PHP WordPress TOC

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PHP WordPress TOC

Day wise agenda for 3 hours per day total 27 hours:

Day Topic Subtopic

1 PHP fundamentals review Basic syntax and data types

2 PHP fundamentals review Control structures and loops

3 PHP fundamentals review Arrays and functions

4 PHP fundamentals review File handling and error handling

5 PHP fundamentals review Object-oriented programming concepts

6 PHP fundamentals review Classes and objects

7 PHP fundamentals review Inheritance and polymorphism

8 Advanced PHP concepts Namespaces and autoloading

9 Advanced PHP concepts Traits and interfaces

10 Advanced PHP concepts Generators and iterators

11 Advanced PHP concepts Error handling and exceptions

12 Advanced PHP programming techniques in WordPress Custom post types and taxonomies

13 Advanced PHP programming techniques in WordPress Theme development

14 Advanced PHP programming techniques in WordPress Plugin development

15 Advanced PHP programming techniques in WordPress Custom fields and meta boxes

16 PHP functions and WordPress integration WordPress hooks and filters

17 PHP functions and WordPress integration Theme and plugin functions

18 PHP functions and WordPress integration REST API integration

19 PHP functions and WordPress integration AJAX in WordPress

20 Working with PHP libraries Introduction to Composer

21 Working with PHP libraries Using external libraries in WordPress

22 Working with PHP libraries Integration with popular PHP libraries

23 Working with PHP libraries Securing PHP applications

24 Working with PHP libraries Performance optimization techniques

25 Working with PHP libraries Debugging and troubleshooting PHP

26 WordPress Installation and setup

27 WordPress Content management and


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