Kca 201 Unit 2 1 Unit 1 Notes

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KCA 201 - UNIT-2-1 - Unit 1 notes

Theory of Formal Language and Automata (KIET Group of Institutions)

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UNIT-2: Introduction to Regular Expression and Language

Regular Expression:
Regular expressions are used for representing certain sets of strings(language)in an algebraic

1. Any terminal symbols (i.e. an element of ∑), ∈ and Φ are regular expressions (Primitive
regular expressions)

2. The union of two regular expression is also a regular expression

3. The concatenation of two regular expression is also a regular expression

4. The clean closure of regular expression is also regular expression

Example 2:
Write the regular expression for the language accepting all the string which are starting with 1 and
ending with 0, over ∑ = {0, 1}.


R = 1 (0+1)* 0


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Identities for REs:

The two regular expressions P and Q are equivalent (denoted as P=Q) if and only if P represents
the same set of strings as Q does. For showing this equivalence of regular expressions we need to
show some identities of regular expressions.
Let P, Q and R are regular expressions then the identity rules are as given below.

Examples of Regular Expression


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Example 01:
Find the regular expression for the set of all strings over {0, 1} beginning with 00.
We have the input alphabets are ∑ = {0, 1}
L= {00, 001, 0001, 0011,……}
R.E= 00(0+1)*

Example 02:
Find the regular expression for the set of all strings over {0, 1} end with 00.
We have the input alphabets are ∑ = {0, 1}
L = {00, 100, 1000, 10100,……}

R.E = (0+1)*00
Example 03:
Write a R.E for the Language over {0, 1} which are staring with 1 ending with 0.
We have the input alphabets are ∑ = {0, 1}
The first symbol is 1
Last symbol is 0
So R. E = 1(0+1)*0


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Regular Expression (R.E) to Finite Automata (FA):

1. R.E to F.A
2. R.E. to NFA

Regular Expression (R.E) to FA:


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Some basic RA expressions are the following –

Example 1: Design a FA from given regular expression 10 + (0 + 11)0* 1.

Step 1: the transition diagram for a given regular expression.

Step 2:


Step 4:


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Step 5:

DFA to Regular Expression-

The two popular methods for converting a given DFA to its regular expression are-

Arden’s Theorem-
Arden’s Theorem is used to convert a given DFA to its regular expression.
Let P and Q be the two regular expressions over the input set ∑. The regular expression R is given
R= Q+ RP

Which has a unique solution as R= QP*

1. Add ‘∈’ in the equation of initial state.
2. Incoming are used.
3. First solve non- final.
4. Finally solve final state.
5. Bring final state in the form R = Q + RP to get the required regular expression.


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Problem-01: Find regular expression for the following DFA using Arden’s Theorem.

Step-01: Form a equation for each state-
A = ∈ + B.1 …… (1)
B = A.0 …… (2)
Step-02: Bring final state in the form R = Q + RP.

Using (1) in (2), we get-

B = (∈ + B.1).0
B = ∈.0 + B.1.0
B = 0 + B.(1.0) ……(3)
Using Arden’s Theorem in (3), we get-
B = 0.(1.0)*
Thus, Regular Expression for the given DFA = 0(10)*

Find regular expression for the following DFA using Arden’s Theorem-

Step-01: Form a equation for each state-


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q1 = ∈ ……(1)
q2 = q1.a ……(2)
q3 = q1.b + q2.a + q3.a …….(3)

Using (1) in (2), we get-
q2 = ∈.a
q2 = a …….(4)
Using (1) and (4) in (3), we get-
q3 = q1.b + q2.a + q3.a
q3 = ∈.b + a.a + q3.a
q3 = (b + a.a) + q3.a …….(5)
Using Arden’s Theorem in (5), we get-
q3 = (b + a.a)a*
Thus, Regular Expression for the given DFA = (b + aa) a*

Find regular expression for the following DFA using Arden’s Theorem-

Step-01: Form a equation for each state-

q1 = ∈ + q1.b + q2.a ……(1)
q2 = q1.a + q2.b ……(2)

Step-02: Using Arden’s Theorem in (2), we get-

q2 = q1.a.b* …….(3)
Using (3) in (1), we get-
q1 = ∈ + q1.b + q1.a.b*.a
q1 = ∈ + q1.(b + a.b*.a) …….(4)


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Using Arden’s Theorem in (4), we get-

q1 = ∈.(b + a.b*.a)*
q1 = (b + a.b*.a)*
Thus, Regular Expression for the given DFA = (b + a.b*.a)*

Find regular expression for the following FA using Arden’s Theorem-

Step-01: Form a equation for each state-
q1 = ∈ + q1.a + q3.a ……(1)
q2 = q1.b + q2.b + q3.b ……(2)
q3 = q2.a …….(3)

Step-02: Using (3) in (2), we get-

q2 = q1.b + q2.b + q2.a.b
q2 = q1.b + q2.(b + a.b) …….(4)
Using Arden’s Theorem in (4), we get-
q2 = q1.b.(b + a.b)* …….(5)

Using (5) in (3), we get-

q3 = q1.b.(b + a.b)*.a …….(6)
Using (6) in (1), we get-
q1 = ∈ + q1.a + q1.b.(b + a.b)*.a.a
q1 = ∈ + q1.(a + b.(b + a.b)*.a.a) …….(7)

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Using Arden’s Theorem in (7), we get-

q1 = ∈.(a + b.(b + a.b)*.a.a)*
q1 = (a + b.(b + a.b)*.a.a)*

Thus, Regular Expression for the given DFA = (a + b(b + ab)*aa)*

Find regular expression for the following FA using Arden’s Theorem-

A = ε + Aa + Ba ................. (1)
B = Bb + Ab… ................... (2)
Which one is final state?
First solve non-final state
Using Arden’s theorem in equation (2)
B = Abb*
Now, Put value of B in equation (1)
So that,
A = ε + Aa + Abb*a

A = ε + A (a + bb*a)
Using Arden’s theorem
A = ε (a + bb*a)*

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Find regular expression for the following FA using Arden’s Theorem-

Here initial state and final state is q1
q1 = q1a + q3a + ε
q2 = q1b + q2b + q3b
q3 = q2 a
Now, we will solve these three equations
q2 = q1b + q2b + q3b
= q1b + q2b + (q2 a) b [substituting value of q3]
= q1b + q2 (b + a b)
Appling Arde’s Theorem
q2 = q1b (b + a b)*
q1 = q1a + q3a + ε

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= q1a + q2 aa + ε [substituting value of q3]

= q1a + q1b (b + a b)*aa + ε [substituting value of q2]
= q1 (a + b (b + a b)*aa ) + ε
Appling Arde’s Theorem
q1 = ε (a + b (b + a b)*aa)*
q1 = (a + b (b + a b)*aa)*

Hence, the regular expression is (a + b (b + a b)*aa)*

State Elimination Method

This method involves the following steps in finding the regular expression for any given DFA

If there exists any incoming edge to the initial state, then create a new initial state having no
incoming edge to it.


If there exists any outgoing edge from the final state, then create a new final state having no
outgoing edge from it.

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If there exists multiple final states in the DFA, then convert all the final states into non-final states
and create a new single final state.

Eliminate all the intermediate states one by one except initial states and final state. eliminated in
any order.

Problem-01: Find regular expression for the following FA

Step-01: Initial state A has an incoming edge.

Step-02: Final state B has an outgoing edge


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Now, we start eliminating the intermediate states.

Now, let us eliminate state B.

Regular Expression = 0(10)*

Problem-02: Find regular expression for the following FA-


Step-01: There exist multiple final states

Now, we start eliminating the intermediate states

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Step-05: Now, eliminate state q2

From here,
Regular Expression = a(b+c+d)

Find regular expression for the following FA

Step-01: Initial state q1 has an incoming edge

Final state q2 has an outgoing edge


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Now, we start eliminating the intermediate states.

Step-04: Now, eliminate state q2

From here,

Regular Expression = c*a(d+bc*a)*

Pumping Lemma for regular expression:

Pumping lemma is used to find out whether the language is regular or not.
Pumping lemma performs negative test.
Pumping Lemma:
If L is a regular language (infinite), there exists an integer ‘n'(pumping length) such that any string
w∈L, with |w|≥n.
then w can be divided into three strings, w= xyz satisfy following conditions
1. xyiz∈ L, for each i≥0
2. |y|>0
3. |xy|≤n

Problem 01:
Prove that L = {aibi | i ≥ 0} is not regular.

L= {∈, ab, aabb, aaabbb, aaaaabbbbb,… ............ }

Step 01: Assume L is a regular, then we can make its FA. Suppose FA has n states.
Step 02: Take a string w =anbn
Step 03: Divide w= xyz, |w|≥n such that

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Let n=4
Then w= aaaabbbb (X= a, y= aaa, z= bbbb)
Case 01:|xy|≤n

4≤ 4 true
Case 02:|y| > 0
3>0 true
Case 03:xyiz ∈ L, for each i≥0

aaaaaaabbbb ∉ L , i = 2
Thus, contradicts our assumption. Hence L is not regular

Problem 02:
Prove that L = {aibj | i ≤j} is not regular.

L= {aabb, aabbb, aaabbbb,… ........... }
Step 01:Assume that L is a regular. then we can make its FA. Suppose FA has n states.
Step 02:Take a string w = anbn+1
Step 03: Divide w= xyz, |w|≥n such that
Let n = 2, then w = aabbb (X= a, y= a, z= bb)

Case 01:|xy| ≤ n
2≤ 2 true
Case 02: |y| > 0
1> 0 true
Case 03: xyiz∈L, for each i≥0
aaabbb ∈ L , i = 2
aaaabbb ∉ L, i = 3
Thus, contradicts our assumption. Hence L is not regular

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Problem 03:
Prove that L = {ap | p is prime} is not regular.
L= {a2, a3, a5, a7, a11 ............... }
Step 01: Assume that L is a regular, then we can make its FA. Suppose FA has n states.
Step 02: Take a string w = an
Step 03: Choose a string w= xyz, |w|≥n such that
Let n = 5,
then w = aaaaa(X= a, y= aa, z= aa)

Case 01:|xy| ≤ n
3≤ 5 true
Case 02: |y| > 0
2> 0 true
Case 03:xyiz∈L, for each i≥0
aaaaaaa∈L , i = 2
aaaaaaaaa∉ L , i = 3
Thus, contradicts our assumption. Hence L is not regular

Problem 04:
Prove that L = {ww | w ∈ (0, 1)*} is not regular.

L= {∈, 00, 11, 0011, 0101, 1010, 010010 ................}
Step 01: Assume that L is a regular. then we can make its FA. Suppose FA has n states.
Step 02: Take a string S = 0n10n1
Step 03: Choose a string S= xyz, |S|≥n such that
Let n = 3
Then S = 00010001(X= 0, y= 00, z= 10001)

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Case 01:|xy| ≤ n
3≤ 3 true
Case 02: |y| > 0
2> 0 true
Case 03:xyiz∈L, for each i≥0
00010001∈L, i = 1
0000010001∉ L, i = 2
Thus, contradicts our assumption. Hence L is not regular

Problem 05:
Prove that L={wwR| w ∈{a, b}*} is not regular by using Pumping Lemma.
Show that L ={ wwR : w ∈ Σ*} is not regular by using Pumping Lemma.

L= {∈, aa, bb, baab, abba, aabbaa, aaabbaaa ................. }
Step 01: Assume that L is a regular. then we can make its FA. Suppose FA has n states.
Step 02: Take a string S = anb ban
Step 03: Choose a string S= xyz, |S|≥n such that
Let n = 3
Then S =aaabbaaa(X= a, y= aa, z= bbaaa)
Case 01:|xy| ≤ n
3≤ 3 true

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Case 02: |y| > 0

2>0 true
Case 03:xyiz∈L, for each i≥0
aaabbaaa∈L , i = 1
aaaaabbaaa∉ L , i = 2

Thus, contradicts our assumption. Hence L is not regular

Problem 06:
Prove that L= {an2|n ≥ 0} is not regular by using Pumping Lemma.

L= {∈, a1,a4, a9, a16 ............ }
Step 01: Assume that L is a regular. then we can make its FA. Suppose FA has n states.
Step 02: Take a string w = ap2
Step 03: Choose a string w= xyz, |w|≥n
Let p = 2
Then w =aaaa(X= a, y= a, z= aa)

Case 01:|xy| ≤ n
2≤ 2 true
Case 02: |y| > 0

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1> 0 true
Case 03:xyiz∈L, for each i≥0
aaaaa ∉ L , i = 2
Thus, contradicts our assumption. Hence L is not regular

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