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Intra-Institutional Internship 2022-2023

Chapter 1 : -Email Etiquettes

Date :-11-10-2022

Department :-Computer Science And Engineering

Resource Person :-Prof. Vikram Shirol

1.1 Email Etiquettes

1.2 Communication in email
 It is easier
 It is cheaper
 It is Go Green
 It is safe to use
Tips to writing a good email:-
 Specific grammars check
 Distinguish between the formal and informal
 Be kind and respond promptly
 Use a signature including contact information
 Beconvince with your subject lines
 Writing clear description
 Be specific about what you want and how you at to attar in through your writing
 Avoid Attachments and keeps email concede and within and short sentences
 Avoid slang and writing text
 Always read before writing and sending
 Do not divulge your user name or password you others
 Do not use email to discuss confidential information and signature
 Avoid abbreviation and emotion
 Don’t forget greeting and closing
As a professional:
Try to reply for mail within 24 hours and try to save needed mails in inbox by creating folder
 Don’t try to resend the mails

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Intra-Institutional Internship 2022-2023

Chapter 2 :-Microsoft Excel

Date :-12-10-2022
Department :-Information Science and Engineering
Resource Persons :-Prof. Kiran A, Prof. Ramesh Koppar

2.1 Microsoft Excel

 Microsoft office used to prepare the reports with the help of data.
 It contains many applications such as word, excel, power point presentation.

 It is a electronic spreadsheet where data can be organised like rows and
 It is used to perform mathematical operation.
 Window button contains(save,undo,redo)it is quick access bar
 The columns littered A-Z and Contributing AA-ZZ and AAA-ZZZ Number 1-
 Title bar contains title of the file or name of the file.
 Ribbon bar contains font, size, bold, underline, colour of the text which can be
possible to change the data as per the requirement.
 Text alignment used to move the text towards left, right or at the centre in the cell.
 we can identify the location of the cell
 Formula bar:- It is used to apply the formula (Mathematical operation) to get the

2.2 MS World
This application is used to write paragraph, sentence etc
Some of the shortcut keys are:-
 Ctrl+A: to select the text  Ctrl+1 : it is used for lint spacing
 Ctrl+U :to put under line  Ctrl+c :to copy the text
 Ctrl+L: to move the text towards  Ctrl+v:to past the copied text
left  Ctrl+h:to replace the word
 Ctrl+R : to move text towards right  Sft+F5 :All letter will become
 Ctrl+j :to justify the text capital and small letter
 Ctrl+E :to move the text at the  Ctrl+Sft+w:to underline the
centre paragraph

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Intra-Institutional Internship 2022-2023

Chapter 3 :- Awareness program on Green Energy

Date :-13-10-2022
Department :-Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Resource Persons :-Prof. I. N. Makkarabbi
3.1 Introduction
 Energy is capacity to do work.
 Energy is life.
 Total energy->Energy conversion process (Waste energy) ->Useful energy out.
 total energy=useful energy out + wasted energy out.
 During conversation of energy there is some lose of energy.

3.2 Some energy sources are

 Conventional energy(fossil fuels)
 Non conventional Energy(Solar, Biomass, Hydro etc)
 Renewable energy sources
 Non renewable sources

3.3 Energy and Development

Modern energy=an engine of development
Direct use of a Solar Energy
 Technology
 Useful Energy Gas
 Photovoltaic
 Electricity
 Heat Water

3.4 Solar Thermal Energy

 Water heating  Room heating
 Distillation  Power generation
 Drying  Space cooling
 Cooking

3.5Photovoltaics:- It is a process in which sunlight is converted into electricity by the

usage of solar cells. It is mainly used in households for lighting phone charging etc.

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Intra-Institutional Internship 2022-2023

3.6 Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages Disadvantages
 Renewable energy  Costly to acquire
 Reduce Electricity bill  Weather dependent
 Diverse application  Solar energy storage
 Low maintenance cost  Uses lot of space
 Creation of job opportunities  Associated with pollution

3.7 Classification of power system

 Centralized Power system
 Decentralised power system

3.8 Types of PV Module

 Non Crystalline solar cell
 Poly crystalline solar cell
 Thin film solar cell

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Intra-Institutional Internship 2022-2023

Chapter 4 : -C Programming Skills

Date :-14-10-2022
Department :-Computer Science And Engineering
Resource Persons :-Prof. Shrikanta Jogar
App development
Learnt about overview Kotlin, JVM, Android studio
Installation of Android studio
 creating a registered form
 adding video hello world in app
 adding spinner button and gender
 creating a search app
 creating search URL of website
 able to display video of course
C, C++
 able to understand about how to write complex and get output
 able to write the first program
 understood about data types ,keyword, variable
 able to understand about function and how to install and declare the function in
 able to understand about variable and their type
 Global variable
 Local variable
 Able to understand if, if else statements.
 Able to understand about switch, nested if else looping statements in program.
 Get to know about increment and decrement
 Able to understand the usage of Arithmetic operator, Relational operator, Logical
 Able to know about do, for, while loop
 Understood what is Array and its initialization and declaration, 2D Array with an
example of Matrix
 Able to understand about string its declaration, syntax and how to be initialize.
 Able to know about the String manipulation functions
 Able to know about the Structure definition, initialization and declaration.
 Able to know about the Pointer definition, initialization and declaration.

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Intra-Institutional Internship 2022-2023

 Understand about the Functions

i)Function call
ii)Call by reference
 Understanding about file handling to access the file by
i)Fopen:-to open the file.
ii)Fclose:-to close the file.

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Intra-Institutional Internship 2022-2023

Chapter 5 : -Construction site visit at Laxmeshwar

Date :-17-10-2022
Department :-Civil Engineering
Resource Persons:-Prof. Maltesh Surnagi, Prof. Rajendra
Moving of Humans and Goods from one place to another place is known as

5.1.1Modes of Transportation:
• Land ways
• Water ways
• Air ways

5.1.2 Classification of Land Ways:

• Road ways
• Rail ways
• Tram ways

5.1.3 Types of Roads:

• Surface road
• Unsurfaced road

5.2 Construction of CC Road

There are mainly 4 layers in construction of CC Road namely:

• Sub grade
• Sub base
• Base coarse
• Surface coarse
1. Sub grade: This is the bottommost layer of the CC road. It is the
foundation of the road, thus it’s the lowest and most important component of
road structure. Here first excavation is done with a 4-8 ton excavator.
2. Sub base: Here aggregates is poured which consist of mixture of soil,
water and bricks of size 40mm to 60mm.

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Intra-Institutional Internship 2022-2023

3. Base coarse: Here mixture of aggregates is poured which consists of

mixture of water, soil, and bricks of size 12mm to 20mm.
4. Surface course: This is the topmost layer of the CC road. Here cement concrete mixture
is poured and then levelled by bulldozer.

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Intra-Institutional Internship 2022-2023

Chapter 6 :- Web development

Date :- 18-10-2022
Department :- Information Science and Engineering
Resource Persons :- Prof. Shruti R H, Prof. Vijaylaxmi

6.1 HTML (Hypertext mark-up language)

• HTML language for describing web pages.
• HTML is a programming language, it is mark-up language
• A mark-up language is a set of mark-up tags

6.1.1 Objectives of HTML:

• Create, save, and view a HTML document
• Describe ordered and unordered lists
• Explain graphics in HTML documents
• World Wide Web: The world wide web is also called as web.

6.1.2Tools of HTML
• HTML editor: It is used to create and save the documents.
• Web browser: It is used to view and test the documents.

Text goes here

Text goes here and colour changed to red

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Intra-Institutional Internship 2022-2023


Your document text goes here

6.2 HTML text program formatting:

<P><b>this text is bold</b></p>
<P><i>this text is italic</i></p>
<P>this is<sub>subscript</sub>and<sup>superscript</sup></p>

Program 1
Use of character formatting text tags
<H1><1>welcome to the world of internet</1></H1>
It is a

<U>Network of networks</U>

world</marquee>Program 2

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Intra-Institutional Internship 2022-2023


<Title>move text </title>
Background – colour: green;
Text – align: Center;
Colour: white;
Font – family: Arial;
<H1>moving text with marquee tag</H1>
<Marquee>2020 is year bewildered each and every individual of the world due to
pandemic covid-19 . this disease is caused by corona virus.</marquee>

6.3 Three types of style

• Inline
• Internal
• External

Grouping selector:
<Style> h1, h2 p{ text – align :

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Intra-Institutional Internship 2022-2023

Chapter 7 : -Foundry, Forging and Fitting

Date :-19-10-2022
Department :-Mechanical Engineering
Resource Person :-Prof. Suresh Bujari

It is a process of converting raw material into required shape and size.

7.1 Foundry
It is the study of properties and applications of sand.
7.1.1 Types of Sand
• Dry sand: It is sand in which there is no water particles present.

• Wet sand: It is sand in which there is water particles present. It is also

called as Wet sand.
7.2 Forging
It is a manufacturing process in which metal is get heated up to plastic zone and
converted into required shape and size by applying impact load.
7.2.1 Properties of material
• Elastic property
• Plastic property
• Fracture property

7.2.2 Types of Forging

• Cold forging
Fig : Types of Forging

7.3 Fitting
It is a process of converting raw material into required shape and size just by
removing small amount of unwanted material.

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Intra-Institutional Internship 2022-2023

Chapter 8 : -Validation of Electric Circuits using Multi

Date :-19-10-2022
Department :-Electronic and Communication Engineering
Resource Person :-Prof. Sunil.B

8.1 Multi Sim

Multi sim software integrates industry-standard SPICE simulation with an
interactive schematic environment to instantly visualize and analyse electronic
circuit behaviour. Its intuitive interface helps educators reinforce circuit theory
and improve retention of theory throughout engineering curriculum.
8.1.1 Half Adder
Logic Diagram:-

Fig 8: Logic diagram of Half adder

Truth Table:-

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Intra-Institutional Internship 2022-2023

8.1.2 Full Adder Logic Diagram

Fig 9: Logic diagram of full adder

8.1.3 Truth Table

8.2 Ohms Law

Ohm’s law states the relationship between electric current and potential difference.
The current that flows through most conductors is directly proportional to the voltage
applied to it.
8.2.1 KCL:
The algebraic sum of all currents entering and exiting a node must equal zero.
8.2.2 KVL:
The algebraic sum of all voltage differences around any closed loop is zero.

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Fig 10: Representation of KVL

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Intra-Institutional Internship 2022-2023

Chapter 9 : -Civil Department Lab Visit

Date :-21-10-2022
Department :-Civil Engineering
Resource Persons:-Prof. Maltesh. S
9.1 Construction of home
• Below ground level is foundation
• Above ground level is super structure
• Rise the column
• Construct beam
• Construct slab

9.1.1Types of laboratories
• Surveying practice laboratory: Surveying is art of determining the
relative position of the different objects on earth surface by measuring the
horizontal distance between them.
Equipment’s used in Surveying laboratory:
• Tripod -To hold the equipment
• Ranging rod – To range the object
• Theodolite – To taking horizontal and vertical levels
• Arrows – To mark a position

• Engineering geology laboratory: To study the properties of rocks etc.

Properties of rocks: colour, texture, shape

• Concrete and highway material testing laboratory:

• Normal consistency test: to know consistency of cement.
• Initial setting time: minimum initial setting time is 30 minutes.
• Ductility of bitumen: to check the ductility property of the bitumen
• Concrete mixture: to mix the concrete ingredients in large quantities.
• Compression testing machine: to check the compressive strength of
concrete specimen.

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Intra-Institutional Internship 2022-2023

• Environmental Engineering Laboratory: To check the water quality and

solid properties.
• CAD laboratory: To plan, design & estimate the construction of
building, bridge etc.

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Intra-Institutional Internship 2022-2023

Chapter 10 : -Hands on session on Domestic Wiring and

Home appliances repair
Date :-27-10-2022
Department :-Electric And Electronic Engineering
Resource Persons:-Prof. Shridevi H, Prof. Shridevi G
10.1 Hazard
It means any potential/actual threat to the wellbeing of people, machinery, or

10.1.1 Precautions against Electric Shock

• Never use a damaged extension cord.

• Never use a defective electrical device.

• Pull on the plug and not on the cable to unplug an electrical device.

• Unplug the toaster before trying to dislodge stuck toast.

• Before changing a light bulb, switch the light off or unplug the lamp.

• Make sure to locate electrical wires before drilling a hole in the wall.

• Multi-outlets: get the right power bars.

• Always unplug the iron before filling it with water.

• In the bathroom, never use electrical devices if you are wet or the
humidity level is high.

• Do not use electrical devices or extension cords near a pool.

10.1.2 Take these actions immediately while waiting for medical help:

• Turn off the source of electricity, if possible. If not, use a dry, non-
conducting object made of cardboard, plastic, or wood to move the source
away from you and the injured person.
• Begin CPR if the person shows no signs of circulation, such as breathing,
coughing or movement.
• Try to prevent the injured person from becoming chilled.

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Intra-Institutional Internship 2022-2023

• Apply a bandage. Cover any burned areas with a sterile gauze bandage, if
available, or a clean cloth. Don't use a blanket or towel, because loose
fibres can stick to the burns.

Electrical wiring
Electrical wiring is an electrical installation of cabling and associated devices such as
switches, distribution boards, sockets, and light fittings in a structure.

House wiring
Live wire
A live or hot wire is a conducting wire that carries electrical current in the form
of oscillating voltage. Contact with the wire can cause an electrical shock in
some settings, as a body can act as a ground and the electricity will flow through
the path of least resistance, the body, to reach the ground. Special precautions are
necessary to limit the risk of electrical shock from live wires, whether they are
downed electrical wires or household wiring.
Neutral wire
Neutral wire carries the circuit back to the original power source. More
specifically, neutral wire brings the circuit to a ground or busbar usually
connected at the electrical panel. This gives currents circulation through your
electrical system, which allows electricity to be fully utilized.

Earth wire
In every circuit, one wire is connected to the earth, the main
function of the earth wire is to protect the sudden damage of the
electrical appliances or the electrical instruments due to the
sudden voltage increase or the leakage of the current. Earth
wire is also used for the safety measures. Accidently if any
current is leaked, earth wire helps to ground the leakage of

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Intra-Institutional Internship 2022-2023

Chapter 11 : -Assemble of computer parts

Date :-27-10-2022
Department :- Electric And Electronic Engineering
Resource Persons :-Prof. Rajeshwari S.G, Prof. Nagraj. T.

11.1 Mother board

It is the printed circuit board known as back bone and
spine Locations of mother board: CPU, laptop, desktop
pc, mobiles.
11.1.1 Components of mother board:
• Processor (heart of mother board)
• Chip set
• CMOS battery (complementary metal oxide semiconductor)
• RAM slots
• Graphical slots
• Power supply
• SATA cables
• Basic input – output

11.2 Keyboard
Keyboard is an input device which is used for putting the information including
letters, words and numbers into computer.
11.2.1 Types of keys
• Function keys
• Control keys
• Alphabet keys
• Number keys
• Navigation keys (arrow key, home key, end key)
• Indicator lights
• Punctuation keys

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Intra-Institutional Internship 2022-2023

11.3 Mouse
Mouse is a hardware input device and also, it’s small handheld pointing device.
Mouse was invented in 1968 a man named Douglas Engelbert.
11.3.1 Activities of mouse:
• Select
• Drag and drop
• Scroll
• Open or execute a program

11.3.2 Types of mouse

• Ball mouse
• Optical mouse
• Gaming mouse

11.3.3 Computer mouse ports

• Bluetooth
• PS/2 port
• Serial port

11.4 Processor
A processor is an integrated electronic circuit that performs the calculations that
run computer. A processor performs arithmetical, logical, input/output, and other
basic instruction that are passed from on operating system.
11.5 CMOS
Complementary metal oxide semiconductor. used to perform logical functions.

11.6 CPU (Central processing unit)

Also known as processor or microprocessor. Main tasks of CPU: Fetching,
Decoding, Executing, Story.
11.7 SMPS (Switched mode power supply)
It is an electronic circuit that converts power using switching devices that are turned on
and off at high frequencies and storage components such as inductor or capacitors to
supply power when the switching device is in its non conduction state.
11.8 Cables
A cable is a bundle of wires or cords that are used to transmit electrical power or
data. They can be made from a variety of materials, such as copper or fiber optic,
and can be used for a variety of applications, including telecommunications,
power distribution, and computer networking. Cables are often encased in a
protective jacket to prevent damage and interference.

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Intra-Institutional Internship 2022-2023

11.8.1Types of cables
• External
• Internal

11.8.2 External cables

• LAN – Local area network
• WLAN – Wide area network

11.8.3 Internal cables

• SATA – Serial advanced technology attachment (7 pins)
• PATA – parallel advanced technology attachment (40 pins)

11.9 Printers
A printer is a device that produces a hard copy of text or graphics from a digital
file. There are a variety of types of printers, including inkjet, laser, thermal, and
dot-matrix printers, each with its own set of features and capabilities. Printers can
be connected to a computer or other device through a variety of connectivity
options, such as USB, Ethernet, or wireless. They can be used for personal or
business use, for printing documents, photographs, and more.
11.9.1 Types of printers
• Impact printer
• Non-impact printer

11.10 Hard disk

Hard disk is used to store data permanently, non-volatile, storage capacity is
• CD(compact device) : storage capacity is 650 to 700 MB. It can store data
like video, audio, files etc.
• DVD (Digital video disk): storage capacity 4 to 7GB.
• Pen drive: storage capacity up to 256GB.

11.11 Internet
The Internet is a global network of interconnected computers and servers that
communicate with each other using standardized protocols. It allows users to
share information and resources, such as text, images, video, and audio, and to
access a wide range of services, such as email, social media, online shopping, and
banking. The Internet is also known as the World Wide Web (WWW) which is
the collection of all publicly accessible websites and the content they hold. The

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Intra-Institutional Internship 2022-2023

Internet has revolutionized the way we communicate, work and access


11.12 Modem
A modem (modulator-demodulator) is a device that converts digital data from a computer or
other device into analog signals that can be transmitted over a telephone or cable line, and then
converts the incoming analog signals back into digital data for the receiving device to use. In
general, a modem is used to connect a computer or a local area network (LAN) to the internet
by converting the digital data into analog signals that can travel over the telephone or cable
lines, and then converting the incoming analog signals back into digital data that the computer
or LAN can understand. There are different types of modems such as dial-up, DSL, cable and
wireless modems.

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Intra-Institutional Internship 2022-2023


Fig 1: Prof. Vikram Shirol Sir giving Presentation on challenges and opportunities in CSE

Fig 2: Prof. Ramesh Koppar Sir giving presentation on MS Office

Fig 3: Schematic Diagram of PV System

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Intra-Institutional Internship 2022-2023

Fig 4: Prof. Shrikant Jogar sir giving presentation on C and CPP programming

Fig 5: Prof. Maltesh Sir explaining about Construction of CC road

Fig 6: Prof. Vijaylaxmi mam giving presentation on web development

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Intra-Institutional Internship 2022-2023

Fig 7: Tools used in Foundry

Fig 8: Types of Forging

Fig 9: File

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Fig 10: Types of files

Fig 11: Prof. Sunil Sir giving the information of Multi SIM

Fig 12: Surveying practice laboratory

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Fig 13:: Session on assemble of computer parts

Fig 14: writing essay on recent trends in computer science and engineering

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Intra-Institutional Internship 2022-2023


As an undergraduate of the VTU University, I would like to say that this internship program
is an excellent opportunity for us to get to the knowledge about the software as well as
hardware sector. I am grateful to the VTU University for giving us this wonderful

The main objective of the intra institutional internship training is to provide an opportunity
to undergraduates to learn, observe and practice other than the academics related to our
daily lives and along that to gain the technical knowledge. To an undergraduate student the
internship program is a platform for us to get knowledge other than the academics. I learnt
the importance of being punctual, importance of being discipline, also how importance is
our involvement in learning the new objectives in our daily lives.

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