTOR shall backfill
in layers not to exceed 200mm irrespective of plant type. Compaction shall be 95% MDD and in
accordance with BS 1377.

3.10 Drainage of Excavated Areas: Grading in the vicinity of excavations shall be controlled to prevent surface
water from flowing into excavated areas.

The excavation shall at all times be well drained, kept free from storm water, percolating water or subsoil

The CONTRACTOR shall make good at his own expense any damage that may result from his failure to
keep the excavation free from water.

3.11 Spoil Disposal

3.11.1 Excavated material from the Works selected by the ENGINEER for re-use shall be placed directly in its final
position or may be stocked on site as directed by the ENGINEER.

3.11.2 No excavated suitable material other than that surplus to requirements of the Contract shall be removed
from the site except on the direction or with the permission of the ENGINEER. Should the CONTRACTOR
be permitted to remove suitable material from the site to suit his operational procedure, then he shall
make good at his own expense any consequent deficit of filling arising there from.

3.11.3 Suitable material and sweet soil surplus to the total requirements of the Works and all unsuitable
material shall be removed from the sites to approved dumping area by Municipality of Abu Dhabi.

3.12 Placing Of Fill

3.12.1 Areas of fill shall be built up over their full width and damage to the compacted layers due to lack of
control of construction traffic shall be made good by the Contractor.

3.12.2 Materials Other than Rock Fill: All material other than rock fill placed in areas of fill shall be deposited
and compacted as soon as practicable after excavation in layers not exceeding 200mm loose depth unless
as a result of compaction trials the ENGINEER approves spreading to a greater depth up to a maximum of
300mm loose depth.

3.12.3 The field density of layers not exceeding 250mm shall be tested in accordance with BS 1377 Test 15a.
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3.12.4 Compacting of Fill Material: All filling material used in earthworks shall be compacted to Specification
and the Contractor shall submit to the ENGINEER for approval his proposals for the compaction of each
main type of material to be used in the filled areas, the types of plant to be used, the number of passes
and the loose depth of layer. The Contractor shall carry out compaction trials for the earthworks,
supplemented by any approved Independent laboratory investigations, as required by the ENGINEER
using an approved procedure proposed by the CONTRACTOR and he shall satisfy the ENGINEER that all
the specified requirements regarding compaction can be achieved. Compaction trials with the main types
of materials likely to be encountered shall be completed before the works, with the corresponding
materials, will be allowed to commence.

3.12.5 Compaction Requirements: The Suitable fill material shall be compacted to 98 percent maximum dry
density. Suitable fill material placed within 200mm of formation level shall in addition have a minimum
soaked CBR Value of 15 percent. Maximum dry density is determined by the modified AASHTO tests
carried out in accordance with BS 1377 (1975) Test No.13.

3.12.6 Testing: During earthworks construction ENGINEER shall instruct control tests to determine the degree
of compaction achieved. Tests shall include:

A. Dry Density/Moisture Content BS 1377: Test 13 or Test 14, at a minimum rate of 3 tests per 500 square
meters for each layer of fill.

B. In-situ Dry Density BS 1377: Test 15, at a minimum rate of 3 tests per 500 square meters for each layer of fill.
(For compliance with this test the three results may at the discretion of the ENGINEER be averaged.
However no individual result is to be less than 92%).

C. Procedure in the event of compaction being unacceptable.

3.12.7 If the material deposited as fill subsequently reaches a condition such that it cannot be compacted in
accordance with the requirements of the Contract, the Contractor shall, at the ENGINEER'S discretion,

a- Make good by removing the material either to tip or elsewhere until it is in suitable physical condition for
re-use, and replacing it with suitable material;


b- Cease work on the material until its physical condition is again such that it can be compacted as described
in the Contract.

3.12.8 The CONTRACTOR shall carry out plate bearing Test at random Locations on the Engineered Fill every 1 m
thick and at the Footing Level to verify Bearing Pressure and Total tolerable Settlement before casting the
Blinding Concrete below Footing.


1. Generally

- The attached soil investigation report for guidance only.

- This Clause shall apply to soil mechanics science as well as foundation engineering to the site
where the works are being constructed, to determine the suitability of the foundation proposed
for the works to be constructed on the Site.

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- The Contractor shall carry out soil investigation to satisfy himself of the soil conditions, and this
should be priced in the Preliminaries section of the Bill of Quantities and all works associated
with same shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of this Section.
- The contractor should perform geophysical & geotechnical studies to the site as per the local
authorities regulations and take into account any treatment needed to complete the works
securely and perfectly.

2. Specialist Soil Investigation Work

Soil Investigation is to be carried out by an experienced and specialized technical firm who
employs the services of an experienced soil mechanics engineer and who has the necessary
facilities to carry out all borings, classification, soil testing on site and in the laboratory, and can
provide adequate continuous field supervision and provide the required technical reports

The soil and foundation engineering firm proposed to carry out this work must be approved by
the engineer.

The contractor shall submit a site layout plan showing location of the boreholes and the trial pits
subjected to the approval of the ENGINEER.

3. Code of Practice

The investigation is to be carried out in accordance with the provisions of BS 5930 and scope of
work shall include all mobilization, demobilization of labor, materials & equipments, necessary
to carry out boreholes, take samples, testing at site, and in laboratory and the provision of a
comprehensive report giving recommendations to allow the safe and economical design and
construction of foundations.

4. Extent of the Soil Investigation Work

The site investigation works shall comprise the drilling of 8 Nos., out of which 4 to a depth of 50 meters
and 4 to a depth of 40 meters, below ground level with at least 2 meters in the rock strata to be done,
Boreholes location shall be approved by engineer.

The existing ground level at each borehole and test location shall be recorded relative to the local
Municipality datum.

The contractor has to perform the Geophysical survey and he need to follow the local authority requirement
for the same.

Main Contractor is responsible to review the Soil report and address any issue requires action from the
Engineer and coordinate for any special requirement related to the above during the
mobilization period.

5. Testing and Samples on Site

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All testing shall be in accordance with the provisions of BS 1377. Standard penetration tests are
to be conducted in each borehole at 0.5m intervals up to 3.0m and at 1.0m intervals therefore.
This interval could however be adjusted depending on the natural of the soil encountered.

The ground water table is to be established at each borehole location.

The field testing shall include but not limited to the following:

a. Boring, sampling, SPT & rock coring

b. Trial pits to a max depth of 2m below existing ground level, refusal or water table whichever is
shallower including excavation, sampling and backfilling.
c. In-situ density tests in trial pits
d. Field permeability tests in bore holes
e. Installation of piezometer for ground water monitoring

6. Chemical Test

In addition to the physical tests, samples are to be taken from each of the bores for chemical analysis so
as to give an indication of any possible aggressive elements present in the soils. For the purpose
of guidance, chemical tests should be carried out on soil samples within the first 1.00 m of the
ground surface and again at a level of approximately 2.00 m. In the event however, of sub-soil
water being encountered, then in place of the latter soil sampling level, a sample shall be taken
immediately above the ground water level. In addition, ground water samples shall be taken at
the surface of the ground water. Chemical analysis of water samples shall be carried out with
the minimum delay possible, so as to ensure that the results of the laboratory analysis are fully
representative of site conditions. Results of the chemical analysis of samples shall be included in
the report.

7. Site Conditions

The Geotechnical investigation specialist shall be responsible for all aspects of health, welfare, safety of
his own staff and of those employed by him and in addition, any third party likely to be involved
in the investigation works. All arrangements for security are his responsibility.

The specialist shall conduct enquiries and obtain information to determine if any underground
services are present at the site and in the event of such being in close proximity to a borehole
position shall bring this to the notice of the Engineer. He shall be responsible to ensure that all
necessary precautions are taken not to damage such services.

8. Records

Records shall be kept of the types of strata and their depth encountered in each borehole, together
with a record of the depth or depths at which water is encountered. The standing water levels in
each borehole shall also be recorded.

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A copy of the drillers daily log sheet shall be forwarded to the Engineer during the progress of the work.
In addition to general information on soil types encountered, any site information, which affects
the proposed length of boreholes, is also to be advised immediately to the Engineer do that
further instructions for confirmation can be given for the work in progress.

Records of soil strata given in borehole logs, filed identifications, etc. shall follow the procedure
set out in “Preparation of Maps and Plans in Terms of Engineering Geology, published by the
Geological Society Engineering Group”.

In the case of rock strata being encountered in the bores, the logging of such is similarly to be
made in accordance with the recommendations of the Geological Society Working Party Report.

9. Laboratory

All works shall be in accordance with the provisions of B.S. 1377 and shall include all necessary
tests to establish the engineering properties of the various strata of soil and rock encountered
so as to provide sufficient data for the compilation of the report and recommendations.

Laboratory testing shall include but not limited to the following:

a. Tests for particle size distribution

b. Atterberg limits
c. Moisture content
d. UCS
e. Chemical analysis
f. Direct shear tests
g. Tests to determine specific gravity
h. PH of soil
i. Falling Head permeability test.
j. Piezometer with ground monitoring for 1 week after completion drilling process.
k. Pressure meter test each 5 m in one boreholes.
l. Packer test.

10. Report

A comprehensive soil investigation report shall be submitted. Report shall include, but not be
restricted to the following:

a. Existing ground level and ground water table level with reference to an approved bench mark.
b. Chemical analysis of soil and water for salt concentration at relevant depths, and
recommendation of cement type to be used for foundation and substructure.
c. Boreholes showing soil/rock profile and characteristics.
d. SPT/CPT and UCS readings at acceptable and approved intervals.
e. Sieve analysis and gradation of soil.
f. Results of laboratory tests.
g. Elevation of the water table.

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h. Recommended allowable bearing capacities and subgrade modules for shallow foundations and
raft, and pile foundations (Pile capacities in compression and tension for 600mm, 700mm and
900mm diameters).

The report shall also discuss the effect of the chemicals present in the soil and ground water and
suggest ways and means of ensuring the durability of concrete in the foundations.

11. Supervision

All field work shall be continuously supervised by a trained and specialized technician under the
employment and responsibility of the specialized firm appointed by the Engineer to carry out
the work.

3.14 Clean-Up

3.13.1 Upon completion of work, the CONTRACTOR shall leave project site clear of debris and surplus material
resulting from the construction operations. The CONTRACTOR shall dispose of all debris and surplus
materials off site limits in a manner meeting all local authority requirements.

3.13.2 Remove and legally dispose off the site all unsuitable excavated material and found rubble from the
demolition of existing structures on site. Remove the material and rubble as it is excavated. Do not
stockpile excavated material and rubble on the site.


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