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IvIIснALYAк|R: GenerаIoverview:Attributes(Themes)Evoked withinthe orders at the Mt

Potamogetonales Arales
Young adult Water plants. Sma||vs. gigantiс.Take/avoid
being on your No remedies Trаnsitions,
Going out intothe world,takingresponsibility,
own. Тгansitions,сaгeer and advаnсement,Iifeis bearing
fruits.Sеxua| identity,Self-identity,Integгationinto soсiety. Sexuа|identity.Sex organs,
Destinyand purpose. skin & muсousmembranes

Ghi|dhood and Adolesсenсe AreсaIes (Palms)

Alismаtаles lmmaturityof seхua|system.
(Тhe Monoсot orders in these |oсations,traverse a|l stages
Primal,Feminine,without Wа and & muсous
of сhildhood)
bordersquality. membranes.Confusionand
Re|ationshipsat home.Abi|ityto set goa|s.Тasks, Being up Unexpeсtedand Neptunian,yet
to the task. Childishness,SmаlIness,lmmaturity.Not гeady. blur.Being here oг there.
Development stаges in the сolumnA

} The сolumns} 1: Pre separation, pre Еgo

2: Heгe or there, 3: The Hero: Struggle for
Separаtion' ordens
Human evolution lnitiation of сreative energy. Not herc northerc. NeаЁy. Sepаrаte or be assimiIаted.
The Еgo formаtion, the ..l am'' No Vesse|, no Еgo. Naivety' Separated/United. Small/ First masсuline impu|se to
lndividuation mouming the lose of uniф. big. Stаnd сhаllenge. aсt. Fighting mother energy
A journey from senses аnd experienсe to Gonfusion and loss of Cover weakness. Atrophy (the dragon). Aversion mother/
one's way. Тhe Ego is weak, Sisypheаn efforts. Borders, сhild. Above or below. Heart.
аWаreness and сonsсiousness deрndeпt сannot aсt on its Formiсаtion.Skin, Lungs, fГuberсulаr]
From unity to uniqueness own. Diffiсultyсoping. Sexual orgаns.
[Psoriс miаsm]
Feminine side: Тhe Mother. watery borderless,vessel, influenсed
Development stаges in the сolumn v
1st row: Before birth - The unсonsсious,the subсonsсious. Magnoliales, Nymphaeales Urtiсаles
Pгimeva|,beforelife.Birth,uterusand pregnanсyissues. Basiс, prima|'Beginning.Ho|y. Unwillingnessto be born,to
UnwiIlingnessto be born,unprepared.EaгIybirth.Death. Pure/impure.Indistinсt,not сoгpora|lyexist,esсapist.Not
Conneсtedto the netherworld.Myths.Тhe shaman. DiffiсuI- сonsсious,сonfused,dizzу. in body,out of body.Formiсa-
ties сonfronting: se|f,innerwor]d,mаteriaIistiс wor|d.Non- Еsсapism and weakness. tion.Confliсtaboutwor|d|y
disсгimination. existenсe.Laсk of power.
llIiсiales, Piperа|es Borders in beginningof life, Tapping on one's forces from
2nd row: Beginning of life [orаI stage, Basiс seсurity
I wаnt - | get.A need to sаtisfy in motherhood. Uterus,liquid the inside. Swelling to infinitу - or
& trust] - Мother time. Desires, need of immediategrati-
retention. collapsing and hiding inwardlу,
fiсаtion.Chi|dishness.Inseсureаboutsurviva|,suspiсion, desires leads to addiсtion.
mistrust,no basiс stаbility,no bondingwith mother.Not |ndu|ging in seх,food and enjoy- avoidance
aсknow|edgingthe other,autistiс isolation.Hopelessness. ment.Lower body.Stimulationor
Disappointment, wi|lnever suссeed ennui.Eхistentia|inseсurity.
3d row: lnfаnсy [Anаlstаge, Willаnd Shame] -Autonomy. Laurales Hamamelidаles Caryophylliаles
,tstpower.1st sepаration No borders,сonfidenсeor dura- An immenseeffoгtto separate,
Small vs. big. Here or there.
АсhievingContro|.Aщuisition of
from mother.Borders(skin).Keeping.Holdingyour own. biIity.Defense|ess.Hysteriсal, Clings.Find my strength, or feeling"undersuperhuman
Тhe formаtionof Wi||.Shame, Critiсism,Fai]ure.Being one- eхistentia|anxiety.B|eeding, my impoгtanсe.Formiсation, сontro|".Тhe matriarсh:the
self vs. dependenсe and se|f-doubt. аbortion'death.No proteсtion. blood vessels. impersonalizedmother.Invaded
- lnquisitiveness. Aristoloсhiales, Ranun. out of bodу, skin numbness Strugg|eto separate.Fighъ
4th row: Еаrly сhildhood Play, Curiosity,
and formication are common ing the mother.Hold your own,
Reсognizing,pullingapart.lnitiative(or |aсkof). Parа|ysis. Unstable,сonfused.Laсks
aсquireautonomy,meet your
"bordef'traits that will appear
or to initiative.Penetrated,abused.
Inabilityto set goals, to take on tasks or responsibility,
in the entire column. identity.Proteсt.Sproutthorns,
eгeсt borders. Sex, Penetгation.Sexuа| abuse. Weakness of No Еgo to сontendwith sexuа| withdraw,esсape or avoid.
primaIsexua|faсu|ty.. eneгgy,dirtfeeling,guilt.
Sensitivityand gentlenessare
Sth row: School age, Latenсy -Аbi|ity, Ru|es,Laws and Ranunсulаles Juglandales hidden.Gigantiс/tiny.ReIigious-
Norms. Sense of сapability,preparationfor life. Father time. Control|ed, try to сontrolin Limited.Not doing.Confused, ness, greatness.Save the world
Cognitive development.Work. Rigidity.Aсtivate soсial learn- a rigidway. No сontrolover Cаnnot сope. WeaUstrong. with rigidity.Heaгt,pu|sations'
ing. Not ready to learn.Not fittingin, feelinginadequate. sexual еnergy.lггitated easily, Poweг or power|ess.Liver, сongestion.
lnferiority.Not гeсognizingroles, no purpose, no dгive. sensitiveand anхious'Deve|- spleen. Polarityof symptoms.
Work-гelatedissues. opmentof emotions.Seeks
6th row: AdoIesсenсe - ldentityissues: integrationor Myriсales Polygonales
how to aсt rightin а non idea| Searсhingfor my power,Feel- Mood swings,desireto grow vs.
сonfusion.Se|f-imаge,body image.Freedom,гebe|lious.
world?Confused,losingone's ing I have no pIасe,no power. fear.Diffiсu|ty
Hindered,opposiпgforсes.over еxсitement.Fanсies and
planning,imaginations.Goal setting.Lookingfor meаning- way' Addiсted.Gets tiredeasi|y. Limited,not doing. aсt but feeIshindered.Wants to
Stuсk at everytransitionphase. be a mother,but not reаdy'How
ful figures. Feаr growing up. Laziness, no sense of duty'
apathy.Between staying young or growing.Two opposi to givе? Souгness,Skin' joints.
forсes.Тurningpointin the themes of the Column.
7th row: Ear|y adu|thood - lntimaсy and Aсtion. First steps Papaverа|es Togethemesslssиe. can,f I
as an adult:Desires for еnjoymeпt& aсhievementoutside Weakness Vs. the world,try to reallу merge: living side bу I
the family.Al| poweгfulfee|ing'Time of aсting,estabIishment ho|don Vs. esсаpism.Unpre- side. A siziphian effort to keep
of position.Gaining independenсe/breaking off depеnd- pared,weak Ego сonfrontsadult the relationshlp. /ssues of
enсe. Diffiсultiesin forming|oveгe|аtjonships & partnership. obligations. Can.t сope well, seхual identitу. /
lssues of intimaсyand сaring.High sexuаIity.|so|ation. needs others.Dreadspain and
сonfrontаtions.Еsсаpe. S|eepy.
8th row: Adulthood - Cгeativityаnd Fertility.AbiIityto give, Fаgаles
idea|s Detaсhed/tгies to hold. Not Support,take гesponsibiIity'
саre and show сonсern foг others. Devotionto higher
сontro||ing/tooсontrolling.The work relentlessly- withoutthe
beyond family or selfishness. Finding self-expression.Not
bearingfruits,sterile,no development,not сhanging,сon- old man:sees the idealentirety requiгedstrength.Try to be
ing. Frigidity'сo|dness,hardeningand tumors. but саnnoteхeсutevisionin big,to fiпd personalexpres-
earthIyexistenсe,due to weak' sion - butfail.High responsi-
9th row: old age Bumming up lift] _ Completion аnd wis- unprеpаredЕgo: reсognizesbut bi|ityw/o love. Doingсauses
dom of the old. Retirement,preparingfoг death, towards саnnotdo. He|p|ess.Power|ess. exhaustionor despair& feeling
re-unifiсationwith sourсe. lnabi|ityto unify аnd bring Iifeto a Liverand paralysis.
of failure.Rigidnessin aсting.
meаningfu|сlosure. Bitterness,hostiIity,dissatisfасtion,Iife .The tools for the Еgo building
Confusionof ro|e.Aссumu|at.
has been а waste, despair. Desire to preseгveand feаr of is being sef: desires, emotions ing stгengthin orderto be abIe
death.Canсer, Hard, stiff,bloсked.2nd сhi|dhood. and mind - primary and without to withstandthe hardshipof
а yesse/ to contain them уet,'. life- butfaiIand сo||apse.
ng betweeneaсh Row аnd сoIumn: Leve|of DeveIopmentin eасh Stage of Individuаtion
Zingiberа|es, orсhidаles, Junсales Diosсoreаles
Гhe importanсeof family.Being with the fami|yor beiпg unique.Symbiosis or speсia|ness. Liliales
Еorsaking, separating from mother, from а unified state, too ear|y, prematuгe birth. |ntimасy,re|ationships,hurt'avoidanсe,heаrt.Тhe Еgo vs. the Group:Self-
lntimaсy,purity/impurity, sex aпd temptation.Heat and сongestion, fire. Creativity аnd idenф, image and stаtus in the wor|d.Your plaсe in the сommunity,in the
эeauty.Fertility.Еar|y sepаrаtion. Nervous system. lmmatuф: in adu]trelationships,in wodd. Hierarсhy:Above and bе|oщ inside and outside. Queen/prinФss.
эreativity,in parenthood. Standing up to the wor|d. Extreme sensitivityfor oneseJf. Egoсentriс.
Poаles/Grаminаles, orсhidales Narсissistiс(individua|
interestvs. thatof the wor|d).
Тo enjoy and assimilatethe wor|d(henсe digestiveissues).|nvasionof the
]onneсtionto the fаmi|y,to the nurturingгoots.Partingfrom the family.Parenta|nurturing. Re|igion,
wor|d(henсea||ergies'bloodаnd injuries).Contгo||ing, Diсtatoгship.
Эver-giving.Support or lасk of it. Premаture separation.Separation and attaсhment.Тo
and unstab]e.Еxсess of water, laсk of eaгth. Тhe feet. Purity, Sin, Seduсtion and Seхua|ity.Masсu|ine qua|ity.Suppression of
re ereсt and stгаight,or bent
Headaсhes.Head injury.Feminineaspeсts
emotiveside, over-inte||eсtuality.
lormonа|, nervous and digestive systems. Urogenital,kidneys аnd sexuаl oгgаns. Hormonalimba|аnсeand feгti|ity.
are at a disadvantage.
]xtremesof heаt or сhiIl.Priсklingand burning.
Commelinids (inс. Grasses), Gingers & orсhids Liliidae

5: Me and the other 6: The other, the group

lШasсu|ine q ua|ity. Fаther.сhi ld reletionshi ps. Strong individuаI Еgo. Еgotism.RаtionaIism, Еmotional
Splitl Suppression of the emotions. Levys suppression.Weakness of femini ne quality, fight
and Iimitаtions.Religion end fanаtiсism, between the masсuline and fhe feminine. Powвr
rigid ity and hierarсhy. G ritiсism. Resentment, strugg|e. Hormonal аnd fertility issues. Relаtionship
sourness. Work and responsibility. with the uюrld: enjoyment seхua|ity,status. a!|
Gommitment. Relationship with spouse аnd imрirвd.Againstthe wor|d: Survive or die. War.
partnership.competitiveness. Limbs аnd Forcefu| rэaсtion. Penetвtion, alIeщies and injuries.
joints. [Syphilitiсl
Fаther. borders, hieгarсhц suppression, religion, сontrol, сritiсism, dry' rigid
Dilleniidae Rosidae Asteridae
DiIleniaIes, Тheales Rosales, Myrtales, Fabales Solаnales/Polemoniales
..Pre''. Hosti|ewor|d.War. F|ee or reaсt violent|yto proteсtyour-
)eаth wish. Fear of motherhood.Еar|ybirth.lmma- Death and beginning. Spiritua|,Pгimary.
ure (nervous, digestive and other systems). Not over-emotionа|. Love, grief, isoIation, сlosing se|f.Pursued, fears, instinсtsand anima|s.The shadow.
'есeiving the basis for Iife. Not ready to separate one.s heart. Co||аpse.Тo be |iked by the father. Good and evil.Spasms and сontraсtions. Тhe suppressed
'rommotheroг be a mother. Sp|itbetweenfeminine/masсuIine. Еgo.s deve|op- emotionseruptin a spasmodiсway.
ment is vs. others.
Sаrraсen iales, Еbenales Fabales Gentianales
.асk existeлtial securitу. Betraya|,Mo|enсe, Aggres- Еxistentia|inseсuгity,iso|ation,perseсution.Pow- Satisfy passions,Ietthe worIdin or rejeсtit. Тhreatened'
;ion аnd Suspiсion. Morality.Basiс nurtuгingis dis- eгless. Para|ysis. Dread of work. Sepaгation/ hosti|ity,differentiationbetween good & evil. Aggгession/
Dispersion oversensitivity. over-aсtivity or weakness. Irritаbility,
'uфed. Digestive and metabo|iсsystem is troubled. dependenсeon the other.Sad,
impty. Not nourished. vs. сongestion.Loquaсity. Emotions.Contro|over ruIesoг fo|-
lowing ru|es.Contro|,ho|dingor сontгaсting,|ettinggo.
Detaсhment(not to fee|).Masсuline vs. feminine batt|e.
Malvаles Mаlpighiales, Geraniales
Гoo ear|y motherhood, nurturing. Forsaken, Rigidity, сompulsiveness, withho|ding. Woгk!!
;epaгation.Laсk of сonfidence. Too muсh dutу Аt Aсhievements.Para|ysis of abi|ityexpressed in
эar|y age needs to substitute mother. Аppeaser. extгemities.Diffiсultexpression.Re|igiousness.
:eаr of inseсts,anima|s,and the animаl sidе' Еar|y
naturity |eаds to paгalysis of the Еgo, to inaсtivity, Malpighiales, Еuphorbiales Gentianales, Sсrophu|аriales
nabiIity to reсeive, overeating. Digestive system, Borders.Skin and mUсUs.B|eeding,ulсeгs,skin саn. Penetration.Weаkness in setting borders and goals in
;tomaсh& peIvispгobIems.Hormonаl'pregnanсy& сer, а|Iergies,diaгrhea.Mo|ent stinging interaсtion the wor|d.Thickening,seсretion,muсous membranes&
ruгsingсompIiсаtions' withotheв. Еar|ysex. Depression'|ossof sensation. lymph.Allergies.Chi||аnd heat.SyphiIitiсtendenсy.

Еamilу,home and money to supportit become Sapindales, Rhamnales SсrophuIariales

nost important in the /asf sfages. The need to be Sp|it,Law & order.Rigidness.Pressure.Take сon- Settinggoals, stгengthvs. weakness. Soсietalnorms.
|ogetherequallу becomes the engine for develop. trol. Suppression& limitation.Demandingfather/ Duty to family.Work. Shoulderresponsibilityor avoid
nent. spouse. ..ТheSo|dier,'.Woгk & inability.Re|igious- fami|yob|igations.Confliсt:me vs. togetheгness.Broad
ness, supers\ions, good/evilsplit. Restlessness, soсia| perсeption.obey laws of soсiety.
limbs. \
Primulales Rpamnales, Gornales Plantaginаles, Rubiаles
Freedom and limits. Not reаdy to grow up & take Take сontrol,dverpower,suppressionvs. desires. over stimu|ation. Еmotiona|arousаI.Ambitionto peгform
гesponsibility.Hindered. Be|onging to a group, Rigidness.Averse to сhange,to growth.Lаziness / in the world. lmagination,body image, identitywithin
Imаge, skin, eating disorders' Gui|t.Sp|it:mentaI/ ambition.Desirefor enjoymentсonfliсtswith heаv- the group. Sex and intimaсy.Lethaгgy,dehydrationand
emotionaI.Еmotions аnd grief. Female organs. iness, pressureand fatigue'Musс|esand heaгt. exhaustion.Uгineand b|ood.
Turningpointin the tаble.
Eriсales, Guсurbitales, Cappara|es
Preсoсity,Giving yet rеsenting' Hoarding money for
lhe family. Duty and attentivenessto family needs Santanales
cver one's own. Parting from the nurturingfamily. Hard to separate between "me and the othe/'.
lsolаted,rejeсtedor сaged by duty to family.Clings Power games. Evi|, paгasitism.Drying up, weаk-
butwants separation- femininequa|itybeсomes suf- ness, exhaustion& inabi|ityto work.Тhyroid.Poi-
foсаtive.Rigid, oCD. MаIe sexuaI oгgans, tumors. soning,Detoxifiсаtion,Canсer.Autoimmunity.
Storingand bitterness.
сappаraIes,Saliсales Celаstrales, Apiales Dipsaсales, campanulales, Asterales
lFeminineeIementсomes to its end: it beсomes Soсiety and work. Anger and quaгre|s.Iso|ation Еmotiona|сontroI& suppression.Detaсh & seс|ude.Inti-
and seс|usion:in work, in relationship,in sexual. maсy issues. Ferti|ityissues. Upon injury сontraсt and
a threat. Castrаte, emasс pгoduсtivity,
infertility. Bloсked, exhausted, hard, death, end. ity.Not bearingfгuit.SweIIing,shrinking,сoldness, retreat.Respiratorysystem сontraсtions.
and apathetiс.old in giving,in nourish- paralysisand dryness.
in digestion.Old hormonalsystem.Responsi- Apiales Asterales
but not affeсtionatetoward fami|y. old, weak,сold,At the end. Deаth.Feeble.Dry and Еgo vs. gгoup сonfliсt' Pain & injuries,danger, сrowded,
up, givingаnd nurturingis dryingup. Еmaсiate, haгd. Relationshipwith others dry up. Rigid and invaded yet fights baсk. A||eгgies.Rejeсt touсh, intimaсy.
abdomen opeгations. Sсars, сiсatгiсes & сontгaсted.Fixed ideas,fiхed mind.Sсars, tumoгs Need exaсt touсh. Fertilityprob|ems.over/undersеnsltiv-
mors. Desire to separate oneself from the watery and сanсer.Feаrs:dirt,death,gettingo|d.Preseгve ity to pain. Painfuland injuredas one aпived at destination.
minineelementand be unique. the past.Childishagain.Mind impairment. Fatherissues'the sun.Тheгma|imbalanсe.Еnd and begin.
ning. Rigid, averse to changes.Childishness.Individuality
Vs. сooperation. Arriveat the end - hurtand pain and injured.
Таbleof plаnts:Diсotyledons. Remediesby orders
Remedieslist,аrraпgedby morpho|ogiсa|
Botaniса| direсtiveof FamiIiesandorders'accoгdingto сronquist

Mаgnoliаles Urtiсaleз Dilleniаles Rosа|es Solаnales (= Po|emoniаles)

Аnnonaсeаe:Asim, Guat Ulmасeae: Paeon Crassu|aсeae:Cot, Pen, Sed+,Semp So|anасeаe:Atro, Be||,Cаps, Dat+'
Mаgno|iaсeae: Magn+ Celt. Ulm+ Hvdrangeaсeae:Hydrang Dubo+,Du|с,Fab, Frаnс, Hoit,
Morасeаe: Rosaсeae: Agгi,Alсh-v,Amyg+,9731, Hyos, Lyсi, Lyсpr' Mаnd, Niсot,
Ol-myr Bros+,Fiс+, Cyd, Freg, Geum, Hydr-aс'Kou, Lаur, Physа|e+,Sсopo, Sol+,Sol-t-ae,
Upа.а Mal+,Phlor,Pot+,Prun+,Pyrus+, So|in'Strаm,Tаb' With-s
Nymohаeаles Canabaсeae: Theаles Qui|I,Ros+,Rubu+,Sorb-аu,Spirаe ConvoIvlaсeаe:Convo, Cusс+,
Nelumbonасeae:Ne|u ц91u'1 Cann-i,Cann-s, Cand,Gemb(=
Camel-.j, Saxifragaсeae:Saxi-g lpom, Ja|' oper, Sсаm
Nymphаeaсеae.Nuph' Nym, Lup, Lupin Gutti),Haru-ma,Hyper, Menvanthaсeae:Meny
Nym-а Urtiсасeae Тheа Hydroohy||аceae: Erio, Hydro-v
Pаriet' Urt+
Ceсrooiaсeae: Ebenales
Diosp.k, Diosp-k-с'

Illiсiаles Sаrrасeniales
Sсhisandrасeae:Anis Dion-m,Dros,Nep,Saп

Pioerаles Malvаles Myrtаles Gentiаnales

Piperaсeаe:Cub, Mati,Pip-m, Cistасeаe: Cist, He|i-m Combretaсeаe:Тerm+ Аooсynасeae:A|st+,Apoс+, сar,
Pip-n Disoeroсaroасeаe:Dipt-tu Lvthrасeae:Cuph, Hennа (= Lаws) Kurсh,o|nd, Plume,Quebr,Rаuw'
Sauruасeаe:Anemp, Sаur MaIvaсeae:Adan, Аbe|, Myrtaсeae:Ango,Caj,EuсaI+,Eug, Stap|-g'Stroph,Тhev, Mnс
AIth,Biх, Bombax,Goss, Melal-4,Myrt+,Pime, Syz Looaniaceae:Bruсin,Cu1 Ge|s' lgn,
Hib+,Тriu.r Qдgзrзgеаg oeno Nux-ц Spig+,Stry+,Stryсh+,Upа
Sterсu|iасeae:Abrom-a, Thvmelaсeae:Dаph+,Dirc,Mez Asсleoiaсeаe:Asс+, Cаlo, Cund,
Cас, Choс, Ko|a,Тheob Gymne' Peri,Mnсe
Tlliaсeаe:Til Gentiаnаnсeаe:Cаnсh, Gent+,
Primulаles Fabales (Leoumes)
PrimuIaсeae: Anag,Andr, Mimosaсeаe:Aсас-f, Ca|li, Mim-p
Cycl, Hott, Lysim, Prim+ Caesа|piniaсeаe:Cassi+' Cop' Hаem,
Mvrsinaсeаe:Еmb Senn Sсroohulariales
Lаurales Hаmamelidа|es
Paoi|ionaсeae:A|f,Arag' Astra+, Асаnthасeae:Androg.p, Hygroph+,
Lauraсeae:Benzo, Camph+' Ham
Bapt+,Ciсe, Der, Do|' Ga|eg' G|yс-g, Just+
Cinnam,Coto, Lauru-n,Neсt, PIatаnасeae:
|ndg,Lath, Mediс.l'Me|i+,Phys, Rob,
Oreo, Pers, Sass Platan+ Lentibu|аriaсeаe:Urti4
Soja-h' Тamа, Trif+,Wist+ oгobanсhaсeae: Epip, orob-m,
Aristoloсhiаles Juolaпdales Gаrvophy!lаles cuсurbitаles MаlPiohiаles (new*) o|eасeаe:Chion, Frax+'Jasm,
Aristo|oсhiасeae:Aгist+,Asar, JugIandaсeae Amaranthaсeаe: (Violаles in the past) Aсhariaсeаe:ChauI Olea, Syr
Asar-с, Serp Cаry, Jug-с, Aсhy, Асhy.a, Cuсurbitaсeae:Baj' Bry' Езlsщinасgаg Impа+ Sсroohulariaсеae:Baсo-m (= Brahm),
Jug-n, Jug-r, Paro-i Cephd, Cit|-|,Coloс, Cariсaсeae: Cari Budd|,Che|o,Dig, Еuphr,Grаt,
Juglin Cасtaсeae:Anh, Cuс+,Cuсum+'Е|аt, Ervthroxv|aсeae:Coса Haгp,Lept, Mim, Lina, Sсroph,Verb,
Caсt' Caсtin' Luf+,Mom+,Triсh.d Geraniасeae:Еrod, Ger+' Mons+,Pe|аrg Vero+
Carng, Cere+, Tаmаriсасeae:Tama+ Krameriaсeаe:Rat others: Cata|,Jaс+, Тabeb
Opun+ tiДaс€llg. Linu+
Rаnunсulаles Myriсаles Cаryoohy||aсeаe: Ma|oioiaсeae: Bani-с,Ga|ph Plаnteoinаles
Berbeгidасeаe:Berb, Berb-a, Myгiсасeae: Agro, Aren-r,lI|eс, oсhnaсeae: oсhn-a PIaпt+
Caul, Podo Myriс Sapo' Sс|er.a, lalidзсеаe; oxa|
Si|e-с,Stel Passifloraсeae:Pаssi
.Po|yoalaсeae:Seneg Rubiales
RanunсuIulaсeae:Aсon+ Chenooodiaсeae: Asper,Caff,Cain, Ceph, Chin+,Cofi+,
*VioIaсeаe:Mo|-o' Vio|.t
Aсt-s,Adon+,Aqui|,Ane+, Aphis, Atri, Beta+, Emet' Gаrd-j,Gа|i,|p' Mit, RuЬt,
Cаlth,Clem+'Cimiс, Chen+. Sаls-t. fцlдgraggag Dam Unс{. Yohim
Delphin+'Еran, He||+,Hepat, Spin-o
Hydr,Hydrin+,Maсrin,Nigel, Nvсtаoinасeae: Еriсeles Еuohorbiа|es Lamiаles
Pu|s+'Ran+,Staph,Тro||+, Boerh Еriсaсeae:Arbu+,Arbin, Aса|' Bux, Cаsс, Croto+,Euph+,Hura, Boraoinaсeee:Borag,Cyno' Еrio,
Хanгhi PortuIaсасeаe: CаlIunC, h i m + ,Е r i с + , Jаtr+,Manс, Mer|,Riс, Spiros-af,Stil| Helio,Myos, Onos, Symph
Peti, Phyt, Phyt-b Еpig, Gаu|' Ka|m,Led,
Sаoindаles lii!сес!е]lфialaqL Bаsi |,
Menisoermaсeae:Coсс, Manz (=Аrсt-m),Monot, Chаmae, Co||'G|eсh' Hedeo, Lam,
Menis, Pаreir, Piсro, T'inas Oxyd, Pyro-r,Rhod, Uva, Anaсardiaсeae.Anас+,Com, Mаngi,
Rhus+'Sсhin Lаvend, Leon, Lyсps, Marr, Me|is,
(TInos) Vaсс-m Menth+,Neрt, oсi+, orig+,P|eсt,
Burseraсeae:Bos-s 1=o|ib)' Myrrh
Hioooсаstanасeae:Aesс+ Prune, Rosm, Sa|v+,Sсut, Stаch,
Meliасeae:An der,Aza (=MeIiа) Тeuсr+,Тhymu+
Rutaсeae:Ang, Atist, Baros, Cit+, Veфenaсeae: Agn, C|er.i,Lip' Nyсt'
Faoales Polyoonales Diсt,Jаb, Pi|o'Pte|,Ruta, Хan, Verbe+. Vit
Betulасeae: Chrys-aс, Fago, Zаnthox-с
A|n+,Betu|,Cаrp Lepa, Polyg+, Simаroubaсeаe: Ail, (Bruс),Cаste+,Chap,
Faoaсeae:' Rheum.Rumx+ Cedl Quas,Sima+ Dipsасаles
Casta-v, Fagu, Saoindaсeae:Асer+,Guаr,Nф Adoх, Lon+,Sаmb, symp|,тrio,
Querс+ Zvgophyl|aсeae:Guаi, Lаrгet Vаler.Vib+ l
Corv|aсeae:ost (= Pа|o),Trib
Pаoаverаles Sаliсаles Rhаmпales Cаmoanulаles
Paoaveraсeae:Ad|u,Apom' Pop+,S3l1+,$31i71 Ampe, Ceаn+, Kаrw,Rham+' Rham-p Campаn+,Lob+,Lob rlin
Аrge, Che|+,Cod, Cory+, (=Cаs-s), V'tis' Zizyp
Еsсh, Fum, Мorph,op, Pаp+,
Sаng, Thebin Derivаtives фfдз!еs сorn+ Asterаles \
Cагb-v,Cyni-сg, Abrot,Absin' Age-a, Aфbro, Anth+'
Gа||-ас.GaIIа+. Gаooarales sаntаlаles Arn, Art+,Bel|-p,B|um]o,Braсh,
Tann-aс Brassiсaсeae: Brass+, Floьp,Guipsin,Lirю,Loвnt-а,okou, o|- Cа|en,Calom-a,Cаrd+,Cent,
Buni-o,Chа|er,Cheir, sаnt, Ptyсtt-o,sаnte' visс.a, Visс{ Chаm, Ciсh, Chrysan,Cina, Cine,
Coсh+, |ber,Lepi, Matth, Есhi+,Ererсh,Еrig, Еsp-g, Еup+,
Nаst, o|-sin,Raph, Sin+. Celаstrаles Ga|in'Gnaph, Grin, Guа, Hap|.b,
Тhiosin,Thlaspi,Vesi Caha, Diфа, Euon+,lk+,Kаre,Mate,Prin Heliа,|nul,Laсt,Lаppа,Laps,
Cappаridасeаe:Cаpp+ Aoiаles lUmbellifers) Leuс-d,Liatr,Mik+,MiI|,Nabа|'
Trooaeolaсeae:Тrop Onop, Parth,Poll, Polym,Pyre+,
Plumbg+ Ara|iaсeаe:Aral+,Eleut, Gins
Аoiасeae (Umbe|liferae): Aeth, Sаntin,Santo|,Seneс+,Sieg,
Ammi-v,Ammс, Ange+'Apg, Asаf, Silphu,So|id,Tanaс,Tагax,Тus+,
Ciс+,Con, Coгiаnd,Ery+,Foen, Vem-а, Wye, Xanth
Hydrс,lmp, oena' Petros,Phe|,
P i m p + ,S a n i + ,S i u m ,S u m b ,Z i z
tvl|сHALYAKIR:ТаbIeof plants:Monoсotyledons- Remediesby orders
Remedieslist,аrгangеdby morpho|ogiса|
directiveof FamiIiesandoгders,аcсordingto сronquist

Alismatales Areсales (Pа!ms) Bromeliales Liliales

Posid-o,Sagg Areсaсeae:Areс, Bгomeliaсeae:Anans.с, LiIiaсeae:All-a,Аll-с,
Coсo.n, Еlae, Nux-a Аnans-s All-f,All-p,All-s,All-u,
(=Lodoiс),Sabal A|oe,Aspar, Colсh, Conv,
Potamogetonales Pandales Commelinаles Coгdy-a,Helon,Lil.t,orni
Waterplants No remedies Comme|inaсeae: Trad Paг, Rusс-a, Sabad, Squil
No remedies Haemodoraсeae:Laсhn Tul, Tril+,Verat,Veгat-v,
Arales Poales (Grаminales) Amaryllidaсeae: Agav+,
Aсoгaсeae: Aсor-с Poaсeae (Gгamineae. Amary.e,Gala, Narс+,
(=Calam) Grasses and Gгains): Xanгhoe
Araсeae:Amor-r, 1 . B a m b ,P h l e lridaсeae:Croс, Home,
Arum+,Calad, lсtod, 2. Anan' Antho,Aгund, Helon,lris+,Sisy
Zant Aven, Cymb.с, Cyn-d, Smilaсaсeae:Sars, Smil+
Lemnaсeae:Lem.m Еrgot, Lol, oryz-s, Saс- Smilin
alb, Stigm,Тritiс+,Zea-i
Junсaсeae:Junс, Junс.p

Zingiberales: Diosсoreales
Zingibeгaсeae:Cardamo Diosсoreaсeae:Dios, Тam
Curс, Zing
Others:Canna, Musa

Miсha|Yakir:Таble of p|ants,wondrousorder
@2012 NarayanaVеr|agGmbH' 5. revisededition2015
BIumenplatz2,79400Kandern,Tel.:+49 7626 974970-0
E-MaiI:info@narayana-verlag.сom, Homepage:Www.narayana-ver|ag.сom

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