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Answer Key with Questions

Module Pretest: Animal Behavior and Diversity

1) Xavier is a member of the museum of natural history in his city and has been invited
to hear a lecture about interesting animal behaviors that scientists have studied over
the past century. Which does Xavier learn during the lecture?
Bees use complex dances to tell other bees the exact location of food.
Only humans can use tools to perform tasks.
Chimpanzees use spoken words to converse with humans.
Dolphins cannot use sounds to communicate with other dolphins.

Correct Answer
Bees use complex dances to tell other bees the exact location of food.

2) Amanda is a taking a nature walk at a local park. She observes newly hatched garter
snakes frantically searching for places to hide in the forest undergrowth. Amanda
wonders how the newly hatched snakes know they must hide, and she asks the local
ecologist at the nature center about the snakes’ behavior. Which response does the
ecologist give Amanda?
Young snakes rapidly learn the necessary survival skills for their environment.
Newly hatched snakes behave innately to hide themselves from predators.
The first hatchling acts on instinct, and the rest learn their behaviors from it.
At birth, snakes are imprinted with behavioral instructions by their mother.

Correct Answer
Newly hatched snakes behave innately to hide themselves from predators.

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Answer Key with Questions
Module Pretest: Animal Behavior and Diversity

3) Dalila is working with a local nature center to survey and clean up a stream. After
removing several tires from the streambed, Dalila and the other volunteers start
picking up rocks and looking on their undersides. By surveying the different types of
organisms living in the stream, she can evaluate its health. She finds a 0.5-cm
organism with a dark, flat body gliding smoothly across a rock’s surface. Which type
of organism did she find?
parasitic earthworm
aquatic flatworm
macroscopic rotifer
freshwater mollusk

Correct Answer
aquatic flatworm

4) While visiting the zoo, LaToya observes a Gila monster and a giant salamander. The
two animals appear similar, but a zoo volunteer explains that the Gila monster is a
reptile, while the salamander is an amphibian. The volunteer describes basic reptile
characteristics. Which is part of her description?
Reptiles can regulate their internal temperature.
Reptiles develop from an amniotic egg, as do birds and mammals.
Reptile gills are adapted for extracting oxygen from air or water.
Reptiles generally have moist skin adapted for an aquatic environment.

Correct Answer
Reptiles develop from an amniotic egg, as do birds and mammals.

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Answer Key with Questions
Module Pretest: Animal Behavior and Diversity

5) While on a field trip, Roberto’s class collects a wide diversity of arthropods from a
stream, meadow, and forest. Roberto’s teacher asks the students to identify the
features arthropods have in common. Which common feature is observed?
jointed appendages
pinching jaws
three pair of legs
three body parts

Correct Answer
jointed appendages

6) While watching a documentary on vertebrate diversity, Cecilia and her friends learn
that all vertebrates belong to the group known as phylum Chordata. Cecilia’s friends
believe that some invertebrates also belong to this phylum, and they research the
topic. What do they learn?

Correct Answer
Answers may vary.

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Answer Key with Questions
Module Pretest: Animal Behavior and Diversity

7) Andy has joined a tour group that is being guided on a hike through the Sierra
Nevada. The guide explains that they probably will not see the yellow-legged frog
because it is nearly extinct in the region. The guide also discusses several local and
global factors that scientists believe have caused amphibian populations around the
world to decline. What factors does the guide list?

Correct Answer
Answers may vary.

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Answer Key with Questions
Module Pretest: Animal Behavior and Diversity

8) While watching a squirrel scampering across the snow, Jim and Shani discuss why
mammals have hair. Shani believes mammalian hair has been adapted to do more
than just insulate a mammal. What are other functions of mammalian hair?

Correct Answer
Answers may vary.

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