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Internship Case Study

Submission Guidelines:
1. Please do not spend more than 3 hours on this case study.
2. Feel free to reach out to me (on if you have any questions
or doubts.
3. State any assumptions you make in your solution.
4. Submit your work within 2 days from receiving it via email only.

Goal 1: Analyzing a Domain

1. Identify Key Players: List the top 5 companies (in India and Global each) operating in
the B2B Gen AI space. Specify the metrics used to shortlist them (e.g.- user base,
revenue, market share, etc.).
2. Analyze Success Factors: Identify what drove success for these companies (could be
features, a marketing play or anything). Specify the metrics used to evaluate their
success (e.g.- user engagement, retention rate, etc.).
3. Identify Opportunities: Identify what these companies are not doing and why you
would implement them in your own company (operating in the same space).

Goal 2: Building a Company in an Ideal World

1. Company Concept: Elaborate on any one idea for building a Company you are most
driven towards (can be in any space).
a. Target Audience: Define the target audience for your company.
b. Problem Statement: Describe the problem your company aims to solve.
c. Top Pain Points: Identify the key challenges faced by your target audience.
d. Top Unique Value Propositions: Explain how your company will differentiate
itself from competitors.
e. Existing Solution(s): Discuss existing solution(s) to the problem.
f. Potential Solution: Outline your proposed solution to the problem.
2. Feature Selection: List the top 3 functionalities of your app. Explain the reasoning
behind choosing these features.
3. User Journey Map: Choose the most crucial feature (out of 3) and create a user journey
map for it. If possible, use a design tool; otherwise, use pen and paper.

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