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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Malibcong District

Name: ______________________________________________________Date: _____________

Grade: ___ Score: _____________

Directions: Construct a correct sentence using the following random words given below. Observe
correct punctuation marks as well capitalization of the letter.
1. easily/the periodical test/answered/the boy
Answer: ____________________________________________________
2. project/her/she/happily/finished
Answer: ____________________________________________________
3. accept the fact/that they/they eventually/lose the game.
Answer: ____________________________________________________
4. the lesson/to his students/discuss/clearly/mr. santos
Answer: ____________________________________________________
5. loosing the game/to accept/it was/hard/for the group
Answer: ____________________________________________________
Directions: Using the correct words inside the bubbles, complete the thought of the sentence in each
number that describes the best characteristics of a learners to possess.
The best characteristics to possess by a learner are…
1. He/She must be _______________ motivated to learn new things.
2. The learner is ________________ doing his/her responsibility in the class.
3. They enjoy learning by studying __________________ to get high grades.
4. He/She __________________ joining the different school and classroom activities.
5. A learner must _________________ understand the essence of learning.
Directions: Choose the word in the box to complete the thought of the sentences given below. Write
your answer on the blank provided.

fast clearly
warmly slowly
gracefully quickly

1. He understands _______________ the instructions given by the agent.

2. They _______________ removed the overripe tomato in the basket.
3. The girls ______________ walks wearing their stilettos shoes.
4. The boys are running ________________ to get their gifts.
5. Mrs. Santos dance _________________ to the tune of cha-cha.

Directions: Tell the kind of adverb that is underlined in each sentence. On the space before the number,
write T if the answer is adverb of time, and write P if the answer is adverb of place.
______1. Later, the film will be shown.
______2. “Please move backward,” said the battalion commander.
______3. My red balloon flew high in the breeze.
______4. The new normal life will be back soon.
______5. The delegates went upstairs.
Directions: Underline the adverb and encircle the word it modifies.
Example: He finished his milk first.
1. Her classmate visited her yesterday.
2. God is everywhere.
3. I will see you next week.
4. Soon our teacher will arrive.
5. Will Dr. Santos report on Wednesday?
Directions: Answer the crossword puzzle. Read the clues below and fill in the correct answer.

Directions: Read each of the following sentences. Identify the word functioning as an adverb of time or
place. .
1. We were finally able to come up with a title.
A. finally C. were
B. able D. come up

2. The bees and grasshoppers moved away.

A. bees C. away
B. and D. moved

3. The homecoming next month will be led by the scout master.

A. scout master C. will be
B. next month D. homecoming

4. I celebrated my birthday party last week.

A. last week C. birthday
B. party D. celebrated

5. Come here, Arabella!

A. come C. Arabella
B. here D. come here
Directions: Complete the following sentences using appropriate subordinating conjunctions.
1. We were happy ______ we received the first prize.
A. because B. if C. when
2. The people were listening eagerly ________ the leader was speaking.
A. since B. while C. after
3. This is the place ________ we were attacked.
A. when B. where C. while
4. _______ he worked hard, he failed.
A. Although B. Though C. Even if
5. ________ she is beautiful, she is not intelligent.
A. Though B. As C. Because

Directions: Complete the following sentences using appropriate subordinating conjunctions.

1. Please wait here ______ he comes.
A. as B. before C. because D. until
2.______ everyone is quiet, we will have time at the end of class to play the game.
A. If B. while C. after D. whether
3. I didn’t go to school yesterday _______ I was not feeling well.
A. when B. if C. while D. because
4. _____ you do leave the house, keeping two meters away from people you don’t live with can help
reduce infection.
A. Though B. As C. When D. since
5. Sara begins to sneeze ______ she opens the window to get a breath of fresh air.
A. While B. whenever C. whether D. although
Directions: Supply a correct subordinating conjunction to complete each sentence. Choose from given
because unless while if after
1. ______ the Government does not change its course, deaths in the Philippines could well be in
multiples of hundreds of thousands.
2. Linda will serve five years in jail _________ the parole board releases her early for good behavior.
3. There was a silence _______ the guests had gone.
4. The teacher explained the lesson well ________ the pupils are listening attentively.
5. She began to cry ________ she had lost her wallet.

Directions: Complete each sentence using the subordinating conjunction from the parenthesis
1. ______ the start of 2020, a new respiratory infection outbreak called COVID-19 has spread through
Asia to the rest of the world. (Once, Since, After)
2. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) _____ coughing or
sneezing. (where, unless, when)
3. This is the place _________ we stayed last time we visited. (where, when, how)
4. ______ you are, follow the recommended prevention measures. (Wherever, If, Unless)
5. There is evidence that people are experiencing more serious health outcomes _______ they delayed
seeking care during the pandemic. (when, if, because)



Noted/Checked by: YOLANDA G. LINGAYO


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