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qarTuli qristianuli xelovneba Georgian Christian Art


Georgian Christian Art

qristianuli xelovneba
saqarTvelos kulturis, ZeglTa dacvisa da
sportis saministro
Ministry of Culture, Monuments Protection and Sport of Georgia

g. CubinaSvilis sax. qarTuli xelovnebis

istoriisa da ZeglTa dacvis kvlevis
erovnuli centri
G. Chubinashvili National Research Centre for Georgian
Art History and Heritage Preservation
wigni gamosacemad moamzades: dimitri TumaniSvili, Editors: Dimitri Tumanishvili,
qeTevan miqelaZe, mariam didebuliZe Ketevan Mikeladze, Mariam Didebulidze

teqstis avtorebi: Authors of the text:

dimitri TumaniSvili: winaTqma. xuroTmoZRvreba Dimitri Tumanishvili: Introduction. Architecture
kiti maCabeli: qvis reliefebi Kiti Macahebeli: Stone Reliefs
mariam didebuliZe: kedlis mxatvroba Mariam Didebulidze: Wall Paintings
nino WiWinaZe: xatwera Nino Chichinadze: Icon Painting
Teimuraz sayvareliZe: Weduroba Teimuraz Sakvarelidze: Repoussé Art
leila xuskivaZe: minanqari Liela Khuskivadze: Enamel Art
asmaT oqropiriZe: xelnawerTa dasuraTeba Asmat Okropiridze: Manuscript Illumination
mzisTvala kecxoveli: naqargoba Mzistvala Ketskhoveli: Embroidery

inglisuri Targmani: nino mataraZe. Translation into English: Nino Mataradze

dizaini, dakabadoneba: giorgi demetraSvili, Design and layout: George Demetrashvili, Nata Kipiani,
nata yifiani, natalia Rlonti Natalia Glonti

daxmarebisTvis madlobas vuxdiT: The editors express their gratitude to:

saqarTvelos sapatriarqos, saqarTvelos erovnul Georgian Patriarchate, Georgian National Museum, N.
muzeums, xelnawerTa erovnul centrs, bodbes wm. Berdzenishvili Kutaisi Museum of History and Ethnography,
ninos monasters, National Center for Manuscripts, Bodbe St. Nino Monastery,
q-n nana burWulaZes, b-n vaxtang gabelias, Ms. Nana Burchuladze, Mr. Vakhtang Gabelia,
q-n marina vaCnaZes, q-n Tamila mgalobliSvils, Mr. David Khoshtaria, Ms. Tamila Mgaloblishvili,
b-n luarsab togoniZes, q-n eTer urotaZes, Mr. Luarsab Togonidze, Ms.Eter Urotadze,
b-n daviT xoStarias Ms. Marina Vachnadze

© 2008 g. CubinaSvilis sax. qarTuli xelovnebis © 2008 G. Chubinashvili National Research Centre for
istoriisa da ZeglTa dacvis kvlevis erovnuli centri. Georgian Art History and Heritage Preservation

© 2010 meore gamocema. © 2010. Second edition.

g. CubinaSvilis sax. qarTuli xelovnebis istoriisa G. Chubinashvili National Research Centre for Georgian Art
da ZeglTa dacvis kvlevis erovnuli centri. History and Heritage Preservation

© saqarTvelos erovnuli muzeumi. ilustraciebi © Georgian National Museum. Illustrations on the page: 71,
gverdze: 71, 84, 87, 96, 97, 100, 101, 104, 120-125, 140-147, 84, 87, 96, 97, 100, 101, 104, 120-125, 140-147, 162-165, 168,
162-165, 168, 170-175, 170-175, 193-197, 216-218, 220-222, 242-245,
193-197, 216-218, 220-222, 242-245, © National Center for Manuscripts. Illustrations on the page:
© xelnawerTa erovnuli centri. ilustraciebi 98.99.134,135, 167, 192, 198-201, 219, 238, 246.
gverdze: 98, 99, 134, 135, 167, 192, 198-201, 219, 238, 246. © N. Berdzenishvili Kutaisi Museum of History and
© n. berZeniSvilis quTaisis istoriul-eTnografiul Ethnography. Illustrations on the page: 223, 247.
muzeumi. ilustraciebi gverdze: 223, 247.

ISBN 978-9941-0-2176-3

eZRvneba uwmindesisa da unetaresis sruliad saqarTvelos kaTolikos-patriarqis
ilia II-is dabadebidan 75 da aRsaydrebidan 30 wlisTavs

Dedicated to the 75th birth and 35th enthronement anniversaries of

His Holiness and Beatitude, Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia, Ilia II

qristianuli xelovneba
Georgian Christian Art


saqarTvelos eklesia “saTaveSi edga qarTul grZnobinebs, rogor momravlda da gaRrmavda

xelovnebas. arqiteqtura qarTulis eklesiisa sarwmunoebrivi codna da gancda saimdrood,
exlac gansacvifrebelia, saunje, romelic masSi rodesac wm. mefe vaxtang gorgasalis mowadinebiT,
inaxeba udidesi ganZia qarTuli erovnuli safuZveli Caeyara saqarTvelos eklesiis
kulturisa. eklesia asazrdovebda ara marto TviTmwysobas; rogor zeobs marTlmadidebloba
niWier xuroTmoZRvrebs, igi iyo amasTanave didi VI saukuneSi sparsTa moZalebis Jamsac da VIII
mimdevari mxatvrobisa. Cvenamdisac moaRwies saukuneSi islamis mZlavrobisasac; rogor xdeba
saucxovo naxatebma da freskebma” _ ase werda eklesia qveynis warmmarTveli da _ IX saukunidan
1913 wels qarTveli poeti Salva amirejibi. srulad avtokefaluri _ X saukuneSi, politikur
TiTqmis saukunis winandel am naTqvams dResac gamTlianebaze bevrad adre, misi gamaerTianebeli;
bevrs verafers davumatebT. ar yofila sulieri, rogor ganaspetakebs igi wmidaTa mefeTa daviTisa
gindac nivTieri arsebobis raime mxare, rasac da Tamaris mZleTamZle raindebs; rogor iRvwis
keTilismyofelad ar damCnevia qristes eklesiisa eris siwrfelis da sasoebis, TviT arsebobis
da misgan naqadagebis gavlena. misi qmediTobis gadasarCenad da SesanarCuneblad gauTavebeli
erT-erTi yvelaze TvalnaTlivi gamovlineba, Znelbedobisas, rac XIII saukunidan XVIII-mde
uTuod, xelovnebaa. eklesiis did maswavleblebs TiTqmis ganuwyvetliv Cveni xvedri iyo...
RmrTivmomadlebuli niWiT adamianTagan Seqmnili mxolod XIX saukuneSi, rodesac qarTuli
xelaRebiT araferi uaruyviaT, oRond mTel saxelmwifoebriobis ganadgurebas saqarTvelos
Zvel sibrZnesa da xelovanebas axali gza uCines. eklesiis rusulTan kanonikurad gaumarTlebeli
sadac ki uflis sityva iqadaga, filosofia Tu SeerTeba daerTo, gaCnda erTgavri bzari da
mecniereba, mWermetyveleba Tu poezia, arqiteqtura taZarmSenebloba anda xatwera nawilobriv Tu
Tu mxatvroba, musika Tu mqandakebloba _ gamoxatavs Tumc uflebamoklebuli, magram
yovelive RvTis sadideblad da misi sityvis kvlavac mravalricxovani da SemarTuli
sacnaursayofad miimarTa. ase iyo yvelagan, ase qarTveli samRvdeloebis suliskveTebas. droTa
iyo saqarTveloSic. ganmavlobaSi axlis qmnis klebas TiTqosda avsebs
saqarTvelos eklesias, I saukuneSi wmidaTa qveynis qristianul memkvidreobaze zrunva _
mociqulTa andria pirvelwodebulisa da simon eriskac mkvlevarTa mxardamxar Suasaukunovani
kananelis dasaZirkvebulsa da IV saukuneSi wm. Txzulebebis moZiebasa da gamoqveynebas, qarTuli
ninos sityviT damkvidrebuls, samwysod imTaviTve galobis Cawerasa da aJRerebas, nivTieri siZveleebis
Tavis miwa-wyalze didi xnis mkvidri, grZeli mogrovebasa da aRwera-gamocemas swavluli berebi
istoriis xalxi hyavda. da maszedac, araerT da mecnieri mRvdelmTavrebic misdevdnen. swored
sxvasaviT, Wris wm. daviT winaswarmetyvelis eklesiis wiaRSi daarsda, mRvdlis ojaxSi
sityva: “ganaxldes, viTarca orbisa, siWabuke Seni” gazrdilisa da im drois erTi ucnobilesi
(fs., 102,5). macxovris aRTqmisaebr, WeSmaritebis asketis Zmis, dimitri baqraZis moTaveobiT,
mier ganTavisuflebuli qarTvelobis zneobriv, pirveli erovnuli muzeumi. Cveni saukeTeso
gonebriv Tu mxatvrul Semoqmedebas gamraval- arqeografosebis rigSi unda moixseniebodnen
kecebuli Zala mieca. matianeebTana da wmindanTa mama polievqtos karbelaSvili, TviT sruliad
cxoreba-martvilobebTan erTad, CvenSi qristia- saqarTvelos kaTolikos-patriarqebi kirioni
nobis myofobis mowamenica da Tanamdevnic (saZagliSvili) ambrosi (xelaia), kalistrate
mgosanTa, memusikeTa da, rasakvirvelia, xelovanTa (cincaZe). es ki maSin, rodesac am mRvdelmTavarTa
nawarmoebnia, saxeldobr, Cveni taZrebi, maTi upiratesi sazrunavi jer saqarTvelos eklesiis
mxatvroba da naqandakevi. uflebebis dacva iyo, rac 1917 wels avtokefaliis
naSensa da naCuqurTmevze, moxatulobebze, aRdgeniT dagvirgvinda, Semdeg ki misi jerovani
xat-jvrebsa da naqargobebze dakvirveba Segva- aRiareba _ es ki bevrad gvian, uwmindesisa da

unetaresis, sruliad saqarTvelos kaTolikos- dargis gansaaxleblad. maTTan erTad ki misma
patriarqis, ilia II-is RvawliT moxda. uwmindesobam qarTveli xelovnebaTmcodneebic
magram es wigni mis uwmindesobas martooden am, moixmo, radgan mavanTagan gansxvavebiT uwyoda,
marTlacda istoriuli damsaxurebis gamo rodi rom swored qarTvel xelovnebis istorikosTa
eZRvneba. arc mxolod im mizeziT, rom igi im mecadineobiT moxerxda 70-wliani usjuloebis
rCeulTagania, vis sityvasa da azrs gansacdelsa xanaSi araTu winandel droTa didostatebis
da gasaWirSi yurs urwmunonic ki miapyroben. qmnilebaTa fizikurad gadmonaxva, maTi Rirsebisa
ocdaaTiod wlis winaT qarTuli saeklesio da mniSvnelovnebis isev da isev gacnobiereba da
xelovneba yvelas TvalSi warsulis kuTvnilebad warmoCena. SeuZlebelia, madliereba ar gamovxatoT
qceuliyo. da, albaT, Cvens kaTolikos-patriarqsRa imis gamo, rom misma uwmindesobam gvarguna pativi,
swamda uryevad, rom is aucileblad unda viyoT CvenSi qristianuli saxviTi Semoqmedebis
aRorZindes da aRorZindeba kidec. araTu 1991 gacxovlebis diadi saqmis monawileni; uwinaresad
wels saqarTvelos damoukideblobis aRdgenamde, ki _ imis Taobaze, rom swored misi uwmindesobis,
TviT sabWour “perestroika”-mde, 1980-iani wlebis kaTolikos-patriarqis ilia II-is wyalobiT aqvs
dasawyisSive mouwoda man qarTvel xelovanT mas awmyoca da momavalic.
qarTuli qristianuli “saxeTqmnis” yvela


qarTuli taZarmSenebloba, sul cota, lixs saamsoflosi, mTlianobaSi taZari ki RvTivqmnili

gaRma-gamoRma qristianuli sarwmunoebis kosmosis xateba-gansaxierebad gaiazreboda.
damkvidrebis Tanadroulia. imxanad, qristes miuxedavad amisa, qarTuli taZrebi iolad
aqeT IV saukuneSi, msoflio eklesias ukve sacnobia, sxvaTagan gansxvavebuli. amis mizezi
SemuSavebuli hqonda RvTismsaxurebisa da mis ama isaa, rom aqauri ostatebi sayovelTao wesebsa
Tu im saxeobaTa Sesabamisi nagebobaTa ti pebic da sazrisebs sakuTari gemovnebisa da samSeneblo
(mag., sakrebulo taZari, samartvile, sanaTlavi). Cvevebis Sesatyvisad ganaxorcielebdnen. rogorc
mociqulTa xanidan iqna miRebuli, rom qristianuli yvelagan da yovelTvis, qristianobas saqarTvelo-
msaxureba morwmuneTa sagangebo sivrceSi Sic sakuTari warsulisa da gamocdilebis
Sekrebas gulisxmobda. saukuneTa ganmavlobaSi qveyana da xalxi daxvda, romelsac misi nauwyebi
dadginda aseve, rom igi orad, mRvdelmsaxurTa WeSmariteba Tavisi, sityvieri Tu mxatvruli eniT
da mlocvelTa sayofelad unda ganiyofodes unda gamoeTqva. qarTvelni ki saimdrood ukve didi
da aRmosavleTisaken unda iyos damxrobili. xania da bevrnairad aSenebdnen. uflis gankacebamde
es moTxovnebi, iseve rogorc samRvdeloebis aTaswleulebiT adre iswavles maT xiTxurooba
dasadgomis, sakurTxevlis afsiduroba, (misi donis maCvenebeli Tundac TrialeTuri
rasakvirvelia, qarTvelma xuroTmoZRvrebmac yorRanebis rTuli Sida Zelovani konstruqciebia).
gaiziares. mogvianebiT maT sxva bevri qveynis Zveladve mohkides maT xeli qvis damuSavebasac _
ostatebze adre SemoiRes adreqristianuli jer lodovan, e.w. ciklopur, mSralad nawyob
siriis magaliTiT sakurTxevlis aqeT-iqiT cixeebs da akldamebs agebdnen, Semdgom Senobebi
oTaxebis gamarTva, sadac Jamiswirvis Semdgomi Tlili, liTonis firfitebiT gadabmuli qvebiT
daxvewis kvalad, VIII-IX saukuneebidan samkveTlo amohyavdaT, welTaRricxvaTa gasayaridan ki
da sadiakvne Tavsdeba. cxadia, mTeli saqristianos duRabiT, ramac kamarovani gadaxurvis gamoyeneba
Tanaxmierad esmodaT CvenSi taZris simbolikac – moitana. antikuri xanidan amzadebdnen CvenTan
misi aRmosavleTi da zeda monakveTebi zeciurisa agursa da kramits. daaxloebiT maSinve gamoikveTa
da RvTiuris, dasavleTi da qveda _ qveyniurisa da kldis qalaqi ufliscixe, romlis darbazebi maSin

arsebuli qvisa Tu xis saxlebs (Tu sasaxleebs) vxedavT da Semdgomac mudam vadasturebT, rom
asaxavs, meore mxriv ki “qvabovani”, soflebisa da maT gamorCeulad mkafiod mofargluli, mrgvali
samarxebis gamokafvis oraTaswlovan tradiciasac an kvadrats miaxloebuli, xSirad zeaRmavali,
abolovebs; es ukanaskneli mogvianebiT, VI namdvili Tu warmosaxviTi Sua RerZis
saukunidan, qarTvelma berebmac gaagrZeles. irgvliv Tavmoyrili sadgomebi moswonT. amgvar
Sua saukuneebis kalatozebma mTeli es midrekilebas Zalze didi mniSvneloba hqonda,
samSeneblo codna moixmes da moiSvelies. radgan qristianobis umTavres kerebSi, TviT Cvens
qarTuli sataZro xuroTmoZRvreba, upiratesad, mezobel mcire aziaSi, odiTganve sigrZiv gaWimuli
kiris xsnarze qvis xuroTmoZRvrebaa. met- sivrceebi erCivnaT; SemTxveviTi rodia, rom IV-V
naklebad mniSvnelovani nagebobebisTvis VI-XV saukuneebis didi bazilikebi romSi, ierusalimSi,
saukuneebSi, kaxeTis gamoklebiT, kedlis gare saberZneTSi da a.S. zogierT mkvlevars gadaxurul
pirze mainc, xSirad gare-SigniTac umravlesad quCad Tu gzad warmoudgeba.
Tlili kvadrebi an filebi gamoiyeneba. amdenad, eklesiaTa ageba saqarTveloSi,
magram adridanve iyo CvenSi xis eklesiebic _ miaxloebiT, qarTlSi qristianobis saxelmwifo
aRmosavleT da samxreT saqarTveloSic, ufro religiad aRiarebis Semdeg unda dawyebuliyo
metad ki qveynis dasavleT nawilSi; _ gasagebi e.i. IV saukunis pirvel naxevarSi. qarTuli
mizezebis gamo maTi mcirericxovani magaliTebi matianeebis cnobiT, pirveli taZrebis umetesoba
XIX saukunisRa SemogvrCa. aguriT naSeni taZrebi saberZneTidan (e.i. berZnulenovani qveynebidan)
kantikuntad, sul gvian IX saukunidan viciT mosul ostatebs auSenebiaT. aRmosavleTsa da
da mravlad XVI-XIX saukuneebSi. rac Seexeba samxreT saqarTveloSi maTi kvali, amJamad mainc,
aguriviT meTuneobasTan dakavSirebul kramits, igi ar Cans, dasavleTSi ki, romelic maSin romis
erTi umTavresi gadasaxuravi masalaa (dasavleT (Semdgom – bizantiis) uSualo qveSemrdomi iyo,
saqarTveloSi xmarobdnen xisgan damzadebul mignebulia ramdenime aseTi, uTuod, ase vTqvaT,
yavars, dro da dro spilenZis furclebsac, XIII “importuli”, IV-V saukuneebis nageboba, (mag.,
saukinidan aRmosavleT da samxreT saqarTveloSi biWvintaSi _ igi imJamad “pitiunti”, romauli,
gavrcelebulia qvis kramitisebri lorfinebic). Semdeg ki bizantiuri dasaxleba iyo, _ anda
mxatvruli TvalsazrisiT unda aRiniSnos wmindanTa lazikis… dedaqalaq noqalaqevSi). ramdenic unda
da bibliuri ambebis (danieli lomTa xaroSi yofiliyo amgvari Senoba Tavdapirvelad, maT ver
da sxv.) gamosaxulebebiT aRbeWdili VIII-IX gansazRvres qarTuli saeklesio arqiteqturis
saukuneebis kramitebi da XV saukunis Sorenkecebi. da, e.i., sazogadod qarTuli xuroTmoZRvrebis
xuroTmoZRvrebis gamomsaxvelobisTvis, iqneb, ragvaroba da istoriuli gza. sayuradReboa,
kidev ufro mniSvnelovania feradi (laJvardis- amasTanve, kidev erTi garemoeba: sakuTriv
feri, mewamuli, zurmuxtisferi Tu balaxisferi antikuri, gindac fercvlili, formebi CvenTan
mwvane da sxv.) WiquriT dafaruli kramitebi, Zalze iSviaTia da ise rodi ayalibebs mxatvrul
romelnic X saukunis meore naxevridan Semodis STabeWdilebas rogorc romSi, siria-palestinasa
da XII saukunis CaTvliT, albaT, yvela da gviana Tu CrdiloeT afrikaSi. ufro xvdeba mzeras iranul
Sua saukuneebis araerT eklesias amSvenebda. xelovnebasTan saerTo calkeuli elementebi,
aguris taZrebze XIII da momdevno saukuneebSi magram isinic V saukunis meore naxevarSi mainc,
feradWiquriani filebic Cndeba, XII-XIII sagrZnobladaa gardasaxuli.
saukuneebSi ki IX-X saukuneebis ozaanis taZarSi uadresi, Zalian mcirericxovani nagebobebi, rac
(siRnaRis maxloblad) nairferadi agurebiT IV saukuniTa Tu V saukunis pirveli naxevriT
sakurTxevelSi mozaikuri iatakic moages. SegviZlia davaTariRoT, friad Tavisebur suraTs
amis garda, am mravlismomcvel samSeneblo gviCvenebs. rac dro-Jams gadaurCa, momcroa,
codnasTan erTad, qarTvelebs gamokveTili zogjer patarac da xandaxan iseTi ucnauri,
esTetikuri ganwyobac hqondaT. jer kidev Zveli imasac ki gvafiqrebinebs, mSeneblebi saimdrood
welTaRricxvis V aTaswleulis sacxovreblebSi arsebul normebs bolomde, iqneb, arc gascnobiano.

aseTia, mag., nekresis monastris Zveli eklesia, da mis gasuls srulyofili kompoziciuri
sakurTxevlisaken ki ara, mis marTobulad gaSlili, saxec miiRo (zeganisa da nekresis yvelawmindis,
TaRebiT gareTken gaxsnili kedlebiT. ufro vaCnaZianis “amidasturis” eklesiebi da sxv.).
“Cveulebrivia” (mis magvars IV saukunis bolos, Tanadroulad, albaT, VI saukunis
mag., antioqiasa da efesoSi vicnobT), gumbaTovani, dasawyisidanve, iseve rogorc mTels aRmosavleT
TaRebiT Sedgenili “kvadrati” ucnobi saeklesio saqristianoSi, win gumbaTiani taZrebi moiwevs.
moRvawis saflavze Weremis saepiskoposo taZris maT Soris uZvelesni centruli, srulebiT
ezoSi. magram TviT am, araerTi axlandeli simetriuli nagebobania, oTxafsidiani (e.w.
mnaxvelis TvalisTvis Seuxedav, nagebobebSi tetrakonqebi) Tu “Tavisufali jvris” gegmisa
dgindeba xuroTmoZRvruli formebis (mag., (“Zveli gavazi”, “erelaanT saydari”, idleTis
TaRebis moyvanilobis) mizandasaxuli SerCeva da, naTlismcemeli; ufro rTuli saxis _ ninowmindis
rac mTavaria, is siyvaruli “gauwelavi” sivrce- kaTedrali). daaxloebiT VI saukunis Sua xanidan
moculobisadmi, rac ganasxvavebs qarTul taZrebs arqiteqtorebs aRar akmayofilebT es sakmaod
maSindeli saqristianos da mermindeli dasavleTis martivi Senobebi _ axla surT kompoziciaTa
umetes, gansakuTrebiT bazilikur eklesiaTagan, mravalnawilianoba, savsebiT gawonasworebuli
ase Zlierad romaa sakurTxevlisaken sigrZiv Sida sivrcisa Tu gare moculobis pirvel da
mimarTuli. es, rogorc iTqva, ZvelTaZveli meorexarisxovani nawilebis garCeva da a.S. am
mSeneblobiTi da sivrciT-gancdiTi CveviTaa mcdelobis pirveli dagvirgvinebaa mcxeTis wm.
Sepirobebuli. V saukunis bolosaTvis Cven jvris didi taZari (586-604 ww.), qarTuli da
ukve mozrdili taZrebic gvaqvs (mag., bolnisis msoflio xuroTmoZRvrebis erTi SedevrTagani. aq
sioni; wm. mefe vaxtang gorgasalis aSenebuli ara marto miRweulia SemadgenelTa harmoniuli
mcxeTis sveticxoveli, romlis didroni naSTebi Sewoniloba da garemo bunebasTan iSviaTi
CarTulia kaTedralis awindel XI s-is nagebobaSi; TanaSewyobiloba, aramed erTmaneTs Sefardebulia
kawareTis sameba da sxv.). isini dagvanaxebs, raoden interierisa da fasadebis mxatvruli gadawyveta,
kargad SeuTvisebiaT qarTvel xuroTmoZRvarT rac ar icoda wina saukuneebis da mogvianebiTac
elinistur-romauli bazilikis struqtura, Tan saqristianos bevri regionis arqiteqturam.
ki, TavisTvisa da Tavis damkveTTaTvis sasurvelad mcxeTis wm. jvris taZars VII saukunis pirvel
“daukumSavT”, grZivad ki ara, zemiumarTavT igi. naxevarSi (SeiZleba, cota gvian) mihyva misi wabaZviT
kompaqturobis, mosazRvruli sivrcis erTianobis agebuli, mTels saqarTveloSi mimofantuli oTxi
Ziebis maniSnebelia VI saukunis pirvel naxevarSi eklesia (Zveli SuamTa _ kaxeTSi, atenis sioni
e.w. “sameklesiiani bazilikis” gaCena, sadac _ qarTlSi, martvilis RmrTismSoblis taZari
bazilikis Sua navi TiTqos kedlebiT moifargla odiSSi, Camxusi – taoSi), romelTac mecnierebaSi
da calke sadgomad iqca. ugumbaTo taZris am “mcxeTis jvris ti pis” nagebobebi ewodeba. taZarTa
nairsaxeobis SemuSaveba, romlis msgavsi calkeuli es jgufi ara marto calke etaps qmnis qarTuli
Senobebi sxvaganac SeiZleba vnaxoT, xolo ti pad xuroTmoZRvebis istoriaSi, aramed aCvenebs, rom
ki saqarTvelos gareT _ arsad, ueWvelad raRac niWier SemoqmedTac ki am kompoziciaSi mxolod
liturgiul saWiroebas epasuxeba. magram funqciis mciredi siaxleebis Semotana ZaluZT, xolo
aseTi formiT “Semosva” esTetikur-SemoqmedebiTi princi pulad axali gumbaTovani taZris axalive
bunebisaa. “sameklesiianma bazilikam”, romlis nairsaxeoba Tu iqneboda. swored igi SemogvTavaza
magaliTebi TiTqmis erTdroulad gamoCnda wromis taZris (VII saukunis pirveli naxevari)
aRmosavleT saqarTveloSi (qarTlSica da didebulma arqiteqtorma. man ara marto mSvenieri,
kaxeTSic _ qvemo bolnisi, vanaTi, kardanaxis wm. mravalmxriv SesaniSnavi nageboba Seqmna, aramed
nikolozis, ruispiris wm. Tevdores eklesiebi da erT-erTma pirvelma (droiT mas samiod somxuri
a.S.) da qveynis Crdilo-dasavleTSic, axlandel taZariRa uaxlovdeba, Tan mxatvrulad arsobrivad
afxazeTSi (Zveli gagris eklesia), VI saukunis msxvaobari) aago garedan sworkuTxa taZari,
ganmavlobaSi sagulisxmo ganviTareba ganicada oTx burjze Camoyrdnobili gumbaTiTa da misgan

gaSlili mklavebiT sivrceSi Seqmnili jvriT. es mrevlisaTvis ufro Sesaferisica da misawvdomic,
e.w. “Cawerili jvris” xuroTmoZRvruli ti pia, maSinac da momdevno epoqebSic yvelaze mravlad
IX-X saukuneebidan mTels samarTlmadidebloSi, moi poveba), aramed xarisxobrivad – axlac da
albaT, yvelaze metad gavrcelebuli. kidev erTi merec swored gumbaTian nagebobebSi iSveba xolme
gza scada, odnav mogvianebiT, banas samxreT-qarTuli axali ideebi Tu motivebi, isaxeba SemoqmedebiTi
taZris mSenebelma, romelmac grandiozuli Zvrebi. mravlferovania imJamindel arqiteqtorTa
garSemosavleliani tetrakonqis Senebisas mcxeTis xerxebic _ isini xan amravalkeceben formas, xan
wm. jvris xuroTmoZRvris gamocdilebac moiSvelia, TiTqos amartiveben mas, Sedegad ki yovelTvis
wromelisac da gvianromaul-adrebizantiur ram moulodnelia, Znelad amosacnobic ki.
arqiteqturaSi cnobili msgavsi kompoziciuri damaxasiaTebelia, mag., samnaviani Tu “sameklesiiani”
ideac. am da zogierT sxva eklesiaSi (mag., bazilikebis kompoziciaTa Serwyma gumbaTur
samwevrisis wm. jvris patara eklesia qarTlSi) sivrcesTan (gurjaanisa da vaCnaZianis yvelawmidis
Cans, rom xuroTmoZRvarTa guls ukve naklebad taZrebi kaxeTSi, sinkoTisa _ klarjeTSi); meore
ekareba uSualo winamorbedTa naxelavis sruli mxriv, mdinareebis qsnisa da rexulas xeobebis
simSvide da uSfoTveloba, maT nagebobebSi Semodis zogierT eklesiaSi gumbaTi calnavian gare
moZraobisa da daZabulobis elferi _ swored moculobaSi Caimala (wirqoli, armazi, inauri…...);
aseTi iyo qarTuli arqiteqturis samomavlo bazilikebis navebi ganaTebis ganawilebiT xan sam
gezic. nairgvar sadgomad gardaiqmneba (zedazeni), xanac
am axali Ziebebis ganxorcieleba qarTvel erTian saTavsod SeduRdeba (akuras “mama daviTi”)
xelovanT arcTu saxarbielo viTarebaSi mouwiaT. da a.S. da kidev erTi ram _ jer kidev V-VII
VII saukunis Sua wlebidan aRmosavleTsa da saukuneebSi gamoikveTa ramdenime regionaluri
samxreT saqarTvelos miwa-wyalze arabTa laSqarma skola (qarTlis, kaxeTis), axla ki maTi raodenoba
Semoabija da qveynis didi nawili xalifatis mkveTrad izrdeba. mozrdil mxareebsa da ufro
farglebSi moeqca. marTalia, VIII saukunis wvril geografiul erTeulebSic (mag., igive
bolodan arabTa Zalaufleba Sesustda da iwyeba qsnis xeoba Tu javaxeTis zegani) TvalsaCinoa
adgilobrivi politikuri erTeulebis gaZliereba, nagebobaTa erTgvari kuTxobrivi niSnebis
dasavleT saqarTveloSi ki bizantiisagan matarebeli jgufebi, romelnic adgilobrivi,
damoukideblobis moswrafe “afxazeTis samefo” erTmaneTisagan ganswavluli ostatebis ramdenime
gamoiyofa. arc Sida politikuri qiSpoba da Taobis xelidan aris gamosuli. gansakuTrebiT
arc gareSe ZalasTan Serkineba ar unda iyos, gamoirCeva maSindeli arqiteqturis sami “nakadi”
TiTqos, xuroTmoZRvrebisaTvis xelsayreli. _ kaxeTis, tao-klarjeT-SavSeTisa da saqarTvelos
miuxedavad amisa, VIII, IX da X saukuneebis CrdiloeTi SavizRvispireTis (e.w. “afxazeTis
qarTul saeklesio xuroTmoZRvrebaSi iSviaT skola”).
gamococxlebas vadasturebT. aSeneben yvelgan yvela am, didsa Tu mcire centrSi mxatvruli
_ yvela kuTxeSi, mTasa da barSi, qalaqebsa, miswrafeba, ZiebaTa mizanmimarTuloba erTia, Tumca
soflebsa da monastrebSi. raodenobrivad am sxvadasxvanairad gamoxatuli. maTma gamalebulma
Znelbedobis dros TiTqmis verc erTi sxva xana Rvwam da, amasTan, gacxovelebulma gacvla-
ver gauwevs metoqeobas. Zalze mravalferovania gamocvlamac X saukunis Sua xanisaTvis mTels
TviT nagebobanic – am dros gumbaTian taZrebsac istoriul saqarTveloSi erTi bunebis cvlileba
ageben (tetrakonqebs, trikonqebs, mravalafsidians, moitana _ winare, Cveulebriv “gardamaval
“Tavisufali” da “Cawerili jvris” ti pisas) xanad” wodebul VIII-IX saukuneebSi dinamikis
da ugumbaTosac: calnaviansac, bazilikebsac, mxatvruli STabeWdileba proporciebis, ganaTebis
“sameklesiian bazilikebsac”, ornavian eklesiebsac. da a.S. kontrastiT, garkveuli daZabulobiT
wamZRoloba, rogorc es ukve VI saukunidan gvaqvs, iqmneba, Tan nagebobis nawilebi da elementebi,
gumbaTur arqiteqturas ekuTvnis. rasakvirvelia, iseve rogorc VI-VII saukuneebSi, TavisTavadi,
ara ricxobrivad (erTnaviani eklesiebi, mcire mosazRvruli Cans. axla ostatebs undaT isini

urTierTgardamavlad aRiqmebodes. momxdari elementebsac Cveni mzera sxvebs mierTebulad
cvlilebebis kidev erTi maniSnia CuqurTmovani Tu “kiTxulobs”. TandaTan muSavdeba erTgvari
plastikuri da qandakovani samkaulis odenobisa “formulebic”, ostatTa gankargulebaSi sul
da mniSvnelovnebis matebac. Tu adre reliefi ufro meti srulad Camoqnili forma Tu xerxia,
Tu ornamentuli arSia maxvilad axlavs, vTqvaT, sul ufro cotaa saZebni da mosaxelTebeli.
karebsa da sarkmlebs, axla isini an sazogadod erTgvar “damaboloveblad” am gzaze wamoimarTeba
damoukidebelia, anda Tu metad ara, arc naklebad 1030 wlis samTavisis kaTedrali da mcxeTis e.w.
wonadi, vidre Riobi an Senobis romelime sxva “samTavros” taZari (XI s-is meore mesamedi). amis
komponenti. gansakuTrebiT winwasuli gamodga mere qarTvel xuroTmoZRvarT Tvalwin sruliad
samxreT-dasavleTi saqarTvelos xuroTmoZRvreba CamonakvTuli sataZro forma aqvT, romelic
_ aqauri monastrebis taZrebi (Tundac oSkis, maT saukuneebis manZilze Tavisebur etalonad
xaxulis Tu tbeTis gumbaTiani eklesiebi, oTxTa gadaeqcaT.
eklesiisa da parxlis bazilikebi da a.S.), orasi wlis manZilze, qarTuli saxelmwifo-
romelTac ZiriTadad bagrationTa momZlavrebuli ebriobis umwvervalesi Zlevamosilebis xanaSi,
samefo saxlis wevrni ukveTaven, saukeTesod ostatebi ufro xSirad samTavro-samTavisSi
gvisuraTebs imdroindeli xelovnebis monapovarT. SemoTavazebuli “formulebis” nairgvar, rig
ra Tqma unda, sayuradRebo nagebobebi sxvaganac SemTxvevaSi brwyinvale variacias qmnian xolme _
iqmneboda _ gavixsenoT kumurdos taZari esaa “Cawerili jvris” lakoniuri, orburjiani
javaxeTSi, boWormisa da kveteris cixeTa gegmiT gamoyvanili (XI s-is 30-iani wlebidan misi
eklesiebi kaxeTSi, moqvis kaTedrali afxazeTSi da calnavian eklesiis garda sxva ti pi TiTqmis
da mravali sxva. magram swored samxreT-qarTveli aRarc moixmareba), CuqurTmiT uxvad morTuli,
ostatebis damuSavebuli mamkobi elementebi da didroni jvrebiT damSvenebuli Senobebi (mag.,
CuqurTmebi aitaces X-XI saukuneebis mijnaze ikorTa, 1172 w., beTania, qvaTaxevi, XII-XIII s-
imereTis, afxazeTis, qarTlis xuroTmoZRvrebma, Ta mijna; fitareTi, XIII s-is damdegi), sadac
TviT kaxeTmac ki, sadac manamade arqiteqturuli gareTa samkauls SigniT moxatuloba efardeba.
samkauli TiTqmis arc gamoiyeneboda. ase Seiqmna es, uwinares yovlisa, dekoratiuli fantaziis
politikurad jer bolomde gauerTianebel, Tumca arqiteqturaa. sul ramdenime magaliTi gvaqvs,
eklesiurad ukve erTian saqarTveloSi erTianive, rodesac mSenebeli sakuTriv arqiteqturuli
ase vTqvaT, “arqiteqturuli ena”. ase rom, Tu formis gamomsaxvelobas miendo. XII saukuneSi
siRrmiseulad saqarTvelo, kulturis mxriv, esenia gelaTis RmrTismSoblis saxelganTqmuli
mTliani antikur xanaSive da savsebiT TvalsaCinod taZari da 1152 wlis TiRvis eklesia; XII-
V saukunis aqeTac iyo, axla igi garegnuladac, XIII saukuneebis gasayarze ki aguriT naSeni
TviT uzerelesi TvalisTvisac, gaerTgvarovanda. timoTesubani da yincvisis wm. nikolozis eklesia.
SemoqmedebiTi Zalisxmeva XI saukunis dasawyisSi amasTan ki, xangamoSvebiT, “Tamaris xanis” didebul
arc sxvafriv mimcxrala. am droisaa saqarTvelos virtuozebSic gamoereva ostati, romelic
“sami udidesi kaTedrali” _ quTaisis gatacebiT veRar asrulebs mravalgzis nameoreb
RmrTismSoblis miZinebis (1003 w., e.w. “bagratis saxeebs. ai, maSin ki xuroTmoZRvrebas Zala akldeba,
taZari”), mcxeTis sveticxovlis (1010-1029ww.) eklesiis gare kedlebi TiTqos “carieldebao”.
da alaverdis wm. giorgis (1030 w-mde) eklesiebi. es movlenebi kidev ufro TvalnaTlivia XIII
maTze dakvirvebiT naTeli xdeba, rom X saukunis saukunis Sua xanidan, xvarazmelTa Semosevisa
xuroTmoZRvarni dinamikurad “gadamTlianebul” da monRolebis gabatonebis xanaSi. am drois
arqiteqturas ki qmnian, magram Tanadroulad yvela eklesiebis daTvalierebisas ueWvelia, rom
komponentis gamonakvTva, elementTa siuxevec ar “daviTisa da Tamaris” xanis Semdgom, ostatebs
emetebaT. amieridan gegmebi ufro martivi xdeba, winandeburi “mkuloba” Tu moxdeniloba naklebad
sivrcesa, moculobebsa Tu mosarTavebSi yvelaferi surT, meti sisadave da sidinje swadiaT. amave
TiTqos erTmaneTSi gadaedineba, gancalkavebul dros, isini verc taZris XI-XII saukuneebSi

Camoqnil formas elevian da amitomac TviT gawaful sagarejos “petre-pavles” eklesiebi, Tbilisis
xelovanTac ki (mag., erTawmindis da Tbilisis sionis gumbaTis yeli, 1710w., leCxumis “mcxeTa”
metexis taZrebi qarTlSi, safarisa da zarzmis da sxv.); 1753 wels barakonis RmrTismSoblis
samcxeSi, mRvimevisa imereTSi, bediisa – axlandel taZris simkvidre da sufTad da guldasmiT
afxazeTSi) metad Tu naklebad winaaRmdegobrivi, naxelavi samkauli.
erTgvari ekleqturobiT aRbeWdili nagebobebi SeiZleba kidev metad Candes “gviani saukuneebis”
gamosdiT. mere da mere TviT xelosnuri donec xuroTmoZRvarTa SesaZleblobani iq, sadac maT
qveiTdeba. da swored am dros uswro qarTul “uetalonod” uxdebodaT Seneba. amis magaliTia,
xuroTmoZRvrebas Temur-lengis gamanadgurebelma Tugind, XVI-XVIII saukuneebis samrekloebi
laSqrobebma. maT ise gaaCanages qveyana, rom lamisaa (ninowmindis, Tbilisis anCisxatis, bolnisis,
XV saukunis mTel sigrZeze metwilad aRdgeniTi urbnisisa da ruisis kaTedralebis da sxv.) _
samuSaoebi warimarTeboda da naklebad _ axali yoveli maTgani gamokveTilad individualuria,
mSenebloba. imdroindeli nakeTebi zogjer imasac aTasi da meti wlis taZars saucxood Sexamebuli,
gagafiqrebinebs, saqarTveloSi qviTxuroebi xom nairgvarad agebul-dagegmarebulica da morTulic.
ar amomwydarano _ imdenad dauxvewavia naSeni da qarTvel xelovanTa alRosa da maxvilgonierebis
naqandakari (ix. Tundac mcxeTis sveticxovlis cxadi mowmobaa is Tavisufleba, romliTac
XV s-Si aRdgenili nawilebi). iSvelieben da gardasaxaven isini iranuli,
XVI saukuneSi kvlav Cveni saeklesio XVIII saukuneSi ki aseve dasavleTevropuli
xuroTmoZRvrebis aRorZinebas vxedavT. pirvel xelovnebidan mosesxebul elementebs. ukanasknelTa
yovlisa, man daibruna xelobis, Sesrulebis gaCenas gansakuTrebuli yuradReba unda mieqces,
maRali done, romelic umetesad XVIII saukunis radgan XIX saukuneSi politikurma movlenebma
bolomde SeinarCuna. amasTan erTad, ar SeiZleba farTod gauRo kari yovelive dasavlurs da Tu
ar aRiniSnos zogierTi sirTulec. jer erTi, ara Sinagani mzaoba, am gavlenas SeeZlo mTlianad
aRmSenebloba wyvetilebiT, Tu ase SeiZleba iTqvas, waeleka qarTvelTa sulieri arseboba.
mimonacvlebiT, qveynis xan erT kuTxeSi warmoebs, Tumca ki, XIX saukune mravalmxriv saZnelo
xan meoreSi, iq, sadac mSvidoba Camovardeba. gamodga qarTvelobisTvis sazogadod da, kerZod,
ase, XVI saukunebSi am mxriv dawinaurebulia xuroTmoZRvarTaTvis. 1801 wels qarTl-kaxeTis
kaxeTi da imereTi, XVII-Si qarTli, XVIII-Si ruseTis imperiis mierTebiT daiwyo da maleve
ki raWa-leCxumi da qarTl-kaxeTi. rac mTavaria, dasrulda _ Cvens istoriaSi pirvelad _
wina aswleulebiviT, maSinac Wirda odindeli qarTuli saxelmwifoebriobis gauqmeba. 1810-
mxatvruli erTianobis miRweva, isev da isev ian wlebSi aseTive bedi ewia saqarTvelos
vawydebiT sakuTari swrafvisa da savaldebulod marTlmadidebeli eklesiis avtokefaliasac. axal
aRiarebuli nimuSebis met-naklebad acdenas da, viTarebaSi sazogadoebrivi mSenebloba didi xniT
aqedan gamomdinare, araTanmimdevrulobas. es xels mTlianad ucxo Zalis xelSi aRmoCnda da igive
rodi gviSlis, jerovnad davafasoT imdroindeli iTqmis didwilad eklesiaTa Senebis Sesaxebac.
qviTxuroebis mondomeba, rac SeiZleba Rirseulad meore mxriv, eklesiebi mravlad igeboda da bevri
warmoaCinon uflis saxli, SevniSnoT maTi maTgani _ qarTvel morwmuneTa da mRvdelmTavarTa
warmatebani da miRwevebi. sakmarisia gavixsenoT, (gansakuTrebiT bevri iRvawa am mxriv wm.
Tundac, XVI saukunis kaxeTis aguris gumbaTiani gabriel episkoposma) TaosnobiTa da xarjiT.
eklesiebis maxvili siluetebi da fasadTa XIX saukunis pirvel naxevarSi, garkveulwilad
wyobaSi gamoyvanili jvrebi Tu TaRebi (axali mainc, wina aswleulis mcdelobebis gagrZeleba
SuamTis RmrTismSoblis, gremis mTavarangelozTa SeimCneva, winandeli tradiciis gagrZelebac
da sxva taZrebi), XVII saukunis bolosa da XVIII da masTan axlebur-dasavluris Serwyma-
saukunis dasawyisis qarTlsa da leCxumSi XI Seguebac (erTi TvalsaCino magaliTi 1863 wels
saukunis Semdeg pirvelad, safasado reliefebis dasrulebuli wm. samebis eklesiaa TbilisSi).
rTuli sistemis gamoCena (ananuris miZinebis, ufro araerTgvarovani viTarebaa 1860 wlebidan

moyolebuli. imdroindeli soflis eklesiebi uTvalsaCinoesi nawarmoebTagani. safiqrebelia,
umravlesad erTferovania, TiTqos “ti pobrivi”; amdagvarive iqneboda saburTalos wm. Tamar mefis
aris gamonaklisebic – mag., imereTSi berekaSvilebis eklesia, romlis ageba I msoflio omamde cota
gvaris ostatebis agebuli zogierTi taZari. xniT adre ganizraxes...
qalaqebSi da im dabebSi, sadac ruseTis jaris am omis dros da saqarTvelos demokratiuli
nawilebi idga, sasuliero da saero xelisufleba respublikis xanaSi taZarTmSenebloba TiTqmis
e.w. “rusuli” an “rusul-bizantiuri” stilis SeCerda, 1921 wels Cvens qveyanaSi sabWoTa
eklesiebs agebda da es xSirad arc Tu saukeTeso wyobilebis damyarebis mere ki, masze fiqric
nimuSebia am yaidis Senobebisa, romelnic mTels ki SeuZlebeli gaxda. mxolod 1980-ian wlebSi,
imperiaSi mravlad moi poveboda. maTgan yvelaze sabWoTa kavSiris dasustebis Jams, sruliad
cnobili, albaT, Tbilisis wm. aleqsandre saqarTvelos kaTolikos-patriarqis, uwmidesisa
nevelis “soboro” iyo, “kavkasiis dapyrobis” da unetaresis ilia II-s RvawliT ganaxlda
saxsovrad aRmarTuli (rac kargad gvisuraTebs zrunva qarTuli saeklesio xuroTmoZRvrebis
amnairi arqiteqturis politikur sarCuls) da gasacxovleblad. gansakuTrebuli mniSvneloba
Tbilisisve didubis RmrTismSoblis taZari. hqonda Tbilisis wm. samebis sapatriarqo taZris
zogjerac, aSkarad damkveTTa neba-surviliT, proeqtebis konkurss, romelic 1990 wels or
nagebobas Zvel-qarTulsac miamgvanebdnen _ mag., safexurad Catarda. man naTlad gamoaCina, ramden
“mamadaviTis” eklesia Tbilisis Tavze (1859- arqiteqtors surs Tavisi wvlili Seitanos
1871ww.). XX saukunis pirvel wlebSi erovnul- sataZro aRmSeneblobaSi da is siZneleebic, rac dRes
ganmanTavisuflebeli moZraobis aRmavlobis Tu axlavs am saqmis ganxorcielebas, “tradiciulisa”
saqarTvelos eklesiis TviTmwysobis dabrunebis da “axlis” Sexmatkbilebas, eklesiis aSenebisas
cdas daerTo erovnuli qarTuli xuroTmoZRvrebis garaduvalad aucilebels. da mainc, miuxedavad
(rogorc maSin ambobdnen, “qarTuli stilis”) amisa, miuxedavad ukiduresi gaWirvebisa, wm.
aRorZinebis mcdelobac. am mimarTulebam samebis taZari, romlis ageba uwmidesisa da
saeklesio arqiteqturaSic iCina Tavi. swored unetaresis sityviT, saqarTvelos gamaerTianebel-
taZari _ damkveTTa (dekanozebi markoz tyemalaZe gamamTlianebelia, dRes elias mTidan gadmoscqeris
da kalistrate cincaZe _ Semdgom kaTolikos- Cvens dedaqalaqs. ukve nakurTxia Tu Sendeba an
patriarqi _ da generali iv. amilaxvari) miTiTebiT igegmeba bevri sxva eklesia – Tbilissa Tu qveynis
samTavisis taZris SemsgavsebiT aSenebuli sxvadasxva kuTxeebSi; eWvi araa, mravali sxva
Tbilisis qaSveTis wm. giorgis eklesia (1910w. kvlavac gasruldeba momavalSi Cveni samSoblos
arq. l. bilfeldi), _ aris kidevac misi erTi sulierad aRsazeveblada da dasamSveneblad.

qvis reliefebi

axali, Sua saukuneebis xelovnebis mkafiod Camoyalibebul xatovan sistemas,

Camoyalibebis istoriuli procesi Taviseburad kargad SemuSavebul ikonografias, ganviTarebul
mimdinareobda xelovnebis sxvadasxva dargSi, maT Teologiur azrovnebas saWiroebda, radgan qvaSi
Soris qandakebaSi, romelic xuroTmoZRvrebasTan gacocxlebul wminda saxeebs gansakuTrebuli
mWidro kavSirSi viTardeboda. qvis reliefebi, mxatvrul-ideuri datvirTva hqonda.
kedlis mxatvrobasTan erTad, mowodebuli iyo Sua saukuneebis qandakeba samyaros Taviseburi
gadmoecaT uflis, RmrTismSoblisa da wmindanTa xatia, romelSic gansxeulebulia epoqis
saxeebi, xilulad eqcia morwmuneTaTvis religiuri mrwamsi, filosofia, sazogadoebrivi
qristianuli moZRvrebis mTavari cnebebi, saRvTo azrovneba, erovnuli msoflSegrZneba. Sua
istoriis movlenebi. am amocanis Sesruleba saukuneebis qristianul qandakebaSi mimdinare

procesebi sayovelTaoa, isini droismieri niSniTaa niSnad (xandisis, davaTis, dmanisis, sacxenisis da
aRbeWdili, rac erTnairad aisaxeba religiuri sxv. qvasvetebi).
xelovnebis yvela dargSi. yovel epoqas misTvis es iyo tradiciuli xelovnebis gamoRviZebis
damaxasiaTebeli sulierebis kvali atyvia, saukuneebi, rodesac qarTveli moqandakeebi qvis
rac eklesiis qvis reliefebSic hpovebs Tavis zedapirze qmnidnen gamouTqmeli RvTaebrivi
asaxvas. eqspresiiT aRsavse saxeebs. es iyo elinistur-
Sua saukuneebis qandakeba Tavisi arsiT romauli formebisagan sruliad gansxvavebuli
arqiteqturulia, igi mtkicedaa dakavSirebuli axali plastikuri metyveleba _ brtyeli, uZravi,
nagebobasTan, romlis fasadebi Tu sxvadasxva usxeulo da uaRresad gamomsaxveli. es iyo
konstruqciuli nawilebi (lunetebi, svetisTavebi, umniSvnelovanesi periodi qandakebis ganviTarebis
gumbaTis yeli, karebisa da sarkmlebis sapireebi, istoriaSi (V-VII ss.), rodesac iqmneboda
kankelebi) mas Tavis kanonebs karnaxobs. kedlis naqandakari formis Taviseburi gamomsaxvelobiTi
sibrtye am SemTxvevaSi qandakebis aqtiuri Zalis mqone axali xelovneba. es iyo Sua
mxatvruli komponentia. saukuneebis azrovnebis axali forma, sivrcisa da
saqarTveloSi Sua saukuneebis qvis plastikis moculobis dauflebis axali wesi.
yvelaze adreuli qmnilebebi V saukunidanaa adreul qarTul reliefebze vxedavT xalxuri
SemorCenili. qarTuli arqiteqturuli xeze kveTis damaxasiaTebel xerxebsa da motivebs,
reliefebis uZvelesi nimuSebi bolnisis sionma uZveles simbolur saxeebs. maTSi aseve SeiniSneba
Semogvinaxa (V s. meore nax.). es iyo periodi, spilos Zvlis reliefebisaTvis da Weduri
rodesac yalibdeboda taZris reliefuri dekoris nawarmoebebisaTvis damaxasiaTebeli elementebi
ZiriTadi princi pebi. reliefebi upiratesad da motivebi. wminda miwidan da bizantiidan
taZris interierSia gamoyenebuli, xuroTmoZRvris Camotanili portatiuli saRvTismsaxuro nivTebi
winaSe jer ar idga fasadebis Semkobis problema. _ sanawileebi, jvar-xatebi, samweroblebi,
bolnisis reliefebSi kargad Cans epoqisaTvis sacecxlurebi, spilos Zvlis nakeTobebi
damaxasiaTebeli mxatvrul-simboluri azrovnebis moqandakeebs ikonografiuli sqemebisa da saxeebis
done. nimuSebs sTavazobda.
saqarTveloSi, sxva qristianuli qveynebis VIII-IX saukuneebi saqarTvelos xelovnebis
msgavsad, reliefebis ikonografiuli programebis e.w. “gardamavali” epoqaa, Ziebebisa da mignebebis
Camoyalibeba VI saukunis meore naxevrisTvisaa mniSvnelovani periodi, romlidanac reliefebis
dasrulebuli. amis brwyinvale magaliTia mcxeTis mcire raodenoba SemogvrCa. am reliefebs gamoarCevT
wm. jvris didebuli taZari, romlis reliefuri pirobiTi mxatvruli metyveleba, sibrtyobrivoba
samkauli Tavisi srulyofiT, arqiteqturul da sqematuroba (Telovanis, wirqolis eklesiebis
formebTan idealuri kavSiriT, mxatvrul-ideuri - VIII-IXs. usaneTis qvasvetis – IX s. reliefebi,
mizandasaxulobiT msoflio Sedevrs warmoadgens. aSot kurapalatis reliefi opizidan – IX s.)
igi nimuSad da etalonad iqca mTeli rigi X sukunidan safasado reliefebis aRmavlobis
taZrebisaTvis saqarTvelosa da somxeTSi. xana iwyeba, xdeba qandakebis gamonTavisufleba
VI-VII saukeneebis saqarTveloSi arsebobda qvis blokidan, misi plastikuri moculobis
reliefebiT Semkuli sakulto-memoriuli Zeglebis aTviseba, Tumca qandakebis Tavisufal plastikur
unikaluri qmnilebebi _ qvajvarebi, safexurebian damuSavebamde jer kidev sakmaod didi gzaa
kvarcxlbekze aRmarTuli, skulpturuli jvriT gasavleli (aSot kuxis reliefi tbeTidan - X
dagvirgvinebuli maRali oTxwaxnaga svetebi, s. 20-iani ww., reliefuri fila soxumidan – X
romelTa waxnagebze Zveli da axali aRTqmis s.). xuroTmoZRvrebasTan qandakebis gaazrebuli
amsaxveli reliefuri “xatebia” ganTavsebuli. es CarTvis magaliTia kumurdos taZris reliefuri
iyo qveynis gaqristianebis simboloebi, romlebic dekori (964 w.), vales, qoroRos eklesiebis
feodaluri sazogadoebis maRali fenebis mier reliefebi (X s.).
aRimarTeboda qristianobisadmi maTi erTgulebis

X saukunis meore naxevridan yalibdeba taZris XI saukunis qarTuli safasado reliefebi
fasadebis qandakebrivi dekoris princi pebi, daxvewilobiTa da Zerwvis maRali ostatobiT
rasac Tvali gaedevneba tao-klarjeTis eklesia- gamoirCeva. plastikuri forma Tavis maqsimalur
monastrebSi. oSkisa da xaxulis taZrebis ganviTarebas aRwevs. es Seexeba rogorc monumentur
reliefebi am epoqis qandakebis iSviaT nimuSebs plastikas, aseve mcire arqiteqturuli formebis
gvTavazobs. monumenturi plastikis unikaluri _ kankelebis reliefebsac (safaris, SiomRvimis
magaliTia oSkis taZris samxreTi fasadis kankelebi – XI s.). igive procesi mimdinareobs
vedrebis skulpturuli kompozicia qtitorTa Tanadroul qarTul Wedur xelovnebaSic.
figurebiT. am grandiozul qvis xatSi moqandakis XII saukunidan, qarTul xelovnebaSi epoqis
namdvili Tavisufleba da Zerwvis didi ostatoba gabatonebuli tendeciis Sesabamisad, safasado
igrZnoba. figuruli reliefi adgils wminda ornamentul
klasikuri saxiT qarTuli arqiteqturuli reliefs uTmobs, figuruli gamosaxulebebi
dekori XI saukunisaTvis Camoyalibda. am droisaTvis ornamentuli dekoris nawilad iqceva. amgvari
qarTvel xuroTmoZRvrebsa da moqandakeebs ukve midgomis nimuSebia fitareTis taZari (1213-
hqondaT xuroTmoZRvruli dekoris mkafiod 1222 ww.), safaris wm. sabas eklesia (XIII s-is
SemuSavebuli sistema, Rrmad iyo gaazrebuli dasasruli).
taZarSi reliefuri samkaulis ganTavseba. Semdegi saukuneebis Znelbedobam didi xniT
taZris reliefuri Sesamoseli efuZneboda Seaferxa xuroTmoZRvrebisa da, Sesabamisad,
xuroTmoZRvrul Canafiqrs da kargad gaazrebul reliefis xelovnebis ganviTareba da mxolod
ideur princi pebs. reliefi ufrTxildeboda da XVII saukunidan moxda safasado reliefis
angariSs uwevda kedlis sibrtyes, konstruqciul erTgvari aRorZineba. gaCnda mkafiod gamokveTili
bloks, struqturul kvanZebs. kedlis sibrtyesTan tendencia _ mibruneba warsulisaken, xalxis
mtkiced dakavSirebuli taZris reliefuri wiaRSi Semonaxuli uZvelesi qristianuli
samkauli zustad Seesabameboda xuroTmoZRvrul simboloebisa da ornamentuli Temebisaken.
formas, simtkicesa da Zalas matebda nagebobis qandakebam ekleqtikuri xasiaTi miiRo. magram am
struqturas, arqiteqturasTan erTad qmnida erT epoqaSic iqmneboda reliefuri xelovnebis iseTi
harmoniul mTlianobas. RirsSesaniSnavi ansamblebi, rogoricaa ananuris
erTiani dekoratiuli sistemis iSviaTi RmrTismSoblis miZinebis eklesia (XVII s-is.
magaliTia nikorwmindis taZari (1014 w.), sadac bolo).
nagebobis yvela nawili sagangebod SemuSavebuli Sua saukuneebis qarTuli qvis reliefis
programiT aris Semkuli. es aris mTliani, xelovneba dResac agrZelebs arsebobas axal
organuli reliefuri ansambli, romlis yvela taZarTa fasadebsa da interierebSi. Tanamedrove
komponenti qristes didebis ideas emsaxureba. qarTvel moqandakeTa nawarmoebebi, romlebic
XI saukunis dasawyisis xuroTmoZRvruli UuZvelesi mxatvruli da teqnikuri tradiciebis
reliefis brwyinvale ansamblia sveticxovlis erTgulebas avlens, TandaTan ufro srulyofili
didebuli taZari (1010-1029 ww.), romlis xdeba. saeklesio xelovnebis am dargis Seqmnis
fasadebi figuruli da ornamentuli reliefebis Sewyvetili tradiciebis aRdgena da ganviTareba
daxvewil, ideurad gamarTul erTianobas cocxali SemoqmedebiTi procesia, romelsac
gviCvenebs. taZris aRmosavleTi fasadis warmatebiT agrZeleben moqandakeTa axali
daxvewili plastikuri gadawyvetis klasikuri Taobebi.
magaliTia samTavisis taZari (1030 w.).

kedlis mxatvroba

mxatvroba qristianuli xelovnebis mniSvnelo- bizantiuri mxatvrobis ganviTarebis sinqronuli

vani dargia. taZarTa kedlebze aelvarebuli ar aris. garda amisa, TviT qarTuli ferweris
mozaikebi da freskebi, kankelze dasvenebuli farglebSi Camoyalibda ramdenime Taviseburi
xatebi, wminda wignebis Semamkobeli miniaturebi, saxis mqone ferweruli skola (svaneTis, tao-
ganuyofeli nawilia im didi sulieri mTlianobisa, klarjeTis, daviT-garejis, samefiskaro da sxv.).
rasac qristianuli eklesia da RvTismsaxureba saqarTveloSi SemorCenili kedlis mxatvrobis
hqvia. umetesi nimuSi sekos an Sereuli teqnikiT aris
saqarTveloSi qristianuli xelovneba Sesrulebuli.
IV saukunidan viTardeba, mas Semdeg, rac Cvens dromde, cxadia, nawarmoebebis mxolod
qristianoba saxelmwifo religiad gamocxadda. mcire nawilma moaRwia, adreqristianuli
Tumca rogorc saRvTismetyvelo literatura, xanidan ki mxolod monumenturi mxatvrobis
aseve gamosaxulebaTa ikonografia da, garkveuli ramdenime fragmenti aris darCenili: biWvintis
TvalsazrisiT, mxatvruli formebic bizantiidan bazilikis iatakis mozaikebi mkafiod gamoxatuli
da wminda miwidan Semosul nimuSebs efuZneboda, qristianuli simbolikiT (IV-Vss.) da wromis
qarTuli qristianuli xelovneba, faqtobrivad, taZris sakurTxevlis konqis brwyinvale mozaika
maT Tanadroulad da paralelurad iqmneboda da “qristes dideba” (VII s-is damdegi).
uZvelesi adgilobrivi mxatvruli tradiciebis Semdegi etapis, IX-X s-is qarTuli
gavleniT, sakmaod Taviseburi da TviTmyofadi monumenturi mxatvrobis nimuSebi aseve arcTu
saxe Camouyalibda. mravalricxovania da umetesad fragmentuli saxiT
ase, magaliTad, garda tradiciuli, aris SemorCenili. ganviTarebis am etapze qarTuli
zogadqristianuli Temebisa, qarTul saxviT mxatvroba upiratesobas aniWebs Zalze pirobiT
xelovnebaSi SemuSavda erovnul wmindanTa formebs: mkafiod gamovlenili sibrtyovaneba,
ikonografia, (mag., qarTvelTa ganmanaTleblis wm. formaTa pirobiToba da deformacia, aplastikuri
ninosi, wm. daviT garejelis, wm. Sio mRvimelis da texili xazis prioriteti, mkveTri ferebis
sxv.), rac mowmobs, rom qarTveli Teologebi da dapirispirebaze agebuli koloriti, formaTa
mxatvrebi qristianul ikonografias Semoqmedebi- eqspresiuli gazviadeba, ferweruli modelirebis
Tad aviTarebdnen. qarTul taZarTa moxatulobebis TiTqmis sruli ugulvebelyofa da sxv.
programebis SemadgenlobaSic naTlad gamoikveTa am periodSi aris Sesrulebuli armazis
qarTuli Teologiuri azrovnebis gavlena: ase, eklesiis kankelis moxatuloba, Telovanis
mag., bizantiuri moxatulobebisgan gansxvavebiT, jvarpatiosnis eklesiis sakurTxevlis freskebi,
qarTul taZarTa gumbaTebSi ufro xSirad mTeli rigi moxatulobebisa zemo svaneTSi (nesguni,
gamoisaxeba “jvris dideba”, xolo sakurTxevlis aci, Cvabiani da sxva), romlebic garda saerTo
konqSi ki “vedreba”. epoqaluri niSnebisa adgilobrivi ferweruli
qarTuli qristianuli mxatvrobis Tavisebure- skolis mkafiod gamovlenil iers atarebs.
bani mis mxatvrul saxeSic gamovlinda: kompozici- am etapze sagangebod unda gamoiyos daviT-
aTa agebaSi, xazTametyveleba-feradovnebasa da a.S. garejis ferweruli skolis nawarmoebebi. Cvens
warmodgens ra marTlmadidebluri xelovnebis dromde SemorCenili misi uadresi nimuSebi
ganuyofel da mniSvnelovan nawils, igi mainc savaraudod VIIIs-iT TariRdeba. erTi aseTi
gansxvavdeba rogorc sakuTriv bizantiuri, aseve unikaluri nawarmoebi aris “TeTri udabnos”
serbul-makedonuri, kvi prosuli Tu kapadokiuri monastris eklesiis sakurTxevelis konqSi
ferwerisagan. SemorCenili ovaluri formis SvidSriani
qarTul qristianul mxatvrobaSi misi didebiT mosili gasxivosnebuli, palmis xeebiT
mravalsaukunovani ganviTarebis manZilze mkafiod flankirebuli jvari..
gamoiyofa ramdenime stilisturi etapi, romlebic ufro gavrcobili da rTuli programebia IX-X

s-iT daTariRebuli sabereebis kompleqsis oTxi mowmobs. amave dros, isini aris utyuari dasturi
eklesiis moxatulobebSi, romlebic unikaluri im didi sulierebis, Rrma rwmenisa da didad
ikonografiiTa da aranakleb Taviseburi ganviTarebuli saRvTismetyvelo azrovnebisa,
mxatvruli formiT gamoirCeva. erT-erTi eklesiis romelic sufevda saqarTveloSi, qveyanaSi, sadac
moxatuloba ki ukiduresi xazobriobiT, Warbad qristianuli rwmena da erovnuli TviTSegneba
gamoyenebuli firuzisferi saRebavis uCveulo ganuyofelia adamianTa cnobierebaSi.
faqturiT tixruli minanqris nawarmoebebTan XI s-is dasawyisiT TariRdeba garejis
iwvevs asociacias. aqve Cndeba egvteris moxatvis udabnos samonastro kompleqsis mTavari
pirveli nimuSebi, maT Soris RmrTismSobeli eklesiisa da satrapezos Semamkobeli mxatvroba,
eleusas erTi uadresi gamosaxuleba qarTul romelic gamoirCeva msxvili figurebis
xelovnebaSi. dinji monumenturobiT, kompozciaTa agebis
daviT garejis ferwruli skolis nawarmoebebis regularulobiT da wonasworobiT, naTel ferTa
programebSi upiratesoba eniWeba konqSi qristes mSvidi ritmuli monacvleobiT da, rac mTavaria,
dideba–xilvis gamosaxvas, xolo dodosrqis wm. daviT garejelisa da misi cxovrebis ciklis
kompleqsis mcire gumbaTiani taZris IX-Xs- gamosaxulebaTa simravliT.
is konqis moxatulobaSi ki samebis Tavisebur X s-is meore naxevarsa da XI s-Si gansakuTrebul
gansaxierebas vxedavT. sabereebis moxatulobaTa mniSvnelobas iZens tao-klarjeTis ferweruli
mouxeSav xazobriv eqspresiulobasTan SedarebiT, skola. tao-klarjeTis didi kaTedralebi da
dodos mxatvroba ufro daxvewili maneriT aris samonastro eklesiebi brwinvale, marTlac rom
Sesrulebuli. mefuri moxatulobebiT iyo Semkuli: oTxTa eklesi-
X s-is Suaxanamde eklesiebis Sida sivrce mTlianad is (Xs.), xaxulisa (X-XIss-Ta mijna), iSxnis (XI-
ar ixateboda. freskebi taZris mxolod ramdenime, XIIss.) oSkis (X-XIss.), da sxva eklesiebis kedlis
Teologiuri TvalsazrisiT mniSvnelovan adgilSi mxatvroba gamoirCeva ferweruli ansamblis saerTo
sruldeboda: gumbaTi, sakurTxeveli, iSviaTad gadawyvetis grandiozulobiTa da didebulebiT,
- Sesasvlelis sapirispiro kedeli. X s-is unikaluri ikonografiuli programebiT (mag.,
miwurulidan moxatulobebi taZris interieris “zaqarias xilva” iSxanSi), daxvewili ferweruli
TiTqmis mTels sivrces ikavebs. Sesabamisad maneriT, umdidresi feradovnebiT da saxeTa
rTuldeba da farTovdeba mxatvrobis programa. gansakuTrebuli gansulierebiT. iSxnis taZris
Tu adre gamoisaxeboda mxolod umTavresi gumbaTSi laJvardis fonze gamosaxuli “jvris
qristianuli dogmebis amsaxveli gamosaxulebebi amaRleba” marTlmadidebluri xelovnebis erTi
(mag., qristes dideba, amaRleba, mariamis dideba, umSvenieresi qmnilebaa.
jvris amaRleba, jvarcma, mociqulTa da wmindanTa XI-XII ss-is qarTuli monumenturi mxatvrobis
calkeuli figurebi da sxv.), X s-dan eklesiaTa mravalricxovan nimuSebs Soris gansakuTrebiT
kedlebze wminda werilis mravali siuJeti unda gamoiyos atenis sionis XI s-is meore
gamosaxeba, ZiriTadad axali aRTqmidan, ufro naxevris kedlis mxatvroba. igi gamoirCeva ara
mcire raodenobiT Zveli aRTqmis siuJetebi, mxolod unikaluri ikonografiuli programiT
wmindanTa cxovrebis scenebi, gansakuTrebiT wm. (samoTxis mdinareebis personifikaciebi trompebSi,
giorgisa, romelic Zalian popularuli iyo samxreT afsidSi RmrTismSoblis cxovrebis
saqarTveloSi, da sxv. yovel gamosaxulebas Tan gavrcobili ciklis erTi uadresi magaliTi,
sdevda ganmartebiTi warwerebi asomTavruliT, gankiTxvis dRe, bagrationTa portretebis didi
Tumca zogjer berZnuli warwerebsac vxvdebiT. rigi), aramed mxatvruli saxis srulyofilebiT
XI-XIII ss. _ qarTuli kulturis aRmavlobis da gamomsaxvelobiTac. mTeli mxatvroba didebul
xanaa. monumenturi mxatvrobis, xatwerisa polofoniur sagalobels mogvagonebs.
Tu wignis dasuraTebis mravalricxovani da aseve monumentur da teqtonikur gadawyvetas
mravalferovani nimuSebi qarTvel SemoqmedTa vxedavT zemo krixis mTavarangelozTa eklesiis
udides niWsa da maRalprofesiul ganswavlas ferwerul ansamblSi, romelSic raWis erisTavTa

didi gamomsaxvelobis mqone portretebi iyo aRmaSeneblis portretiT da ikvis eklesiis
CarTuli. aq mkafiod Cans meore mimarTuleba qarTul moxatuloba wm. giorgis cxovrebis gavrcobili
mxatvrobaSi – ufro xazobriv-sibrtyovani, ufro cikliT. misive cxovrebis ciklia warmodgenili
pirobiTi midgoma, feradovnebac miwis saRebavebis saukunis meore naxevris favnisisa da kalaubanis
ufro mSvid JReradobaze igeba. samwuxarod, es eklesiaTa ferwerul dekorSi.
mxatvroba TiTqmis mTlianad ganadgurda 1991 XII s-is miwurulisa da XIII s-is damdegis
wlis miwisZvris dros. monumenturi mxatvrobis Zeglebs Soris
XII s-is dasawyisSi mefe daviT aRmaSeneblis mi- gansakuTrebiT gamoirCeva is ferweruli
er daaarsebul gelaTis monastris mTavari taZris ansamblebi, romlebic Tamar mefis saxelTan aris
sakurTxevlis konqi Seamkes RmrTismSoblis dide- dakavSirebuli: varZiis, garejis naTlismcemlis
bis mozaikuri gamosaxulebiT, romelic arafriT da berTubnis gamoqvabuli eklesiebis, yincvisis,
Camouvardeba Tanadrouli bizantiuri mozaikuri beTaniisa da timoTesubnis taZarTa grandiozuli
mxatvrobis saukeTeso nimuSebs. savaraudod, igi moxatulobani, romlebSic (garda timoTesubnisa)
bizantiaSi ganswavlulma qarTvelma mxatvarma CarTuli aris giorgi III-is, Tamar mefisa da misi
Seasrula. sagulisxmoa aseve taZris narTeqsSi Zis laSa giorgis dinastiuri portretebi. isini
ganTavsebuli Svidi msoflio saeklesio krebis sagangebod gamoyofili da xazgasmulia rogorc
gamosaxulebebi, romlebic kedlis mxatvrobaSi kompoziciurad, aseve taZris sivrceSi ganlagebiT
am Temis Cven dromde SemorCenili erTi uadresi da zomebiT.
nimuSia. Tamaris droindel moxatulobebs bevri
qarTuli mxatvrobis aRmavlobis am saerTo niSani aerTianebs _ daxvewili naxati,
periods ganekuTvneba mefis mxatvar Tevdores rkaluri xazebis usasruli dena, formaTa nazi
moxatulobani zemo svaneTSi (ifrali, 1096w.; modelireba, simsubuqe da haerovneba, civi da
nakifari, 1130, lagurka, XI-XII s-Ta mijna), SuqmnaTi ferebis gansakuTrebuli JReradoba,
romlebic garda Tavisi maRali mxatrvuli donisa saxeTa lirikuli emociuroba da sxv., magram, amave
da araCveulebrivi eqspresiulobisa, imiTac aris dros, yoveli maTgani ganumeorebeli, TavisTavadi
sagulisxmo, rom Semogvinaxes maTi Semqmneli nawarmoebia, rogorc ikonografiuli programis,
ostatis saxeli, rac sakmaod iSviaTia Sua aseve mxatvruli gadawyvetis TvalsazrisiT,
saukuneebis xelovnebaSi. Tevdores moxatulobani gansakuTrebiT feradovnebis mxriv. ase, mag.,
gamoirCeva Zlierad gamovlenili monumenturobiT, yincvisis wm. nikolozis taZris moxatuloba
saxeTa eqspresiulobiT, TiTqos saWreTliT SuqmnaTi laJvardis, zurmuxtisferi mwvanisa da
gavlebuli dinamikuri da plastikuri naxatis TeTris Sexamebaze igeba, romelic singuris da
gamomsaxvelobiT, TavdaWerili, ZiriTadad miwis Tbili oqrosferis CanarTebiT aris gamdidrebuli
saRebavebiT Seqmnili koloritiT. da sakmaod gansxvavdeba danarCeni moxatulobebis
svaneTSi cnobilia kidev erTi mxatvris saxeli, feradovnebisagn. yincvisis moxatulobis
- miqael maRlakeli, romelmac 1140 wels moxata erTi fragementi – saflavis lodze mjdomi
latalis Temis macxvariSis eklesia. Tevdores uflis aRdgomis maxarebeli angelozi Tavisi
nawarmoebebTan SedarebiT, es moxatuloba ufro daxvewilobiT, sinatifiTa da Rrma sulierebiT
“provinciuli” xasiaTisaa, metad sibrtyovani, Sua saukuneebis qarTuli xelovnebis simbolod
cota mouxeSavi naxatiT, ufro martivi da nakleb iqca.
plastikuri modelirebiTa da sxv. aTormet XIII s-is meore naxevarSi monumenturi
dResaswaulTa tradiciuli rigis garda, am mxatvrobis nawarmoebebSi SeimCneva, erTi mxriv,
moxatulobaSi gansakuTrebiT mniSvnelovania XII-XIII ss. mijnis mxatvruli tradiciebis
CrdiloeT kedelze qarTvelTa mefis demetre I- gagrZeleba (mag., “udabnos” monastris xarebis
is mefed kurTxevis unikaluri gamosaxuleba. eklesiis moxatuloba, sadac misi mowameobrivi
XII saukunes ganekuTvneba boWormis cixis sikvdilis mere gamosaxes mefe demetre II
eqvsafsidiani eklesiis mSvenieri mxatvroba daviT Tavdadebulis portreti, meore mxriv ki,

bizantiuri mxatvrobis axali stilis gavlenis gamosaxva gelaTis mTavari taZris gumbaTsa da
niSnebi (mag., aWis wm. giorgis eklesiis, gelaTis sakurTxevelSi (XVI-XVIIss.). aseve niSandoblivia
mTavari taZris samxreTi egvteris moxatulobani erovnuli istoriis Temebisadmi interesi (mag.,
da sxv.). qarTlis moqcevis siuJetebi mcxeTis sveticxovlis
XIV s-Si qarTul mxatvrobaze didi taZris “cxoveli svetis” moxatulobaSi, XVII s.).
zemoqmedeba moaxdina bizantiaSi gavrcelebulma moxatulobaTa nawili Sesrulebulia
e.w. paleologosTa stilma, romelmac erTgvarad e.w. “post-bizantiur” stilSi, romelic
daCrdila kidec adgilobrivi mxatvruli paleologosTa stilis erTgvar ganviTarebas
tradiciebi, romelic gamoarCevda mas ganviTarebis warmoadgens da “klasicisturi” xasiaTisaa, Tumca,
wina etapebze, Tumca qarTul mxatvrobas miuxedavad maRali profesiuli donisa, sakmaod
TviTmyofadoba arc axla daukargavs. XIV –XV aragamomsaxvelia, erTgvarad xisti naxatiTa da
ss-Si mniSvnelovani ferweruli ansamblebi iqmneba yru feradovnebiT.
ubisis, safaras, zarzmis, lixnes, nabaxtevis, am nawarmoebebisgan gansxvavebul mxatvrul
sorisa da mraval sxva eklesiaSi. mimdinareobas qmnis e.w. “xalxur” moxatulobaTa
gviana Sua saukueneebSi (XVI-XVIII ss.), rodesac jgufi, romlebic nakleb ganswavluli,
saqarTvelo ramdenime samefod da samTavrod provincieli ostatebis mier aris Sesrulebuli. es
daiyo, kvlavac mravlad ixateba eklesiebi, Tumca moxatulobebi swored Tavisi uSualobiT, naTeli
maTi Sesrulebis mxatvruli done sagrZnoblad da xalisiani feradovnebiT, uxvi ornamentaciiT,
Camouvardeba X-XIII ss-is nawarmoebebs, es deformaciis eqspresiulobiTaa mimzidveli.
mxatvrobanic sagulisxmo masalas gvawvdis im “xalxuri mxatvrobis” umetesi nimuSebi, rogorc
drois saqarTvelos sulier cxovrebaze. aRmosavleT, aseve (da gansakuTrebiT) dasavleT
am periodSi axlis Seqmnis paralelurad didi saqarTveloSi, XVI s-s ganekuTvneba (Walis,
samuSaoebi xorcieldeboda Zveli eklesiebis qoreTis, bugeulis, kalauris, erelaanT saydris,
aRdgena-ganaxlebisaTvis da, Sesabamisad, maTi ilemisa da mravali sxva eklesiis moxatulobebi).
Semamkobeli freskebis ganaxlebisa an sulac maTi am jgufis nimuSebi iseT mniSvnelovan centrebSic
Tavidan moxatvisaTvis. ase, magaliTad, mravalgzis aris SemorCenili, rogoricaa gelaTis
ganaxlda da moixata gelaTis didi taZari, XVII monasteri.
s-Si Tavidan moixata jvris monastris taZari rogorc ganviTarebul Sua saukuneebSi, aseve
ierusalimSi, sadac Zveli moxatulobebis gvianfeodalur xanaSi qarTul mxatvrobaSi
fragmentebis Soris SoTa rusTavelis mniSvnelovani adgili eTmoba qtitorTa portre-
saxelganTqmuli portretic aris. tebs: mefeebis, didi feodalebis, saeklesio
farTo moRvaweobas eweodnen qarTvelebi aTonis moRvaweebis _ anu im adamianebis, romelTa SemweobiT,
mTaze ivironis monasterSi da sxva sasuliero dakveTiT da ZalisxmeviT Sendeboda da ixateboda
centrebSi, romlebic erTgvar damakavSirebel eklesia-monastrebi, iqmnebioda xatebi, iwereboda
xids warmoadgendnen qristianul samyarosTan da imkoboda xelnawerebi. gvianfeodaluri xanis
yovelmxriv musulmanuri saxelmwifoebiT moxatulobebSi mniSvnelovnad izrdeba saero
garSemortymuli saqarTvelosaTvis. aTonis pirTa portretebis raodenoba, Tanac gamosaxaven
mxatvruli tradiciebis gavlena naTlad Cans XVI ara mxolod maRali rangis pirebs, aramed wvril
s-is moxatulobebSi, romlebic kaxeTis samefoSi aznaurebsa da TviT glexebsac ki mTeli maTi
Seiqmna (alvanis, axali SuamTis, nekresis, gremisa ojaxebiTa da naTesaobiT.
da sxva eklesiebis ferweruli ansamblebi). XIX saukunisaTvis Sua saukuneebis qarTulma
gviana Sua saukuneebSi kedlis mxatvrobis mxatvrobam, faqtobrivad Sewyvita arseboba, Tumca
ikonografiul programaTa Semadgenloba mis Sua xanamde misi tradiciis Zala kvlavac
rTuldeba, mdidrdeba mravali axali siuJetiTa sagrZnobia. ukve XVIII saukunis dasawyisidan
da gansakuTrebiT simboluri gamosaxulebebiT. wignis mxatvrobasa da xatweraSi Zalumad Semodis
niSandoblivia, am mxriv, “zeciuri liturgiis” evropul-rusuli nimuSebis gavlena, romlebic

droTa ganmavlobaSi swored Suasaukunovani WiaTuris samlocvelosTvis moxatuli, aw
mxatvruli xedvis zegavleniT gardaisaxeba ganadgurebuli kankeli). magram am Ziebas bolo
da sakmaod Tavisebur saxesac iRebs (am yaidis aTeisturi xelisflebis damyarebam mouRo da
erTi yvelaze mniSvnelovani nimuSi 1823 wels 70 weli, am mxriv, TiTqmis araferi gakeTebula.
Sesrulebuli bodbis moxatulobaa, romelSic wm. gankerZoebul gamonaklisad darCa uwmindesisa da
ninos cxovrebis vrceli ciklia CarTuli; amave unetaresis sruliad saqarTvelos kaTolikos-
xasiaTisaa wm. ninos mcire taZris samTavroSi, patriarqis kalistrates (cincaZe) TaosnobiT
muxranis eklesiisa da sxva moxatulobebi). Tbilisis qaSveTis wm. giorgis eklesiis moxatva
1850-ian wlebSi cnobilma rusma mxatvarma lado gudiaSvilis mier (1946-48ww.), romelic
grigol gagarinma Tbilisis sionis taZari mxatvars bolomde ar miayvanines.
moxata. Tumca man sagangebod Seiswavla Cveni TiTqmis orsaukunovani wyvetilis Semdeg, XX
Zveli xelovnebis nawarmoebebi da ecada maT saukunis bolo meoTxedi qarTuli saeklesio
kvalSi Camdgariyo, misi qmnileba Tavis drois xelovnebis aRorZinebis, faqtiurad axlad
“akademisturi” ferweris kalapotSi rCeba. amasTan ‘”dabadebis” xanaa, rac uSualodaa dakavSirebulia
ki, igi didi xniT gaxda samagaliTo saqarTveloSi misi uwmindesobisa da unetaresobis, saqarTvelos
moRvawe araqarTveli Tu qarTveli (mag., daviT kaTolikos-patriarqis, mcxeTa-Tbilisis
gegeliZe, TbilisSi karis wm. giorgisa da mTavarepiskoposis ilia II-is moRvaweobasTan,
feriscvalebis eklesiaTa momxatveli da xatmweri) romelic TviT aris xatmweri da xelovani.
ostatebisaTvis. SedarebiT gansxvavdeba maTgan misi locva-kurTxeviT daiwyo axali taZrebis
wm. nikolozis eklesiis niko zaziaSviliseuli aRmSenebloba, ferweriT Semkoba, xatebisa da
moxatuloba, romelic qarTuli xalxuri marTlmadidebluri mRvdelmsaxurebisaTvis
xelovnebiT aris STagonebuli. saWiro liturgiuli daniSnulebis nivTebis
XIX saukunis bolosTvis aRsaniSnavia survili Seqmna. moixata uamravi axali taZari. sagulisxmoa,
gamoesaxaT qarTveli wmnidanebi, risi safuZveli rom misma uwmindesobam es moRvaweoba jer kidev
mixeil-gobron sabininis qarTul-rusulad sabWoTa periodSi daiwyo, roca saqarTvelos
gamocemuli “saqarTvelos samoTxis” dasuraTeba eklesias Zalian cota ufleba da miTumetes, cota
gaxda, qarTuli eklesiis TiTqmis yvela cnobili SesaZlebloba hqonda.
mowamisa Tu marTalTa Tana Seracxili moRvawis freskebi da xatebi umetesad Zveli nimuSebis
amsaxveli. zogjer (mag., Tbilisis “mamadaviTis” mobaZviT sruldeba, rac sruliad gasagebia, radgan
eklesia) taZris kedlebi lamisaa mTlianad saWiroa tradiciis aRdgena, raTa misi Semdgomi
qarTvel wmindanebs eTmoba. ganviTareba gaxdes SesaZlebeli. TandaTan Cveni
XX saukunis dasawyisSi, sazogadod epoqac gamoimuSavebs qristianuli Temebis
mxatvruli Semoqmedebis aRmavlobisas, saeklesio gamosaxvis Sesatyvis sakuTar mxatvrul enas da
xelovnebis ganaxleba-aRorZinebis mcdelobac Zvel nimuSebSi mibaZavs ara garegnul, cvlad
Cans (mag., valerian sidamon-erisTavis Telavis formebs, aramed imas, rac yvelaze arsebiTi da
“RvTaebis” eklesiisTvis Sesrulebuli ori mniSvnelovani iyo maTSi rwmenisa da sulierebis
mravalnawiliani xati, an dimitri SevardnaZis TvalsazrisiT.


xatwera, Sua saukuneebis qarTuli xatovan gamoxatulebas warmoadgens. xati,

qristianuli mxatvruli kulturis ganuyofeli marTlmadidebluri RvTismsaxurebis ganuyofeli
nawili, mravalsaukunovan istorias iTvlis. nawili, RvTaebrivi gamocxadebis xatovani
qristianuli xelovnebis sxva dargebTan erTad, gansaxierebaa.
marTlmadideblobis wiaRSi Casaxulma da saukuneebis ganmavlobaSi yalibdeboda xatweris
ganviTarebulma xatweris xelovnebam CvenSi gansakuTrebuli xatovani ena, sagangebo saxviTi
damkvidrebisa da ganviTarebisaTvis nayofieri kanoni, raTa xatis mcire zedapirze rac SeiZleba
niadagi hpova. tradiciis Tanaxmad, saqarTveloSi srulyofilad warmoCeniliyo qristianuli
wminda saxeTa Tayvaniscema mociqulTa xanas aRmsareblobis arsi. xatebSi, albaT, yvelaze
ukavSirdeba da mWidrodaa dakavSirebuli ufro sruladaa gacxadebuli marTlmadidebluri
wm. andria pirvelwodebulis saxelTan. TviTmyofadi esTetika, simbolur-saxovani
xatweraSi qristianuli sulierebis mravali azrovneba. calkeul istoriul periods, TiToeul
aspeqtia gacxadebuli. wminda saxeTa Tayvaniscema qveyanas Sehqonda Tavisi wvlili maRali
samebis meore wevris - logosis gankacebas sulierebiT gamsWvalul xatweris xelovnebaSi,
efuZneba. saRvTo werilze damyarebuli xatweris amdidrebda da srulhyofda mas. Sua saukuneebis
kanonikuri xelovnebis safuZvlebi saeklesio saqarTvelom, sxva marTlmadideblur qveynebTan
krebaTa dadgenilebebsa da eklesiis mamaTa erTad, mniSvnelovani kvali datova xatweris
TxzulebebSi moiZieba. wminda saxeTa Seqmnis ganviTarebaSi. dReisaTvis SemorCenili xatebi
tradicia ukve macxovris miwieri cxovrebis mxolod mciredi nawilia im wminda saxeebisa,
periodidan iRebs saTaves da qristes xelTuqmneli romlebic iqmneboda saqarTveloSi da Semodioda
xatis saswaulebriv Seqmnas ukavSirdeba. sxva qristianuli qveynebidan saukuneTa
mandilionisa da keramionis saqarTveloSi ganmavlobaSi.
gadmosvenebis uZvelesi tradicia da anCisxatis xatebis formebSi, Temebsa da mxatvrul
saswaulmoqmedi xatis gamorCeuli kulti gadawyvetaSi vlindeba qristianuli sulierebis
qveynis sulier cxovrebaSi xatTayvanismcemlobis sxvadasxva etapis damaxasiaTebeli niSnebi.
simkvidresa da siZveleze metyvelebs. rogorc zogierTi gansakuTrebiT Tayvansacemi xatis
cnobilia, qristes mier saswaulebrivad Seqmnili an xatebis jgufebis Seswavla ki Suqs hfens
“piri RvTisa”, anu “mandilioni”, wminda saxeTa ara mxolod xatis istorias, aramed qveynis
Tayvaniscemis safuZvels warmoadgens. niSandobli- kulturuli Tu socialuri cxovrebis sxvadasxva
via, rom swored xati uflis gankacebisa _ anCis etaps. amis dasturad sakmarisia Tundac
VI-VII saukuneebiT gansazRvruli saswaulmoqmedi anCisxatisa da xaxulis, aTonis wminda mTis iverTa
xatia saqarTveloSi xatweris dReisaTvis monastris karis RmrTismSoblis, “portaitisas”
arsebuli yvelaze adreuli qmnileba. qarTvelTa xatebis gaxseneba. qveynis cxovrebasTan mWidrod
es uZvelesi siwminde, romelSic gacxadebulia gadajaWvuli es siwmindeebi misi bedis Tanaziarni
qristianuli aRmsareblobis dogmati, siriuli iyvnen da TiToeulma istoriulma epoqam maT Tavisi
mxatvruli wridan warmodgeba da wm. asurel kvali daaCnia. sagangebod unda aRiniSnos sinis
mamaTa moRvaweobasTan aris dakavSirebuli. mTis wm. ekaterines monastris qarTuli xatebi,
marTlmadidebel samyaroSi xatebi sulieri, romlebic mowmobs ara mxolod qarTvelTa aqtiur
sazogadoebrivi da piradi cxovrebis ganuyofeli mxatvrul da sulier moRvaweobas am wminda savaneSi,
nawilia. saukuneTa ganmavlobaSi yalibdeboda aramed gvacnobs am monastris istoriis naklebad
xatweris Teologiuri arsi da mxatvrul- cnobil mxareebs. amas garda, es unikaluri xatebi
esTetikuri daxvewili ena. ferweruli xatebis avsebs Cvens codnas xatwerasTan dakavSirebul
formebi, Tematika, ikonografia, stili iseT sakiTxebze, rogoricaa xatmweris vinaoba,
marTlmadidebluri msoflmxedvelobis simbolur- damkveTis roli xatis SeqmnaSi da sxv.

dReisaTvis saqarTveloSi 200-mde ferweruli wm. eqfvTvime mTawmindelis mier Sedgenili “mcire
xatia SemorCenili, romelTa umetesoba svaneTis sCuliskanonic” mowmobs. am kanonikur TxzulebaSi
istoriul-eTnografiul muzeumsa da adgilobriv Sejerebulia xatis Tayvaniscemis marTlma-
eklesiebSi inaxeba. xatweris ramdenime gamorCeuli didebluri swavleba, romelic eklesiis mamaTa
qmnileba qvemo svaneTsa da saqarTvelos xelovnebis Txzulebebsa da V-VI da VII saeklesio krebaTa
saxelmwifo muzeumSia daculi. saqarTvelos dadgenilebebs efuZneba.
farglebs gareT qarTuli ferweruli xatebis XI saukunidan moyolebuli, xatweraSi, iseve
yvelaze mniSvnelovani koleqcia sinis mTis wm. rogorc qarTuli xelovnebis sxva sferoebSi,
ekaterines monasterSia davanebuli. xatweris mkveTrad iCina Tavi bizantiurma saxviTma
SemorCeli qmnilebebi da maT Sesaxeb werilobiTi tradiciam. magram saeklesio xelovnebis
wyaroebis mowmobebi cxadyofs, raoden mWidrod bizantiisaken orientacia ar gulisxmobda misi
iyo dakavSirebuli wminda saxeTa Tayvaniscema vizualuri formulebisa Tu saxviTi sistemebis
qveynis sulier cxovrebasTan da mis ZiriTad meqanikur gadmoRebas. am periodis maRalmxatvruli
mxatvrul-religiur da istoriul-politikur qarTuli xatweris nawarmoebebi, Tavisi Rrma
tendenciebTan. sulier-dogmaturi da mxatvruli JReradobiT
adreqristianuli xanidan Cvenamde qarTul marTlmadidebluri xelovnebis saukeTeso
ferwerul salocav xatebs ar mouRwevia. am nimuSebad warmogvidgeba da qveynis politikuri
droidan, rogorc iTqva, CvenTvis cnobilia siZlierisa da misi gazrdili saerTaSoriso
erTaderTi, siriuli xelovnebis wres mikuTvnebuli prestiJis adeqvatur fenomenad gvevlineba
da VI-VII saukuneebiT gansazRvruli anCisxati. (ix., mag., RmrTismSoblis xatebi uSgulidan,
am saswaulmoqmed xatTan erTad, bolo xanebSi fxotreris mTavarangelozTa kreba, 40 mowamis
aRmoCenili X saukunis xelnaweris mowmoba xati, gardamoxsnisa da saflavad dadebis xati
saqarTveloSi macxovris xelTuqmneli xatis piris lagurkadan, lazares aRdginebisa da amaRlebis
asurel mamebTan, kerZod ki wm. ioane zedaznelis xatebi da sxv.).
mowafeebTan ezderioz nabuqelisa da Teodosios XI_XII saukuneebis qarTuli xatwera efuZneba
urhaelis saxelTan dakavSirebis Sesaxeb, uflebas epoqiseul kanonzomerebebs, rac gacxadda mxatvrul
gvaZlevs vivaraudoT ukve VI saukuneSi CvenSi saxeTa Teologiur safuZvlebze aRmocenebul
calkeuli, Tundac siriidan Semotanil, xatTa koncentrirebul sulier ZalaSi, Sinaarsobriv
arseboba. Sua saukuneebis adreuli periodis siRrmeSi, wminda saxeTa Tayvaniscemis formebSi
xatebis Tayvaniscemis suraTis aRdgenaSi Cven da mxatvrul-tenikur da stilistur xerxebSi.
gvexmareba sxva hagiografiuli Zeglebic. wm. am dros Seqmnili xatebi araCveulebrivi ZaliT
grigol xanZTelis (759-861 ww.) “cxorebis” asxivebs sulier energias. TiToeuli mxatvruli
cnobebi wm. grigolis mier konstantinopolSi saSualeba emsaxureba erTi saerTo miznis miRwevas
siwmindeebis molocvisa da sxva evlogiebTan _ qristianuli swavlebis ama Tu im doqtrinis
erTad saqarTveloSi xatebis Camotanis Taobaze srulad warmoCenasa da mis gaxsnas mxatvruli
cxadyofs, rom am droisaTvis qveyanaSi xatis saSualebebiT.
Tayvaniscema ucxo ar unda yofiliyo. gansakuTrebiT mravalricxovani xatebia
IX-X saukuneebisaTvis saqarTveloSi ferweru- SemorCenili XIII saukunidan. xatmwerTa
li xatebis Seqmnis praqtikis gaZlierebas gaedev- produqtiulobis zrda am droisaTvis, erTi mxriv,
neba Tvali. am droiTaa gansazRvruli cnobili exmianeba Tanadroul marTlmadideblur samyaroSi
wilknis Cviledi RmrTismSoblis xatis adreuli arsebul saerTo tendencias - anu xatebis gazrdil
nawilebi da aRsaydrebuli Cviledi dedaRvTisas rolsa da mniSvnelobas saeklesio cxovrebaSi-
xati wm. barbares TanxlebiT. xatis Tayvaniscemis meore mxriv ki, ferweruli xatebis intensiuri
aqtualobas CvenSi X saukunis miwurulisaTvis Seqmna, SesaZloa, adgilobrivi mizezebiTac aixsnas.

monRolTa SemosevebiT dasustebul qarTul XVII-XVIII ss-is qarTuli xatwera
saxelmwifoSi aRar arsebobda monumenturi araerTgvarovan suraTs warmoadgens. miuxedevad
mxatvrobis ansamblebis SeqmnisaTvis xelSemwyobi imisa, rom am xanis ferweruli wminda saxeebi
pirobebi da religiuri ferwera xatweris sxvadasxva mxatvruli skolebisa da gavlenebis
mravalricxovani nawarmoebebiT Semoifargla, kvals atareben, mainc gaedevneba Tvali saerTo
rasac gacilebiT naklebi resursebi sWirdeboda. tendencias – am periodis xatebi verc mxatvruli
dReisaTvis SemorCenil qarTul xatebs Soris formiTa da verc sulieri datvirTviT veRar
gvxvdeba: kankelis Semamkobeli epistilionebisa utoldeba winare periodis xatebs. XIX
da interkolumniebis xatebi, xati-sanawileebi, saukunisaTvis erovnuli mxatvruli tradicia
“gadasatani sakurTxevlebi” – karedebi da piradi mTlianad rusuli xatweris normebma Caanacvla.
RvTismosaobisaTvis Seqmnili mravalricxovani bolo aTwleulebis ganmavlobaSi saqarTveloSi
wminda saxeebi. qarTuli xatebis formebis uwmindesisa da unataresis, saqarTvelos
nairgvarobaSi, erTi mxriv, gacxadebulia kaTolikos-patriarqis ilia II-is ZalisxmeviTa da
zogadmarTlmadidebluri normebi da mxatvrul- mecadineobiT marTlmadidebluri kulturis sxva
stilisturi evoluciis etapebi, meore mxriv ki, dargebTan erTad xatweris xelovnebamac daikava
asaxulia erovnuli tradiciebi da qveynis sulier mniSvnelovani adgili eris religiuri cxovrebis
cxovrebaSi mimdinare siRrmiseuli procesebi. aRorZinebis saqmeSi. dRes qarTveli xatmwerebi
Tavisi drois mowinave mxatvrul-sulieri agrZeleben saukuneebis siRrmidan momdinare
tendenciebis amsaxvelia XIVs-is xatebi ubisadan, xatweris tradicias. Tanamedrove xatweraSi
vedrebis rigis xatebi fxotreris mTavarangelozTa SeiniSneba erovnuli da imavdroulad zogadad
eklesiidan, mestiis muzeumis karedi, «gardamoxsnis marTlmadidebluri mxatvrul-kulturuli
karedi» uSgulidan, laxuStis wm. giorgis memkvidreobis gadaazrebis saintereso cdebi.
eklesiaSi Semonaxuli wm. ioane naTlismcemlis qarTvelTaTvis qristianuli kultura dResac,
xati, RmrTismSoblis karedi da sxv. iseve, rogorc saukuneebis ganmavlobaSi, erovnul
identobasTan aris dakavSirebuli.


Sua saukuneebis qarTuli oqromWedloba Suasaukunovani qarTuli oqromWedlobis

arsebiTad saeklesio nivTebs moicavs _ eklesiuri istoriidan yvelaze gamorCeuli, SemoqmedebiTi
cxovrebis samsaxurad gankuTvnili xatebi, jvrebi, ZiebebiT aRZruli, mxatvruli Tu ikonografiuli
samweroblebi, barZimebi da a.S. garda funqciuri problemebiT datvirTuli, X-XI saukuneebia. es
daniSnulebisa, oqro-vercxlisagan nakeTebi es is droa, roca Cveni qveyana, politikurad da
nivTebi, erToblivad, didi mxatvruli Semoqmedebaa. ekonomikurad momZlavrebuli, kulturis sferoSic
am saocari odenobis nimuSebidan (2500-ze axali ayvavebis gzazea Semdgari. am epoqasTanaa
meti!) bevria iseTi, romlebic Tamamad SeiZleba dakavSirebuli Zveli qarTuli oqromWedlobis
gautoldes Wedurobis msoflio saganZuris miRwevebi da yvelaze didi monapovari.
SesaniSnav qmnilebebs. magram umTavresi mainc umTavresi mxatvruli amocana, romelic X-
isaa, rom am Zeglebis wyalobiT aris dadgenili XI saukuneebis qarTveli oqromWedlebis winaSe
saqarTveloSi Weduri xelovnebis aTaswlovani idga, gamosaxulebaTa skulpturuli formebiT
istoriis mTliani suraTi VIII-IX saukuneebidan gadmocemaa. am amocanis realizeba reliefuri
moyolebuli da, rac kidev ufro mniSvnelovania qandakebis farglebSi moxda. am procesis saTaveSi
da Rirebuli, warmoCenilia am xelovnebis mkafiod dgas 973 wliT daTariRebuli iSxnis sawinamZRvro
gamoxatuli individualuri saxe. jvari, romlis wina pirze jvarcmuli qristes

erTaderTi figuraa – mkafiod gamokveTili formebi, sxeulze kargad morgebuli samoseli,
erTiani zogadi moculoba, sxeulis anatomiuri pirisaxis faqizad modelirebuli nakvTebi. 1040
detalizaciis gareSe. skulpturulobis Ziebis wliT daTariRebuli oTxi firfita wm. mamebis
gzaze es pirveli gadadgmuli nabijia (e.w. gamosaxulebiT Semoqmedidan da daaxloebiT
“skulpturuli arqaika”). iSxnis jvramde mxolod amave drois martvilis sawinamZRvro jvris
VIII-IX saukuneebis sul ramdenime Zegli gvaqvs macxovris figura is zRvaria, romelsac ukve
SemorCenili. maT Sorisaa 886 wlis zarzmis marTlmadideblobisTvis Tavisi materialurobiT
“fericvalebis” xati, sadac fonis sibrtyidan miuRebeli mrgvali qandakebis ganviTareba unda
odnav amoziduli figurebi moculobiTi formebi mohyoloda.
ki ar aris, aramed TiTqmis grafikuli naxatia. X-XI saukuneebis qarTvel oqromWedelTa
iSxnis jvars mosdevs Weduri nawarmoebebi, winaSe, garda umTavresi, skulpturuli
romlebic X-XI saukuneebis mijnazea Seqmnili. problemisa, sxva mniSvnelovani amocanebic idga.
am sakmaod mozrdil jgufSi aris Zeglebi, kerZod, es aris mTeli nawarmoebis dekoratiuli
romlebic, figuraTa swored skulpturuli gawyoba, ornamenti, sxva damatebiTi samkauli. da
damuSavebis mxriv, aSkara progresis maCvenebelia. aqac, am sferoSic, X-XI saukuneebis qarTuli
aris am jgufSi saoqromWedlo xelovnebis oqromWedloba gamorCeuli movlenaa. garda
araerTi pirvelxarisxovani nimuSic: saRolaSenis gasaocari mravalferovnebisa, SemoqmedebiTi
xuTi forfita “sauflo dResaswaulTa” ciklis fantaziisa da gamomgoneblobisa, garda mxatvruli
scenebiT (raRac didi moWedilobis gadarCenili da teqnikuri maRalxarisxovnebisa, ornamnetuli
nawilebi), sxvadasxva wmindanTa xatebi zarzmidan, motivebi rig SemTxvevaSi, erTaderTi saSualebaa
Semoqmedidan, bediis oqros barZimi, breTis, mTeli oqromWedlobis dasaTariReblad Tu
brilis sawinamZRvro jvrebi da sxv. calkeuli saoqromWedlo saxelosnoebis
momdevno xanebSi, sul male, qarTuli gamosayofad.
reliefuri qandakebis es progresuli zrda- mas Semdeg, rac qandakebam plastikurobis
ganviTareba kidev ufro TvalsaCinoa. XI saukunis mimarTulebiT saqarTveloSi bunebrivi
pirveli naxevris umdidresi da mravalsaxovani ganviTarebis gza galia, qarTvel oqromWedelTa
masala, sxvadasxva qronologiur monakveTSi mxatvrul-SemoqmedebiTi interesebi nawarmoebis
Sesrulebuli Zeglebis sxvadasxva jgufi, mTeli dekoratiul-ornamnetuli sakiTxebis mosa-
sicxadiT warmogviCens, rogori TanmimdevrobiT gvareblad aris gadarTuli. XII saukunidan
ixveweboda saqarTveloSi skulpturis es mokidebuli feodaluri epoqis dasasrulamde
xelovneba, ra ostaturad emarjvebodaT xSirad am saqarTveloSi Wedurobis uamravi Zegli Seiqmna.
epoqis qarTvel oqromWedlebs namdvili plastikis aris maT Soris iseTi nimuSebic, romelnic
eniT gadmoecaT rTuli, mravalfigurovani skulpturuladac ase Tu ise mowesrigebulia,
scenebic, xatad warmoadgenili esa Tu is magram mTeli moWedilobis mxatvrul efeqts
calkeuli figurac. cageris, labeWinis, zarzmis saerTo dekoratiuloba da ornamentuli
RmrTismSoblis xatebi, ielisa da lanCvanis morTuloba gansazRvravs. xaxulis RmrTismSoblis
macxovris xatebi, gelaTis tondo wm. mamas ganTqmuli xatis karedze skulpturuli figura
gamosaxulebiT, laRamis wm. svimeon mesvetes xati, saerTod ar aris. uzarmazari zedapiri Sevsebulia
wm. giorgis uamravi xati (sxvadasxva versiebiT) minanqruli gamosaxulebebiT, Zvirfasi TvlebiTa
saqarTvelos sxvadasxva regionebidan, mestiis da plastikurad naWedi saocrad mravalsaxovani
sakurTxevliswina jvari wm. giorgis cxovrebis ornamnetiT. Seqmnilia dekoratiuli xelovnebis
cikliT. yvela es nawarmoebi, da amas SeiZleba brwyinvale ansambli. dekorativizmis tendenciebis
amave periodis kidev araerTi sxvac daematos, winwamoweva, ornamnetis gazrdili roli
reliefuri mqandakeblobis SesaniSnavi magaliTebia: kidev ufro TvalsaCinoa Wedurfigurebian
figuraTa swori proporciebi, bunebrivi poza, kompoziciebSi. anCis macxovris xelTuqmneli
Jestikulacia, mkafiod “gamoZerwili”, elastikuri xatis CarCoze, romelic beqa opizaris, erTi

amavdrouli oTxTavis warweris Tanaxmad, “RmrTisa XVI saukunis gelaTuri jvar-xatebis sakmaod
mier kurTxeulisa Rirsi oqroismqandakeblis” mozrdili jgufi, sruliad gansxvavebuli zogadi
naxelavia, ornamnetirebuli monakveTebi STabeWdilebiTac, figurebis aRnagobiT Tu maTi
Tavisi xmovanebiT TiTqos etoleba wmindanTa qandakebrivi saxviTobiT, ornamnetuli motivebis
gamosaxulebebs. anda XIII saukunis meore naxevris SerCeva-damuSavebiTac.
onis mTavarangelozTa xati – disproporciuli, bevri Zeglia Semonaxuli XVII –XVIII
brtyeli figurebiT da mcenareuli ornamentiT saukuneebidanac, magram am Zeglebs Soris iseTi
daxvavebuli, gansakuTrebuli gulmodginebiT da urTierTsxvaobaa, rom Wirs maTi raime niSniT cal-
ostaturad gamokveTili farTo moCarCoebiT. calke jgufebad danawileba. Tavs iCens am dros
XII-XIII ss-is qarTuli oqromWedloba jer ucxouri gavlenebic – sparsuli kulturidan,
kidev winare saukuneebidan gamoyolili inerciiT ruseTidan, evropidan, (calkeuli elementebi,
feTqavs. am muxtiT aris datvirTuli beqa opizaris sxvadasxva ikonografiuli Tu ornamentuli
meore namuSevaric – wyarosTavis oTxTavis ydis motivebi). magram es gavlenebi mxolod zedapiruli
moWediloba, misive uaxloesi analogi, berTis iyo. saqarTvelosTvis politikurad, ekonomikurad
oTxTavis ydac, beSqen opizaris moWedili, maTgan am umZimes saukuneebSic, maSin, rodesac ostat-
gansxvavebuli Tematikurad, zogadi kompoziciuri xelovanTa SemoqmedebiTi SesaZleblobebi,
struqturiT, figuraTa skulpturuli damuSavebiT profesiuli done ase CamoqveiTebulia, qarTulma
_ tbeTis oTxTavis ydac. oqromWedlobam SeinarCuna Tavisi sakuTari saxe,
momdevno ori saukune Wedurobis SeinarCuna erovnuli TavisTavadoba. qarTul
saSemsruleblo doniTac, mxatvrul-SemoqmedebiTi oqromWedlobas arc XIX saukuneSi gauwyvetia
TvalsazrisiTac aSkarad daqveiTebulia. simwirea mWidro kavSiri Zvel tradiciebTan. bevri
Zeglebis ricxovanebiTac. yvelaze mniSvnelovani ram gadmoiRes qarTvelma ostatebma winare
nawarmoebi aq zemoT ukve naxsenebi anCis xatis saukuneebis qarTuli Wedurobidan. aris, amave
karedis SidamoWedilobaa (XIV s.). saxarebiseuli dros, namuSevrebi, romelTa siaxlove rusul
Svidi scena, sxvadasxva masStabis, gansxvavebuli xelovnebasTan sruliad aSkaraa. xolo XIX
asaxulobis figurebiT (gamoyenebulia sxvadasxva saukunis miwuruls da XX saukunis dasawyisSi
adrindeli nimuSebi) mxolod ormanetuli dekoriT Seqmnili xatebis umetesoba rusuli fabrikuli
aris Wedurobis erT fenad gamTlianebuli. nawarmoebis gameorebaa mxolod.
XVI saukune Zveli qarTuli oqromWedlobis Sua saukuneebis qarTvel oqromWedlebs
kidev erTi gamorCeuli xanaa. didad momravlda qristianul ikonografiaSic miuZRviT wvlili.
Zeglebi, gamoikveTa sxvadasxva mxatvruli garda sayovelTaod gavrcelebuli sqemebisa,
mimarTulebebi, gaCnda sruliad axali, aqamde qarTul jvar-xatebze gvaqvs zogi ikonografiuli
ucnobi mxatvruli Temebi, motivebi, teqnikuri saxe, romelic garedan Semotanili kanonikuri
siaxleebic; dagrovda umdidresi ornamentuli nimuSebis ubralo gameoreba an gadamuSaveba
masala da am mravalferovani monacemebis ki ar aris mxolod, aramed sruliad axali,
moSveliebiT vlindeba (iseve rogorc X-XI qarTvel ostatTa originaluri Semoqmedebaa.
saukuneebis saqarTveloSi) sxvadasxva saxelosnoebi erTi aseTi mkafio magaliTia XI saukunis mestiis
Cveni qveynis sxvadasxva regionidan. sanimuSo sakurTxevliswina jvari. “qarTvelebi ukve X-XI
magaliTad SeiZleba gavixsenoT: kaxuri Wedurobis saukuneebidn icnobdnen wm. giorgis cxovrebis
oqros xatebis jgufi (am kuTxis imJamindeli gaumjobesebul diokletianeseul redaqcias.
dedaqalaqis, gremis oqromWedlebisa), erTiani, swored es redaqcia daedo safuZvlad CvenTvis
mtkiced Sekruli wre Zeglebisa, romelTa msgavsi cnobil yvelaze adrindel Zegls wm. giorgis
dekoratiuli gadawyveta da ornamnetis “Zerwvis” cxovrebis cikliT – XI s. 20-30-ian wlebis
swored aseTi teqnika (sparseTidan mosesxebuli) e.w. mestiis jvars” wers viqtor lazarevi,
saqarTveloSi arc adre gvxvdeba da arc SemdgomSi cnobili rusi xelovnebis istorikosi. mestiis
gameorebula. da am xatebis gverdiT _ amave jvarma gansazRvra arsebiTad wm. giorgis

cxovrebis scenaTa SerCevac, maTi kompoziciuri rogorc paleografiuli monacemebiT, ise
agebulebac momdevno xanis qarTul xelovnebaSi Sinaarsobrivad – rogorc istoriuli wyaro.
–oqromWedlobis Zeglebzec, monumentur ixsenebian jvar-xatebis damkveTni, Semwirvelni,
mxatvrobaSic. imave lazarevis aRiarebiT, “wminda mefe-dedoflebi, kaTolikos-patriarqebi, saero
qarTuli ikonografiuli versiaa” gamosaxuleba, Tu saklesio cnobili personebi, zogjer sul
sadac mxedari wm. giorgi SubiT gmiravs ucnobnic, oqromWedel ostatTa saxelebi, erTgan
diokletiane mefes. es versia saqarTveloSi moxsenebulia “mweralic”, e.i. Tavad warweris
bevrad moWarbebulia im kompoziciasTan SedarebiT, Semsrulebeli. aris zogan adrindel xatebze,
roca borotebis simbolod gveli an gveleSapia sagangebid SerCeuli saxarebiseuli striqonebi
gamosaxuli. saqarTveloSia am “qarTuli versiis” – qristologiuri scenebis ufro siRrmiseuli
uadresi magaliTebi (VII-VIIIss. qvaze kveTili Secnobis mizniT. anCis tri ptiqonis warwerebSi
reliefebi), gansakuTrebiT bevria SemorCenili ki, magaliTad, Zeglis mTeli istoria, da, rac
X-XII saukuneebidan – kedlis mxatvrobaSic, mTavaria, misi ZiriTadi siwmidis, “xelTuqmneli
qvaze naqandakevic, Wedurobis Zeglebzec, maSin macxovris xatis” Tavgadasavalia moTxrobili
roca sxva qveynebis xelovnebaSi is erTeuli edesadan moyolebuli da XVII saukuneSi
nimuSebis saxiT gvxvdeba. aRsaniSnavia isic, rom “tfilisSi” mis CamobrZanebamde. gana cotas
XVI saukunis sadgeris sakurTxevliswina jvris niSnavs marto is, rom anCis karedze Tamar mefis
am “saswaulis” scenaSi diokletiane cxenze zis. saxelia moxsenebuli, macxovris xatis CarCoze,
sxva aseTi magaliTi ar aris cnobili CvenSi da romelic anCelma episkoposma ioane rkinaelma beqa
arc saqarTvelos gareT Cans TiTqos. qarTulma opizars moaWedina “brZanebiTa da nivTisa boZebiTa
oqromWedlobam wm. giorgis “saswaulis” Tematurad (!) RmrTiv gvirgvinosanTa didisa dedofalT
sruliad axali nimuSic dagvitova, scena, romelic dedoflisa TamarisaiTa....”
qarTuli sinamdvilidan aris gadmoRebuli. igi mTeli Sua saukuneebis manZilze saqarTvelos
dakavSirebulia im saeklesio dResaswaulTan, kulturas zogadad, da, kerZod, qristianuli
romelic giorgobadRes (23 noembers) imarTeboda xelovnebis yvela sxvadasxva dargis Zvelsa Tu axal
iloris wm. giorgis eklesiis garSemo. gvaqvs am nimuSebs, arasdros mohklebia qveynis mesveurTa
ceremonialis uSualo mxilvelTa, XVII saukunis _ saxelmwifo da saeklesio xelisufalTa,
evropel mogzaurTa Tu misionerTa, Canawerebi. didmoxeleTa, ufro dabali rangis msaxurTa
rogorc irkveva, didZali xalxis win, ikvleboda mfarveli xeli. es mudmivi zrunva-patronoba
xari, romelic wm. giorgis warmogzavnili iyo da kargad gamosCans im (xSirad vrcelsa da Zalze
mis nawilebs (rogorc saswaulmoqmed relikviebs) saintereso cnobebis momcvel) asomTavrul da
xalxs urigebdnen. es adgilobrivi cxovrebiseuli mxedrul warwerebSic, romelic aseTi simravliT
realoba daedo safuZvlad wm. giorgis sruliad aris Semonaxuli Tavad Zeglebzec, arqiteqtura
axal, originalur Temas, romlis nimuSad ori iqneba es, mxatvroba Tu qandakeba.
vercxlis xatia SemorCenili, orive iloridan. dRevandel saqarTveloSic igive viTareba
erTi XVI saukunis meore naxevris karedi gvaqvs. XX s-is meore naxevridan moyolebuli,
xatia, romlis centralur karze gamosaxulia roca Cveni qveyana, rogorc iqna, ganTavisuflda
xmalmomarjvebuli wm. giorgi da mis ferxTiT “sabWoeTis” wnexisgan, saqarTvelos eklesiasac
momcro xari. meore xati, 1640 wliT daTariRebuli, normaluri cxovrebis gza gaexsna. ganaxlda
Zalze dazianebulia, magram aq siuJeti warweriTac da amoqmedda araerTi Zveli eklesia-monasteri,
aris ganmartebuli: “wmindis giorgis odiSis aSenda momcro eklesiebi, aRimarTa didi taZrebic,
iloris xaris moyvanis saxe giorgobis dRes”- moixata maTi interierebi, momravlda da sul ufro
sruli Tanxvedraa evropelTa CanawerebTan. matulobs ferweruli da Weduri xatebi, jvrebi,
qarTuli Wedurobis, ase uxvad Semonaxuli, oqro-vercxlisave sxvadasxva saeklesio nivTebi,
asomTavruli da mxedruli warwerebi mravali samkaul-nakeTobani. yvelaferi es did mxardaWeras
kuTxiT iqcevs yuradRebas. umdidresi masalaa da xelSewyobas poulobs saxelmwifo uwyebebis

mxridan, CarTulia am saqmeSi kerZo struqturebic. Zveli, adrindeli jvar-xatebis zusti kopirebaa
didia, ra Tqma unda, saqarTvelos sapatriarqos (zomebSia xandaxan sxvaoba), zogic _ imave
roli da mTeli es saqmianoba uwmindesisa da umdidresi saganZuriT STagonebuli moWediloba,
unetaresis, saqarTvelos kaTolikos-patriarqis ramdenadme saxeSecvlili kompoziciuri wyobiT
locva-kurTxeviT aris sulCadgmuli. Tu dekoratiul-ornamnetuli morTulobiT.
axali drois qarTuli oqromWedlobis dRevandeli qarTveli, ukve gamowrTobili Tu
qristianuli siwmindeebi mTel saqarTveloSia damwyebi oqromWedeli ostatebis am mowadinebas
mofenili _ eklesiebSi dasvenebuli, salonebSi, da mcdelobas ar SeiZleba ufro warmatebuli da
galereebSi gamotanili, sxvadasxva dawesebulebeb- amaRlebuli gagrZeleba ar moyves.
Si, saswavleblebSi, ojaxebSi. am nimuSebidan zogi


minanqris unatifesi da urTulesi saxeoba – xerxebis mxriv (mag., e.w. shevron stili – samosze
tixruli minanqari qristianuli xelovnebis wiaRSi feradi zolebis monacvleoba), xolo XI saukunis
warmoiSva da ganviTarda, misi msoflmxedvelobiTa qarTul minanqrebs zogadi stiliTac TiTqmis ver
da esTetikiTaa STagonebuli. swored am teqnikiTaa gaarCev bizantiurisgan. Tumca XI saukuneSic aris
Sesrulebuli Sua saukuneebidan saqarTveloSi nawarmoebebi, romlebic SeiZleba adgilobriv
SemorCenili minanqris TiTqmis yvela nimuSi. stils mivakuTvnoT. aseTia, magaliTad, sami
tixruli minanqris teqnika gabatonebuli iyo medalioni dedoflebis gamosaxulebebiT xaxulis
bizantiaSic _ minanqris am saqveynod aRiarebul kared xatze, romlebic zogierTi niSnis mixedviT
keraSi. rogorc cnobili bizantologi alisa qarTuli nimuSebia. sagulisxmoa, rom dedoflebis
banki aRniSnavs, “spiritualuri stilisaTvis gvirgvinebi TavSals zemoTaa dadgmuli, rac ar
damaxasiaTebeli niSnebis SemoRweva aq masalis aris damaxasiaTebeli bizantiuri kostiumisaTvis.
TaviseburebebiTa da teqnikiT aixsneba. sufTa marTalia, medalionebs warwerebi ar gaaCnia, magram
kaSkaSa tonebis batonoba, oqros tixrebisa SeiZleba vivaraudoT, rom es gamosaxulebebi mariam
da fonis brwyinvaleba, STabeWdileba uxorco dedofals, qarTveli mefis bagrat IV-is silamaziT
saxeebisa, rac gamowveulia nawilobriv moculobis ganTqmul asuls ukavSirdebodes. samagierod, am
gadmocemis, figuraTa da saxis modelirebis SesaniSnavi mandilosnis utyuari, warweriT damo-
SeuZleblobiT”, xels uwyobs qristianuli wmebuli, “portreti” gvaqvs imave xaxulis xatis
suliskveTebis gamovlenas. firfitaze, sadac igi warmoadgenilia Tavis pirvel
qarTul tixrul minanqrebs bevri ram akavSirebs meuRlesTan, bizantiis imperatorTan, mixeil
bizantiasTan. upirveles yovlisa, esaa maTi VII parapanaqTan erTad. es xati bizantiuria da
teqnikuri Sesrulebis princi pi. yvela qarTuli saCuqris saxiTaa gamogzavnili imperatoris mier.
tixruli minanqari, iseve rogorc bizantiuris yovelive es metyvelebs imaze, rom Sua saukuneebis
didi umravlesoba umaRlesi sinjis oqrosa da qarTuli minanqari qarTuli Wedurobisa da, miT
vercxlis Senadnobis, e.w. eleqtronis fuZezea ufro, arqiteqturisgan gansxvavebiT, mWidrodaa
damzadebuli, Tumca iq Zalian mcire raodenobis dakavSirebuli bizantiur samyarosTan. magram
vercxlisfuZiani minanqrebic gvxvdeba. Tanxvedraa ufro metad sainteresoa is, Tu ra gamoarCevs
ikonografiul repertuarSic _ erTi da igive qarTul tixrul minanqars bizantiurisgan, raSia
scenebi, wmindanebi, umTavresad stereoti puli. misi Tavisebureba.
bevri saerToa droismieri niSnebiTac, qarTuli saminanqro xelovnebis ganviTarebis
gansakuTrebiT adrindel minanqarSi, Semdgom gza araTanabarzomierad warimarTa, SemoqmedebiTi
periodebSi damuSavebis garkveuli specifikuri “afeTqebebiT” X da XII-XIII saukuneebSi.

niSandoblivia isic, rom Sua saukuneebis isev, Tanxvda qarTuli plastikis ganviTarebis
tixruli minanqris Zeglebis raodenoba didia, erT-erT safexurs da, amdenad, organuli aRmoCnda
xolo maTi qronologiuri diapazoni sakmaod qarTuli saminanqro xelovnebisTvis. SeiZleba
farTo _ VIII-IX saukuneebidan dawyebeuli XV amitomacaa, rom uadresi amgvar nimuSebSi swored
saukunis CaTvliT. aranakleb mniSvnelovania isic, qarTuli Zegli, Semoqmedis kvadrifoliumia (mis
rom qarTuli minanqrebi mxatvrulad umravlesad qarTul warweraSi moxsenebulia mefe giorgi
Zalze gamomsaxvelia. aRarafers vambobT xaxulis I, romelic 957 wels gardaicvala), amgvari
kared xatze, romelic dekoratiuli xelovnebis bizantiuri minanqrebi odnav gviania. sainteresoa,
nadvili Sedevria da romlis mxatvrul efeqts rom jvarcmul qristes eklesiisa da sinagogis
didwilad gansazRvravs uamravi sxvadasxva drois alegoriuli figurebi axlavs _ am sqemis sxva
qarTuli da bizantiuri minanqari. es samefo magaliTebic ufro gviania da, Tanac, dasavluri
dakveTaa _ XII saukunis meore ocwleulSi wm. warmomavlobis. adrebizantiuri periodisTvis
daviT aRmaSeneblisa da misi vaJis, demetre I- iSviaTia agreTve jvris qveS adamis Tavis qalis
is nebiTaa Seqmnili. aseTi masStabis mcire gamosaxva (aq igi cocxalia, e.i. aRmdgari, rac
formaTa xelovnebis qmnilebas, saocrad mdidars xazs usvams am kvadrifoliumis scenis mTavar
da STambeWdavs, tixruli minanqrebis namdvil ideas – xsnas).
“muzeums” mxolod bizantia gvTavazobs _ esaa X saukunis qarTuli stiliT aRbeWdili
saqveynod cnobili pala d’oro, romelic veneciis minanqrebidan dasamaxsovrebelia relikvariumis
san-markos taZarSia aRmarTuli. saxuravze gamosaxuli qriste-pantokratoris,
qarTuli tixruli minanqris adreuli Zeglebi “monumenturi”, SemoqmedebiTi ZaliTa da energiiT
swored xaxulis karedzea warmoadgenili: “jvarc- aRsavse saxe, Tu xaxulis karedis TviT xati,
mis” kvadrifoliumi (VIII s.) da ori medalioni vedrebis ti pis RmrTismSobeli, romlisganac
wm. mariamisa da wm. Tevdores naxevarfigurebiT dRes mxolod saxe da xelebia SemorCenili. es
(IXs.). amave periods miekuTvneba martvilis fragmentebi Tavisi zomebiTac i pyrobs yuradrebas
karedis centraluri nawilis gamosaxuleba, _ isini yvelaze didi minanqrebia msoflioSi - da
“vedreba” (IX s-is bolo). es mcirericxovani Tavisi araCveulebrivi molilisfro-moiasamanis-
jgufi savsebiT Tavsdeba ganviTarebis im zogad fro vardisferi SeferilobiTac. RmrTismSoblis
xazSi, rasac qarTuli xelovneba da, kerZod, saxe, iqneb, ar iyos daxvewili, magram udavod
qarTuli plastika gvTavazobs. isini Seqmnilia mkafiod metyvelia, Tanac es ti pi sakmaodaa
saqarTveloSi, sadac xatmebrZoleobam fexi ver gavrcelebuli am periodis qarTul Wedur xatebSi.
moikida. zogi am nimuSebidan ikonografiuli X saukuneSi bizantiuri orientaciis jgufic
TvalsazrisiTac aris saintereso. martvilis gvaqvs. am nawarmoebTa Soris mniSvnelovania e.w.
“vedreba” zogadad am scenis erT-erTi yvelaze kvirikes jvari (orad gayofili, is xaxulis
adreuli magaliTia, xolo “jvarcma” mTeli taniT karedis frTebzea moTavsebuli). misi qarTul-
warmodgenili mfrinvali, madidebeli angelozebiTa berZnuli warwerebi kaxeTis mmarTvels, mefesa da
da zecidan Camowvdili marjveniT, aseTi versiis magistross kvirike II-s ixseniebs.
erTaderTi nimuSia mTels aRmosavleT-qristianul qarTuli saminanqro xelovnebis SemoqmedebiTi
samyaroSi. aRmavlobis kidev erTi safexuri XII saukunesa
X saukunis qarTul saminanqro xelovnebaSi, da XII-XIII saukuneTa mijnas ukavSirdeba. am
iseve rogorc bizantiaSi, mniSvnelovani cvlileba periodis ZeglebSi naTlad gamoixata epoqisTvis
moxda: mTliani minanqari, sadac fonic da damaxasiaTebeli mometebuli dekorativizmi
gamosaxulebac minanqrisaa, Caanacvla “CaZirulma da cxovelxatuloba. agreTve am droisaTvis
minanqarma”, e.i. minanqrulma gamosaxulebam oqros gaZlierebuli interesi adamianisadmi. XII
foniT. figurisa da ornamentis gamijvnis, figuris saukunisaa gelaTis, xobis, walenjixis xatebis
konturiT gamoyofis da misTvis garkveuli “individualizirebul” wmindanTa mTeli galerea.
“moculobis” miniWebis zogadi tendencia, isev da gamosaxulebebs Tan axlavs qarTuli asomTavruli

warwerebi. isini gaerTianebulia mxatvruli korcxelis xatis CarCosTan stilistur
gadawyvetis zogadi princi pebiT, Tumc yovel siaxloves iCens ierusalimis uflis saflavis
calkeul SemTxvevaSi maT sxvadasxva emociuri eklesiis macxovris xatis moCarCoeba, romelic,
datvirTva da sxvadasxva gamomsaxvelobis Zala uTuod, qarTuli naxelavi unda iyos.
aqvT. maT Soris yvelaze STambeWdavi gelaTis ori gviandeli minanqruli firfita wm. giorgis
xatis gamosaxulebebia, gansakuTrebiT ki wm. gamosaxulebiT _ “veSapis mlaxvravi wm. giorgi”
lukas saxe, romelsac SeiZleba “portretic” ki da “wm. giorgi anTavisflebs mefis asuls”, XV
vuwodoT. saukunisaa da agrZelebs wina drois mxatvrul
imave mxatvruli mimarTulebisaa is minanqruli princi pebsa da Cvevebs.
medalionebi, romlebic jumaTis monastris aw Sua saukuneebis qarTuli saminanqro xelovnebis
daRupuli ori xatidan erT-erTs, wm. miqael sakmaod grZel, uwyvet gzaze naTlad gamoikveTa
mTavarangelozisas amkobda. jumaTis meore, wm. is Taviseburebebi, romelTa erToblioba sakuTar
gabriel mTavarangelozis xatis medalionebi istoriaze metyvelebs. esaa rbili da narnari,
bizantiuri orientaciisaa da gansakuTrebuli Tumc zogjer arazusti, mouxeSavi xazis xasiaTi,
daxvewilobiT gamoirCeva. yvela es medalioni, tixrebis Tavisfali, xandaxan daudevari naxati,
iseve rogorc amave wris sxva minanqrebi, ferTa Tanafardoba, maTi aweuli JReradoba,
Sesrulebulia qarTul saxelosnoebSi da maT kanis moRvinisfero elferis farTo gamoyeneba
bizantiur saminanqro xelovnebaSi pirdapiri (rac adgilobrivi manganumis xSir moxmarebas
analogiebi ar gaaCnia. bizantiuri gavleniTaa ukavSirdeba) da, saerTod, gamosaxulebaTa zogadi
aRniSnuli minanqrul medalionTa erTi jgufi, ganwyoba. amdenad, qarTuli minanqari, exmianeba ra
romelic xaxulis karedis frTebzea. es aris Sua saukuneebis qarTuli xelovnebis sxva dargebs,
qarTuli xelovnebis nimuSebi, romelTa Soris misi ganuyofeli, organuli nawilia.
gansakuTrebuli gamomsaxvelobiT gamoirCeva wm. XV saukuneSi minanqris warmoeba saqarTveloSi
petres, wm. maTesa da wm. ioane RvTismetyvelis Sewyda. am xelovnebisa da, pirvel yovlisa, misi
gansulierebuli, keTilSobilebiT aRsavse rTuli teqnikis aRdgena-ganviTareba mxolod
saxeebi. gasul saukuneSi gaxda SesaZlebeli. calkeuli
dekoratiuli xelovnebis namdvili margalitebia nabijebi saamisod jer kidev XX saukunis 40-
sami firfita aTormeti dResaswaulis ciklidan ian wlebSi gadaidga. aqedan moyolebuli iwyeba
_ “mirqma”, “lazares aRdgineba” da “suliwmidis mravalwliani, rTuli muSaoba xelovnebis am
mofena” (XII-XIII saukuneebis mijna). qarTuli dargis asaRorZineblad da gansaaxleblad.
xelovnebis am SesaniSnav nimuSebSi, pirvel Tanamedrove qarTuli minanqris ganviTarebis
yovlisa, gxiblavs saxeTa lirizmi da uSualoba, xelSemwyob faqtorTagan gamosayofia Cveni
Sesrulebis garkveuli Tavisufleba da kaSkaSa eklesiis, saqarTvelos sapatriarqosa da
ferebis JReradoba. yuradRebas iqcevs scenebis piradad uwmindesisa da unetaresis, saqarTvelos
arqiteqturuli foni, sadac warmodgenilia kaTolikos-patriarqis ilia II-is Zalisxmeva.
qarTuli eklesiebis ti piuri konusuri gumbaTi da eklesiis calkeuli, individualuri SekveTebis
qarTuli xuroTmoZRvrebisTvis damaxasiaTebeli paralelurad, 1992 wels swored sapatriarqosTan
sarkmlebi. xolo “mirqmis” scenis unikaluri Camoyalibda specialuri saxelosno “luka”,
ikonografiuli detali _ anTebuli sanTeli romelic niWier, enTuziazmiT savse axalgazrdebs
kompoziciis centrSi, mxolod saqarTveloSi, aerTianebda (igi “giorgis” saxelwodebiT dResac
kidev or qarTul Zeglze iZebneba. ganagrZobs arsebobas). kidev erTi mniSvnelovani
korcxelis xatis XIII saukunis CarCo minanqru- keraa wm. ninos fokas dedaTa monasteri.
li xelovnebisTvis uCveulo, RmrTismSoblis samonastro garemoSi saminanqro saxelosnos
cxovrebis scenebiTaa Semkuli. aseve iSviaTia arseboba uxilavi ZafebiT ukavSirdeba im Soreul
“RmrTismSoblis miZinebis” ikonografiuli sqema, warsuls, rodesac tixruli minanqrebi swored
garTulebuli RrublebSi mociqulTa gamoCeniT. aseT, sulierebiT amaRlebul atmosferoSi

iqmneboda. fokaSi damzadebuli nakeTobanic, saxviTi saSualebebi. sruliad axali mxatvruli
ZiriTadad, religiuri daniSnulebisaa – xatebi, xerxebis gamoyeneba, zogjer formebis Segnebuli
jvrebi, sxvadasxva liturgiuli nivTebi. utrireba, eqspresiis gaZliereba, ferTa Taviseburi
Tanamedrove minanqarSi, marTalia, farTod gama da maTi Tanafardoba, am nawarmoebebs
Semovida saero siuJetebi da gamosaxulebebi, Zalze Tanamedrove iers sZens. bunebrivia, Tanamedrove
imata samkaulTa raodenobam, magram religiuri Tema qarTul minanqrebze sxvadasxva qveynis saminanqro
kvlavac mniSvnelovania. religiuri daniSnulebis xelovnebaSi mimdinare procesebi, teqnikuri
minanqrebis Seqmnisas Znelia gverdi auaro Sua Tu mxatvruli xerxebi aisaxa, magram isini
saukuneebis nimuSebis uSualo zegavlenas, miT qarTveli ostatebis gemovnebasa da unar-Cvevebsaa
ufro, rom maTi umravlesoba maRali ostatobiTaa misadagebuli. amas, pirvel rigSi, gansazRvravs
aRniSnuli. amitomacaa, rom xSir SemTxvevaSi an is mdidari, ZirZveli tradiciebi, romelTa
Zveli minanqrebis aslebs vxedavT an maT variaciebs, xiluli Tu uxilavi zemoqmedeba aSkarad igrZnoba
romelnic sakmaod Sordeba orginals da sruliad Tanamedrove qarTuli minanqris TiTqmis yvela
axal, gansxvavebuli detalebiT gamdidrebul nimuSSi. da swored es aniWebs mas Tavisebur
gamosaxulebas viRebT. xiblsa da mimzidvelobas, esaa misi gamorCeulobac,
iseve rogorc Sua saukuneebSi, dResac rac aSkarad gamoCnda 2004 wels saqarTveloSi
saminanqro xelovnebaSi gabatonebulia tixruli mowyobil minanqris I saerTaSoriso bienaleze,
minanqari. magram masTan erTad, sxvadasxva sadac monawileobas iRebdnen rogorc qarTveli,
teqnikuri xerxebicaa gamoyenebuli. Tu Zvelad aseve ucxoeli ostatebi aSS-dan, espaneTidan,
minanqris fuZiseuli masala oqro an eleqtroni israelidan, iaponiidan. dRes qarTuli minanqari
iyo, axla mas emateba vercxli, brinjao, spilenZi, did aRmavlobas ganicdis. misi zrda-ganviTarebis
TiTberi. gafarTovda religiuri Temebis wre _ sawindari ki is SemoqmedebiTi muxtia, romelic man
gaCnda axali siuJetebi ara mxolod axali, aramed Sua saukuneebis qarTuli saminanqro xelovnebisgan
Zveli aRTqmidanac. TandaTanobiT ixveweba da memkvidreobiT miiRo.
mravalferovani xdeba minanqrul gamosaxulebaTa

xelnawerTa dasuraTeba

qarTuli mwignobroba, jer kidev uflis Cvenamde moRweulTa Soris uZvelesi fragmenti
gankacebamde Seqmnili da ganvrcobili farnavaz V saukunisaa. V-VII saukuneebis palimsfsestebi
mefis mier, RvTisgangebulebiT ganivTda sruliad mourTavi da sadaa. maT mxatvrul
unikalur damwerlobaSi, romlis ganviTarebis Rirebulebas teqsti warmoadgens _ mtkice
sami saxe _ mTavruli, nusxuri da mxedruli pergamentze naweri asomTavruli sisadaviTa da
_ metyvelebs mis TviTmyofadobasa da sakvirvel monumenturobiT adreuli xanis qarTul eklesiaTa
sicocxlisunarianobaze. bunebrivia, saqarTveloSi xuroTmoZRvrebis sulieri analogiaa.
qristianobis Semosvlas imTaviTve Tan axlda dausuraTebel xelnawerTagan gamoirCeva X
sityvieri xelovneba da, Sesabamisad, mwignobroba. saukunis miqael modrekilis himnografiuli
dRes JamTa siaves gadarCenili es udidesi krebuli (S-425), unikaluri Tavisi SedgenilobiT.
saganZuri siZveliTa da mniSvnelovanebiT tols misi brwyinvale nusxuri kaligrafia uwyvetobiTa
ar udebs sxva qveyanaTa memkvidreobas. da sifaqiziT TavisTavad didi sulierebis nimuSia.
saqarTvelos xelnawerTa erovnul centrsa teqstSi singuriT Zunwad Setanili nevmuri niSnebi
Tu sxvagan daculia bevri imgvari unikaluri umaRles samgaloblo xelovnebaze metyvelebs,
Zegli, romelTa mniSvneloba ganuzomelia amasTanave, pergamentis idumal sivrces saRvTo
zogadqristianuli kulturis istoriaSi. cecxlis siwmindiT avsebs.

gansakuTrebiT fasdaudebeli ki mainc amave rigisaa 1054 wlis alaverdis oTxTavi
miniaturebiT Semkuli manuskri ptebia. Zvel (A-484), Sav mTaze, kali posis RmrTismSoblis
qarTvel ostatebs suli, guli da goneba ar monasterSi gadawerili. pergamentis msubuq
dauSurebiaT, raTa jerovnad SeemkoT RvTis sivrceSi or svetad ganawilebuli nusxuri teqsti
ganmadidebeli teqstebi. mwirad SemorCenili maTi ZiriTadad brwyinvale TavsarTebiTaa Semkuli,
saxelebi qristianuli sinanulis WeSmarit suls romelTa jvrebisa da mcenareuli ornamentis
avlens da ara naxelaviT ampartavnebas, radgan variaciebi maradiulobis sunTqviT avsebs oTxTavs.
swamdaT, rom srulyofa uflisganaa, mxolod gansakuTrebiT ki aRsaniSnavia xelTuqmneli xatis
naklia adamianis susti da arasrulfasovani istoriis amsaxveli unikaluri cikli, romelic
bunebis kvali. kidev erTxel mowmobs qarTveli eris ganuxrel
swored amgvari znesruli ostatebis mier xatTayvanismcemlobas.
Seqmnili qarTuli miniaturuli mxatvroba, XII saukunis gelaTis oTxTavi (Q-908)
bunebrivia, odnavadac ar CamorCeba qristianuli SeiZleba saxarebis ilustrirebis erT-erT
xelovnebis sxva dargebs _ xuroTmoZRvrebas, yvelaze brwyinvale nimuSad CaiTvalos. misi
Wedurobas, minanqarsa Tu freskas. mxatvroba (244 miniatura), rogorc ganmarteba,
Cvenamde SemorCenili dasuraTebuli teqstis dinebaSi calke scenebadaa CarTuli.
xelnawerebi ZiriTadad saeklesio Sinaarsisaa. udaxvewilesi oqros foni dauRamebeli naTlis
upirveles yovlisa, es wminda saxarebebia, agreTve uqrobelobiT gulisxmobs saRvTo sivrces. mis
krebulebi liturgiuli weliwadis sxvadasxva wiaRSi CarTuli ganzogadebuli, or-samfiguriani
msaxurebisaTvis (marxvisa Tu zatikis), fsalmunebi, scenebi monumenturobiT mozaikur xelovnebas
qadagebani, ganmartebani da a.S. gvagonebs, amasTanave, ganmsWvalulia sakvirveli
uZvelesi miniaturebi adiSis oTxTavisaa sulieri siRrmiTa da intimurobiT, maradiulobisa
(897w.). mTavruliT gadaweril teqstSi CarTuli da ganumeoreblobis im erTobiT, romelic
maxarebelTa miniaturebi naTel ferTa sikamkamiTa RmerTkacebrivma SeerTebam moutana samyaros.
da simsubuqiTaa aRsavse, maTSi cxadliv XII saukuniTve TariRdeba jruWis II
SemorCenilia sunTqva adreqristianuli xanis oTxTavi (H-1667). es yvelaze uxvad Semkobili
saminiaturo xelovnebisa. xelnaweri (359 miniatura) qarTuli qristianuli
940 wlis jruWis I oTxTavi (H-1660) Satberdis ikonografiis namdvili saganZuria. xelwera
monasterSia gadawerili. singuriT, oqroTi da muqi gvauwyebs, rom mis Semkobaze ramdenime ostati
lurjiT Sesrulebul mis miniaturebSi faqizad muSaobda. Tavisuflad CarTuli miniaturebi
Serwymulia Rrma suliereba, kaligrafiuli xSirad teqstis wyobaSi iWreba da pergamentis
xazobrioba, da, amasTanave, ukanmotovebuli furcels, rogorc usasrulo sivrces, ise iyenebs.
xatmebrZoleobis drois saxviTi uSualoba da wiTlisa da oqrosferis dominireba TeTrisa da
siwrfele. cisfris gverdiT, aSkarad metyvelebs qarTuli
XI saukunis qarTuli wignis mxatvroba ukve saxviTi enis simdgradeze. mravalfiguriani scenebi
gviCvenebs bizantiis esTetikur idealebTan Ria aRsavsea yofiTi niuansebiT, rac maT ganumeorebel
dialogs. banas episkoposis zaqaria valaSkertelis mimzidvelobas aniWebs.
dakveTiT konstantinopolis samwerlobo centrSi XII saukunis zatikis (A-734) natifi
gadaiwera da Seimko oTxi xelnaweri. maT Soris feradovneba, musikaluri xazobriobiT
gamorCeulia 1030 wlis svinaqsari (A-648). gadmocemuli plastika, sulieri wvdomis siRrme
mkafio CarCoTi SemosazRvruli misi miniaturebi da simaxvile, amasTanave didi sisadave umaRles
simdgradiTaa CarTuli nusxuriT nawer teqstSi. saminiaturo xelovnebas avlens. amave periodis
daxvewili ikonografia, klasikuri naxati, wm. grigol RvTismetyvelis TxzulebebSi (A-109)
lurjis, oqros, TeTrisa da wiTlis harmoniuli ukve gansxvavebuladaa aJRerebuli qristianuli
Tanafardoba gviCvenebs zogadad am periodis mxatrobis SesaZleblobebi. mkacri sisadaviT
qristianuli saxviTi xelovnebis, kerZod, SerCeuli saxviTi ena plastikuri da metyvelia.
miniaturis umaRles dones.

Semoufarglavad etratis furcelze gaSlili gviCvenebs Cveni saeklesio wignierebis uwyvet
gamosaxulebebi mTel xelnawers moicavs. kulturas da mimarTulebaTa mravalferovnebas.
mniSvnelovanebis Sesabamisad figuraTa masStabis TandaTan Zlierdeba erovnuli eklesiis
zrda aZlierebs miniaturaTa monumenturobas. niSansvetebis gamoyofa. kerZod, matulobs qarTvel
xelnaweri aSkarad freskuli mxatvrobiT aris wmindanTa calkeuli Tu jgufuri gamosaxulebebi
STagonebuli. an scenebi maTi cxovrebidan. gviani miniaturebis
1300 wels daniel episkoposis dakveTiT mxatvruli brwyinvaleba ramdenadme Camouvardeba
gadawerili moqvis oTxTavi (Q-902) aseve X-XIII saukuneebis ostatobas. miuxedavad amisa,
Tavisi drois mniSvnelovani Zeglia. es patara igi yovelTvis, TviT yvelaze ubralo nimuSebSic
manuskri pti uamravi miniaturiTaa Semkuli. erTian ki, matarebelia saRvTo madlisa.
furclovan oqroze Sesrulebuli mxatvroba 1801 wlidan ucxo tomis ZalmomreobiT
aRsavsea univTo naTliT. Ria vardisferi, gadaiWra ori fesvi qveynis TviTmyofadobisa _
mooqrosfero, mofiruzisfero tonebi mTlianobaSi samefo da sapatriarqo saydari. umZimes XIX
sadafiviT cimcimebs. igi asaxavs Tavisi drois saukunes mohyva uRmerTo XX saukune. bunebrivia,
saRvTismetyvelo kamaTs Taboris naTlis bunebis dakninda da arsebiTad gaqra kidec qarTuli
Sesaxeb da warmoaCens farTo sulier kavSirs saeklesio wignis mxatvroba.
paleologTa periodis bizantiasTan. RvTis gangebulebiT 1978 wlidan daiwyo
fsalmunis (H-1665) miniaturebSi fonis qarTveli eris qristianuli sulierebis
sazeimo wiTeli feri rogorc wminda daviTis aRorZineba. misi uwmindesobisa da unetaresobis
sameufo mosasxami, refreniviT gasdevs mTel sruliad saqarTvelos kaTolikos-patriarqis
moxatulobas. igi gviCvenebs rogorc qarTuli ilia II-s udidesi RvawliT aRsdga saeklesio
saxviTi xelovnebis tradiciaTa simdgrades, aseve xuroTmoZRvreba, monumenturi mxatvroba, xeze
mis uZveles kavSirs wminda sinis mTis sulier da qvaze kveTa, minanqari. Tumca xelnaweri
centrebTan. aqcentirebul saxeebSi igrZnoba, Tu wignis aRdgena ramdenadme Seayovna rogorc misma
ra sifaqiziT aRiqvamda mxatvari fsalmunTa suls, teqnologiurma sirTulem, aseve nabeWdi Sriftis
kerZod, adamianis pirispir dgomas uflis winaSe. Seucvlelma praqtikulobamac.
usasrulod SeiZleba saubari V-XVIII magram saqarTvelos kaTolikos-patriarqisave
saukuneebis qarTuli wignis mxatvrobaze. Tavis- locva-kurTxeviT etratze tradiciuli
Tavad amouwuravia gviani Sua saukuneebis mxatvro- xelovnebiT gadaiwera da miniaturebiT Seimko
bis mniSvnelobac. umZimesi istoriuli realobisas wminda oTxTavi. es umagaliTo wigni amJamad
xom swored wigni iyo Cveni eris sulierebis erT- dabrZanebulia wminda samebis lavraSi rogorc
erTi gadamrCeneli. mravali krebuli SemogvrCa am qarTuli saeklesio mwignobrobisa da mxatvrobis
periodidan. maTi Sedgenilobis mravalferovneba Seufasebeli sulieri Rvawlis monumenti.


qarTuli naqargoba xelovnebis im dargTagania, adgilobriv, TviTmyofad tradiciebze dafuZnebiT

romelic saSualebas gvaZlevs aRvadginoT ama sakuTari, erovnuli gziT wavida da ganviTarebis
Tu im epoqis qarTuli sazogadoebis gemovneba, maRal safexursac miaRwia. ara marto
interesebi, kulturisa da xelovnebis xasiaTi. ikonografiuli sqemebi, aramed ferweridana Tu
saeklesio naqargobis ikonografia CvenSi Wedurobidan, Tundac sparsuli qsovilebidan
mTel samarTlmadideblosTan, pirvel yovlisa, mosexebuli ornamentebi qargvis teqnikisaTvis
bizantiurTan saziaroa. magram dekoratiuli damaxasiaTebeli Taviseburebebis, abreSumis,
xelovnebis sxva dargebis msgavsad, igic oqromkerdis, vercxlmkerdisa da zezis ZafebiT

miRebuli ganumeorebeli feradovnebis meSveobiT Sesamoslis nawilebi _ sakosebi, omoforebi,
SemoqmedebiTad gardaiqmneboda qarTveli olarebi, samRvdelmTavro Tavsaburavebi _
mqargvelebis mier da gansxvavebul iers sZenda mitrebi, kretsabmelebi Tu barZim-feSxumze
maT naxelavs. gadasafeni dafarnebi da pereqelebi. ukanasknelTa
Cven cota ram viciT imis Sesaxeb, Tu sad nairsaxeobaa gardamoxsnebi (berZnuli epitafios,
da vis mier sruldeboda saqarTveloSi naqargi rusuli–плащаница) _ jerjerobiT qarTul
nivTebi. miuxedavad amisa, qtitoruli warwerebis naqargTagan yvelaze amomwuravad Seswavlili da
mixedviT (mag., XVI saukunis damdegis gardamoxsna gamocemuli. dRevandlamde 30-mde gardamoxsnaa
qarTlis mefe konstantines asulma asTandasim SemorCenili, romelTagan uadresi _ mefe giorgi
moqarga, XVI-XVII saukuneebis mijnis gardamoxsna VIII-is dakveTili, XV saukunisaa, ugvianesi
kaxTabatonis xosros asulma eleneyofilma ki XIX saukunis pirveli naxevrisa. zogierTi
ekaterinem Tavisi da farsman ciciSvilis maTgani (giorgi VIII-sac, imereTis mefe bagrat
qalis, anastasia monazvnis naxatiT, 1664 wlis III-sa, ubisisa – orTav XVI s-is da sxv.) udaod
gardamoxsna vinme saxlTuxucesis qaixosros gamorCeuli mxatvruli Rirsebisaa.
asulma TinaTinma moxata da amoqarga, 1763 fuqnciiTa da zogadi xasiaTiT qarTuli
wels qarTlis dedofalma anaxanum gelaTisTvis gardamoxsnebi samarTlmadideblos sxva qveynebis
Sesawirad Seqmna dafarnebi da a.S.) irkveva, rom amgvari nivTebis monaTesavea. magram TviT
sxva qveynebis msgavsad, CvenSic mqargvelebi ikonografiuli TvalsazrisiTac, maT Tavisi
umetesad qalebi yofilan, maT Soris sazogadoebis damaxasiaTebeli niSnebic aqvs: qarTuli nimuSebi
umaRlesi wridan gamosulnic. Cans agreTve, rom wminda simbolur gamosaxulebebs konkretul-
gamosaxuleba jer ixateboda da Semdeg iqargeboda istoriul Txrobas amjobinebs, yvelgan
imave Tu sxva piris mier. irkveva aseve, rom mefeTa aucileblad miwieri arsnic gamoixateba. XV
Tu didebulTa karze, aseve eklesia-monastrebSi saukunidanve qarTul gardamoxsnebze “qristes
(mcxeTis sveticxoveli, wilkani, garejis savaneebi, datirebis” istoriul ambavs vxedavT. zogierT
kacxi, martvili da sxv.) sagangebo samqargvelo maTganze sxva, uflis aRdgomis gadmomcemi
saxelosnoebi arsebula – gvaqvs pirdapiri cnoba, scenebic Cndeba _ menelsacxeble dedani uflis
rom aseTi saxelosno qarTl-kaxeTis mefis giorgi saflavTan da wm. petre saflavTanve, zeda
XII-is karze XVIII-XIX saukuneebis mijnaze kideze ki zogan amaRlebaa. sagulisxmoa XVII
yofila; jer kidev XIX saukuneSi, dasavleT saukunis gardamoxsnaze muxlmodrekil damkveTTa
saqarTvelos eklesiebTan oTaxebi hqoniaT, sadac gamosaxvac.
saeklesio naqargobas asrulebdnen. saukuneTa ganmavlobaSi gardamoxsnebze garkveul
samwuxarod, adre Sua saukuneebis naqargobani saxecvlilebebsac SeiZleba mivadevnoT Tvali. es,
Cvenamde ar Semonaxula. SedarebiT adreul xanaSi saxeldobr, kolorits Seexeba _ XV-XVI saukuneTa
mxatvruli qsovilebis damzadebas adasturebs nawarmoebebSi feradovneba TavSekavebulia,
svaneTSi xat-jvrebis zurgze gadaWimuli, garkveuli wonasworobaa damyarebuli oqrosa da
maRalmxatvruli abreSumi (ifxi, X-XI ss., CaJaSi, abreSumis Zafis ferebs Soris; XVII saukunidan
XII-XIII ss., aq faskunjebis gamosaxulebebTan win oqrosa da vercxlis moelvare zedapiri,
erTad asomTavruli asoebicaa datanili). misi “simdidre” modis (amis gamo fuZec mkvrivi,
sakuTriv naqarg nivTTagan uadresi XII saukuniT xisti xdeba). amasTanave, adreul magaliTebs
daTariRebuli kacxis sabuxarebia. maT mosdevs uxvad ornamentuli, WeSmaritad naostatari
naTela da Sergil dadianebis Sewiruli kacxisve arSiebi Semouyveba, XVII-XVIII saukuneebSi ki
enqeri, 1312 wlis anCis olari vinme Tamar isini jer pirvandel mniSvnelobas kargavs, mere
xerxeuliZisa da 1358 wlis anCisve omofori. ki saerTodac qreba. sxva moqargul nivTebze
gacilebiT meti naqargobis nimuSia moRweuli SeiniSneba zogo sxva cvlilebac. ase, XVII
momdevno, XV-XVIII saukuneebidan. esenia samRvdelo saukunis bolos e.w. TuTas pereqelis ostatma

Secvala figurisa da ornamentis urTierToba, amasTan, Tu jer kidev XVII saukuneSi SeimCneva
axleburi princi pi gamoikveTa, kerZod, ornamenti slavuri, niSandobliv, rusuli xelovnebis
ara marto mosarTavi da simboluri niSania, aramed motivTa Semosvla (Tundac imav gardamoxsnebSi),
figurasTan tolfasi Sinaarsobrivi datvirTvac 1830-iani wlebiT mokidebuli qarTul naqargobas,
aqvs. XVIII saukunis ociani wlebidan dafarnebze, ZiriTadad, ruseTSi, qarxnuli wesiT damzadebuli
sabuxarebze, enqerebze, olarebze figuruli nawarmi enacvleba.
gamosaxulebani mTlianad simboluri xasiaTis saeklesio xelovnebis sxva ganStoebebis
mqone mcenareulma ornamentma Secvala – amis msgavsad, qarTuli naqargobis aRorZinebac 1980-ni
saukeTeso nimuSi qarTlis mefe vaxtang VI-is wlebidan iwyeba. axlad agebuli Tu amoqmedebuli
asulis, Tamaris amoqarguli 1718 wlis dafarnaa. taZrebisTvis RvTismsaxurebisTvis aucilebel
XIX saukunis 20-iani wlebidan naklebad vxvdebiT Sesamoslebs, dafarnebs da a.S. axla saqarTvelos
eklesiebisTvis mdidrul Sesawiravebs. naklebia marTlmadidebli eklesiis sapatriarqosTan
cnobebi saeklesio qargulobaze (Tumca, mag., arsebul Tbilisis (xelmZRvaneli eTer urotaZe),
aleqsandre WavWavaZis ojaxis qalebma bodbeSi wm. zugdidis, breTis Tu sxva eklesiebTan arsebuli
ninos saflavisaTvis gadasafarebeli moqarges). saqargav saxelosnoebSi qmnian.

This book is a modest gift to a person whose personal contribution is invaluable to the recent history of Georgia.
For each of us, His Holiness and Beatitude, Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia, Ilia II is an example of exceptional
personal qualities, competence, kindness, Christian love and devotion to the homeland. He has not only earned great
appreciation and respect of Georgian congregation, but also gained a reputation of a man of faith and virtue in entire
Orthodox Christendom.

Our Patriarch is deservedly called the spiritual father of the nation. This is a sincere recognition of the people who have
been following their leader in his efforts to enhance the spirituality of the nation and to protect the country from troubles
over thirty years. His prayers have many times helped the nation to avoid peril and his advice has showed a right way to
hundreds of thousands of Georgians.

The activity of His Holiness and Beatitude, Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia, Ilia II is of epoch-making importance.
Historic is his contribution to the Georgian nation. His role has been decisive in consolidating the Georgian statehood
and public spirit. Thank God that at this most decisive and challenging moment in the history of our country we have such
a spiritual leader.

It is with great love and respect that I would like to convey my best wishes to the Patriarch of Georgia on his 75th birth and
35th enthronement anniversaries and wish him good health, long life and vigour. May his blessing and preaching be heard
for long in Georgia.

Mikhail Saakashvili
President of Georgia


The Georgian Church ‘has been at the forefront of Georgian century reached full independence and in the 10th century,
art. The Georgian ecclesiastical architecture continues to well before the political unification of the country, how
amaze us and the treasure it keeps is the great wealth of it consolidated the nation. It also inspired the victorious
Georgian national culture. The Church not only sustained knights of King David and Queen Tamar and struggled to
gifted architects, but also took great interest in painting. safeguard the righteousness, faith and even existence of the
Some of the splendid paintings and frescos survive to the nation in times of great trouble that lasted from the 13th
present day’ – these are the words written by the Georgian century through the 18th.
poet Shalva Amirejibi in 1913.
In the 19th century the abrogation of the Georgian
Written almost a century ago, it is difficult to further statehood was followed by canonically unjustifiable
extend the note. There has not been any sphere of spiritual unification of the Georgian Church with Russian. The
or material life which the Church of Christ would not ecclesiastical architecture and painted icons of the time
influence. And art is one of the most visible manifestations reflect, but without the former vigour, the spirit of the
of its positive role. The great teachers of the Church have Georgian clergy, less powerful but yet numerous. With the
not rejected anything created by humans blessed with passage of time, the gap formed by the absence of creative
divine talent but rather paved a new way for old wisdom productivity was to a certain extent filled with the efforts
and art. Philosophy, science, poetry, architecture, painting, aimed at safeguarding the country’s Christian heritage.
music and sculpturing served to glory the Lord and explain Together with scholars, learned monks and bishops
His teachings. This was the case everywhere and Georgia started tracing and publishing medieval Georgian works,
was no exception. recording and performing Georgian hymns, collecting,
recording and publishing antiquities. It was within the
Established by the holy apostles St Andrew the First Called Church that the first national museum was founded
and St Simon the Canaanite in the 1st century and further under the leadership of Dimistri Bakradze, who himself
solidified by St Nino in the 4th century, the Georgian was raised in a family of a priest and was a brother of an
Church from beginning had a congregation, native to ascetic. Among the best Georgian archaeographers of
the Georgian land of great history. The following words particular note are Father Polievktos Karbelashvili, and the
of the David the Prophet are particularly relevant in this Catholicos-Patriarchs of Georgia Kirion (Sadzaglishvili),
case as in many other cases: ‘so that your youth is renewed Ambrosi (Khelaia) and Kalistrate (Tsintsadze). They did
like an eagle’s’ (psalm 102,5). As promised by the Saviour, all this at the time when their primary goal was to protect
moral, mental and artistic creativity of Georgians made the rights of the Georgian Church. Their efforts were
free by the truth became even more vigourous. The works crowned by the regaining of autocephaly in 1917 and later
of poets and musicians and certainly of artists and masters, by the due recognition of the Georgian Church. The latter
namely churches, paintings and sculptures, have together was made possible much later, thanks to the Catholicos-
with annals, vitae and hagiography reflected the Christian Patriarch of All Georgia, His Holiness and Beatitude
spirit. Ilia II.

Closer look at architecture, ornamentation, paintings, Yet, apart from this genuinely historic contribution there
icons, crosses and embroideries demonstrates how religion is another important reason for dedicating this book
had consolidated by the time when King Vakhtang Gorgsali to His Holiness. And not only because he is one of the
laid grounds for the independence of the Georgian chosen whose advice is followed even by non-Christians.
Church, how the Orthodox faith had reigned supreme in Thirty years ago Georgian ecclesiastical art was reckoned
the 6th century despite the Persian invasion and in the 8th only as the belonging of the past. His Holiness was the
century, under the strong attack of Islam, how the Church person who firmly believed that it should and can revive.
came to be the leader of the country, beginning from the 9th It was well before the regaining of the independence of

Georgia in 1991, and even before the ‘perestroika’, in the preserved, and their importance acknowledged and
early 1980s that he called on Georgian artists to recover presented. It is impossible not to express gratitude to His
all areas of Georgian Christian creativity. In addition to Holiness for making us privileged to partake in the great
artists, His Holiness also invited Georgian art historians deed of restoring Christian fine arts, moreover for the fact
as, unlike others, he knew that it was thanks to them that that it is the grace of His Holiness, Catholicos-Patriarch
in the period of atheism and unti-religious ideology lasting Ilia II that gives to this present and future.
70 years, the legacy of master craftsmen was physically


The earliest ecclesiastical buildings, surviving both in the Incarnation of God they had mastered carpeting,
eastern and western Georgia, are dated to the period which is attested by a complex system of beams at Trialeti
not later than the adoption of Christianity. When this burial mounds. Since early times they have worked stone
happened in the 4th century AD, there had already been first for consrtucting dry-masonry cyclopean fortresses
a number of established types of ecclesiastical structures, and tombs and then for building srtuctures of neatly-hewn
e.g. a parish church, a martyrion and a baptistery, to serve stones linked to each other by metal plates. At the turn
the needs of a variety of liturgical services. From apostolic of the new millennium they began using mortar, which
times, Christian liturgy has presupposed the gathering of was followed by the introduction of vault roofing. In the
worshippers in a special space. Throughout the centuries, antiquity, the Georgians started manufacturing bricks and
the place of gathering was to be subdivided into two so that tiles. It was approximately at that time that the town of
to separately accommodate the clergy and the worshippers Uplistsikhe was hewn in rock. Its chambers are designed
and also be oriented towards the East. These standards, following stone and timber houses, sometimes also referred
as well as necessarily apsidal shape of the sanctuary were to as palaces. These structures also mark the end of a two-
accepted by Georgian architects who later even appeared thousand-year-old tradition of building rock-cut villages
to precede masters of many countries in adopting the and burial places. However, the tradition was later, in the
early Christian tradition of designing rooms on each side 6th century, revived by Georgian monks.
of the sanctuary which, from the 8th -9th century onwards,
together with the enhancement of liturgy, accommodated Medieval masons made use of their knowledge of traditional
a prothesis and diaconicon. The Georgians shared their building practice. Most of the Georgian churches are
understanding of the Church symbolism with the rest built of stone and lime mortar. Between the 6th and the
of Christendom and considered the east and the upper 15th centuries dressed blocks or slabs were used to face at
sections of a church to signify heaven, while the west and least the exteriors of relatively important buildings, except
the lower sections, the earth. And the church in its entirety those in Kakheti. However, timber churches were also built
was considered as an icon of the cosmos created by God. from early times in eastern, southern and most notably in
western regions. For clear reasons, those few churches of
Despite these commonalities, Georgian churches are this kind that survive to our day date not earlier than from
easily distinguishable and distinctive, which is due to the the 19th century. Brick churches were also built sporadically
adaptation by local masters of universal rules and concepts at least in the 9th century, but most of them between the
according to their own taste and building skills and old 14th and 19th centuries. Roof tiles, the production of which,
traditions. As it was the case in other countries, the advance like those of bricks, is related to pottery, was one of the
of Christianity in Georgia was met by the people who had most widespread building materials (wooden shingle
their own past and experience, and who needed to use their was prevalent in western Georgia with occasional uses of
own verbal and artistic vocabulary to render what had been copper; beginning from the 13th century tile-like stone
heralded to them. The Georgians at the time had already slabs came in use). From the artistic point of view, 8th-
had a long and rich building tradition. Millennia before 9th century tiles and 15th century decorative tiles, bearing

the representations of the saints and the scenese from the Palestine and north Africa. More noticeable are elements
Bible (Danniel in the Lion’s Den) are of note. Lapis lazuli, characteristic of Persian art and these too, began to be
purple, emerald, grass green and other colours of glazed markedly reshaped at least starting from the second half of
tiles, which were introduced in the second half of the 10th the 5th century.
century, must have embellished all churches of 10th -12th
centuries as well as those built in the late Middle Ages. In Dating from the 4th and the first half of the 5th centuries,
the 13th century, glazed slabs were also used for decoration the earliest buildings, the number of which is extremely
of brick churches, while in the 12th-13th-18th centuries a small, are highly original. Those which resisted time
multi-coloured mosaic floor was laid of multiple colour are modest or even tiny and atypical at the same time,
bricks in the sanctuary of the 9th-10th century Church at which allows us to assume that their builders were not
Ozaani, near Sighnaghi, eastern Georgia. fully familiar with the construction norms of the time.
Examples include the old church at Nekresi (Kakheti)
Apart from this vast building knowledge, the Georgians with its walls open through arches towards the exterior
also had strongly pronounced aesthetic aspirations. rather than to the sanctuary. More ‘casual’ is a domed
Dwellings from the 5th millennium BC onwards show ‘square’, composed of arches, standing in the yard of the
that the Georgians preferred enclosed, round or almost Cheremi episcopal church, over the grave of an unknown
square, often elevated chambers concentrated around a ecclesiastical figure. These structures, however unatractive
real or perceived vertical axis. This trend appears extremely they may seem to many of today’s visitors, reveal the
important considering that the majority of the centres of purposeful selection of forms (e.g. arch shapes) and most
the Christendom, including the neighbouring Asia Minor, importantly, the predilection for ‘non-elongated’ design,
made use of longitudal designs. And it is not a mere which distinguishes Georgian churches from elongated
coincidence that the great basilicas built between the 4th and basilicas of the rest of the Christendom and later of the
5th centuries in Rome, Jerusalem, Greece and elsewhere, are Western countries. Such practice has its origins in ancient
conceived by some scholars as covered streets or roadways. building tradtion and space perception. By the end of the
5th century, the Georgians had already constructed large
It thus appears convincing that the building of churches in churches, such as Bolnisi Sioni, Svetitskhoveli at Mtskheta,
Georgia commenced in the first half of the 4th century, after which was built by King Vakhtang Gorgasali (the large
the official adoption of Christianity in Kartli. According portions of the original structure are inserted in the present-
to Georgian chronicles, most of the initial churches were day cathedral erected in the 11th century) and Katsareti
built by Greek masons (i.e. from the countries where Greek Trinity. These churches demonstrate the way Georgian
was a spoken language). architects adopted Hellenic and Roman basilica designs by
‘compressing’ them to meet their own and commissioners’
The trace of Greek masons is not, at least now, visible in desires. They increased the height and reduced the length
eastern and southern Georgia, while several ‘imported’4th- of their buildings. The creative search for compactness and
5th century buildings have been discovered in western the unity of the enclosed space is attested by a so-called
Georgia, which at the time was directly subordinated to ‘three-church basilica’ invented in the first half of the 6th
Rome and later to Byzantium. The examples of these are century, the middle nave of which, seemingly enclosed by
a Roman, but later a Byzatine settlement in Bitchvinta walls, appears to be a separate space. The emergence of this
(Apkhazeti), then called Pitiunt and also buildings at variety of a domeless church, the designs similar to which
Nokalakevi, capital of Lazica. Whatever was the number can be seen elsewhere but have never turned into a set type
of such buildings, they failed to define the essence or to apart from Georgia, must be a response to a certain liturgical
influence the future of Georgian ecclesiastical architecture need. Yet, such ‘wrapping’ of function reveals creativity
and architecture in general. It is also important to note that and an aesthetic approach. A ‘three-church basilica’, the
the use of purely and even redeveloped antique elements examples of which emerged almost simultaneously in
was extremely rare in Georgia, and that they never created eastern Georgia (both in the Kartli and Kakheti regions
the same artistic impression as they did in Rome, Syria- - Kvemo Bolnisi, Vanati, St Nicholas’s at Kardanakhi, St

Theodore’s churches at Ruispiri, etc) and in the north-west dome would be supported by four pillars and the cross
regions of the country, in what is now Abkhazia (old Gagra formed by the arms would extend from the dome. This
Church), enjoyed further development in the 6th century, so-called ‘inscribed-cross’ type was the most widespread
by the end of which they received a perfect compositional in the entire Orthodox Christendom beginning from the
shape (Zegani and Nekresi Kvelatsminda, Vachnadziani 9th-10th century onwards. The builder of south Georgian
Amidasturi churches, etc). church at Bana (Tao, now in Turkey) tried another way
by applying experience of the builders of the Holy Cross
In the same period, most likely beginning from the 6th Church at Mtskheta and of Tsromi Church, as well as
century, domed churches became more prevalent as was taking into account a similar compositional treatment
the case in the rest of the oriental Christendom. The typical of late Roman-early Byzantine architecture when
earliest of them have perfectly symetrical central designs constructing a tetraconch with a grand ambulatory. This
and are four-apsed (i.e. tetraconch) or ‘croix-libre’ in plan and some other churches (e.g. minor church of Samtsevrisi
(e.g. Dzveli Gavazi, Erelaant Sakdari, Idleti Natlismtsemeli in Kartli) show that the architects of the time did not any
churches and Ninotsminda Cathedral, the latter being more like the calmness and composure of their ancestors as
more complex). their buildings show a tint of movement and tension, the
features that defined the future of Georgian architecture.
No more satisfied with simple buildings, approximately
from the middle of the 6th century, architects showed These new creative searches coincided with unfavourable
predilicetion for multipartite patterns and made conditions. From the middle of the 7th century the Arab
distinction between primary and secondary sections of troops invaded eastern and southern regions of Georgia
perfectly balanced inner space and of exterior volumes as bringing most of the country within the borders of the
well. The Holy Cross Church at Mtskheta (586-604), one Caliphate. The Arab influence, however, diminished in the
of the masterpieces of Georgian and world architecture, is late 8th century with local political units starting to gain
the first building that crowned this effort. The design of power, and the ‘Abkhaz Kingdom’, striving to break free
the church features not only harmonious cohesion and from Byzantium, became prominent in western Georgia.
exquisite synergy of the building with the surrounding The internal rivalry and struggle with external forces could
landscape, but also a perfect artistic solution for achieving not have contributed to the flourishing of architecture, but
harmony of the interior and the façades, which was yet, surprisingly enough, revival of Georgian ecclesiastical
unknown to the architecture of many regions of the architecture appeared possible in the period from the 8th
Christendom in the previous centuries and later. The Holy through the 10th centuries. Extensive building activity
Cross Church at Mtskheta was, in the first half of the 7th covered the entire country, its hillsides and vallyes, cities,
century and maybe slightly later, used as a model for other towns and monasteries. The period was most prolific in terms
four churches (Dzveli Shuamta in Kakheti, Atenis Sioni in of the number of buildings. A wide variety of ecclesiastical
Kartli, the Church of the Virgin in Martvili (Samegrelo) buildings, including domed (tetraconch, triconch, multi-
and Chamkhusi in Tao, now in Turkey), which have been apsidal, ‘croix-libre’ and ‘inscribed-cross’) and domeless
termed by scholars as Mtskheta Holy Cross type buildings. (such as single-nave, basilicas, ‘three-church basilicas’ and
These churches, which are the landmarks of Georgian two-nave) churches were erected. Yet, domed architecture
architecture, demonstrate that even talented artists failed was the most widespread, especially from the 6th century
to add much to the model composition; a principally novel onwards. The prominence of such architecture is evident
design could be established only by devising a new variety not only judging by the quantity (single-nave churches,
of a domed church. This is what the brilliant architect of more appropriate and affordable for smaller congregations
Tsromi Church (first half of the 7th century) attempted. were to be found in large numbers both at that time and
He not only designed an exquisite building, but also later), but by their essence too. It is domed buildings that
was among the first (three contemprorarous Armenian offered new ideas and motifs and allowed shifts in creative
churches offered a different artistic solution) to build a approaches. The architects active at the time used different
church that would be rectangular from the outside, its solutions by either making the established forms more

complex or conversely, by simplifying them, obtaining as a best demonstrate the artistic accomplishments. However
result unpredicted and even difficult-to-explain designs. For remarkable buildings were also erected in other regions
instance, the merge of three-nave or ‘three-church’ basilicas of the country, such as Kumurdo Church in Javakheti,
with the dome space was widely practiced (e.g. Gurjaani Bochorma and Kvetera fortress churches in Kakheti, and
and Vachnadziani churches of the Virgin (Kakheti), Mokvi Cathedral in Apkhazeti. Yet, it was elements and
Sinkoti in Klarjeti); on the other hand, in some churches ornaments worked out by south-Georgian artisans, which
of the Ksani River and Rekhula Gorge (Shida Kartli) were at the turn of the 11th century employed widely by
the dome became hidden by outer volumes (e.g. Tsirkoli, architects in Imereti, Apkhazeti, Kartli and even Kakheti,
Armazi, Inauri); also, some of basilica naves appear to be where architectural decoration had not almost been used
divided into three sections by spreading light (Zedazeni), at all previously. This is how the unified ‘architectural
while others seem to be merging into a single space (Mama language’ was created in not yet politically but
Daviti Church at Akura). Also noteworthy is that some of ecclesiastically consolidated Georgia. And as the country
the regions developed styles peculiar to them only (Kartli became culturally homogenous even implicity already in
and Kakheti) between the 5th to the end of the 7th centuries. the Antiquity and then, fairly explicitly in the 5th century,
Now in larger regions and even in small geographical units now it seemed uniform even to the superficial observor.
(e.g. the Ksani Gorge and Javakheti Plateau) one can see
coherent groups of churches characterised by local features, Creative efforts were continued in the early 11th century.
which reveal the hand of local masters with common skills The three greatest cathedrals of Georgia, the Cathedral
and knowledge. Particularly remarkable are three ‘waves’ of the Dormition in Kutaisi (1003, commonly called
that can be outlined in the history of architecture of the Bagrat’s Cathedral), Svetitskhoveli Cathedral in Mtskheta
time, those of Kakheti, Tao-Klarjeti-Shavsheti (now in (1010-1029) and St George’s Church in Alaverdi (up to
Turkey) and northern shores of the Black Sea (the so- 1030) are from this periode. Their observation shows that
called ‘Abkhazeti school’). although 10th century architects did create ‘homogenous’
architecture, they were not reluctant to elaborate each and
All of these major and minor centres share the same artistic every component and use multiple elements. In the 11th
aspirations and searches, but expressed in different modes. century plans have turned more simple, with the space,
Their zealous efforts, married with intense ex-change, volumes and decorations merging with each other; even
introduced an important change in Georgia in the middle separate elements were interpreted in connection with
of the 10th century – the artistic impression of dynamism in others. Certain patterns were developed over time, thanks
the 8th and 9th centuries, the period referred to as the ‘period to which masters had a greater number of eleborate ready-
of trasmission’ is created by the contrast of proportions made designs and means at their disposal. Consequently,
and lighting and certain tension; also, parts and elements there was almost nothing to look for. The culmination
of the structures, as in the 6th and 7th centuries, appear to of this trend was the Samtavisi Cathedral of 1030 and
be independent. Later, masters wanted to present them as Samtavro Cathedral at Mtskheta dating from 1030-1060.
merging with each other. Another token of the changes Since then Georgian architects had fully established church
is the growth in number and relevance of ornaments and design which served as a model during centuries that came
sculptural embellishments. A relief or an ornamented after.
frame, which earlier served to create an emphasis only,
on doors and winsows for instance, turned into either The period of the climax of the Georgian statehood,
independent elements or, became at least as relevant as which lasted two centuries, saw different, sometimes
an opening or any other component of a building itself. brilliant variations of mostly the Samtavro and Samtavisi
The most advanced was the architecture of south-western patterns. Inscribed-cross in plan, these laconic buildings
Georgia (now in Turkey), the churches of the monasteries with double pillars were richly adorned with grand crosses
of which (Oshki, Khakhuli and Tbeti domed churches, (beginning from the 1030s, together with a single-nave
Otkhta Eklesia and Parkhali Basilica), commissioned church, this was the only type that remained in use). The
by the powerful members of the Bagrationi royal family examples of such buildings include Ikorta (1172), Betania,

Kvatakhevi (late 12th and beginning of the 13th century) in the 17th Kartli and in the 18th Racha-Lechkhumi and
and Pitareti (early 13th century) churches, where the Kartl-Kakheti. Most importantly, like in the previous
exterior decoration is matched by interior wall paintings. centuries, artistic unity was difficult to achieve as
This is architecture of decorative imagination. There are individual aspirations conflicting with the established
only few churches the architects of which have relied models and the resulting incosistency are evident. Despite
purely on architectural expressiveness, among which note this, we can still see the efforts of stonemasons of the
should be made of the well-known Gelati Cathedral of time to gracefully present the House of the Lord and to
the Virgin of the 12th century, Tighva Church of 1152 as appreciate their accomplishments. It would suffice to
well as Timotesubani and Kintsvisi brick churces both of mention a sharp silhouette of 16th century brick domed
which were built at the turn of the 13th century. However, Kakhetian churches and façades patterned with crosses
it appears evident that some architects, even some of the and arches (Akhali Shuamta Church of the Virgin, Gremi
great virtuosos of Queen Tamar’s epoch, found no pleasure Church of the Archangels and others), the emergence of a
in repeating the established patterns. It was due to this that complex system of façade reliefs in Kartli and Lechkhumi
the architecture sometimes lost its expressiveness with in the late 17th and early 18th centuries, first after the 11th
the outer walls becoming ‘empty’. This became even more century (Ananuri Church of the Dormition, Churches of
evident beginning from the middle of the 13th century, Sts Peter and Paul in Sagarejo, the drum of Sioni Cathedral
following the invasions of the Kwarazms and during the in Tbilisi of 1701, ‘Mtskheta’ in Lechkhumi, etc) and the
reign of the Mongols. When observing these churches it solidity and careful adornment of Barakoni Church of the
becomes clear that following the period of King Davit Virgin built in 1753.
Aghmashenebeli (David the Builder) and Queen Tamar,
masters took less and less interest in adorning buildings The potential of the architects of ‘later centuries’ may seem
and started to look for plain simplicity and placidity. At the more vivid where they had to build without set patterns.
same time, they failed to reject the refinement of the 11th Examples include bell-towers dating from the 16th through
-12th century churces, which resulted in ecclectic desings the 18th centuries (Ninotsminda, Anchiskhati Church in
characterised by certain inconsistency, even if they were Tbilisi, Bolnisi, Urbnisi and Ruisi cathedrals, etc) – each
created by skilled masters (e.g. Ertatsminda Church and of them is distinctly individual, perfectly matching the
Tbilisi Metekhi Church in Kartli, Sapara and Zarzma in churches built over a thousand years ago, and is planned
Samtskhe, Mghvimevi in Imereti and Bedia in Apkhazia). and adorned in a variety of ways. The liberty with which
It is also to be noted that with the passage of time, the level Georgian architects adopted and transformed elements
of craftsmanship deteriorated. The devastating inroads borrowed from Persian and later, in the 18th century,
led by Tamerlane further affected Georgian architecture. from western European art attests to the their intuition
The invasions caused such level of destrcution across the and wittedness. The political events of the 19th century
country that it took a century to restore what had been opened doors for everything that was western and if not
ruined, leaving no time for new building activity. Looking intrinsic readiness, this influence might have destroyed the
at the buildings created in the 15th century one may be Georgian’s spiritual identity.
astonished by the lack of refinement of structures and
sculptures, e.g. the parts of the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral at However, the 19th century brought about many difficulties
Mtskheta restored in the 15th century. to the Georgian society in general, and architects in
particular. The year 1801 started with the unification of
The 16th century saw the revival of ecclesiastical architec- Kartl-Kakheti into the Russian Empire, and ended with
ture. The level of craftsmanship again reached its heights the abolishment of Georgian statehood, first time in the
and remained so through the end of the 18th century. history of the country. In the 1810s the autocephally of
Yet, certain difficulties remained. The building activity the Georgian Orthodox Church was abrogated. Under
proceeded with intermissions and from one region into new circumastances, public building activity went into
another together with the establishment of peace. Thus, in the hands of foreign power; the same applies mostly to
the 16th century Kakheti and Imereti came to the forefront, the construction of churches. On the other hand, a large

number of churches were erected, mostly on the initiative required by its donors, chief priests Markoz Tkemaladze
and with the donations of Georgian congregation and and Kalistrate Tsintsadze who later became Catholicos-
bishops (St Bishop Gabriel of Imereti was particularly Patriarch of Georgia and General I. Amilakhvari), built it
prolific in this regard). In the first half of the 19th century, in immitaiton of Samtavisi Church. Similar would be most
the attempts undertaken in the previous centuries as well probably the design of the Church of St Queen Tamar in
as their adaptation to new-western culture became visible, the district of Saburtalo, Tbilisi, the construction of which
the clear example of which is the Holy Trinity Church was conceived shortly before World War I.
in Tbilisi finished in 1863. The situation became more
complex beginning from 1860. The village churches of During World War I and the years of independence (1918-
the time are mostly uniform and follow the same pattern 1921), church building was almost fully suspended, while
with a few exceptions, such as some of the churches built after 1921 under the Soviet rule even a thought would
by the masons from the Berekashvili family in Imereti, be unimaginable. It was not until the 1980s, which were
western Georgia. In cities and towns where Russian troops marked by the weakening of the Soviet Union, that intense
were deployed, ecclesiastical and secular authorities built activity to recover Georgian ecclesiastical architectural
the so-called ‘Russian’ and ‘Russian-Byzantine’ churches, activity began thanks to the efforts of the Catholicos-
many of which are not the best samples of this style Patriarch of All Georgia, His Holiness and Beatitude
which was widepsread across the Empire. The most well- Ilia II. The competition announced in 1990 to select the
known among them was most likely the Alexander Nevsky best design for the Holy Trinity Cathedral, which was
Cathedral in Tbilisi, also referred to as Soboro, erected conducted in two stages, was of particular importance. It
to commemorate the ‘conquest of the Caucasus’, which has revealed the desire of numerous architects to contribute
explains the political reason underlying such architecture, to the building of the cathedral as well as the difficulties
as well as the Church of the Virgin in Didube, also in Tbilisi. associated with the combination of the ‘traditional’ and
Some of the churches built at the time were designed in the ‘new’, essential for building a church. Yet, despite this
line with old Georgian churches, for instance Mamadaviti complexity and severe hardship, the Holy Trinity Cathedral
Church on the top of Tbilisi (1859-1871). In late 19th and has been accomplished and now overlooks the city from
early 20th centuries national-liberation movement and the Mout Ellijah as a symbol of the spiritual unity of Georgia,
efforts to regain the independence of the Georgian Church as His Holiness and Beatitude noted. Foundations of
were complemented by the attempt to revive Georgian many churches have been blessed and many more are being
architecture (or ‘Georgian style’ as they said). This trend built or planned both in Tbilisi and across the country. It
found expression in ecclesiastical architecture, the most is without doubt that many more will be constructed to
vivid example of which is notably Kvashveti Church contribute to the spiritual revival and enhancement of
of St George (1910, designed by L. Bielfeld) which, as Georgia.

Stone Reliefs

The historical process of shaping new art in the medieval stone had a special artistic and ideological importance.
period evolved along different lines in each field of art. This Medieval sculpture is a peculiar icon of the universe
included sculpture, the development of which was closely revealing the theological, philosophical and social
intertwined with architecture. Stone reliefs, together with developments of the epoch. The processes that took place
murals, aimed to visualize images of Christ, the Virgin in medieval Christian sculpture are retraceable in other
and saints, as well as to illustrate the main concepts of forms of Christian art and are marked by characteristic
Christianity and major events of the Holy Scripture. The features of their time. Each historical period is marked by
attainment of this objective required a a well-established its own distinctive spirituality, which, like other spheres, is
artistic system, elaborated iconography and highly clearly revealed in church relief decoration.
developed theological thinking as the images enlivened in

Medieval sculpture is architectural in its essence as it history of sculpture (5th - 7th century), when the new art of
is bounded by buildings and rules are imposed by the carving with particular expressiveness, was being created.
façades and other structural parts such as lunettes, capitals, This was a new form of medieval thinking and a new way
drums, door-and-window frames and chancel barriers. The of mastering space and volume.
wall surface serves as an essential artistic component of a
sculpture. Early Georgian reliefs can be retraced through the
technical and artistic methods of woodcarving, as well
The earliest examples of medieval Georgian stone as through ancient symbolic representations. They also
carvings date back to the 5th century. The oldest Georgian display elements and motifs typical of ivory relief and
architectural reliefs are preserved in Bolnisi Sioni built in metalwork. Portable objects, namely reliquaries, crosses
the second half of the 5th century, a period when the main and icons, liturgical fans, censers, and other liturgical
principles of church relief decoration were being formed. implements and eulogia or “blessings” brought from the
Reliefs adorned mostly interiors as architects at that time Holy Land and Byzantium, served as models and a lively
did not see the need to embellish the exterior walls of source of inspiration for local sculptors.
churches. The Bolnisi reliefs display an advanced artistic
and symbolic thinking of that time. The 8th and the 9th centuries are considered to be a
‘transitional’ period in Georgian art. From this time of
In Georgia, as in other Christian countries, by the second artistic pursuit and innovative solutions we have only
half of the 6th century the formation of iconographic a small number of surviving reliefs. Preserved works of
relief programmes was completed. This is attested by the this period are distinguished by conventional plastic
splendid Church of the Holy Cross in Mtskheta ( Jvari), rendering. Flattened, disproportional figures of this epoch
which exposes a striking example of harmony and balance tend to schematization and expressiveness (i.e. the reliefs
between architectural forms and plastic decoration. Its at Telovani and Tsirkoli churches of the 8th - 9th century,
sophisticated plastic decoration, which perfectly fits to Usaneti stone pillar of the 9th century and a relief of Ashot
architectural forms and displays a logical artistic and Kuropolates from Opiza of the 9th century).
theological concept, is rightfully acknowledged as a
masterpiece of world art. It is important to note that Jvari From the 10th century, the revival of façade reliefs began.
served as a model for a large number of churches built later Sculptural representations became liberated from a stone
in Georgia and Armenia. block and acquired three-dimensionality, though there
was still much to be done towards the attainment of free
In the 6th and 7th centuries Georgian masters created sculptural rendering (Ashot Kukh’s relief from Tbeti of the
highly original stone crosses which had both religious and 920s and a relief slab from Sukhumi of the 10th century).
commemorative functions. Erected on a stepped base, these Successful examples of the incorporation of sculptures
high four-sided pillars topped with a cross were covered into architecture include the relief decoration of Kumurdo
with carved ‘icons’ visualizing the Holy Scripture. Stone Church (964), and the reliefs of Vale and Korogho churches
crosses, symbols of Christianization of the country, were (10th century).
commissioned by high-ranked feudal lords and served as
an assertion of their social status and devotion (Khandisi, In the second half of the 10th century, the main principles
Davati, Dmanisi and Satskhenisi stone pillars among of façade sculpture were formulated, which is evident from
others). the churches and monasteries in Tao-Klarjeti. Oshki and
Khakhuli church reliefs are stunning examples of their
In expressive carved stone images of this period, one could time. The sculptural composition of the Deisis on the
find a revival of local tradition. These flat, static, hieratic south façade of Oshki Church with the figures of donors
representations of early Christian stone pillars demonstrate is a unique composition of exceptional artistic power. This
a sculptural rendering different from Hellenistic-Roman monumental relief displays the sculptural achievements
artistic forms. This was the most remarkable period in the of the epoch, the high mastery and artistic freedom of
Georgian artists.

In the 11th century, the “classical” form of Georgian church sculpturing, but to small architectural forms, such as
façade decoration was shaped. By this time, Georgian chancel barrier reliefs (chancel barriers at Sapara and Shio-
architects and sculptors had elaborated a clear system of Mghvime of the 11th century). The same process is evolved
architectural decoration with a well-articulated layout of in Georgian repoussé works of the time.
carved decorative elements, both figurative and ornamental.
The compositional structure of Georgian church reliefs From the 12th century onwards, figural relief was replaced
from this period is based on architectural concept and well by purely ornamental relief as was tradition at the time.
thought-out principles. Reliefs closely attached to wall Figural reliefs thus became part of ornamental adornment.
surfaces correspond to architectural forms, stressing their Pitareti (1213-1222) and St Saba’s at Sapara (late 13th
solidity and strength. Façade sculptures accentuating the century) are examples of such an approach.
main construction elements of church buildings together
with stone walls create one whole harmonized unity. The adversities of the successive centuries hindered the
development of architecture and relief art correspondingly.
Nikortsminda Cathedral (1014) is an outstanding example It was not until the 17th century that façade relief began
of an indivisible decorative system, in which each part of to revive slowly. The process was marked by a tendency
the structure is embellished with a programme specially towards a return to the past, including old Christian
devised for it. At Nikortsminda we see an elaborated relief symbols and ornamental patterns surviving in people’s
ensemble, each component of which serves to convey the memories. Sculpture of this period has an eclectic
idea of the Glory of Christ. character. However, we still have some splendid ensembles
from that time, such as the late-17th-century Church of the
The magnificent Svetitskhoveli Cathedral (1010-1029) Dormition at Ananuri.
presents a splendid ensemble of architectural relief. The
façades are remarkable for a refined and conceptually The medieval art of Georgian stone carving continues to
unified system of figural and ornamental reliefs. Samtavisi exist on the façades and in the interiors of new churches.
Church (1030) is a classic example of sculptural rendering The works of contemporary Georgian sculptors, which
of the eastern façade. display familiarity with old artistic and technical traditions,
have become more refined. The revival and enhancement of
11th century Georgian reliefs are distinguished by their this branch of Georgian Christian art is a creative process
sophisticated plasticity and high artistic quality. It was at continued by new generations of sculptors.
that time that sculptural form achieved its highest level
of development. This refers not only to monumental

Wall Paintings

Painting is an important field of Christian art. Mosaics and the Holy Land, Georgian Christian art evolved in
and frescoes, glimmering from the walls of churches, as parallel with the arts of these centres forming a distinctive
well as icons rested on chancel barriers, and miniatures and authentic style of its own based on its ancient local
adorning holy scriptures make up the great spiritual unity traditions.
represented by the Christian Church and liturgy.
Thus, for instance, in addition to the traditional Christian
The origins of Christian art in Georgia take roots in the themes, Georgian artists succeeded in developing an
4th century when Christianity was promulgated as a iconography of national saints, including St Nino the
state religion. Although theological literature, as well as Illuminator of Georgia, St Davit Garejeli and St Shio
iconography of images and to a certain degree, artistic forms Mghvimeli. This attests to the creativity of Georgian
were influenced by the works imported from Byzantium theologians and artists in elaborating Christian icono-

graphy. The painting programmes of Georgian churches Of the murals from this period particular note must
reveal the influence of the Georgian theological thinking. be made of the paintings at Davit Gareja rock-hewn
For instance, we can see far more instances of depicting monasteries. The earliest of these are tentatively dated to
the Glory of the Cross in the domes and the Deisis in the the 8th century. One of the most extraordinary painting,
conches of the sanctuaries of Georgian churches than in which covers the conch of the sanctuary of a church in
Byzantine painting. Tetri Udabno Monastery, depicts a cross flanked by palm
trees imbued with oval, seven-layer glory.
The peculiarities of Georgian Christian art also defined
its artistic forms, including compositional arrangement, More extensive and complex programmes can be found
character of lines and colour gamut. Being an inherent at four churches of the Sabereebi monastery, also in Davit
part of Orthodox art, it still varies from Byzantine art Gareja, which are notable for their unique iconography
proper, as well as from Serbian-Macedonian, Cypriot and and individual artistic rendering. The paintings in one
Cappadocian painting traditions. of the churches reminds of cloisonné enamel thanks to
extreme linearity and lavish use of turquoise paint of
A number of stylistic tendencies, which can be clearly strange texture. Here we see the earliest images of the
singled out in the history of Georgian Christian art, do not Virgin Eleusa in Georgian art.
coincide in time with the Byzantine trends. In addition to
this, several distinctive painting schools emerged within Painting programmes of Davit Gareja are dominated by
the Georgian painting milieu, including Svanetian, Tao- the representations of the Glory and Vision of Christ
Klarjetian, Davit Garejian, etc. Most of the surviving in the conch, while the 9th-10th century conch of a small
paintings in all of these centres are executed in secco or domed church of the Dodos Rka complex offers an original
mixed technique. representation of the Holy Trinity. As compared to the
coarse, linear expressiveness of the Sabereebi paintings,
It is natural that only a small part of the paintings the murals at Dodos Rka are executed in a more refined
survive to the present day, and there are a few fragments manner.
of monumental paintings from the early Christian age,
e.g. floor mosaics at Bichvinta basilica (Abkhazeti) with Until the middle of the 10th century, the interior would not
sharply pronounced Christian symbolism (4th-5th century) be entirely covered with paintings. Only those parts, which
and stunning mosaics adorning the conch of the sanctuary had a particular theological importance, such as a dome, a
of Tsromi Church in Kartli (early 7th century). sanctuary, and rarely a wall opposite the entrance, would
be adorned with frescoes. Beginning from the latter half
The number of the wall paintings created in the 9th and of the 10th century, murals took up the entire inner space,
10th centuries is also modest, and those which survive are as a result of which the painting programme became more
in fragments. At that stage of development, Georgian complex and extensive. If earlier the images of the main
painting was characterised by conventional forms, i.e. Christian dogmas were presented (e.g. the Glory of Christ,
pronounced flatness, conventionality and distortion of the Ascension, the Glory of the Virgin, the Ascension of
forms and proportions, priority of a non-plastic, angular the Cross, individual figures of the apostles and saints),
line, sharply contrasting colour gamut, and a full disregard from the 10th century a wide range of scenes began to be
for pictorial modelling. depicted on the walls, chiefly from the New Testament
and more rarely from the Old Testament. Scenes from
Apart from being characterised by epochal features, the the lives of saints, especially of St George, who was very
paintings in the chancel barrier of Armazi Church, the popular in Georgia, were also presented. Each picture was
frescoes in Jvarpatiosani Church at Telovani and the accompanied with explanatory inscriptions in asomtavruli
murals in Upper Svaneti (Nesguni, Atsi and Chvabiani (majuscule) script, though Greek inscriptions of the period
among others), all which date from this period, vividly are also in evidence.
display local traditions.

The period between the 11th through the 13th centuries tings display another trend in Georgian painting,
was the heyday of Georgian culture. A multitude of characterised by linear and two-dimensional rendering, as
diverse samples of murals, painted icons and illuminated well as more conventional approach and more restrained
manuscripts point to the talent and vast knowledge of colouring of earth paints used. Regrettably, these paintings
Georgian masters. At the same time, they attest to the deep were mostly destroyed as a result of an earthquake in
spirituality, faith and advanced theological thinking in 1991.
Georgia, a country where Christian religion and national
self-identity have been closely intertwined. In the beginning of the 12th century, the conch of the
sanctuary in the main church of Gelati Monastery,
The paintings adorning the main church and the refectory established by King Davit Aghmashenebeli (David the
of the Davit Gareja monasteries, distinguished by serene Builder), was adorned with mosaics depicting the Glory of
monumentality of their large figures, regularity and Virgin, which can be freely levelled with the best examples
balance of compositions, calm rhythmical sequence of of mosaic painting of their time. They must have been
bright colours and above all, the large number of images of executed by a Georgian master educated in Byzantium.
and scenes from the life of St Davit Garejeli, date from the Of note are also the images of Seven Ecumenical Councils
early 11th century. shown in the narthex, which are one of the earliest samples
of wall paintings showing this theme.
The second half of the 10th century and the 11th century saw
the emergence of Tao-Klarjeti (now in Turkey) painting Upper Svaneti also preserves some important paintings
school. The great cathedrals and monastic churches there from this period marked by the revival of Georgian art.
were embellished with magnificent, truly ‘royal’ murals: Executed by an artist of the royal court, Tevdore, the murals
Otkhta Eklesia (10th century), Khakhuli (early 11th century), at Iprari (1069), Nakipari (1130) and Lagurka (late 11th
Ishkhani (11th-12th century) and Oshki (10th-11th century) and early 12th century) are distinguished by a high artistic
ensemble feature magnificent paintings characterised by quality and extraordinary expressiveness, and also notable
monumentality and grandeur of general layout, skillful for the fact that have preserved the name of the master,
artistic treatment, exclusive iconographic programmes which is quite rare in medieval art. The paintings made
(e.g. the Vision of Zachariah at Ishkhani), refined linearity, by Tevdore are characterised by strong monumentality,
rich colour gamut and spirituality of faces. The Ascension expressiveness of images, and dynamic and sculptural,
of the Cross depicted against the lapis lazuli background in almost incised drawing, as well as a restrained colouring
the dome is a masterpiece of Orthodox art. mostly using earth paints.

Among numerous Georgian murals of the 11th-12th Svaneti preserves the name of another artist, Michael
centuries, those covering the walls of Atenis Sioni Maghlakeli, who in 1140 is said to have painted
(Kartli), dating from the latter half of the 11th century, Matskhvarishi Church in the Latali community. These
are of particular mention. Apart from presenting a highly murals appear to be more ‘provincial’. They are based on
original iconographic programme (personifications of a somewhat coarse drawing and reveal simpler and less
Paradise rivers in the squinches, the extended life cycle plastic modelling. In addition to the traditional row of
of the Virgin, the Last Judgement, and a large row of the the Great Feasts, they depict, on the north wall, a unique
portraits of the royal Bagrationi family), they exhibit representation of the crowning of King Demetre I.
artistic perfection and expressiveness. The entire painting
recalls a superb polyphonic hymn. Brilliant paintings adorning the six-apsed church of
Bochorma castle, containing the portrait of Davit
Monumental and tectonic treatment is also evident in Aghmashenebeli, as well as those at Ikvi church, featuring
the painting ensemble to be found in the Church of an extensive cycle of the life of St George, belong to the
the Archangels at Zemo Krikhi, which included highly middle of the 12th century. Pavnisi and Kalaubani church
expressive portraits of Racha eristavis (rulers). The pain- paintings of the second half of the 12th century also include
the life cycle of St George.

Among the murals of the late 12th and early 13th centuries, In the late Middle Ages, spanning the period from the 16th
the most notable are painting ensembles associated with through the 18th centuries, which saw the disintegration of
Queen Tamar, such as those found in the rock-cut churches Georgia into several kingdoms and principalities, churches
at Vardzia, Natlismtsemeli and Bertubani in Gareja, as continued to be adorned with paintings, but the latter
well as in the built churches of Kintsvisi, Betania and lack the artistic qualities of the murals made from the 10th
Timotesubani, which, with the exception of Timotesubani, through the 13th century. However, these paintings reflect
contain the dynastic portraits of King Giorgi III, Queen the spiritual life in Georgia at the time.
Tamar and her son, Lasha Giorgi. They are emphasised
through a specific compositional rendering, as well as Apart from creating new works, the period saw the
location and dimensions. restoration of old churches and of frescoes adorning
them respectively, and even covering the walls with new
The paintings from Queen Tamar’s epoch have many paintings. For instance, the Gelati Cathedral was many
commonalities, including a refined drawing, sinuous times renewed and covered with paintings, a church of the
curves, a subtle modelling of forms, and lightness and Holy Cross Monastery in Jerusalem, which among other
extraordinary brilliance of cold and luminous colours. At remnants of old murals preserve the well-known portrait
the same time, each mural is a unique work characterised of the prominent 12th century Georgian poet Shota
by highly individual iconographic programme and artistic Rustaveli, was repainted several times in the 14th , 16th and
treatment, and colourity in particular. Hence, for instance, 17th centuries.
the paintings in St Nicholas Church at Kintsvisi feature
the combination of the lapis lazuli, coral green and white
colours, enriched with cinnabar and gold hues differing a Georgians showed active presence on Mount Athos in
lot form the colouring of other paintings. Distinguished by Iviron Monastery and other religious centres, which served
a highly refined rendering and deep spirituality, a fragment as bridge to the rest of the Christendom for Georgia,
of the Kintsvisi paintings which shows the Archangel a country encircled by Muslim powers. The influence
seated on the Tomb, is conceived as a symbol of medieval of the artistic traditions of Mount Athos is evident in
Georgian art. the paintings made in the 16th and 17th centuries in the
Kingdom of Kakheti (Alvani, Akhali Shuamta, Nekresi
The wall paintings of the second half of the 13th century and Gremi painting ensembles among others).
continue the artistic tradition of the turn of the 13th
century on one hand (e.g. murals in the Church of the In the late Middle Ages compositions of iconographic
Annunciation at Udabno Monastery, where King Demetre programmes became more complex as they acquired
II was depicted after his martyrdom) and adopted traits of new scenes and more notably, new symbolic images. The
contemporary Byzantine art on the other (e.g. the murals depiction of the Heavenly Liturgy in the dome and the
in the Church of St George and a chapel of the main church sanctuary of the main church at Gelati (16th-17th centuries)
of Gelati). is noteworthy in this regard. Also to be noted is the
increased interest in national history, which is exemplified
In the 14th century Georgian painting became largely by the scenes from the conversion of Kartli included in the
influenced by the so-called ‘Palaeologan style’, which paintings covering the ‘Holy Pillar’ of the Svetitskhoveli
emerged and spread in Byzantium. The new wave Cathedral. These murals date from the 17th century.
overshadowed local artistic traditions which made Geor-
gian art distinctive at the previous stages of its develop- Part of the paintings were made in the so-called ‘post-
ment. Despite the strong influence, national artistic iden- Byzantine’ style, which was a certain continuation of the
tity was not entirely lost, which is attested by 14th and 15th Palaeologan style and is ‘classicistic’ in nature. Despite
century important painting ensembles at Ubisa, Sapara, high level of professionalism that these murals reveal, they
Zarzma, Likhne, Nabakhtevi and Sori among others. lack expressiveness and are creativeness.

Different from these paintings is a group of murals executed The late 19th century was marked by an growing tendency
in the so-called ‘folk’ style by less skilled provincial masters. of representing Georgian saints, which followed the
What makes them attractive is their naivety as well as the illustration of the of Sakartvelos Samotkhe (Georgian
use of bright and joyful colours, lavish ornamentation and Paradise) by Mikhail-Gobron Sabinin, which included
expressive deformations. Most of the works in folk style almost all martyrs and saints canonized by the Georgian
created in eastern and more notably in western Georgia Church. The walls of some churches are entirely taken up
are from the 16th century, e.g. the paintings at Chala, by Georgian saints, among which note must be made of
Koreti, Bugeuli, Kalauri, Erelaant Sakdari, Ilemi and other Mamadaviti Church in Tbilisi.
churches. The samples of this style survive in centres as
important as Gelati Monastery. The beginning of the 20th century brought about the revival
of arts in general and of ecclesiastical art in particular.
As in the advanced Middle Ages, in the late feudal period Various efforts in this regard included the creation of two
portraits of donors, including kings, major feudal lords and multi-partite icon for the Ghvtaeba Church in Gelati by
ecclesiastical figures who contributed towards construction Valerian Sidamon-Eristavi and the painting of the chancel
and the painting of churches, making icons and producing barrier of a chapel in Chiatura by Dimitri Shevardnadze,
and illuminating manuscripts, were widely represented. though the murals made by the latter artist do not survive.
The number of secular persons depicted in the late feudal These efforts were terminated with the establishment of the
paintings markedly grew in number. atheist Soviet state, owing to which nothing could be done
within the next seventy years. The only exception was the
By the 19th century, medieval Georgian painting almost adorning of the walls of the Kvashveti Church of St George
ceased to exist, though the force of the tradition was still felt in Tbilisi by Lado Gudiashvili on the initiative of the
up to the middle of the century. Beginning from the 18th Catholicos-Patriarch of Georgia Kalistrate (Tsintsadze).
century book illumination and icon-painting fell under The artist, however, was not allowed to finish the work.
strong European and Russian influence. Over time, this
influence too redeveloped under the impact of medieval After almost a two-century break, in the last quarter of the
artistic tradition to assume an original flavour. Among the 20th century, began the revival or the ‘rebirth’ of Georgian
most notable examples of this trend are the paintings in ecclesiastical art, which was made possible thanks to
Bodbe Church which, made in 1823, include an extensive the efforts of His Holiness and Beatitude, Catholicos-
cycle of the life of St Nino. Murals of similar nature can be Patriarch of Georgia and Archbishop of Mtskheta-Tbilisi,
found in a small Church of St Nino at Samravro, Mukhrani Ilia II, who is an artist and an icon-painter himself. It was
Church and others. with his blessing that the building and painting of new
churches and the creation of various liturgical objects
In 1850, the renowned Russian artist Grigori Gagarin were initiated. A multitude of new churches have been
painted the interior walls of Sioni Cathedral in Tbilisi. adorned with paintings. It is of particular mention that
Despite his endeavor to study old works of Georgian art His Holiness started this activity back in the Soviet period,
and an attempt to follow local traditions, his paintings still when the Georgian Church had very limited possibilities
remained within the ‘academic’ limits. Apart from that, and resources.
they served as a model for Georgian and non-Georgian
masters who worked in Georgia for the years to come (e.g. Frescoes and icons are now mostly created in imitation of
Davit Gegelidze, painter of the murals in the churches of St old samples, which is understandable, as tradition needs
George and the Dormition, and an icon-painter). Differing to be restored in order to be further enhanced. Gradually
from this trend of paintings are the murals in the Church our epoch too will produce its own artistic vocabulary
of St Nicholas in Tbilisi, executed by Niko Zazashvili, for rendering Christian themes and will imitate not just
which are inspired by Georgian folk art. external forms subject to change, but spirituality and faith,
which made the old works so distinguished.

Icon Painting

Georgian icon painting, an integral part of medieval appear to best convey the Orthodox aesthetics and its
Christian culture, counts back many centuries. The art of symbolic thinking. In each period each country made its
icon painting, like other branches of Christian art, found own impact in the establishment of deeply spiritual art of
fertile soil in Georgia. According to church tradition the icon painting, thus enriching and enhancing it. Medieval
veneration of holy images in Georgia goes back to apostolic Georgia, together with other Orthodox countries, left
times and is closely linked to St. Andrew. its own trace in the history of icon painting. The icons
surviving to the present day make only a small part of the
Icon painting is an embodiment of many aspects of holy images created in or imported from other countries
Christian spirituality and is based on the incarnation of into Georgia throughout the centuries.
the Logos, the second member of the Trinity. The canonic
art of icon painting, deriving from the Holy Scripture, can The forms, themes and artistic systems of painted icons
be traced back into the decrees of ecclesiastical councils display typical features of spiritual developments of their
and works by the church fathers. The tradition of creating times. The study of some most venerated icons or groups
of holy images goes back to the earthly life of the Savior of icons casts light upon not only their history, but also on
and is linked to the miraculously created image of Christ different periods of cultural and social life of the country.
- Holy Face, or the Mandylion. It is suffice to mention Anchiskhati, Khakhuli, icon of
the Virgin of the Iviron Monastery on Mount Athos, or
The ancient tradition of translating of the mandylion and Portaitisa, which were intertwined with the life of the
keramion to Georgia and developed cult of the miracle- country. These holy images shared the fate of Georgia and
working icon of Anchiskhati testifies to the long-standing reflect history and main events of various historical epochs.
history of icon veneration in the country. As it is known, Of special note are the Georgian icons from the Monastery
the Icon of the Holy Face of Edessa, or the Mandylion, of St Catherine on Mount Sinai, which attest not only
miraculously created by Christ, is a cornerstone of activity of Georgians at the monastery, but also inform
veneration of holy images. In this regard, it is important us on less known facts from the history of the monastery.
that the earliest surviving icon in Georgia is a 6th - 7th Apart from that, these unique icons add to our knowledge
century icon from Ancha, or Anchiskhati. This centuries- of icon painting related matters, such as the identity of the
old relic, which is an embodiment of the Christian dogma icon painter and the role of a donor in creating the icon.
of Incarnation belongs to the Syrian artistic circle and is
associated with Syrian fathers, who came to Georgia in the Georgia preserves about two hundred painted icons,
6th century. most of which are kept in the Museum of History and
Ethnography of Svaneti, Georgian State Museum and in
In the Orthodox Christian world icons are essential part of local churches. Some of the significant ones are housed in
a spiritual, public and private life. The theological essence, Lower Svaneti and in the Georgian National Museum Sh,
as well as the artistic and aesthetic language of icon Amiranashvili Museum of Fine Arts. The most important
painting went though a long process of transformation collection of Georgian painted icons preserved abroad is in
throughout the centuries. Painted icons in their forms, St Cathedrine’s Monastery on Mount Sinai. The preserved
themes, iconography and style illustrate theological and painted icons and related written sources indicate how
symbolic systems of Orthodox teaching. Icons are widely the veneration of holy images was incorporated into the
incorporated in the liturgy as they are conceived as a spiritual life of the country, and how it was linked with
visualization of the Holy Scripture. the prevailing artistic, religious, historical and political
The perfection of standards of artistic rendering aiming to
reflect as fully as possible the essence of Christian faith on The aforementioned 6th - 7th century Anchiskhati icon is the
a limited surface of an icon continued for centuries. Icons only early Christian painted icon that came down to our

days. This miracle-working icon, together with the recently In the 11th and 12th centuries icon painting in Georgia
discovered 10th century manuscript relating the Icon of the followed the trends of the time, which found representation
Holy Face to the Syrian Fathers, namely with the disciples of in the strongly concentrated spiritual vigour emanating
St Ioane Zedazneli ( John of Zedazeni), Ezderioz of Nabuk from the theological origins of the artistic images, the forms
and Teodosios of Urhai, allows us to assume that icons in of veneration of the holy faces and the artistic, technical
Georgia, possibly imported from Syria, existed as early and stylistic means of rendering. The icons created at
as in the 6th century. Other hagiographic works provide that time are imbued with spirituality. Each means of
further evidence on the veneration of icons in the early artistic rendering serves the common goal, which is a full
medieval period. The Life of Grigol Khandzteli (Gregory demonstration of Christian doctrines and their explication
of Khandzta) (759-861) in addition to giving an account of through artistic devices.
the pilgrimage to the holy sites in Constantinople says that
together with numerous eulogies Grigol brought icons to The largest number of icons survived from the 13th century.
Georgia. Thus it could be assumed that during this period The intensification of production of the painted icons in
the veneration of icons was already established tradition. Georgia during this period echoed the growing role of
the devotional images in the religious life encountered
During the 9th and 10th centuries it could be retraced the Orthodox world Church, and at the same time the
increasing popularity of icon veneration. It was within this increased number of icons from this time can be explained
period that the earliest parts of the renowned Tsilkani Icon by local reasons. Weakened by Mongol invasions, the
of the Virgin and Child and the Icon of the Enthroned Georgian state failed to secure conditions favorable
Virgin and Child with St Barbara in were created. The for creating monumental murals and religious painting
importance of the veneration of the icon in the 10th century therefore had to become limited to intensive icon painting,
is also attested by the Nomocanon compiled by Epvtime which required less resources.
Atoneli (Euthimius the Athonite). This canonical work Among preserved Georgian icons could be singled out
brings together Orthodox teachings on the veneration of the following types of icons: icons decorating altar screens
icons, which, in turn, are based on the works of Church – epistyle and intercolumnial icons, processional icons,
Fathers and the decrees of the so called Fifth-Sixth and portable altars – triptychs, icon–reliquaries, ex-voto icons
Seventh Ecumenical Councils. and small icons for private devotion. Various forms of
Georgian icons reveal general norms of the Orthodox art
Beginning from the 11th century onwards, icon painting, as and essential stages of its evolution, at the same time they
well as other forms of Georgian art, fell under Byzantine represent local traditions deeply rooted into the spirituality
influence. Yet, the pro-Byzantine orientation of the church of the Nation.
art did not involve exact repetition of its visual formulae Reflecting the leading artistic and spiritual trends of their
and stylistic features. Carrying deep spiritual and dogmatic time are the 14th century icons from Ubisa, the three icons
meaning and characteised by high artistic qualities, the of Deisis from the Church of the Archangels at Pkhotreri,
Georgian painted icons of this period are ranked among the triptych with the inserted central image of the Virgin
the best pieces of Orthodox art. They manifest the political Hodegetria kept in Mestia Museum, the triptych showing
power of the country and its increased international the Deposition from Ushguli, the icon of St John the
prestige (e.g. the icons of the Virgin from Ushguli, the Baptist surviving in the Church of St George at Lakhusti
Council of the Archangels, from Pkhotreri, the icon of the and the triptych of the Virgin among others.
Forty Martyrs of Sabastia, the icon of the Deposition and
the Entombment, the icons of the Raising of Lazarus and Icon painting of the 17th and 18th centuries represents a
the Ascension). heterogeneous picture. Although the painted devotional
images from this time carry signs of various painting
schools and influences, the common trend unifying these

works is still visible – all the icons from this time lack the in recent decades gained an important role in the revival of
artistic perfection and spirituality which distinguished the the religious life in the country. Georgian icon painters are
works created in the earlier period. In the 19th century the continuing the centuries-old tradition. The contemporary
national artistic tradition was fully replaced by Russian art of icon painting reveals interesting attempts of
icon-painting standards. redeveloping national and common Orthodox artistic
and cultural legacy. Today, as well as throughout many
Thanks to the efforts of His Holiness and Beatitude, centuries, Christian culture is associated by Georgians
Catholicos-Patriarch of Georgia, Ilia II, icon painting has with the national self-identity.

Repoussé Art

Medieval Georgian goldsmith work essentially comprises figures are not volumetric, but rather rendered through a
liturgical icons, crosses, rhypidions and altar chalices. In graphical drawing.
addition to having a functional use, these gold and silver
items are of high artistic merit. Many of these objects, The Ishkhani cross is followed by repoussé works created
the number of which exceeds two thousand and five at the end of the 10th and beginning of the 11th centuries.
hundred, can freely compete with the world masterpieces This fairly large group has objects which reveal progress
of repoussé art. Yet, what is even more important is that in terms of sculptural modelling. It also contains many
these works allow us to reconstruct the thousand year old highly valuable goldsmith works, such as five plaques of
history of repoussé art in Georgia taking its roots in the 8th Sagholasheni featuring the Great Feasts, which once must
- 9th century. Sharply pronounced individuality is another have been part of a larger chased object. Of note are also
feature that makes them valuable. icons of saints from Zarzma and Shemokmedi, a gold
chalice from Bedia, processional crosses from Brili, etc.
The 10th and 11th centuries, which were the most distinctive
and creative period in the history of medieval Georgian Later on, Georgian relief sculpture evolved even more
goldsmith art, saw the introduction of new artistic and progressively. The rich and diverse material from the first
iconographic solutions. It was the time when Georgia, half of the 11th century, a group of objects ranging in time,
politically and economically empowered, was enjoying a vividly demonstrate the gradual refinement of this branch
strong economic flourishing. The greatest achievements of sculpture in Georgia, and the way Georgian goldsmiths
and accomplishments of Georgian goldsmith art are managed to masterfully present intricate, multi-figured
related to this epoch. scenes as well as separate figures presented as icons. Examp-
les include the icons of the Virgin from Tsageri, Labechini
The principal artistic task which 10th-11th century and Zarzma, and the icons of the Saviour from Ieli and
goldsmiths had to tackle was sculptural rendering of Lanchvani, a tondo from Gelati bearing the image of St
representations. This task was achieved in relief sculpturing. Mamas, the icon of St Symeon the Stylite from Laghami,
The first in this process was a processional cross from numerous icons featuring St George (in different versions)
Ishkhani dating from 973, the face side of which has the from various regions of Georgia, a pre-altar cross adorned
only figure of Christ Crucified – a well-defined unified with the cycle of life of St George from Mestia. All these
volume without anatomical details of the body. This was works, as well as many others from the same period, are
the first step towards sculptural rendering (the so-called brilliant samples of relief sculpture: accurate proportions
‘sculptural Archaic’). Before the Ishkhani cross, only a few of figures, natural postures and gestures, distinctly
objects of the 8th and 9th centuries survive, among which modeled, flexible forms, well fitting garments, and neatly
the icon of the Transfiguration from Zarzma, dating from modelled facial features are particularly noteworthy. Four
886, is of particular note. The figures, slightly embossed plaques with the representations of Holy Bishops from

Shemokmedi, dating from 1040, and the figure of the Tbeti Gospels, the latter differing thematically and in
Saviour on the processional cross from Martvili were the terms of general composition and sculptural rendering of
threshold, which was to be followed by rounder forms figures.
so unacceptable to the Orthodox community due to its
material nature. The two following centuries saw a decline in the quality
of rendering, as well as in artistic creativity with the
In addition to the strive towards sculptural rendering, number of chased works also becoming smaller. The most
a 10th-11th century goldsmith artist also tackled another important objects of the time include the aforementioned
important objective, which was the decoration and inner chasing of the Anchi icon (14th century). Rendered
ornamentation of the work and adding extra embellish- in various scales and representing different figures
ment to it. The goldsmith artwork of this time is notable (earlier samples are also used) the seven scenes from the
in this respect too. Apart from being remarkable for their Gospels make one whole only thanks to their ornamental
extraordinary versatility, as well as creative imagination and decoration.
force of inventiveness of their masters, and a high artistic
and technical quality, ornamental motifs in some cases The 16th century was another distinctive period in the
offer the only evidence for dating the objects of goldsmith history of Georgian goldsmith art. The number of chased
art and for identifying goldsmiths’ workshops. works increased and new artistic themes, motifs and
technical novelties came in use. Rich ornamental work
Sculpturing having gone through the path of perfection from this period allows us to assume the presence of
towards plasticity, Georgian goldsmith artists diverted workshops throughout the country as was the case in the
their interest to decoration and ornamentation. 10th and 11th centuries. An example of this is a coherent
Beginning from the 12th century and through the end group of Kakhetian gold repoussé icons from the workshop
of the feudal period, multitude of repoussé works were of Gremi, the capital of the Kakheti region at the time, the
created in Georgia. Some of them are sculpturally more ornamental rendering and ‘sculpturing’ technique of which
or less elaborate, but the major effect is still produced by (borrowed from Persia) has neither before nor after been
decorative and ornamental adornment. The well-known seen in Georgia. Along with these icons we have a larger
Khakhuli triptych does not bear a sculptural figure at group of 16th century crosses and icons from Gelati, which
all. The vast surface is rather filled with enamel images, produce an absolutely different impression. Depicting
precious stones and elaborate ornament. The advance of figures of different statures, they also feature various
the trend of decorative rendering and the increased role of techniques of sculptural modelling as well as motifs the
ornament appears even more apparent on compositions of means of rendering of which are also dissimilar.
chased figures. The ornamented sections on the frame of
the icon of the Holy Face from Anchi, which is the work The 17th and 18th centuries were equally prolific for repoussé
of Beka Opizari, who is described in the inscription on artwork, but due to the varied nature of the items from
the Gospels dating from the same period as ‘God-blessed this period it is difficult to unite them into groups. Foreign
worthy goldsmith’ are almost of the same importance as influence, mainly through the Persian, Russian and Euro-
the images of saints. Another example is the Icon of the pean cultures, also appears obvious in separate architectural
Archangels from Oni, loaded with disproportional, flat elements, as well as iconographic and ornamental motifs.
figural and floral ornaments and embellished with a broad However, these influences were superficial. Despite
frame rendered with particular care and masterfulness. political and economic hardship and substantial decline
The Georgian goldsmith art of the 12th and 13th centuries of the creative capacity and professionalism of masters,
was still inspired with the creative vigour from the past Georgian goldsmith art managed to retain its originality
times. The same vigour is evident in the second work by and national identity. Strong touch with past traditions
Beka Opizari, the chasing of the cover of the Tskarostavi lasted even through the 19th century when Georgian artists
Gospels and its immediate analogue, the cover of the Berta employed many elements of Georgian repoussé art of the
Gospels, chased by Beshken Opizari and the cover of the previous centuries. Yet, there are works from the same

period which establish an immediate affinity with Russian from the 16th century with St George holding a sword and
art. Also, the majority of icons from the end of the 19th and a small ox to his feet shown on the central panel. Another
beginning of the 20th centuries are close copies of works of icon, dating from 1640, survives with great damage, but
Russian mass production. the plot is explained with inscriptions: ‘the representation
of bringing St George’s ox of Ilori, Odishi, on St George’s
Medieval Georgian goldsmiths have also contributed day’. The event fully coincides with the notes left by the
to Christian iconography. In addition to widely applied Europeans.
schemes, Georgian crosses and icons bear iconographical
images, which demonstrate original creativity of Georgian Highly notable are the inscriptions in asomtavruli
artists instead of being fair or adapted copies of borrowed (majuscule) and mkhedruli (modern lay) scripts,
canonical samples. This proposition is supported by an surviving also in large numbers, on Georgian repoussé
11th century pre-altar cross from Mestia. According to the works offering rich paleographic and historical evidence.
prominent art historian Viktor Lazarev, ‘The Georgians These inscriptions mention the names of commissioners
were familiar with the improved redaction of the Life of St and donors of the crosses and icons, kings and queens,
George by Diocletian from the 10th-11th century. It was this catholicos-patriarchs, prominent and sometimes unknown
version that was used in the earliest sample with the cycle of secular and ecclesiastical persons, and goldsmith artists.
St George known to us – the so-called Mestia cross from the One of the works even refers to the ‘writer’, i.e. the person
1020-30s. The cross greatly influenced the selection of scenes who made inscriptions. Some of the early icons contain
from the life of St George as well as their compositional specially selected lines from the Gospels to enhance the
structure in the Georgian art of the later period, including understanding of eschatological scenes. The inscriptions
in goldsmith art and wall paintings”. Lazarev also had to on Anchi triptych, as an example, tell the entire history of
admit that the image which features St George slaying King the object and most importantly, the adventure of the Icon
Diocletian is a ‘purely Georgian iconographic version’. The of the Holy Face from Edessa to its transfer to ‘Tpilisi’ in
number of this version in Georgia exceeds compositions the 17th century. That Queen Tamar is mentioned on the
in which a snake or a dragon is represented as symbol of frame of the Anchi triptych, which Bishop Ioane Rkinaeili
the evil. It is in Georgia that the earliest samples of this of Anchi commissioned to Beka Opizari ‘on his order and
‘Georgian version’ survive (7th-8th century stone reliefs). by donating an objects (!) of heavenly crowned Queen of
Most of these, including wall paintings, sculptures and Queens Tamar’.
chased works date from the 10th through the 12th centuries,
while very few similar works have preserved elsewhere. It Throughout the Middle Ages Georgian culture in general
is also notable that in this scene of the ‘miracle’ adorning and Christian art in particular never lacked the care and
the 16th century pre-altar cross from Sadgeri, Diocletian attention of various leaders of the country, including
is shown mounted on a horse, which makes it unique in its public and ecclesiastical authorities, and high and
Georgia, and most probably, even outside its borders. lower ranking statesmen. This is evident from numerous
We have another innovative version of the ‘miracle’ of St asomtavruli and mkhedruli inscriptions adorning
George, which was taken from Georgian reality. It takes buildings, paintings and sculptures, many of which are
roots in an tradition of celebrating an ecclesiastical festival fairly long and informative.
on St George’s Day on 23 November in the vicinity of St
George’s Church in Ilori. According to the notes made by The trend remains unchanged to the present day. The
17th century European travellers and missionaries, who were liberation of the country from the Soviet yoke enabled
witnesses of this ceremony, an ox, considered as sent from St the Georgian church to lead a normal life beginning from
George, would be slaughtered in front of a crowd of people the latter half of the 20th century. Numerous churches and
and its parts would be distributed among people as miracle- monasteries have been restored and become functional,
working relics. This local tradition contributed towards the churches have been built and their interior walls covered
emergence of a new, original theme which is presented on with paintings, painted and repoussé icons, crosses and
two surviving silver icons, both from Ilori. One is a triptych other gold and silver ecclesiastical objects and goldsmithery

produced. This revival found a firm support from the state these works are fair copies of old crosses and icons with
authorities and private entities. Great is the contribution of a certain size variation, while others, although being
the Patriarchate of Georgia. The entire process is inspired inspired by traditional works, are characterised by different
with the blessing of the Patriarch of Georgia, His Holiness compositional, decorative and ornamental rendering. This
and Beatitude Ilia II. desire and attempt of present-day, both experienced and
beginning Georgian masters cannot but lead to a more
Samples of Christian Georgian repoussé art of new time successful and sublime continuation.
can be found all over Georgia kept in churches, salons,
galleries, various offices, schools and families. Some of

Enamel Art

Being the most refined and elaborate varieties of enamel, the queens appearing on the Khakhuli triptych. According
cloisonné enamel emerged and evolved within Christian to some features, these may be attributed to a Georgian
art and was inspired by its world outlook and aesthetics. master. It is of note that the crowns of the queens are set on
It is in this technique that almost all pieces of enamels top of a headscarf, which is not characteristic of Byzantine
surviving in Georgia from the Middle Ages are executed. costume. Although medallions bear no inscription, it
Cloisonné enamel was also widespread in Byzantium, this is possible to identify these images with Empress Mary,
widely acknowledged centre of enamel art. As the eminent daughter of Georgian King Bagrat IV, renowned for her
Byzantologist Alisa Bank would put it ‘the intrusion of exquisite beauty But that the plaque of the Khakhuli icon
features peculiar to spiritual style can be explained by features a ‘portrait’ of this brilliant lady is confirmed by
specific material and technique. The dominance of bright an inscription. She is presented together with her first
clear tonality and the brilliance of gold partitions and spouse, Byzantine Emperor Michael VII Parapinakes. This
background, the impression of fleshless images achieved Byzantine icon was a gift from the Emperor. It thus appears
partially by the inability to express volume and figure and obvious that medieval Georgian enamel, unlike Georgian
facial modelling’ serve to reveal Christian spirit. repoussé art and moreover, the Georgian architecture,
is closely linked to Byzantine world. In this respect it is
Georgian cloisonné enamels are closely connected with highly interesting to identify differences between Georgian
Byzantium. The most obvious is the affinity in terms of and Byzantine cloisonné enamelwork and determine what
technical execution. All Georgian cloisonné enamels, as makes Georgian enamel art unique.
well as the majority of Byzantine ones, are made of pure
gold and silver alloy, the so-called electron, though a very The path of development of Georgian enamel art was not
few examples of silver-based enamels of Byzantine origin straightforward and was full with creative ‘impulses’ in the
also survive. Georgian and Byzantine works also share an 10th and 12th - 13th centuries. A large number of medieval
iconographic repertoire, which is attested by the dominance cloisonné enamels, ranging from as early as 8th - 9th century
of the same scenes and saints. They are also characterised through the 15th, survive to the present day. It is remarkable
by same features typical of the time, especially in the early that Georgian enamels are highly expressive, the best
period. Some similarities are also obvious in terms of the example of which is the Khakhuli icon, a masterpiece of
use of specific means of modelling at a later stage (e.g. decorative art, the artistic effect of which is enhanced
chevron style – the alteration of colourful stripes on the by a multitude of Georgian and Byzantine enamels. The
attire). However, the 11th century Georgian enamels are icon was a royal commission, which came from the St
almost impossible to distinguish from the Byzantine ones. King Davit Aghmashenebeli (David the Builder) and his
Though some works from this time can be attributed to the son, Demetre I, in the period between 1120-1140. Only
local style, including three medallions bearing the images of Byzantium could afford similar abundance of immensely

valuable and impressive small works of art, a real ‘museum’ hands of the Virgin survive. The size of these fragments is
of cloisonné enamel – this is internationally renowned Pala highly remarkable as these are the biggest enamels around
d’Oro in San Marco in Venice. the world. Also notable is their and are also remarkable
for their purple tonality. The image of the Virgin may be
The early Georgian cloisonné enamels appear on the lacking refinement, but it is expressive. This type is seen on
Khakhuli triptych: the quadrifolium with the Crucifixion many repoussé Georgian icons from this period.
(8th century) and two medallions featuring half-figures
of St Mary and St Theodore (9th century). The Deisis, A group of works of Byzantine orientation also survive
emphasizing the central part of the Martvili triptych, from the 10th century. Of particular note is the so-called
dates from the same period (late 9th century). This small Kvirike’s cross divided into two parts and placed on the
group of works reflect the path of development taken by wings of the triptych. The Georgian-Greek inscriptions
Georgian art in general and plastic art in particular. They on the cross mention the ruler of Kakheti, the king and
were created in Georgia where Iconoclasm failed to find a magistros, Kvirike II.
fertile ground. Some of the pieces are also interesting from
the iconographic point of view. The Martvili Deisis is one The 12th and the turn of the 13th centuries were marked by
of the earliest samples of the scene, while the Crucifixion another flourishing of Georgian enamel art. The pieces
featuring the full-figure soaring and glorifying angels and of this period vividly demonstrate increased decorative
the right hand of the Lord extended from the heaven treatment and expressiveness, as well as a growing interest
is the only sample of this version in the entire oriental in a human being, all of which were typical of the period.
Christendom. The gallery of ‘individualized’ saints shown on the
icons from Gelati, Khobi and Tsalenjikha are of the 12th
The 10th century saw a significant shift in Georgian enamel century. What unites them is the general principle of
art like it happened in Byzantium. More specifically, ‘full artistic treatment, though each of them conveys different
enamel’, on which both a background and an image are of emotions and reveals different force of expressiveness. The
enamel, was replaced by ‘sunken enamel’, on which an enamel most impressive among them are the representations on
image appears on a gold background. The general trend the Gelati icon, most notably the image of St Luke, which
to differentiate figures and ornamentation and to outline can even be described as a ‘portrait’.
figures thus making them more volumetric coincided with
one of the stages of the development of Georgian plastic The medallions which once adorned the icon of the
art and appeared to be organic to Georgian enamelwork. Archangel Michael, one of the two now lost icons from
It is therefore that the earliest sample of this sort, namely Jumati Monastery, belong to the same artistic trend. The
the Shemokmedi quadrifolium, is of Georgian origin (its medallions of the second icon of St Gabriel from Jumati
accompanying Georgian inscription mentions King Giorgi are of Byzantine orientation and are particularly refined.
I of Abkhazeti, who died in 957). Similar Byzantine works All these medallions, as well as other enamels of the same
date from a slightly later date. The Crucified Christ is circle, are executed in Georgian workshops and find no
accompanied with allegorical representations of a church immediate parallels in Byzantine enamel art. A group of
and a synagogue - other examples of this scheme are of a later enamel medallions placed on the wings of the Khakhuli
period and also, of western origin. The depiction of Adam’s triptych reveal Byzantine influence. These are Georgian
skull below the cross (here he is shown alive, i.e. risen from works of art, of which the most expressive are the noble
dead, which emphasises the main idea of the quadrifolium images of St Peter, St Matthew and St John.
scene – salvation) is rare in the early Byzantine period.
The three plaques from the Great Feasts, the Presentation
Of the 10 century enamels characterised by features of
at the Temple, the Raising of Lazarus and the Pentecost
Georgian style, the most impressive are Christ Pantokrator’s (late 12th and beginning of the 13th century) are real gems
monumental image, revealing creative force and energy, of decorative art. What particularly attracts in these
shown on the cover of the reliquary, and the central icon brilliant works of Georgian art is the lyricism and sincerity,
of the Kkakhuli triptych, in which only the face and the liberty of execution and radiance of bright colours. The

architectural background showing a cone-shaped dome 1992 a special workshop titled ‘Luke’ was set up at the
typical of Georgian churches and windows characteristic of Patriarchate, which united talented and enthusiastic young
Georgian architecture is also noteworthy. The scene of the students (the workshop continues functioning under a new
Presentation at the Temple has a lit candle in the centre of name ‘Giorgi’). Another important centre is the Convent
the composition, another important iconographic detail, of St Nino at Poka. The presence of an enamel workshop
which can be seen only on two more Georgian pieces kept in the convent means its connection with remote past
in Georgia. when cloisonné enamels were created in a highly spiritual
atmosphere. The works produced in Poka are mainly of
The 13th century frame of the Kortskheli icon is decorated religious function and include icons, crosses and other
with the scenes from the life of the Virgin, which is unusual liturgical objects.
for enamel art. Also rare is the iconographic scheme of the
Dormition made complex by depicting the apostles seen Although secular themes and images are widely presented
through the clouds. The frame of the Kortskheli icon in contemporary enamel art and the number of jewellery
shows an affinity with the frame of the icon of the Saviour items increases gradually, religious topics remain relevant.
of the Holy Sepulchre Church in Jerusalem, which must be When creating enamels of religious function it is difficult
a work of a Georgian hand. to avoid the influence of medieval works, moreover that
their majority reveals high level of craftsmanship. Thus
The two later enamelled plaques featuring St George – St most of the contemporary enamels are either copies of
George Slaying the Dragon and St George Liberating the old ones or their variations, which are so different from
King’s Daughter – date from the 15th century and follow the model that offer a totally new representation enriched
the artistic principles and practices of the earlier times. with different details.

Medieval Georgian enamel art, which went through a long As in the Middle Ages, at present enamel art is dominated
and an uninterrupted path of development, is characterised by cloisonné enamel. However, other technical means are
by features the unity of which reveals an individual history. also used. If in old times base material was limited to gold
The features include a soft, wavy, though at times inaccurate and electron, nowadays silver, bronze, copper and brass are
and rough line, free and even coarse drawing of partitions, also applied. A circle of religious themes widened to include
balance of colours and their increased expressiveness, as well themes not only from the New Testament, but from the
as the use of wine-colour (which was due to the frequent Old Testament as well. The means of expression of enamel
application of local manganese) and general attitude of representations are becoming more refined and diverse. The
the representations. Thus, Georgian enamel, echoing other use of new artistic means, at times purposeful exaggeration
branches of medieval Georgian art, is an organic part of of forms, increased expressiveness, a specific palette and
the latter. a balance of colours lends air of contemporarity to these
works. It is natural that Georgian enamels were influenced
The 15th century was marked by the suspension of enamel by processes, technical and artistic means that took place in
production in Georgia. And it was not until the 20th century the enamel art throughout countries, but they were always
that the revival of this art and this complex technique adapted by Georgian artists to local taste and skills. This was
appeared possible. Individual efforts towards this goal were primarily due to ancient tradition, the visible or invisible
taken in the 1940s. Since then a huge amount of work has influence of which is evident in each Georgian work.
been done to develop this form of art. And this is what makes them so charming, attractive, and
distinctive, which was once again demonstrated at the first
Among factors that contributed to the advancement of biennial attended by artists from Georgia, as well as from
modern Georgian enamel, particular note must be made of the US, Spain, Israel and Japan. Today Georgian enamel
the efforts taken by the Georgian Church, the Patriarchate is enjoying revival. The precondition of its advancement
of Georgia and personally, by the Catholicos-Patriarch of is the creative momentum passed from medieval Georgian
Georgia, His Holiness and Beatitude Ilia II. In addition enamel art.
to commissioning individual works by the Church, in

Illumination of Manuscripts

Created well before the incarnation of the Lord and other forms of Christian art, such as architecture, chasing,
extended by King Parnavaz, Georgian writing found enamel and fresco painting.
material manifestation in a unique script, three stages
of the development of which – mtavruli, nuskhuri and Illuminated manuscripts surviving to our day are mostly
mkhedruli, demonstrate its distinctiveness and amazing ecclesiastical in nature. These are mainly the Gospels,
vitality. It is natural that the entry of Christianity in as well as liturgical collections for various services held
Georgia was accompanied by the advancement of verbal throughout a year ( Triodion, Pentekostarion), psalms and
creativity and writing. Having survived hardship through homiliars among others.
the centuries, this invaluable treasure keeps up with the
legacy of other countries thanks to its old age and high The earliest surviving miniatures adorn the Adishi Gospels
merit. dating from 897. The miniatures of the evangelists
inserted into the text copied in mtavruli (capital) letters,
The National Centre of Manuscripts and other depositories transparent and light in colour they preserve the spirit of
keep many unique pieces of writing the importance of early Christian miniature art.
which is invaluable in the history of Christian culture.
The First Jruchi Gospels (H-1660) dating from 940 was
Among manuscripts surviving to our day the earliest copied at Shatberdi Monastery. Executed in cinnabar,
fragment is of the 5th century. The palimpsests from gold and dark blue, its miniatures combine a deep piety,
the 5th and through the 7th centuries are plain and lack calligraphic linearity and artistic spontaneity and sincerity,
any adornment. Their artistic merit is the text itself, the characteristic for pre-iconoclasm art..
simplicity and monumentality of asomtavruli letters
(majuscule script) have much in common with the spiritual Georgian illuminated books from the 11th century
character of Georgian ecclesiastical architecture. distinctly show an open dialogue with the aesthetic
ideals of Byzantium. Bishop Zakaria Valashkerteli of
Among non-illuminated manuscripts the most noteworthy Bana commissioned the copying and illumination of four
is a 10th century collection of hymns by Michael Modrekili manuscripts in a scriptorium in Constantinople, the most
(S-425), which is unique due to its content. The brilliant notable of which is a synaxarion created in 1030 (A-648).
nuskhuri (ecclesiastical script) calligraphy, with its Bordered with a sharply outlined frame, the manuscript has
continuity and accurateness, reflects great piety. They point miniatures inserted into a text written in nuskhuri letters.
to the high level of ecclesiastical chanting; a scarce number Refined iconography, a classical drawing and harmonious
of neums (notation signs) in cinnabar inserted in the text matching of blue, gold, white and red bespeak a high level
add the grace of divine flame to the mysterious surface of of Christian art of the period in general and of miniature
the parchment. in particular.

And yet, the most remarkable are the manuscripts adorned The Alaverdi Gospels (A-484) of 1054, copied at Caliposus
with miniatures. Old Georgian artists, whose names hardly Lavra, one of the monasteries of the Virgin on Black
survive, spared no effort to duly embellish texts glorifying Mountain, belongs to the same group of works. Subdivided
God. Acknowledging the weakness and imperfection of into two columns on a light surface of the parchment, the
the human nature and believing that the perfection is the text in nuskhuri letters is embellished with magnificent
gift of God, their works are full of Christian repentance cross and floral title ornaments imbuing the Gospels with
and lack any conceit. the sense of eternity. Particularly remarkable is a unique
cycle telling the history of the Icon of the Holy Face, which
These Georgian miniatures created by craftsmen of such is yet another testimony of steady iconodulism among
integrity should be considered on the same level as the Georgians.

The Gelati Gospels (Q-908) can be reckoned as one of the presenting information with amazing accuracy through a
best examples of gospel illumination. The two hundred flow of a refined line.
and forty four miniature paintings are inserted as separate
scenes within the text narrative in the form of explanations. The Mokvi Gospels (Q-902), the copying of which was
The highly refined gold background imbued with commissioned by Bishop Daniel in 1300, is another
unquenchable light symbolizes divine space. Two-three important work of its time. This small manuscript is richly
figured generalised scenes included into it are reminiscent illuminated with miniatures. The paintings shown against
of mosaic art due to their monumental character. They an unbroken gold background are filled with divine light.
reveal spiritual depth and intimacy, and the unity of Light pink, slightly golden and slightly turquoise tones
eternity and individuality which the unification of divine produce an effect of flickering mother-of-pearl. They are
and human natures brought to the mankind. expressive of the theological dispute about the nature of
light relevant at the time and present spiritual ties with
Also dating from the 12th century is the Second Gospels Palaeologan Byzantium.
of Jruchi (H-1667), which is the most richly illuminated
manuscript (359 miniatures) and is a real treasure of The miniatures of the psalm (H-1665) have a background
Georgian Christian iconography. The manuscript tells painted in festive red, which, like a royal cape of St David,
us that it was illuminated by several artists. Many of the underlines the entire painting. It shows the steadiness of
miniatures intrude the continuity of the text using the the traditions of Georgian fine arts and its ancient ties with
parchment sheet as unlimited space. The domination of the spiritual centres of Mount Sinai. The accentuated faces
red and gold next to white and light blue points to the show the deep insight taken by artist into the psalms and
immutability of Georgian artistic vocabulary. Multi- more concretely, convey the sense of one-to-one presence
figured scenes are full of details from every-day life, which of a human being to God.
makes them even more attractive.
It is possible to speak endlessly about Georgian book
The refined colour gamut, sculptural rendering achieved illumination from the 5th to the end of the 18th centuries. The
through musical linearity, the depth of spiritual insight importance of late medieval painting is also inexhaustible.
and sharpness, as well as the plain simplicity of the 12th In times of great trouble it was a book that served to
century Tryodion point to the high level of miniature art. safeguard the spirituality of the Georgian people. Many
The works by St Gregory the Theologian (A-109), which collections survive from this period. The versatility of their
are of the same period, differently present the possibilities composition shows uninterrupted cultural history and
of Christian painting. Strictly selected reserved artistic diversity of trends, and enables us to identify the landmarks
vocabulary is expressive. The figures extending on the of the Georgian Church. The latter was manifested in the
entire folio lacking a frame fill up the entire manuscript. gradual increase of the number of separate and group
The size of figures increases according to their importance, images of Georgian saints or scenes from their lives. Later
which makes the miniatures even more monumental. The miniatures lack the artistic perfection of the works created
manuscript is without doubt inspired by fresco paintings. between the 10th and 13th centuries. Despite this, even the
most simple works are inspired by divine grace.
An astronomical treatise of 1188 (A-65) presents signs
of zodiac. This secular manuscript shows that Georgia of The year 1801 saw a forceful eradication of the two
the time was engaged in an open dialogue with not only principal pillars of the national self-identity – its royal and
the spiritual centres of Byzantium, but with the cultural ecclesiastical thrones. The troublesome 19th century was
centres of the Islamic Orient as well. However, it is also followed by the ungodly 20th century. It is natural that this
obvious that even in the presence of such liberal relations, led to the diminishing and later, vanishing of the practice
the country retained its national language of expression, of illuminating ecclesiastical books.

The revival of Christian spirituality among the Georgian to printing in today’s world. However, with the blessing
nation started in 1978. It was thanks to the zealous efforts of the Catholicos-Patriarch of Georgia the Gospels were
of His Holiness and Beatitude, Catholicos-Patriarch of All copied on a parchment by using traditional techniques and
Georgia Ilia II that church architecture, wall paintings, wood illuminated with miniatures. This unique book is now kept
and stone carving and enamel art were restored though the in the Lavra of the Holy Trinity Cathedral as a monument
resumption of manuscript production was slightly impeded to Georgian ecclesiastical writing and painting.
by technological difficulties as well as the preference given


Georgian embroidery is one of those forms of the country’s evident that images were drawn before being embroidered
artistic legacy that best enable us to gain knowledge about by the same or a different person. The presence of special
the taste, interests and nature of culture and art of a embroidering workshops at royal and nobles’ courts as
Georgian society at each stage of its development. well as at monasteries (Svetitskoveli at Mtskheta, Tsilkani,
Gareja Monastery, Katskhi, Martvili and others) appears
Ecclesiastical embroidery in Georgia shared its obvious. There is evidence that a specialised workshop
iconography with the entire Orthodox Christendom in functioned at the court of King Giorgi XII of Kartli and
general, and Byzantine in particular. Nevertheless, like Kakheti in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. In the 19th
other forms of decorative art, it took its own national century, churches in western Georgian still had special
path following original local traditions and achieved a chambers were ecclesiastical embroideries were made.
high level of development. Ornaments borrowed not
only from iconographic schemes, but from painting and Regrettably, early medieval embroideries have not survived
chasing as well, and even from Persian tapestry, would be to our day. The production of textiles in a relatively earlier
creatively redesigned by Georgian embroiderers by using period is confirmed by highly artistic silk stretched onto the
various techniques of embroidery and employing silk, and rear sides of icons and crosses from Ipkhi (10th-11th century)
what are called okromkedi (gold twine), vertskhlimkedi and Chazhashi (12th-13th century) on which together with
(silver twine) and zezi (thread spun with gold and silver) griffins, letters in the asomtavruli (majuscule) script are also
producing a scintillating effect. represented. Among items furnished with embroideries
the earliest are 12th century liturgical cuffs from Katskhi.
Very little is known on where and by whom these They are chronologically followed by an epigonation also
embroideries were created. What is clear from donors’ from Katskhi, donated by Natela and Shergil Dadiani, an
inscriptions though is that like elsewhere, in Georgia too orarion (priestly stole) of 1312 from Anchi contributed by
most of the embroiderers were women, including those a certain Tamar Kherkheulidze and an omophorion made
from prominent families. The most notable inscriptions in 1358, also from Anchi.
survive on a 16th century epitaphios embroidered by the
daughter of King Constantine of Kartli, Astandas; an We have relatively more embroideries from the period
epitaphion from the turn of the 17th century embroidered between the 15th through the 18th centuries. These are
Ekaterine, formerly called Elene, who was a daughter of the priestly garments, such as sakkoses, omophorions, oraria
Kakhetian ruler Khosro after a drawing made by herself and mitres, as well as Royal Door curtains, communion
and the daughter of Parsman Tsitsishvili, nun Nastasia; an chalice covers and shrouds. Epitaphions (Greek epitaphios,
epitaphion from 1664, the drawing and the embroidery of Russian плащаница), which are a variety of shrouds,
which was made by Tinatin, the daughter of a Minister of are so far best studied and most extensively published.
Court Kaikhosro; communion chalice cloths created in Approximately three hundred epitaphions survive to the
1763 by Queen Anakhanum of Kartli for Gelati. It is also present day, the earliest of being commissioned by King

Giorgi VIII in the 15th century and the latest dating from lose importance and then disappear at all. Some other
the first half of the 19th century. Some of them, such as embroidered items also point to other changes, for instance,
those commissioned by King Giorgi VIII and King Bagrat at the end of the 17th century the craftsmen of the so-called
III of Imereti (the latter produced at Ubisi), both dating Tutas Cover changed the interplay between a figure and
from the 16th century, are of exceptional artistic merit. an ornament thus establishing a new principle according
to which an ornament not just served as an adornment
With their function and general character Georgian and a symbol, but was considered on the same level with
epitaphions are akin to similar objects of the rest of the a figure. Beginning from the 1720s, figural images on
Orthodox Christendom. However, they reveal original communion chalice cloths, cuffs, epigonations and oraria
treatment even in terms of iconography: Georgian samples were replaced by floral ornamentation bearing a symbolic
present historical narratives rather than symbolic images meaning. The best example of this is a communion chalice
among which one will always find earthly beings. The cloth embroidered by the daughter of King Vakhtang VI
Georgian epitaphions from the 15th century onwards were of Kartli, Tamar, in 1718. Beginning from the 1820s the
also adorned with the Lamentation. Some other works number of rich donations to the Church reduced. There
feature scenes depicting the ascension of Christ, including are also fewer notes on ecclesiastical embroideries from
the Holy Women at the Sepulchre as well as St Peter, that time onwards. However, the women of Alexander
and the Ascension in the upper part. The representation Chavchavadze adorned a tomb cover of St Nino at Bodbe.
of donors shown bent on their knees on a 17th century Also, if as early as the 17th century the intrusion of Slavonic
epitaphion is also noteworthy. art motifs is visible (e.g. on epitaphions), beginning from
the 1830s, Georgian embroidery was replaced mainly by
Meanwhile, it is possible to trace changes in the art of works of mass production from Russia.
adorning epitaphions throughout the centuries and this
is best evident in the transformation of colour gamut. The revival of Georgian embroidery, like other branches
The 15th and 16th century works are more reserved, there of ecclesiastical art, started in the 1980s. Newly built and
being balance between gold and silk thread colours, while restored churches are furnished with garments, communion
beginning from the 17th century glimmering gold and silver chalice cloths and other items necessary for liturgical
surfaces are in evidence, due to which the base becomes services from embroidery workshops of the Patriarchate
more solid and hard. Also, earlier works are furnished of the Georgian Orthodox Church, functioning in Tbilisi
with brilliantly crafted and lavishly ornamented frames, under the supervision of Eter Urotadze, in Breti and other
but later in the 17th and 18th centuries they gradually churches throughout Georgia.

nekresis monasteri. IV-XVI ss.
Nekresi Monastery. 4th -16th cc.
nekresis monasteri. mcire bazilika. IV s.
Nekresi Monastery. Small basilica. 4th c.
Zveli SuamTis monasteri. V-VII ss.
Dzveli Shuamta Monastery. 5th -7th cc.

bolnisi. sionis sakaTedro taZari.
saerTo xedi. 478-493 ww.
Bolnisi. Sioni Cathedral. 478-493.
svetisTavis reliefi.
Bas-relief on capital.
qvemo bolnisis eklesia. V-VI ss.
Kvemo Bolnisi. Church. 5th -6th cc.
zegani. yevlawmindas taZari. VI-VII ss.
Zegani. The Church of the Virgin, 6th -7th cc.

Tbilisi. anCisxatis taZari. VI s. samreklo. 1675 w.
Tbilisi. The Anchiskhati Church. 6th c. Bell-tower. 1675.
urbnisi. wm. stefanes sakaTedro taZari. VI s.
Urbnisi. The Cathedral St. Stephen. 6th c.
Zveli gagris eklesia. VI s.
Old Gagra. Church. 6th c.

samTavro. wm. ninos eklesia. V s.
Samtavro. The Church of St. Nino. 5th c.
biWvinTa. bazilikis iatakis mozaika. V s.
Bichvinta. Basilica. Floor mosaic. 5th c.

Zveli gavazi. RmrTismSoblis taZari. VI s.
Dzveli Gavazi. The Church of the Virgin. 6th c.
ninowminda. sakaTedro taZari. VI s; XV s; XVIII s.
Ninotsminda. Cathedral. 6th c.; 15th c.; 18th c.

SiomRvimis monasteri. VI s; XI s; XIXs.
Shiomghvime Monastery. 6th c. 11th c. 19th c.

mcxeTa. wm. jvris taZari. saerTo xedi. 586-604 ww.
Mtskheta. The Church of the Holly Cross. General view. 586-604
mcxeTa. wm. jvris taZari. interieri. 586-604 ww.
Mtskheta. The Church of the Holly Cross. Interior. 586-604

mcxeTa. wm. jvris taZari. samxreTi fasadi. 586-604 ww.
Mtsheta. The Church of the Holly Cross. The south façade.
mcxeTa. wm. jvris taZari. jvris amaRleba. timpanis
reliefi. 586-604 ww.
Mtsheta. The Church of the Holly Cross. The Ascention of the
Cross. Bas-relief on the tympanum. 586-604.
stefanoz erisTavi qristes winaSe. aRmosavleTi
fasadis reliefi. 586-604 ww.
Stephanoz Eristavi before Christ. Relief from the East façade.

atenis sioni. saerTo xedi. VII s.
Ateni. Sioni Church. General view. 7th c.
irmebi wyarosTan. timpanis reliefi. VII s.
The stags at the spring. Bas-relief on the tympanum. 7th c.
ganedlebuli jvari. pilastris moxatuloba. VIII s.
Crux-florida. Wall painting on a pilaster. 8th c.

martvili. RmrTismSoblis sakaTedro taZari. aRmosavleTi fasadis reliefuri
frizi. VII s.
Martvili. The Cathedral of the Virgin. Bas-relief from the east façade. 7th c.
taZris interieri. VII s. moxatuloba XIV s.; XVII s.
Interior. 7th c. Wall paintings 14th c.; 17th c.

wromi. amaRlebis taZari. VII s..
Tsromi. The Church of Ascension. 7th c.
afsidis mozaikis fragmenti. VII s.
Mosaic fragment from the apse. 7th c.
samwevrisi. wm. giorgis eklesia. VII s.
Samtsevrisi. The Church of St. George. 7th c.

qaCaRanis jvari. VI-VII ss.
Kachaghani Cross. 6th -7th cc.
xandisis qvasveti. VI s.
Khandisi high-cross. 6th c.
amaRleba. brdaZoris qvasvetis reliefi. VI s.
The Ascension. Bas-relief from the Brdzadzori high-cross. 6th c.
webeldis kankelis fragmenti. VII_VIII ss.
Bas-relied from the Tsebelda chansel-barrier. 7th -8th cc.

banas sakaTedro taZris svetisTavi. VII s.
Bana Cathedral. The capital. 7th c.
banas sakaTedro taZari. saerTo xedi. VII s.
Bana Cathedral. General view. 7th c.

gurjaani. yvelawmindas taZari. saerTo xedi. VIII s.
Gurdjaani. The Church of the Virgin. General view. 8th c.
gurjaani. yvelawmindas taZari. interieri VIII s.
Gurdjaani. The Church of the Virgin. Interior. 8th c.

wirqolis eklesia. VIII s.
Tsirkoli Church. 8th c.
gare xedi.
General view.
qsnis armazis wm. giorgis eklesia. interieri.
kankeli. IX s.
Armazi. The Church of St. George. Interior. Chancel barrier.
9th c.

daviT-gareji. sabereebis monastris kedlis mxatvroba. IX-X ss.
Davit-Gareji. Sabereebi Monastery. Wall paintings. 9th – 10th c.
daviT-gareji. dodosrqis monasteri. uflis dideba. IX s.
Davit-Gareji. Dodosrka Monastery. Majestas Domini. 9th c.

adiSis oTxTavi. wm. ioane da wm. luka maxareblebi.
896 w.
Adishi Gospels. St. John and St. Luke the Evangelists. 896
martvilis tri ptiqoni. vedreba. IX s.
Martvili Triptych. Deisis. 9th c.
kvadrifoliumi. jvarcma. VIII s. (xaxulis karedi)
Quadrifolium. The Crucifixion. 8th c. (Khakhuli Triptych)

jruWis pirveli oTxTavi. Mmaxarebeli markozi. brmis gankurneba. 964 w.
The First Jruchi Gospels. The Evangelist Mark. The Healing of the Blind. 964.

wilknis RmrTismSoblis xati. IX s.; XIII s.
Icon of the Virgin Hodeghetria from Tsilkani. 9th c. 13th c.
zarzmis feriscvalebis xati. 886 w.
Icon of Transfiguration from Zarzma. 886

bodbis wm. ninos monasteri. wm. giorgis eklesia. IX s.
St. Nino Monastery at Bodbe. The Church of St. George. 9th c.
yazbegi. sionis eklesia. X s.
Kazbegi. The Sioni Church. 10th c.
vaCnaZiani. yvelawmindas taZari. VIII-IX ss.
Vachnadziani. The Church of the Virgin. 8th -9th cc.

aSot kurapalati. opizis wm. ioane naTlismcemlis
taZris reliefi. IX s.
King Ashot the Great. Bas-relief from the Opiza Church. 9th c.
dolisyanis eklesia. saerTo xedi. X s.
Doliskana Church. General view. 10th c.
aRmosavleT sarkmlis reliefi. X s.
Bas-relief of the east window. 10th c.

xaxuli. RmrTismSoblis taZari. sakurTxevlis moxatuloba. X-XI ss-is mijna.
Khakhuli. The Church of the Virgin. Wall painting of the sanctuary apse. Early 11th c.
xedi dasavleTidan. X s.
View from the west. 10th c.
dasavleTi fasadis reliefi. X s.
Relief from the west façade. 10th c.

oTxTa eklesia. saerTo xedi. X s.
Otkhta Eklesia. General view. 10th c.
wm. sioni. sarkmlis moxatuloba. X s.
St. Sioni. Wall Painting of the east window. 10th c.

parxali. wm. ioane naTlismcemlis taZari. samxreTi fasadi. X s.
Parkhali. The Church of St. John the Baptist. South façade. 10thc.
dasavleTi fasadi. X s.
West façade. 10th c.

oSki. wm. ioane
naTlismcemlis taZari.
saerTo xedi. 963-73ww.
Oshki. Church of St. John
the Baptist. General view.
samxreTi fasadis
reliefebi. X s.
Reliefs from the south
façade. 10th c.

oSki. wm. ioane naTlismcemlis taZari. interieri. 963-73 ww.
Oshki. Church of St. John the Baptist. Interior. 963-73.
samxreTi afsidis moxatuloba. kompozicia banas sakaTedro taZaris gamosaxulebiT. 1036 w.
Wall painting in the south apse. The scene with the image of the Cathedral of Bana. 1036.

iSxnis sakaTedro taZari. saerTo xedi. VII s.; IX s.;
1032 w.
Iskhani Cathedral. General view. 7th c. 9th c. 1032.
Sesasvlelis timpani. 1014-1027 ww.
Tympanum of the entrance. 1014-1027.

iSxnis sakaTedro taZari. interieri. VII s.
Ishkhani Cathedral. Interior. 7th c.
jvris amaRleba. gumbaTis moxatuloba. XI s.
The Ascentation of the Cross. Wall painting in the dome. 11th c.

iSxnis sawinamZRvro jvari. 973 w.
Iskhani processional Cross. 973.
bediis barZimi. 999 w.
Bedia chalice. 999.

Semoqmedis kvadrifoliumi. jvarcma. X s.
Shemokmedi quadrifolium. The Crucifixion. 10th c.
`kvirikes jvari~. X s. (xaxulis karedi).
“Kvirike’s Cross”. 10th c. (Khakhuli triptych).

saRolaSenis lorfini. mariamisa da elisabedis Sexvedra. X-XI ss. mijna.
Sagolasheni plaque. The Visitation. 10th -11th cc.
Cviledi RmrTismSoblisa da wm. barbares xati. XI s.
Icon of the Virgin and Child and St. Barbara. 10th -11th cc.

kumurdos macxovris sakaTedro taZari. saerTo xedi. 964 w.
Kumurdo Cathedral. General view. 964.
aRmosavleTi sarkmeli.
East window.

lixne. RmrTismSoblis miZinebis taZari.
X-XI ss-is mijna.
Likhne. Church of the Dormition. 10th -11th cc.
moqvis sakaTedro taZari. X s.
Mokvi Cathedral. 10th c.
biWvinta. RmrTismSoblis sakaTedro taZari. X s.
Bitchvinta (Pitsunda). The Cathedral of the Virgin. 10th c.
interieri. X s.
Interior. 10th c.

kveteris cixis eklesia. X s.
Kvetera Fortress Church. 10th c.
qoroRos RmrTismSoblis eklesiis reliefi.
qtitorebi eklesiis gegmiT. X s.
Qorogho. Bas-relief from the Church. 10th c.
Donors with the church ground plane.

quTaisi. RmrTismSoblis miZinebis sakaTedro
taZari, e.w. “bagratis taZari”. 1003 w.
Kutaisi. The Cathedral of Dormition
(“Bagrati Cathedral”). 1003.
saerTo xedi.
General view.
taZaris karibWe. XI s.
Portico. 11th c.

alaverdi. wm. giorgis sakaTedro taZari. XI s.
Alaverdi. The Cathedral of St. George. 11th c.
alaverdis oTxTavi. ganedlebuli jvari. 1054 w.
Alaverdi Gospels. Crux florida 1054.
alaverdis oTxTavi. wm. ioane maxarebeli. 1054 w.
Alaverdi Gospels St. John the Evangelist. 1054.

mcxeTa. 12 mociqulTa sveticxovlis sakaTedro taZari. 1010-1029 ww.
Mtskheta. Svetitskhoveli Cathedral of twelve Apostles. 1010-1029.

mcxeTa. sveticxovlis sakaTedro taZari. interieri.
Mtskheta. Svetitskhoveli Cathedral. Interior. 11th-17th cc.
aRmosavleTi fasadi. XI s.
East Façade. 11th c.
dasavleTi fasadi. XI s.
West Façade. 11th c.

SiomRvimis kankelis reliefi. wm. Sio mRvimeli da evagre. XI s.
Shiomghvime. Relief of the chancel barrier. St. Shio and Evagre. 11th c.
safara. miZinebis eklesiis kankelis reliefi. xareba. XI s.
Saphara. The Church of the Dormition. Relief of the chancel barrier. The Annunciation. 11th c.

daviT-gareji. udabnos monastris satrapezo. uflis seroba. XI s.
Davit-Gareji. Refectory of the Udabno Monastery. The Last Supper. 11th c.
daviT-gareji. udabnos monastris mTavari taZari. wm. daviT garejelis saswauli. XI s.
Davit-Gareji. Main Church of the Udabno Monastery. St. Davit’s miracle. 11th c.
manglisi. RmrTismSoblis sakaTedro taZris gumbaTis moxatuloba. mzis personifikacia. XI s.
Manglisi. The Cathedral of the Virgin. Personofication of the sun. Wall painting in the dome. 11th c.

zarzmis RmrTismSoblis xati. XI s.
Icon of the Virgin Eleusa from Zarzma. 11th c.
labeWinis wm. giorgis xati. XI s.
Icon of St. George from Labetchina. 11th c.
wm. mamas xati gelaTidan. XI s.
Tondo of St. Mamas from Gelati. 11th c.

mestiis sakurTxevliswina jvari. XI s.
Pre-altar cross from Mestia. 11th c.
martvilis sawinamZRvro jvari. XI s.
Procession cross from Martvili. 11th c.

samTavro. amaRlebis sakaTedro taZari. saerTo xedi.
XI s.
Samtavro. The Cathedral of Ascension. General view. 11th c.
samxreTi fasadis sarkmlebi.
Windows from South façade.
taZris interieri. XI s.; XIX s.
Imterior. 11th c.; 19th c.

nikorwminda. wm. nikolozis sakaTedro taZari. samxreTi
fasadis reliefi. meored mosvla. 1010-1014 ww.
Nickortsminda. The Cathedral of St. Nickolas. Relief from the
South façade. The Second coming. 1010-1014.
dasavleTi fasadi.
West façade.
samTavisi. amaRlebis sakaTedro taZari. 1030 w.
Samtavisi. The Cathedral of Ascension. 1030.

atenis sionis moxatuloba. gankiTvis dRe. fragmenti.
XI s.
Ateni. Sioni Church. The wall paintings. Last Judgment. Detail.
11th c.
Soba. XI s.
The Nativity. 11th c.
mTavarangelozi. fragmenti. XI s.
Archangel. Detail. 11th c.

zemo-krixi. mTavarangelozTa eklesiis moxatuloba. raWis erisTavebi vaCianebi. XI s.
Zemo-Krikhi. The Church of Archangels. Wall painting. Eristavi of Racha. 11th c.
wm. irine. XI s.
St. Iren. 11th c.

ifrali. mTavarangelozTa eklesiis moxatuloba. Cviledi RmrTismSobeli da wm. ana. XI s.
Iprali. The Church of Archangels. The Virgin and Child and St. Ana. 11th c.
sakurTxevlis afsidis moxatuloba. XI s.
Sanctuary wall painting. 11th c.
nakifari. wm. giorgis eklesiis moxatuloba. wm. Tevdore. 1130 w.
Nakipari. The Church of St. George Church. St. George. Wall painting. St. Theodoros. 11th c.

gelaTis monasteri. saerTo xedi. XII_XIII ss.
Gelati Monastery. General view. 12th – 13th cc.
gelaTis monasteri. RmrTismSoblis Sobis taZris sakurTxevlis mozaika. RmrTismSoblis dideba. XII s.
Gelati Monastery. The Church of the Nativity of the Virgin. Glory of the Virgin. Mosaic. 12th c.

gelaTis monasteri. RmrTismSoblis Sobis taZris sakurTxevlis mozaika. mTavarangelozi. fragmenti. XII s.
Gelati Monastery. The Church of the Nativity of the Virgin. The Archangel. Detail. 12th c.
gelaTis monasteri. RmrTismSoblis Sobis taZris narTeqsis moxatuloba. msoflio saeklesio kreba. fragmenti. XII s.
Gelati Monastery. The Church of the Nativity of the Virgin. Wall painting in the narthex. Eucumenical Councils. Detail. 12th c.

xaxulis karedi. XII s.
Khakhuli Triptych. 12th c.

minanqris medalionebi: wm. giorgi. XII s. walenjixis
macxovris xati.
wm. demetre, wm. Tevdore. XII s. jumaTis
mTavarangelozis xati.
Enamel medalions: St. George. 12th c. The Tsalendjikha icon of
St. Demetrious, St. Theodoros. 12th c. Jumati icon of the

minanqris medalionebi: wm. petre, wm. luka. XII s.
gelaTis macxovris xati.
dedofalTa kurTxeva. XI s. xaxulis karedi.
Enamel medalions: St. Luke, St. Peter. 12th c. The Gelati icon of
the Saviour.
The Benediction of the Queens. 11th c. Khakhuli Triptych.

labskaldis oTxTavi. kanoni. XIII s.
Labskaldi Gospels. Canon-table. 13th c.
gelaTis oTxTavi. iudas ambori. petres uaryofa. XII s.
Gelati Gospels. Betrayal of Judas. Denial of St. Peter. 12th c.

TiRva. RmrTismSoblis eklesia. 1152 w.
Tighva. The Church of the Virgin. 1152.
niqozi. RvTaebis taZari. V s. XIV s.
Nikozi. Ghvtaeba Church . 5th c. 14th c.

miqael mTavarangelozis xati. XI-XII ss.
Icon of the Archangel Michael. 11th -12th cc.
gabriel mTavarangelozis xati. XI-XII ss.
Icon of the Archangel Gabriel. 11th -12th cc.

ormoci sebastieli mowamis xati. XI-XII ss.
Icon of the Forty Martyrs from Sebaste. 11th -12th cc.
setis karedi xati. XIII s.
Seti Triptych. 13th c.
lazares aRdginebis xati. XII s.
Icon of the Ressuruction of Lazarus. 12th c.

jvarcmis xati. XI-XI ss.
Icon of Crucifixtion. 11th -12th cc.
jvridan gardamoxsnisa da datirebis xati. XII s.
Icon with Descence from the Cross and Lamentation. 12th c.

macxvariSi. macxovris eklesiis moxatuloba. 1140 w.
demetre I-is mefed kurTxeva.
Matskhvarishi. The Church of the Saviour. The Wall paintings. 1140.
Coronation of the king Demetre I.
mociquli wm. petre.
Apostle St. Peter.
boWorma. wm. giorgis eklesiis moxatuloba. fragmenti.
XII s.
Botchorma. The Church of St. George. Wall painting. Angel. Detail.
12th c.

ikorTia. mTavarangelozTa taZari. 1172 w.
Ikorta. The Church of the Archangels. 1172.
fitareTi. RmrTismSoblis taZari. XIII s.
aRmosavleTi fasadis reliefi.
Pitareti. The Church of the Virgin. 13th c.
Decoration of the eastern façade.
saerTo xedi.
General view.

beTania. RmrTismSoblis Sobis taZari. saerTo xedi.
XII s.
Betania. Church of the Nativity of the Virgin. General view.
12th c.
taZris moxatuloba. daviT winaswarmetyveli kidobnis
winaSe. XII s.
Prophet David dancing before the Arc of Covenant. 12th c.

varZia. kldeSi nakveTi kompleqsi.
Vardzia. Rock-hewn architecutral site.
varZiis RmrTismSoblis taZris moxatuloba. giorgi III da Tamar mefe RmrTismSoblis winaSe. 1186 w.
Vardzia. The Church of the Virgin. King Giorgi III and Queen Tamar interceding with the Vitgin. 1186

varZiis RmrTismSoblis taZris moxatuloba. wm. nino. 1186 w.
Vardzia. The Church of the Virgin. Wall painting. St. Nino. 1186
varZiis RmrTismSoblis taZris egvteris moxatuloba. jvris amaRleba. XII-XIII ss.
Vardzia. The Church of the Virgin. Wall painting of the annex. The Ascension of the Cross. 12th -13th cc.

yincvisis wm. nikolozis taZris moxatuloba. XIII s.
Kincvisi. St. Nickolas Church. Wall Painting. 13th c.
ziareba. wm. andrea pirvelwodebuli. fragmenti. XIII s.
Communion of the Apostles. St. Andrew. Detail. 13th c.
jojoxeTis warmotyvevna. fragmenti. XIII s.
The Anastasis. Detail. 13th c.

daviT-gareji. berTubnis RmrTismSoblis taZris
interieri. XIII s.
Davit-Gareji. The Bertubani Church of the Virgin. Interior. 13th c.
jvris amaRleba. mariamis cxovrebis scenebi. XIII s.
The Ascension of the Cross. Scenes from the Life of the Virgin. 13th c.

timoTesubnis RmrTismSoblis taZris moxatuloba.
gankiTxvis dRe. XIII s.
Timotesubani. The Church of the Virgin. The Last Judgement. 13th c.
taZris gumbaTis moxatuloba. jvris dideba. XIII s.
The Glory of the Cross. Wall painting in the dome. 13th c.

wyarosTavis saxarebis yda. XII s.
Tskarostavi Gospels. Chased cover with the Crusifixtion. 12th c.
anCisxatis karedi. VIs.; XII s., XIV s.; XVII s.
Anchiskhati Triptych. 6th c. 12th c. 14th c. 17th c.

macxovris xati. XII-XIII ss.
Icon of the Saviour. 12th -13th c.
Cviledi RmrTismSobelis xati. XIII s.
Icon of the Virgin Hodeghetria. 13th c.
wm. giorgis xati nakifaridan. XIII s.
Icon of St. George from Nakipari. 13th c.

suliswmindis mofena. minanqris xati. XII s.
The Pentecost. Enamel icon. 12th c.
mirqma. minanqris xati. XII s.
The Presentation into Temple. Enamel icon. 12th c.

jruWis II oTxTavi. gankiTxvis dRe. vedreba. XII s.
The Second Jruchi Gospels. The Last Judgment. Deisis. 12th c.
zatiki. Tomas darwmuneba. XII s.
Triodion. Incredulity of Thomas. 12th c.

wm. grigol nazianzelis homiliebi. wm. grigol noselis episkoposad
kurTxeva. XIII s.
Homilies of Gregory Nazianzus. St. Gregory of Nyssa of concerated bishop. 13th c.
wm. grigol nazianzelis homiliebi. wm. mama (zafxuli). XIII s.
Homilies of Gregory Nazianzus. St. Mamas (Summer). 13th c.

kacxis enqeri. jojoxeTis warmotyvevna. XIII s.
Epigonation from Katskhi. The Anastasis. 13th c.
anCis olari. XIV s.
Stole from Ancha. 14th c.
Tbilisi. metexis RmrTismSoblis taZari. 1278-1289 ww.
Tbilisi. The Metekhi Church of the Virgin. 1278-1289.

safaris monasteri. saerTo xedi. X-XIII s.
Saphara Monastery. General view. 10th - 13th c.
safaris monasteri. wm. sabas taZris moxatuloba.
jayelebis saqtitoro portreti. XIV s.
Sapahara Monastery. The Church of St. Sabah. Donor portraits
of the Jakeli family. 13th c.
safara. miZinebis eklesia. karnizi. X s.
Saphara Monastery. The Church of the Dormition. Cornice.
10th c.

zarzma. fericvalebis taZari. XIV s.
Zarzma. The Church of Transfiguration. 14th c.
mRvimevis monasteri. XIII s.
Mgvimevi Monastery. 13th c.

gelaTis monastri. RmrTismSoblis Sobis taZris
samxreT-aRmosavleTi egvteris moxatuloba. daviT
narini berobaSi. XIII s.
Gelati Monastery. South-east annex of the Church of the
Nativity of the Virgin. King David Narin as a monk. 13th c.
aWi. wm. giorgis eklesiis moxatuloba. miZineba.
Achi. The Church of St. George. Wall painting. The
Dormition. 13th c.
daviT-gareji. udabnos monastris `xarebis~
eklesiis moxatuloba. XIII s.
Davit-Gareji. Udabno Monastery. The Church of
Annunciation. Wall painting. 13th c.

sxalTa. RmrTismSoblis eklesiis moxatuloba. XIV s.
Skhalta. The Church of the Virgin. Wall painting. 14th c.
sxalTa. RmrTismSoblis eklesia. XIII s.
Skhalta. The Church of the Virgin. 13th c.
lixne. RmrTismSoblis miZinebis taZris moxatuloba. abraamis stumarTmoyvareoba.
fragmentebi. XIV s.
Likhne. The Church of the Dormition. Wall painting. The Hospitality of Abraham. Details. 14th c.

walenjixa. macxovris feriscvalebis taZris sakurTxevlis moxatuloba. angelozi.
fragmenti. XIV s.
Tsalendjikha. Church of the Saviour. Wall painting of the sanctuary. Angel. Detail. 14th c.
saswauli kanas. XIV s.
The Miracle at Cannes. 14th c.

ubisi. wm. giorgis eklesiis moxatuloba. XIV s.
Ubisi. The Church of St. George. Wall painting. 14th c.

ubisis karedi xati. XIV s.
Ubisi Triptych. 14th c.
ubisis karedi xati. XIV s.
Ubisi Triptych. 14th c.

korcxelis xati. RmrTismSoblis miZineba. XIII s.
Korckheli icon. The Dormition. Detail. 13th c.
wm. giorgi. XV s.
Icon of St. George. 15th c.
moqvis oTxTavi. 1300 w.
Mokvi Gospels. 1300.

nabaxtevi. RmrTismSoblis eklesiis moxatuloba. samoTxe. XV s.
Nabakhtevi. The Church of the Virgin. Wall painting. Paradise. 15th c.
mefe giorgi VIII-is gardamoxsna. 1446-1466 ww.
Epitaphios of king Giorgi VIII. 1446-1466.

mariam dedoflis gardamoxsna. 1623-33 ww.
Epitaphios of Queen Mariam. 1623-33.
dafarna. 1763 w.
Liturgical shroud. 1763.

axali SuamTis monasteri. saerTo xedi. XVI s.
Akhali Shuamta Monastery. General view. 16th c.
RmrTismSoblis Sobis taZris moxatuloba. sasumelisTvis locva. XVI s.
The Church of the Nativity of the Virgin. Wall painting. Agony in the Garden. 16th c.
gremi. mTavarangelozTa eklesia. XVI s.
Gremi. The Church of Archangels. 16th c.

alvani. wm. ioane naTlismcemlis eklesiis moxatuloba.
amaRleba. XVI s.
Alvani. The Church of St. John the Baptist. The Ascension. 16th c.
nekresi. RmrTismSoblis miZinebis eklesiis moxatuloba.
levan kaxTa mefe meuRliTa da vaJiT. XVI s.
Nekresi. The Church of the Dormition. King Levan of Kakheti
with his spouse and son. 16th c.
RmrTismSoblis miZineba. XVI s.
The Dormition of the Virgin. 16th c.

ananuris cixis kompkleqsi. XVII s.
Ananuri Castle. 17th c.
RmrTismSoblis taZari. sicocxlis xe. fragmenti.
The Church of the Virgin. The Tree of Life. Detail. 17th c.
barakoni. RmrTismSoblis eklesia. 1753 w.
Barakoni. The Church of the Virgin. 1753.

ninowmindis monasteri. samreklo. XVI s.
Ninotsminda Monastery. Bell-tower. 16th c.
mWvadijvari. mTavarangelozTa eklesia. 1668 w.
Mtshadijvari. The Church of Archangels. 1668.
manavi. RmrTismSoblis miZinebis eklesia. 1794 w.
Manavi. The Church of the Dormition. 1794.

daviT-gareji. lavra. VI-XVII ss.
Davit-Gareji Laura. 6th -17th cc.

gelaTis monasteri. RmrTismSoblis Sobis
taZari. imereTis mefeTa saqtitoro portreti
XVI s.
Gelati Monastery. The Church of the Nativity of the
Virgin. Portraits of the Kings of Imereti. 16th c.
Crdilo-aRmosavleTi egvteri. ierusalimSi
Sesvla. XVII s.
The North-east annex. Entry into Jerusalem. 17th c.
taZris interieri. moxatuloba. XVI s.
Interier of the church. Wall painting. 16th c.

bugeuli. RmrTismSoblis eklesiis moxatuloba.
xareba. fragmenti. XVI s.
Bugeuli. The Church of the Virgin. Wall painting.
The Annunciation. Detail. 16th c.
laSxiSvilebis saqtitoro portreti. XVI s.
Donor portraits of the Lashkhishvili family. 16th c.
qoreTis eklesiis moxatuloba. wm. evstaTes xilva.
XVI s.
Koreti Church. The Vision of St. Eustathious. 16th c.

gergeti. wm. samebis taZari. XIV s.
Gergeti. The Trinity Church. 14th c.
gergeti. wm. samebis taZris kankelis moxatuloba. wm. nino. gviani Sua saukuneebi.
Gergeti. The Trinity Church. Painting of the chancel barrier. St. Nino. Late medieval period.
mcxeTa. 12 mociqulis sveticxovlis taZari. svetis moxatuloba. mirian mefe da konstantinopolis
samRvdeloeba. 1678 w.
Mtskheta. Svetitskhoveli Cathedral. Wall painting of the Holy Pillar. King Mirian and the Constantinopolitan clergy. 1678.

ierusalimi. wm. jvris monasteri. SoTa rusTaveli.
XVI s.
Jerusalem. The Holly Cross Monastery. Shota Rustaveli. 16th c.
ierusalimi. “oqros oTxTavi”. brmis gankurneba. XVI s.
Jerusalem. The Golden Gospels. The Healing of the Blind. 16th c.
ierusalimi. macxovris xati. XIII s. 1770 w.
Jerusalem. Icon of Crist. 13th c. 1770.
ierusalimi. dafarna. XVII s.
Jerusalem. Liturgical schroud. 17th c.

awyuris RmrTismSoblis xati. XVI s.
Icon of the Atskhuri Virgin. 16th c.
wm.Nninos xati SiomRvimidan. XVII s.
Icon of St. Nino from SioMgvime. 17th c.

sadgeris sakurTxevliswina jvari. XVI s.
Pre-altar cross from Sadgeri. 16th c.
martvilis aTormeti dResaswaulis xati. 1644 w. 1784; RmrTismSobeli odogitriis figura X s.
Icon of the Holy Feasts. 1664. 1784. Central figure of Hodeghitria – 10th c.

yanCaeTis Jam-gulani. evas Seqmna. 1774 w.
Kanchaeti Gulani. Creation of Eve. 1774.
kondaki. XVI s.
Kontakion. 16th c.

Tbilisi. sionis sakaTedro taZari. V; XVII ss.
Tbilisi. Sioni Cathedral. 5th c. 17th c
bodbe. wm. giorgis eklesiis moxatuloba. noes
kidobani. wm. nino sveticxovelis winaSe. 1823 w.
Bodbe. The Church of St. George. Wall painting. Noah’s Ark.
St. Nino and the Life-Giving Pillar. 1823.

Tbilisi. qaSueTis wm. giorgis eklesia. 1904-1910 ww.
Tbilisi. Kashueti Church of St. George. 1904-1910.
Tbilisi. qaSueTis wm. giorgis eklesia. interieri. moxatuloba. 1946-48 ww.
Tbilisi. Kashueti Church of St. George. Interior. Wall painting 1946-48.

Tbilisi. samebis eklesia. XIX s.
Tbilisi. The Church of the Holy Trinity. 19th c.
saqarTvelos didebis xati. XIX s.
Icon of the Glory of Georgia. 19th c.
Tbilidi. mama daviTis eklesia XIX s.
Tbilisi. The Church of St. Davits. 19th c.

asureTis wm. giorgis eklesia. 2001 w.
Asureti. Church of St. George. 2001.
baSi. RmrTismSoblis miZinebis eklesia. 2002 w.
Bashi. The Church of the Dormition. 2002.
Tbilisi. wm. abos niSi. 2005 w.
Tbilisi. Chapel of St. Abo. 2005.

Cakiduli Txemebi. wm. ioane naTlismcemlis monasteri. 2002-2005 ww.
Chakiduli Thkhemebi. Monastery of St. John the Baptist. 2002-2005.
svetisTavis reliefi. 2005 w.
The capital with bas-reliefs. 2003.
lukas saxareba. miniatura ydaze. 2005 w.
The Gospel of St. Luke. The miniature on the cover. 2005.
xareba. xeze kveTili xati. 2003 w.
Annunciation. Wood-curved icon. 2003

Tbilisi. feriscvalebis taZris sakurTxevlis
mxatvroba. vedreba. 2003 w.
Tbilisi. The Church of Transfiguration. Wall painting in the
sanctuary. Deisis. 2003.
Tbilisi. wm. daviT winaswarmetyvelis eklesia.
jvarcma. 1998 w.
Tbilisi. The Church of St. Prohet David. Wall painting.
The Crucifixion. 1998.
Tbilisi. wm. daviT aRmaSeneblis eklesia. qristes
dideba. 1998 w.
Tbilisi. The Church of St. David the Builder. Majestas Domini.
yvareli. wm. samebis taZari. fericvaleba. 2007 w.
Kvareli. The Church of the Holy Trinity. The Transfiguration.

RmrTismSobeli _ ojaxis mfarvelis xati. 2006 w.
Icon of the Virgin – The Family Guardian. 2003.
jojoxeTis warmotyvevnis xati. 1999 w.
Icon of Anastasis. 1999.
wm. evstates xati cxorebiT. 2004 w.
Icon of St. Eustatios. 2004.
RmrTismSoblis xati _ Sen xar venaxi. 1997 w.
Icon of the Virgin – You are the Vineyard. 1997.

Tbilisi. sionis sakaTedro taZris kretsabmeli.
2001-2003 ww.
Tbilisi. Curtain of Sioni Cathedral. 2001-2003.
Tbilisi. samebis sakaTedro taZris dafarna.
2007 w.
Tbilisi. The Trinity Cathedral. Embroidery of liturgical
shroud. 2007.
jvarcma. omoforis naqargobis fragmenti.
The Crucifixion. Detail of an omophorion embroidery.

RmrTismSoblis minanqris xati.
Enamel icon of the Virgin.
jvarcmis minanqris xati.
Enamel icon of The Crusifiction.
SuamTis RmrTismSoblis xati. 2005 w.
Icon of the Virgin from Shuamta. 2005.
naZaladevis RmrTismSoblis Sobis taZris
saxarebis Weduri yda. 2003 w.
Chased cover of the Gospel from the Nadzaladevi
Church of the Nativite of the Virgin. 2003.

sruliad saqarTvelos kaTolikos-patriarqis ilia II-s dawerili xatebi.
Tbilisi. wm. samebis sakaTedro taZari. wm. samebis xati.
Icons painted by His Holiness and Beatitude Catholikos-Patriarch of All Georgiens Ilia II.
Tbilisi. Cathedral of the Holy Trinity. Icon of the Holy Trinity.
Tbilisi. wm. samebis sakaTedro taZari. iveriis RmrTismSoblis xati. 2002 w.
Tbilisi. Cathedral of the Holy Trinity. Icon of the Virgin Portaitissa. 2002.

Tbilisi. wm. samebis sakaTedro taZari. angelozTa kreba. 2004 w.
Tbilisi. Cathedral of the Holy Trinity. Council of Archangels. 2004.
Tbilisi. wm. samebis sakaTedro taZari. 2004 w.
Tbilisi. Cathedral of the Holy Trinity. 2004.

fotosuraTebi Sesrulebulia: Photography by:

g. CubinaSvilis sax. qarTuli xelovnebis istoriisa S. Kobuladze Laboratory for Photo Recoding of Monuments of
da ZeglTa dacvis kvlevis erovnul centrTan Art of G. Chubinashvili National Research Centre for History
arsebuli s. qobulaZis sax. xelovnebis ZeglTa of Georgian Art and Monument Protection (Otar Kobaliani,
fiqsaciis fotolaboratoriis mier (fotografebi Otar Tskvitinidze, Giorgi Gersamia, Saba Demetrashvili, Shalva
oTar qobaliani, oTar cqvitiniZe, giorgi gersamia, saba Lejava).
demetraSvili, Salva leJava).

wignSi agreTve gamoyenebulia fotosuraTebi: Photographic Acknowledgements:

nino bagrationis 64(2), 169, 210; giorgi bagrationis Nino Bagrationi 64(2), 169, 210; Giorgi Bagrationi 64(1), 66,
64(1), 66, 67, 84, 91, 92, 102, 103(1), 108, 109, 131, 132(2), 67, 84, 91, 92, 102, 103(1), 108, 109, 131, 132(2), 134, 148(2),
134, 148(2), 231; vaxtang gabeliasi 69(2), 128, 129(1); 231; Nino Chichinadze 125, 170-175, 194-195; Nikoloz
nikoloz dadianis 256; mariam didebuliZe 107, 118, 126, Dadiani 256; Mariam Didebulidze 107, 118, 126, 129(2);
129(2); giorgi demetraSvilis 248, 250-253, 255, 269; Giorgi Demetrashvili 248, 250-253, 255, 269; Tamaz Dvali 88,
Tamaz dvalis 88, 89, 105, 106, 110-117, 119; marina vaCnaZis 89, 105, 106, 110-117, 119; Ana Dziapshipa 221; Vakhtang
224(2), 226, 227; mirian kilaZis 70, 93, 127, 132(1), Gabelia 69(2), 128, 129(1); Besarion Matsaberidze 140, 141,
138(1), 149, 177, 181, 182, 185-187(1), 205(2), 207, 268; nana 220; Mirian Kiladze 70, 93, 127, 132(1), 138(1), 149, 177, 181,
kupraSvili 187(2) 205(1); besarion macaberiZis 140, 182, 185-187(1), 205(2), 207, 268; Nana Kuprashvili 187(2)
141, 220; droor maianis 77; gogoTur misriaSvilis 205(1); Father Elia Khalifehi 94, 238(2); Droor Maayan 77;
81; luarsab togoniZis 6; daviT cxadaZis 240-241; ana Gogotur Misriashvili 81; Davit Tskhadaze 240-241; Luarsab
ZiapSi pa 211; nino WiWinaZis 125, 170-175, 194-195; mama Togonidze 6; Marina Vachnadze 224(2), 226, 227.
elia xalifehis 94, 238(2).

ydaze: mcxeTa. sveticxovlis sakaTedro taZari. On cover: Mtskheta. Svetitskhoveli Cathedral.

satitulo gverdze: asomTavruli mozaikuri warwera On the title-page: Georgian mosaic inscription from the
qarTvelTa monastridan bir-el-kutSi. wminda miwa. V s. Georgian Monastery at Bir-el- Qut. Holy Land. 5th c. Jerusalem.
ierusalimi. franciskanelTa muzeumi. The Franciscan Museum.

Semoklebani: Abbrivations

sxm - saqarTvelos erovnuli muzeumi. S. amiranaSvilis GMFA - The Georgian National Museum. The Amiranashvili
saqarTvelos xelovnebis muzeumi. Muzeum of Fine Arts.
siem - saqarTvelos erovnuli muzeumi. svaneTis MHES - The Georgian National Museum. The Museum of
istoriul - eTnografiuli muzeumi History and Ethnography of Svaneti.
qiem - n. berZeniSvilis quTaisis istoriul- KMHE - The Kutaisi N. Berdzenishvili museum of history and
eTnografiuli muzeumi; Ethnography.
xec - xelnawerTa erovnuli centri NCM - The National Center for Manuscripts.

ilustraciebis sia List of Illustrations

ilustracia gverdze: Illustration on the page:

63. saqarTvelos xuroTmoZRvruli Zeglebis ruka. 63. The Map of the architectural monuments of Georgia.
Semdgeneli vaxtang cincaZe; mxatvari vaJa orbelaZe Made by Vakhtang Tsintsadze and Vaja Orbeladze.
64. nekresis monasteri. IV-XVI ss. 64. Nekresi Monastery. 4th -16th cc.
nekresis monasteri. mcire bazilika. IV s. Nekresi Monastery. Small basilica. 4th c.
65. Zveli SuamTis monasteri. V-VII ss. 65. Dzveli Shuamta Monastery. 5th -7th cc.
66. bolnisi. sionis sakaTedro taZari. 478-493 ww. 66. Bolnisi. Sioni Catherdral. 478-493
taZaris svetisTavis reliefi. 478-493 ww. Bolnisi. Sioni Cathedral. Bas-relief on capital.
67. qvemo bolnisis eklesia. V-VI ss. 67. Kvemo Bolnisi. Church. 5th -6th cc.
zegani. yevlawmindas taZari. VI-VII ss. Zegani. Church of the Virgin, 6th -7th cc.
68. Tbilisi. anCisxatis taZari. VI s. samreklo. 1675 w. 68. Tbilisi. The Church of Anchiskhati. 6th c. Bell-tower. 1675.
69. urbnisi. wm. stefanes sakaTedro taZari. VI s. 69. Urbnisi. The Cathedral of St. Stephen. 6th c.
Zveli gagris eklesia. VI s. Old Gagra. Church. 6th c.
70. samTavro. wm. ninos eklesia. V s. 70. Samtavro. The Church of St. Nino. 5th c.
71. biWvintis bazilikis iatakis mozaika. V s. 71. Bichvinta. Basilica. Floor mosaic. 5th c.
72. Zveli gavazi. RmrTismSoblis taZari. VI s. 72. Dzveli Gavazi. The Church of the Virgin. 6th c.
73. ninowminda. sakaTedro taZari. VI s; XV s; XVIII s. 73. Ninotsminda. Cathedral. 6th c.; 15th c.; 18th c.
74. SiomRvimis monasteri. VI s; XI s; XIX s. 74. Shiomghvime monastery. 6th c. 11th c. 19th c.
76. mcxeTa. wm. jvris taZari. saerTo xedi. 586-604 ww. 76. Mtskheta. The Church of the Holly Cross. General view.
77. mcxeTa. wm. jvris taZari. interieri. 586-604 ww. 586-604.
78. mcxeTa. wm. jvris taZari. samxreTi fasadi. 77. Mtskheta. The Curch of the Holly Cross. Interior. 586-604.
586-604 ww. 78. Mtskheta. The Curch of the Holly Cross. The south façade.
79. mcxeTa. wm. jvris taZari. jvris amaRleba. timpanis 586-604.
reliefi. 586-604 ww. 79. Mtsheta. The Church of the Holly Cross. The Ascention of
stefanoz erisTavi qristes winaSe. aRmosavleT the Cross. Bas-relief on the tympanum. 586-604.
fasadis reliefi. 586-604 ww. Stephanoz Eristavi before Christ. Bas-relief from the east
80. atenis sioni. saerTo xedi. VII s. façade. 586-604.
81. atenis sioni. irmebi wyarosTan. 80. Ateni. Sioni Church. General view. 7th c.
timpanis reliefi. VII s. 81. Ateni. Sioni Church.The stags at the spring.
ganedlebuli jvari. pilastris moxatuloba. VIII s. Bas-relief on the tympanum. 7th c.
82. martvili. RmrTismSoblis skaTedro taZari. Crux-florida. Wall painting on a pilaster. 8th c.
aRmosavleTi fasadis reliefuri frizi. VII s. 82. Martvili. The Cathedral of the Virgin. Bas-relief from the
83. martvili. RmrTismSoblis sakaTedro taZris east façade. 7th c.
interieri. VII s. moxatuloba XIV s.; XVII s. 83. Martvili. Cathedral. Interior. 7th c. Wall paintings 14th c;
84. wromi. amaRlebis taZari. VII s. 17th c.
wromi. afsidis mozaikis fragmenti. VII s. sxm. 84. Tsromi. The Church of Ascension . 7th c.
85. samwevrisi. wm. giorgis eklesia. VII s. Tsromi. Mosaic fragment from the apse. 7th c. GMFA
86. qaCaRanis jvari. VI-VII ss. sxm. 85. Samtsevrisi. The Church of St. George. 7th c.
87. xandisis qvasveti. VI s. sxm. 86. Kachaghani Cross. 6th -7th cc. GMFA
amaRleba. brdaZoris qvasvetis reliefi. VI s. sxm. 87. Khandisi high-cross. 6th c. GMFA
webeldis kankelis filis fragmenti. VII-VIII ss. sxm. The Ascension. Bas-relief from the Brdzadzori high-cross.
88. banas sakaTedro taZris svetisTavi. VII s. 6th c. GMFA.
89. banas sakaTedro taZari. saerTo xedi. VII s. Bas-relied from the Tsebelda chansel barrier. 7th -8th cc.
90. gurjaani. yvelawmindas taZari. saerTo xedi. VIII s. GMFA
91. gurjaani. yvelawmindas taZari. interieri VIII s. 88. Bana Cathedral. The capital. 7th c.
92. wirqolis eklesia. VIII s. interieri. gare xedi. 89. Bana Cathedral. General view. 7th c.

93. qsnis armazis wm. giorgis eklesia. interieri. 90. Gurdjaani. The Church of the Virgin. General view. 8th c.
kankeli. IX s. 91. Gurdjaani. The Church of the Virgin. Interior. 8th c.
94. daviT-gareji. sabereebis monastris kedlis 92. Tsirkoli church. 8th c.
mxatvroba. IX-X ss. Interior. General view.
95. daviT-gareji. dodosrqis monasteri. uflis dideba. 93. Armazi. The Church of St. George. Interior. Chancel barrier.
IX s. 9th c.
96. adiSis oTxTavi. wm. ioane da wm. luka maxareblebi. 94. Davit-Gareji. Sabereebi Monastery. Wall paintings. 9th
896 w. siem. – 10thc.
97. martvilis tri ptiqoni. vedreba. IX s. sxm. 95. Davit-Gareji. Dodosrka Monastery. Majestas Domini. 9th c.
kvadrifoliumi. jvarcma. VIII s. (xaxulis karedi). 96. Adishi Gospels. St. John and St. Luke the Evangelists. 896.
sxm. MHES.
98. jruWis pirveli oTxTavi. wm. markoz maxarebeli. 97. Martvili Triptych. Deisis. 9th c. GMFA.
964 w. H-1660. mxatvari kamaraT mwerali Tevdore. Quadrifolium.The Crucifixion. 8th c. (Khakhuli Triptych).
xec. GMFA.
99. jruWis pirveli oTxTavi. brmis gankurneba. 964 w. 98. The First Jruchi Gospels. The Evangelist Mark. 964. H-1660.
H-1660. mxatvari kamaraT mwerali Tevdore. xec. Painted by Tevdore. NCM.
100. wilknis RmrTismSoblis xati. IX s.; XIII s. sxm. 99. The First Jruchi Gospels. The Healing of the Blind. 964.
101. zarzmis feriscvalebis xati. 886 w. sxm. H-1660. Painted by Tevdore. NCM.
102. bodbis wm. ninos monasteri. wm. giorgis eklesia. 100. Icon of the Virgin Hodeghetria from Tsilkani. 9th c. 13th c.
103. yazbegi. sionis eklesia. X s. 101. Icon of the Transfiguration from Zarzma. 886. GMFA
vaCnaZiani. yvelawmindas taZari. VIII-IX ss. 102. St. Nino Monastery at Bodbe. The Church of St. George.
104. aSot kurapalati.Oopizis wm. ioane 9thc.
naTlismcemlis taZris reliefi. IX s. sxm. 103. Kazbegi. The Sioni Church. 10th c.
105. dolisyanis eklesia. saerTo xedi. X s. Vachnadziani. The Church of the Virgin. 8th -9th cc.
dolisyanis eklesia. aRmosavleT sarkmlis 104. King Ashot the Great. Bas relief from the Opiza Church.
reliefi. X s. 9th c. GMFA.
106. xaxuli. RmrTismSoblis taZaris sakurTxevlis 105. Doliskana Church. General view. 10th c.
moxatuloba. XI-XII ss-Ta mijna. Doliskana Church. Bas-relief of the east window. 10th c.
xaxuli. RmrTismSoblis taZari. xedi 106. Khakhuli. The Church of the Virgin. 10th c. Wall painting of
dasavleTidan. X s. the sanctuary apse. Early 11th c.
107. xaxuli. RmrTismSoblis taZari. dasavleT fasadis Khakhuli. The Church of the Virgin. View from the
reliefi. X s. west. 10th c.
108. oTxTa eklesia. X s. saerTo xedi. 107. Khakhuli. Church of the Virgin. Relief from the west façade.
109. oTxTa eklesia. wm. sioni. sarkmlis moxatuloba. X s. 10th c.
110. parxali. wm. ioane naTlismcemlis taZari. 108. Otkhta Eklesia. General view. 10th c.
samxreTi fasadi. X s. 109. Otkhta Eklesia. St. Sioni. Wall Painting of the east window.
111. parxali. wm. ioane naTlismcemlis taZari. 10th c.
dasavleTi fasadi. X s. 110. Parkhali. The Church of St. John the Baptist. South façade.
112. oSki. wm. ioane naTlismcemlis taZari. 963-73 ww. 10th c.
113. oSki. samxreTi fasadis reliefebi. X s. 111. Parkhali. Church of St. John the Baptist. West façade. 10th c.
mTavarangelozebi. X s. 112. Oshki. The Church of St. John the Baptist. 963-73.
vedreba. bagrat erisTavT-erisTavi da daviT 113. Oshki. Reliefs from the south façade. Archangels. 10th c.
kurapalati. X s. Deisis with Bagrat Eristavt-eristavi and Davit Kurapalati.
114. oSki. wm. ioane naTlismcemlis taZari. interieri. 10th c.
963-73 ww. 114. Oshki. The Church of St. John the Baptist. Interior. 963-73.
115. oSki. samxreTi afsidis moxatuloba. Kkompozicia 115. Oshki. Wall painting in the south apse. The scene with the
banas sakaTedro taZris gamosaxulebiT. 1036 w. image of the Cathedral of Bana. 1036.

116. iSxnis sakaTedro taZari. VII s.; IX s.; 1032 w. 116. Iskhani Cathedral. General view. 7th c. 9th c. 1032. Architect
saerTo xedi. xuroTmoZRvari ioane morCaisZe. Ioane Morchaisdze.
117. iSxnis sakaTedro taZari. warwera Sesasvlelis 117. Ishkhani Cathedral. Inscription on the tympanum of the
timpanze. 1014-1027 ww. entrance. 1014-1027.
118. iSxnis sakaTedro taZari. interieri. VII s. 118. Ishkhani Cathedral. Interior. 7th c.
119. iSxnis sakaTedro taZari. jvris amaRleba. gumbaTis 119. Ishkhani Cathedral. The Ascentation of the Cross. Wall
moxatuloba. XI s. painting in the dome. 11th c.
120. iSxnis sawinamZRvro jvari. 973 w. sxm. 120. Iskhani Processional Cross. 973. GMFA.
121. bediis barZimi. 999 w. sxm. 121. Bedia chalice. 999. GMFA
122. Semoqmedis kvadrifoliumi. jvarcma. X s. sxm. 122. Shemokmedi quadrifolium. The Crucifixion. 10th c. GMFA.
123. `kvirikes jvari~. X s. (xaxulis karedi). sxm. 123. “Kvirike Cross”. 10th c. (Khakhuli triptych). GMFA.
124. saRolaSenis lorfini. Mmariamisa da elisabedis 124. Sagolasheni plaque. The Visitation. 10th -11th cc. GMFA.
Sexvedra. X-XI ss. mijna. sxm. 125. Icon of the Virgin and the Child and St. Barbara. 10th -11th
125. Cviledi RmrTismSoblisa da wm. barbares xati. XI s. cc. MHES.
siem. 126. Kumurdo Cathedral. General view. 964. Architect Sakotsari.
126. kumurdos macxovris sakaTedro taZari. saerTo East window.
xedi. 964 w. xuroTmoZRvari sakocari. 127. Kumurdo Cathedral. Interior. 964.
aRmosavleTi sarkmeli. 128. Likhne. The Church of the Dormition of the Virgin. 10th
127. kumurdos macxovris sakaTedro taZari. interieri. -11th cc.
964 w. Mokvi Cathedral. 10th c.
128. lixne. RmrTismSoblis miZinebis taZari. X-XI ss-is 129. Bitchvinta (Pitsunda). The Cathedral of the Virgin. 10th c.
mijna. 130. Kvetera fortress Church. 10th c.
moqvis sakaTedro taZari. X s. 131. Korogho. The Church of the Virgin. Donors with the
129. biWvinta. RmrTismSoblis sakaTedro taZari. X s. ground plan of the church. 10th c.
130. kveteris cixis eklesia. X s. 132. Kutaisi. Cathedral of Dormition (“Bagrati cathedral”).
131. qoroRos RmrTismSoblis eklesiis reliefi. General view. 1003.
qtitorebi eklesiis gegmiT. X s. Capital.
132. quTaisi. RmrTismSoblis miZinebis sakaTedro taZari. 133. “Bagrati cathedral”. Portico. 11th c.
e.w. “bagratis taZari”. saerTo xedi. 1003 w. 134. Alaverdi. The Cathedral of St. George. 11th c.
svetisTavi. XI s. Alaverdi Gospels. Crux florida. 1054. A-484. NMC.
133. “bagratis taZari”. karibWe. XI s. 135. Alaverdi Gospels. St John the Evangelist. 1054. A-484.
134. alaverdi. wm. giorgis sakaTedro taZari. XI s. NMC.
alaverdis oTxTavi. ganedlebuli jvari. 1054 w. A-484. 136. Mtskheta. Svetitskhoveli Cathedral of the Twelve Apostles.
xec. 1010-1029. Architect Arsukidze.
135. alaverdis oTxTavi. wm. ioane maxarebeli. 1054 w. 138. Mtskheta. Svetitskhoveli Cathedral. Interior. 11th-17th cc.
A-484. xec. Mtskheta. Svetitskhoveli Cathedral. East façade. 1010-1029.
136. mcxeTa. sveticxovlis taZari. 1010-1029 ww. 139. Mtskheta. Svetitskhoveli Cathedral. West façade. 1010-
138. mcxeTa. sveticxovlis sakaTedro taZari. interieri. 1029.
XI-XVII ss. 140. Shiomghvime. Bas-relief of the chancel barrier. St. Shio and
aRmosavleTi fasadi. 1010-1029 ww. Evagre. 11th c. GMFA
139. mcxeTa. sveticxovlis sakaTedro taZari. dasavleTi 141. Saphara. The Church of the Dormition. Bas-relief from the
fasadi. 1010-1029 ww. chancel barrier. The Annunciation. 11th c. GMFA.
140. SiomRvimis kankelis reliefi. wm. Sio mRvimeli da 142. Davit-Gareji. Refectory of the Udabno Monastery. The Last
evagre. XI s. sxm. Supper. 11th c.
141. safara. miZinebis taZris kankelis reliefi. xareba. Davit-Gareji. Main Church of the Udabno Monastery.
XI s. sxm. St. Davit’s miracle. 11th c.
142. daviT-gareji. udabnos monastris satrapezo. Uuflis 143. Manglisi. The Cathedral of The Virgin. Personofication of
seroba. XI s. the sun. Wall painting in the dome. 11th c.

udabnos monastris mTavari taZari. wm. daviT 144. Icon of the Virgin Eleusa from Zarzma. 11th c. GMFA.
garejelis saswauli. XI s. 145. Icon of St. George from Labetchina. 11th c. GMFA.
143. manglisi. RmrTismSoblis sakaTedro taZari. Gelati tondo of St. Mamas. 11th c. GMFA
gumbaTis moxatuloba. mzis personifikacia. XI s. 146. Pre-altar cross from Mestia. 11th c. MHES
144. zarzmis (laklakiZis) RmrTismSoblis xati. XI s. 147. Processional cross from Martvili. 11th c. Made by Ivane
sxm. Deacon. GMFA
145. labeWinis wm. giorgis xati. XI s. sxm. 148. Samtavro. The Cathedral of Ascension. General view. 11th c.
wm. mamas xati gelaTidan. XI s. sxm. Samtavro. The Cathedral of Ascension. Windows on the
146. mestiis sakurTxevliswina jvari. XI s. siem south façade. 11th c.
147. martvilis sawinamZRvro jvari. XI s. oqromWedeli 149. Samtavro. The Cathedral of Ascension. Interior. 11th c. 19th c.
ivane diakoni. sxm. 150. Nickortsminda. The Cathedral of St. Nickolas. Relief of the
148. samTavro. amaRlebis sakaTedro taZari. south fasade. The Second Coming. 1010-1014.
saerTo xedi. XI s. Nickortsminda. The Cathedral of St. Nickolas. West façade.
samTavro. amaRlebis sakaTedro taZari. samxreTi 1010-1014.
fasadis sarkmlebi. XI s. 151. Samtavisi. The Cathedral of Ascension. 1030.
149. samTavro. amaRlebis sakaTedro taZari. interieri. 152. Ateni. Sioni Church. Last Judgment. Detail. 11th c.
XI s. XIX s. 153. Ateni. Sioni Church. The Nativity. 11th c.
150. nikorwminda. wm. nikolozis sakaTedro taZari. Ateni. Sioni Church. Archangel. Detail. Wall painting in the
samxreTi fasadis reliefi. meored mosvla. sanctuary. 11th c.
1010-1014 ww. 154. Zemo-Krikhi. The Church of Archangels. Eristavi of Racha
nikorwminda. wm. nikolozis sakaTedro taZari. interceding with Archangel Michael. Wall painting. 11th c.
dasavleTi fasadi. 1010-1014 ww. 155. Zemo-Krikhi. The Church of Archangels. St. Irene. Wall
151. samTavisi. amaRlebis sakaTedro taZari. 1030 w. painting. 11th c.
152. atenis sionis moxatuloba. gankiTvis dRe. 156. Iprari. The Church of Archangels. The Virgin and Child and
fragmenti. XI s. St. Ana. 11th c. Royal painter Tevdore.
153. atenis sioni. Soba. XI s. 157. Iprari. The Church of Archangels. Wall painting in the
atenis sioni. sakurTxevlis moxatuloba. sanctuary. 11th c. Royal Painter Tevdore.
mTavarangelozi. fragmenti. XI s. Nakipari. The Church of St. George . St. Theodoros. 11th c.
154. zemo-krixi. mTavarangelozTa eklesiis moxatuloba. Royal Painter Tevdore.
raWis erisTavebi vaCianebi mTavarangeloz miqaelis 158. Gelati Monastery. General view. 12th – 13th cc.
winaSe. XI s. 159. Gelati. The Church of the Nativity of the Virgin. Glory of
155. zemo-krixi. mTavarangelozTa eklesiis moxatuloba. the Virgin. Mosaic. 12th c.
wm. irine. XI s. 160. Gelati. The Church of the Nativity of the Virgin. Mosaic in
156. ifrari. mTavarangelozTa eklesiis moxatuloba. the apse. Archangel. Detail. 12th c.
Cviledi RmrTismSobeli da wm. ana. XI s. mefis 161. Gelati. The Church of the Nativity of the Virgin.
mxatvari Tevdore. Wall painting in the narthex. The Eucumenical Councils.
157. ifrari. mTavarangelozTa eklesiis sakurTxevlis Detail. 12th c.
moxatuloba. XI s. mefis mxatvari Tevdore. 162. Khakhuli Triptych. 12th c. GMFA.
nakifaris wm. giorgis eklesiis moxatuloba. wm. 164. Enamel medalions: St. George. 12th c. Tsalendjikha icon of
Tevdore. 1130 w. mefis mxatvari Tevdore. the Savoiur.
158. gelaTis monasteri. saerTo xedi. XII_XIII ss. St. Demetrious; St. Theodoros. 12th c. Jumati icon of the
159. gelaTi. RmrTismSoblis Sobis taZris Archangel. GMFA
sakurTxevlis mozaika. RmrTismSoblis dideba. XII s. 165. Enamel medalions: St. Peter; St. Luke. 12th c. Gelati icon of
160. gelaTi. RmrTismSoblis Sobis taZris sakurTxevlis the Saviour. The Benediction of the Queens. 11th c.
mozaika. mTavarangelozi. fragmenti. XII s. Khakhuli Triptych. GMFA.
161. gelaTis monasteri. RmrTismSoblis Sobis taZris 166. Labskaldi Gospels. Canon-table. 13th c. MHES.
narTeqsis moxatuloba. msoflio saeklesio kreba. 167. Gelati Gospels. Betrayal of Judas. Denial of St. Peter. 12th c.
fragmenti. XII s. NCM.

162. xaxulis karedi. XII s. 168. Tighva. The Church of the Virgin. 1152.
164. minanqris medalionebi: wm. giorgi. XII s. walenjixis 169. Nikozi. Ghvtaeba Church . 5th c. 14th c.
macxovris xati. wm. demetre; wm. Tevdore. XII s. 170. Icon of the Archangel Michael. 11th -12 th cc. The Church of
jumaTis mTavarangelozis xati. sxm. St. Juilitta and St. Quiriqus. Upper Svaneti. MHES.
165. minanqris medalionebi: wm. petre; wm. luka. XII s.; 171. Icon of the Archangel Gabriel. 11th -12th cc. MHES.
gelaTis macxovris xati. dedofalTa kurTxeva. 172. Icon of the Forty Martyrs from Sebaste. 11th -12th cc.
XI s. xaxulis karedi. sxm. MHES.
166. labskaldis oTxTavi. kanoni. XIII s. siem 173. Seti Triptych. 13th c. MHES.
167. gelaTis oTxTavi. iudas ambori; petres uaryofa. Icon of the Ressuruction of Lazarus. 12th c. MHES
XII s. xec. 174. Icon of the Crucifixtion. 11th -12th cc. MHES
168. TiRva. RmrTismSoblis eklesia. 1152 w. 175. Icon with Depostion and Lamentation. 12th c. The Church
169. niqozi. RvTaebis taZari. V s. XIV s. St. Juilitta and St. Quiriqus. Upper Svaneti. MHES.
170. miqael mTavarangelozis xati. XI-XII ss. 176. Matskhvarishi. Church of the Saviour. Coronation of the
wm. ivlitasa da kvirikes eklesia. zemo svaneTi. siem. King Demetre I. 1140. Painter Michael Maglakeli.
171. gabriel mTavarangelozis xati. XI-XII ss. siem. Matskhvarishi. Church of the Saviour. Apostle St. Peter. Wall
172. ormoci sebastieli mowamis xati. XI-XII ss. siem. painting. 1140. Painter Michael Maglakeli.
173. setis karedi xati. XIII s. siem. 177. Botchorma. The Church of St. George. Wall painting. Angel.
lazares aRdginebis xati. XII s. siem. Detail. 12th c.
174. jvarcmis xati. XI-XI s. siem. 178. Ikorta. The Church of Archangels. 1172.
175. jvridan gardamoxsnisa da datirebis xati. XII s. 179. Pitareti. The Church of the Virgin. 13th c. Decoration of the
wm. ivlitasa da kvirikes eklesia. zemo svaneTi. siem. east fasade.
176. macxvariSi. macxovris eklesiis moxatuloba. Pitareti. The Church. of the Virgin. General view.
demetre I-is mefed kurTxeva. 1140 w. mxatvari 180. Betania. The Church of the Nativity of the Virgin. General
miqael maRlakeli. view. 12th c.
macxvariSi. macxovris eklesiis moxatuloba wm. 181. Betania. The Church of the Nativity of the Virgin.
petre mociquli. fragmenti. 1140 w. mxatvari St. Prophet David dancing before the Arc of Covenant.
miqael maRlakeli. 12th c.
177. boWorma. wm. giorgis eklesiis moxatuloba. 182. Vardzia. Rock-hewn architecutral complex.
angelozi. fragmenti. XII s. 183. Vardzia. The Church of the Virgin. King Giorgi III and
178. ikorTia. mTavarangelozTa taZari. 1172 w. Queen Tamar interceding with the Virgin. 1186
179. fitareTi. RmrTismSoblis taZari. aRmosavleTi 184. Vardzia. The Church of the Virgin. St. Nino. 1186
fasadis reliefi. XIII s. 185. Vardzia. The Church of the Virgin. Wall painting in the
fitareTi. RmrTismSoblis taZari. saerTo xedi. annex. The Ascension of the Cross. 12th -13th cc.
XIII s. 186. Kincvisi. The Church of St. Nickolas. Wall Painting. 13th c.
180. beTania. RmrTismSoblis Sobis taZari. XII s. 187. Kincvisi. The Church of St. Nickolas. Wall Painting.
saerTo xedi. Communion of the Apostles. St. Andrew. Detail. 13th c.
181. beTania. RmrTismSoblis Sobis taZris moxatuloba. Kincvisi. The Church of St. Nickolas. Wall Painting.
wm. daviT winaswarmetyveli kidobnis winaSe. XII s. The Anastasis. Detail. 13th c.
182. varZia. kldeSi nakveTi kompleqsi. 188. Davit-Gareji. The Bertubani Church of the Virgin. Interior.
183. varZiis RmrTismSoblis taZris moxatuloba. 13th c.
giorgi III da Tamar mefe RmrTismSoblis winaSe. 189. Davit-Gareji. The Bertubani Church of the Virgin. Wall
1186 w. paintings. The Ascension of the Cross; Scenes from the Life
184. varZiis RmrTismSoblis taZris moxatuloba. wm. nino. of the Virgin. 13th c.
1186 w. 190. Timotesubani. The Church of the Virgin. The Last
185. varZiis RmrTismSoblis taZris egvteris Judgement. 13th c.
moxatuloba. jvris amaRleba. XII-XIII ss. 191. Timotesubani. The Church of the Virgin. Wall painting in
186. yincvisi. wm. nikolozis taZris moxatuloba. XIII s. the dome. The Glory of the Cross. 13th c.
187. yincvisi. wm. nikolozis taZris moxatuloba. 192. Tskarostavi Gospels. Chased cover with the Crusifixtion.

ziareba. wm. andrea pirvelwodebuli. fragmenti. 12th c. Made by Beka Opizari. NCM.
XIII s. 193. Anchiskhati Triptych. 6th c. 12th c. 14th c. 17th c. The frame of
yincvisi. wm. nikolozis taZris moxatuloba. the central icon made by Beskhen and Beka Opizari.
jojoxeTis warmotyvevna. fragmenti. XIII s. GMFA.
188. daviT-gareji. berTubnis RmrTismSoblis taZris 194. Icon of the Saviour from Tsvirmi. 12th -13th c. MHES.
interieri. XIII s. 195. Icon of the Virgin Hodeghetria. 13th c. MHES.
189. daviT-gareji. berTubnis RmrTismSoblis taZari. Icon of St. George from Nakipari. 13th c. MHES.
jvris amaRleba. mariamis cxovrebis scenebi. XIII s. 196. The Pentecost. Enamel icon. 12th c. GMFA.
190. timoTesubani. RmrTismSoblis taZris moxatuloba. 197. Presentation into Temple. Enamel icon. 12th c. GMFA.
gankiTxvis dRe. XIII s. 198. The Second Jruchi Gospels. The Last Judgment. Deisis. 12th
191. timoTesubani. RmrTismSoblis taZris gumbaTis c. H-11167. NCM.
moxatuloba. jvris dideba. XIII s. 199. Triodion. Incredulity of Thomas. 12th c. A-734. NCM.
192. wyarosTavis saxarebis yda. XII s. oqromWedeli 200. Homilies of Gregory the Nazianzus. St. Gregory of Nyssa is
beqa opizari. xec. concerated bishop. 13th c. A-109. NCM.
193. anCisxatis karedi. VI s.; XII s., XIV s.; XVII s. 201. Homilies of St.Gregory Nazianzus. St. Mamas (Summer).
centraluri xatis CarCo – beSqen da beqa opozarebi. 13th c. A-109. NCM.
sxm. 202. Epigonation from Katskhi. The Anastasis. 13th c. GMFA.
194. macxovris xati wvirmidan. XII-XIII ss. siem. Orarion from Ancha. 14th c. GMFA.
195. Cviledi RmrTismSobelis xati. XIII s. siem. 203. Tbilisi. The Metekhi Church of the Virgin. 1278-1289.
wm. giorgis xati nakifaridan. XIII s. siem. 204. Saphara Monastery. 10th - 13th cc. General view. Architect
196. suliswmindis mofena. minanqris xati, XII s. sxm. Paraesasdze.
197. mirqma. minanqris xati, XII s. sxm. 205. Sapahara Monastery. The Church of St. Sabah. Donor
198. jruWis II oTxTavi. gankiTxvis dRe. vedreba. XII s. H portraits of Jakeli family. 13th c.
H-1167. xec. Saphara. The Church of Dormition. Cornice. 10th c.
199. zatiki. Tomas darwmuneba. XII s. A-734. xec. 206. Zarzma. The Church of Transfiguration. 14th c.
200. wm. grigol nazianzelis homiliebi. wm. grigol 207. Mgvimevi Monastery. 13th c.
noselis episkoposad kurTxeva. XIII s. A-109. xec. 208. Gelati Monastery. South-east annex of the Church of the
201. wm. grigol nazianzelis homiliebi. wm. mama Nativity of the Virgin. King David Narin as a monk. 13th c.
(zafxuli). XIII s. -109. xec. 209. Achi. The Church of St. George. The Dormition. 13th c.
202. kacxis enqeri. jojoxeTis warmotyvevna. XIII s. sxm. Davit-Gareji. Udabno Monastery. The Church of the
anCis olari. XIV s. sxm. Annunciation. Wall-painting. 13th c.
203. Tbilisi. metexis RmrTismSoblis taZari. 210. Skhalta. The Church of the Virgin. Wall painting. 14th c.
1278-1289 ww. Skhalta. The Church of the Virgin. 13th c.
204. safaris monasteri. saerTo xedi. X - XIII ss. 211. Likhne. The Church of the Dormition. Wall painting. The
xuroTmoZRvari faresasZe. Hospitality of Abraham. Details. 14th c.
205. safaris monasteri. wm. sabas taZris moxatuloba. 212. Tsalendjikha. Church of the Saviour. Wall painting in the
jayelebis saqtitoro portreti. XIV s. sanctuary. Angel. Detail. 14th c. Painter Kyr Manuel
safara. miZinebis eklesia. karnizi. X s. Evgenikos.
206. zarzma. fericvalebis taZari. XIV s. 213. Tsalendjikha. Church of the Saviour. The Miracle at Cana.
207. mRvimevis monasteri. XIII s. 14th c.
208. gelaTis monasteri. RmrTismSoblis Sobis taZris 214. Ubisi. The Church of St. George. Wall painting. 14th c.
samxreT-aRmosavleTi egvteris moxatuloba. daviT Painter Gerasime.
narini berobaSi. XIII s. 216. Ubisi Triptych. 14th c. GMFA
209. aWi. wm. giorgis eklesiis moxatuloba. miZineba. 217. Ubisi Triptych. 14th c. GMFA.
XIII s. 218. Korckheli icon. Frame. The Dormition. 13th c. GMFA.
daviT-gareji. udabnos monastris `xarebis~ Enamel icon of St. George. 15th c. GMFA.
eklesiis moxatuloba. XIII s. 219. Mokvi Gospels. 1300. Q-902. Painter Ephrem. NCM.
210. sxalTa. RmrTismSoblis eklesiis moxatuloba. 220. Nabakhtevi. The Church of the Virgin. Paradise. Detail.
XIV ss. 15th c. GMFA.
sxalTa. RmrTismSoblis eklesia. XIII s. 221. Epitaphios of king Giorgi VIII. 1446-1466. GMFA
211. lixnes RmrTismSoblis miZinebis taZris moxatuloba. 222. Epitaphios of Queen Mariam. 1623-33. GMFA
abraamis stumarTmoyvareoba. fragmentebi. XIV s. 223. Liturgical shroud. 1763. KMHE.
212. walenjixa. macxovris feriscvalebis taZris 224. Akhali Shuamta Monastery. The Church of the Nativity of
sakurTxevlis moxatuloba. angelozi. fragmenti. the Virgin. 16th c.
XIV s. mxatvari kir manuel evgenikosi. The Church of the Nativity of the Virgin. Agony in the
213. walenjixa. macxovris feriscvalebis taZris Garden. 16th c.
moxatuloba. saswauli kanas. XIV s. 225. Gremi. The Church of Archangels. 16th c.
214. ubisis wm. giorgis eklesiis moxatuloba. XIV s. 226. Alvani. The Church of St. John the Baptist. The Ascension.
mxatvari gerasime. 16th c.
216. ubisis karedi xati. XIV s. sxm. Nekresi. The Church of the Dormition. King Levan of
217. ubisis karedi xati. XIV s. sxm. Kakheti with his spouse Tinatin and son. 16th c.
218. korcxelis xati. CarCo. RmrTismSoblis miZineba. 227. Nekresi. The Church of Dormition. The Dormition of the
XIII s. Sxm. Virgin. 16th c.
wm. giorgi. XV s. sxm 228. Ananuri Castle. 17th c.
219. moqvis oTxTavi. 1300 w. mxatvari efremi. Q-902. xec. Ananuri. The Church of the Virgin. The Tree of Life. Detail.
220. nabaxtevi. RmrTismSoblis eklesiis moxatuloba. 17th c.
samoTxe. fragmenti. XV s. sxm. 229. Barakoni. The Church of the Virgin. 1753. Architect
221. mefe giorgi VIII-is gardamoxsna. 1446-1466 ww. sxm. Naskida from Kartli.
222. mariam dedoflis gardamoxsna. 1623-33 ww. sxm. 230. Ninotsminda Monastery. Bell-tower. 16th c.
223. dafarna. 1763 w. qiem. 231. Mtshadijvari. The Church of Archangels. 1668.
224. axali SuamTis monasteri. XVI s. Manavi. The Church of the Dormition. 1794.
RmrTismSoblis Sobis taZari. sasumelisTvis locva. 232. Davit-Gareji Laura. 6th -17th cc.
XVI s. 234. Gelati Monastery. The Church of the Nativity of the Virgin.
225. gremi. mTavarangelozTa eklesia. XVI s. Portraits of the kings of Imereti. 16th c.
226. alvani. wm. ioane naTlismcemlis eklesiis The Church of the Nativity of the Virgin. Wall painting in
moxatuloba. amaRleba. XVI s. the north-east annex. Entry into Jerusalem. 17th c.
nekresi.Llevan kaxTa mefe meuRliT da vaJiT. XVI s. 235. Gelati Monastery. The Church of the Nativity of the Virgin.
227. nekresi. RmrTismSoblis miZinebis eklesiis Wall painting. 16th c.
moxatuloba. miZineba. XVI s. 236. Bugeuli. The Church of the Virgin. The Annunciation.
228. ananuris cixis kompkleqsi. XVII s. Detail. 16th c.
ananuri. RmrTismSoblis eklesia. sicocxlis xe. 237. Bugeuli. Church of the Virgin. Donor portraits of
fragmenti. XVII s. Lashkhishvili family. 16th c.
229. barakoni. RmrTismSoblis eklesia. 1753 w. Koreti Church. The Vision of St. Eustathios. 16th c.
arqiteqtori nasyida qarTveli. 238. Gergeti. The Trinity Church. 14th c.
230. ninowmindis monasteri. samreklo. XVI s. Gergeti. The Trinity Church. Painting of the chancel barrier.
231. mWvadijvari. mTavarangelozTa eklesia. 1668 w. St. Nino. Late medieval period.
manavi. RmrTismSoblis miZinebis eklesia. 1794 w. 239. Mtskheta. Svetitskhoveli Cathedral. wall painting of the
232. daviT-gareji. lavra. VI-XVII ss. Holy Pillar. King Mirian and the Constantinopolitan clergy.
234. gelaTis monasteri. RmrTismSoblis Sobis taZari. 1678. Painter Guljavarashvili.
imereTis mefeTa saqtitoro portreti XVI s. 240. Jerusalem. The Holly Cross Monastery. Shota Rustaveli.
RmrTismSoblis Sobis taZari. Crdilo-aRmosavleTi 16th c.
egvteris moxatuloba. ierusalimSi Sesvla. XVII s. Jerusalem. “The Golden Gospels”. The Healing of the Blind.
235. gelaTis monasteri. RmrTismSoblis Sobis taZris 16th c. Treasury of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.
moxatuloba. XVI s. 241. Icon of Christ. 13th c. 1770. Jerusalem. Greek Patriarchate.
236. bugeuli. RmrTismSoblis eklesia. xareba. The liturgical shroud. 17th c. Jerusalem. The Monastery of St.
fragmenti. XVI s. Helene and St. Constantine.

237. bugeuli. RmrTismSoblis eklesia. laSxiSvilebis 242. Icon of the Atskhuri Virgin. 16th c. GMFA.
portreti. XVI s. 243. Icon of St. Nino from SioMghvime. 17th c. GMFA.
qoreTis eklesiis moxatuloba. wm. evstaTes xilva. 244. Pre-altar cross from Sadgeri. 16th c. Made by Mamne. GMFA.
XVI s. 245. Icon of the Holy Feasts. 1664. 1784. Central figure of
238. gergeti. wm. samebis taZari. XIV s. Hodeghitria – 10th c. GMFA
gergeti. wm. samebis taZris kankelis moxatuloba. 246. Kanchaeti Gulani. Creation of Eve. 1774. H-1492. NCM.
wm. nino. gviani Sua saukuneebi. 247. Kontakion. 16th c. KMHE.
239. mcxeTa. 12 mociqulis sveticxovlis taZari. svetis 248. Tbilisi. Sioni Cathedral. 5th c. 17th c.
moxatuloba. mirian mefe da konstantinopolis 249. Bodbe. The Church of St. George. Wall painting. Noah’s
samRvdeloeba. 1678 s. mxatvari guljavaraSvili. Ark; St. Nino before the Life-Giving Pillar. 1823.
240. ierusalimi. wm. jvris monasteri. SoTa rusTaveli. 250. Tbilisi. Kashueti Church of St. George. 1904-1910.
XVI s. Designed by L. Bielfeld.
ierusalimi. ~oqros oTxTavi~. brmis gankurneba. 251. Tbilisi. Kashueti church of St. George. Interior. The wall
XVI s. macxovris saflavis saganZuri. painting in the sanctuary by Lado Gudiashvili. 19446-48.
241. macxovris xati. XIII s. 1770 w. ierusalimi. 252. Tbilisi. The Church of the Holy Trinity. 19th c.
berZnuli sapatriarqo. Icon of Glory of Georgia. Painted by Michael- Gobron
dafarna. XVII s. ierusalimi. wm. elenes da wm. Sabinin. Late 19th c.
konstantines monasteri. 253. Tbilisi. The Church of St. Davit. 19th c.
242. awyuris RmrTismSoblis xati. XVI s. sxm. 254. Asureti. The Church of St. George. 2001. Designed by Irakli
243. wm. ninos xati SiomRvimidan. XVII s. sxm. Vacheishvili.
244. sadgeris sakurTxevliswina jvari. XVI s. ostati Bashi. The Church of the Dormition of the Virgin. 2002.
mamne. sxm. Designed by Davit Svanidze.
245. martvilis aTormeti dResaswaulis xati. 1644 w. 255. Tbilisi. Chapel of St. Abo. 2005. Designed by Revaz
1784. RmrTismSobeli odogitrias figura _ X s. Janashia.
sxm. 256. Chakiduli Thkhemebi. Monastery of St. John the Baptist.
246. yanCaeTis Jam-gulani. evas Seqmna. 1774 w. H-1492. xec. 2002-2005. Designed by Davit, Bishop of Alaverdi and Paata
247. kondaki. XVI s. qiem. Nutsubidze.
248. Tbilisi. sionis sakaTedro taZari. V; XVII. ss. The capital with bas- relief. Sculptor Paata Gigauri.
249. bodbe. wm.Ggiorgis eklesiis moxatuloba. noes 257. The Gospel of St. Luke. Miniature on the cover. 2003.
kidobani. wm. nino sveticxovelis winaSe. 1823 w. Painted by Nun Sidonia (Gachechiladze).
250. Tbilisi. qaSueTis wm. giorgis eklesia. The Annunciation. Wood-curved icon. 2003. Made by
1904-1910 ww. arqiteqtori l. bilfeldi. Vakhtang Khoshtaria.
251. Tbilisi. qaSueTis wm. giorgis eklesia. interieri. 258. Tbilisi. Wall painting of the Transfiguration Church.
sakurTxevlis moxatuloba. mxatvari – lado Deisis. 2003. Painted by Priest Josef Vanidze.
gudiaSvili. 1946-48 ww. Tbilisi. The Church of St. Prophet David. Wall painting.
252. Tbilisi. wm. samebis eklesia. XIX s. Crucifixion. 1998. Painted by Lasha Kintsurashvili.
saqarTvelos didebis xati. mxatvari mixeil-gobron 259. Tbilisi. The Church of St. David the Builder. Majestas
sabinini. XIX s-is bolo. Domini. 1999. Painted by Amiran Goglidze.
253. Tbilisi. mama daviTis taZari. XIX s. Kvareli. The Church of the Holy Trinity. The
254. asureTi. wm. giorgis eklesia. 2001 w. Transfiguration. 2007. Painted by Priest Alexsandre
arqiteqtori irakli vaCeiSvili. Galdava.
baSis RmrTismSoblis miZinebis eklesia. 2002 w. 260. Icon of the Virgin – the Family guardian. 2006. Painted by
arqiteqtori daviT svaniZe. Davit Khidasheli.
255. Tbilisi. wm. abos niSi. 2005 w. ariqteqtori revaz Icon of the Anastasis. 1999. Painted by Tamar Gagoshidze.
janaSia. 261. Icon of St. Eustathius. 2004. Painted by Eka Chkhikvishvili.
256. Cakiduli Txemebi. wm. ioane NnaTlismcemlis Icon of the Virgin - You are the Vineyard. 1997. Painted by
monasteri. 2002-2005 w. arqiteqtorebi Irakli Tsintsadze.
mitropoli daviTi amba alaverdeli, paata nucubiZe. 262. Tbilisi. Curtain of Sioni Cathedral. 2002. Made by the

svetisTavis reliefi. 2005 w. moqandake paata group of embroidery of the Tbilisi Theological Academy
gigauri under leadership of Eteri Urotadze.
257. lukas saxareba. miniatiura ydaze. 2005 w. mxatvari 263. Embroidery of liturgical shroud. The Holy Trinity
deda sidonia (gaCeCilaZe). Cathedral. 2007. Made by the Group for Embroidery of the
xareba. xeze kveTili xati. 2003 w. mxatvari vaxtang Tbilisi Theological Academy under leadership of Eteri
xoStaria. Urotadze.
258. Tbilisi. feriscvalebis taZris sakurTxevlis Crucifixion. Detail of the Omophorion embroidery. 2008.
mxatvroba. vedreba. 2003 w. mxatvari mama ioseb vaniZe. Made by Tamar Olkiashvili.
Tbilisi. wm. daviT winaswarmetyvelis eklesia. 264. Enameled icon of the Virgin. 2002. Made by Ermile
jvarcma. 1998 w. mxatvari laSa kinwuraSvili. Magradze.
259. Tbilisi. wm. daviT aRmaSeneblis eklesia. qristes Enameled icon of the Crucifixion. 2004. The cloisonné
dideba. 1999 w. mxatvari amiran gogliZe. enamel workshop “Pokani”.
yvareli. wm. samebis taZari. fericvaleba. 2007 w. 265. Icon of the Virgin from Shuamta. 2005. Made by Ermile
mxatvari dekanozi aleqsandre galdava. Magradze.
260. RmrTismSobeli _ ojaxis mfarvelis xati. 2006 w. Chased cover of the Gospel from the Nadzaladevi Church of
mxatvari daviT xidaSeli. the Nativity of the Virgin. 2003.
jojoxeTis warmotyvevnis xati. 1999 w. mxatvari 266. Icon of the Holy Trinity. Tbilisi. Cathedral of the Holy
Tamar gagoSiZe. Trinity. Painted by the Catholikos-Patriarch of All
261. wm. evstaTes xati cxorebiT. 2004 w. mxatvari eka Georgians Ilia II.
CxikviSvili. Icon of the Virgin Portaitissa. Tbilisi. Cathedral of the Holy
RmrTismSoblis xati _ Sen xar venaxi. mxatvari Trinity. Painted by the Catholikos-Patriarch of All
irakli cincaZe. Georgians Ilia II.
262. Tbilisi. sionis sakaTedro taZris kretsabmeli. 268. Tbilisi. Cathedral of the Holy Trinity. Council of
2001-2003 ww. Tbilisis sasuliero akademiis Archangels. 2002. Sculptor Jemal Tushurashvili.
qargvis jgufi eTer urotaZis xelmZRvanelobiT. 269. Tbilisi. Cathedral of the Holy Trinity. 1995-2004. Designed
263. dafarna. wm. samebis sakaeTedro taZari. 2007 w. by Archil Mindiashvili.
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jvarcma. patriarqis omoforis naqargobis
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264. RmrTismSoblis minanqris xati. 2002 w. oqromWedeli
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jvarcmis minanqris xati. 2004 w. fokas wm. ninos
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naZaladevis RmrTismSoblis Sobis taZris saxarebis
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266. wm. samebis xati. Tbilisi. wm. samebis sakaTedro
taZari. dawerilia sruliad saqarTvelos kaTolikos
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267. iveriis RmrTismSoblis xati. Tbilisi. wm. samebis
sakaTedro taZari. dawerilia sruliad saqarTvelos
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269. Tbilisi wm. samebis sakaTedro taZari. 1995-2004 ww.
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qarTuli qristianuli xelovneba Georgian Christian Art

Georgian Christian Art

qristianuli xelovneba

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