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With Introduction
United States of America

• •
Calcutta * ·* 1999
Published by:
Firma KLM Private Limited
257B, Bepin Behari Ganguly Street
Calcutta-700 012

Revised and Enlarged Edition 1975

Reprint 1982
Reprint 1987
R~print 1992
Reprmt .1 999

© Dr. A. K. Bhattacharya

ISBN 81-7102-012-7

Printed by:
Unfk Colour Printers
20A, Potuatola lane
Calcutta-700 009.
(Taken from Biographical Encyclopaedia o,f the World, 1946)

Director of the Orienta 1 Institute of Baroda. Born

January 6, 1897, Deasin, Burdevan Dt, son of Haraprased
Shastri and Hemanta Kumari Devi ; educated at Scottish
Churches College, Calcutta, B. A. 1917 ; Calcutta U niver-
sity, M.A. (Gold Medalist) 1919; Dacci University, first
Ph.D. 1925, married Labanya Mayi Devi, 1920, two sons
and four daughters-Omi, Ranvir, · Pratima, Ramala,
Shyamala and Chanchala. Dr. Bhatta•haryya began as
Bengal Government Research Scholar, 1920; entered
Baroda State Service as General Editor of Gaekwad's Oriental
Series, 1924 ; part-time Professor of Sanskrit, Baroda College,
1929 ; in charge of Marathi and Gujarati publications of the
State, 1931 ; recognized as Post-Graduate Teacher by Bombay
University, 1932 ; Examiner for Ph.D. degree 1943. Director,
Oriental Institute of Baroda, since 1927, and published under
his general editorship over 80 original works on lndology in
Gaekwad's Oriental Series. Organized Seventh All India
Oriental Conference 1933 (Local Secretary); Local Secretaiy
17th Bengal Literary Conference_, 1922. Has established
charitable dispensaries for homoeopathy since 1927. Life
Member of Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal, Calcutta, and of
Bbandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona, Member or
sometime Member of Bihar and Orissa Research Institute,
Patna ; Vangiya Sahitya Parishad, Calcutta ; International
Psychic Research Congress, London, and Kern Institute, Leiden,
Holland. Received title of Rajyaratna and Gold Medal ;
title of Jnanajyoti and a Silver Medal; Diamond Jubilee
Meda]. Clubs : Sayaji Vilhar, Baroda ; Bengali ; Delhi ;
University Institute, Calcutta. Hobbies : Photography,.
astrology, mystic sciences, homoeopathy, sculpture and
painting. Publications o Indian Buddhist Iconography, 1924 ;

An Introduction to Buddhist Esoterism, 1932; Proceedings and
Transactions of the Seventh Indian Oriental Conference, 1935 ;
Sadhanamala, 1925, 1928, etc; also over 100 original papers
and articles. ·
Residence, Shastri VilJa,. Naihati, West Bengal, India.
Death, 22nd June 1964.

Alo ch aka Seeing Fire

Apana Downward Air
Atiyoga Over use
Avalambaka Supporter Water
Ayoga Non•use
Ayu Life
Ayurveda Indian Science of Medicine
Balgam Water Element
Bhrajaka Shining Fire
Bodhaka Feeler Water
Bramha Hindu God, The Creator
Bramhan The Supreme Being
Haw a Air Element
Kali Yuga The Degenerate Age
Khun 'f he Fire Element
Kledaka Moistener Water
Maheswar Hindu God, The Destroyer
Mithya Yoga Improper Use
Om Sacred Sound
p Pitta or Fire Element
PK Pitta Kapha or Fire and Water Elements
Pachaka Digestive Fire
Prajnaparadha Offence by Intelligence
Prana Vital Air
Ranjaka Colouring Fire
Sadhaka Fulfilling Fire
Samana Even Air
Slesbmaka Phlegm Water
Tarpaka Pleasing Water
Tridosha The Three Faults of Elements
Udana Upward Air
Unani Persian Medical Science
v Vayu or Air Element
VK Vata Kapha or Air and Water Elements
VP Vata Pitta or Air and Fire Elements
VPK Vata Pitta Kapha or Air, Fire and Water
Vasuki Mythological Giant Snake
Veena Musical String Instrument
Vishnu Hindu God, The Preserver
Vyana Diffused Air
PREFACE to 1st EDITION ... xiv

The three Cosmic Elements 1
The Element of Air •e• 8
The Element of Fire 14
!fhe Element of Water 19

Classes of Diseases 23
The Elements in Disease ... 29

The Elements in Medicine 38
The Elements in Pulse 54

The Elements in Food 64
Harmony of Cosmic Elements 70

The Role of Bacteria in the Production of Disease 80
The first edition of this bJok was published in New
York, U.S.A., in 1951. The background of this bo0k js very
interesting. My father used to edit a Journal, "Buoda
Homoeopathic Bulletin", p'ubli~hed by The Homoeopathic
Charitable Dispensary of Baroda. He was the main con-
tributor and in this he used to give some original articles
based on Tridosba Homoeopathy. Somehow, this Jour'n al
went to the hands of his American friend Mr. Howard
Stangle of New York. He requested' my father to write
a short book explaining the principles of Ayurveda for
the American public. He also promised to get this pub-
lished in America. The result WdS the book-''The Science of
Tridosha or The Three Cosmic Elements in Homoeopathy.~
The book was well received in Wester a countries as this
was a completely new subject to them. The book came
to India and some of my father's well-wishers wanted an
Indian edition to which my father consented. This
Indian edition was exhausted and we all felt the need of
onother revised editbn with more Tridosha analysis of
Homoeopathic medicines. As always Shri Kanailal
Mul hopadhyay came forward to publfsh this book and I
m very grateful to him for this. ·
The am.algamat.ian of Homoeopathy a.nd Ayurveda
it elf is a revolutionary idea. There was a lot -of ctitfoism
tH I adverse comments by purists of Homoeopathy as
th y thought that Homoeopathy was being ruined by such.
icl .as. I am a Homoeopath and a staunch one at that.
Still I feel that there is scope for research in this vast
field which should not be overlooked. The experience of
all the Homoeopaths prescribing by symptom similarity is.
not o.nly laborious but also an unsuccessful attempt on the
part of the common practitioner. The scholarly few who·
have mastered this techniqtfe advocate this line but they
forget that they cannot lend their intelligence to the

general mass of Homoeopaths who actually propagate

Homoeopathy to the public. The few experts are regarded
as super-men to whom people go not as Homoeopaths but
as experts who ha 'le the ability to give relief. One Dr B. C.
Roy would never have been able to bring Allopathy to the
level it has attained today. It is the general practitioner
who is responsible to bring. to the notice of the g,meral
public the efficacy of a particular system of treatment.
This book will be useful to this general practitioner who
will get some useful hints for prescribing and getting
results out of these prescriptions. After all, what we
need is results and if this can deliver the goods there is
no reason why this should not be followed.
I ought to stress another point so that there is a bso-
lutely no mi understanding anywhere. The knowledge of
the Materia Medica and the Organon and the Philosophy
of Homoeopathy are absolutely essential even though the
medicine may bJ prescribed according to Tridosha. Every
medicine has a sphere of action and that cannot be learnt
without. g ,ing through the Mciterh Medica Hence# nohody
should think that they can practise HJmJeopathy on the
basis of Tridosha without learning HJrnoeopathy first.
For getting this book ready I must tnink my very
good fri end Shri Subodh Kumir M.Jjurnder wil.o after
retiring from government service has devoted his entire
time to this org misation wholeheutedly. May G Jd grant
him a long life for serving the c:iuse of Humanity !

Shastri Villa ,
Naibati 743165 A. K. BHATTACHARYA
West Bengal, India.
The June 22, 1975.
To the First Edition

It is the good fortune of readers to have the little

known subject of Tridosha first presented to them at the
bands of one most proficient to do it. The size and scope
of the book are of the author's own wish, it being inten-
tional to keep the volume small and without adjunct of
case histories. The method used in preparing it> we
believe to have been dictated by considerations of other
such works of the author's own land, methods followed
perhaps by ancient writers in preparing the old aphoristic
Upanishads. All further considerations of subject materials,
such as commentaries, are left to a future time.
The author, Dr. Bhattacharyya, has been a practising
homoeopath in India for thirty years. During this time
many thousands of patients have been cured and benefited
by him, the success attendant upon the long etfort owing
chiefly, he feels , to the consistent application of Tridosha
to Homoeopathy. His desire now is that the theory of
Tridosha will be carefully examined by all who are concerned
in the bettering of public health, and that in due
time Tridosha will fill its own place in the West. This is
the living hope of the scholar who offers it.
How the book came to be written is soon told. Dr.
Bhattacbaryya edited for some years a journal known as
"The Homoeopathic Bulletin'', which was published at his
charitable dispensary in Baroda, India. In its pages, over
the course of its publication, he developed the theory of
Tridosha seriatim. Some of the articles fell into the bands
f well-wishers in the West. The new strange tenets of
ld Ayurvedic science could not have failed to rouse atten·
tioo. Upon communicating our appreciation to him, we
were favoured with the following tlnusual reply : "I am
lad my writings have not been a cry in the wilderness and
tha t by some mysterious chance, I have spoken to
ympathetic ears. To spread Truth is to worship- God, no

matter whether there is gain or loss, praise or blame. We

as Brahmins are duty bound to publish the result of our life
long Sadhana and realization. I have a desire to write a
smail book giving a broad outline of the new system
adumbrated in my writings. If you can nlodernize it
according to your lights and publish the same in America,
I shall be happy to send it on to you when it is ready."
A short time afterward the complete MS was received 1
which Dr. Bhattacharyya announces as the first of his
Sanskrit rendered offerings. It required however, no

What, then, is Tridosha 1 It is, we are: informed, a

Sanskrit word comprised of two particles, tri (three) and
dosha (fault), lit., "the three faults''~ That is, Tridosha
treats of the three elements in the human body most likely
to become deranged and produce disease. Tridosha is the
science of these three Elements. In a sense it might be
said tbat the ekments of "air, fire and water," which are
tbe inner motors of the outer garment of human body,
are like the thought, will and feeling of the human intelli·
gence. They are its three main factors in IHe. These three
forces, called Vata, Pitta and Kapha with their sub·
divisions, belong within the sum total of human energies.
But the autuor has nowhere said that they are repre..
sentative of all the human forces. lfheir full triple
meaning has been exp a oded in the chapters devoted to their
elucidation, namely, chapters ii, iii, and iv.

In the development of the terms fire and water throughout

the book, it will be observed that polarity is indicated, the
poles positive and negative of all forms of energy and matter ;
and air considered as representing the neutral or axial
common to both. Standard homoeopathic practice uses these
terms under different designations, referring to them as the
''hot'' and "cold 1' temperaments of persons, and also, in the
still closer comparison of Grauvogl, as the. OxygenoidS>
Hydrogeuoid, and Carbo-nitrogenous constitutions. These

latter relate both to medicines and to man. But until now,

the finer shades of differentiation into which such forces fall
appear not to have been given their proper recognition.
It will be found that the Tridosha system fully embraces
Heriag's doctrine of the law of direction of cure, which asserts
diseases disappear in the reverse order of their coming, and.
''from within outwards and from above downwards". Tridosha
clarifies the idea of cure, it points to the principle or the way
of the passage' from within to without", of disease causes and
unnatural vibrations which have so evident a share in man's
Man is a dynamic being. His diseases are dynamic forces.
Disease in all cases is the consequence of some derangement,
and derangement is a disturbance of normal polarities, called
in Ayurveda •·fire and water 1 ' . Normal polarity of the cell
and its invisible energizing properties in this sense means,
simply a magnetic alignment or arrang"'ment of all the
component particles of the cell. Disease, physically considered,
can be nothing t.nore than an upsetting of the normal condition,
which is magnet~c derangement of particles. A restoring of
forces to normal is equal to a restoring of all constituent parts
to a correct state of function. This is equilibrium, or health.
Derangement, as the author sbows, is first to be looked for
among the fifteen finer forces, witnin, the electrovital fluids and
functions of the human na ture. These forces are being
investigated today by means of techniques in use in the science
of electronics.
Matters pertaining thus to man, his diseases and his
medicines, are viewed by Tridosha as being exhibitions of
the activities of various grades of .i ntelligent energies.
These operate under natural and un erring Jaws. In this
respect Dr. Bbattacharyya in an early letter provides a
clue. He writes : "'There was a case of leucoderma in a
girl, one · circular spot, ao eight-anna hit in size.
Leucoderma is a disturbance of the colour equilibrium of
the skin. To maintain the colour equilibrium is the work

of the Bhrajaka Pit, one of the five kinds of Pit. The

disease, therefore, belongs to the domain of the element
of fire. Syphillinum is a powerful dyna rn ic principle which
bas the power to pacify the element of fire of all the five
varieties. The child received one glouble of No. 10 of the
medicine in potency. She was called back after a month
and the white area was found to be reduced. A ring of
black skin was found round the margin. Next month there
was another ring, followed by an0ther in the third month
and the disease was gone. She never received a second
dose, nor rel~psed.
The fifteen forces, arranged in somewhat different
order from that given in the chapters appear to assort
themselves in the following manner, according to various
parts played. Under alimentation or tUgestion it is found
Food is drawn in by Prana, i.e., the force which actuates
the controlling muscles to impel food down the passage
into the stomach.
Food is split up and separated from waste by Samana.
Food is moistened and disintegrated by Kledaka.
Food is reduced to chyle, separated from waste by
Chyle is given its red colour, and turned into blood by
Faeces and waste, as also the foetus at birth, are
forced downward under the agency of Prana.
Under senses it is found in general :
Normal vision is kept up by Alochaka.
The functions of eyes, ears and nose are regulated by
The power of the tongue to taste c:>mes from Bodhaka.
Talking, singing, coughing, sneezing and the like are
produced by Udana.
Others are:
Tbe skin gets its i'rradiated glow from Bhrajaka, which
force also is the cause of absorption of oils, unguents, etc.
Serum is provided to body and blood by Vyana, and
this acts also in skin elimioations and in the on flow of blood
from wounds.
Joints are protected by Avalambaka; and are kept
in i:e grated and from dislocations by Slesmaka.
Life, reproduction, breathing, etc. 'are seen to be pro-
tected and 01 ganized by Pr~rna.
I ; Assimilated juices from foods necessary to the vital
processes performed by the heart, are provided by Avalambaka.
In the mental field, intellect, memory and desires are
regulated by the founctioning of Sabhaka.
With the above in view, it is observed how well the
Trido~ha principle with its elementary constituents of the
finer forces adapts itself to present day disclosures of atomi•J
research. Of late ) ears it bas come to be discovered that
the plane occupied by human life is in reality an electro-
dynamic field. Man is born actually within such dynamic
field of existence, he lives out bis life therein ; and the
field con ta ins in itself those interacting forces which give
play and direction throughout the whole of the life span.
This field was named by its discoverers,. Drs. H. S. Burr
and F. S. C. Northrop, of Yale University, some years ago-
tbe electrical architect. "The name seems best des igned to
give character both to the nature of the field, and to
fundamental processess taking place in it. Thus, it is within
an area of electro-dynamic limits, that circulate those elemen-
tary ene1 gies and powers-the fifteen forces of Ayurveda,
the action of which the auttor of this brochure has made it
bis primary purpose to analyze.''
Regarding the Tridosha of the motor processes within
the fiekf, the chief point enunciated is that if balance is
maintained in the body among its fifteen forces, or its three

elements, there will be no disease. The upsetting of this

balance may constitute either an excess or a deficiency of
particular element or elements. But if all forces can be
gtrengtbened and balanced> there is no possibility of disease
lingering in the system. But the diseaseless condition of outer
body is consisteuUy dependent on the harmonious functioning
taking place in the dynamic field itself.•
Medicines likewise are possessed of their dynamic counter·
parts. The homoeopathic medicines which contain all the
three elements of air, fire and wat~r have the faculty of
str¢ngtheniog all the elements of the dynamic field of body,

and arc atle to aid all the fifteen ' 'genii" in their maintenance
of health. When possible, such medicines are always to be
preferred in use.
The main o bject of T.ridosha applica.tion is to show
that medicines &hould not be used in contrary order, that
a Pit (hot) medicine should not be used against a Kaf
disease, or a Kaf (cold) mcdidue against a Pit disease.
All persons who have to do with the use of pot.entized
medicines should be informed tbat injudicious employ of
these attenuated substance-the dynamic r emedies of
homoeopathy-can lead to results that are not ben eficial.
There is a true scientific use of the dyna mic medicine,
and it should be learned. The high potency medicine is a
rtleased force. Depending o n its particular nature, or
character, it can be made to wo1 k either for or against the
objects of th e patient. It ca n. be used to stimulate remedial
action among the forces ; or it can be used to . produce
further unbalance and aggravation in the condition in·
tended to relieve. It is necessary that the user gets some
cJear concept of the dynamic side of homoeopathic action .
Though homoeopathic medicines will not kill, as th~y nre
potencies, not poisons-they have their right methods of
application and may not be indiscriminately used with profit.
Those medicines found Jist"ed in the chart under V5P5
and V5K5 are better used in Pit and Kaf ailments than

medicines containing but one single element, P, or K,

without the vital strengthening V or nerve element. The
reason for this is fully given in the book. The V5P5K5
medicines, wbich contain the essentials to nourish and
support all the systems of the body, are consequently
superior to other medicines. The authbr once wrote : "In
Ayurveda, you will find certain universal medicines like
Chyavanaprasa and Makaradhvaja, which can cure all disease
and support Hfe.''
There is of course a technique fbr the use of the few
best medicines, which has to be mas'tered on an element
correspondence basis. An example is furnished. "In cholera,
coryza, bay fever, choleric diarrhoea, Camphor has to be
Exhibited and not Baptisia. In typhoid, typhus, poisonous
fevers, Baptisia will act but not Sepia. Similarly in long
standing fevers, in cancer, asthma, etc. Ammonium Mur and
Ammonium Carb have to be exhibited, but not Camphor or
Dr. Dhattacharyya relates an experience with the tried and
proven Sepia. "In my cha.ritab!.e dispensary I recently gave
Sepia' in different potencies to at least one thousand patients
over a short ( two months' ) period. The results were
remarkable. Cancer glands got surprisingly reduced, debility
·Cases improved, some asthma cases .of obstinate type got cured,
old dysentery cases got well, obstinate constipations disappe-
al'ed, dyspepsia, rheumatism, headache and numerous other
cases became well. This should be~ proof that element corres-
pondenc~ is at the root of correct prescriptions/'

It may be said that Dr. Bhattacharyya performs his

diagnoses entirely by pulse, and that he is a master expoDeot
of that type of diagnosis. In the incident above related he
sho~vs how under expert prescribing with the. aid of but a single
omnibus remedy, near miracles still can be wrought. But it'
is not improbable, too, that such miracles of homoeopathic
healing will occur oftenest in the practice of those who have
.some little acquaintance with the dynamics of the human body.

A peripheral remark on the subject of dynamics may

not now be o.ut of place. Out of the ancient Ayurvedic concept
of element correspondence, grows the modern one of the
wave·length, or. what may be termed "rhythm correspon-
dence.'' All objects are known to possess characterizing
frequencies of vibrations. All things of whatever nature have
individual wave-lengths. Wav.e·lengths can be measured and
recorded with proper conditions and machinery, the patterns
they exhibit can be graphed and the various correspondences
among them illustrated. The medicines in use in homoeopathy
have their dynamic, individual fields of mol.eculaF action~
individual wave· lengths, and distinctive patterns of their several
activities. The same can be said for diseases, since th~y too
.are active forces. Element correspondence in medicine,
pre$cribing according to elemt!nts which will restrain and
pacify similar diseased elements, finds .a complement in the
theory of wave-length correspondence.
When a disease is known to hav e a certain functioning
wave-length or 'rhythm,' it well follows that medicines selected
for such disease should have an appropriate rhythm. In the
future it will be necessary to construct tables of such rhythms
or wave-lengths of medicines and diseases, for general therapeu-
tic purposes. Construction and preparation for use of such
tables is not an idle thought. It is not an impossibility. Some
work along the line is already in progress. The wave-length
of the cancerous stage of cells in the human body is discovered,
for instance, to have a ~ave-length measureJ)lent-in terms
of physics-of 10,000 Angstrom units. In a case when
vibrations of both disease and medicine are known to be
the same, it would need only that the one be brought in contact
with the other in order to cause a desired change of condition.
A stronger force that is natural, such as possessed by the
medicine, will always overcome, cancel, extinguish a like weaker
force which is un natural, as in the case of disease, or derange-
ment. This is of course the explanation, from the "magnetic',
point of view, of how the similimmn medicine acts in bringing,
about cure, or the axiom of "like cures like." ,
An additional factor should also be kept in view. Many
medicines are known to act best in some poteqcies and not
well in other potencies. That is, medicines have tbeir favorites
among potencies. Dr. Bhattacharyya adds to this that diseases
also have their predileotions for only one of the many potencies
available to the homoeopath. He says, "In working out this
problem it is found, for instance, that Obe.sity asks for Cm
potency, Oedema 1 m, Otorrhoea 200, Paralysis 1m, Piles 200,
Plague 500, Pleurisy 12, Pneumonia 30 and so forth .... " Again,
in same letter: "You will be glad to liear that Anthracinum
~00 has raised up several patients suffering from B:rne 'P. B .
which made tbem bedridden for a nunb;:r of year:;. Three or
four doses of this wonder medicine enough to pro:luce
this result.''
It would appear that traditional medicine is destined to
undergo definite changes in the course of time.
Derangements or diseases as they express the ·nselves are
of all kinds. Their cause, in the views of modern P.:iychology,
e~tends even to the mental and moral nature of man. Disea~es
have a root inception in thought ; and thought has initial power
in the production of disease. On this mo~t important point of
all, there is no disagreement among opposing schools of
medicine. All modern schools in fact jJin hands in the ground
theory of psychosomatic medicine, that the subjective, the
psychic, the emotional of the human life are germinating sp:>t
for all ailments and miseries. Differences among schools are
found in methods of attack. Yet to any serious person it
should be clear that as these schools cannot agree on the
finality of any method to be used in solving the problem
of the amelioration of human suffering, none, nor all
the schools put together, can claim possession of the whole
truth. Diseases are of all classes and descriptions. 'They
require various modes of handling of treatment. Some will
respond to one kind, some to another. There is thus place for
all systems.
In treating diseases, foods rank with medicines as esseatials.

Tbe place and function diet in disease has not been omitted
from discussion. Many diseases are commonly known to
result from bad habits, from faulty diet and failure to observe
ordinary laws on hygiene. Others are organic and mechanical,
where the defect is in certain organs not being able to respond ·
to normal action in accord with other organs. By correcting
tbe habits, by supplying the food elements known to be lacking,
many times the organism will be found able to restore itself.
The truth of this, however, can only be ascertained by the
attempt. Nervous diseases of many kinds that characterize this
age are the outcome of worrying, emotional excitement, various
wrong habits Of thought and so on. fn the prescribing of an
effective diet for any and all diseases, a knowledge of element
correspondence is iµvaluable. Foods, like medicines 1 have
their three distinctive attributes or Tridosha. In a tabular
form in the chapter on foods, many of the staple articles of diet
have been. included showing their elemental contents. This
food chart should prove of good service in the selection of foods
to help correct the illnesses to which ihey are related by
element. For as like is required to cure like, those foods con·
taining the elements at fault or ceficient in the patient are the
only foods able to furnish counteractive forces. Many nerve
foods are to be found in the chart. This fact alone is significant
of its value. Schools in the world there are said to be, whose
practitioners are able to cure all kinds of diseases by food alone.
It is held by some that every vegetable can be rightly used as a
medicine. But the knowledge required is that of an intelligent
use of the principle of Tridosha.

For the inadequacies of these short introductory paragraphs.

the undersigned begs lenience. Tridosba is a fascinating subject,
it bolds great promise both for students and for members of
the regular professions. But all aHke it is a difficult subject
and necessitates study. Its position and importance, as well
as the authorship of this first presentation have all been
summed up by the author in a few words :
It is not an easy thing to be a Sanskritist with ability

to super-impose Tridosha on homoeopathy. To co:nbioe the

two is only within the powers of ~rn orieIJta list. In the case
of a controversy or clarification it will be difficult for any
other man to answer. In the last 150 years no one could
be found. Therefore my request is that the b.:>ok go out
under my name, with that of Howard D. Stangle as the
introducer or the author of a special Foreword.
Because of this request of our esteemed Indian brother,.
"the Doctor," the foregoing has been attempted.

To the First Edition
Homoeopathy as a system of medicine originated with
Samuel Habnemann. He knew all the European languages,
but amongst the Eastern languages he was familiar only
with Arabic. Sanskrit was not known to him, and it is a
singular misfortune that Hahncmann was not acquainted
with Sanskrit. If he had known the theory of Tridosha,
the prized possession of India, which is entirely written in
Samkrit, he would have been able to lay the foundation of
a system which would have done away with crude drugs
and massive doses. Even a hundred years before our time
vaccines and sera, inoculations and injections, cruel opera-
tions and maimings would have been the things of the
past. But unfortunately, Habnemann did not know Sans-
krit~ the only language in which the tenets of Tridosha are
recorded. The theory of Tridosba as incu1cated by the
ancients and practised by the indigenous physicians of
India is the corner-stone of the Indian system of medicine.
The Tridosha has been found by Jong experience of thou-
sands of years as a true and invariable Jaw both by obser-
vation and experiment.
When homoeopathy comes to India it is the duty of
Sanskrit scholars to examine the Hahnemannian theory in
the light of Tridosba and to harmonize homoeopathy with
the laws of the three cosmic elements, such as air, fire and
water. This has to be done by men well-versed in several
subjects of the East and the West and their qualifications
must be most exacting. Great versatility is demanded
from men who have to perform this most difficult and
delicate task. They must combine in themselves a Sans-
krit scholar, a student of oriental and occidental medicine,
an expert in pulse, a homoeopath, and a practitioner of long
experience. It is hard to find men who will combine in
them an expert knowledge of all the branches of science
above stated. Thus it happens that although bomoeopa~y is in
existence in India for more than a hundred years, its thebries
have not been co-ordinated with those of Tridosha.

It is necessary, however, that the Tridosha method of

criticism should be applied to homoeopathy, and an attempt
in that direction should be made, however feeble the
attempt may be. Homoeopathy ii the only dynamic system
of medicine available to mankind thanks to the great
genius of its founder, Samuel Hahnemann. But its appU·
cation according to tho law of similars is well-nigh beyond
the reach of even the most highly qualified practitioner.
In order that this dynamic system may be made full use
of, it is absolutely necessary that the Tridosha methods
should be applied to homoeopathy for the eternal benefit
to mankind. It has become imperatively necessary that
the present-day crude methods should give way to a nobler,
gentler, and humane method of healing which can be
accomplished by a slightly modified system which applies
Tridosha principles. to the science and practice of homoeo·

Therefore, what is needed at the present juncture is

a knowJedge of the broad principles of Tridosha for all
those who are interested in the dynamic method of healing.
Although we are conscious of our shortcomings', we are
nevertheless making an attempt to coordinate the two great
sciences, of homoeopathy on ·the one hand and Tridosba
on the other. We feel it our duty to record to what we have
been abk to learn after life-long austerities in order that
more competent hand in the future may take up the work
of investigation for the mutual enlightenment of homoeo-
pathy and Tridosha.
When Tridosha is applied to homoeopaty the first
thing necessary is that the medicines should be classified
under the three main heads of air, fire and water. When
this classification is done the manifold powers inherent in
tbe homoeopathic medic\nes will be known. It will then be
possible to know what particular medicines have the power
to pacify diseases arising out of the derangement of one
or another of the three cosmic elements. Once the Tridosha

of medicines and diseases is understood, _prescription will.

be- a mechanical wotk of element corrcspondeoec, and cures.
will follow as a matter of mathematiclll accuracy.
Let us, therefore, march forward from the point Hahnemann
Jeft homoeopathy. Potentized medicine i3 the immortal crea·
tion of Hahn·eµiann oflirst-class importance to the world. This.
fact alone will instal him in the hearts of men as on.e of the
greate§t benefactors of humanity. His materia medica will be
~n eternal guide in finding out the Tridosha of drugs. His
Jaw of simiJars will in iuture be studied in its deeper implica•
tions. Right here it is necessary to state that it is not the
purpose of this book to denounce the law of similars. On the
contrary, it is most emphatically affirmed that this Law of
Hahnemann is a true and invariable law. Our only object is to
1ay stress on the fact that the law of similats sbou'ld not be
applied to the external and superficial manifestations of
symptom but to their underlying cosmic elements. Here
we are only advocating. a system which will not be satisfied
with mere symptom corresponden~e but with its subtler asp_e.ct
of the correspondence of elements which lie deep below the
superficial symptoms.
In the present l;>rochure an attempt has be~n made to study
homoeopathy from the point of view of' the law of Tridosha.
For the first time homoeopathic rnadicines have been classed
here· under ·the three C·)Smic elements of air, fire ·and· water.
Here for the first time the. elemental constituents of the
principa1 medicines have been stated. The more comm~n
diseases, the movem~nts of the pulse, the articles of food and
their elemental contents have been clearly stated. A method
bas also hcen devised to meet the diseases~ with appropriate
remedies ir1 a ccordance with the Jaws of Tridosba, in order to
bring about cure&s easily, gentlY,.r. quickly and in a humane
manner. When th is system becomes current it wifl not· be
necessary to introduce dirty and filthy lymphs into the pure
stream of hum~n blood and corl'upt the body to its very root.
Death is normal to human beings, but it is ·an insult
to the Soul to be stuffed with crude drugs and filthy sera
with the illusive hope of saving life. To save life by crude
methods is a delusion. The Law of Life and Nature knows
how, where and when to take him back. The Law commits
no mistakes. The mysteries of Jife and death are known to
that Law everpresent in the Cosmos, ruling and guiding it.
Man must be prepared to wait. patiently till the order for release
comes from his own Soul. It is hardly profitable for him, \\'hile
he lives, to save his life several times by rotten mixtures and
filthy lymphs. Since death is normal why should man be afraid
of death?
The qualities and powers residing in the ions ( Paramanus)
of the homoeopathic potentized drugs have been described in a
picturesque · manner in the Taittiriya Upanisbad, one of the
immo1tal philosophical works of India. In this great work it is
said, "The elements require food (work), and for food they take
birth, they live and they strive. Secondly, the elements have
vital air, and for this vital air they take birth, they live and they
strive. Thirdly, the elements have a feering of bliss, and for
this they take birth, they live and they strive''. It is in this
manner the ancients used to record scientific laws· and facts.
The ions of homoeopathic medicines are the ions of elements,
and a~cordiog to the above dictum, they have duti'es, vital' air ;
mind ; consciousness and a -feeling of pleasure and pain. When
the ions of remedies release their power in a diseased body, they
find out their work, they understand their mission, they search
out the diseased parts, with unfatling accuracy, and derive the
highest pleasure in removing the ugliness of the disease, and
thus restore cosmic harmony. This most powerful automic cons·
ciousness (Amt Chaitanya) is in the band of the homoeopaths.
They the most fortunate possessors of cosmic power, not for
destruction but for resto.riog cosmic harmony. They must make
full use of this power in order to remove disease and to rr:ake
all happy and diseaseless. But before that a knowledge of cos-
mic laws operating in the human body and the cosmic contents
of mediCines will be necessary. That knowledge is difficult to
attain. We are making a pioneer effort. J~et others more

competent pursue this ideal and increase the fund of our

The Universal Soul (Brahman) is present in the ion (anu)
and the ion is present in the Brahman. The ion has all the
powers of creation, maintenance and destruction as those of
Brahmano The ion has, like Brahman, the three qualities of
existence (sat), consciousness \chit) and bliss (ananda). The
doctor's business is to introduce the most powerful and atten.
uated ions into the diseased body, and leave the rest to the con-
scious and inte1ligent ions. They will accomplish their mission
and report c?mpletion of work through the eyes and expression
of the patient and his internal joy. This is what is known as
In the higher cosmic plane there is no difference of name
and form. They are the manifestations of the elements consti-
tutiog the cosmos. The names of diseases may be different but
they are nothing but the manifestations of the three basic ele-
ment~. The patients may have many names ?nd many forms
but their elements are the same. Thus a patient suffering from
a disease, say rheumatism, is himself made up of the two ele-
ments, air and water, predominant in him. His medicines such
as Medorbinum and Psorinum have theie very elements, air and
water predominant in them. The difference lies in the fact that
the patient charged with the disease is the negative pole hanke-
ring after the positive medicine. When the negative meets the
positive it becomes neutral qr normal, the hankering ceases,
the organism is relieved and cosmic harmony is restored.
This is, in short, the principle behind the cosmic harmony of
cure. Disregardiog the external manifestations of name and
form the doctor has to enter into the basic elements of nature.
He will discover to his utter surprise how the One splits itself
into Many in a bewildering variety.
The Universal Law of Life has providec,i mankind with all its
needs. But we arc not able to pry into many secrets because
of the veil of ignorance that separates the divine knowledge
(vidya) from erroneous knowledg~ (avidya). A science in order

to be true must be able to distinguish between the essentials

and non-essentials, and by discharging the latter get at the un·
adulterated stream of essential knowledge which is at the root
of Cosmic Evolution. This is true knowledge-the Veda, the
knowledge of elements or the knowledge of Brahman. One who
knows Brahman attains immortality.


The Publisher, Shri Somabhai K. Patel, has done me a great

honour by asking me to write a Preface to his Indian edition of
the Science to Tridosha or the Three Cosmic Elements in
Homoeopathy, first published in New York in the year 1951
and now running its second edition since 1956, under the dis-
tinctive title of Tridosha and Homoeopathy. The Science of
Tridosha is a part of the most ancient system of Indian Medi·
cine well-known as Ayurveda (The Science of Life). Although
Tridosha is in India since the last 3000 years at least, its tenets
are generally not known outside India, nor its principles are
incorporated in any of the medical systems current in European
countries or in America. The Science of Tiidosha deserves a
hearing and I believe it will live in the minds of all right thinking
persons all over the world alil it has lived in India since time
immemorial. The worthy publisher's effort in pop,ularising
Tridosba amongst Homoeopaths in India is praiseworthy, and
it is my earnest hope that his endeavours in this direction wiU
be crowned with success.
When I was quite young reading in schools in the first deca-
de of the present century, I became acquainted with the divine
system ofHomoeopathy and its founder, Samuel Hahnemann
of Germany, who brought immortal 1ame to bis Fatherland by
giving to humanity a new system of medicine which is destined
to remain till humanity lasts. Homoeopathy for the first time
demonstrated the magic of minute doses and potentized medi-
cine, and thus opened up a new vista of research and experi-
mentation leading ultimately to a perfect system which will
invariably prescribe for a cure. But if we are complacent and
leave Homoeopathy where its Founder left it~ there will be
little progress and homoeopathy may be crushed by its own
weight. tfhe Science of Tridosha can save Homoeopathy from
such a predicament.
In my school days, I was very often troubled with
headache which would not go with the routine medicines
prescribed by our family doctor who happened to be an
allopatb. We had an old relative with long practice of Homoeo·
pathy behind him, and whenever he published a book on
Homoeopathy, he used to present us with a copy. I was fond
of reading these books from my very childhood, and tried to
find out a remedy for my headache. Ultimately, I thought
that China should be a good medicine for me. I managed to
get an anna and purchased a dram of Obina 6, and started
taking a dose daily (one drop in one ounce of water) at night,
and in this way I got rid of my headache within a short time.
My love for Homoeopathy thus began growing.
When I was about 16 years of age, my younger sister be·
came ill with a nervous disease called Chorea. She was given
such large quantities of Bro lllide that she became very ill and
was unconscious for fuU seven days. The allopathic doctor,
a relative of ours, reported to my father that my sister could
survive only fo1· 24 hol!rs and that there was no hope for her
life. My father asked the doctor not to interfere with the case
any longer, and sent for another relative of ours who was a
reputed Homoeopath. He arrived the same evening, examined
my si8ter, particularly her pulse, very carefully, and pronounced
that the patient would recover consciousness within 24 hours
.and that there was no danger to her life. After long meditation
.a nd observation, he gave Lycopodium 200 and repeated the
dose after one hour and waited for results. Next morning,
the patient woke up at 10 A.M. perfectly normal. From this
time onwards, she went on improving until in about a month's
time she recovered· completely and, strange as it may seem,
my sister is still living at the time of writing. She was ill
fo 1912.
My sister's case made a profound impression on my
mind and I became a staunch advocate of Homoeopathy
.and whenever I could manage to get some time, I used to
spend it in studying Homoeopathy. Dr. Mahendranath

Bhattacharya, our Homoeopath relative, became my Guru

and he used to guide me and lend me valuable books. I made
much progress and I was able to prescribe medicines for all
and sundry whenever they were in difficulty. I was in Bengal
right upto the year 1924 and till then I experienced no real
difficulty because my Guru was with me. But in Baroda, my
difficulties became very real. as there was neither a Homoeo-
path nor half a dozen people who ever heard the name of
Homoeopathy. Serious iJlness at home I had to manage
myself with little or no experience, and thus almost every
illness at home was like a nightmare to me and caused terrific
anxiety. To add to my troubles neighbours started coming
to me for treatment, and in a few years the number became
so large that I was at my wit's end. Faithful like a true
orthodox homoeopath I used to prescribe after reading books
and comparing symptoms, but that did not (ake me very far.
All along, however, I bad great interest in the pulse and in each
case I carefully noted the pulse reading before prescribing.
After years of practice, I discovered that a certain kind of pulse
reacted to certain medicine and cured the patient, but other
types ot pulse were not at all affected by the same medicine·
although the disease remained the same. Then it occurred
to me that· I should try to discover the character of pulse each
remedy is. capable of curing. The truth dawned on me that
the real synthesis in Homoeopathy does not lie in the totality
of svmptorns, but in the caracter of the pulse and its various
movements. This realisation made my work both easy and
speedy. Medicines used to flash in my mind as I touched the
pulse and in this way I was able to clear 250/300 cases per hour
which was not possible otherwise.
In our Ayurvedic books, it is said that the pulse beat-
ing at the root of the thumb is the Witness to the Soul·
contained in the body and by studying its throbbings an
intelligent physician shouid know whether it is in a happy
or miserable state. In Baroda I met with some 20000 cases
of asthma. Nearly 80% of the cases exhibited a pulse that
PRBFACB xx iii
was full, inflated, beating under all the three fingers, some..
what hollow, filled with gas, with thick walls and not
easily compressible. This pulse is a clear picture of the
famous Homeopathic nosode medicina Medorr.hinum which
was prescribed in 200th potency at an interval of a fort-
night. Almost all patients improved with the very first
dose. They were surprised at the result and could not believ.e
that it was a medicine. Cases of rheumatism, tumours,
hysteria, epilepsy and such like were given the same medicine
on pulse indication, and all were benefited or cured. Then
I was convinced that Medorrhinum has a much greater
·coverage than other medicines in Vata·Kapha (VK) complaiQts
which produce diseases like asthma, tumours, hysteria,
rheumatism, arthritis, and the rest of the kind, when Vata·
Kapba complaints become chronic, they aggravate from time
to time, especially near about the New and Full Moon days.
No other medicine in Homoeopathy has the power to .c urb
this periodicaJ, never·ending aggravations except Medorrhinuru.
Here if any physician prescribes medicines on symptoms with-
out looking into its Tridosha of VK and the pec-gliar pulse
character, he is not likely to succeed even if he goes on
prescribing till the end of the Greek Calendar.
There is another 'k ind of pulse frequently met with in
practice. It is soft, almost like butter to touch, slow, easily
compressible, languid and listless with little or no tension.
The pulse appears to be solid with soft lymph flowing through
the pipe. Now here is a picture of the pulse of Aurum
Metallicum. In asthma if tbe patient shows this kind of pulse,
a dose of Aurum Met. 200 once in 15 days usually shows
excellent result. In a variety of cases, this kind of pulse is
exhibited, say in asthma, tuberculosis, rheumatism, arthritis,
leucoderma, chronic ulcers, skin disease, ozaena, and the like.
It would be difficult to fix Aurum on symptom correspondence,
but the pulse will unmistakably point to this medicine and cure
the disease. Very few people know that these metallic
medicines in Homoeopathy have wide coverage and that they

are deeper and more satisfactory in action than many vegetable

Fever is a bugbear to Homoeopaths and here symptoms
do not lead us auywhere. The Homoeopaths lose practice be·
cause they cannot handle fever cases satisfactorily. I have
seen this all my life. Fever is a heat force and here again
Tridosha can help Homoeopathy. In fevers caused by heat,
cold has to be applied, that is to say, cooling medicines with
superior power to the disease itself are called for in fever.
According to Tridosha, Baptisia is perhaps the most cooling
medicine because it is an Indigo colour concentrate which is
rkh in cooling cosmic rays with extremely cooling effect on
fevers. Baptisia has also great coverage because it is a VPK
medicine and protects all the 15 VPK pl'inciples in the human
body. In high fever it bas been my practice to prescribe
Bapt.isia 6 in two-hourly doses according to necessity. ·some~
times seemibgly dangerous fevers disappear or are substantially
modified under the action of Baptisia in 24 hours. I go to
other medicines only w~en Baptisia fails for one reason or
The cosmic Indigo colour of Baptisia besides being an
extraeordiaarily cooling agent is also a germ destroyer. In
poisonous fever Baptisia bas also wide coverage and it
can be used with some amouut of confidence. U mally the
medicine is given in the low potencies su~h as 3 or 6 once
every one or two hours, limited' to 6 to 8 doses per day. Within
24 hours, formidable fevers become absolutely tame, and in a
few days patients become entirely free from fover. In Typhoids,
I have seen Baptisia 3 removing fevers of ten days' standing
in th1e.e days. If it is good at my band, why should it not be
with others? But let me make it clear that in recent fevers I
never bother about totality of symptoms ·of Baptisia excep~
deJirium, I prescribe 1t against all Homoeopathic canons with
conspicuous success.
Argentum Nitricum and Metallicum are required to
be prescribed by tt.Jmoeopaths m6re freq·uently than
PRl3FACB xxv

hitherto, because Argentum is found to be one of the

topmost Pitta remedies. Its pulse is hard, inflated, jumpy,
with hard walls, beats heavily on the second fin~er. Usually
in Pitta or heat affections this kind of pulse exhibits itself.
Now here without hesitation Argentum should be prescribed
no matter what the desease is. If it is vertigo or liver trouble,
leucoderma or insomnia produced by heat, Argentum Nit
should be prescribed in 200th potency-one dose once in 15
days. The medicine will bring down the chronic heat in the •
sy&tem, give the patient sound sleep, and all accumulated gas
in the abdomen will be expelled.
Thuja is another good remedy with the utmost coverage.
These days all are vaccinated and almost all are suffering from
chronic effects of vaccination. These effects are so masked
that it is very difficult to connect them with vaccination. A
celebrated 'Homoeopath used to say ; ''when in doubt, give
~huja." It is one of the wisest and soundest of advices. In
my hands Thuja has done excellent work and has cured
chronic diseases of various kinds but mostly of Pitta or Fire
class. It has cured various kinds of urinary disease, even

asthma, rheumatism, gout, chronic headaches, haemo ptysis and

similar complaints. The Thuja pulse is thin, wiry, hard,
stiff, jumpy and often fast. Whenever a pulse of this kind
is met with in practice, ;fhuja may be confidently prescribed
in anticipation of gratifying result, no matter what the disease
a·n d no matter what the symptoms. The pulse is the real
totality behind a mass of complicated symptoms and suffer·
ings, and when this pulse is tackled with sufficient skill the
disease must disappear. There are a few other medicines
which are akin to Thuja. These are Arsenic and Mercury,
and should be remembered only when Thuja is unable to
modify the case substantially.
It is desirable to mention another very important medicine
which~tas wide coverage in a limited sphere. It is Pyrogen.
All pus cases, sinus and purulent boils and ulcerations usually
receive various other medicines, but not Pyrogen. But

according to Tridosha principles in all pus and sinus cases,

purulent boils and ulcerations, even in fistula, anal or lachrymal,.
Pyrogen is the very first medicine that should be remembered ..
Pyrogen is a first-class healer, but it is not possible to prescribe
it unless one rises above the printed word. Pus and decom·
position is the keynote of Pyrogen. Fistula bas pus and
decompos.itioo and periodical aggravation and discharge. It is a:
difficult job to cure fistula. But Pyrogen does it in the 200th
poteney, one dose once in 15 days for a few months. Thanks
to indiscriminate surgery in these days, there are many people
whose surg!cal wounds -do not heal and discharge pus for-
almost the whole life. A rubber pipe is usually passed thl'Ougb
this wound which is allowed to discharge pus all the time,
which is collected at tbe end part of the tube coiled round
their legs or arms to display the injurious after·effects of
indiscriminate surgery. Such cases have come to me, seemingly
impossible, and s lmost all cases could be cured by Pyrogen
2CO repeated once in 15 days. They were all well in one or
two months. Fistula takes more time. Pyrogen in such
cases is prescribed on the indication of pus and sinus but nqt
on totality of symptoms nor pulse. This is the way of applying
the Tridosha principles to Homoeopathy.

Staphysagria is another medicine which has done good

work. Here the pulse is soft, flabby, listless, beating heavily
on the third finger showing an excess of fluids and serums.
Such patients usually suffer from chronic swellings and tumours
without pus or discharge. The tumours are soft, and they
yield to slight pressure. In one case I found sott tumours all
over the skin from head to foot, like so many little hillocks.
The pulse and the. nature of the tumours led me to prescribe
Staphysagria ~00 and repeat it every week. In two months all hillocks vanished. Stapbysagria pulse is that of Sepia, but in
Sepit1. the tension is somewhat greater than that of Staphysagria.
But if the tumours instead of being soft, exhibits stony hardness
and the pulse character is hard, Anticn Crudum 200 or higher
does the same work as Staphysagria does in soft tu.mours.

P.RBPACB xx vii
Ipecac has a peculiar pulse and it i's akin to that of Natrum
Mur. It is highly inflated, e-xpanded almost hollow inside and
filled with gas, soft to touch with thin walls. In fevers of old
persons often this kind of pulse is seen. They do .n ot seem
to be well with any medicine and suffer for a long time until
Ipecac is given in 30th potency 3 or 4 times a day. The pulse
changes within 24 hotirs and the patient is well in no time. At
times patients exhibit regular typhoid symptoms of delirium.
diarrhoea and high fever, but Ipecac cures them all when
given on the indication of pulse and not•on the routi e symp·
toms of nausea and vomiting. Once a lady of 65 was brought
to our dispensary suffering from high fever, diarrhoea and
delirium for nearly ten days. She was being treated by
Homoeopathy. When I examined the pulse, I found all the
characteristics of an Ipecac pulse. The attending physician
strongly objected to Ipecac but suggested Baptisia instead.
But at the pulse to me is the Voice of the Jivatman (individual.
soul) in distress I insisted on Ipecac and it was administered
in the 30th potency, 4 times a day. The woman, strangely
enough, was free from fever within 24 hours. ,She came
walking to the di.spensary after a week and expressed great
satisfaction at the·tteatment.
Another Homoeopathic remedy which proved a gem is
Causticum whic.h works almost like a surgeon. The pulse
here is very definite. It is hard, inflated, expanded with thick
waJls, and what is important, is non-compressible even with
heavy pressure. Patients possessing such a pulse are usually
of large size, flabby and obese with luxurious eating habits.
Such cases usually suffer from cancerous tumours like lipoma,
neuroma, fibroma and such like. I have seen several such
cases and the wonderful effect of Causticum on them. Usually
I prescribe this medicine on a touch of the pulse and the
non-compressible nature of it. One dose of Causticum 500
(2 globs No. 10) was prescribed in all cases, and then they
were asked to wait for 21 days. At the end of this perio.d
th~re was sharp fever and an increase in the swelling of the

growth, and soon it grows as soft as butter. When there

is much pus there are sharp shooting pains and pus shows
itself under the margin of swelling, as a dose of Silicia IM
opens up the boil in 48 hours and thereafter there is a huge
drain of pus and putrid matter. This continues unabated for
a fortnight and Calcerea Sulph 6X in repeated doses heals
the wounds. If in the meantime there is pus fever, a dose
of Gunpowder 4X clears it up. Causticum in this respect is
a great medicine, but its use shouJd not be guided by mere
symptom.. correspondence but by the deeper indication of the
pulse which is the Voice of the Jivatman. The keynote of
Causticum in my hands has always been "non-compressible
pulse". It is worth while remembering this point.
Syphilinum is a nosode which is required to be handled
very carefully. It is the potentized form of Syphilitic poison
which fo mischievous even when ionized. In very high grade
Pitta ca5es, its use can be permitted but it is always advisable
to use a potency not below IM. In other cases, such as
Kapha and Vayu, even one dos~ of Syphilinum may prove
fatal. Its wrong use may even cause meningitis.
In malarial fevers I usually give Cedron first without symp
tom correspondence, and this bas saved much unnecessary
suffering. In one case of girl of 12, Cina 200 cured malaria
when nothing else proved effective. After Cina the patient
voided some 125 long and Jive worms nerly 12 inches long.
The only indication of Cina that was found in the case was
that her cheeks used to be vermillion red when fever was on.
Sometimes a whole community can be treated on Tridosha
principles. Parsis, for instance, indulge in luxurious eating
habits with large intake of meat, fish, eggs, biriyani and other
rich foods, and in consequence suffer from chronic indigestion
and Vayu complaints. Therefore whenever a Parsi patient
came to me with gastric complaints I invariably prescribed
Pulsatilla in different potencies almost as a patent medicine
with most gratifying results. Every one knows Pulsatilla is a
great digestive medicine and Tridosha demands that people .
PllEFACB xx ix
with luxurious eating habits should be given Pulsatilla for a

In cancers accompanied with great pain and distress my

stock medicine is Ammon Carb 6 three times a day, or 30 once
a day for 3 days with an interval of a week. I have seen good
results in Cancers ot tbe gumsand of the throat. I believe it is
good remedy and a trial can be confidently given to this medi·
cine in cases of cancer, particularly if they are recent and not
complicated by electricity or radium. While on the subject of
cancer it will be intereding to recall a case•which yielded valu-
able information. A gentleman of abou~ 50 suffered from can-
cer of the throat for a long time and was given all the aids
possible under the present day medical science. Ultimately
when very near death, I treated him with the cosmic rays of
Green colour. As treatment proceeded the patient developed
a boil outside the throat, and it bur~t. It discharged small
insectlike things all alive and two phials of them were collected.
They were on examination pronounced to be gangrene germs.
It is now to be considered whether cancer is or is not insidious
gangrene from the beginning to end.
Homoeopathy when helped by radi·esthesia can do immeme
good to patients. It can help the doctor too and save his
reputation in some case. I should like to recall a case where
racH-esthesia helped a patient remarkably. A case came to me
of 30 yearn old you th suffering from fever without .remission
for three full year-~. All systems of medicine were tried
without any result. He had turned almost black with fever
which was ranging between 100 and l02 degrees ~ithout a
day's remission. Such cases are not frequent, and it is difficult
to handle them because there is no previous experience to
guide us. I had prepared a chart with the most important
medicines in Homoeopathy radi-esthesia tests. I held the
thumb of the patient with my left hand, and with the right l
operated the pendule over the chart of medicines. When the
magnetic field was created and the pendule became heavier, it
was given a twist from the left to the right. The peodule then

started moving from one medicine to another on the chart,

and ultimately pointed to one medicine by moving towards it
constantly. This medicine was Ferrum Met. More than
25 times I repeated the experiment, and every time the pendule
pointed out Ferrum Met as the most harmonious medicine.
Accordingly one dose of Ferrum Met 200 was given and the
patient was asked to report after a fortnight. The patient
never thereafter visited me, but later I was told that within
24 hours after the dose patient was free from his long standing
fever. Thif fever never repeated itselt and there was no
untoward after-effect.
A case of gastric· ulcer with excruciating pain came to me
for treatment. He suffered from this ulcer for nearly two
years and tried all sorts of medicines without any result. At
first I could not find out from his pulse what particular
medicine will cure him. I placed a series of seven newly made
mixtures in front, held the thumb of the patient with my left
band and with the right I operated the pendule against the
seven phials. The Pendule ultimately repeatedly pointed out
one out of the seven phials as the right medicine. This phial
contained a mixturn of seven drugs with !odium as one of
the ingredients. A dose was given there and then, and later
he was asked to take one pill every alternate day. · With the
very first dose his gastric pains ceased, and in course of a
month he recovered completely.
Another very peculiar case may be cited in this connection
where I declined to handle the case of a lady suffering from
cancer and belonging to a very rich family. She was only 28
years of age. .But when I tested her horoscope under the
pendule, it showed 21- -1950 as the last day of her life. Not
knowing whether the information obtained from the pendule
will come correct or not, I promised to them that I would take
up the case after May 21st. Strange as it may seem, the
lady who was looking quite well, suddenly collapsed at 3 P. M.
on the very same day 21-5-19.)0 and died almost immediately.
Obviously, it was not necessary to take up the case, but I feel
that the pendule saved the reputation of Homoeopathy by being
away from a case which was very near death.
A point of great importance in Homoeopathy is whether
medicines should be combined or not, or whether mixtures
should be used for specific purposes. The practitioners in
,general are not in favour of mixing medicines, although they
are unable to show any valid reason for eschewing mixtures
from Homoeopathy. In the meantime, Homoeo pharmacists
have started combiniag medicines which are being sold in the
market as combination tablets. They claim to have derived
- excellent results especially in epidemics of influenza and hay
-fever. There are doctors in England, n'otably Dr. Eric F. W.
Powell who has already given us a series of 60 formulas for
specific diseases. These mixtures are actually on sale in
.England and can be obtained by anyone who wishes to give a
trial to these mixtures. The name of Dr. Powell's book is
The Group Remedy Prescriber and is published in England.
Now Tridosha a~ applied to Homoeopathy will naturaJly
lead us to a more systematic use of Homoeo mixtures, in order
that they may develop power and tastes so as to be universal
in their application without causing any aggravation. The
question of Homoeo mixtures has to be considered from several
points of view. In the present book, it has been shown that
there are six medicines in Homoeopathy which have undoub ..
tedly all the three VPK principles and their 15 sub-divisions,
.humorously called by Mr. Stangle as the "15 genii" of the
human body. These medicines in Homoeopathy have the
widest coverage, and their use will show their worth in therapy.
But with only six medi;;ines of this nature~ it is not possible to
cover the numerous diseases that are in existence. To get out
of this difficulty, more such medicines are required and only
way to .g et such medicines in large numbers is to combine
homoeopathic remedies in mixtures which may be applied for
specific disease or for universal use.
There are two more points which are required to be
.considered before we begin using Homoed mixtures with

confidence. One is the Ayurvedic Law of Digestion, and the

other is the Principle of Six Tastes. When the full significance of
these points is understood, no one will possibly object to use
mixtures or allow the potentized medicines of Homoeopathy to
be mixed for public benefit •
.Ayurveda formulates that there are seven distinct and well
marked systems in the human body, all active, all dynamic and
ail alive, continuously from birth to death. These seven
systems are successively called Chyle, Blood, Flesh, Fat,.
Bone, Marrow and Sperm. Any casual reader of Ayurvcda
knows full well the implications of these seven systems of the
human body. They are dynamic in character and are always
active and interdependent, silently carrying on the work of
transforming external food into valuable body· building materia I.
In each of these seven systems resides its individual element of
Fire which splits every ingredient into three parts, namely, a
gross part, a fine part and a waste part. Tbe gross part
becomes one with its corresponding particular system and adds
to its stock and strength. The fine part passes on to the next
or the succeeding system, while the waste·part goes out of the
When food of various shapes, sizes, qualities and tastes is
taken, it goes from the mouth to the stomach. The food is then
smashed , powdered, moistened, heated and turned into a fine
paste with the help of sceretions coming out naturally from
different sources. At first the taste of this fine paste is
sweet, but when further digested it turns into a liquid with
salty taste. It is gradully separated into · cbyle and waste
matter. Of this waste matter the watery portion is driven by
the element of air into the region of the kidneys and biadder,
and it then passes out of the body. The solid matter likewise is
driven by air to the smaller and then to the larger intestines
and there it rests. La tel', •nder the ac.tion of the downward
air (apana vayu) it goes out of the body as faecal matter.
The essential part of tlle food is called Chy le whicll
:resides in every part of the body. Chyle. is subjected to
PR8FAC.B xxxii~

division by its resident Fire called Chyle· Fire (Rasa· Agni).

The element of fire has the function of splitting a substance
into its constituent parts. The parts of Chyle are : a gross part,
a fine part and a waste part. The gross part becomes one with
the general stock of Chyle in the body, the fine part pr~ceeds
to the next or the Blood system. The waste part is driven by
air to the throat to be coughed out of the body. The trans-
formed food juices remain in the body for five days and
The fine part of Chyle turns into blood in the Blood system
which comes second in order. Here again by the action of
the Blood Fire (Rakta·Agni) this newly formed blood is split
into three parts. The gross part becomes one with the general
stock of blood in the human body and increases and strengthens
it. The fine part passes on to the next system, called the Fl~sh
system, while the waste part passes out of the body in the form
of unassimilated bile. The original food juices remain in the
Blood system for full five days and nights.
The fine part of the blood turns into flesh in the Flesh
system which is the third in the order of successiop. In this
system resides the Flesh-Fire (Mamsa· Agni) which splits the
m. wly formed flesh into three parts as usual. The gross part
becomes one with the general stock of flesh, and nourishes and
strengthens it. The fine part p(lsses on to the next system
called the Fat system. while the waste part goes out of the
body in the form of ear· wax. The food juices thus transformed
remain in the flesh system for full five days and nights.
It is in this manner the original food juices pass througll
the Fat system next, and then to the Bone system, Marrow
system and lastly the Sperm system. In each of the systems
resides its own Fire such as the Fat· Fire, the Bone-Fire, the
Marrow- Fire and the Sperm- Fire. These first split up the
newly-formed ingredients into three parts as before, and the
original food juices remain in each partictilar system for full
five days and nights. The fine part of the Sperm system
turns into Ojas i'Brilliance" which gives strength and health to

the whole human frame, and distinguishes. a living person from

the dead.
If there is obstruction in any one of the seven systems
mentioned above, the other systems are b:: und to be affected
adversely in an ascending and descending scale. When Fat,
for instance, is not properly assimilated or there is obstruction
in the Fat system, there will be obesity, and obesity in its
turn wiH give rise to nervous weakness, Joss of appetite and
poverty of blood. In fact. obesity will impair strength and
health ot7 all the seven systems of the· human body.
Each Homoeopathic medicine usually has action on one
of the seven systems. For ins.tance, Bismuth, Camphor,
Croton Tig, Ratanhia, Rheum, Secale Cor and Veratrum
have their principal action on the Chyle system. Acid Mur,
Antim Tart, Baptisia, Bryonia, Cedron, Chammomial tr.,
Cinchona, Coffea, Gelsemium and many others have their
principal action on the Blood system. Aconite, Belladonna,
Antim Crud, Apis, Cocculus, !odium, Lycopodium and many
others likewise relate to the Flesh system. Ambra Grisea,
Anacardium, Bromium, Jgnatia, Kali Brom and several others
relate to the Fat system. Arnica, Abro tanum, Baryta,
Calcarea, Causticum, Ferrum, Kali Carb, Magnesium, Mercury
and the rest relate to the Bone system. Ammon Carb,
Ar~enic, Opium, Phosphorus among others relate to the
Marrow system. Argentum, Helonius, Ammon Mur and
Sulphur have their principal action on the Sperm system of
the human body.
When only one or two systems are involved in disease
single medicines are able to cure quickly. But in chronic
cases where all the seven systems are affected, single.
medicines are not very effective, at best they have pallia-
tive action. It is therefore both desirable and necessary
th1t there should be a medicine for each of the seven
systems and these should be combined together in equal
quantities end in the same potency. This septenate mix·
ture forms exactly the opposite anti-body against the
PRl3FACB :xxxv

disease that has impaired more or less all the seven systems.
Such mixtures will have more coverage and what is impor·
tant, will never aggravate if given in smaU quantities and at
proper intervals. Aggravation follows when single medicine
hits one system with force when the other systems are unable to
adjust themselves. In septenate mixtures all the seven systems
are given a quietus, and there will not be a factor which will
be aggrieved or aggravated. Such septenate mixtures w111
simplify the work of Homoeopaths, because then it will be
possible to have one mixture for the specific diseases, and
without much fumbling they will be able to find out the true
medicine and administer it for the benefit of their patients.

There is another very cogent reason why Homoeopathic

medicines are required to be mixed. The Homoeo medicines
usually have one out of the six tastes with which our bodies
·are built. These are according to Ayurveda : Sweet, Sour,
Saline, Pungent, Bitter and Astringent. Cinchona, for instance,
is bitter to taste. It will therefore, according to Ayurvedic
canons, pacify Pitta (Fire) and Kapha (Water) but will aggravate
Vayu (Air). Pungent taste will pacify Kapha t;>ut will a'ggravate
both Vayu and Pitta. Mostly Homoeo medicines have one
taste imbedded in them. Natrum Mur, for instance, is Saline,
all acids are Sour, and so on. But when a chronic disease
invades the system, all the six tastes in the body are involved
because our bodies contain these six tastes and are built by
them. When all the six tastes are deranged, how can one
taste alone restore their equilibrium 7 Is it not like employing
a goat to pull a 3-ton lorry T What is the remedy then 7 The
answer is that the potentized medicines of different tastes
should be mixed together to form a septenate mixture which
will contain all the six tastes. Homoeopathy can rarely cure
asthma permanently. This I have seen all my life. Homoeo
medicines cure for the time being or palliate. The disease
returns sooner or later. But when seven metallic medicines
are combined in a septenate mixture, and given in bi-weekly
doses, it bas cured many asthma patients permanently. These

seven medicines are : Bismuth, Stannum, Ferrum, Cuprum~

Aurum, Zincum and Argentum. If these metallic medicines
in the same potency and in equal quantities are mixed together.
in tincture form and given a good shake a wonderful Homoeo
mixture is produced. This mixture contains all the six tastes.
and covers all the 15 VPK principles, and can be used as a
universal medicine in chronic cases. I usually mix these
medicines in the L2th potency, and give the mixture in bi-weekly
doses. Invariably I find good results in chronic cases, especially
in asthma which is cured permanently. No l' or 20 globules
are usually soaked in the mixture and one or two globules form
an adult dose. Many formulas such as the one given here are
with me, and when interest in these mixtures grow, all of them
will be published in due time.*
It is no use being obstinate in refusing to mix Homoeopathic
medicines simply because Homoeo mixtures have .not been used
in the past. Dr. Powcll'i books and sixty m;xtures are already
before the public and the combination tablets of Messrs.
Boericke and Tafel of America have already shown good results.
These tablets are even sold in India. Why should we be bJind
to these ? Everywhere in all systems of medicine all over the
world, medicines are mixed and these mixtures are being used
for bringing about cure of diseases. In the Allopathic system
mixtures are being _given anq they certainlJ cure a large
majority of cases. It cannot be denied that Ayurvedic medicines
are mo~tly combination drugs, and these have cured cases for
thousands of years. It cannot also be denied that Unv ni
medicines, mostly of a composite character, have cured cases
such as have been given up by other schools. In spite of a.JI
this there are no composite medicines in Homoeopathy. Are
we right or the protagonists of Allopathy, Unani and Ayurveda
are? Simply because Homoeopathy uses potentized medicines,
it is no argument that they cannot be mixed. Rather it is our
good fortune that are so potentized as to make the work! of
mixing easy and effective. In Ayurveda potentization is
* It is now available : Septenate ,"..fixtures in Homoeopathy~
PRBFACB xxxvii by rubbing for months, by heating and boiling medicines
for months, by exposing medicines to rays of the Sun and
the. Moon for months. Even the potentized medicines in
Ayurveda are mixed in order that the resultant mixture may
develop power and an increase in the number of tastes.
Homoeopathy can do the same, and produce more powerful
and new medicines in the form of mixtures. Let it not be
presumed that I advocate complete scrapping of Homoeopathy
in the present form. Far from iG, I am a great believer in
Hahnemann's doctrines and his great and unalterable law of
Similia Sicnilibus, and I consider him as a Great Seer of Cosmic
trutbs. My object in writing the above few lines is to make
additions to the number of powerful medicines and enrich
Homoeopathy by a series of effecttve mixtures which may be.
handled with ease without wasting much time in finding out
the true similimucn. Alas ! to·day in the profession there
are many who have neither learning nor brains such as were
expected by Hannemann, the Founder of Homoeopathy, from
his camp followers.
B~fore closing this short preface, I should like to consider
for a while the oft-discussed problem : What is medicine,
especially Homoeopathic 'l My answer is that the potentized
medicine is not a medicine at all in its gross sense. Like all
other tangible things in the world, in its ultimate state the
potentized medicine is nothing but a cosmic ray of certain
visible or invisible colour. A cloud, for instance, when seen
through a pris~, will exhibit its cosmic colour of Orange.
Clouds are therefore Orange ray concentrates. Its constituent
colours such as Red and Yellow decompose under the ray of
the Sun which is Red in colour. When the red colour of
Orange is absorbed by the solar rays~ Yellow disappears into
thin air, and so also the clouds. 1·hus all tangible things
ultimately turn into rays and radiations. When highly potentized,
the Homoeo medicines turn into rays of different cosmic
colours. Alcohol or sugar of milk merely works as carriers of
these cosmic rays. I get a confirmation of this theory by a
definite experiment.

In nature, gems are rich in cosmic rays as they are lustrous

and brilliant. Seven such gems for the seven human systems
were selected, and these seven gems were placed in a bottle
half·filJed with dehydrated alcohol. In a closed cupboard the
bottle with gems was kept for seven full days and nights in
order that the alcohol may be charged with the rays issuing out
of the seven gems. These gems are Amethyst, Emerald,
Sapphire, Topaz, Ruby, Cat's Eye and Diamond. I was forced
to prepare a medicine with rays because in almost all eye cases
I could get practically no result from Homoeo medicines, and
I thought that single medicines do not penetrate the finest
tissues of the sense· organs, and therefore, the finest agents in
nature like gems should be employed for diseases involving
sense-organs and their functions such as Taste, Smell, Sight,
Touch and Hearing. When after seven days the alcohol in the
bottle was fully charged, it was taken out, gems were separated
and blank pills were soaked in the alcohol containing the ra:Ys
of the gems.
Sometime later, two Muhammedan boys were brou~bt to
me who were completely blind with cataract. The cataract
was prominent, altogether white like scales of fish. Here was
an opportunity for trying the ·gems mixture. One dose containing
two globules was given thrice a week to both for one month.
When after a month they were called again at the dispensary,
I was agreeably surprised to find that the cataract was all
dissolved and the eye-sight was fully restored in both the cases.
Here definitely the rays of the gems listed above were respon·
sible for bringing about a complete cure within a short time.
All Homoeo medicines, particularly the potentized ones,
are nothing but cosmic rays of different colours and when
they are combined according to a definite plan they become
so powerful that nothing seems to be impossible for them
to achieve. Now it is necessary to find out the wave-length
of all the remedies and from these wave-lengths their cos-
mic colours should be fixed. The rays have their individual
powers and they are unerring in their action because the~
are endowed with omniscience and omnipotence and because
they form the body of the Ultimate Creative Principle. The
rays enter into the body with the medicine, find out the diseased
cells and mate the Ji free from disease. All the seven VIBGYOR
colours are there in the H0moeo medicines, and it is our
bounden duty to find out the cosmic colours of all the ff,>moeo
medicines with the help of advanced scientific instruments.
Homoeo pharmacists should also think of the possibility of
preparing different grades of medicines from gems and jewels of
innumerable variety and give to the . public reliable gem
medicines. That way lies the path of progress. The prism will
reveal the true cosmic colours of the gems) and these cosmic
colours will guide their application in different diseases. ( The
Science of Cosmic Ray Therapy, published by Firma KLM
Pravate Limited, Calcutta.)
Once again, I have to thank the learned publisher for giving
me an opportunity of stating my views on diverse Homoeo-
pathic problems. The world will ever remember with gratitude
the distinguished and illustrious German Seer, Samuel
Hahnemann for making the priceless gift of Homo~opathy with
its potentized medicines. Of all benefactors of men, Hahne-
mann is perhaps the greatest because he has shown the way
how all men can be physically benefited for all the time. Vmg
live Mahatma Hahnemann> and long ·live Homoeopathy l

l'he theory of Tridosba is one of the grandest, one of the

noblest and one of the most sublime contributions of Ancient
India to World Culture. Though its origin i:; almost lost in
pre-history, although it is known and practised in India for
more than 3000 years, its tenets are unknown in different parts
of the world for ·understanding diseases find the diseased. The
position of Tridosba is unique and supreme. Its practical value
in diagnosis and treatment is excellent and without parallel,
and it is required to be studied, grasped, realized, mastered
.and applied in all medical systems without exception, which
-claim to alleviate the physical sufferings of mankind. Man
aspires to longevity for enjoying religion, wealth and happiness.
Ayurveda deals with these. So he who desires these three
.should learn Ayµrveda and follow its teachings.
q"he three cosmic elements of air, fire and water are the
three components of Tridosba. These three cosipic elements
.are at the bottom of the macrocosm. Man being a small world
or a microcosm is also composed of these three primeval
elements. The mysterious workings of the three elements in
the human body is explained in the syste :n of Tridosha. In
order to understand the meaning and significa nee of these
three elements, they are required to be com pared with the
.parallels in other sciences. Life is c.onstHuted of three elements
-body, organ and soul. Due to its continuous flow it is called
Ayu. It is perpetual, Jiving and unbounded. Air, fire and
water are the three main factors that make a healthy life.
If they are in proper order, they give us good health, but if not,
they ruin our body and mind. Air, Fire and Water are
compared with the three main forces-The Sun, The Moon and
The Air. As these three forces control the Earth, similarly
our body is also controlled by the~e three forces.

In Ayurveda ( Science of Life ) the first element Vat ( air )

stands for the nerve force in the body and vital power. The
second element Pit (fire) represents the circulatory system
which imparts beat to the body necessary for its preservation.
The third element Kaf (water) riules over all mucous surfaces
of the body. These three elements must be in perfect equili-
brium for the purpose of health.
In the language of the Unani system which is a disciple
of the Indhn science of medicine through Persia, the three
elements are known as Hawa (air), Khun (fire) and B11gam
(water). In , the Urtani system Hawa corresponds to Vat
or Air, Khun to Pit or Fire and Balgam to Kaf or Water. In
foe medical systems of the world Unani stands next to the
Indian system of medicine, Ayurveda. Unani is a perfect
medical system advocating accurate pulse examination,
excellent dietary and effective medicines. That Una~i could
develop so well is entire1y due to the autocratic emperors
and Nawabs who demanded from the Hakims ( doctors ) on
pain of dire consequences quick relief without any kind' of
restriction on diet or bad habits. W1th Damocles' sword
banging on their beads the Hakims bad to develop a system
full of sure medicines and accurate diagnosis.
In the language of phil~sopby the three primordial elements
air, fire and water stand for the three Doshas-Vat, Pit and
Kaf respectively. In philosophy the world is a macrocosm
which is composed of the· three basic elements of air, fire and
water. Man being a part of the world is a small world or a
microcosm and is composed of exactly the same elements as
constitute the world. If there is heat in the outside world also
becomes heated, and in winter when everything becomes cold
man as a small w.orld also becomes cold. The macrocosmic
elements are present in the microcosm, and when they vary
according to natural laws they cause variations in the equili-
brium of the three elements in man.
In the lauguage of modern nuclear physi~s these three
basic elements are known differently as Neutron, Electron

and Proton. Here the element Neutron stands for the Vat
element which splits up atoms into Electrons and Protons.
When it joins with electrons it produces atomic heat, and
by mixing with protons, the cold element, it produces
atomic cold. Electron thus stands for Pit or fire while Proton
is Kaf or water. The Vat element has wonderful mixiog
properties according to. an ancient Indian view : 'Vat has
high mixing qualities, and by mixing it helps the other two
elements. When it joins with fire, it produces heat waves,
but when it joins with water, it produces intense cold.''

In ancient works it is said that the. two elements, fire and

water, are lame and cannot move. Only when they are driven
by tile element of air they shower like clouds.
In the language of mythology the three basic elements
are expressed in terms of deities, namely, Bramha, Vishnu
and Mahesvara. They are the famous Hindu Triad worshipped
in Hindu temples of India., In mythology, Bramha with the
red colour or the colour of blood stands for the element of
fire which is red. Bramha is the creator even as Pit or heat
in the body is responsible for creation. Vishnu with his blue
complexion stands for air. The residence of air is in' the space
which is also of light blue colour. Vishnu is responsible for
the preservation of the world even as air preserves life.
Mehasvara with his white colour is the element of water or
phlegm which is white. Mahesvara is the destroyer of the
world even as cold kills by destroying heat.
The theory of Tridosha concerns itself with internal and
external conditions, with the production or loss of equili·
brium of the three elements in the human body. With
Tridosha man is not merely a mass of bones, flesh, skin and
chemicals, but a living organism with all parts and cells of
the body vibrating with life. Tridosha, in fact, embraces
the whole man with body, soul, sense-organs, mind and
environs, and deals with the mysterious working of the three
cosmic elements in the human organism. Tridosha is an all
embracing theory which combines together all scientific facts

and empirical observations in relation to man in health and

in disease. Tridosha is besides a standard which is required
to be applied to all that is found in Nature as environs of man
or with which man comes forcibly in contact. Tridosha is
the crown of the lndmn Medical Science, nothing can transcend
the three e~eme.nts which permeate the whole world. Every-
tbing in the world is a manifestation of Tridosha, and every
little thing found in nature must have its Tridosha analysis
before being put to human use. AH names and forms must
be traced to their basic elements before they can be of any use
to the physician.
When the Tridosba method of analysis is applied to time
factors, morning is wate1, n~on is fire and afternoon is air.
When the same standard is applied to seasons, spring represents
water, autumn fire and the rains air. The three elements
reach their highest aggravation point ia these seasons. When
the Tridosha method of criticism is applied to different ages,
the group 1~16 come under water, 16·40 under fire and 40 and
beyond under air. The 24 hours of the day and night also
come under this classification. 6 to 10 is water, 10 to 2 fire
and 2 to 6 air. This timing applies both to the day and night
time. This timing gives a clear understanding as to the
ailments of the patient during disease. Aggravations caused
during particular times give an indication of the cause of the
disease whether due to excess of water, fire or air. Similarly
medicines having aggravations during these times in Homoeo-
pathy can be taken to represent those of water, fire or air.
Under the predominance of one or the other of the three
elements, each individual behaves differentl y. Through their
behaviour an expert can recognize the elements ·p redominant
in the person according to Tridosha standards. For example
air is fast and water is slow, and thus a person who talks fast,
eats fast, and walks fast belongs to air, that is to say, he has
an over-active nervous system, and he is subject to nervous
diseases. A person on the other hand, who talks slow, eats
slow and walks slow belongs to the elements of water. Such

a person will have water in excess in his body and w111 be

subject to diseases arising from cold such as cough,, bronchitis,
asthmaf obesity and so on. Even in dreams they will differ!
An airy person wm dream of flying through air or moving in
aeroplanes, while the firey person wm dream of long journeys
by land, moving through jungles, catching or missing trains,
and the like. The watery person :will likewise dream of
water, aquatic animals, sea·voyages and so on. In order to
understand a patient it is absolutely necessary that the doctor
should ask questions about dreams. Such questions may not
be necessary in othe.r systems but they a're in Tridosha.
All articles of food are also required to be analysed accor-
ding to the Tridosha standard and their elemental properties
clearly stated. What particular food pacifies or aggravates
the three elements air, fire and water must be known before
a docto.r ventures to prescribe any diet to a patient. It is
necessary, for instance, to know that sweet foods pacify fire
but aggravate water. Meat and fish pacify water but aggravate
the fire. Similarly hooey removc;s cold but increases heat.
The methods of pacification of the three elements air, fire and
water are given in an ancient verse which says that ~ Enemas,
·p urgatives and emetics; and oil, . ghee and honey are the best
pacifiers of three elements air, fire and water respectively."
How valuable this information is from the practical point
of view may be illustrated with an example. It is well known
that when there is a sharp cut or wound bleeding takes place.
The process is that the eiement of air in the body brings the
blood into the cut from where it flows out. To stop this
process the element of air has to be pacified. If a piece of
cloth soaked in castor ojl is applied to tbe wound, the
element of air is pacified and the ·bleeding stops. The element
of air can no longer bring any more blood to the injured
spot fortified by oil. Tbis simple experiment has been made
hundreds of ~imes with perfect results. Tb ere is no reason why
in the present scientific age oil cannot be used in bleeding.
It is perfectly scientific according to Tridosha. With this

application of oil on cut parts of the body the author bas

never come across any case of septic condition and the wound
has healed up nicely. This perhaps cannot be said of many of
.the medicines used today in first-aid.
This is in brief an account of Tridosha. This theory has an
additional advantage of uniting different systems of medicine
under one banner. By appl) ing Trido~ha standards, methods
and criticism to all systems current in the worJd, it is possible
to build a perfect system of medic.ine on the sure and invari-
able foundation of elemental laws. All the systems can use
popular me,dicines like quini~e or penicillin, but only when
their Tridosha is known fully and not till then, It should be
known for ilistance, whether penicillin pacifies the element of
cold where coJd is increased, or VI hether it pacifies the heat
element. If penicillin cures cold patients, it must inflict
tremendous injury to hot patients. If it is used universally
without regard to Trido~ha, bad results will only ensue. This
is exactly what is happening all over the world. It is not the
fault of the medicine, but of its application without ascertaining
its dynamic properties. These properties can only be known
1hrough Tridosha. The same rule applies to Homoeopathic
remedies. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why Homoeo-
pathic physicians are unable to tackle plenty of common
diseases which come to them. When the Tridosha of all the
Homoeopathic medicines are known along with the Tridosba
of an diseases treatment with this noble system of medicine
wiJl be easier than it is today.
Tridosha is the only principle which can unite medical
systems. It is the rope wbich can bind all systems securely.
It is now the sacred duty of all scholars of Tridosha to explain
this elemental system to all who are interested in the noble
art of healing the sick. According to ancient authorities, the
elements and their workings are the chi¢f factors in treatment.
Once the Doctor knows the true element at fault he can cure
serious cases with common· place medicines like clarified butter,
curd or honey.

The powerful vibrations of the ancient system of

Tridosha cannot help being re-awakened in the present
scientific age for the eternal benefit of mankind. The· time
is ripe.


The first and foremost amongst the three cosmic elements

operating in the human body is the element of Air (V· Vat,
Vayu). This element is the first principle of life. Air in the
macrocosmic world is the principal element in the very centre
of the universe which animates everything including organic
life. This universal afr is the source of the life force in the
individua'J, and is equivalent to the Jivatman or the individual
soul. So lo11g as air remains in the body, the pulse vibrates
and life remains. As soon as air leaves the body, it becomes
lifeless and the pulse ceases to vibrate. Air is said to be
YOGA. VAHI (readily mixable) and it produces heat when
mixed with fire, and cold when mixed with water. Its modern
equivalent is neutron which produces atomic fire and atomic
cold by joining with electrons, the element of fire or protons or
the element of water. In this respect the ancient doctrine of
Tridosha sounds almost ultra·modern.
In the above context it may be said that many Yogis have
been reported to have stayed below earth for days togethe.r
without air but when they came out they were found to be
alive. This was because they took a deep breath and kept it
within and as long as this air was within the body they simply
could not die. The science of breathing is known as Pranayama
which is a must for every person practising Yoga.
As said before air is the driving force behind the two other
elements fire and water. These other two are supposed to be
Jame. To illustrate this point one can visualise the quiet Sf;a
which becomes turbulent due to a storm. Similarly the fire
spreads with the assistance of air without which it would be
The element of air is the vital force, it is present everywhere
in the body and in every cell, organ and Umb. It is self-

begotten and is regarded as identical with the divine energy of

universal life. Air is the cause of the origin, growth and des -
truction of all animated beings. According to ancient medical
works air is light, cold. dry, mobile and piercing. The power
of air in the human organism is almost inconceivable. It is the
great propeller of the two other elements of fire and water.
It is prompt in acHon and passes through the body in swift

Location of Air
Like the two others air has its separate residence in the
human body. It resides in the intestines, thighs, loins, feet,
bones, urinary bladder and pelvis. Of these places the special
seat of air is the iower intestines. Air maintains the two other
elements and their ten principles, and controls their functions.
With the help of air we are able to move: think, see and
hear. It is air that throws out the child from the womb
at birth. Diseases due to imbalance ·of air take place at the
above places which are seats of air. The air is generated and
distributed from the intestines which is the special seat of air.
H~nce, when this area remains under control the air eiement in
other parts of the body also remains ,in control. In disease also
if the air element in this area is brought under control then
the disease also will come under control.

Five Kinds of Air

The element of air is of five different kinds, and discharge
five different functions. The five principles of the air are given
below i
1. PRANA (vital). This resides mainly in the cavity of
the mouth, the head, thorax including the heart and lungs, the
ears, tongue and nose. It enables the food to go into the
stomach. Due to its location near the heart it protects life
trom destruction. The other functions of the Pcana Vayu are
spitting, sneezing, eructation, breathing and swalJowing of food.
It is also .claimed that this principle of air maintains the

workings of the heart, the mind, the senses, the intellect, veins,
arteries, lymphatics, nerves etc.
2. UDANA (upward). It occupies the upper part of the
body and especially the throat. The other seats are the
umbili~us and thorax. With the help of this air we talk, sing,
cough or sneeze. Due to the malfunction of this particular
Vayu hiccough results. One of the special powers of Udana
Vayu is the rousing of the mind, memory and intellect.

3. SAMANA (even). It is located in the umbilical region

between the stomach and intestines. It helps in digestion by
splitting up food into fragments and separates waste matter like
urine, stool, sweat and the like from food that nourishes the
body. The other functions of this air principle is to excite the
Pachaka fire element which "'ill be described later on. This
Vayu also helps to send the waste products downwards.

4. VYANA (diffused). It is present throughout the human

organism. It supplies RASA (serum) to all parts of the body,
keeps tLem lubricated and causes tne outflow of blood and
perspiration. Its action is also on the movements upwards and
downwards, contraction, expansion and movement in general.
The opening and closing of ·t he eyelids, yawning are also due to
this particular Vayu.

5. APANA (downward). The special seat of this Vayu is

in the rectum and the main function of this is to carry down·
wards waste matter like faeces, urine etc. The Apana Vayu
is also located in the two testicles, penis, hipjoints, the bladder,
the thighs and the umbilicus. This Vayu also helps the foetus
to come out of the womb.
The above are the five kinds of Vayu or air in the hu nan
organism. Their excess or deranged condition causes a number
of diseases, both light and serious. But if all the five kinds
of air are deranged, life must be extinct. If Prana (vital) air is
deranged it produces hiccough, asthma and like. The U dana
(upward) in that condition will paralyse speech and produce
sneezes, cough and the like. The Samana (even) air will produce
d1sentery, diarrhoea and the like. The Vyaoa (diffused) air will
produce paralysis of single parts, hemiplegia, or the paralysis
of tbe whole body. The Apana (downward) air can produce
diseases of the bladder and large intestines.

Aggravation of Air

Like the two other elements air also has its time for
derangement. It is specially aggravated in cloudy weather, in
storm, in rains, in the afternoon between.2 and 6 and in the
last part of the night between the hours 2 and 6. Air also is
~ggravated after food is fully digested, that is to say, four hours
after meals. There are several reasons why air is aggravated
in the human body. By wrestling with a man of superior
strength, by violent exercise, excessive physical and mental
work, worries, continued anxiety, the element of air is aggra·
vated. It is also deranged by a fall from a high place, electric
shocks, ranning, leaping, swimming, carrying a heavy load,
taking pungent, astringent, bitter, light, cold and parched foods,
and by the suppression of winds, urine, stool, tears, vomiting
and sneezing. Modern applications of electricity, violet rays,
X·Rays and radium surely and radically aggravate the element
of air. Some of the symptoms of deranged air are tympanitist
stiffness, roughness of skin, excitement, shivering, pain,
hoarseness, fatigue, deafness, melancholia, yawning, dryness,
thirst etc.

Temperament of Air

A person of air temperament can be recognised in various

ways. A person with excess of air is wakeful, averse to cold
and is fond of music. There are cracks and fissures on the
palms and soles. His beardt moustache, fingers, nails and hairs
are rough, bljttle and grisly. Be is a man of hot temper and
is in the habit of biting his finger nails and grinding bis teeth.
He is impatient and unsteady, and has prominent veins. He
talks much, walks fastt and is vascillating in temperament. He
indulges in incoherent talk and fails to save money. He usually

is without children or has very few children. A person of air

temperament may be to a g\>at, jackal, mouse, ca cnel
dog, vulture, crow or an ass. A person of this temperament
has very few friends as he is unsteady in his friendship. Also
this person does not take seriously any work as he leaves the
work after doing it only for a short time. He is happy one
moment and unhappy the next moment. On the whole the
person is not a .very reliable one when he has this

Pacification of Air

The principal seat of air being in the large intestines the

best means of pacification of this element is by using enemas.
If the air in its principal place is pacified by enemas, air in all
other places is pacified, in the same manner as a stove when
removed makes the room cool by gradual stages. Another
impqrtant plcifier of the element of air is oil. "Pouring oil
over troubled waters'' is a well known phrase. If there is pain
we apply oil either of turpentine or of petrol or mustard.
But this oil has rnany more uses. In cuts, bruises, hurts,
dislocations, fractures, wounds and bleedings oil can be used
with profit. It pacifies air and thus ameliorates pain, conge$-
tions and bleeding~.

Homoeopathic medicines having an aggravation between

the hours of 2 and 6 by day or night are all · air medicines.
Pulsatilla has an aggravation in the afternoon, and therefore
it is an air medicine. Thuja and Apis Mellefica are aggravated
between the hours of 3 and 6 in the afternoon, and therefore
they are air medicines. Medicines having an aggravation in
the rains and the rainy season are all air remedies. All
Homoeopathic remedies well·known. as anti~sycotic remedies
are air remedies. Saturn's favourite metal Ferrum or Iron is
one of the greatest pacifiers of air complaints. There are
many others. Classification of Homoeopathic remedies accord·
ing to the trinity of air, fire and water is a great necessity. It
is only by having a correct knowledge of the power of the drugs

on the elements at fault that sure prescriptions can be made in

.anticipation of sure results.
In a subsequent chapter is given a lis.t of Homoeopathic
medicines which are classified in accordance with the elements
contained in them. All those drugs which are marked with the
·s ymbol ''V5'> have the element of air imbeded in them of all
the five varieties referred to previously in this .c hapter. All
"V5" medicines can be applied to air diseases which are of
eighty kinds. All these eighty kinds of air diseases are
enumerated in a separate chapter. The pulse of air patient is
either fast, inflated or bard.


The second cosmic element in the human body is known as
fire or Pit. It is the element of heat as the manifestation of the
power of fire. The element of fire is said to be predominant
in the present cycle which is called KALI (degenerate) age,
and this seems to be the reason why in this age people are born
with fiery temperament. When fire is aggravated due to seasons,
heating foods, and the like, quarrels , feuds, fights, battles and
even wars take place. The element of fire is always at its
height after the rains in August and September, and it is
precisely in these months that the War Lords lose temper and
march forward to teach their adversaries a lesson. Wars are
therefore nothing more than the manifestations of fire element,
according to the well· known medical principles of the ancients.
Wars wilJ not cease until all people, everywhere in the world,
take to food reforms seriously · and refrain from taking heating
foods which increase the element of fire. Foods like meat,
eggs, fish, legumes and above all wines of all kinds are all
heating in character. They produce an excess of the elemen_t
of fire. People at large should abstain from taking heating
foods, but consume such foods as are calculated to reduce tile
element of fire. Foods such as ghee (clarified butter), butter·
milk, wheat, and especially iWeet substances like sweetmeats,
sugar and jaggery, have got decided power over fire and can
soothe excited temper.
According to ancient authorities on Indian Medicine, the
physical properties of fire are these. Fire as a substance is of
the nature of a hot liquid or a strong acid, hot in action and
hot to touch. It is active and slightly viscid. It is faintly red,
yellow or blue in colour, its smeH is like that of raw meat and
its taste is bitter and sour. Fire is pungent when fully digested,
bitter when raw, and sour when undigested. Tbe normal
quantity of the hot liquid is five times the quantity to be

contained in the hollow of the palm. Fire as a power protects

the body from cold of all kinds, and keeps the thermal

Location of Fire
Fire manifests itself mainly in the blood and sweat. The
Seats of fire are 1. sweat, 2. .chyle, 3. watery part of
muscles, 4. blood. and 5. duodenum. Of these, the duodenum
is the principal seat of fire. According to another opinion fire
resides in I. liver and spleen, 2. heart, 3. eyes, 4. skin
and 5. duodenum. The principal functio'n of fire is to preserve
-the body by supplyir.g enough heat. Fite also helps in proper
functioning of: 1. sight, 2. digestion, 3. heat, 4. hunger
and 5. radiance of the body, cheerfulness and intelJigence.
Colouration and pigmentation of the skin are also functions of
the element of fire.

Five Kinds of Fire

Each of the three primordial elements is of five kinds or
divisions. The five kinds of air have been described in the
previous chapter. The five kinds of fire will now be given
1. PACHAKA (digestive). The functions are : 1. to
digest food, 2. to reduce foods to fine parts into cbyle, and a
waste part, the faeces and sweat and 3. to supplement the
other four kinds of fire. Although this first kind of fire is
situated in the middle of the body, it nevertheless preserves the
heat of all the contents of the body by its intense thermal
properties, and thus htlps to preserve life. This Pachaka pltta
is supposed to be a transparent and very hot strong liquid
secreted in the duodenum during the digestion of the food.
According to another authority the pancreas is also a seat of
this fire element. The pancreatic juice is secreted in the
duodenum where the bile also is poured from the gall·bladder.
Hence, the duodenum in the middle with the gall-bladder on the
right and pancreas on the left should become the seat of this
Pachaka fire.

2. RANJAKA (colouriDg). The one and only function of

this fire is to irr part red colour to chyle. This fire is said
to reside in the liver and the spleen, and is bright red in
3. SADHAKA (fulfiiling). This fire is situated in the heart,
and by its special power drives away TAMAS (delusion). Of
all the five fires this is said to be the finest. It is instrumental
in the functioning of intellect and memory and in the fulfilment
of one's desires.
4. ALOCHAKA (seeing). This fire is situated in the pupil
of the eye. Its function is to keep up the norlllal vision of a
person. It' is interesting to note that when the eye is seen with
the prism the red colour is seen in the eyes. When this colour
is not prominent then one may take for granted that the eye-
vision is not good.
5. BHRAJAKA (shinir.g). This fire resides in the skin and
imparts a natural shine to the skin. The functions of this fire
are : 1. to absorb any punguent, oily and other substance
rubbed or ancinted over the body, 2. to irradiate the glow
of the complexion, and to show up the colour of the skin:
Derangement of Fire
These five kinds of fire, when deranged, give rise to
many morbid symptoms and diseases. Below are given
instancfs when the deranged fire of five kinds become
1. The deranged digestive fire produces indigestion, acidity,
burning sensations in the heart, throat and stomach.
2. The deranged colouring fire produces leprosy, and affects
the liver and spleen.
3. The deranged fulfilling fire destroys thinking power and
produces stupor, a poplexy etc.
a. The deranged seefrg fire destroys sight.
5. The deranged sbining fire produces diseases of the skin
like leucoderma and. other skin disea"Ses where the colour is

6. Perspiration, restlessness, thirst, desire for cold, paleness

of skin are all the signs of aggravated fire.

Temperament of Fire

A man of fire temperament cannot bear any hot substance

and is averse to warmth. His limbs are loosely shaped and
yellowish in colour. The nails, eyes, tongue, lips, soles and
palms of such persons are of coppery hue. His body is
covered with pimples and moles, he 109ks ugly with wrinkles,
baldness and prematurely grey hair. He perspires copiously,

emitting a foetid smell. He is irritable in temper, although he

cools down very soon. He is intelligent, possesses good
retentive mem.>ry, and loves to monopolize any conversatioll.
In sleep he dreams of such things as meteors, lightning flashes,
fire and red flowers. He is vigorous and irresistible in battle.
He is never overpowered with fear, nor bends berore a powerful
antagonist. He protects the suppliant. He is a man of
middling strength and lives upto middle age. His nature
resembles that of a serpent, an owl, a cat, a monkey, a tiger or
.a mongoose.

Aggravation of Fir.e

The element of fire is aggravated in the human organism

by : I. anger, 2. fear, 3. grief, 4. physical exertion,
5. indigestion or acid formation and 6. unnatural sexual
habits. Fire is also aggravated by foods which are bitter,
acid, salty and dry : and by excessive use of mustard oil,
sesamum oil and linseed oil. Fire is also aggravated by fish,
mutton, some of the green kafy vegetables, wines, curds and
whey, and by excessive exposure to the Sun. Fire is naturally
aggravated in the summer and in the autumn, at noon and at
midnight. It is aggravated also during the process of digestion,
that is to say, two hours after taking of food. The fire is
accumulated in tbe system in the rains, aggravated in the
autumn and early winter.

Pacification of Fire
Purgatives are the best treatment for the aggravated firet
because purgatives go to the duodenum, the special seat of fire,
and remove the root of all fire diseases. Jast as a room
becomes cool when fire in the room . is extinguished, so when
the fire in the duodenum is brought under control the
aggravated fire at all other places of the body also calm
All Homoeopathic medicines which have aggravation from
warmth or heat, and amelioration from cold, cold bath, cold·
a.pp ications, etc., are to be taken as fire. remedies. AU
medicines wllich have an aggravation at noon or midnight are
fire remedies. A list of remedies containing the element of
fire-is given in this book in a subsequent chapter. In that
chapter all medicines marked with the symbol "P5'' are fire
remedies having the five principles. In another place is given
a list of the more common fire diseases which are forty in
number. The diseases marked with HPS'' are all diseases
belonging to the element of fire, and they require "P.5,,
medicines for their pacification. The puJse of a fire patient is.
usua11y jumpy and is excited in character.

The third cosmic element operating in the human body is

called water (K·Kaf, Kapha), which is equivalent to cold. The·
element of water contained in the human organism is the
prototype of the microcosmic cold of all varieties. Of the
three elements , any one is as important as the other two, and
in the absence of any of the trio life will not be possible in the
animal world or even in the vegetable world. A plant will no~
live without these elements. Without water the plant will go
dry, without air it cannot grow and without heat there will be
no colouration of the leaves. The element of water is as
important as the element of fire, because without it the body
will be completely consumed by fire. It is the water element
which keeps the fire in check, modifies its burning er consu·
ming power, and maintains the integrity of the body. Water
also acts as a lubricating agent in the body, as much a.s mobil oil
in the automobile engine. Water as a substance is thick, viscid,
and slightly oily, and serves to lubricate the .interior joints. It
gives grease to the skin and increases the size of the body.
Water as a power, generates new tissues and adds strength and
and firmness. Water also imparts mildness, stability and
heaviness to the body, and produces such qualities of mind as
forgiveness, patience and want of covetousness.

Location of Water
The element of water is located in the chest, stomach, head,
throat, joints and fat. Of these chest is the special seat of
water. Some are of the opinion that stomach is the special seat
of Kapha.

Five Kinds of Watfr

Like the other two elements, water is also of five kinds.

These are described below one by one :

1. KLEDAKA (moistener). It resides in ·t he stomach, and
increases the power of water in other parts of the body. Its
cheif function is to help digestion by moistening and disintegra·
ting the food with humid essence.

2. AVALAMBAKA (supporter). It protects all the joints,

and enables· the heart to perform its duties with the help of
juices derived from assimilated food.

3. BODHAKA (feeler). The third kind of water is located

in the throl,t and at the root of the tovgue. It imparts the
power of taste to the tongue.
4. TARPAKA (pleasing). The fourth kind of water is
located in the head. It helps the function of eyes, ears and
5. SLESMAKA (phlegm). The fifth kind of water force
is located in the joints and keeps them integrated. With this
water, movements of different limbs take place without
didocating the bones.

Aggravation of Water

The element of water is naturally aggravated in winter and

spring, and in the morning and evening between the hours of 6
and 10. Wa ·er is also aggravated for two hours immediately
after meals. It is often aggravated by sleep in de' ytime, want of
physical exercise and sedentary habits ; by excess of sweet,
sour and saline foods. Water is further aggravated by wine
and ghee (clarified butter), by excessive use of curds, ice, cakes,
milk, sugar, molasses and meat ; and by living in watery places
or in the vicinity of marshy lands. The use of contrary foods
at the same time, and eating before previous food has been
digested serve to aggravate the element of water. The aggra·
·vated water causes loss of appetite, drowsiness, heaviness, chilly
teeling, dropsy, white coating on tongue, small boils, excessive
-sleep and sweet taste in the mouth.

On the othr.r hand when the elem~nt of water becomes

deficient in the human system, different and contrary sets of
symptoms manifest themselves. Loss of water brings dryness
of the ~ody, burning sensation of different parts, a feeling of
emptiness in the stomach, excess of thirst, weakness and
inso a~ nia . tfhe derangement of water also produces dullness,
salivation, loss of strength, indigestion, goitre, excessive fat,
urticaria, whiteness of cornea, white urine and white stools.
Constipation also is one of the results of aggravated water.

Pacification of Water
The element of water is pacified by such foods as are hot,
pungent, bitter, astringent and dry. It is also ameliorated by
keeping late hours at night, drinking of old wines, taking hot
baths, exercise, fasting and smoking. It is said in ancient works
that honey and emetics are the best means of pacifying the
element of water.

Water Temperament
A person with the water element predominant in his system
is patient, stout, strong, beautiful, self-controlled,· forgiving
unselfish :\nd dutiful. His hair is curJy and black, and his eyes
are white. His voice resembles the rumbling of clouds, the
roar of a lion and the sound of a drum. His limbs are pro·
portionate and symmetrica1, his eyes show red tinge at the
corners. He is not hasty, witholds enmity for a long time. He
usually is the father of many children. The heat of his body
is moderate, and he does not perspire much. He sleeps much
and takes much rest, and has a fondness for hot, pungent and
bitter things. He is steady and constant in bis friendship and.
is conservative by nature. He is charitable, liberal and truthfl.ll.
He is obedient to bis preceptors, and fa most cases does not
meet with seriJus unhappiness in his lifo. The person of water
temperament may be compared to a lion, a horse, an elephants
a bull and a swan. The skin of the person is cool and of a
bluish hue. His appearence is stately. Before arriving at any
opinion the person gives it much thought b :Jt once he reache&

a decision it is very hard to r.emove him from there. He is also

of a sedate nature sustaining pain and fatigue better than any
of the other two elements. He is philanthropic and makes
large gifts after due deliberations. He enjoys long life.
From the above it is not difficult to understand the working
of the element of water in the body and to find out the
remedies for cold complaints. Pneumonia, especially when
phlegm accumulates in the chest, is a clear sign of water,. and ·
oil emedies which serve to remove the condition a re to be
classed as remedies fa11ing under the category of water. Cold,
cough, tonsR~, salivation, boils, frequent urination, white milky
urine, white stools, sweet taste in the mouth, dropsy etc., are
all signs of water ; and all Homoeopathic m~dicines capable
of curing such conditions are water remedies. The medicines
that are prescribed on aggravation from cold, cold foods, cold
drinks, cold applications, cold season and cold weather, at
nights generally and between the hours of 6 and 10 in the
morning and at night, are to be regarded as remedies belonging
to the element of water.
A list of all Homoeopathic medicines having the element
of water is given in a following chapter. All water remedies
are marked with the symbol "KS", to indicate that they belong
to water with all its five varieties. In the list of diseases, ag~in,
all diseases having the element of water are marked with the
same symbol ''KS", showing clearly the affinity that exists
between the medicine and disease. The diseases in the domain
of water are twenty in number according to the ancients.
The pulse of the patient suffering from the derangement of
water is slow, weak and soft.
"Away from ease" is disease. This is a true definition of
disease. All diseases cannot be labelled, and therefore cannot
be diagnosed. The process of labelHng has brought a large
number of names in medical books, an,d this is still a con·
tinuously progressive process. It will lead to an addition of
innumerable names which it will be difficult to remember even
. by a doctor with stupendous memory. In the Indian medical
· system also there are innumerable names but they are not given
_much importance, since the names snd forms are unreal for the
purpose of diagnosis, treatment and healing. All these
numerous names and forms have to b~ reduced to their basic
elements before any prescription can be made. That is how
along with the manufacturer of new names of diseases, the
process of simplification under the three heads of air, fire and
water is going on simultaneously. But much more interesting
is the observation of the ancients regarding the origination of
disease, and to this a brief reference will be made here.
According to the Indian system of medicine the most
important factor in disease production is given as the unnatural
contact of the sense-organs with their respective sense· objects.
For instance, a person has eyes for the purpose of seeing. But
if he voluntarily closes his eyes for days, months and even
years, this will be unnatural contact of the eyes with their
sense-object. Similarly, if he keeps his eyes open for the
purpose of seeing or reading continuously for days, months
.and even years it is an unnatural contact of the eyes with their
objects. When again he sees with eyes such terrible sights as
'fiots, murders, arson, death and destruction, it is also an
unnatural contact of the eyes with their objects. Thus there
are three kinds of unnatural contacts. The first is called
A YOGA (non-use), the second is termed ATIYOGA (over·use)

and the third is known as MJTHYA YOGA (improper use).

All these three kinds of unnatural contact are equally harmful
an~ lead to disturbance of the equilibrium of the three elements
of air, fire and water. There are altogether ten sense.·organs,
five of sense and five of action. The non-use, over-use and
improper use of each and every one of these ten sense·
organs will create a disturbance in the equilibrium of the·
three elements.

From this it can be understood why great thinkers like

Lord Buddha prescribed for mankind the great middle path.
This middle path is the path of the least resistance and the
path of compromise. Even nat~re is following this middle
path of compromise. Beat compromises with cold, day com·
promises with night, fire with water, and so on, This law
of the middle path is the only Jaw wholesome for mankind
as a whole and makes it free from disease and distress if
followed with scrupulous care. In this respect therefore·
there is no difference between the sciecce of medicine and
religion because both l~ad man to the same goal.
Another fruitful source of disease is known as
PRAJNAPARADHA (offence by intelligence), that is to·
say, wrongful action of mind, body and speech. This wrongful
action may consist of non-use, over-use or improper use.
Excessive talking, excessive thinking and excessive bodily
exercise come under the first category. Entire non-use, of the
body, mind and speech fall within the second category. Drink-·
ing water when there is no thirst, or abstaining from water when
there is thirst~ suppr ~ ssion of desires of nature or trying to
satisfy them when they are absent, holding breath, and the rest
constitute wrongful action of the body. Speaking or hearing.
unkiud , falEie or harsh words constitutes wrongful action with
regard to speech and hearing. Fear, gri:;f, avarice and others.
of the same kind constitute the wrongful activities of the mind.
All of these can be brought together under the head of
Prajnaparadba (offence by intelligence). These offences are a.
fruitfol source of disease. One must remember the maxim ::
"co-ordination between mind and body is healthy.'' This is lost
due to wrong thinking, hence one must think of only good
things, hear good things and see good things.
Another important factor in disease production is time or
the seasons of the year. Nature is sending forth by rotation
a series of seasons, and they produce accumuhtion, aggravation
and amelioration of the three elements namely the air, fire
and water. For instance air-accumulates in summer, aggravates
in the rainy season and is ameliorated in autu11n. Similarly,
fire accumulates in the rainy season, agg~avates in autumn and
is ameliorated in winter. The third el~ment or water is accu-
mulated in winter, aggravates in spring and is ameliorated in
summer. This time factor also has its three aspects : the first
is Ayoga (inaction), the second is Atiyoga (over action) and the
third is Mithyay.oga (improper action). When, for instance,.
summer does not manifest it is inaction, when heat is
excessive in summer it is over action, and when there is cold in
summer and heat in winter it is known as the improper action
of time. All these factors are potent causes for the production
of disease.
The seasons liave a special and a natural purpose to serve.
They are constantly working as nature's medical examiners
without fees. Those who are weak and have already certain
elements in excess will become invariably ill in a season that
aggravates those very elements F"r instance, those who have
accumulated a lot of the element of water will be sick when the
winter season is on or in the spring when water is aggravated ..
The season draws attention of those sick men to their precarious
health condition, and asks them to be careful and to take such
medical measures as would diminish the excess of the element
of water. If the person is foolish enough to disregard the
advice, he wilJ suffer season after season until one cold·
season he will be carried off in an epidemic of pneumonia or
Similarly, those who have already accumulated an excess
fund of fire will be aggravated in autumn, and they will be sick

with such diseases as Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera, lnflamma ..

tor.y fevers or Malaria. If the accumulated fire is beyond limits
they wHl be carried off in an epidemic of either cholera,
dysentery or meningitis. Thus nature by sending forth seasons
is subjecting human beings to constant and trying medical
examination and giving reports about diagnosis and prognosis
of every disease and every man. But alas 1 man is too blind to
read these reports. He runs aCter phantom preventives whicb.
have very questionable power to protect in times of extreme
Disease thus means a disturbance in the equilibrium of the
three elements owing to various causes. Some of the most
important factors in disease production have been stated above.
Now i1 is necessary to give a list of diseases classified under
the three heads of air, fire and water, given in the ancient
medical works of India. When the name and nature of
dfoeases are well understood, it will be possible to find the real
element at fault easily and successfully.
The following are Che names of diseases belonging to tbe
three cosmic elements of air, fire and water.


1. Cracking of nails 15. Prolapsus Ani
2. Boils on toe legs 16. Piles
3. Paio in the legs 17. Pruritus Scrotal
4. Fracture in the legs 18. Pbymosis
5. Anaesthesia in the legs 19. Intussusception
6. Paralysis of the legs 20. Pain in the thighs
7. Pain in the ankle 21. Paralysis of the feet
8. Pain in the soles 22. Dwarfi.shness
9. Sciatica 23. Pain in lower spine
10. Pain in the knee 24. Bubo
11. Fracture in the knee 25. Pain in the sides
12. Paraplegia 26. Gas in the stomach
13. Carbuncle 27. Heart Palpitation
14. Lameness 28. Contraction of the chest
29. Pain in the chest 55. General lassitude
30. Drying of the arms 56. Giddiness
31. Wry-Neck 57. Shivering
32. Lock-Jaw 58. Yawning
33. Pain in the shoulder 59. Hiccough
34. Pain in the lips 60. Moroseness
35. Pain in the eyes 61. Delirium
36. Pain in the teeth 62. Tired
37. Looseness of teeth 63. Roughness
38. Dumbness 64. Discolouring of limbs
39. Nasal Voice 65. Sleeplessness
40. Indistinct voice 66. Epiiepsy
41. Speechlessness 67. Ocular disease
42. Astringent taste in the 68. Diseases of the Eye·
mouth Brow
43. Dryness in the mouth 69. Pain in the forehead
44. Otitis 70. Cracks on the head
45. Hardness of hearing 71. Pain on lower head
46. Capacity to hear loud 72. Headache
words only 73. U nmindfulness
41. Obstruction of passages 74. Forgetfulness
48. Contraction of passages 75. Fissure on lips
49. Cataract 76. Pain in the rectum
50. Pain in the head 77. Piercing in chest
s l. Facial paralysis 78. Hernia
52. Paralysis of one side 79. Crookedness of membrum
53. General paralysis virile
54. Convulsion 80. Hysteria
1. Fee!ing of heat on sides 7. Semi-Digestion
2. A little internal burning 8. Internal combustion
3. Burning sensations over 9. Burning in particular
body limb
4. Burning of the eyes 10. Excess of heat
5. Putrified gastric gas l l. Excess of perspiration
6. Eructations of acid food 12. Foul smeJI from body

analyzed under the three heads of air, fire and water, in order
that the natural relation between the disease and the medicine
may be discovered. The present generation is not familiar
with the ancient names. A large number of new names have
become current. Now it is necessary to analyze these new
names in order to find out the basic element at fault in every
disease. In this chapter an . endeavour has been made to
analyze diseases which occur frequen tJy and are common.
Such a huge number of names are in use) ho wever, thaa
it is not humanly possible to treat them in an exhaustive
manner. Moreover, when names in English are analyzed,
those of other languages should not be forgotten, including
the Chinese or Japanese. Names of disea ses are therefore
While analyzing diseases it will b~ well to remember that
there are two principal elements, namely fire and water. The
element of air, for all purposes, is neutra l. There are thus two
kinds of diseases hot and cold, and we have quite a larg
number of'both hot and cold d~seases. When air jJins with
cold it brings about acute and distressing maladies, involvin
general coldness of the whole organism . These acute diseases
often prove fatal if not prop rly or carefully attended to.
When again the element of fire joins with air, acute inflamma-
tory and heat diseases result, often ending ia fatality. But
most serious results are to be apprehended when all the three
elements air, fire and water become deranged, giving rise to
most fearful symptoms. In diseases such as plague, cholera,
typhus, typhoid and the restr all the thtee elem en ts are deeply
involved, and they invariably lead to fatal results. In chronic
diseases like constipation the three elements are at fault, bua
it does not prove fatal at once. Thes~ faulty elements generally
undermine the bodily resistance, and ulti nately produce some
serious malady which leads to fatal results.
Three classes of diseases are gene rally recognized :
(1) easily curahle, (2) difficult to cure and .(3) impossible
to cure. The first class of diseases can be cured by anyone

and almost with anything. Sometimes they are cured

automatically without any treatment But the second class
of diseases requires expert handling and unless the doctor
is clever the patient has to suffer !ong. The thi.rd class of
diseases can be handled only by the greatest experts, a nd can
be cured only by dynamic medicines. In the first oJass,
generally one element is involved ; in the second class t wo
elements are involved ; and in the third category all the three
elements are at fault.
In order to find out the names of diseases and the elementri
involved in each, reference should be ~ade to the alphabetic l
list of diseases along with the elements contained in them, a
the end of this chapter. Modern names of diseases can be
classified under six main groups :

l. P rfire} group w!1ere only one element of fire with its

five subdivisions is out of order or has lost equilibrium.

2. K (water) group where only the eiement of water

with its five principles has lost its equilibrium.

3. VP (air+ fire) group where the two elements ofair and

fire with their ten principles have lost their equilibriu m.

4. VK (air+ water) group where the two ele11ents

of air and watel' with their ten principles have lost their
5. PK (fire+ water) group where the two elements fi re
and water with their ten principles have lost their equilibriu m.
6. VPK (air+fire+water) group where all the three
elements air, fire and water with all their fifteen princip~es
have lost their equilibrium or at fault.

1. P Groep

The following diseases belong to the P group : Carditi ,

Conjunctivitis, Duodenal Ulcer, Epistaxiso Haernaturia,

Jaundice, Purpura, Ratbite Fever, Retinitis, Spleen Enlarge·

ment, Stomatitis, Tapeworm, Tonsilitis, Vertigo. These
and other allied diseases are caused by the element of fire
losing its equilibrium in the human body. These diseases
belong to tho circulatory system in which the heart, liver,
spleen, kidneys and blood are involved. They can be cured
by medicines which have a special power over the element
of fire, and are commonly known as cooling medicines. Here,
it may be mentioned that even though these diseases are easy
to cure still if neglected or treated wrongly may involve any
of the two other elements of air and water make the whole
thing so complicated that ultimately death results. The
medicines must be chosen carefully according to the Tridosha
principles which will safely and surely cure the complaints.
This is true for all the other groups of diseases mentioned

2. K Group
In the water group of diseases mention may be made of
such common diseases as Bronchitis, Colds, Coughs and even
Deafness. In these diseases only the element of water is
involved along with its five sub-divisions, and they relate to the
mucous system and mucous surfaces of the body. They can
be removed by medicines having the element of water in them
or special power over cold. These medicines are commonly
known as hot medicines. Cold patients require hot medicines
in the same way that bot patients require cooling medicines.
Whether a medicine is hot or cold can be decided by its
Tridosha analysis.

3. VP Group
Whert the element of fire heJpcd by the element of air and
when both of them are at fault simultaneously, the condition
is quite serious. It is like burning of a house in the middle
of a storm. A large number of diseases belong to tµis category.
In these diseases both the circulatory and nervous systems are

involved, and ten elemental principles in the body are weakened.

In such diseases the doctor cannot be too careful ; and since
the nervous system is affected the symptoms go on changing
with lightning rapidity, and a close watch is required to be
kept upon hour to hour developments. Some of the diseases
where air and fire are at fatilt, both in acute and chronic forms,
may be given here. These are : Acido&is, Anaemia, Angina
Pectoris, Aneurism, Cerebral Haemorrhage, Dengue Fever,
Diarrheea, D}smenorrboea, Endocarditis, Food Poirnnivg,
Heart Block, Heat Stroke, Intussusception, Malarial Fever,
Migrain, Oral Sepsis, Perotonitis, Piles, Scepticaemia,
Thrombosis, Urnemia, Yeilow Fever, and ~Hied diseases.

4. VK Group
When the element of air is joined by the element of water,
'it causes a great storm in the human body just as it does in
the open sea. Here also a large number of diseases are caused
by the faulty working of the two elements of air and water.
Both these elements when combined can give rise to equally
serious ~ymptoms as the element of fire is capable of producing
when helped by air. In this group of diseases all the five
itypes of air and water are deranged, and they attack merciless..
ly the mucous system and the whole of the nervous S)'stem.
The doctor treating them cannot be too watchful. Here also
.two kinds of disease.s can be recognized, one acute and the
-Other chronic. In acute cases great skill on the part of the
.doctor .is required to be brought into play. The following
.are some of the diseases caused due to the derangement of
the two elements : Abortion, Asthma, Arthritis, Benberi,
Broncbo pneumonia, Chicken Pox, Chorea, Colic, Diabetes
Insipidus, Epilepsy, Gonorrhoea, Gout, Insanity, Mumps,
Paralysis, Paratyphoid, Pleurisy, Pneumonia, Poliomyelitis,
Quinsy, Rheumatism, Rickets, Sprue, Wboopir g-Cougb, and
allied diie:ases. Although their names and forms differ, it is
easy to comprehend that all these diseases belong to the domain
of water.

5. PK Group
Io this group of diseases the two elements of fire and water
are at fault. When these two along with their ten principles
are faulty, a number of chronic diseases manifest themselves
which are difficult to cure. These diseases, as a rule do not
show fearful symptoms since they are unconnected with the
element of air. In diseases of this kind the whole of the
circulatory system as well as of the mucus system and the
alimentary canal become defective, and are required to
be treated with extreme care. While in all other systems
operation seems to be the onJy remedy, it is within the range
of Homoeopathy to cure such cases with oral medicines. The
following are some of the diseases coming un der this group !
Alburninuria, Appendicitis, Ascitis, Blindness, Brig 1t's Disease,
Cancer, Carcinoma, Cerebral Abscess? Consumpt ion, Diabetes,
Mellitus, Diptheria, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, E czema, Elephantisis,
Gall Stones, Gangrene, Leprosy, Leucoderma, Nt:!phritis,
Neuroma, Oedema, Otorrboea, Psoriasis, Renal Calculi,
Smallpox, Tetanus and allied diseases.

6. VPK Group
The sixth and last group of diseases result when all the
three elements air, fire and water lose their equilibrium, and
work riotously in the human system without any cogent
harmony. The three elements with their fifteen principles are
out of order in these cases. These diseases are again of two
kinds : acute and chronic. In acute cases the result often
proves fatal, and in chronic cases death is only deferred. ,It is a
matter of great satisfaction that only a few diseases come uude~
this group as dan~erous maladies. In this group may be men·
tioned diseases like Cholera, Cerebro Spinal Fever, Convulsions,
Plague, Tubercular Meningitis, Tuberculosis, Typhoid,
Typhus and allied diseases mostly of an epidemic character.
The ne ·;q disease called Vaccinia which is often the result of
Smallpox Vaccination, is also a disease wber~ there is simul-
taneous derangement of the three elements and fifteen princi-
ples, and can easily prove fatal. The more or less common
and "harmless" disease Constipation is really a ser.ious disease.
Here also all the three elements in the body are simultaneously
deranged. That is the reason w!ly Constipation is so difficult
to cure. That is why constipation is called the Grandmother
of Diseases. Constipated people can easily catch serious
disease , and they may be carried off easily because they can
practically give no resistance to the invading disease. Consti-
pation can be said to be the disease of civilisation. It does
not attack the labourer, the agriculturist or even the villagers
living in places with plenty of pure a'ir and sunlight. Be that
as it may be, it is very essential that once constipation invades
the system, food should be regulated, bad habits elimi a:it ~d ,
and plenty of pure air and sunlight provided. With good
medicines having all th~ three elements constipation can be
cured, if the patients are serious about removing the disease.
In such cases foods having all tbe three elements should be
given in judicious doses.

Following is given in tabular form a list <?f principal

diseases, with the elements contained in each noted against
the names. With the help of this table it is possible to find
out the element or elements at fault easily anJ quickly. For
facility of reference the names are given in strict alphabetical

Tridosha of Disease

Disease Elements Disease Elements

Abortion V5K5 A sci tis PSKS

Alcoholism V5K5 Asthma V5K5
Amoebic Dysentery VSPS Bacillary Dysentery V5P5
Angina Pectoris VSPS Beri·Beri V5K5
Aneurism VSPS Blackwater Fever V5KS
Arthritis V5KS Blindness PSK5

Disease Elements Disease Elements

Bright's Disease PSKS Haematuria VSPS
Bronchitis KS Heart Block V5P5
Brocho-Pneumonia VSKS Heat Stroke V5P5
Cancer P5K5 Hydrocele P5K5
Caroinoma P5KS Hydrocephalus V PS
Cataract V5K5 Hydrophobia V5K5
Cerebrospinal Fever V5P5K5 HypeN\cidity VSP5
Chicken Pox V5K5 Hysteria VSPS
Cholera V5P5KS Infantile Scurvy PSKS
Cirrhosis of Liver PS InfantiJe Tetanus VSPS
Colic V5K5 Insanity VSKS
Constipation V5P5KS Insomnia P5K5
Consumption PSKS In tussu~ception VSK5
Convulsion V5P5K5 Jaundice PS
Dengue Fever V5P5 Leprosy P5K5
Dentition V5KS Leucoderma P5KS
Diabetes Insipidus VSKS Leucorrhoea V5K5
Diabetes Melitus P5K5 Leukaemia VSPS
Diarrhoea V5P5 Malaria VSPS
Diptheria P5K5 Measles PSKS
Dropsy P5KS Menorrhagia V5P5
Duodenal Ulcer P5 Migrain V5P5
Dysentery P5KS Miliary T.B. P SKS
Dysmenorrhoea V5P5 Mumps V5K5
Dyspepsia P5K5 Myxoedema V5K5
Eczema PSKS Nephritis PSKS
Elephantiasis P5KS N eurorna P5K5
Epilepsy V5K5 Obesity V5K5
Epistaxis PS Oedema P5K5
Erysipelas P5K5 Oral Sepsis VSPS
Fistula P5KS Osteomalacia V5K5
Gall Stones P5KS Otcrrhoea P5K5
Gar grene P5KS Paralysis VSKS
Gastric Ulcer P5K5 Paratyphoid V5KS
Goitre P5K5 Peritonitis V5PS
Gonorrhoea V5K5 Piles V5P5
Gout VSKS Plague V5P5KS

Disease Elements Disease Elements

Pleurisy V5KS Smallpox PSK5

Pneumonia VSKS Spleen Enlargement PS
Poliomyelitis V5KS Sprue VSK5
Psoriasis P5K5 Stammering VSKS
Quinsy VSKS Stomatitis P5
Ratbite Fever PS Syphilis P5
Relapsing Fever PSKS Tabes Dorsalis PSKS
Renal Colic PSKS Tapeworm PS

Retinitis P5 Tetanus P5K5
Rheumatic Fever PSKS Thrombosis V5P5
Rheumatism VSKS fubercular Maningitis
Rick~ts V5K5 V5P4KS
Ringworm V5P5 Tuberculosis VSP5K5
Roundworm PSKS Typhoid VSPSKS
Scabie~ P5K5 Typhus F\!ver V5P5K5
Scarlet Fever P5KS Vaccinia V5P5K5
Septicaemia V5P5 Vertjgo PS
Sciatica V5KS Whooping Cough V5K5
Sea Sickness PSKS YelloH F~ver V5P5

In the 6th century B.C. in the famous University of Taxila

medical students before beir g given a degree used to be sent
-out into the surrounding jungles in order to bring to the
examiner leaves of plants which could not be used in medicine.
Those who after continuous search in the jungles for seven long
days could not bring any such leaves, were given the highef)i
degree, and ' were allowed to practise. That was a simple
-examination in an unsophisticated country like India. It serves
to make abundantly clear the fact of there being nothing in the
world that cannot be used as medicine, and cannot produce
some kind of effect on the healthy or unhealthy person. There
is thus no meanir g in picking up one thing among milli0ns
of smaller things and boosting it before the world as the sole
panacea available to mankind. This is exactly what is being
done ; new panaceas are daily con1ing into existence only to be
thrown oft' the market in no time. Research of this kind can
be carried on without end, and is likely to be carried on till the
end of the Greek calendar by those people who are interested
in the financial side of medical research. It should, however,
be remembered not only by the general public but also by all
professionals, that there is nothing in the world which cannoQ
be used as a medicine, and that people lived in the past with
and without panaceas and are likely to continue to do the same
in the future. Real knowledge consists in making right appli-
cations, at the right place and at the right time. To know this
is to know the Tridosba of mediaines.
When Tridosha is applied to medicines the latter are required
to be c1assified in accordance with the three cosmic elements
of air, fire and water. By classifying medicines in this manner
it is possible to know the true action of drugs in the human
system. In olden days crude drugs only were employed for
' .

the pacification of diseases. It was Samuel Hahnemann who,

like a true seer, condemned crude drugs and gave to the world
finely attenuated, atomic medicines for the first time in history.
It seems strange that the wodd even now persists in using crude
drugs and crude methods, in ipite of the fact that the dynamic
system of Homoeopathy is available to an the medical practi-
tioners. Whether unrefined medcines or dynamic medicines
are or are not used depends largely on the good sense of
patient and his doctor. But it should definitely be remembered
that to treat diseases with crude drugs is an inferior, gross and
uncultured method. The crude method will one day be extinct
when the demand has grown on the part of the general public
for dynamic medicines.

The medicines in this age are of bewildering variety. All

medicines, however, are but the results of different com.bita-
tions, in different pr oportions, of the three basic elements of
air, fire and water. The names of medicines signify only out·
ward expression of the clement. If b asic elements are unknown
it becomes difficult to employ medicines against 9iseases in a
correct manrer. It is, therefore, imperative that all drugs be
carefully and thoroughly analyzed before any use of them be
permitted in bodies affiicted with disease. In this chapter, then
the more important Homoeopathic medicines will be found
analyzed, and cosmic properties stated for the first time. This
cia ssification will prove useful to all who earnestly seek to
alleviate diseases with dficient medicines. Many of the
failures of the present day Homoeopathy will be minimized
with the help of this knowledge. It is of course clear that at
the present stage, exhaustive treatment of the subject is not
possible. But if sufficient interest is aroused in the minds of
the Homoeopaths, it will be possible at a future date to give
the Tridosba analysis of all known Homoeopathic drugs.
H is also desirable to state that the indigenous system of
medicine in India dready pos$esses a Tridosha analysis of the
drugs used in the system. Even the Unani system of the
Semites has a sort of Tridosha analysis. But until now the

Tridosha system has not been applied to either the Homseo ...
pathic or Allopathic medicines. Without Tridosha analysis
the knowledge of .medicines is not complete and eff~ctive use
not altogether possible. Thus it is necessary to apply Tridosha
in all systems including both Homoeopathy and Allopathy.
By applying the system to Homoeopathic drugs a great detect
in Homoeopathy is removed. The hug~ number of All0pathic
medicines should receive the same treatment, and it is to be
hoped that before Jong, attenti.m of doctors and research
students will be directed towards this great defect in the
Allopathic system of medicine.

The mediches in H.Jmoeopathy can be broadly classifi. :<l

under the following seven heads :
1. V (air) medicines
2. P (fire) medicines
3. K (water) medicines
4. V + P medicines
5. V + K medicines
6. P + K medicines
7. V+P+K medicines
In order to facilitate reference, medicines have been
arranged alphabetically at the end of this chapter, and the
elements contained in the medicine stated with each entry.
Below is given a brief description of the power of different
medicines used in Homoeopathy.

1. V (air) Medicines
The medicines of which Natrum Phos. and NatruJl
Muriaticum are examples, have only one element present in
them. These two belong to the element of air; they have
the power to strengthen the whole of the nervous system and
also the air element in the human b.Jdy with its five sub
divisions. It may also be noted that while strengthening the
nervous system, they weaken at t 11e same time the circulatory,
and mucous systems.

2. P (fire) Medicines
Under the head of fire a large number of medicines
may be counted in Homoeopathy. These medicines have
the power to strengthen the circulatory system and the five
sub-divisions of fire, but they weaken th~ other two systems,
name1y the nervous system and the 01ucous surfaces. These
medicines can be given in all circulatory diseases and for
diseasei marked with the symbol '·P'' in previous chapter#
but for none others.

3. (Water) Medicines
Under the head of water are found a large number of
medicines and these have power to strengthen the element
of water in the human system. They are calculated to remove
the .diseases of the mucous system and the mucous surfaces,
but it must not be forgotten that the medicines of this group
weaken the nervous and circulatory systems, These drugs
can only be employed in purely K diseases listed in the previous

4. VP (air+fire) Medicines
The elements of air and fire produce certain medicines
which may be successfully applied to diseases wherein the
elements of air and fire are deranged. They have greater
power than · the medicines marked only P or V. These
medicines will strengthen the two eiements with all their
ten principles operating in the human body. But these
medicines do not take care of the third element in the body
Water and thus they weaken this system.

5. VK (air+water) Medicines
Quite a large number of medicines .are grouped under
(his bead. They have the power to control when the two
elements air and water are aggravated in the system. They
also strengthen the two systems namely the nervous system
and the mucous system. The circulatory system is on the

other hand weakened~ These medicines contain all the ten

principles of air and water mentioned in a previous chapter.
All these medicines . can be used successfully against diseases
marked with ~'K~' and VK.

6. PK (fire+ water) Medicines

Under this head a large number of Homoeopathic
medicines can be listed. They contain the two elements of
fire a rid water~ Even though the air element whicb actually
propels these two is not present but it is quite likely that
it may join forces any time and make the case very acute
and will require VPK medicines instead of only PK medicines.
rm the v joins forces with these two the diseases produced
by these two can be treated by the medicines marked with the
symbol "PK'' in the medicines. All chronic diseases mostly
belong to this group and they take the a.cute form only when
the air ]oins them. The medicines of this group strengthen
the two important systems, the circulatory and the mucous
system. It must be remembered that the medicines of this
group should only be used when the disease is dormant with ..
out the assistance of air to rouse them.

7. VPK ( ir+fire+water) 1./iedicines

There are very few medicines under this head and these
should be used mostly in treating chronic diseases . o that
all the three elements are strengthened. These medicines are
composite in character and are equivalent to three medicines
put together. T hese are the Gems of Homoeopathy and with
t eir lreq'1ent use the H omoeopaths can be sure of scoring
victories in many incurable d1s"ases as mentioned in the medical
books. There are some medicines in this group which are
of immense use in acute cases where all the three elements
are in disorder su \~h as Baptisia. This medicine will cure
ncwe cases of fe ver than mentioned in the booi?J of Materia
Medica. One should rise above the printed. word and
find the results for himself. The sympto ~natology gi 1eo

·unthe Materia Medica are certainly a guidance but even if an

the symptoms are not found for this medicine I would reco·
mmend the use of Baptisia in lower potencies io any kind of
fever of a remittent type. Similarly the medicine Sepia in
Homoeopathy is not properly used to get the maximum benefit.
This is a great medicine and the characteristic of this medicine
·is the pulse which is an imperceptible P ulse. To describe this
pulse I would say that the pulse appears to be under a thick
fayer of fat even though there may be no fat on the wrist. This
is a sure indication and sure results can be expected. I have
seen similar pulse in many caseR of ,Leprosy and with this
medicine great improvement was n0ticed. In chronic ~ases
ibis should be one of the routine medicines ~V~il though there is
no routine in the science of Ho'lloeopathy. But, when o ne
prescribes on the basis of Tridosaa the: d'Jctor has more lreed:Jm
than with simpie Homoeopathy. More will be said on the
science of pulse in a later cha vter.
Along with the Homoeopathic ·uedicioes the Tiss ie
~· em edies have also been analyzed and this will be of help in
prescribing in all types of diseases. When mixtures qf Biochellic
medicines are made it mu:st be rememb-;red that medicines
~ontain ing ail the three elements with their fifteen principles
~hould be included to prevent aggravation due to weakening
of a particular system. As the medicines can be mixed freely
there shoald be .no problem to the doctor practising with tbese
medicines only,
In conclusion to· this chapter I must emphasize that a
thorough knowledge of the Materia Med1ca is absolutely essen·
t ial to prescribe the medicines even according to Trido.,ha.
Different medicines act on ditferent parts of the body and they
must be known before one can prescribe. A medicine which
is good for diarrhoea with a puticular element or elements
cannot certainly be pre~cribed for fever even thou5h the
elements agree. In case ~his is remembered I a 'll sure this
:ldditional k nowledge will bring H~moeopathy frorn the
doldrums to its riglitfut p)sition in th~ w Jr!d .

Below is given the list of medicines with their Tridosha

analysis. Plenty of more work has to be done to authenticate
the findings by practical applications. It is impossible for one
practitioner to .use all the medicines given in tµe Homoeopathic
Materia Medica. Hence a team of Homoeopaths will have to
join forces in givin,g their own experience on this subject wh,en
this science will become complete. I would again say that
physicians should rise above \he printed words and should do
some original thinking.

Tridosha of Medicines
Abies Canadensis V5P~ A lumen PSK)
Abies Nigra V5P5 Alumina VSK ~
Abrotanum V5K5 Alumina S. ys
Absinthium vs Ambra Gri. PS
Acalypba Ind. KS Ambrosia PS
Acetanilidum PS Amrnoniacum D. VSK5
Acetic Acid PSKS Ammonium Benz. KS
Aconite Nap V5P5 Ammonium Brom. K5
Actea Spicata vs Ammonium Carb V5PSK5
Adonis Vernalis PS Ammon. Caust. PS
Adrenalin V5 Ammon. Iod. PSKS
Aesculus Hipp. PS Ammon. Mur. V5P5K5
Aethiops PS Ammon. Phos. K5
Aethusa Cyna. VSKS Ammon. Pie. vs
Agaricus M. V5K5 Ammon. V. vs
Agave VSP5 Ampelopsis V5P5
Agnus C. V5P5 Amygdalus· P. PS
Agra phis V5P5 Amyl. Nit. V5K5
Ailantbm. P5 Anacardium V5P5
Aletris F. PS Anagallis V5P5
Alfalfa vs Anatberum p5.
Allium Cepa VSKS Anbalonium vs
Allinum Sat V5K5 Anemopsis C. KS
Alnus KS Angustura V. vs
Aloe S. VSKS Anilinum V5PS
Alstonia PS Antbemis N. V5K5

Anthracinum V5PS Asparagus Off. P5K5

Anthracokali PS Aspidosperma KS
Antim. Ars. K5 Astacus F. PS
Antim. Crud. PSKS Asterias Rub. PS
Antim. S. A. PS Astragalus M. V5P5
Antim. Tart. P5K5 Aurum Met. KS
Antipyrine V5P5 Aurum Mur. Nat. PSKS
Apis Mel. V5KS Avena Sat. V5
Apium G. vsP·s Azadirachta Ind. V5P5
Apocynum A. V5 Bacillinum V5P5
Apocynum C. V5K5 Badiaga V5KS
Apo morphia V5P5 Balsamum P. KS
Aquilegia VS Baptisia V.SP5KS
Ara gallus V5 BaJosma C. PS
Aralia R. PSKS Baryta Acet. V5K5
Aranea D. vs Baryta Carb. V5KS
Arbutus vs Baryta Iod. V5KS
Are ca PS Baryta Mur. VSKS
Argemone Nf. V5 Belladonna V5KS
Argentum Met. V5P5 Bellis P. V5KS
Argentum Nit. V5P5 Benzenum PS
Aristolochia V5PS Benzie Acid. PS
Arnica Mont. VSKS Berb. Aqui. PS
Ars. Alb. PSKS Ber-b. Vulg. V5K5
Ars. Brom. P5K5 Beta Vulg. PSKS
Ars. Hydro. P5KS Betonica vs
Ars. Iod. VSKS Bismuth PS
Ars. Met. PS Blatta Ame. PS
Ars. S. F. PSK5 Blatta Ori. P5KS
Artemisia V. PSKS Boletus L. PS
Arum. D. VSKS Boric Acid. PS
Arum. ~ri. PSKS Borax PS
A run do KS Bothrops L. PS
Asafoetida V5P5 Botulin um PS
Asrum E. PS Bo vista PS
Asclepias S. VSPS Brachyglottis P5
Asclepias T. VSKS Bro mum PS
Asimina T. PS n"ryonia V5K5

Bufo VSKS Castoreum V5

Buty ric Acid P5K5 Catarea N. vs
Cactus G. V5K5 Caul?phyllum P5K5
Cadmium S. P5KS Causticum VSPS
Cabin ca PS Ceanothus PS
Cajuputum V5K5 Cedron V5KS
Caladium S. PS Cenchris Con. PS
Cale. Acet. P5KS Ce.reus B. vs
Cale. Ars. P5KS Cerium Oxa. V5K5
Cale. Carb. KS Chamomilla V5P5
Cale. Flu. I
PS Chaparro A. PS
Cale. Iod. KS Cb.elidonium M. PS
Cale. Phos. V5K5 Chenopodium A. PSKS
Cale. Sil. KS Chenopodi G. A. VSKS
Cale. Sul. PS Chef one PS
Calendula Off. PS Chimaphila U. PSKS
Calotropis P5K5 Chm. Ars. P5
Caltha Pal. V~P5 Chin. Sul. PS
Camphora V5P5K5 Chionanthus P5
Camphor M. B. V5 Chloral um V5K5
CanchaJagua PS Chloroformum vs
Cannabis Ind. PS Chlorum KS
Cann. Sat. PS Cholesterinum PS
Cantharis PSKS Chromicum A. PSK.5
Capsicum P.5 Chrysarobinum PS
Carbo Ani. P5 Cicuta V. V5P5
Carbo Veg. P5KS Ciro ex PS
Carb. Acid. PS Cimicifuga R. P5KS
Carb. Hydro. PS Cina PS
Carbo. Oxy. KS Cinchona Off. PSKS
Carbo Sul. P5K5 Cineraria V5KS
Carduus M. PS Cinnabaris V5P5
Carlsbad PS Cinnamon um P5
Cascara S. P5K5 Cistus C. PS
Cascarilla KS Citrus V. P5
Carconisin P5 Clematis E. P5K5
Castanea V. V5K5 Cob8.ltum vs
Castor Equi P5 Coca PS
Cocaina P5KS Diptherinum P5
Coccinella vs Dolichos P. PS
Cocculus PS Dorypbora VSKS
Coccus C. VSKS Drosera KS
Cochlearia VSKS Duboisia VSKS
Codeinum VSPS Dulcamara V5K5
Coffea Cruda P.5 Echinacea V5P5
Colchicum PS Elaps Cor. P5KS
Colliosonia Cao. P5 Elaterium vs
Colocynthis VSKS Eosin ' PSKS
Com ocladia PS Epigea Rep. PS
Condurango PS Epiphegus vs
Conium VSKS Equisetum KS
Convallaria M. P5KS Erechthites PS
Copa iv a K5 .Erigerou PS
Corallium P5K5 Erfodictyon KS
Corallorhiza PS Eryngium A. PS
Cornus Cir. PS Eschscholtzia c. vs
Corydalis PS Eucalyptus G. PS
Cotyledon V5K5 Eugenia J. vs
Crataegus VSKS Euonymus A. VSPS
Crocus Sat. V5P5KS Eupat. A. V5
Crotalus Hor. PS Eupat. Perf. VSKS
Croton Tig. PSEupat. Purp. V5KS
Cubeba KSEuphorbia PS
Cucurbita P. P5Euphorbium PS
Cucurbita C. PS Eupbrasia PS
Cuphea PSKS Eu pion vs
Cuprum Acet. PSKS I. PS
Cuprum Ars. P5K5 Fagopyrum KS
Cuprum Met. P5K5 Fel Tauri PS
Curare vs Ferrum Iod. V5K5
Cyclamen KS Ferrurn Mag. V5K5
Cypripedium V5P5 Ferr. Met. VSP5K5
Daphne Ind. V5P5 Ferrum Phos. V5P5K5
Digitalis KS Perrum Pie. VSKS
Dioscorea V. PS Ficus Rel. P5
Diosma L. V5 Filix Mas PS

Flour. Acid. KS Heloderma vs

Formalin KS Helonias PS
Formica Rufa V5KS Heper Sulph. P5
Fragaria PS Hepatica K5
Franciscea V5KS Heracleum vs
Fraxinus A. KS Hippomanes vs
Fuligo Ligni KS Hippozaenium PS
Fucus V. KS Bippuric Acid PS
Fucbsina PS Hoang Nan vs
Galanthus N. vs Homarus vs
Galium A. PS Hora B. PS
Ga1Jicum Acidum PSKS Hydrangea PS
Gambogia PS Hydrastis PSKS
Gaultheria vs Hpdrocotyle PS
Gelsemium PS Hydrocyanic Ac. VSPS
Gentiana L. PS Hydrophobinum vs
Geranium M. PS Hyoscyamus VSPS
Gettysburg Water KS Hypericum PS
Ginseng vs lberis vs
Glonoine PS lchthyolum KS
Glycerinum PS Ignatia VSPS
Gnapbalium vs Illicium vs
Golondrina PS Ilex A. PS
Gossypium vs Indigo vs
Grana tum vs Indium vs
Graphitis PS Indol P5
Gratiola vs Insulin PS
Grindelia PS Inula KS
Guaco vs Iodoformum PS
Guaiacum V5K5 lodum VSKS
Guarea PS Ipecac PS
Gymnocladus KS Iridium PS
Haematoxylon vs Iris V. KS
Hamamelis V. PS Jacaranda PS
Hedeoma vs Jalapa PS
Hekla Lava vs Jatropha PS
Helleboros PS Jequirity PS
Helianthus PS J onosia Asoca vs
Juglans C. P5 Lepidium B. VSKS
Juglans R. PS Leptandra PS
Juncus B. PS Liatris S. KS
Juniperus C. PS Lilium Tig. PS
Justicia A. KS Limulus PS
Kali Ars. P5 Linaria PS
Kali Bichrom. PSKS Linum U. KS
Kali Brom. P5K5 Lithium C. V5
Kali Carb PSKS Lobelia Int. KS
Kali Chlor PSKS Lobelia ·Purp. KS
Kali Cvan. P5K5 Loliu.trl T. K5
Kali Hydriodicum PSKS Lonicera X. PS
Kali Mur. PS Lupul us KS
Kali Nit. PSKS Lycopodium VSPS
Kali Per. PSKS Lycopus V. PS
Kali Phos. VSP5 Mag Carb V5KS
K ali sn. VSPS Mag. Mur. VSPS
Kali Sul. VSP5 Mag. Phos. V5KS
Kalmia L. PS Mag. Sul. V5P5
Kaolin KS Magnolia G. vs
Kousso vs Malandrinum PS
Kreosotum P5 Mancinella PS
Laburnum PS Manganum Acet. PS
Lac Can. PS · Magifera Ind. PS
Lac Deflor. V5KS Medorrhinum V5KS
Lachesis PS Medusa KS
Lachnantes PS Mel Cum Sel V5
Lacticum Ac. VSPS Melilotus PS
Lactuca V. PS Menispermum vs
Lamium VSPS Mentha Pip. vs
Lapis Al. PS Menthol KS
Lappa PS Menyanthes PS
Latbyrus KS Mepbitis K5
Latrodectus M. vs Mere. Perennis PS
Laurocerasus V5KS Mercuri us PSKS
Lecithin PS Mere. Cor. P5K5
Led um P5 Mere. Cyan. P5K5
Lemna Minor KS Mere. Dul. PS

Silicea PS Tanacetum V. vs
Silphium KS Tannie Ac. PS
Sinapis Nig. KS Tarantula C. PS
Skatol PS Tarantula His. V5PS
Skookum-Chuck KS Taraxacum PS
Solanu:m L. KS Tart. Acid. PS
Solanum Nig. vs Taxus B. PS
Solid ago PS Tellurium VSPS
S'partium S. PS Terebinth PS
Spigelia VSKS Teucrium M. P5
Spiraea PS Thall um VSPS
Spiranthes K5 Thaspium A. vs
Spongia T. V5KS Thea vs
Squilla P5K5 Tberidion PS
Stannum KS Tbiosinaminum vs
S ca physagria V5K5 Tblaspi B. P. P5K5
Stellaria M. KS Thuja Occ. V5P5
Sterculia VSPS Thymol PS
Sticta VSKS Thymus S. KS
Stigmata M. PS Tbyroidinum PSKS
Stillingia PSKS Tilia E. PS
Stramonium VSKS Titanium PS
Strontia PSKS Ton go KS
Strophanthus P5K5 Torula C. PS
Strychninum vs Tribulus T. PS
Struchnia Phos. vs Trifolium P. PS
Succinum VSKS TriJlium P. KS
Sulfonal vs Triosteum PS
Sulphur VSPS Trinitrotoluene PS
Sulphur Iod. PS Tri tic um PS
Sulphuric Ac. VSP5 Trombidium PS
Sulphurosum Ac. PS Tuberculin um V5PS
Surnbul vs Turn era KS
Sym phoricarpus vs Tussilago P5
Symphytum KS Upas T. VS
Syphilinum PS Uranium Nit. PS
Syzygium J. PS Urea PS
Tabacum V5PS Urtica Urens P5K5
Usnea PS Vinca Minor PS
Ustilago PS Viola Odo. vs
Uva Ursi PS Viola Tri. PS
Vaccininum PS Vipera PS
Valeriana PS Viscum Alb. vs
Vanadium PS Wyethia KS
Vanilla VSPS Xanthoxylum VSKS
Variolinum VSKS Xerophyllum PS
Verat Alb. PS X Ray PS
Verat. Vir. PS Yohimbinum V5K5
Verbascum V5K5 Yucca Fi). P5
Verbena vs Zinc. Met. V5K5
Vespa C. VSKS Zinc. Val. vs
Viburnum Op. vs Zin giber VSKS
Note: All the medicines have been taken from POCKET MANUAL OF


The pulse is a subject of first class importance in the

·Hindu Science of Medicine. The pulse is situated just below
the root of the thumb, which is regarded as one of the most
sensitive limbs of the body. It is even said that the Jivatman
(Microcosmic Soul) is "of the size of the thumb". Children
and adults when in extreme danger to life, or immediately
before death, withdraw the thumb in ·ide has palm and clench
t he fist. This is there ore considcr~d to be one of the gravest
sympto ms by exper!~i!lced :nen. The pulse below the thumb
is the principal artery '-' hich corre.·ctly tells the conditi~n of the
patie nt. This particular artery h •S a special significance a nd
is n10re important than any other ~rtery in the b~dy. This
fact the ancients discovered more th .!n thousand years ago.
fhe:v put the study <. f pulse on a scientific footing, having
c1~ scoverd as many a:- six hundred different varieties of pulse,
each witf a story to tell. In ancient ti mes any dGctor who
di<l not have a proper k nowledg 1~ o pu1se was known as
ANADI. fo day, in the medical p rofession the pulse has
become just a thing of routine examination and hardly anyone
is able ~o tell anything from the examinati.Jn. It is the d · ty
of every doctor to know more about the system tllat requires
correction thereby eii::ninating many mistakes whic1 he is
Hke!y to commit.
In A:1 urveda ( science o.f life) the pul:ie is a meter to grnge
the c.rndition of the microcos :nic soul and to know whether
it 1s iu a happy or mh;er.abl~ state. The pulse gives iodicr.tion
as to wh".'."ther it is trouble by heat, c0ld or air, or whether
it is in a free d 1~easele:ts Wit.I.!. J Lbt as an automobile
ha.s an indicator o show whet er the battery is charged
or disc ".large-.i when it is · on th ,. . , 1ove, even so the
pulse indicates w'1ether tile battery of hunpo life is

being charged 017 discharged. The knowledge whether a

disease is serious or not, whether death is impending or not,
whether the case will place risk upon the reputation of the
doctor or not, and so fortb, is derived solely from the pulse.
As the subject of pulse is one of the most fascinating branches
of medical studies and of world-wide importance, ·it is dealt
with in some detail here.

The knowledge of pulse is the prized possession of the

doctor, and this knowledge protects him ,like a mother in many
a dangerous situation where his reputa~ion is threatened. The
pulse is also a powtrful ir.strnment in determining the element
or elements at fault, and shows unmistakabiy the element to
!?e pacified in a patient. 'While examining the pulse, the
artery_of the elbow should be pressed with the left hand, and
tbe i:a!1d of the p~.tient ~hould be held in slanting nia nner.
He ~hould then feel with the three fingers-the index, the
rniddk and the ring-of hjs right hand the pulse in a place two
fingers in length below the tip of the thumb. Jn this manner
i r '· long time the ~ hrobbiogs of the artery below the fing ers
sh\-. ·1id be felt without baste. Whtie feeling the pulse t i1e
rtery should not be pressed too hard lest it disappears nor
too softly lest the fingers lose touch of the artery. In other
words, the a~tery should be ::lllowed to have free play. In
this manner the throbbingis of the pulse should be observed.
The pulse has its own movements, such as fast, jumpy or
slow, and it gives one or another feeling under the three
.fingers, namely the index, the middle and the ring. Heavy
index beat shows air, heavy middle beat shows fire and a
tic.wy third finger shows water. All these movements should
be carefully noted at the time of feeling the pulse and the
p "Ysician will obtain the correct information about the inner.
condition of the patient: which should he corroborated hy
interrogating either the patient or the attendants. The first
thin~ to be noticed in puJse movement is whether it is slow,
fa st or jumpy indicating derangement of the three principal
elements. 'fhe rules to be remembered in this connection are

that the pulse ' becom~s : -

1. Fast with air
2. Jumpy with fire
3. Slow with water
When the element of air is deranged the pulse becomes
fast. It indicates indigestion, nervous troubles, fever. colics
and so forth. The slow pulse shows an excess or derange--
ment of the element of water and indicates dullness, coughs
cold, melancholia, constipation and a variety of symptoms
belonging to this element. A jumpy pulse indicates excess
or derangement of the element of fire in the body. It shows
sleeplessness,' diarrhoea. vertigo blood pressure, heat of the
skin, eyes, palms, soles and so forth.
By understanding this simple movement of the pulse the
doctor is in possession of the most vital information about
the patient. A corroboratim1 of this can be found by question~
ing the patient. Questions like "Are you getting good sleep ?"
' ~ Do you get vertigo r' or "Do your eyes burn 'l" put to
the patient, and an affirmative answer from him will at once
decide that the patient is suffering from an excess of the element
of the fire. This element of fire can be reduced by almost
anything-by Allopathy, Homoeopathy or Naturopathy or
even by a good dose of curds or sugar, ice or cold bath. Any
one of these will bring down the heat, if judicioul!ly give·n.
But if due to ignorance the doctor gives such medicines or
takes such measures as would increase heat in an already
hot patient, then God help the patient and his doctor who
acts as a veritable messenger of death.
In order to understand the different motions of the pulse
it is necessary to observe the movements of certain animals,
~and if the puls resembles such movements, its character can
be recognized : -
1. The pulse showing an excess of air ·resembles
the movement of a snake, or a leech. A snake
moves forward quickly in a zig-zag manner . .
When the pulse shows this type of zig-zag and fast
motion, it should be taken as a sign of the excess
of the element of air. For the sake of convenience
it is called a fast pulse. A fast pulse can also be
recognized if the number of beats per minute is
above normal, especially if there be no fever.

2. When the element of is deranged the pulse

resembles the movement of a sparrow, a crow
and a frog. A frog jumps, forward in a jerky
manner. When the pulse motion gives j~rks and
jumps, it is said to be excited and agitated, and
indicates an excess of the element of fire. For the
sake of convenience it i9 called junpy.

3. When again the element of water predominates

the movement of the pulse resembles that of a
pigeon, a peacock9 a swan or a cock. The swan.
for instance is not only slow but also restricted
in movement. That is a clear indication of
water. For the sake of convenience ' this kind
of pulse is called slow. A slow pulse can also be
recognised if the number of beats per minute is
below normal.

The movement of the pulse, again, becomes crooked with

the excess of air, restless with fire and heavy with the element
of water. These are in short the characteristics of the pulse
when the three elements are at fault, separately, one at a time.
But when two or three elements are simultaneously deranged,
the pulse assumes different but characteristic motions.

When the pulse moves alternately as a snake and as a frog

at frequent intervals, excess of air and fire is indicated. This
shows mixed symptoms of air and fire and is generally acco::n·
panied with great heat, thirst, vertigo, headache, supression of
utfoe, pains in the limbs and so forth.


But when the pulse moves alternately like a snake and as

a peacock and at .frequent intervals, it indicates an excess of
air and water. The patient shows symptoms belonging to both
the eIem en ts. They include a sense of chilJ, pain in the limbs,
frequent urination, cough, &leeplessness, drowsiness and so
Again, when the pulse moves like a frog and a peacock
•lternately and at frequent interva Is, it is an indication of all.
excess of the two elements of fire and water, giving rise to
mixed symptoms relating to the sphere of both these
When all the three elements are in excess or deranged, the
:pulse moves like a snake a sparrow, and a swan alternately
and at frequent intervals. When all the elements are deranged,
the pulse moves sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly and
sometimes with jerks, and has to be examined most carefully
and for a long time. This is what is called the Typhoid pulse
which often proves fatal.
In Sanskrit works on pulse it is said that the pulse reveals
.facts which are at once convincing. The physician who is well
Yersed in the art 0f feeliog the pulse becomes certainly all·
he wing. It is further said that just as the strings of the Vina
(musical instrument) express a11 the different ragas (tunes) the
pulse at the wrist can reveal the various diseases with their
symptoms. According to ancient works the knowledge of pulse
JS extremely difficult to attain. lt can come to a man only
throu~h natural intuition, or through a preceptor who knows
bow to inspire his pupils. Himself first in a healthy condition
fhe physician should examio.e the pulse of another, otherwise he
will without doubt fail to discover the disease and be an object
·of ridicule. It is further stated that the knowledge of pulse can
be acquired sometimes by studying works on the subject, by
examining the pulse at different times and in different countries,
rnd sometimes by discussions with learned persons.

The pulse can be properly studied under the guidance


of an experienced teacher and learnt through the merito-

rious address of oneself to the task or on the strength of
one's\ own virtues. Like a .gem it is to be examined in
accordance with t.he sciences, traditional knowledge and one's
own experience. Mostly, knowledge of pulse is gained
through continued practice and in order to obtain that
practice one should examine the pulse of many healthy persons.
The pulse of the diseased person is not the same as that of a
healthy one. The pulse takes multifarious forms in accordance
with age, time and the peculiar character of the disease.
The 1 efore, the skilful and intelligent physician should try to
know the condition of the pulse of a11 times with reference to
symptoms. The pulse of a person should be seen when he
is at rest and not·when he has just come after walking or runn-
ing some distance.
The ancient authorities on pulse have stated the times
suitable for an examination of the pulse, that is to say, when
it gives the best indications or when its indications are
misleading. They also mention the quatifications of physicians
competent to examine the pulse. Elaborate rules have been
made, and to those a brief reference will be made.
l. Just as the face can be seen in the mirror even
so all diseases can be seen clearly from the pulse
beating at the root of the thumb.
2. Both the physician and the patient should sit
down ·comfortably after having finished their
morning duties before the pulse can be examined.
J. The pulse should not be examined while apply·
ing oil, while sleeping, or just after meals. Just
as the carrent of an unfathomable river cannot
be seen, the pulse at these times becomes un-
fathomable. and cannot be known.
4. The pulse cannot be knowb in .t he case of the
following : one who has taken a b.ath, one who
has eaten, one who is hungry, one who is thirsty,

one who is heated, and one who is fatigued due

to exercise.
5. The pulse cannot be understood in the case of
the following : one who is exhausted by exercise,
one who is possessed, one who is crying, one
after coition, one who is drunk, one with unsound
mind, one who has taken intoxicating drugs, one
after swimming, one with epilepsy or with
6. The physician with a stable mind and in happy
· mood and possessed of imagination, should with
his three fingers feel the pulse of the right hand
and ascertain the movements.
7. The physician who is attentive, whose sense-organs
are under perfect control, and who is single
minded should feel the pulse with three fingers.
8. The great sages declared him to be the right
physician competent to feel the pulse, who is
attentive, diseaseless and is seated comfortably
with a mind that is calm.
9. The pulse must not be examined by the physician
who is a drunta.rd, who is of unstable mind, who
checks calls of nature and wb.o is greedy and
The above relates to the right and wrong times for feeling
the pulse and the right and wrong types of physicians who
are competent to examine the pulse. The importance and the
nature of the pulse is given in another remarkable verse in
Sanskrit which reads as follows : "The learned physician
should read the happiness and misery of the body by feeling
the pulse at the root of the thumb which stands as the witness
of the soul.'' In this verse the pulse is called the Witness of
the Soul. The pulse thus signifies the outward witness of
the internal soul. By understanding the pulse the physician
knows whether the body and soul are in a happy or miserable

This is the ancient Hindu idea about the deep spiritual

significance of the pulse in disease and in health, and therefore,
when the half·edncatcd men of today declare that the pulse is
nothing more than an artery and its examination nothing better
than superstition, it is often felt tbat truth is being assailed by
falsehood and sublime knowledge by cupidity 1 We are now
awaiting a time when sufficiently delicate instruments will be
made which will vindicate at every step the findi'ngs of ancient
sages. It is a good sign that machines like the Biometer and
others to measure the radiation of the brain, thumb, eyes,
sense-organs and material objects, are being invented. Machines
are now required to measure radiations of the pulse, and the
colour of the nimbus and the aura of every man in health and
in disease, and the radiations and magnetism of the numerous
Homoeopathic medicines. It will then be possible to move in
the rigbt direction and then alone will drugging> ill-health,
patent medicines and trade unionism in medicine cease, to the
consequential relief of the common man who is on the verge
of destruction being subjected to ruthless exploitation by the
ignorant self-seekers.
For all w.ho practise medicine, pulse is a thing of utmost
importance. It changes often with every prescription. Whether
the state of health has changed for the better or for worse can
be determined by pulse alone. For instance a full, round and
soft pulse under the action of Medorrhinum will turn in a few
days into a thin, vigorous pulse beating pleasantly. That will
show a definite improvement. But if it becomes agitated and
excited, it will mean that the element of fire has increased and
that a wrong medicine has been given. The pulse alone can
reveal whether the treatment is right or wrong. The memory
for the pulse can be developed by practice.
Before concluding this chapter I would like to mention the
two pulses seen in cases of possessions. One type is that the
pulse is fast like an electric current and is impossible to count.
By simply looking at the pulse the physician would conclude
that the patient would die at any moment. But the patient

survives. This type of pulse is a pulse ot a possessed person.

The second type is entirely different. The pulse beats normally
without showing any abnormality but after beating for about
sometime 25 to 30 beats miss. This should be always taken
as a possessed pulse and a physician should never touch the
patient if he wants his reputation to be protected. This may
sound imagination to sceptics but the author can vouch for its
authenticity as he has abeady seen these two types in two
different patients.
For the guidance of the practising physician a list of
different kinds of pulse movements is given in a tabulated form
along with the cosmic elem~nts contained in each movement.
In this list the most important and the most easily detectable
pulse movements are included. From this table it will be
easy to find out the three elements in the pulse. The Tridosha
of the pulse or the patient is required to be harmonized with
that of the disease and of the medicine for the purpose of
correct prescription. A prescription made according to this
system of element correspondence, brings about restoration of
health gently and quickly when its equilibrium is lost.

Pulse Element Pulse Element
Accelarated VSPS Fast vs
Agitated VSPS Feeble VSKS
Circular VSPS Fickle V5PS
Cold KS Fleshy VSKS
Crippled KS Forceful P5K5
Crooked V5K5 Full vs
Excited KS Hard vs
Expanded vs Harsh PS
High Tension V5P5 Ropy VSP5
Hollow V5K5 Shrivelled vs
Hot PS Slippery VSK5
Inflated vs Slow K5
Imperceptible V5P5 Sluggish VSK5
Intermittent V5P5 Soft K5
Irregular V5K5 Splitting V5K5
Jumpy PS Straight V5K5
K'lotty V5P5 Thick V5P5
Large KS Thin VSP5
Lightning V5 Thready V5K5
Low Tension KS Torn VSK5
Mild V5K5 Tortuous V5K5
Motionless V5K5 TREMBLING VSP5K5
NON-COM- Vanishing V5K5
PRES SIBLE V5P5K5 Very Soft K5
PIN POINT V5P5K5 Vibrating VSK5
Plump vs Waddling K5
Porous V5K5 Weak KS
Prostrate V5K5 Wiry PS
Rapid vs Without Tension KS
Restless V5P5

--------- - - - -

The wmld has provided mankind with ample food in

the form of staples, grains, cereals, fruits, fish, meat, wines
and various other delicacies. In ancient days food was
equivalent to life and vifai energy, and the Upanishads laid
great emphasis on agriculture and dairying, the two main
sources of food supply. The sages laid down three eternal
laws for all men to observe several thousands of years ago.
1. ' 'Increase the production of food. Let that be you1
2. 'Don't waste your food. Let that be your vow''
3. "Don't despise food. Let that be your vow.''
With the abnormal development of industries in all
parts of the world, people started neglecting food produc 0

tion and thus famine conditions and high prices matk the
civilization of the present age. In thickly populated coun·
tries, particularly India, shortage of food has already be·
come appalJing. Modem man runs after bank notes
dearly forgetting that food is money, food is comfort, and
food is life itself. No country in the world can be prosperous
which neglects agriculture, produces patasites,, de,s troys cows,
and keeps the food production at the lowest level.
In this domain again, a large number of names and
forms are met with and these are nothing but the transfor..
mations of the three cosmic elements of air, fire and water.
For the purpose of hygienic eating and for the dieting in
rlisease, it is very necessary that the different kinds of
food shonld be analysed from the elemental point of view.
because the three cosmic elements are the r.e ality behind
manifested existence.
The first and foremost thing in the classification of

different foods found in nature and made artificially, is to find

out their taste and through taste discover their basic elements.
The rule is, that if a particular taste contains one element it
necessarily follows that it can pacify that element only and
aggravate the other two elements which are absent in the taste.
There are, however, other kinds of food which have two
·e lements as their contents, and thus they can pacify two
elements and aggravate only one which is ab~ent. There are
certain types of food which contain all the three elements and
therefore all the fifteen principles. These are the best foods
available to mankind, and researches • have to be made to
discover more of this kind of food which contains all the three
elements and fifteen principles. Such foods nourish all the
fifteen constituent powers of the body and conduce to long and
healthy life. Foods having power to nourish only one element
have to be mixed with other kinds of food having the two
remaining elements, and thus a balanced diet has to be evolved
for every man and every country according to needs. In a
country which is cold or moist, rice is a good staple, but in hot
countries wheat is better, because rice contains water and
wheat fire. '
The Indisn Science of Medicine recognized six kinds of
t astes which are present almost everywhere on earth, and
especially in food. These six tastes are sweet, sour, saline,
bitter, astringent .and pungent. All these tastes have special
powers of ameliorating or aggravating the different elements
in the httman body~ The rules are these %
1. Sweet, sour and saJine paci(y the element of air.
2. Sweet, bitter and astringent pacify fire.
3. Pungent, bitter and astringent pacify water.
Thus it follows that sweet taste pacifies air and fire but
aggravates water. Bitter foods pacify fire and water but
aggravate air. Astringtmt food pacifies fire and water but
~ggravates air. Pungent foods pacify water but aggravate air
and fire. Sour food pacifies air but aggravates fire and water.

And, lastly, saline taste ameliorates air bat aggravates fire and
With regard to difl\,rent items of food, it should be remem-
bered that the element of water is the cause of aU vegetables,
particularly of the leafy kind. They are nothing beyond
transformed states of water, and they strengthen the element of
water in the body and its mucous system and surfaces. -Behind
most of the cereals, leguminous plants and beans there is the
element of fire as basic cause, and these have the power to
strengthen the element of fire contained in the body. They
therefore wor)c on the circulatory system and strengthen the
liver, spleen, heart, kidneys and blood.
Much interesting information may be obtained by a
Tridosha analysis of all items of food, but that is clearly beyond
the scope of this book. Therefore instead of dealiog with the
subject elaborately, only. the salient features of the problem.
and the elemental contents of the principal foods are given
Foods can be classified into 1. V foods, 2. P foods, 3. K
foods, 4. VP foods, 5. VK foods, 6. PK foods and lastly
7. VPK foods. In the list of principal foods given below a
classification has been made which will be very useful in pres·
cribing food to diseased persons and also to normal persons.
Many more items of food which are eaten all over the world can
be classified and this should be done by persons interested in
this subject on. the above guidelines.
In spite· of this classification it is found that some persons
are hypersensitive to certain food which should be eliminated
from that individual's diet. For example, I have seen a person
allergic to plantain. Immediately after taking this fruit he used
to get severe stomach pain and also vomiting Now this has
got nothing to do with the Tridosha food. It is quite possible
that something which digests plantain is not secreted in the
person, hence this trouble. There are several such foods whicll
do not agree with some individuals. ' ·
Nature knows what to feed and what not to feed. Mangoes
do not grow in winter. That means this is a fruit which should
not be eaten in winter even though it may be preserved in
cold storage. Similarly there are some vegetables which grow
in particular seasons. It is a golden rule to eat what is found
in the season and not try to outwit nature by getting them
produced at other times artifici~lly. Again there are
some foods which are available throughout the year which
means they are the foods which can be eaten throughout the
year without any harm. Generally leafy• vegetables are advised
by the doctors as roughage to be taken with each meal so that
there is a good evacuation. This is not proper according to
the Tridosha theory. All leafy vegatables are K foods, hence
when these are taken the two other elements V and P are
aggravated. Persons with already a high fire element in them
should always avoid taking leafy vegetables which will cause
plenty of flatulence and also acidity. Many of the spices
ameliorate the K element in the human body, hence these also
should be restricted when treating a person with aggravated V
and P. During certain seasons people have a liking for certain
items 9f foods which ordinarily they would not take. For
example sour foods are liked when the element of air is
aggravated in nature. Spicy foods are appreciated during cold
season but during a very hot day nobody would enjoy taking
very spicy food. Like this many instances can be given to
indicate the right and wrong food for the amelioration of the
elements during specific seasons. A broad hint has been given
and on this basis further work can be done by persons interes·
ted in this line of research.


Apple vs Banana V5K5

Artichoke KS Beets V5K5
Avocado KS Biscuit vs
Almond vs Black Olives VSK5

Bottled Milk K5 Grapefruit K5

Broccoli V5 Grapes V5P5
Betel Leaf vs Guava P5
Butter V5PS Goat's Meat VSP5
Buttermilk VSP5 Garlick VSKS
Brinjal V5K5 Gram K5
Barley PSKS Honey KS
Bread P5K5 Kelp KS
Cabbage KS Kidney Bean vs
Carrot V5K5 Ko Ira bi K5
Cauliflower KS Lemon V5
Celery P5 Lettuce K5
Chestnut VSK5 Lentyl PSKS
Chocolate PS Lady's Finger P5K5
Cloves P5K5 Milk VSP5K5
Coffee PS Mint PS
Condiments PS Mushroom K5
Corn Flakes vs Melon VSPS
Corn Meal vs Mango V5K.5
Cream V5PSK5 Nutmeg vs
Cream Cheese V5K5 Oatmeal V5K5
Curd VSKS Onions V5P5
Cocoanut PS Orange V5P5
Cherry Plum V5 Palm Fruit vs
Cbicken Meat vs Papaya PS
Cucumber KS Parsley vs
Custard Apple VSPS Parsnips PS
Clarified Butter VSP5 Parsomoms KS
Dandelion KS Pears KS
Dates V5K5 Pepper V5P5K5
Egg VSKS Pickles PS
Endive P5K5 Pigeon Pea PSK5
Escarol KS Pineapple vs
EmbeJica V5P5 Plantains V5P5
Fish (Fresh) VSP5K5 Potatoes PS
Fenugreek V5K5 Pomegranate V5K5
Field Pea P5K5 Pumpkin PS
Ficus Carica PS Raw Sugar PS

Radish PSKS Tomatoes KS

Red Malabar V5P5 Tortois Meat V5P5
Rice PS Turnips K5
Saffron KS Venison V5P5
Soya Beans PS Vinegar PS
Spinach KS Walnut PS
Squash vs Wheat VSPS
Sugar cane PS White Gourd PSKS
Sweets V5P5 Water Melon PS
Swiss Chard KS Wine' vs
Tea PSK5 Yellow Corn V5K5


The word Harmony is one of the noblest and most magnetic

words in the English language. Harmony is the central principle
of the cosmos. It is order, it is concord, it is unity under
definite and invariable laws, which bind all entities having a
tendency to discord, disorder and disruption. The highest
harmony is in the music of the spheres or in the cosmic sound
represented by 'the sacred syllable ' 'OM''. In soul stirring
music and superb paintings harmony is seen at its best.
Harmony is essential in society, amongst nations and in the
world. Harmony has discord as its antithesis, just as the
day has its antithesis in the night. Harmony is life, discord is
death. Harmony is peace, discord is war. Harmony ii beauty,
discord is ugliness. The expressoin of harmony is in the
cosmos, of discord in chaos. Harmony is the pleasure of the
soul, and discord is pain. Causing pain is breaking harmony
in all forms of life. ''Worship of the Divine in Nature," says
an adage, " is to please a living being,>' The world progresses
through these two opposites of harmony and discord.
Apparent opposites exist in tile world in order to meet
ultimately in harmony.
1n medicine, harmony is health, discord disease. When
the three elements of air, fire and water and their fifteen
principles work in perfect har .nony it is called perfect health.
But wb.en they work inharmoniously, and instead of helpiag
one another begin to destroy one another, disease is produced.
The diseases are forces of nature, and they vary in intensity
and power. The diseases have their own power, speed and
aura, which must be ascertained accurately. Let us hope a
day will come in the near future when all these will be measured
accurately with the help of delicate scientific instruments.
The dynamic nature of diseases will then be apparent to all.

The world of matter must ultimately appear in its true colours

as the world of power.

In Homoeopathy the disease force is met with the most

subtle ionic powers inherent in about two thousand medi-
cines. Four factors are invariably present in all sorts of
diseases. The patient with his pulse and disease, is on the
one side, while the doctor with bis mediciJles and diet, is on
the other. Thus the pulse, disease, medicine and diet are the
four factors in this eteral conflict bet\)'een dis<i'ase and medi·
cine. The pulse and .the disease ar,e the negative phases.
They are required to be overcome by the positive forces of
medicine and diet. For the purpose of treatment the disease
and the medicine must be homogenous. Thus a fire medi·
cine will go well with a fire disease, but not with an air or
water disease. The water medicines should harmonize with
water diseases and not with air or fire diseases. Similarly, a
fire diet can pacify fire· di~eases aa.d a water diet can remove
water diseases. All these constitute the law of application of
Homoeopathic remedies for the production of cosmic

In the pacification of disease a four-cornered harmony of

.elements is required to be brought into play. That is the
·r eason why great care has been taken in antecedent chapters
to anal)'ze the principal disease@, medicines, movements of
the pulse a.od items of food. These are analyzed with a view
to ascertain their true elemental values. Tne quadrangular
harmony takes place when all the four categories of diseases
and pulse on the one hand, and medicine and diet on the other
show the identical elements. In treating patients according
to Tridosha one more factor is of prime importance. The
element of air is the most vital for e.very person. It is life
itself. In diseases this vital principle is invariably threatened.
Therefore in treating r.ases particularly wben they become
acute, i: reference should be given to such remedies as
contain the air element besides the element af fault. The

element of air contained in the medicine has the power to

strengthen the nervous system and through the nerves to
protect the soul. If by any chance the soul leaves the body
the patient is dead. The protection of the soui via the
nerves is the prime concern of the doctor. When examining
the patient, therefore, greatest stress should always be laid
on the pulse and its movement. The throbbings of the pulse,
which are the voice of the individual soul, should be given
greater attention than the words of the patient, unless the
latter is known to be altogether reliable. Thus, for instance,
if the disease is known to be purely P or K disease, such
medicines should be selected as have the element of air in
them, VP or VK as the case may be. A large number of
medicines are available to the Homoeopaths from the Materia
Medica given in a previous chapter. If the disease is PK or a
combination of fire and water it will be better to use VPK
medicine containing the element of air than purely PK
medicines. Not only that the medicines should posses more
power than the disea~es 1 but they should preferably contain
the element of air. If by dynamic medicines P and K only
are strengthened, it is almost certain that V or the nervous
system will be weakened. If the V element is weaknened
the very life principle will be weakened, and the good results
produced by the medicine will be vitiated. On the same
principle it is desirable that VPK medicines be used in PK
diseases. These laws may not be understood now when the
Tridosha is in its infancy in Homoeopathy, but with experience
the doctor will be able to realize the importance of tb.ese

P· VP· VPK is one series of medicines and K~ VK· VPK is

another. P and K medicines are the weakest. VP and
VK medicines are stronger and VPK medicines are the
strongest. P and K medicines can strengthen five vital
principles, VP, VK and PK medicines can strengthen tea
vital principles and VPK medicines can iitrengthen all the
fifteen vital principles. The leads to a con.sideration of

the most important group of VPK medicines containing all the

three elements and their fifteen principles. The idea is that if
all the fifteen vital principles are strengthened, ill health can be
avoided, and if given to a diseased person his disease will be
quickly cured because the disease must vanish as soon as the
fifteen principles receive electrical nourishment from the
dynamic medicines of Homoeopathy. According to anoient
authorities it is the element that is the all important factor in
the production as well as cure of all diseases. When the ele-
ments are known in a given disease, such d'isease can be cured
by any medicine which has the power to pacify the identical
elements in any &ystem of medicine.

A list of medicines as available in HomoeoiJathy has already

been given in another chapter. As these medicines are the life
and soul of Homoeopathy it is proposed to deal with them in
some detail. Homoeopathy will rise and fall with the ri5ht and
wrong use of these VPK medicines: everyone without excep-
tion should know the underlying principles ia every detail, and
exercise great car~ in their use. So far only six medicjnes have
been identified to contain these three elements o f air, fire and
water but by more research it is quite p()ssible that more
may be found in this group. The medicines identified so far
medicines are Ammon. Carb, Ammon. Mur, Ferrum Met.,
Ferrum Phos., Baptisia, Camphor, Crocus Sat., and Sepia. Even
at the risk of being accused of routinism it must be admitted
that the above rr.sedicines can work miracles and heal a chronic
or acute disease where the best treatment has failed. Apart
from the provings of these drugs in the Materia Medica it is
absolutely essential that their Tridosha analysis must be kept in
view for the correct prescription.

There is a Hindu mythological story relating how in ancient

times the gods and demons desired to find out the best jeweb
from the ocean. The waters of the ocean had to be churned , and
they took for churning a large hill or mountain, entwining it
with the giant snake Vasuki (time and necessity). While churning 1

seven best jewels came out of the ocean. Amongst these one
was the nectar of immortality, and this the demons stole away
leaving the poison for the gods. By churning the ocean of
Homoeopathy with the Hill of Tridosba entwined with the
snake of modern necessity, these jewels have come up in the
form of medicines. They are six in number. The seventh
concealed itself, or is stolen away by the demons 1 Probably
that represents the elixir or potion of immortality, the lost stone
that each one must find for himself.

It will no~ be out of place to digress a little to show where

Homoeopathy is weak. That Ammon. Carb. is a VPK
medicine has already been shown above. When Ammon. Carb.
in the 30th potency is administered in cases of Cancer, the
dreaded disease, on the assumption that it has power to streng-
then all the fifteen vital principles, it is repeatedly found that
in a week's time the swelling is reduced almost to half, the
pulse improves, and the expression becomes definitely cheerful.
Within a week the patient receives three doses of TWO No. 10
globules each, ~·or the first three days, and this is enough to
bring about the above noted change. But no Homoeopath can
use Ammon. Carb. in Cancer for the simple reason that it is
not stated in their books, and because in either the crude or
the potentised form it does not produce cancer in the prover.
And bow can Ammon. Carb. produce cancer in the crude
form 1 Even if the drug is experimentally proved upon healthy
human beings for a number of years there is diseases like
Goitre, Cyst, Tuberculosi~, Diabetes, Dropsy etc. which
Ammon. Carb. has power to cure.

This is exactly where Homoeopathy is lacking in finality

and completeness, in spite of the fact that there are
tremendous volumes of Homoeopathic literature. If there is
a remedy at all for Cancer, it is there in Homoeopathy.
Amongst the most powerful medicines Ammon. Carb. is
certainly one, but Homoeopathy as practised today cannot
find it out. The Tridosha can place it in the hand of the

Homoeopath for ready use. Thus it seems imperatively

clear that the Homoeopath should rise above grammar and
do .a bit of free thinking. It cannot be denied that an ounce
of practical knowledge is be(ter than tons of theoretical
knowledge. The Tridosha method will strengthen Homoeo-
pathy in various ways and confer great power on the feeble
hands of the Homoeopath. Members of the public harassed
by disease, inefficient treatment and higi:i fees will have to
come to the Homoeopath. When they will find that the
Homoeopath cures the disease with e~se, they will support
Homoeopathy whole-heartedly and w~ll refuse to subnit to
crude, pre-cultural methods.
How Homoeopathy can be benefited by Tridosha
methods may be illustrated with a few practical example~.
T hese wilt show how Homoeopathic medicines can be applied
to diseases in accordance with the law of Tridosha. The
subject is too vast to be treated in a short work like this
which is primarily concerned with principles and methods 1
rather than with their application in actual practice. Still
it is desirble to take up a fow concrete diseases to show
the usefulness of Tridosha in Homoeopathy. There is a
disease called Piles or Haemorrhoids. The table of dise:ises
in a previous chapter shows that it is a VSPS disease, that
is to say, a disease where the nervous and circulat )fY system
have lost equilibrium. Against Piles in the Homoeopathic
Repertory a large number of medicines are indicated. There are
more than 40 remedies for this malady indicated in the repertory.
Out of these remedies accordh.~ g to Tridosha only those which
cover these elements of air and fire should be selected. Any
other medicine would not be useful in this malady. This way
of analysis brings down the choice of the r emedies to only a
few medicines which arc certainly best for Piles.
Let us take up another exampl~, say of Insanity. In
the table Insanity cau be found to b~ having the two elements
V5K5 which means that these two elements are out of
order and medicines which pacify th ese elements shoull be

given to tackle this dreadful disease. There are several

medicines listed in the repertory under the heading of
Insanity. When the Tridosba of all these medicines are found
out it wiH be seen that the choice comes down to only a very
few medicines. Like this all the diseases can be classified on
the pritcip1es of Tridosha and it will be found that the choice
for the physician is much easier than it is now.
Apart from the names of the diseases there are some
types of pulses which require specific medicines whatever
the disease may be. For example a thin wiry pulse would
require only Tpuja and no other medicine. For an impercepti·
ble pulse prescriptio·n would be Sepia. A jumpy pulse with
slight volume would nquire t\rgentum. An expanded pulse
would require either Medorrhinum or Natrum Mur.
Medonhicum pulse is slightly less voluminous than Natrum
Mur. These two pulses are mostly encountered in Asthma
or Rheumatism. Even if they are found in any other type of
disease this medicine may be given safely with the expectation
of a sure remit. The pulse of Psorinum is soft, ropy as if a
thick liquid is moving below the finger. Caustic can only be
given when the pu]se is non, compressible. Like this there
are si:ecific ~ulse movements for specific medicines and any
doctor wl'o is in the habit of studying the pulse will be able
to find out for him~elf the pulse for a particular medicine.
Instead of going for symptom similarity this method is more
Jn the Indian S)'~tem of Medicine three kinds of treatM
ment are recognized. The :fint is Divine, the second Human
and the third Demoniac. The first amongst them uses
metalic ar<l ot-ber non··vegetable drugs, the second makes
use of vegetable drugs, and third uses the knife every-
where. The more the Divine and Human systems deterio-
rate al!d become inefficient, the more the Demoniac sy5tem
flourishes. The more the power of drugs is forgotten the
more surgery comes into vogue. The science of medicine pas-
ses through this cycle in the long course of history. Today

·teeth are being extracted for tooth-ache, tonsils .are removed

for enlargement, appendix is operated because of abdominal
pains, uterus is curetted for menstrual pains and so on, be~
cause doctors are not able to alleviate· these diseases by
medieines. Thus the Demoniac system triumphs in the
present age and the Divine a r!d Human systems dwindle to
nothingness. It is however to be noted that all these
diseases, which in other system require surgery, ban be
pecified gently and quickly by the dynamic medicines of
the Homoeopathic system. With the medicines alr-eaqy given
in the Materia Medica nothing is difficult to cure or conquer
save the indeterminable quantity X of death. In olden
days the indigenous Indian doctors used to move about
with only half a dozen medicines, and with these they used
to accomplish wonders. I wonder why with all the medi-
cines at our command we cannot do the same even today !
A few things should be remembered when applying
medicine in accordance with the law of Tridosha. Firstly,
the human system is an organism which is slow to move,
since it is not a machine like a motor car which can develop
speed in a few seconds. A case of cancer, for instance,
cannot be cured within a few hours howsoever clever the
doctor may be. The organism will respond &lowly even
under the be.s t remedy and will take at least three months
to cure. Similarly a facial paralysis will take a month, and
other diseases PRO RATA. One month for each year of
suffering is a good estimate of time that shottld be given
to Homoeopathic treatment. The medicines have to be
given at long intervals and in very small doses. It will be the
height of folly to make an attempt to cure a case, say of cancer
in a few hours by very high potencies given in large doses
several times repeated. That way lies the sure destruction
of Homoeopathy.
Secondly, to give a dose of medicine is to request the
various cosmic powers to restore unbalanced harmony. It
is a gentle request to the all· knowing and the all powe1 ful

conscious ion to undertake the noble mission of restoring'

the balance that is lost in the human body. There is no
question of quantity here. Even the smallest globule the
human hand is capable of producing is enough to the conscious
alchemist who can do and undo things. The dose should
therefore be the smallest, as Hahnemann bas advised not
without weighty reasons. It has been found by experience
that No. lO globules are the most efficient. Four globules
No. 10 in the 6th, two globules in the 30th and only one
globule in the 200th and higher potencies are enough to show
excellent results without aggravation.

Thirdly, aggravation is a sign of bad treatment, although

it has now a convenient shield to hide ignorance. If the
pa_tients are treated according to Tridosba, if the doses are
not heavier than recommended here and if the element of air
is present in the· medioine, it will never aggravate a single
Fourthly, harmony of cosmic elements is the process of
cure. There are those members of the medical profession who
tell of their responsibili ty for scien@.c (?) treatmen~, but not
for cure. A treatment which docs not cure is sorn etbin g
unintelligible even in this age o f colossal a bsurdities. 2600
years ago in tlle Indian epic of the Mahabharata the definition
of medicine was better : "O Son of Pritha l Know THAT
to be the medicine which cures''. Surely we are advancing.
How wonderful l
Harmony of cosmic elements is the most natural thing
in life. The cosmic forces are striving continuously for harmony.
Homoeopathy is a powerful cosmic force. H must strive
continuously for producing harmony by removing the ugliness.
Homoeopathy has the greatest power to restore har mony. lt
is for the homoeopaths to see that they are worthy to handle
the subtle ~ and . mysterious powers mercifully placed in their
The blessing of the o!d Aryan sages arc on. t he head

of Homoeopathy. India makes a gift to Homoeopathy of

her 3000 years unbroken chain of experience. Let the
two oceans of 'Eastern and Western thought cvrrents
commingle in Tridosha·Homoeopathy. Let the highest
synthesis of the East unite with the subtlest analysis of
the West. May the blessings of he highest Bramhan be
upon Homoeopathy and all its lovers.
"Tbe cosmic soul knows its need , and takes to itself
that which belongs to it."



The exact cause of disease inspite of all medical

researches, till now is net quite known. Different medical
sciences attribute the case of disease to different sources.
It is absolutely essential to know this, as it is not possible
to cure a case radically without this knowledge.
Allopathy recognises bacteria, popularly known as
germs or viruses as the sole cause of diseases. That is why
whenever a patient goes to them, the blood, sputum, urine,
stool etc. are examined for the detection of germs. After
the detection they start their treatment for the eradication
of those germs. They get into difficulties wherever they
do not find the gel'ms. The most important disease aad a
killing one, Cancer, the allopaths cannot cure yet. Why ?
Because, they have not yet found out the cause or the germs
which cause it. Similarly, in various nerve disorders their
medicines are very ineffective as the germs are not found
in those particular diseases. Mention may be made of
Sciatica which is practically incurable with allopathic medi·
cines as the cause of sciatica is not known. In most of the
diseases which they claim to treat efficiently, they will
al ways demonstrate so rne sort of germs under the micro-
scope. We will see later whether this theory holds good
or not.
Homoeopathy does not recognise bacteria as such, but
maintains that the three miasms Psora, Sycosis and Syphilis
are at the root of all diseases. Are they al~o bacteria in
some form?' Hahnemann certainly recognised the influence
of some outer forces in the production of diseases. As
bacteria were unknown then he could not demonstrate them
and simply identified them as miasms. The story of the

cholera epidemic is welt known and Cho precautiooa ho tooli

to provent the spl'ead of tho diieasc which under 1imila1
circumstances will be taken evon today by dlo allopatbs
also. But there is a distinct diftorenco between the two views.
Habnemann, even · though he recognised ·tbo miasma, a!so
recognised tho Vit·at Force. A person cannot be disoasod
·unless his Vital Force is diseased. In. otdor to 'know the Vital
Fore~ we have to know the Soul. What is· the Soul T Soul
is tho microcosm of tho macrocosm. Soul bas.mind and when
that mind gets diseased or vitiated the ·body autrcrs. Henco0
Homoeopaths pay more respect $0 the ·mental symptoms tbao
to the bodily symptoats only. Bven thougb accepting thac tho
bacteria may be the cause of diseasesf Homoeopathic medicines
are not used to exterminate; .them as the Allopatbic medicioos
do, and hence, in many diseases where Allopatbs faii Homooo-
paths ean · do wonders.
Ayurveda also does· not recognise bacterh as the- causo of
diseases. Tbe disbalance of the three elemenh. cau~e all IOrta
of diseases. Due to the aggravation of Vata or th·e elemont of
air 80 types of diseas~s are caused, 40 diseases aro due to Pitta
or the element of fire going out of order and 20 diseases aro
caused by excess of Kapha or the · ele.ment of water in tho
human system. 'Fhis is explained in the previous ~hap·tcrs in
detail. The specific treatment$ advocated by the Ayu.-vodic
science is also on tbe basis oi the amelioration of the particular
element at fault. De.finite pulse indicitions arc ·given for
particular diseases and -when the pulse improves tho disease
dccUnes. This certainly snows that Ayurvcd~ docs noc consider
.b acteria .a s tho ca uso .o f disea~.
U nani system ·o f medicine ~als~ does ·not consider bacteria in
any ·way as the cause of diseases. Tboy like Ayutvedav•rccogniao
the three elemenb H~ wa, Khun and· Balga'in as ·the ·sourco-of
bcalcb and disease.
t'eletherapists .a nd Cbro.mopatbs believe ;Chae all diaoa ns
witb names and forms have thci~ odgin in ;tho C~ioiic Liahs

Qoe~n lik~ everything else in the wor.1~: .r heir counteracting

forie~s ao<l cures have also t~eir ro=>ts in the same -i•gh~ ocean-.
This also shows that these two sys~e .n s. dtJ n6t give .any credence
to the bacterial theor,y.
So we ~ee that 011ly Alli>pathy a.nd._t' 1ome extent :a..imoeo-
patby recognise the b_ acteria _tb.eory in tile production of
diseases, -but, consideri~g tbe theories of .the other pathies it
can be said that bacteria· are not .the catise but the end products
of diseases. fo suppQrt. of this· a case of ll. Coli infection may
be cited. The B. Coh is a resident of the hµma.n body but when
it migrates fror:i its habitual place to other places the symptoms
are caused. Now, if B. Coli itself is harmful, it will do harm
al .v~ys, but it does not do so. Typhoid gertns are not found
Uottl aftei a weet Gr tea days ofthe progres·s of the fever but
actually if they ar~ the cause of the disease then they should be
found on the day of the 0011et of fever. After decomposition
sets in these germs arc fouod~ Fresh cow dung, if examined.
will be found ·to have no germs but it decomposes and then
only iqiects are found. Similar is the case wiih hurntin
What is then the origin of disease in the world among the
humans 'l When the· fi.rst -man was born be did not bring
disease with hi , Then wh~ re from did he get it ~ The mind
of man was the original-or of disease~ Sinful thinking prompts
a man to do a sinful act by which he- contracts a disease. The
types of persons and their habits have been described when
discussing the three elements of Air, Fire and Water.. Thes~
three types tiave different thoug ·t vibrations and hence, tney
produce differenc types of di~ascs which are peculiar to them
only. Wrong diet at different seasons also causes· different
diseases, for example, Small Po>t. U food wbich increases th@
wat1>r eleme~t is eaten during wibter it is quite likely th~t the
person would get an .attack of Small-Pox. . These eruptions
are nothmg but the throwing out of excess Kapha elemenZ
from the system. Now this is supposed to be a virus
infection but is it so 7 Similar examplr,s can b~ given for

most of the acute infectious diseases which according to

ml)dern system of medicine are solely cmsed by virus or
In conclusion it may be stated that disease is nothing
but incoordination between mind and bJdy. A person can
remain healthy if his mind and body remain healthy.
"Co-Ordination h~tw~en mind and 9ody is aealth:'

Bagchi, P. C.
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Power in·a Magnet to Heal 65.00
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