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Mcmo.No.AS/ e-63791 I 2024 Office of the District Collector (Pt Wing),

Datcd:s5 .O7.2024. Eluru District, Eluru & Nodal officer for
Erstwhile West Godavari Dist.

Sub:- Establishment- Panchayat Secretaries- Posting of Panchayat

Secretaries to each Gram Panchayat having more than 500
population - Entrusting the powers/ functions and duties for
Gram Panchayat Administration to the Panchayat
Secretaries posted in the Gram Panchayat- Shifting of 66
Panchayat Secretaries who are working in Village Secretariat
where the Cluster Head quarter Gram Panchayats co-
terminous with Village Secretariat or working in the l st
Village Secretariat to Vacant Cluster Gram Panchayats-
Counseling Proposed on O8.O7 .2024 at l1:OO AM in the
Office of the District Gram Panchayat Officer, Eluru District
-Attending for Counseling- Requested- Regarding.
Ref:- 1. G.O.Ms.No. 11, PR&RD (Mdl.l) Department, dt.
) Memo No. 1852894/CPRbRDlBl2O23 dt. 16.02.2024 of
the Commissioner, PR&RD, AP, Tadepalli.
J. Note Orders DL:OS.O7 .2024 of the District Collector ,
Eluru District, Eluru & Nodal oflicer for Erstwhile West
Godavari Dist

In the reference 1st cited, the Government have issued orders for
posting of one Panchayat Secretary to each Gram Panchayat having
population for morc than 500 along with the DDO powers and issued the
In the reference 2"d cited, the Commissioner, PR&RD, Tadepalli has
requested the District Collectors to take immediate necessary action for
posting one Panchayat Secretary to each Gram Panchayat having more
than 500 population duly following the guidelines issued in the said
Govcrnmcnt orders vide reference 1"t cited.
To lacilitate the above orders, 66 Panchayat Secretaries Grade-V who
are working in Village Secretariat where the Cluster Head quarter Gram
Panchayats co-terminous with Village Secretariat or working in the l st
Village Sccretariat noted at Annexure-A have to be shifted to the vacant
Cluster Gram panchayats noted at Annexure-B appended to this memo.
'lhcrefore, counseling sessions are scheduled for the 66 panchayat
Sccretarics Grade-V on 08.O7.2024 at 11:00 AM at the office of the District
Gram Panchayat Ofllcer, Eluru, to allocate their new postings.

Hcnce, all 66 Panchayat Secretaries Grade-V who are working
Villagc Secietariat where ttre Cluster Head quarter Gram Panchay4ts
tcrmlnous with Village secretariat or working in the 1st Village Secretariat
held on
noted at Annexure-A are requested to attend the counseling to be
o8.o7.2o24 at 11:o0 AM i; the office of the District Gram Panchayat
olliccr, Eluru for allotment of stations. If any candidate fails to attend the
,rnr-,.r""lirg, Stations may be allotted to the absentees from the
vircancics after completion of counseling'
Vacancy position of Cluster Gram Panchayats is here with
lor ready reference.
lincl: Annexure-A & B
o ,rt^fr
,N Elurtt District, Elut:rr.
:l:hn prr-r.hoyot secretaies Grad.e-v noted at Annentre-A through the Mandal
j'iua"ira Diuelopment officers in Erstuhile West Godauari Distict'
All the Mandal Paishai Deuelopment Officers in Erstwhile
West Godauai
Copg to all the Ertension Officer (PR&'RD)s in Erstuthile West Godauon
r. all the Diuisional panchagat officers in Erstwhile west Godauan
-crifg to the Diuisional Panchagat
,. the Distict Gram Panihagit O6'""-', West Godauai' Bhimauaram'
c1p'g to the District Grai iinctngat Officer' East Godauai'
tia*irted to the Distnct collector, West Godauari' Bhimauaram for
lttuour of information -

'i,.ii'"riirirr""a ti tn" District collector, East Godauai, Rajahmohendrauaram

for fauour of informotion.
'Copy submittid to tte Distnct Collector, Eluru Dbt'ic| Eluru for fauour of
st a te m en t s ho wi ng the ti st of 66 Pa n chdgdt s ec retaries
s ec reta na t u) here t he c luster Hea d quarter Gram Pa n c Gr v aDo fki ng tn vi I lag e
haga ts co" term rnous tDt t h
vi I CI I e s ec reta rl a t or tIJ0 rkinI I n t he I st vi l lag e s ecretaria
t a nd tl) h o are s ot ng to
be sh ifted
s1. Name of tlle Mandal Name of the Gram Na me of the Panchagat Secretary
No Panchayat Grade V uorking in the Gram
Ponchagat (Saruasri/
Smt/ Ku
I lluttai udcm Buttai dem Suri Babu Tellam
2 lJuttai dem Antllarvedi dem Kanithi Arun othi
3 tsuttai udem Doramamidi S u atha Bandam
+ Buttai dem K.R.Puram Vi akumar Modium
5 Buttai dem Kamaiahkunta Madakam Prasad
6 Buttai dem Lakshmudu dem Pol o u Ravikumar
7 Buttai dem Nimmal dem Podi amN
8 IJuttai udcm
Dur a Rao
Nutiramanna em N Dur am
Iluttai udem Puliramudu dem Ira Di Te a
t0 Buttai udem Ra an arn Tellam Veerra u
l1 Buttaigudem Redd Gana avaraJn Mallam Sri Hari
t2 Chintala udi Erra nta e Ravindra N ak Bhu a
13 Chintala udi Seethan arn Ku n a Punnamma
11 Clh i r.r I ala udi Rech:rrla C h an dr a S e kh ar a r S a d I(
l5 D.Tiru mala G.Kotha alli J avara u Mounika
l6 D.'l'irumala Timma urarn P AS u u I e ti enka ta N ara an a
t7 Eluru Gudival<a_lanka Koneti Suresh
IB Go ala uram chi ala Banne Sindhu
19 (l<r al:r uram S nda Kal i Mitch
20 lragavaram Kantheru Pala N Srinivasa Rao
2t ,.langareddi udem Amma alem
.),) Vinnakoti Saldee
.)cclugtrmilli Darbh dem Tama Kaveri
.Jr:clugurnilli Jeelu milli T a ti Lakshm I Pras an n a
24 Jcclu umiili Kama a em Komaram Murali
25 .Jeclu milli Mulagalampalli Ko m aIaln G an a dh ar a R ao
26 .Jcclu umilli Rach dem Korasa Kamala
27 .Jcclugumilll Swarnavari dem Modiam Sandee
28 .Jcclugumilll Tati akula dem M o d I u II N age n d ra B a b u il Ia p t' a SA d
f(j .Jcclu gumilli Vankavar dem Su akantharn Gelam
30 Kukkunuru Kukkunuru Sandh a Rani Kotam
3l Kukkunuru Gana varam a Veerabhadram ma
32 I(ukkunuru Amarvar-am G Venkateswarlu
33 Ii u l<ku tr u ru Dacharam Kaka Vanitha
al+ Iiu kku nuru Gommu dem Kanithi Geetha Ra,t-ri
35 Iiukkunuru Madh:rram Tellam Vi a
ll6 I(ukkunuru Pedaravi dem Muth alu Karam
37 lir-rkkunuru Thondi a l<a K e SAII Radh a Kri Sh n a
J6 I(ukkunuru Vin araln Madakam Chanti
39 Nalla crla Chodavaram West
Lakshminara AR
Nidadavolc Katakoteswaram Kowasu Ram a
ll Nidadavole Pandala arru G a ara u Prasad
-l .l N irlirc.lavolc Pend alla Siva ana Kumar Iearm
43 Nidadavole Purushotta alli Tadi u d t M o han a Kri S h n a

1 \) {\
Page 1 of 2
Name of tle Mandal Name of tle Gram Name of tle Panchagat Secretary
Panctagat Grade V uorking in the Gram
Panchagat (Saruosri/
Smt/ Kum)
44 Nidadavole Setti eta Matta Swa
45 Nidamarru I Amudalapalli Pandi Trisimha
46 Pcdapadu Koklirapadu Savalam N Swathi
17 l)cdapadu S. Kothapalli RRa eswa::ai Vari li
l5 I)cdapadu Satvavole Sattena alli Vina Kumar
4r) I)cdavegi Rayannapalem K Abdul Raheem Mohammad
50 Pcnta adu Darsiparm Mo la Srinivasarao
5l Pentapadu Parimella Madicharla Madhavi
52 I)cnumantra Bhatlarnaguturu Sudheer Dasari
53 Polavaram Lnd Peta Tellam Naveen Babu
5l l)olavzrram Pr agadapalli Kowasu J eswalt
)i) I)olavaram Geddapalli Raia Kumari Thathi
5() I)ol:rvarcr-m Koruturu Nune N u
57 'l'allapudi Pochavaram Mahmmad Rafiulla Sk
5t3 Undi Kalisipudi Kattun Pavan Kumar
5q Ungutr-rru Gopinathapatnam N Brahmananda Rao G
60 Vccravasaram Andalurr Dudaboyina Durga
6i \/clairpad Katkuru Badisa Madhu
()2 Vclair pad Koida Sode Pavankumar
63 Vclairpad Medepalli Bhaskararao Tati
64 Vclzrir pad Thotakuragommu Beeraboina.Venkannababu
65 Vclairpad Narlavaram Gu a Lavarr
66 Vclair ad Tirumala arn Krishna Komaram

*Jk'". 1
o5\o 41,

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Statement shouing the oacancg position of Cluster Gram po,ncho:gc:ts
Jor posting to Panchagat Secretaries GradeV
SI, Natne of the Mandal Name of the Gram Panchagat
l Akivce du Kalingagudem
2 Arrili L.N.Puram
3 Bhimadole Lakshmipuram
4 Bhimavaram Pedagaruvu
5 Buttaigudem Rawarigudem
(> D.l'irumala Buttaigudem
7 D.'l'irumala I. S.Jagannadhapuram
8 D.Tirumaia Marampalli
9 D.Tirumala Sattala
10 D.Tirumala Madduiagudem
ll D.'l'irum.rla Rajupalem
t) D.'l'irumala Ch.Pothepalli
l.) Dcnd ulu ru Gangannagudem
74 Denduluru Sanigudem
1r>trlzrmanchili Badava
1(; Elamanchili Kanakayalanka
17 Dlamanchili Chintadibba
18 Dla rnanchili Elamanchililanka
1!)Elamanchili Gangadupalem
20 trlamanchili Pedalanka
2t trl:imarrchili Vaddilanka
2',2 M u rr-r Mondicodu
Ganapavaram Jallikakinada
24 lragavaram Kakileru
25 Iragavaram Itempudi
26 I ragavara m Yerraicheruvu
27 Iragavaram Kathavapadu
28 I ragavaram Rapaka
29 .Jangzrreddigudem Nimmalagudem
30<:lugumilli T.Gangannagudem
3t Iia Ila Malavanithippa
3',2 lagudem
l{o-vva Narasannapalem
Li ngapalcm Paschanagaram
34 Mogaltur Pathapadu
35 M ogaltur Varatippa
l?' N o
fl.| 7'
Page 1 of 2
sl. Name of the Mandal Name of the Gram Panchagat
36 Nallajerlp Pullalapadu
ir7 Nallajcr[ Achannapalem
38 Nallajcrla Chadarasikunta
39 Nallaj erla Marellamudi
40 Nallajerla Musullagunta
41 Narasapuram Vemuladeevi ( East)
12 Narzrserpuram Biyyapu Tippa
Narasapuram Peda Lanka
44 Nara sapuram Rajugarithota
45 Narasapuram Dharba Revu
4tt Nidamarru Byenepalli
47 Nidam:rrnr Gunaparru
48 Nidamarru Siddapuram
49 Pa la kollu Vadlavanipalem
50 Pcda padu Vaddigudem
5l Pcn ugonda Somarajucheruvu
52 Pcn u mantra Garuvu
Pcravali Annavarappadu
54 Pcravali Kadimpadu
55 Podu ru Appanacheruvu
56) Tadcpalligudem Bangarugudem
57 'l'acl<r pa lligudem
5u 'l'adcpzrlligudem Pullaigudem
59 Tanuku Yerrai Cheruvu
60 Unrli Velivarru
(rl Undi Kaligotla
62 turu
U n gu Nallamadu
(r3 U nguturu Sitarampuram
64 Veeravasaram Perikipalem
65 Veeravasaram Mastlrapuri Palem
6tt Vccr:tvasaram Vaddigudem

1 v


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