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Assignment 5 – The Adventures of Toto

Q.1. Answer the following in 30 to 40 words –

a. ‘Toto was a pretty monkey.’ In what sense is Toto pretty?

Keywords –definition vary, example, mischievous, pearly white
teeth, tail

b. Why does grandfather take Toto to Saharanpur and how? Why

does the ticket collector insist on calling Toto a dog?
Keywords – real menace, animals fed up, ticket, poked out his
head, ticket collector, rulebook, ingenuity

Q.2. Answer the following in 100 to 120 words –

a. Toto was a clever monkey but mischievous, which often landed him
in trouble. Justify this statement with context to his bathing habits.

Keywords – warm water, test the temperature, step in, soap, rub,
kitchen kettle, boiled himself

a. ‘Toto was not the sort of pet we could keep for long.’ Do you agree?
Explain giving examples from the text.
Keywords – mischievous, wall plaster, wall papers, other animals,
Dehradun railway station, boiling himself, loss of dishes, clothes,

b. According to the Primate Research Centre, Jodhpur, more than 1,000 cases
of monkey bites are reported every day in Indian cities. Almost all cities
with high monkey population have abundant stories of monkeys
‘encroaching and destroying’ property and ‘robbing’ people. Based on the
information above, write a letter to the editor of a leading daily newspaper
of India drawing attention of the authorities concerned to the serious
nuisance of monkeys in your city.
Student specific

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