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FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 94, 2018, fiy175

doi: 10.1093/femsec/fiy175
Advance Access Publication Date: 30 August 2018


The role of wetland microorganisms in plant-litter

decomposition and soil organic matter formation: a

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critical review
Stephanie A. Yarwood*
Environmental Science and Technology Department, University of Maryland, 1204 HJ Patterson Hall, College
Park, MD 20742, USA

Corresponding author: Stephanie A. Yarwood, Environmental Science and Technology Department, University of Maryland, 1204 HJ Patterson Hall,
College Park, MD 20742, USA. Tel: +1 301-405-1345; E-mail:
One sentence summary: Review of recent wetland microbiology focused wetland soil organic matter formation.
Editor: Marcus Horn

New soil organic matter (SOM) models highlight the role of microorganisms in plant litter decomposition and storage of
microbial-derived carbon (C) molecules. Wetlands store more C per unit area than any other ecosystem, but SOM storage
mechanisms such as aggregation and metal complexes are mostly untested in wetlands. This review discusses what is
currently known about the role of microorganisms in SOM formation and C sequestrations, as well as, measures of
microbial communities as they relate to wetland C cycling. Studies within the last decade have yielded new insights about
microbial communities. For example, microbial communities appear to be adapted to short-term fluctuations in saturation
and redox and researchers have observed synergistic pairings that in some cases run counter to thermodynamic theory.
Significant knowledge gaps yet to be filled include: (i) What controls microbial access to and decomposition of plant litter
and SOM? (ii) How does microbial community structure shape C fate, across different wetland types? (iii) What types of
plant and microbial molecules contribute to SOM accumulation? Studies examining the active microbial community
directly or that utilize multi-pronged approaches are shedding new light on microbial functional potential, however, and
promise to improve wetland C models in the near future.

Keywords: soil organic matter; microbial plasticity; functional redundancy; metabolic diversity; plant decomposition

WETLAND SOIL ORGANIC MATTER 2017). In spite of their C sequestration potential, most restored
FORMATION or created wetlands are designed to improve water quality or
to provide wildlife habitat. C sequestration may soon become a
The destruction of one hectare of coastal wetland has an esti- more common goal, however, as countries and regions consider
mated carbon (C) loss equivalent to 10–40 hectare of temper- cap-and-trade strategies to limit C emissions (Macreadie et al.
ate forest (Mcleod et al. 2011; Macreadie et al. 2017a). Although 2017b). Unfortunately, restored wetlands tend not to accumu-
the RAMSAR convention ( and other international late C, even decades after establishment (Ballantine and Schnei-
efforts have helped to underscore their importance, wetlands der 2009; Moreno-Mateos et al. 2012). Moreno-Mateos et al. (2012)
are still being lost. For example, across the globe tidal wetlands compared 103 wetlands of different types and restoration ages.
are lost at a rate of 1.5% annually (Pendleton et al. 2012), due both They reported that C storage remained 23% lower on average
to anthropogenic disturbance and sea level rise (Kassakian et al. compared to reference wetlands of the same types. Wetlands

Received: 12 November 2017; Accepted: 29 August 2018

C FEMS 2018. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

2 FEMS Microbiology Ecology 2018, Vol. 94, No. 11

that were slowest to accumulate C were found in cold regions flooding conditions are achieved (Yu et al. 2017). In restored wet-
and were smaller in total area. Moreno-Mateos et al. (2012) also lands, C may be subject to considerable decomposition even
reported that depressional wetlands were slower to recover than under anaerobic conditions or alternatively aerobic decomposi-
riverine and tidal influenced sites, but Yu et al. (2017) examining tion is still prevalent in spite of hydrology. Across different wet-
48 restored sites reported that depressional wetlands recovered land types and locations both mechanisms are likely at work.
faster than riverine wetlands. This discrepancy underscores that Recent research suggests that variations within microbial func-
current knowledge is lacking on conditions and mechanisms tional guilds can contribute to differences in wetland C cycling
that lead to C storage in wetlands. Soil microorganisms are inte- rates (Hunger, Gößner and Drake 2015), but the impact of micro-
gral in plant decomposition and soil organic matter (SOM) for- bial composition on decomposition rate and C fate is the least
mation, and knowledge of these communities is needed for pre- understood component of wetland biogeochemistry.
dictive understanding of wetlands and other soil ecosystems In a recent review, Neori and Agami (2017) pointed out that
(Bardgett, Freeman and Ostle 2008). there was not enough literature in the mid-1990s to write a
Studies designed to examine wetland C cycling have often review on wetland rhizosphere microorganism, and in fact few
focused on biogeochemistry (Kayranli et al. 2010), assessing wet- reviews exist before the early 2000s. One of the first reviews

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lands from the perspective of total inputs and outputs to deter- described functional groups, but largely concluded that research
mine if they are sinks or sources for C (Wynn and Liehr 2001). was sparse on many aspects of wetland microbiology (e.g. myc-
These kinds of studies have revealed considerable variation in orrhizae, environmental controls on microbial communities and
C cycling across wetland types. For example, Bernal and Mitsch plant–microbe interactions) (Gutknecht, Goodman and Balser
(2012) reported that depressional wetlands sequestered signif- 2006). However, the last decade has seen a substantial increase
icantly more C compared to riverine wetlands in Ohio, USA. in interest surrounding these topics. The current review is a syn-
Reviewing literature world-wide, Kayranli et al. (2010) concluded opsis of wetland soil microbiology with a particular focus on
that natural wetlands have a higher C sequestration potential the role of microorganisms in plant litter decomposition and
than constructed wetlands, and that restored wetlands are ini- SOM formation. However, there have been a number of other
tially a source for C and that it might take decades for them to reviews that have addressed other aspects of wetland microbiol-
become sinks. They further advised that after reviewing the lit- ogy. Some of these reviews are described here to provide further
erature, more research was needed on the impact that temper- resources for readers beyond the scope of this publication. Neori
ature, oxygen penetration and water column fluctuation had on and Agami (2017) provides general descriptions of the wetland
microbial C turnover. rhizosphere biota that includes viruses, bacteria, fungi, proto-
Until recently, microorganisms were not specifically studied zoa, nematodes and invertebrates, and should be accessed par-
in relationship to SOM formation. This was due in part to a ticularly for information concerning groups not covered here.
wide-spread belief that stored C remains primarily in the form Lamers et al. (2012) also focused on rhizosphere microbial com-
of undecomposed plant litter, in contrast to microbial-derived munities but did so with the purpose of describing the vari-
molecules (Brinson, Lugo and Brown 1981; Keddy 2010). Plants ous ways that microorganisms could influence plant growth and
compounds such as lignin were thought to be particularly recal- vegetation composition. Their review described the influence of
citrant. This view has been changing for several years, how- microbes on pH, nutrient availability, toxicity and oxygen avail-
ever, as new methods of SOM characterization has increasingly ability that can influence wetland plants. The role of microor-
identified microbial residues within stable SOM (Kögel-Knabner ganism both in contributing to the formation of and remediat-
2017). Several studies have demonstrated that lignin turnover ing toxic compounds such as heavy metals has been the focus
may be slower than cellulose but that it still degrades on the of many studies and reviewed recently (Karimian, Johnston and
order of years (Lützow et al. 2006; Rasse et al. 2006; McKee et al. Burton 2018), therefore this review will contain limited descrip-
2016) although similar studies are still needed for wetlands. tions of toxins. Similarly, there are two excellent reviews focused
Liang and Balser (2008) observed significant microbial-derived on microorganisms in treatment wetlands (Faulwetter et al. 2009;
amino-sugars in glacial till soils, including subsurface soils that Weber 2016), and readers are directed to those article for specific
were seasonally flooded, and Miltner et al. (2012) visualized cell discussion of different types of systems and the application of
well residues attached to mineral particles in an upland soil molecular tools there.
and on sterile media incubated with groundwater. Some studies This review first addresses how mechanisms for SOM for-
have shown that SOM composition is dependent both on plant mation may differ in wetlands soils compared to upland soils
inputs and the soil microbial community (Grandy et al. 2009; where most SOM research has been conducted. This descrip-
Schmidt et al. 2011), and it has been hypothesized that microbial- tion includes microbial characteristics unique to saturated sys-
derived products may preferentially be stored within aggregates tems (e.g. anaerobic metabolism, interactions with metals and
and on mineral surfaces (Cotrufo et al. 2013; Liang, Schimel and dynamic shifts in redox) and compares conditions across dif-
Jastrow 2017), sometimes referred to as ‘protected’ SOM. ferent wetland types (e.g. temporal salt marshes, tidal freshwa-
Contrasting upland soils to wetlands, anaerobiosis has ter wetlands, peatlands and depressional wetlands). Given the
thought to be the most significant factor controlling C fate. assumed importance of microbial composition in forming SOM,
The enzymatic ‘latch’ hypothesis posits that anaerobic condi- the review then synthesizes publications that use high through-
tions prevent decomposition by inhibiting oxidase and hydro- put sequencing to examine bacterial communities with the goal
lase enzymes (Freeman, Ostle and Kang 2001). Research in of identifying dominant taxa and reconciling observed composi-
peatlands across a wide-latitude gradient supports this mech- tion patterns with potential metabolic capacity. Here the discus-
anism (Pinsonneault, Moore and Roulet 2016), but it has been sion includes the limitations associated with sequence charac-
called into question in tropical soils where O2 availability and terization and demonstrates how microbial plasticity and func-
hydrolytic enzyme activity did not correlate (Hall, Treffkorn and tional redundancy can hamper efforts to link structure and func-
Silver 2014). The enzymatic latch may not hold true in restored tion. The review concludes by identifying knowledge between
wetlands, that are mineral, where C accumulation is lacking wetland microorganisms, decomposition and SOM storage. Here
even when plant primary productivity is high and sufficient publications using multi-pronged approaches such as isotopes,
Yarwood 3

enzyme assays and SOM characterization will be included; as when hydroperiod was varied over the course of several weeks
will suggestions for future investigations. to simulate storm events, even though increased denitrifica-
tion rates were noted when soils were wetter (Ishida, Kelly and
Gray 2006). Similar stability in methanogen community com-
WETLAND PROPERTIES THAT SHAPE CARBON position was reported in rice paddies (Yuan, Conrad and Lu
FATE 2009). Microbial community composition also did not change
seasonally in floodplain soils (Moche et al. 2015) or peatlands
Wetland hydroperiod and soil redox
(Sundh, Nilsson and Borga 1997). Within boreal mires, Juottonen
The term wetland encompasses ecosystems, having a wide et al. (2008) reported minimal seasonal variation in methanogen
variety of soil conditions driven primarily by hydrology, which composition using DNA-based T-RFLPs, but found good agree-
results from the balance between surface and subsurface water ment between increased CH4 flux and increased mcrA (methane
inflows and outflows and evapotranspiration. Wetlands can co-enzyme A) mRNA abundance in the winter. Adaptation to
develop hydric soils if continuously saturated for a few weeks dynamic conditions creates logistical issues for researchers
a year during the growing season, and at the other extreme soils wanting to study microbial communities in the lab and should

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are permanently flooded. The variation of flooding frequency be considered before creating aerobic or anaerobic microcosm
within and between individual wetlands can translate to dif- conditions.
ferences in microbial communities, but clear patterns are diffi-
cult to observe. In a study comparing created wetlands that dif-
The reduction and oxidation of metals
fered in hydrologic regimes, soil bacterial composition differed
between treatments and more diversity was observed in drier Hydrology and radial O2 leakage drive differences in the oxida-
compared to wetter wetland sites (Ahn and Peralta 2009). In con- tion state of metals and therefore site minerology interacts with
trast, a laboratory study that imposed different levels of flood- hydrology to shape the wetland microbial community. For exam-
ing frequencies also observed differences in composition but ple, wetland roots are often coated with iron (Fe) (III) and Man-
reported an increase in diversity under more saturated condi- ganese (Mn) (IV) oxides (Yang, Liu and Ye 2012) (Fig. 1). Plants
tions (Randle-Boggis, Ashton and Helgason 2018). Furthermore, supply electron donors in the form of root exudates and oxi-
when Yu and Ehrenfeld (2010) compared wetlands along a soil dize metals through O2 leakage, supporting metal-reducing bac-
catena, they found differences between microbial composition teria (Fig. 2). As a result, in mineral wetlands, Fe(III)-reduction
of wetter cedar swamps compared to drier maple swamps and appears to be a major sink for C (Thamdrup 2000; Neubauer
pine wetlands, but did not detect differences in diversity. et al. 2005; Sutton-Grier and Megonigal 2011). A review exam-
The relationship between hydrology, redox state and micro- ining the effects of plants and microbial processes on CH4 emis-
bial community composition is influenced by several confound- sions concluded that N inputs have little effect on C fate, even in
ing variables. One significant complications is the role of plant treatment wetlands receiving large N inputs (Laanbroek 2010).
radial O2 leakage which can increase soil redox state indepen- Especially in temperate wetlands, plants take up considerable
dent of water level. The extent to which plants supply O2 to N leaving little mineral N available and resulting in little com-
their roots varies greatly between and within species (Voesenek petition between denitrifying communities and methanogens.
et al. 2006; Lai et al. 2011). In temperate marshes, species such In contrast, both Mn (IV) and Fe (III) oxides can be common in
as Phragmites australis (common reed) and Typha spp. (cattails) mineral wetlands, such as those formed in temperate riverine
(Grosse, Armstrong and Armstrong 1996) have pressurized roots systems. There is considerable overlap between microbial iso-
and comparatively higher ventilation efficiency compared to lates able to reduce Mn (IV) and Fe (III) (Poole 2004), although Fe
plants like Peltandra virginica (Arrow arum) where roots are only (III)-reduction has been investigated in more detail.
aerated via passive diffusion (Frye, Mills and Odum 1994). Within Metal reduction depends on the local crystal structure of Fe
species, the Eurasian lineage of P. australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. (III) or Mn (IV) and the form of available C. In the rhizosphere,
subsp. australis, has a ventilation efficiency 300% greater than newly oxidized Fe (III) is primarily crystalline ferrihydrite that
the North American P. australis subsp. americanus lineage (Tul- is readily available for Fe (III)-reducers. Geobacter spp., the first
bure et al. 2012). Plant radial oxygen leakage can also influence identified wetland Fe (III)-reducers, primarily use acetate as an
C cycling in cold peat bogs, as was demonstrated in Patagonia electron donor and reduce ferrihydrite (Lovley and Phillips 1987).
by comparing methane (CH4 ) emissions and redox potential in However, Geobacter spp. do not efficiently reduce crystalline Fe
Sphagnum systems with and without cushion plants (Astelia spp. (III) such as goethite or hematite (Fig. 2). Recent research has
and Donatia spp.) (Fritz et al. 2011). Here the vascular plants cre- shown that in addition to Geobacter spp., wetlands can contain
ated extensive root systems, and the authors observed increased a variety of metal reducers, including those that reduce crys-
soil aeration and decreased CH4 emissions. talline Fe (III) forms and that can use other C sources (Hori et al.
Water level and radial O2 leakage can vary daily (Faußer 2010; Lentini, Wankel and Hansel 2012). Lentini, Wankel and
et al. 2016) and seasonally (Neubauer et al. 2005), leading to con- Hansel (2012) observed that when acetate was used in enrich-
stantly changing conditions for the soil microbial community. ments from the edge of a freshwater pond, Geobacter spp. was
Interestingly, microbial communities may be adapted to these most abundant, but the community shifted when supplied with
fluctuating conditions and therefore, remain stable over time. glucose and lactate. Similarly, cultured Mn (IV)-reducers have
DeAngelis et al. (2010) demonstrated that when tropical forest also been observed to use fermentation products such as succi-
soils were placed under constant anaerobic or aerobic condi- nate and acetate (Myers and Nealson 1988). Most culture-based
tions microbial composition changed over the course of the 4- studies supply metal reducers with simple compounds, mean-
day incubation, but that microbial composition did not change ing there is little information on the substrates that metal reduc-
when redox potential was cycled between aerobic and anaero- ers might use in situ.However, metal reducers may be dependent
bic conditions. Similar findings were reported for constructed on and metabolically linked to fermenters that produce sim-
wetland soils (Peralta et al. 2014). In another constructed wet- ple compounds (Bongoua-Devisme et al. 2013). Using lab incu-
land system, microbial community composition did not change bations of tropical rice paddy soil, Bongoua-Devisme et al. (2013)
4 FEMS Microbiology Ecology 2018, Vol. 94, No. 11

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Figure 1. Beginning with above- and below- ground plant inputs, the figure illustrates the various transformations of C mediated by the wetland microbial community.
The left side of figure shows how plant materials, such as cellobiose, are processed by the anaerobic microbial community into primary and secondary fermentation
products that can be used by microorganisms as alternative electron acceptors. The insert illustrates processes within the rhizosphere, particularly those linked to
metal cycling, which may be a key C storage mechanism.

reported that Fe(III) reduction was carried out by a diverse com- concretions of precipitated Fe(III) and Mn(IV) (Hickey, McDaniel
munity of facultative anaerobic and anaerobic bacteria some and Strawn 2008), and organic C has been observed in the center
of which used C directly and others that are known to use H2 . of some nodules (Wilson et al. 2013). Given the possibility of co-
The Fe (III)-reducers may also use particulate SOM as an elec- precipitation of C with metals, both rhizosphere C and microor-
tron shuttle, rather than as a substrate—a unique SOM oxida- ganisms that are closely linked to metal transformations may
tion process observed first in freshwater riparian wetland soils be important in storing SOM. However, the long-term stability
from Alabama, USA (Roden et al. 2010). of this C is not clear. Huang and Hall (2017) demonstrated that
The frequent transformations of metals between their oxi- increased flooding during restoration of agricultural site back
dized and reduced states may play a direct role in C storage. to wetlands could increase metal reduction and subsequently
Organo-mineral complexes are known to contribute to C sta- increase C availability. A similar fate could be true for soils inun-
bilization with an estimated capacity of ∼1 mg C m−2 of min- dated due to sea level rise, but this mechanism needs further
eral surface (Keil et al. 1994). Across multiple soil and sediment investigation.
types, SOM binding is highest in materials that contain Fe (III)/Al
oxides (O’Rourke et al. 2015) with poorly crystalline structure
(Bachmann et al. 2008; Lalonde et al. 2012). Lalonde et al. (2012)
The wetland rhizosphere effect
estimated that 20% of C in marine sediments is Fe-oxide bound.
One of the defining characteristics of mineral wetland soils is the Besides radial oxygen leakage, wetland plants can shape the
presence of redoximorphic features that include nodules and microbial community through differences in root exudates.
Yarwood 5

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Figure 2. The thermodynamic ladder shows the Gibbs free energy (Gr o ) under standard conditions (25◦ C and 0.1 MPa) expressed as kilojoules (KJ) per electron (e− )
transferred for common electron donors and acceptors in wetlands. Values are taken from (Arndt et al. 2013).

Comparing the root zones of four plant types in tidal freshwa- 2017). The conversion of formate to H2 is likely mediated by
ter wetlands, Prasse, Baldwin and Yarwood (2015) observed dif- a diverse group of facultative aerobic organisms (Hunger et al.
ference in the bacterial and archaeal community composition 2016), although no studies have specifically targeted this group
between plant species in natural wetlands but not in restored for characterization. The central role of formate in driving rhi-
wetlands. There are a wide variety of published results assess- zosphere metabolism has only recently been recognized, and it
ing differences in microbial functions between wetlands of the remains to be determined what impact this has on total ecosys-
same type and within a similar geographic area. Hopfensperger tem CH4 flux and C fate (Hunger et al. 2016).
et al. (2009) measured denitrification across tidal freshwater wet- Mixed-species biofilms can form within the rhizosphere, cre-
lands, but did not observe difference in denitrification poten- ating opportunities for C exchange and competition between
tial between different wetland elevations or plant communities. microbial functional groups. Rhizosphere soils supporting
Ström, Mastepanov and Christensen (2005) collected soil mono- methanogens also contain metal reducers that compete for
liths from a single peat bog in Southern Sweden and measured the same substrates and methanotrophs that consume CH4 .
CH4 flux from different monoliths supporting the growth of Biofilms from Typha latifolia and P. australis roots were found to
three different plant species. They found that soils under Carex contain large numbers of CH4 -oxidizing bacteria (34–43% of the
rostrata emitted more CH4 compared to Eriophorum vaginatum total community) (Faußer et al. 2012). Population size of CH4 -
or Juncus effuses. Similar difference in CH4 emissions between oxidizers was also observed to vary between wetland species
plant types were observed in another freshwater mescosm study and are likely a significant determinant of CH4 emissions across
(Andrews et al. 2013). Both sets of authors reasoned that differ- wetland types (Ström, Mastepanov and Christensen 2005).
ence in plant root exudates contributed to difference in CH4 flux, Although sometimes overlooked in wetlands, mycorrhizal
but neither explicitly measured them. fungi have been observed in many wetlands locations and are
Root exudates provide a ready supply of low molecular also a possible sink for root exudates. A recent review iden-
weight molecules that can drive methanogenesis (Koelbener tified approximately 100 different wetland plant species that
et al. 2010) and other wetland functions. Chen et al. (2016) have been shown to host arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi,
characterized roots exudates between four wetland plants and spanning numerous wetland types (Xu et al. 2016, references
observed differences in compounds that correlated to differ- within). AM colonization is greatest in drier wetland areas com-
ences in the rhizosphere microbial community. In spite of radial pared to waterlogged locations (Miller and Bever 1999) and drier
O2 leakage that increases redox, CH4 production tends to be locations appear to support increased diversity (Wirsel 2004).
higher in vegetated wetlands (McNicol et al. 2017), presumably AM fungi seem to consistently alter plant C partitioning in
due to increased C inputs. The differences in C compounds favor of increased root biomass (Miller and Bever 1999; Stevens,
between plant species could impact methanogensis through a Spender and Peterson 2002), but other plant physiological effects
number of different pathways. Hydrogenotrophic methanogens remain unknown. For example, AM fungi are often associated
not only access H2 via secondary fermentation, but formate can with increased phosphorus (P) uptake in uplands, but results are
be released from plant roots and easily degraded to H2 , bypass-
ing multiple fermentation steps (Hunger et al. 2016; Schink et al.
6 FEMS Microbiology Ecology 2018, Vol. 94, No. 11

mixed for wetland species. One study examining Lythrum sali- process while plant litter is standing, contributing to depoly-
caria L. (purple loosestrife) in temperate marshes did not detect merization of plant structural components. Following collapse
any nutritional benefit of AM colonization (Stevens, Spender of the litter, facultative anaerobic bacteria colonize. These bac-
and Peterson 2002), but another study using Kandelia obovata teria are capable not only of breaking down cellobiose but of fer-
seedlings (a type of mangrove) in tropical wetlands observed mentation, producing acetate, H2 and other byproducts (Fig. 1).
enhanced P uptake when plants were inoculated with AM fungi In support of this model, two studies (Baker et al. 2015; Juot-
(Xie et al. 2014). These contrasting results suggest that more tonen et al. 2017) identified cellobiose-degrading bacteria that
research is needed to understand how plant species and AM were also capable of fermentation, and these findings are con-
composition impact functional attributes. Even less is known sistent with other metagenomic findings in an anaerobic aquifer
about ectomycorrhizae in wetlands, such as peatlands (Thor- (Wrighton et al. 2014). Overall this lends support for conversion
mann 2006) and swamps (Asemaninejad, Thorn and Lindo 2017), of plant C to microbial biomass, but does not completely exclude
including the amount of plant C they assimilate. In fact, the rel- the storage of plant compounds as SOM.
ative contribution of root exudates compared to plant structural When comparing decomposition of two freshwater marsh
components to SOM-C is not known for wetlands. plants Eleocharis cellulosa (spike rush) to Cladium jamaicense (saw

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grass), E. cellulosa decomposed at a faster rate likely due to a
lower C:N ratio and both plants had a faster decomposition rate
Plant litter decomposition
at a site within the Florida Everglades, USA, that had more sat-
In upland systems, decomposition of plant material typically urated soil conditions (Pisani et al. 2018). This effect of hydrol-
begins with colonization by aerobic soil fungi, some of which ogy on decomposition was counterintuitive but speculated to
produce large quantities of extracellular cellulases and ligni- be the result of dry summer conditions that resulted in dif-
nases (Sánchez 2009). As was alluded to earlier, one proposed fusion limited conditions. Regardless of plant species, roots
mechanism for wetland C storage has been a lack of these and rhizomes decomposed slower compared to above ground
enzymes due to anaerobic conditions (Freeman, Ostle and Kang plant parts (Pisani et al. 2018) and contained relatively resis-
2001). Due to the focus on anaerobiosis, fungi have historically tant suberin and polyphenolic lignin. Another study examining
been considered to play a minor role in wetland plant decom- C complexed on mineral surfaces from upland soils reported the
position (Khan 2004). Saprobic fungi could take advantage of O2 presence of plant lipids, lignin derivatives and suberin (Angst
in the rhizosphere, but appear to be most abundant in standing et al. 2017). These studies suggest that plant root materials are
plant biomass and recently collapsed plant litter (Kuehn 2016) likely to be stored preferentially compared to other plant parts.
(Fig. 2). Kuehn et al. (2011) tracked extensive fungal coloniza- The connection between these types of root-derived compounds
tion of standing dead Typha biomass in temperate freshwater and metal plaques as a mechanism for C storage has not been
marshes and calculated that 22% of the plant C was converted reported in the literature but is an exciting area for future inves-
to fungal biomass over the course of one year. This preprocess- tigation.
ing of plant litter before it enters wetland soil is an important, The ability of microorganisms to access stored SOM follow-
albeit often overlooked, step that allows for extensive fungal col- ing the addition of fresh labile C has been discussed in many
onization and the decomposition of plant cellulose and lignin. soil ecosystems. Often referred to as a ‘priming effect’ relatively
Examining stands of P. australis in Swiss marshes, researchers more bioavailable compounds such as plant root exudates can
observed that fungi continue to contribute to decomposition stimulate the microbial community and lead to increased C min-
(0.2–2.4 mg C m−2 day−1 ) after plant materials fell to the soil sur- eralization and a decrease in SOM (Zhu et al. 2014). Increased
face, but at that point bacterial colonization resulted in a much atmospheric CO2 could lead to more root exudates but trigger
higher decomposition rate (2.6–18.8 mg C m−2 day−1 ) (Buesing loss of SOM (Bridgham et al. 2006), as was demonstrated in a
and Gessner 2006). A review of peatland microbial communities growth chamber study using brackish marsh soils from Chesa-
suggested that saprobic fungal composition is most influenced peake Bay, USA, (Wolf et al. 2007). However, the ability of the
by plant litter type and differs between fens and bogs (Ander- microbial community to degrade SOM is likely limited by two
sen, Chapman and Artz 2013); one study found fungal isolates factors: (i) the physical access to C compounds and (ii) the abil-
varied considerably with fens having more fungal diversity and ity to produce an enzyme that can degrade relatively recalci-
only sharing 19% species similarity to bogs (Trinder, Johnson and trant compounds. Storage in aggregates or associated with met-
Artz 2008). als would determine the first constraint.
Although fungi degrade lignin and hemicellulose at faster The ability to produce enzymes necessary for the degra-
rates, bacterial ligninases and cellulases are also common dation of SOM is likely dependent on the metabolic potential
(Burns et al. 2013). The role of bacterial lignin degradation has of the microbial community and on microorganisms’ ability to
not been extensively studied (Bugg et al. 2011) and there do not co-metabolize the introduced material and the SOM. In other
appear to be any studies of this process in wetlands. Bacte- words, new C inputs could provide the energy necessary to pro-
rial cellulases, on the other hand, were recently identified using duce enzymes needed to degrade a compound like suberin but
shotgun metagenomics applied to estuary soils from North Car- there is likely a specific subset of the microbial community able
olina, USA. Several bacterial phyla contained cellulose degrada- to produce such an enzyme (Zhu et al. 2014). Little information
tion pathways: Chloroflexi, Bacteroidetes, Gemmatimonadetes, Planc- currently exists on specific microbial taxa capable of degrading
tomycetes, WOR-1 and WOR-2 (Baker et al. 2015). Using 13 C specific SOM components. A starting point for these types of
labelled cellobiose, another group of researchers tracked C into investigations, however, would be to consider research in con-
members of the Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria and Ver- structed and treatment wetlands that examine organic pollu-
rucomicrobia within Finnish boreal fens (Juottonen et al. 2017). tant degradation. A review focused on the degradation of poly-
The bacteria able to decompose cellobiose are estimated to be cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons pointed out that some constructed
twice as numerous as the bacteria able to degrade both poly- wetlands can effectively remove compounds such as phenan-
meric and monomeric cellulose (Berlemont and Martiny 2013). threne (Haritash and Kaushik 2009). Further investigations of
A likely scenario is that aerobic fungi begin the decomposition
Yarwood 7

these efficient constructed wetlands indicated that fungi were to nothing is known about the degradation of archaeal structural
likely responsible for the bulk of the degradation. molecules (Kögel-Knabner 2017)

Methane oxidation
PREDICT WETLAND FUNCTION? One complication to examining methanogens in wetland soils
is that some methanogens carry out anaerobic CH4 oxida-
Researchers have taken many different approaches towards
tion (AMO). This process is important in marine sediments
answering this question, including: targeting specific genes,
where methanogens oxidize CH4 through syntrophic relation-
assessing the composition of lipids, determining community
ships with SO4 2− -reducers (Caldwell et al. 2008). Hu et al. (2014)
level physiological profiles and assessing enzyme activity. One
first reported NO3 − -dependent AMO in three freshwater wet-
approach has been to focus on a particular biogeochemical
lands across China representing a rural natural site, an urban
transformation: methanogenesis (Kelley, Martens and Ussler
natural site and a paddy soil, and others have also observed
1995; Sun et al. 2012), SO4 2− reduction (Sutton-Grier et al. 2011)
this phenomena (Chen, Zhou and Gu 2015; Shen et al. 2015). In
or Fe (III)-reduction (Roden 2003; Keller et al. 2013). These studies

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addition to NO3 − reduction, Segarra et al. (2015) found evidence
have often targeted functional genes to assess microbial compo-
for AMO linked to SO4 2− reduction in freshwater wetlands from
sition (Table 1) simultaneous to measuring the activity. This sec-
Florida, North Carolina, and Maine, USA, and Valenzuela et al.
tion will therefore begin by describing major taxonomic groups
2017 reported AMO linked to SOM reduction in tropical marsh
that have been identified within wetlands, capable of specific
soil. It is not clear how widespread this process is across differ-
anaerobic metabolisms.
ent wetland types, but sequences matching AMO methanogens
have also been found in sequencing libraries in tidal freshwater
wetlands suggesting that they may be common (He et al. 2015;
Prasse, Baldwin and Yarwood 2015).
Methanogens are one of the best described wetland microbial Methanotrophs were some of first organisms targeted via
groups to date. They are phylogenetically distinct, with consid- C-SIP (McDonald et al. 2008; Dumont et al. 2011) but in most
erable similarities between species found across different types cases those studies targeted aerobic methanotrophs using the
of wetland soils and other soil ecosystems (Bridgham et al. 2013, gene pmoA (coding for particulate CH4 monooxygenase) or bac-
reviewed therein). Studies examining methanogen composition terial 16S rRNA (Lüke et al. 2014). Aerobic methanotrophs belong
typically target archaeal 16S rRNA (for which methanogens com- to 18 genera of gamma-proteobacteria (Type 2) and 5 genera of
pose most of the wetland archaeal population) or the func- alpha-proteobacteria (Type 1) (reviewed by Knief (2015)). Addition-
tional gene mcrA, which codes for methyl coenzyme M reduc- ally, aerobic methanotrophs have been identified within the
tase. Recently, a study in coastal marshes compared mcrA abun- Verrucomicrobia. Methylobacter (Type 1) and Methylocystis (Type
dance in a shotgun metagenome library to estimates using 16S 2) have been commonly reported as most abundant OTUs in
rRNA. Data from both methods agreed that methanogens com- freshwater wetlands (Knief 2015; Yun et al. 2015; Deng, Cui
posed 2–10% of the bacterial/archaeal community (He et al. 2015). and Dumont 2016), along with uncultured representatives of
Although many groups of methanogens have been described Methylocystaceae 11, RA21, and RPC1 3like8, JRC3 (Knief 2015).
for several years, new groups are still being identified. The Targeting pmoA or bacterial specific 16S rRNA yields informa-
archaeal order Thermoplasmatales, which has been found in wet- tion on the bacterial aerobic methanotrophs, but not the AMO
land soils (Emerson et al. 2013; Prasse, Baldwin and Yarwood archaea, meaning the relative contribution of anaerobic to aer-
2015) and other ecosystems, was recently renamed Methanoplas- obic methanogenesis within wetlands is currently based on a
matales when new isolates within the order were found to handful of studies (Deutzmann et al. 2014; Segarra et al. 2015).
produce CH4 (Paul et al. 2012). A study using stable isotope AMO may be significant in freshwater wetlands, decreasing CH4
probing (SIP) reported differences in methanogen composition emission by over half (Segarra et al. 2015). Considerable work
between temperate marshes dominated by Calamagrostis angus- remains, however, to identify which methanogens are capable
tifolia (reed grass) and Carex lasiocarpa (slender sedge) (Lin et al. of AMO, their synergistic partners and their function under dif-
2015). When labeled with 13 C-acetate, Methanoscarcinaceae (ace- fering conditions.
toclastic methanogen) clones were more abundant in the labeled
Sulfate reduction
fractions of DNA from marshes dominated by C. angustifolia,
indicating that plant species can impact the relative propor- Aside from CH4 -oxidation, which can limit CH4 fluxes through
tion of acetoclastic versus hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis. A consumption, SO4 2− reduction is a competing process that can
studies in rice paddies, using SIP, tracked root exudates into the also keep CH4 flux low (Poffenbarger, Needelman and Megoni-
methanogen community (Hori et al. 2007; Mayumi et al. 2010), gal 2011). Sulfate reducers are capable of using formate, lactate
further underscoring the connection between vegetation and and H2 (Plugge et al. 2011), thus competing with methanogens
methanogens. for substrates. In coastal sediments, distinct depth distribu-
Methanogens are typically the dominant archaeal group in tions have been observed, where SO4 2− -reducers are abun-
wetlands (Emerson et al. 2013; He et al. 2015; Prasse, Baldwin dant in the first few centimeters but as SO4 2− is depleted
and Yarwood 2015) and due to unique cell wall and mem- methanogens become more abundant at greater depths (Wilms
brane compounds may also contribute unique molecules to et al. 2007). In vegetated salt marshes, clear depth structures
SOM. Rather than peptidoglycan layers, archaeal cell walls con- were not observed, likely due to the heterogeneity caused by
tain S-layers composed of various proteins (Albers and Meyer plant rhizospheres (Castro et al. 2005). Comparing both vege-
2011); ranging from simple to complex, different methanogen tated and unvegetated sites, SO4 2− reduction rates were greater
groups contain different compounds. For example, Methanospir- in salt marshes compared to saltpans in California, USA, point-
illum hungatei and Methanosaeta concilii have tubular paracrys- ing to the importance of plant C to drive the process (Jackson,
talline sheath proteins that are resistant to degradation. Little Whitcraft and Dillon 2014). Sulfate reducers are often studied
8 FEMS Microbiology Ecology 2018, Vol. 94, No. 11

Table 1. Summary of research articles using sequencing to determine microbial composition and reporting dominant wetland microbes for
general communities or targeted functional groups.

groups Analysis method/gene target Wetland type Dominant organisms Reference

Fungi MiSeq/LSU Ascomycota and Forested fen Chaetothyriales Asemaninejad, Thorn

Basidomycota specific primers and Lindo 2017
Ericoid mycorrhizae
Cantharellales, graminoids and/or
ericaceous shrubs and
ectomycorrhizal root associates
Bacteria HiSeq/shotgun metagenomics Coastal estuary Bacteroides Baker et al. 2015

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HiSeq/16S rRNA Constructed Proteobacteria Ligi et al. 2014
wetlands (15-years
454/16S rRNA Natural and Proteobacteria Peralta, Ahn and
restored wetlands Gillevet 2013
Cloning and sequencing/16S rRNA Natural and Acidobacteria Hartman et al. 2008
restored wetlands
Bacteria and MiSeq/16S rRNA Freshwater tidal Chloroflexi Prasse, Baldwin and
archaea wetlands Yarwood 2015
HiSeq/16S rRNA Coastal estuary Proteobacteria He et al. 2015
(restored peat)
Functional group Analysis method/gene target Wetland Type Dominant Organisms Reference
Cellobiose SIP/MiSeq/16S rRNA Fens Firmicutes Juottonen et al. 2017
Fermenters Cloning and sequencing/16S rRNA Fens/bogs Acidobacteria Hunger, Gößner and
Drake 2015
Iron reducers Cloning and sequencing/16S rRNA Freshwater Geobacter sp. Lentini, Wankel and
depressional Hansel 2012
Desulfovibrio sp.
Fermenting organisms
Cloning and sequencing/16S rRNA Rice paddy Geobacter sp. Hori et al. 2010
HiSeq/shotgun metagenomics Arctic peat Geobacter sp. Lipson et al. 2013
Acidobacteria sp.
Sulfate reducers Cloning and sequencing/dsrA Tidal freshwater Desulfarculales Kearns et al. 2016
Archaeoglobus veneficus
454 sequencing/dsrA Coastal salt Desulfobacteraceae Cui et al. 2017
Yarwood 9

Table 1. Continued

groups Analysis method/gene target Wetland type Dominant organisms Reference

Methanogens Cloning and sequencing/mcrA Fens/bogs Methanoregulaceae Hunger, Gößner and

Drake 2015
T-RFLP & cloning/16S rRNA Boreal mire Methanosarcinaceae Juottonen et al. 2008
Rice cluster II
Methanomicrobiales-associated Fen
HiSeq/shotgun metagenomics Coastal estuary Methanomicrobiales He et al. 2015
(restored peat)

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Methanotrophs 454 sequencing/cloning pmoA Freshwater marsh Methylobacter Yun et al. 2015
13C-SIP/Cloning and sequencing/16S Bogs/fens Methylocystis Deng, Cui and Dumont
rRNA 2016

by targeting the dsrA gene that codes for dissimilatory SO4 2− Fermentation
reduction (Pereyra et al. 2010). In salt marshes, dominant SO4 2− -
Many anaerobic respiring microorganisms preferentially or
reducers include delta-proteobacteria belonging to Desulfobacter-
solely use fermentation products as electron donors, but few
aceae and Desulfobulbaceae (Jackson, Whitcraft and Dillon 2014;
wetland studies include characterizing fermentation (Hunger,
Cui et al. 2017). Although studied primarily in salt or brackish
Gößner and Drake 2015). Primers have been developed and
marshes, recent evidence points to the importance of SO4 2−
applied to a bioreactor system to quantify the gene copy num-
reduction even in freshwater wetlands and peatlands, where rel-
bers of Fe-hydrogenases. Targeting the hydA gene works for
atively small populations of SO4 2− -reducing bacteria still repre-
nearly all bacteria because during fermentation reduced elec-
sent an important fate for C (Pester 2012; Hausmann et al. 2016;
tron carriers are channeled to H2 by the hydrogenase I enzyme
Kearns et al. 2016). Sulfate reducers are also capable of reduc-
(Pereyra et al. 2010), although it should be noted that these
ing Fe (III) and other metals, although there is conflicting evi-
primers are only based on sequences belonging to the Clostridi-
dence that SO4 2− -reducing bacteria can grow using these alter-
aceae. These primers have also not been used in wetland soils.
native sources (Lloyd 2003; Weber, Achenbach and Coates 2006;
Several studies have identified members of Clostridiaceae as key
Bao et al. 2018).
to fermentation (Uz and Ogram 2006; Drake, Horn and Wüst
2009), although many microbial groups include fermenters. An
Metal reduction experiment examining primary fermenters in both fens and
bogs identified numerous taxa, including members of the Aci-
As was discussed earlier, Mn (IV)- and Fe (III)-reducers have been
dobacteriaceae, Clostridiaceae, Planctomycetaceae and Veillonellaceae
observed in mineral wetlands, and Fe (III)-reduction appears to
(Hunger, Gößner and Drake 2015). Similar taxa were identified
be a major sink for C in mineral tidal and riverine wetlands
in boreal bog soils after the addition of 13 C labelled cellobiose
(Neubauer et al. 2005; Sutton-Grier and Megonigal 2011). Many
(Juottonen et al. 2017). In particular, members of the Clostridiaceae
bacterial isolates capable of Fe (III) reduction can also reduce
and Veillonellaceae (both within phylum Firmicutes) composed
Mn (IV) and trace metals (Poole 2004). Trace metals including
as much as 69% of the labelled fraction of DNA, underscoring
lead, zinc and copper have been shown to accumulate in the Fe
their role as important fermenters (Juottonen et al. 2017). Prod-
(III) plaques surrounding wetland plant roots (Xu et al. 2018). In
ucts from primary fermentation (i.e. organic acids and alcohols)
addition to frequently studied Fe(III)-reducers, such as Geobac-
are often not associated with particular fermenting groups, but
ter spp. (members of the deta-proteobacteria) and Shewanella spp.
Juottonen et al. (2017) observed a positive relationship between
(members of the gamma-proteobacteria), Fe(III)-reduction has also
Veillonellaceae abundance and propionate concentration. There
been observed in other classes of Proteobacteria, and in the phyla
are likely numerous microbial groups capable of fermentation,
Firmicutes, Crenarchaeota, Euryarchaeota and Acidobacteria (Weber,
as was demonstrated by shotgun sequencing of an anaerobic
Achenbach and Coates 2006). Unlike methanogenesis or SO4 2−
aquifer (Wrighton et al. 2012). That study included the discov-
reduction, the variety of physiological strategies used by Fe (III)-
ery of many uncultured fermenters belonging to candidate phyla
reducers excludes using a single or a handful of functional gene
OD1, OP11 and others, again highlighting the potential difficulty
markers to examine composition. A metagenomic study in arc-
in connecting phylogenetic structure to function.
tic peat described Fe (III)-reducing communities by examining
genes that coded for decaheme cytochromes (Lipson et al. 2013),
and this approach holds promise for more thoroughly examin-
16S rRNA: general bacterial and archaeal communities
ing metal-reducing populations. Currently, there are no publica-
tions that directly examine Fe(III)-reducer diversity paired with In addition to studies that have measured functional genes
function, but this is understandable given the diversity of organ- and the activities of specific metabolic groups, studies have
isms that may be involved. targeted the 16S rRNA or in a few studies used shotgun
10 FEMS Microbiology Ecology 2018, Vol. 94, No. 11

metagenomics (Table 1). The advantage of using 16S rRNA Functional redundancy further complicates the connections
or shotgun metagenomics is the ability to simultaneously between composition and function. For example, virtually all
observe shifts in many functional groups. The major dis- denitrifying bacteria can also carry out aerobic respiration
advantage is that microbial plasticity and functional redun- (Jones et al. 2008) and as mentioned before many microbial
dancy hamper efforts to connect phylogenetic groups to func- species can reduce multiple metals. In Comte et al. (2013)
tion. Metabolic plasticity refers to the adaptation of a sin- functional redundancy, within the bacterioplankton commu-
gle organism to differences in environmental conditions. An nity, varied under different environmental conditions. For exam-
example might be a change in C use efficiency, an important ple, the ability to access C substrate depended both on the
metric given that microbial-derived molecules may be prefer- redox conditions and the capacity of individuals belonging
entially stored as SOM. Although microbial community level to the community. The number of taxa found in 16S rRNA
physiological profiles is dependent on the composition of or shotgun metagenomic studies would suggest that func-
microbes and on their individual responses to current condi- tional redundancy is high in wetland microbial communities.
tions (Roller and Schmidt 2015), measurements of community Although we know that these communities are diverse, DNA-
level physiological profiles are taken in bulk (Geyer et al. 2016) based methods may artificially inflate estimates of functional

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and therefore little knowledge exists about how microbial com- redundancy. The DNA-based approach cannot distinguish
position impacts community level physiological profiles. between active and dormant cells (Lennon and Jones 2011) nor
In wetlands, metabolic plasticity refers to the ability of a distinguish relic DNA (Dlott et al. 2015; Carini et al. 2016). Also
single cell belonging to a taxonomic group as specific as a contributing to issues related to functional redundancy, most
species or a strain to belong to multiple functional guilds. A studies characterize the community at a single time point. Most
study that directly quantified microbial plasticity and func- functional data are gathered over repeated measures, however,
tional redundancy in freshwater bacterioplankton reported that resulting in structure and function mismatches.
metabolic plasticity was an inherent trait of the microbial Returning to the question that began this section, there
community. In other words, the community displayed metabolic currently seems to be more studies that report mismatches
plasticity regardless of environmental conditions and the between composition and function rather than those that
metabolic capacity of the community was bounded by the taxo- observe strong connections. However, this by no means, implies
nomic groups present (Comte et al. 2013). that assessing microbial composition is fruitless. Rather the cur-
16S rRNA surveys are typically unable to provide fine taxa- rent state of knowledge concerning wetland microorganisms is
nomic resolution due to the conserved nature of the molecule such that there is a virtually inexhaustible list of queries relat-
and high throughput sequencing strategies that typically only ing to the role of microorganisms in wetland functions such
target 200–500 bp. Studies that have examined wetland micro- as SOM formation, but the science is quickly expanding to
bial communities via 16S rRNA amplification often report the address this challenge and evidence for more direct linkages
relative abundances of dominant phyla and classes of Proteobac- between composition and function are likely in the near future.
teria (Table 1), with only limited mentions of specific sequence The last section of the review will describe some of the newest
matches to a select few organisms. For example, Acidobacteria research and make suggestions for future endeavors that move
and Proteobacteria have been reported as dominant phyla in nat- us closer to this future reality.
ural, restored and created wetlands (Hartman et al. 2008; Per-
alta, Ahn and Gillevet 2013; Prasse, Baldwin and Yarwood 2015).
Phyla level classification are not helpful in linking composi-
tion to function, however, as most phyla contain members of
multiple functional guilds (Table 2). Reporting the abundance
of different genera would better align to function, but this is
difficult within a scientific publication given the large num-
bers of taxonomic groups within each study and the necessity Key knowledge gaps in wetland microbial communities as it
to somehow simplify data in order to look for trends. Consistent relates to plant litter decomposition and SOM formation include:
sequence analysis standards, data provided in spreadsheet form (i) What factors control microbial access to and decomposition
and its availability to the research community would improve of plant litter and SOM? (ii) How does microbial community
our ability to compare wetland studies. There has not been a structure shape C fate, across different wetland types? (iii) What
published meta-analysis of 16S rRNA sequences across multiple types of plant and microbial molecules contribute to SOM accu-
wetland types, but the quickly expanding field of wetland micro- mulation? Resolving these unknowns requires studies that span
biology combined with next generation sequencing means that many different wetland types and account for temporal changes
data likely exist to carry out such an analysis (Neori and Agami at multiple scales. They also require integrating microbiological
2017). and biogeochemical approaches.
This kind of 16S rRNA meta-analysis would be interesting A synthesis of SOM theory identified eight mechanisms lead-
and could yield new insights about the similarity and differ- ing to SOM formation (Schmidt et al. 2011). These mechanisms
ences between microorganism in different wetland types and are: inherent recalcitrance of molecules, condensation reac-
factors that drive distribution. However, links to function would tions, fire residues (e.g. charcoal), rhizosphere inputs, physical
still be difficult. In spite of efforts to create programs such as protection due to aggregation, organo-mineral complexes, deep
PICRUSt (Langille et al. 2013) and Tax4fun (Aßhauer et al. 2015) soil C, freezing/thawing and microbial products. Several of these
that predict function based on 16S rRNA and shotgun metage- mechanisms have already been touched on within this review
nomic analysis, the information on specific wetland taxa is still but considering this list and the variety of wetland types, most
sparse. There is still a lot of research needed to describe indi- if not all of these mechanisms are likely at work within wetland
viduals within the microbial community and understand their soils. Methods such as 13 C labelling can be used to track C into
functional capacities. the active fraction of the community (McDonald et al. 2008; Deng,
Cui and Dumont 2016; Juottonen et al. 2017); different labelled
Yarwood 11

Table 2. Major bacterial phyla and classes identified in wetland studies and known metabolic capability within each group.

Aerobic Mn (IV) Fe (III) SO4 −2 CH4 Other

Taxa respiration1 Fermentation Denitrification2 reduction reduction3 reduction4 Methanogenesisoxidation metabolism

α X X X X X5
β X X X X6
δ X X X X X
γ X X X X X X7
Firmicutes X X X X X X X
X X X X X8

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X X X X9

Chen and Strous 2013.
Jones et al. 2008.
Weber, Achenbach and Coates 2006.
Thauer, Stackebrandt and Hamilton 2007.
Fe (II) oxidation.
NH3 oxidation & Fe (II) oxidation.
Fe (II) oxidation.
Fe (II) oxidation.
NH3 oxidation.

substrates stimulates different members of the microbial com- in micro-aggregates. As mentioned early and unique to wet-
munity (Braeckevelt et al. 2007). For example, pulse labeling wet- lands, characterization of metal concretions and nodules may
land plants with 13 C-CO2 allows root exudates to be tracked into also offer new insights into SOM storage mechanisms (Hickey,
the microbial community. These experiments can help iden- McDaniel and Strawn 2008).
tify the decomposing community and measure priming of SOM The fate of wetland C is dependent on the microbial com-
under different conditions (Angst et al. 2017). Pulse labeling has munity and the environment that it experiences, both of which
been carried out in rice paddies (Qiu, Conrad and Lu 2009), but define the interactions between different taxa and functional
could be expanded to mixed plant communities and combined guilds. Syntrophy can be broadly defined as one organism living
with methods that examine C incorporation into aggregates and off the products of another organism (Morris et al. 2013). These
binding on metal surfaces. interactions are important in many microbial ecosystems and
Another strategy for understanding microbial decomposition central to understanding the anaerobic processes within wet-
is to assess the functional capacity of the community using com- lands where energy yields are relatively low and where prod-
munity level physiological profiles or enzyme assays. Commu- ucts are not diffusion limited, at least during part of each year.
nity level physiological profiles have been used to character- Although we know that these relationships exist in wetlands,
ize constructed wetlands (Zhang et al. 2010; Weber and Legge the extent of these relationships and the identity of its mem-
2011), identifying differences between planted and unplanted bers is largely unknown. Culturing does not easily isolate organ-
systems. They were also used in combination with leaf lit- isms that live on the ‘energetic edge’ and a recent study exam-
ter bags to assess decomposition in freshwater streams (Sam- ining syntrophy in fens and bogs through DNA analysis reported
paio et al. 2008); community level physiological profiles differed that 40% of family level classifications had no match to current
between riverine and depressional wetlands in that study. Cur- databases (Hunger, Gößner and Drake 2015).
rent knowledge of enzymes was reviewed recently (Burns et al. Syntrophobacter spp. have been found in many types of
2013), and methodological considerations associated with wet- wetlands (Lueders, Pommerenke and Friedrich 2004; Hunger,
land soils is discussed by Dunn et al. (2014). Assays to assess phe- Gößner and Drake 2015) and are likely one of the most com-
nol oxidase and test the enzymatic latch hypothesis have been mon groups of syntrophic bacteria. The first-described Syntro-
conducted in both temperate (Pinsonneault, Moore and Roulet phobacter spp. are able to reduce S when available in the soil
2016) and mangrove peatlands (Saraswati et al. 2016). In both matrix, but when oxidized S is depleted they oxidize propionate
cases, results of these enzyme assays supported the role of the to acetate and reduce H+ to H2 (Boone and Bryant 1980). The
enzymatic-latch in C accumulation. resulting acetate and H2 can support methanogens or aceto-
Physical characterization of wetland soils can also shed light gens. Initially Syntrophobacter spp. were speculated to be obli-
on mechanisms for C storage. For example, Xiao et al. (2014) frac- gate mutualists, dependent on methanogens/acetogens to keep
tioned estuary soils into aggregate size classes and found that H2 concentrations low so that enough energy could be gained.
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were preferentially stored A few years later, however, Syntrophobacter spp. were grown in
within water stable aggregates. Aggregate fractions can also be pure culture, demonstrating that at least some members are fac-
assessed for microbial communities as was done in agricul- ultative mutualists (Wallrabenstein 1994). Additional described
tural soils, where researchers reported differences in commu- Syntrophobacter spp. can only degrade butyrate or propionate
nity composition between different size classes (Kim and Crow- in the presence of their methanogen partner and must be co-
ley 2013). In their review, Han et al. (2016) discussed that different cultured (Stams and Plugge 2009). Another commonly studied
size fractions are also associated with different C molecules, for facultative syntrophic species is Ruminococcus albus. This species
example microbial-derived molecules are often more abundant
12 FEMS Microbiology Ecology 2018, Vol. 94, No. 11

can ferment sugars independent of a syntrophic partner, but for a variety of storage mechanisms across different wetland
can gain more energy when H2 -consuming methanogens are types. The enzymatic latch and the accumulation of undecom-
present (Stams and Plugge 2009). R. albus is common in the posed plant material is likely more important in histic north-
rumen system, but has not been detected in wetlands (Stams ern peatlands compared to temperate mineral wetlands. Min-
and Plugge 2009), although it is likely that functionally similar eral wetlands likely store C via physical and chemical protection,
organisms are present. although the details of these processes are yet fully described.
Targeting mRNA may be one way that microbial structure Microbial degradation of above-ground plant litter likely begins
and function can be better linked, as Juottonen et al. (2008) before the material enters the soil and the role of fungi in wet-
demonstrated by measuring mcrA and CH4 flux. The advan- lands needs more investigation. The interactions between C and
tage of methanogens over other functional groups, however, is metals may influence SOM storage capacity and may control
their relatively low diversity. Furthermore, it may be difficult to microbial degradation. Changes in wetland conditions such as
observe shifts in mRNA when conditions are relatively stable or change in flooding frequency and increase CO2 may lead to loss
when genes are constitutively expressed (Moran et al. 2013). For of C stocks, but more information on the alteration in micro-
example, in continuously saturated wetlands, mRNA may not be bial communities is needed to make clear predictions. Analyti-

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particularly helpful because the enzymes that mediate anaero- cal tools for measuring the microbial community and SOM have
bic metabolism have already been translated. Metaproteomics been developed and are increasingly applied across different
offers another approach that could help to better link struc- wetland systems, resulting in quickly expanding knowledge of
ture and function. In a treatment wetland, metaproteomics was these complex systems. Wetland researchers are increasingly
used to identify rhizosphere microorganisms capable of degrad- applying multi-pronged approaches that bring together micro-
ing toluene (Lünsmann et al. 2016). bial ecology, biogeochemistry and modeling to better under-
The challenge faced in wetland C cycling is not conceptualiz- stand the fate of C in wetlands around the world.
ing the multiple interactions that could take place, especially in
the rhizosphere, but designing experiments and adopting meth-
ods that can detect them. One approach is to characterize micro- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
bial communities in space and time (using DNA sequencing,
mRNA sequencing or other biomarkers) and construct pairwise Thanks to Dr. Peter Bottomley and Dr. Andrew Baldwin for
correlation matrices between the relative abundances of micro- reviewing early drafts of this review and for the comments of
bial taxa or functional groups (Boon et al. 2014). Significant pos- four anonymous reviewers.
itive correlations might help to target subsets of the commu- Conflicts of interest. None declared.
nity that are mutualists, but they also may only be evidence of
shared preferences to environmental conditions (Faust and Raes
2012). Regardless of the method of characterization studies need
to reflect the correct scale for the question being asked and con-
tain sufficient replication as to yielded meaningful data. Ackert LT. The “Cycle of life” in ecology: sergei Vinogradskii’s soil
Modeling SOM formation and stability also requires fine tun- microbiology, 1885–1940. J Hist Biol 2007;40:109–45.
ing our understanding of the fates of individual C compounds Ahn C, Peralta RM. Soil bacterial community structure and
such as plant lignin or microbial cell walls. Pyrolysis GC–MS has physicochemical properties in mitigation wetlands cre-
been used to characterize the molecules that compose SOM, as ated in the Piedmont region of Virginia (USA). Ecol Eng
was done in a survey of forest soils across a latitudinal gradient 2009;35:1036–42.
spanning tundra to tropical soils (Vancampenhout et al. 2009). Albers S-V, Meyer BH. The archaeal cell envelope. Nat Rev Micro-
Tundra soils contained more plant-derived molecules as might biol 2011;9:414–26.
be expected from a slower decomposition process. Applied to Andersen R, Chapman SJ, Artz RRE. Microbial communities in
coastal wetlands in South Africa, pyrolysis GC–MS analyzed sub- natural and disturbed peatlands: a review. Soil Biol Biochem
soils contained SOM that was more degraded and contained 2013;57:979–94.
polyphenols, but surfaces soils contained more plant-derived Andrews SE, Schultz R, Frey SD et al. Plant community structure
lignin (Carr et al. 2010). Sediment cores from a bay in Ireland con- mediates potential methane production and potential iron
tained both plant and microbial-derived molecules, and proteins reduction in wetland mesocosms. Ecosphere 2013;4:44.
with hydrophobic domains were in some of the deepest areas Angst G, Mueller KE, Kögel-Knabner I et al. Aggregation con-
sampled (Mylotte et al. 2015). Other methods for SOM charac- trols the stability of lignin and lipids in clay-sized particu-
terization include 13C NMR and chemical fractionation followed late and mineral associated organic matter. Biogeochemistry
by Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrome- 2017;132:307–24.
try (Tfaily et al. 2015), the later method provides high resolution Arndt S, B.B. J, D.E. L et al. Quantifying the Degradation of Organic
compound data and is just beginning to be used in peatlands Matter in Marine Sediments: A Review and Synthesis. Earth-
and other wetland soils. Science Reviews 2013;123:53–86.
Asemaninejad A, Thorn RG, Lindo Z. Vertical distribution of
fungi in hollows and hummocks of boreal peatlands. Fungal
Wetlands have fascinated microbial ecologists for over a cen- Ecol 2017;27:59–68.
tury. They shaped the work of Sergei Winogradskyi (Ackert 2007) Aßhauer KP, Wemheuer B, Daniel R et al. Tax4Fun: predicting
and in essence led to the founding of microbial ecology. Wet- functional profiles from metagenomic 16S rRNA data: fig. 1.
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