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state; the presence of the TDF protein

Testosterone and male (Testis Determining Factor) on the Y

chromosome in male offspring triggers the
developing testes to secrete massive doses

behaviours of testosterone. This then sculpts the body

and the brain in a male-typical direction,
and at the same time suppresses female-
typical development. In the absence of this
Nick Neave and Daryl B. O’Connor describe their research into the complex protein in the female fetus, development of
effects of this hormone the body and the central nervous system
proceeds along nature’s default setting
(female). Later on, during puberty and
The steroid hormone testosterone hink of testosterone and you beyond, the second ‘activational’ effect
has long been associated with
various male-typical behaviours.
This review first highlights key
probably think of lust, violence and
machismo. Indeed, testosterone is
often labelled ‘the aggression hormone’
becomes apparent: those cells and
structures in the body that have been
initially ‘organised’ along male or female
issues in behavioural due to its presumed relationships with lines, are then ‘activated’ by the sex
endocrinology, and then provides such negative, antisocial and principally steroids (Nelson, 2000).
a brief summary of the authors’ male qualities. Animal models can be used to compare
research into various associations Over the past decade or organisational
between testosterone and male so our principal research versus
behaviours. Some evidence in activities have investigated activational
support of the assumption is found, the extent to which levels of effects, for
but some critical issues regarding testosterone can be associated example by
testosterone-behaviour with certain male-typical castrating a
relationships are also raised. behaviours. As you might male before
expect, the answer is by no or after fetal
means straightforward. For sexual
one thing, hormones do not differentiation
directly change behaviour; has taken place,
they influence the expression or castrating
of a behaviour within him before or
To what extent does testosterone

appropriate environmental/ after pubertal

influence aspects of male-typical social contexts. When differentiation
behaviours? studying human behaviours, has taken place.
How useful is the 2D:4D ratio in identifying which Such males can
determining links between prenatal environmental/social contexts be compared
steroid exposure and subsequent might be important remains Testosterone influences the physically and
physical/behavioural characteristics? a significant challenge to expression of many behaviours behaviourally with
What role do social/environmental
researchers trying to identify other males who
factors play in hormone–behaviour
hormone–behaviour have been left
relationships. gonadally intact; in
In behavioural endocrinology animal addition these castrated males can then of
Is testosterone related to variations models are routinely used to address such course have their testosterone levels
in aspects of cognition? questions. The effects of any hormones on returned to normal (or even higher than
behaviour are normally described in terms normal) via replacement therapy, and once
of ‘organisational’ versus ‘activational’ again alterations in their

Neave, N. (2008). Hormones and effects. In the former, it is known that physiology/behaviour noted. Such studies
behaviour: A psychological approach. during early fetal development, levels of have provided significant information
Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press. the sex steroids (principally testosterone) concerning the role of sex steroids in
play a pivotal role in sexual differentiation. certain animal behaviours.
The sexes begin life in an undifferentiated In terms of organisational effects,

Alexander, G.M., Swerdloff, R.S., Wang, estradiol on sexual behavior in childhood sex-typed toy preferences. Psychology, 99, 75–85.
C. et al. (1997). Androgen-behavior normal young men. Journal of Clinical Psychological Science, 3, 203–206. Cherrier, M.M., Matsumoto, A.M., Amory,
correlations in hypogonadal men and Endocrinology and Metabolism, 78, Brookes, H., Neave, N., Hamilton, C. & J.K. et al. (2007). Characterization of
eugonadal men. Hormones and 711–716. Fink, B. (2007). Digit ratio (2D:4D) verbal and spatial memory changes
Behavior, 31, 110–119. Bailey, A.A. & Hurd, P.L. (2005). Finger and lateralization for basic numerical from moderate to supraphysiological
Archer, J. (1991). The influence of length ratio (2D:4D) correlates with quantification. Journal of Individual increases in serum testosterone in
testosterone on human aggression. physical aggression in men but not in Differences, 28, 55–63. healthy older men.
British Journal of Psychology, 82, 1–28. women. Biological Psychology, 68, Brosnan, M.J. (2008). Digit ratio as an Psychoneuroendocrinology, 32, 72–79.
Bagatell, C.J., Heiman, J.R., Rivier, J.E. & 215–222. indicator of numeracy relative to Collaer, M.L. & Hines, M. (1995). Human
Bremner, W.J. (1994). Effects of Berenbaum, S.A. & Hines, M. (1992). literacy in 7-year-old British behavioral sex differences: A role for
endogenous testosterone and Early androgens are related to schoolchildren. British Journal of gonadal hormones during early

28 vol 22 no 1 january 2008


assessing the hormonal environment (4D) fingers can easily be measured using Bioavailable (or ‘free’) testosterone can be
associated with fetal development and then calipers, and the resulting 2D:4D ratio measured in saliva (as well as in blood),
comparing that environment to subsequent (lower in males, higher in females) and such testing can be conducted
behaviour in humans is rather more correlated with various physical/ outside of a laboratory setting in various
difficult. Castration and replacement behavioural traits. groups (e.g. children, athletes, etc.) with
studies are of course ethically impossible, Along with various collaborators we basic training and equipment.
but some clinical conditions in which the have explored such relationships and have Several research paradigms can be
fetus has been exposed to abnormal levels found intriguing associations between the adopted. The most commonly used is
of certain hormones can shed some light 2D:4D ratio and numerical processing correlational – associating the level of
on this issue. In a condition called (Brookes et al., 2007), certain aspects of testosterone with a certain behavioural
congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), the personality (Fink et al., 2004a; 2006); characteristic. More experimental designs
female fetus is exposed to very high levels body morphology (Fink et al., 2003; can also be adopted, whereby testosterone
of testosterone, which acts to physically Manning et al., 2006); hand skill (Fink et levels can be (a) compared between
masculinise her external genitalia. More al., 2004b), and perceptions of dominance different groups, (b) compared within the
interestingly to psychologists, girls with and masculinity (Neave et al., 2003). same individuals in different situations, or
CAH are reported to show more male- Other researchers have reported significant (c) directly manipulated via hormone
typical behaviours, such as increases in associations between 2D:4D and measures therapy. Our research has used all of these
rough-and-tumble play and aggression, of aggression (Bailey & Hurd, 2005), sex methods; some examples follow.
and more male-typical toy preferences role identity in males (Rammsayer &
(e.g. Berenbaum & Hines, 1992). Troche, 2007), sexual orientation The home advantage in sport
(Rahman, 2005); sporting achievement A robust phenomenon is found in
(Tester & Campbell, 2007); and numerous sports: teams win more games,
2D: 4D ratio performance in SAT tests (Brosnan, 2008). and score more goals/points when playing
Determining the organising effects of sex Of course, any observed relationships at their home venue. Traditional
steroids in non-clinical groups appeared remain circumstantial; evidence is based explanations for home advantage have
to be beyond the reach of psychologists. upon associations between characteristics considered referee bias, home crowd
However, some anatomical observations that are themselves dependent upon sex support, greater venue familiarity by the
made on the hand over a century ago steroids; and correlations of course do not home team, and travel/fatigue /disruption
have provided a possible window into guarantee causality. Nevertheless, experienced by the away team (Neave &
prenatal steroid exposure. measuring a couple of fingers might form Wolfson, 2004).
Several researchers noted that the our best available estimate of prenatal An additional factor might be
differences between the second (index) steroid exposure (McIntyre, 2006), even physiological, and related to perceptions
and fourth (ring) fingers are sexually though it may only shed light upon a fairly of territoriality. In animals, territorial
dimorphic; in males it is often the case that narrow window of early prenatal behaviours are common, and it has been
the fourth finger is longer than the second, development (Putz et al., 2004). Many established that the acquisition and
while in females the second and fourth researchers are now using this simple defence of territories (especially by males)
fingers are typically around the same technique, and many papers reporting is at least partly mediated by surges in
length. At the time, this difference could associations between 2D:4D and various testosterone (Wingfield et al., 1990). As
not be readily explained, and so remained behaviours/characteristics have now been humans also display territoriality, could
an interesting scientific footnote until the published; large-scale meta-analytic studies home advantage be partly explained by
publication of John Manning’s 2002 book will hopefully inform us as to the a surge in testosterone before defending
Digit Ratio. Here, Manning proposed that reliability and validity of these many one’s home territory? Two studies (Neave
prenatal testosterone and estrogen reported associations. & Wolfson, 2003) found that footballers
differentially influence the growth of the do indeed demonstrate a testosterone surge
fingers. The second and fourth fingers before a home game compared with before
appear to be particularly sensitive to the Activational effects a training session or an away game; this
early hormonal environment (we still don’t Research questions concerning the home surge being particularly apparent
know why) and as the male fetus is activational effects of testosterone can when playing a team perceived as being
normally exposed to higher levels of now be more easily addressed because it a ‘bitter’ rival. As yet, we can only guess at
testosterone, their fourth finger grows is simple and relatively cheap to measure how testosterone is able to improve home
relative to their second finger. This levels of circulating testosterone, and player performance, but likely
difference between second (2D) and fourth compare levels with observed behaviours. explanations relate to increases in

development? Psychological Bulletin, Fink, B., Neave, N., Laughton, K. & cognitive abilities. Hillsdale, NJ: Annals of Human Biology, 33, 480–492.
118, 55–107. Manning, J.T. (2006). Second to Lawrence Erlbaum. McIntyre, M.H. (2006). The use of digit
Fink, B., Manning, J.T. & Neave, N. fourth digit ratio and sensation Hier, D.B. & Crowley, W.F. (1982). Spatial ratios as markers for perinatal
(2004a). Second to fourth digit ratio seeking. Personality and Individual ability in androgen-deficient men. androgen action. Reproductive Biology
and the ‘big five’ personality factors. Differences, 41, 1253–1262. New England Journal of Medicine, 306, and Endocrinology, 4, 1–9.
Personality and Individual Differences, Fink, B., Neave, N. & Manning, J.T. 1202–1205. Neave, N., Laing, S., Fink, B. & Manning,
37, 495–503. (2003). Second to fourth digit ratio, Manning, J.T. (2002). Digit ratio. Piscataway, J.T. (2003). Second to fourth digit ratio,
Fink, B., Manning, J.T., Neave, N. & Tan, U. body mass index, waist-to-hip ratio NJ: Rutgers University Press. testosterone and perceived male
(2004b). Second to fourth digit ratio and waist-to-chest ratio. Annals of Manning, J.T., Fink, B., Neave, N. & dominance. Proceedings of the Royal
and hand skill in Austrian children. Human Biology, 30, 728–738. Szwed, A. (2006). The second to Society of London, B, 270, 2167–2172.
Biological Psychology, 67, 375–384. Halpern, D.F. (2000). Sex differences in fourth digit ratio and asymmetry. Neave, N. & Wolfson, S. (2003).

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motivation, confidence, reaction times, testosterone replacement

information processing, and physiological therapy, use a lower
potential. In addition, we need to therapeutic dose (see
determine how individual differences in below). These
testosterone might relate to performance methodological differences
during a game; and whether it is possible further complicate
to (legally) manipulate testosterone to conclusions about the extent
improve team performance when playing to which testosterone
away. Our research into such questions influences important aspects
continues. of male behaviour.
To this end, a recent
Aggression and mood review compared the effects
The association between testosterone, of administering
aggression and mood has been the focus supraphysiological doses
of considerable research attention for with therapeutic doses of
some time now (e.g. Archer, 1991; testosterone on aggression,
O’Connor et al., 2004; Pagonis et al., anger and mood outcomes
2006). This has been prompted by several in men (O’Connor, 2007).
developments. Firstly, the high-profile The results showed that
media coverage of incidents of ‘roid rage’ there was some evidence
seemingly associated with the abuse by that supraphysiological doses were negative behavioural changes in particular
strength athletes of androgenic-anabolic associated with increases in measures people under certain circumstances.
steroids (AAS). Secondly, the use of of direct aggression, anger and mood. Individual differences in personality traits
exogenous testosterone clinically as part In particular, studies that administered such as impulsivity are also likely to play
of the development of a reversible, the very highest doses reported a small, an important role in moderating these
hormonal contraceptive for men, its use but significant number of participants effects (see O’Connor et al., 2002).
for replacement therapy in HIV illness experiencing psychiatric episodes such Therefore, further studies using more
and for treating the psychological and as mania following treatment (Su et al., sophisticated designs and employing more
physiological effects of ageing in men. 1993). In contrast, the therapeutic dose sensitive measures and partner reports are
Anecdotal and early correlational studies using a wide range of self- and required to uncover important
evidence suggests that higher levels of partner-reported measures provided little vulnerability factors (O’Connor et al.,
circulating testosterone in men are or no evidence of changes in aggression 2001b). Moreover, there is a need to
associated with increases in male-typical or mood outcomes (e.g. O’Connor et al., establish whether the relatively modest
behaviours, such as physical aggression 2004). incidence of psychiatric symptoms
and anger. However, much of this research Taken together, the evidence suggests observed in illicit AAS abusers is a true
has been observational, retrospective that the relatively modest doses of estimate or whether the findings from
and/or cross-sectional in nature, making testosterone required for clinical purposes a relatively small number of studies
it difficult to render conclusions about the are not associated with changes in represent the tip of the iceberg.
causal relations between testosterone and aggressive or angry behaviour. Moreover,
male behaviour (Archer, 1991; O’Connor reports of AAS abusers exhibiting high Sexual behaviour
et al., 2002). levels of aggressiveness and experiencing It is well established that testosterone
More recently, researchers have turned episodes of mania or hypomania after plays a vital role in governing sexual
their attention to conducting experimental taking huge doses of AAS should not be behaviour in humans. Early behavioural
studies where testosterone levels can be compared with or extrapolated to the evidence comes from studies of
manipulated. However, of the existing effects of therapeutic doses of testosterone. hypogonadal men who, due to abnormal
studies, different doses of testosterone have In terms of helping us understand the gonadal function have low or no
been administered for different purposes. relationship between testosterone and circulating testosterone, and as a result
For example, in order to mimic levels used aggressive behaviour, the current evidence exhibit impaired sexual functioning.
by AAS users, some studies have suggests that the relationship is nonlinear. Once these men receive testosterone
administered high, supraphysiological Instead, there seems to be a threshold level replacement therapy, their sexual function
doses of testosterone. Others, as part of after which exogenous administration of is restored to normal (Wang et al., 2000).
hormonal male contraceptive studies or very high doses of testosterone may lead to So, can increases in circulating

Testosterone, territoriality and the testosterone on aggression, anger effects of testosterone on cognitive Metabolism, 89, 2837–2845.
‘home advantage’. Physiology and and mood in men. In E.I. Clausen (Ed.) function in men. Neuropsychologia. O’Connor, D.B. Corona, G., Forti, G. et al.
Behavior, 78, 269–275. Psychology of anger (pp.257–270). 39, 1385-1394. (2008). Assessment of sexual health
Neave, N. & Wolfson, S. (2004). The New York: Nova Science. O’Connor, D.B., Archer, J. & Wu, F.C.W. in ageing men in Europe. Journal of
home advantage. In D. Lavallee et al. O’Connor, D.B., Archer, J., Hair, W.H. & (2001b). Measuring aggression. Sexual Medicine, 5, 1374–1385.
(Eds.) Coping and emotion in sport. Wu, F.C.W. (2002). Exogenous Aggressive Behavior, 27, 79-101. Pagonis, T.A., Angelopoulos, N.V.,
New York: Nova Science. testosterone, aggression, and mood O’Connor, D.B., Archer, J. & Wu, F.C.W. Koukoulis, G.N. & Hadjichristodoulou,
Nelson, R.J. (2000). An introduction to in eugonadal and hypogonadal men. (2004). Effects of testosterone on C.S. (2006). Psychiatric side effects
behavioral endocrinology. Sunderland Physiology and Behavior, 75, 557–566. mood, aggression and sexual induced by supraphysiological doses
MA: Sinauer Associates. O’Connor, D.B., Archer, J., Hair, W.M. & behavior in young men. Journal of of combinations of anabolic steroids
O’Connor, D.B. (2007). Effects of Wu, F.C.W. (2001a) Activational Clinical Endocrinology and correlate to the severity of abuse.

30 vol 22 no 1 january 2008


testosterone activate changes in aspects average, men generally outperform In fact, several studies have examined
of sexual functioning, such as frequency women on visuospatial tasks and women whether testosterone supplementation in
of sexual behaviour and libido? This is outperform men on verbal fluency and older men can benefit cognition. Exciting
a pertinent question in light of the perceptual speed tasks (Halpern, 2000). recent developments in this area have
likelihood in the future of a substantial Of course, it is important to note that the shown that hormone replacement therapy
uptake of hormonal male contraceptive overlap in performance between men and in men can have beneficial effects on
methods in sexually active men. A number women on each of these tasks is much aspects of cognitive functioning. Cherrier
of previous studies have failed to find any greater than the mean differences and colleagues (2007) found that
‘negative’ effects of exogenous testosterone between the sexes. Nonetheless, several moderate-to-high increases in testosterone
on sexual behaviour, although it has been biologically plausible mechanisms have were associated with significant
suggested that suitably sensitive or detailed been proposed to account for these improvements in verbal and spatial
measures were not employed (e.g. Bagatell differences. Evidence suggests that memory. This could be a promising avenue
et al., 1994). In a comprehensive, double- endogenous sex hormones affect for future research, with implications for
blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over study cognitive functioning through their treating older men with existing cognitive
(O’Connor et al., 2004), increasing pre- and perinatal effects on sexually difficulties such as mild cognitive
testosterone levels in healthy young men dimorphic brain structures (Collaer & impairment or Alzheimer’s disease.
did not significantly increase either the Hines, 1995). For example, in a seminal
interactional (i.e. the frequency of sexual study Hier and Crowley (1982) showed
intercourse) or non-interactional (i.e. that androgen deficient (hypogonadal) Entering an exciting period
libido) components of sexual behaviour. men exhibited a marked deficit in It is clear that an enormous amount of
Part of the explanation for these visuospatial ability compared with work remains to completely understand
findings may be that relationship and other matched controls and hypogonadal the relationships between testosterone
social factors have an overriding influence men who acquired the condition post- and human behaviour. Traditional
on sexual activity. There are some data that pubertally. These findings indicate that research questions have focused on the
show therapeutic doses of testosterone can testosterone has an organisational effect role of testosterone in male behaviours,
enhance sexual arousal when measured on the normal expression of spatial but we are becoming increasingly aware
under carefully monitored laboratory ability. More recently, we found that this is not a simple linear
conditions using a dichotic listening task testosterone to also have activational relationship; the social context and
(Alexander et al., 1997). Nevertheless, the effects on cognitive functioning in healthy individual behaviours might also play
weight of evidence suggests that men: improvements in verbal ability were a significant role in determining hormone
testosterone administration reliably found to accompany a reduction in spatial levels (van Anders & Watson, 2006). This
restores sexual functioning in young and ability following testosterone treatment ‘chicken and egg’ problem remains a key
middle-aged men with lower than normal (O’Connor et al., 2001a). These findings issue, and there are many questions that
testosterone levels, but has no influence suggest that the relationship between remain to be addressed and many
on interactional or non-interactional testosterone and cognitive functioning is variables that need to be considered. We
components of sexual behaviour when not straightforward, and that an optimum are currently in an exciting period where
hormone levels are raised above normal. level of hormone is required for the hormone analyses are becoming cheaper
We have now turned our attention to normal expression of spatial ability. and easier to conduct, so that more
exploring the role of declining hormone Age-related reductions in testosterone psychologists can begin to get involved
levels in relation to a myriad of have been found to be associated with in attempting to address these important
behavioural outcomes in ageing men as a progressive decline in cognitive abilities. questions.
part of the European Male Ageing Study
(see O’Connor et al., 2008).

Hormone administration studies have I Nick Neave I Daryl O’Connor
also provided useful insights into the is at Northumbria is at the Institute of
factors associated with variations in University, Newcastle Psychological Sciences,
cognitive performance, particularly upon Tyne University of Leeds
in relation to the established gender nick.neave@northumbria. d.b.o’
differences that exist in cognitive
functioning. It is well known that on

European Psychiatry, 21, 551–562. Sexual dimorphism in second-to- achievement: What is the function, mood, muscle strength, and
Putz, D.A., Gaulin, S.J.C., Sporter, R.J. & fourth digit ratio and its relation to contribution of digit ratio? Journal of body composition in hypogonadal
McBurney, D.H. (2004). Sex hormones gender-role orientation in males and Personality, 75, 663–678. men. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology
and finger length. Evolution and females. Personality and Individual van Anders, S.M. & Watson, N.V. (2006). and Metabolism, 85, 2839–2853.
Human Behavior, 25, 182–199. Differences, 42, 911–920. Social neuroendocrinology. Effects of Wingfield, J.C., Hegner, R.E., Dufty, A.M.
Rahman, Q. (2005). Fluctuating asymmetry, Su, T-P., Pagliaro, M., Schmidt, P.J. et al. social contexts and behaviors on sex & Ball, G.F. (1990). The ‘challenge
second to fourth finger length ratios (1993). Neuropsychiatric effects of steroids in humans. Human Nature, hypothesis’: Theoretical implications
and human sexual orientation. anabolic steroids in male normal 17, 212–237. for patterns of testosterone
Psychoneuroendocrinology, 30, volunteers. Journal of the American Wang, C., Swerdloff, R.S., Iranmanesh, A. secretion, mating systems, and
382–391. Medical Association, 269, 2760–2764. et al. (2000). Transdermal breeding strategies. The American
Rammsayer, T.H. & Troche, S.J. (2007). Tester, N. & Campbell, A. (2007). Sporting testosterone gel improves sexual Naturalist, 136, 829–846.

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