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1 Introductions

Speaking interview script and questions.

Hello! My name is ... and we’re going to speak for a few minutes together so that we can find out
more about you and your English level.

1. How are you today?

2. What’s your name?

3. Can you spell that/your first name/your last name for me?

4. Where do you live? / Where do you come from?

5. Are you a student or are you working? (What are you studying? / What job do you do?)

6. Why are you learning English?

7. Now let’s talk about ...

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2 A2-B1 (pre-intermediate)

Speaking interview questions.

1. What’s your favourite hobby? Who do you do this with?

2. What do you enjoy about living in your hometown? Is there anything you don’t enjoy about living
3. Do you like cooking? What do you like to make?
4. What sort of movies/films do you enjoy?
5. Is it better to exercise alone or with friends? Why?
6. Tell me about a nice place you have visited recently.
7. What do you do to help the environment? (prompts: recycling, transport, using water, etc.)
8. Do you enjoy learning English? Why/not?
9. Are you planning to do anything exciting in the next few weeks?

3 B1-B2 (intermediate)

Speaking interview questions.

1. Who do you spend most of your free time with? (prompts: with friends, with family or alone?)
2. How do you normally get around your town or city? (prompts: walking, cycling, car, public transport)
3. Do you eat out much or do you prefer to cook at home? Why?
4. What sort of things do you like to read?
5. Do you prefer playing or watching individual sports like tennis (rather than team sports like football)?
6. Is there anywhere in the world that you’d really like to visit? Why?
7. How easy is it to recycle, where you live? (prompts: glass, plastic, cardboard, etc)
8. What do you enjoy the most about learning English?
9. What’s something you’re really looking forward to in the next few weeks or months?

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4 B2-C1 (upper intermediate)

Speaking interview questions.

1. Are you more of an indoor person or an outdoor person? What are the advantages of spending
time outdoors?
2. Would you prefer to live in the city or the countryside? Why?
3. How often do you cook? What do you usually make?
4. Has your taste in books or films changed since you were younger? How?
5. What are some good ways for people to ensure that they get enough exercise?
6. Imagine a foreign visitor is spending a few days in your country. Where should they go?
7. What environmental problems are there in your hometown or country? How can these be solved?
8. What would you like to improve about your English?
9. In what ways will your life be different next year?

5 C1-C2 (advanced ś proőciency)

Speaking interview questions.

1. Do you think you use your free time well? Why/not?

2. How could the place where you live be improved?
3. Is it important for everyone to know how to cook? Why/not?
4. Lots of people are saying that social media is out of control. To what extent do you agree?
5. Whose responsibility is it to encourage people to exercise more and/or eat more healthily?
6. Do you think people travel too much these days? Why/not?
7. What do you think the world will be like in fifty years?
8. What’s the main way that English is different from your language?
9. What do you see yourself doing in ten years?

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6 Interview results

Use this table to record more details of the student’s performance AT THE LEVEL YOU SELECTED.
Circle or tick the most appropriate areas of the table.

Student name:

Date of interview:

Student level (circle one): A1-A2 / A2-B1 / B1-B2 / B2-C1 /C1-C2

Reasons for learning English:


language area needs more work competent very strong

listening usually needed help occasionally needed needed no help to

comprehension to understand help to understand understand questions
questions some questions

fluency/confidence gave basic answers gave basic answers gave full answers with
and some details lots of detail

grammatical range made a lot of mistakes made a few mistakes made almost no
and accuracy with basic structures with more complex mistakes

lexical resource used basic vocabulary used a range of excellent range of

and/or made some vocabulary accurately vocabulary

pronunciation interviewer had some interviewer had few clear and natural
difficulties difficulties
understanding understanding

mediation skills was not able to ask asked for repetition managed the
for repetition and/or and/or self-corrected interview well using a
self-correct as appropriate range of strategies
including hesitation
self-correction and

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7 Alternative format speaking interview questions

Open the interview with the introduction and preliminary questions on page 1.

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1. Introductions

The interviewer should start by introducing themselves and explaining the purpose of the interview. Interviews
for all levels begin with the same questions, shown on page 1. Make sure that you know how to pronounce the
student’s name and for the spelling question, choose the most challenging option – first name, last name or both.
Use the responses to these opening questions and any previous information you may have about the student (eg
placement test or writing sample) to select a level and a topic to continue the interview.
Choose question topics based on the interview context or on what you may already know about the student or
learn about them during the interview. All topics are the same across the levels and appear in the same order,
although the questions differ. This allows you to switch levels easily if you want to increase/decrease the level
of challenge during the interview. You can either explore the same topic or change topics. The topics included
are 1 free time and hobbies; 2 house and home; 3 food and drink; 4 media; 5 exercise and health; 6 travel; 7 the
environment; 8 learning English; 9 future plans. Many questions have two parts, and some include prompts to
help the student if they don’t know what to say.
Note that the resource presents the interview questions both as numbered lists by level and as a table showing
all the questions, in the Appendix. Choose whichever format is easier for you to work with.
Aim for the interview to last around 10-15 minutes and feel free to supplement the questions with your own ideas
and/or leave time for student questions at the end of the interview, if appropriate. Help make the student more
comfortable by focusing on listening and reacting, instead of making notes as they speak.
There is no need to provide any feedback or correction to the student – the purpose of this interview is to provide
evidence of the student’s spoken level of English. However, a focus on weak areas as identified in the interview
would be a good basis for a first lesson, and general impressions and information on interests can inform lesson
To complete the assessment, you may want to make a note of the results using the form given. This record of
the interview may be useful to refer to later (this is helpful if many students are interviewed on the same day),
shared with teaching staff and/or kept for comparison with future output from the student as a demonstration of
It might be helpful to record the interview if you have the student’s permission. This creates a permanent record
of student generated language which can be re-visited in the interviewer’s own time or by other staff, and even
kept for comparison purposes, as explained above.

The final section of the form allows the interviewer to make notes of specific information that will be helpful to
the student’s teacher(s), for example, topics that may (or may not) be of interest to explore in lessons (for example,
she loves cooking! or he’s scared of heights). This may also include any information the student reveals about
specific learning differences (for example, dyslexia) or traumatic experiences (for example, a recent death in the

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© Linguahouse.com. Photocopiable and licensed for use in Oluwatobi Eniola's lessons.

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