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Virtual Admission Desk


Virtual Admission Desk

edustoke Virtual Admission Desk

With over 2.5 million registered parents, 45,000 Visitors a day, a number that is increasing
each day, is India’s number 1 Digital Platform for information and assistance
regarding boarding school admission. Our unique approach of using robust cloud-based
search technology coupled with expert human counselling has helped thousands of parents
take the right decision about their child’s schooling. In the process, we have provided over
300+ top boarding schools & 800+ Day schools across the Metros in the country, a powerful
platform to showcase themselves to prospective parents as well as engage with them and
meet their admission numbers. The proposal below details how edustoke can be the most
reliable admissions partner for your boarding school.
edustoke Virtual Admissions Desk(VAD) is an ideal solution for school admission offices who
wish to stay focused on in-school counselling and outsource parent discovery and first
contact to professionals. This guarantees maximum outreach to interested parents as well
continuous, rigorous and professional follow-up of a wider parent base to ensure the most
optimum use of school’s resources and maximize revenue, student diversity and improve
parent profile.
The Problem: Most admissions offices of residential/boarding schools are under increasing
pressure to reach the targeted admission/application numbers with ever growing
competition and parent expectations. The intensity of marketing and communication
required to secure each admission entails that admissions offices are stretched to the
maximum and are unable to meet increased demands of constant scouting, follow-up and
managing admission process of prospecting parents. The cost of reach to a worldwide
audience continues to be a deterrent .This results in suboptimal results and revenue loss.
The Solution: Virtual Admission Desk is a service available to our client schools that is
designed to guarantee that a) maximum number of parents get to know about the school
and are made aware of its offerings b) interested parents are put in direct contact with
school admission offices for further clarifications and closure.
Subscribers to the Virtual Admission Desk get
1) Subscription to schools edustoke web page and enhanced content capabilities to
showcase the school
2) services of a professional parent counselor who makes the first contact with the parent
on behalf of the school. Counselor is trained to understand each parent’s requirements and
articulate school’s value proposition and convinces to speak with school’s admission officer /
visit school for further discussion. The counselor makes sure that the school’s value
proposition is communicated effectively and honestly and completely in line with the
information provided by the school. It is to be noted that the counselor neither promises
admission not discuss fee payment details, which is a matter left to school and the prospective
parent. In this capacity the counselor reaches out to the maximum number of parents whose
Virtual Admission Desk
requirements can be met by the school and follows up with these leads to put them in touch
with the school.

Virtual Admission Desk Deliverables:

1. Establish contact between qualified and interested parent and school admission
authority/designated persons.
2. Subscription to school’s edustoke page with enhances features, as well as online registration
form with payment facility. *
3. Preferential rates for Auxiliary Services on edustoke like parent Webinars (video conferences
for marketing) , Online Registrations & applications and advertising options.

Virtual Admission Desk Pre-requisites:

1. Evidence of legal permissions to operate school as well as evidence of board affiliation.

2. Detailed information about the school in the prescribed format. (Annexure A)


edustoke’s commercial proposal is designed to ensure that “school pays if school benefits”. Post
payment of a small subscription fee which would give school advances listing on the country’s no 1
website for boarding school with associated services, school only pays if the school gains admissions
as a result of VAD.

Annual Subscription Cost: Rs 1,00,000 +GST Per School.

This Includes:

• School page subscription on edustoke for a duration of 12 months

• Virtual Admission Desk
• Online Registration, Online Applications & Online Video Interactions

Thereafter each admission shall be charged as per the fee structure of the school.

Day Scholar
School Fee Slab (First Year Fee) VAD Per Admission Price
(Indian Students)
For all grades 50K

Terms and Conditions

1. Payments become due on confirmed admission and payment of any amount more than
admission price.
2. If the child does not join/or leaves within 3 months of joining school edustoke shall replace
the admission on submission of proof of fee refund for the child.
3. Admission fee shall be charged according to the fee slabs. So, if the school falls under multiple
slabs across classes and board types multiple rate shall apply.
Virtual Admission Desk
4. For the calculation of fee bracket all fee heads shall be counted except for the once that are
refundable to the parent.

Other Conditions:

1. edustoke reserves the right to terminate the desk, with refund if applicable, if the school is
o Unable to attend/call/interact parents when they have shown interest
o Uses unfair means to gain admissions out of this process.
o Fails to inform outcome of parent interaction/admission of an edustoke sourced parent
to edustoke. Please note that it is incumbent on the school to inform edustoke about a
child’s admission after the school has been notified of interested parent by either of the
following 1) electronic mail to designated login 2) SMS/WhatsApp to designated phone
numbers 3) notification in school’s edustoke dashboard.4) Automated Phone call to
designated phone numbers
o Is in violation of the signed MOU/Agreement between Edustoke Pvt Ltd & School.

Either party can terminate the agreement if any party misrepresents facts or any material information
to each other or parent.
Virtual Admission Desk

Process Flow Chart

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