be generator backend troubleshooting guide

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BE GENERATORS ELECTRICAL TESTING AND TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE Le INTRODUCTION ‘The technical data inthis manual is provided forthe testing and troubleshooting of WESTERBEKE BE model generators. Only ‘qualified technicians ‘he proper test equipment anda thorough knowledge of electricity should under tke these procedures. AA separate troubleshooting manual is available from your WESTERBEKE dealer for BE “Coliseum” model generators. TABLE OF CONTENTS The BE Generator. Description. 9 Parallel Operatio AC Circuit Breaker. 2 Exploded View AVR/AG Terminal Board Connections. Tlustrations AC Voltage Connections - Single Phase Changing Frequency. AC Circuit Breaker. AG Voltage Connections - Three Phase ‘Three Phase 6 Wire ‘Three Phase 12 Wire Voltage Regulator Cor AG Voltage Connections - Three Phase 6 Stud 12 Wire.. Voltage Regulator Adjustments. BE Troubleshooting Chart Winding Resistance Values .. BE Generator Troubleshooting Testing Voltage. ‘To Excite the BE Generator BE Generator Troubleshooting, Low Voltage - Exciter Rotor/Rotating Fick Testing the Rotating Field Windings. Testing the Exciter Rotor Windings ‘Testing the Diodes. Internal 9 Schematics Exciter Rotor/Rotor Field Diodes Internal Wiring Schematic 20KW, 25KW, AND 32KW BE. Single Phase... ‘Three Phase 6 Wire Internal Wiring Schematic 20KW, 25KW, AND 32KW BE. Three Phase 12 Wire Internal Wiring Schematic 45KW, SSKW, AND G5KW BE 14 ‘Three Phase 6 Wire 14 Three Phase 12 Wire Generator Information. Use of Electric Motors Required Operating Sp. Frequency Adjustment. ‘Maintenanc Generator Maintenance 45KW, 55KW, 65KW and 9SKW BE. Disassembl Reassembly Cleaning, Maintenan IWESTERBEKE Engines & Generators THE BE GENERATOR EMERGENCY SINGLE AND THREE PHASE 4 ae DESCRIPTION ‘This generator is fourpoe, brushless, seléexcited generator ‘which requires only the driving force ofthe engine to produce AC output. The copper and laminated iron inthe exciter stator ate responsible forthe selfexciting feature of this generator. "The magnetic field produced causes an AC voltage to be induced into the elated exciter rotor windings during rotation. Diodes located in the exciter rotor rectify tis voltage to DC and supply ito the windings of the rotating field. This creates an electromagnetic field which rotates through the windings ‘of the main stator, inducing an AC voltage which is supplied to a load, An AC voltage is produced inthe auxiliary ‘windings ofthe main stator and is, n tum, supplied to 2 voltage regulator. The regulator produces a DC voltage to farther excite the excite stator windings, enabling the generator to produce a raed AC output. The voltage regulator senses AC voltage outpat and adjusts DC excitation to the cexciter stator winding according to amperage load the ‘generator is furnishing to maintain a constant voltage output PARALLEL OPERATION ‘Two or more of these generators may be run in parallel by simply adding a parallel device. The parallel device is added to the electrical terminal box to ensure equal output of ‘gencrator voltage. Contact your WESTERBEKE dealer or the WESTERBEKE factory for information on parallel operation, ‘GENERATOR COMPONENTS (TYPICAL) DRIVE DISC PLATE ‘DIODE BRIDGE PLATE ‘AG RCUIT BREAKER AC CIRCUIT BREAKER ‘An AC circuit breaker is installed on all single phase generators. This AC circuit breaker will automatically Aisconnect the generators output from the: vessel's AC load in the event of an amperage overload. Inthe event of an AC ‘breaker tripping it must be manually reset. The AC beaker can be manually opened when servicing the generato/engine to ensure no AC voltage is seat tothe vessel's distibution panel when operating the nit AVR / AC TERMINAL BOARD CONNECTIONS BE GENERATORS ‘20KW, 25KW, AND 32KW ‘BE GENERATORS ‘muusraarioN ILcusTeaTION SHOWS SD Baa sare conMECTION accincurT BREAKER ‘AUTORATIC VOLTAGE REGULATOR ‘ExXCTER cwRourT oC BREAKER SUITCH GENERATOR AC VOLTAGE CONNECTIONS BE SINGLE PHASE ") 2o/eaav - 60 HZ vav-conz “P “" — aov-sonz “4” tt5v~sonz # 3 ¥ Fl oo z OHO A taal Hm OHH! yl FA OzHE ORE uy te in uy @_s N HS })) | us od eo ©_9| IN, IN = ie ia L2 Lt N [Toy [ag lo! (Srl OlO} | | Old) | O19! | a eae itl fee Ent “Awe sneouren fia tatoo ui L2 MW Nu LIN AG VOLTAGE CONNECTIONS AAG CIRCUIT BREAKER ‘The freme ground wire (white/green) must be properly positioned when chenging the AC output configuration of the AC terminal block. For making connections to the AC terminal block, use terminal ends for 1/4 inch studs that will accept multi strand copper wire sized for the amperage rating ‘from the hot iced connection. The frame ground wire i white ‘or wite with a green strip, It connects between the neutral stud and the generator frame. GENERATOR FREQUENCY Frequency is a direct zsul of engine/generator speed: 1800 mpm= 60 hertz; 1500 mp=SOberz, NOTE: The white/green ground wire may be renoved in those installations where the AC circuit has a separate neutral and ground circuit. This will prevent the wn from being a. ground Source in the vessel. The unit must be property grounded to comply with safety concerns. ‘An AC cicuit breaker is installed on all single phase generators This AC circuit breaker will automatically Aisconnect the generators outpat from tho vessel's AC load in. the event of en amperage overtoad. Inthe event of an AC ‘breaker tripping, it mast be manually rset. The AC breaker can be manually opened when servicing the generatorengine to ensure no AC voltage ia sent to the vessel's distribution ppancl when operating the unit. NOTE: The DC exciter circuit breaker protects the three phase models from amperage overioad ‘or from an AC short circult WESTERBEKE ‘Engines & Generators 4 GENERATOR AC VOLTAGE CONNECTIONS BE THREE PHASE VOLTAGE REGULATORS ‘AG TERMINAL CONNECTIONS ‘THREE PHASE CONNECTIONS ‘THREE PHASE 12 WIRE ‘The regulator equipped with seven numbered tenninals, (0 to 6) and their related brass jumpers. The illastrations shown connection points and jumpers forthe 3 phase con- figuration ofthe generator. The seasing leads connect between pin #1 and pin #2 on the AC terminal block and ‘connection #2 and #0 on the voltage regulator board, NOTE: Either SERIES configuration requires the installation of ajumper between terminals B and O. ‘AG TERMINAL CONNECTIONS ‘THREE PHASE 6 WIRE BLK AVR, CASE Gno| i Lat-120 vat Lal 110 VAC 1 son © one Lat La-towac 32 son I SERIES WE (STAR) LL-aspvac 3g HZ = L-L-280 UNC 932 SORE LAN-255 VAE 12 GOHZ = LN-Z00VAC 1 SUH se ro FOR, + SVPER FES |_ 12 |_13 eposmon THE N ‘ROU AS SHOW SERIES DELTA LaL-2u0vnc 82 OBZ -LA~230VAC 80 SON L2G THOVAG 1 GOH 12, 19-N-TIBVAC 12 SUH ae GENERATOR AV VOLTAGE CONNECTIONS BE THREE PHASE 6 STUD / 12 WIRE TERMINAL BOARDS NOTE: For ouput leads fiom the AC terminal block use terminal ends for 1/8” studs that ‘accept mult-strand copper wire sized for the average rating from the hot lead ‘AG VOLTAGE CONNECTIONS ‘The frame gromd wire (whitelgreen) must be propesly positioned when changing the AC output conigoration of ‘the AC terminal block. For making comections to the AC ‘terminal bck, uoe terminal ends fr 1/4 inch stds that will scoept mul stand copper wire sized forthe amperage rating ‘rom the hot lead conection. Te fame ground wire is white ‘or white with a green strip. It connects between the neutral sud and the generator frame, GENERATOR FREQUENCY 1, Frequency is a direct result of engine/generctor speed: 1800 rpm = 60 hertz; 1500 rmp = 50 hertz. 2. To change generator frequency: Configure the AC terminal block for the desired voltage frequency as shown. Ensure that the case ground wire is ‘connected to the correct terminal block neutral ground stud. NOTE: The whitegreen ground wire may be removed in those Installations where the AC circuit has a separate neutral and {round circuit, This will prevent the unit from being a ground source in the vessel. The generator must be properly ‘growed to meet safety concerns. ‘When changing from 50 Hz to 60 Ha the generator power ‘and nominal voltage will increase by 20% but the current ‘does not change from the 5OHz value. Should voltage stay at ‘Fz, thea the output power may inerease by 5% de to ‘improved ventilation, Ths is accomplished by resetting the AVR potentiometer. Changing from 60H to SOE, the voltage and power values must decease by 20% of the 60 He vale. AXCAUTION: when camectng terminals or perlorning electrical testing make certain the ‘generator is shut down, switches are off and the unlt is at room temperature. tzto 5687 PARALLEL Y 20860 He 1800 He ‘SERIES DELTA PARALLEL DELTA 2400/0 He 1200/60 He : 2050 He = TIBVIEOHe WoT IF WMRNG FOR 50, THE 60 He LUPE MUST BE REMOVED FROM THE REGULATOR. SINGLE PHASE Li-O. a7 isto DOUBLE DELTA 202A He 115-290V/50HE WESTERBEKE ‘Engines & Generators VOLTAGE REGULATOR ADJUSTMENTS Description ‘The voltage regulator is an advanced design which ensures optimum AC generator performance. It is equipped with ‘compete protection circuits to gard against operating conditions that could be detrimental to the AC generator. ‘This potentiometer is used to adjust output voltage, At proper ceagine operating speed the output voltage should be held at 221% from a no-load condition toa fll rated génerator omput ‘and from power fector 1.0 - 0.8 with engine drive speed ‘variations up 1-6 Prior to starting the engine, tum the VOLT and STAB ‘wimmers (using a mint phillip sereweriver) fully in a ‘counterclockwise (Minima) direction untit you feel them hit tei stops. ‘Tum he AMP end HERTZ, trimmers completely clockwise (Mexiemm) inthe same manner. ‘With the generator ranning at no-load, at normal speed, and ‘with VOLT adjust at minimura, i is possible that output vollage will oscilate. Siowly rotate the VOLT adjust clock- ‘wise. The voltage output of the generator will increase and stabilize, Increase the voltage tothe desired value. In this situation, only the green LED wil stay it Stability ‘This potentiometer permits variation ofthe regulator's response to generator Joad changes 80s to limit ‘overcompensation and obtain 2 minimam recovery tine to the norm voltage output, In order to adjust the regulator stability the generator must be running at no-load and the output must be monitored, ‘Tum the STAB adjust slowly clockwise until the voltage stars to fluctuate At this point rotate the STAB adjust coun- terclockvise until the voltage is stable within 1 or2 tenths bf a volt ‘Amp-Hertz. "These two adjustments are wsed in conjunction with the two protection circuits inthe voliage regulator that are indicated ‘by the illumination of a colored LED lights, 1, Delayed overioad protection (yellow LED). 2, Low speed protection (ed LED). ‘Both systems have an intervention theshold which can be adjusted using the respective potentiometer. Each ofthe two circuits ae able to cause an adequate reduction in excitor voltage to safeguard the excitor windings and prevent their overheating, "The overload protection system has a delay which permits temporary overloading of the generator daring times such as ‘motor sta-up or other similar load surge demands. The regulator also has a thd LED (green), tat glows during generator opeation to indicate comrect operation of the regulstor withthe generator. Setting the Overload Protection In order to set the AMP overload protection, the generator ‘mast be loaded to its fall output rating. 1. Load the altemator to its rating, then decrease the speed of the engine by 10.10% (S4 Herz on 60 bertz units, 45 hertz on 50 hertz units). 2, Rotate the AMP adjustment counterclockwise until ihits its stop. Wait ebout 15-20 seconds after which the AC output ofthe generator should drop and the yellow LED light should come on. 3, Slowly rlate the AMP adjustment clockwise until the ‘output volsge increases to approximately 97% ofthe ‘voltage output at the start of the adjustment 4, Return the generator to SV6O hertz operating speed. The yellow LED light will go off and the normal green LED light will ome on. AC output volage should be norma. ‘If this does not happen, repeat adjustments 1-4. NOTE: When changing from 60 hertz to 5O hertz operation, remove the 60 hert jumper bar from ihe regulator board. Setting the Underspeed Protection NOTE: If ihe unit is operating at 60 Herte ensure that the umnper strap isin place on the regulator board between the ‘0 60 Herts terminals. In order to adjust the underspeed seting, the alternator should be ruming at no-load. 1. To adjust the underspeed (low frequency) protection circuit, lower the engine speed at 90% of is normal running speed (54 hertz on 60 hertz units, 45 hertz on 50 hertz units. Rotate the Hertz adjustment counterclockwise slowly until the generatcr’s AC outpat voltage stats to decrease and at ‘the Same time the red “LED” light comes on. ‘3 Increase the engine speed to its normal speed S060 Hz. ‘The red LED light will go out and the AC output voltage ‘ill retum to normal andthe green LED light will came on. With the ebove adjustments made, the regulator should function normally. IWESTERBEKE —~ Engines & Generators 7 BE TROUBLESHOOTING CHART NOTE: AC GENERATOR TROUBLESHOOTING MUST ‘BE PERFORMED WITH THE ENGINE OPERATIN AT 60 HZ. FAULT PROBABLE CAUSE Wo AG VOLTAGE OUTPUT AT NO LOAD. 1. Short or open in the 4. Open in excar ‘mai tator winding, stator wg. 2. Shorted pozkresstor 5 Open in rotating on ect rotor. fad winding. 8. Four or more shorted or “pan diodes on ener oto RESIDUAL VOLTAGE PRODUCED AT 1. Blown 6 ANP fuse 4, NG cout breeker ipod, HO LORD 18-20 VOLTS A. ular Grout eed to AVR 2, Faulty vtege regulator 8. OC eter breaker open, (Century Sets) 8 Shorted or open min stator aviary wining. {LOW AG VOLTAGE OUTPUT AT “Rese volage potentiometer Faulty vollage regular. Ho LOAD 6-100 VAC, 2 ; etn rotting eld wn Spent shed de 5. Short in rotating fed winding, 3 i Shott nthe exe itor Spaporsinrtngagettetes 6 Shot teeters: ish Ac OUTPUT VOLTAGE 4. Reset vote potentiometer 4150 VAC OF HIGHER, 2. Faulty voiage regulator ‘UNSTABLE VOLTAGE OUTPUT. 1. STB pod on regulator 2, Faulty voltage rg (ENGINE SPEED STEADY) Roses axjusment. ‘AG VOLTAGE DROP UNDER LOAD 4. Diodes) on exter rior 80-100 VOLTS AC. breaking down when oa is poi ductive) 1-8 codes, ‘WINDING RESISTANCE VALUES (INV OHIS) SINGLE PHASE__ 20 & 25 KW___.32KW EXOMER STATOR____ 18.06. 18.20 EXCITER ROTOR —___. A-B_____0.68_0.72 Bo___0.68, 0.72 ROTATING FIELD. 1.75. 1 WAIN STATOR 4-2 .t5_ 4s AUXILLARY WINDING___14.19__0.98 THREE PHASE 2&25KW = -S2KWASKWSSKWGSKW | S5KW EXCITER STATOR ———____18.20, 18.20__15.26_15,26__18.26__16.28 EXCITER ROTOR Aa o___o.7_0.39_0.39_0.89__ 0.39 a ____07_____.7_0.39_0.39___.0.39_ 0.39 ROTATING FIELD. 2.01___2,01_471._4.96__2.22___ 2.85 MAIN STATOR (EACH WINDING)______ 0.06 _0.06_0.09_0.06_0.04_0.03, ‘AUXILLARY WINDING__4.18_0.98. 98 __0.98__0.98_0.98 WESTERBEKE ‘Engines & Generators 8 BE GENERATOR TROUBLESHOOTING TESTING VOLTAGE ATTAGH THE NEGATIVE TEST LEAD TO THE GASE (70 GROUND) TO EXCITE THE BE GENERATOR 1, Lift the (OC#) yellow wire and the (DC-) blue wire off the regulator. Attach the test leads to these wires as showin: black tothe blue wire, red to the yellow wire, 2, Connect the rd test lead (+) to te battery voltage (12VDC) at the battery cable connection on the adjacent starter motor solenoid. ‘3. Open the generator’s AC breaker start the generetor and observe the AC output voltage between the ine and neutrel (residual 15-20VAC). ATTAGH THE POSITIVE TEST LEAD TO Thi BATTERY (4) TERMINAL (OW THe STARTER SOLENOD. Pre a am 4, Connect the black test lead (-) to the metal case (ground) of the generator This will now pata 1I2VDC circuit through the exciter stator of the generator. ‘5. Normal output AC voltage should be 140 - 150 vols AC. ‘This indicates thatthe exciter stator, excite rotor, main rotor and main stator windings are all ok, 6. Monitor the auxiliary circuit voltage into the regulator, correct voltage should be 220 - 230 VAC indicating this circuit is ok. COR WESTERBEKE Engines & Generators 9 BE GENERATOR TROUBLESHOOTING LOW VOLTAGE - EXCITER ROTOR AND ROTATING FIELD 120-0L0cK POSITION oO oO ees VIEW OF ROTOR FROM THE BEARING END ee Position the exciterrotortotatng field so th transient suppressor is visible at the 12 O° Clock sition, ‘TESTING THE ROTATING FIELD WINDINGS Place the ohm meter probes on the two large red wires (4) and (). These are the connecting wires forthe rotating field windings. ‘These wires do not need tobe lifted off this connections unless, when testing, thre is an ohm valve discrepancy or @ ‘continuity to ground (the rotor shaft), If this cceurs, lift these two large field wires off the diode plates, isolate them, and repeat the above test NOTE: When removing these wires, be careful not to drop the Screws or washers into the rotor. DIODE BRIDGE. PLATE ‘TESTING THE EXCITER ROTOR WINDINGS ‘These windings are tested in pairs: A 10 B, Bto 6, and Bio A as shown on the drawing. > DIODE BRIDGE A gu). pane B (Rey i 1G (neo) ‘ROTOR BEARING’ er o EXCITER ROTOR WINDINGS Disconnect these three wies from the diode bridge plates, taking care not tb drop any screws or washers. ‘With the wires clear from th bridge plates, test each pair with an ohm meter, Ato B, Bio C, and 6 to A. ‘No continuity should be found between the rotor and ny of these thee winding parts. “TESTING THE DIODES Diodes can be checked with an ohmmeter. Disconnect the ‘wire of the partcalar diode and tes its resistance in both irections. A perfectly functioning diode will sbow a very hhigh tesistance in one direction and a very low resistance in the opposite direction. A faulty diode will show either a Very Jow resistance, or an infinite resistence in both directions. ‘Should the whole bridge be replaced, remember to tighten ‘the screws witha suitable wrench and strictly comply with, ‘the polarities and internal wising dggrams inthis manual, WESTERBEKE ‘Engines & Generators INTERNAL WIRING SCHEMATICS BE GENERATORS EXCITER ROTOR / ROTATING FIELD ‘TRANSIENT ‘SUPPRESSOR. | B EXCITER [p ROTOR, rotor ‘© Freup ah | DIODES pocn----- GREEN oo RED! LS 1» tp} | c EXCITER ROTOR WINDINGS =p ISOLATION DIODE PLATES Ceepwesrenpene Engines & Gonorators ti INTERNAL WIRING SCHEMATICS BE GENERATORS 20KW, 25KW, AND 32KW \ : fo ! a t | | EXCHER:| ROTOR FIELD | ' ROTOR | | ! ' ! 1 7 1 ! \ ia (SIX WIRE} CONNECTIONS FOR BOTH 60 & 50 HERTZ AURILARY CiRCUTT VOLTAGE TO 218 VRC-NO LOAD) 1022 vic RLLY LOADED -XGTIER CIRCUIT VOLTAGE 9 VOC-NO LOAD To ‘7oRULLYLONED west screumanoix | D STATOR | ore, 05 we ut ABXCITER STATOR BEXCITER ‘Auxiliary Winding 2,0 ° CRoTOR FELD Diodes oor Windings Paci Rasister THREE PHASE ‘DWAN staTOR ‘BE THREE PHASE (SIX WIRE) [WESTERBEKE ‘Stator Wind CCONMECTIONS FOR G02 AND 50 Hz TWESIE “Genorators feta ite iaitssie 12 VOLTAGE REGULATOR INTERNAL WIRING SCHEMATIC ‘20KW, 25KW, AND 32KW INTERNAL WIRING SCHEMATIC ‘3 PHASE TWELVE WIRE RECONNECTABLE E VOLTAGE REGULATOR AEXCITER STATOR B EXCITER ROTOR Windings a,b,¢ © ROTOR FIELD Diodes Rotor Windings Pozi Resister D MAIN STATOR Stator Windi gs Aunillary Windings-AC to Regulator AC Terminal Board E VOLTAGE REGULATOR CESPWESTERBENE 'E Generators 13 INTERNAL WIRING SCHEMATICS BE GENERATORS ley MODELS - 45KW, 55KW, 65KW, AND S5KW ae THREE PHASE Pp 6 WIRE omg i : RECONNEGTABLE | sess " nemees Nh ae ies, aes DEACTOATES HE PAL LEE eG EXCITER STATOR DAN eraroR or Wines SMe ene Atalay Wings-AC to Reultr eR in" AC Terminal Board foyon sia E VOLTAGE REGULATOR ne Rotor Windings ! ‘Pozi Resister ' H ' ; ‘a i | Ben | 1 : ‘ogre | romiman | rear! Rotor 1 a eae ‘| (= t ti ! eel : j= THREE PHASE Evoimee REGULATOR i +2wire RECONNECTABLE ee OES o2 = ‘THE (PD) PARALLEL DEVICE Boemarws oo Hbcmunes re ance WESTERBEKE fede ce Engines & Generators GENERATOR MAINTENANCE 45KW, SSKW, 65KW, 95KW BE Rotation Diode Bridge AL WARNING: Prieto pertorming any matatenance, | 1, Discounect he ive wires of the rosting ioe rg. 2. Remove the blocking bolt and pulling gently, remove the ‘make certain that the gonerator is shutdown, switches are off and the unit fs at room temperature, DISASSEMBLY Ifit becomes necessary to disassemble the statnurotor assembly, use the following tent as a guide. 1. Insera suitable puller (which can be easily made) and remove the exciter. E 8 2 Extract the rotor using a hoist with soft ropes of suficeat strength carefilly remove the rotor and place it on a pre~ pared work area. It may be necessary in remove the front REASSENIBLY due tothe di . ‘cover to extract the rotor de tothe diameter of the fan Fig rpsnpaarrs pune irre oo” ‘hing insulated gloves, acsemble ie Geatings to the sha reat 2 Put the seager rings back into place, Thoroughly clean pa Cee Sian ™ Rett grade nial ar fH a PANELS seme A808 sor ‘coven, = Sa, ous i wearand ne porn a at 3. Reassemble the exciter carefully, making sure the diode ‘connecting cables are turned toward the outside, 4. Install the rotor and completely reassemble the generator ‘with all the covers beck in place, 3. Remove the sesger tings with snap ring pliers. CLEANING ‘Use compressed air to clean the exterior of the generator Do not use liquids or water. Do not use compressed air on {interior components as this could cause shirt circuits, ‘MAINTENANCE ‘To clean the windings, use solvents lke ol of tupentine or ""Solvesso” solvent. Cleaning with such substances, which contain a high evaporation level, will notdamage the isola- tion level of the windings. When cleaning is over, please look ‘out for any overheating or carbonization signs. ‘We also recommend drying the windings at 60 - 80°C and if ‘you notice thatthe varnish of the windings is not in good ‘Shape, then have them varnished again. WESTERBEKE_ ‘Engines & Generators 16 \ l AW ]WESTERE Engines .& Generators REVISED 272013,

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