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With regard to laying down the procedure for compliance

as per the revised notification regarding the compensation

to be paid for the under-tensioned mains and mains under

the belt for high voltage transmission lines of 66 KV and

above capacity...




P.No.170/Uja-4 Madam Kama Road, Hutatma Rajguru Chowk,

Ministry, Mumbai - 400 032

Admission No.:- 01 December, 2022


Challenge No. 02.11.2022.

2) Principal Secretary, State Transmission Enterprise's letter no. M. Ra.

R.P.O/ 7899, Date No. 10.11.2022


Electricity Transmission Licensed Government/Financial as well as Private Electricity Transmission in the State

High voltage transmission lines of 66 KV and above capacity are erected as per the rules. Also, upgradation, repair and renovation

of existing instruments are done. The guidelines issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India regarding the payment

of compensation for agriculture/arterial damage while erecting towers and structures as well as upgradation, repair and renovation

of the structures and farmers concerned for the difficulties and difficulties encountered while erecting transmission structures and

compensation for the arterial road And

Regarding the increase in the remuneration given to the public transport operators in the state, the Government has read the

chapter in pursuance of the demands/requests made by the State Public Transport Corporation, People's Leaders, Farmers/Private

Owners, Common Citizens and Electricity Transmission Licensees. 02.11.2022 has been approved by the Government without any

additional credit. Paragraph no. 2.6 and 4 respectively, it has been mentioned that the sub-divisional level evaluation committee

and district level sub-divisional committee will be organized independently in the Ujah Dhavbhagamariya and the order will be

organized independently in accordance with the standard working class and procedure and the procedure to be followed in

accordance with the revised guidelines. Accordingly, the State Transmission Undertakings at their level have identified the main

threats as notified by the Government

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Govt Account No: Pavamo-2021/P.No.170/Uja-4

and monitoring) was formed under the chairmanship of a six-member committee. The State Transmission Undertaking has

submitted a report of the said effort along with the title. It has been submitted to the Government vide letter dated 10.11.2022.

According to the guidelines announced by the government and the report submitted by the state transmission activities

accordingly, the government was under the responsibility of ordering the sub-divisional level evaluation mechanism and the

sub-district level evaluation mechanism and the working class and procedures of the sub-divisional level evaluation

mechanism and the procedures to be followed in accordance with the improved mechanism.

Government Accounts:-


P.No.170/Uja-4, dated 02.11.2022, transmission of low voltage by Mahapareshan and other transmission licensed companies

Compensation Fund for Artery Occupied by Mano erected for Vadhanayas and

Proposal for payment of compensation for damage caused by under construction belt

In accordance with the implementation of the scheme, the working class and procedure of sub-divisional level evaluation

committee and district level sub-committee are being fixed as follows.

a) Follow-up routine procedures are recommended for implementation of the proposed policy:-

1) The procedure laid down under this Government Scheme shall be applicable to the existing high pressure

transmission lines under construction/under construction by Government/Financial and Private Transmission

Licensed Operators.

2) Govt Finance Department. 02.11.2022 vide vide Serial No. 1 to 3

In case of construction of high pressure transmission line, the farmers/land owners concerned will be affected.

The compensation due and payable as per the fixed rate shall be paid to the concerned farm/land owner/occupiers

from the relevant revenue generated by the transmission licensee company.

3) Rates charged for Heshet artery after measurement of damaged artery

The rates calculated in hectare and the rates calculated in square meters of non-cultivated arteries should be taken

into consideration.

4) Required documents of Jadhamni of concerned farmers/jadhaman owners, village pattern number seven-twelve, Rs.

100/- on stamp paper Consent/Affidavit/Power of Attorney/Notarized Affidavit

By obtaining the relevant transmission from the concerned farmers / Jadhaman owners by the licensed company.
should be taken

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5) (a) the field or other artery through which the high-pressure vessel is to be constructed;

Heading charges on farms or other arterials in areas where construction is/is in progress

Get the market price rate-sheet (Ready Reckoner) as soon as possible.

(b) No. of transmission in that area/adjacent group/seven years during the last three years since the commencement

of work by the transmission licensee company in relation to the project of medium high pressure transmission line.

Aggregate purchase and sale transactions of Arterials received from Item Charges Department
It should be done and the average of the purchase and sale transactions of these three years should be calculated.

(c) Rate as per the market price rate sheet (Ready Reckoner Rate) obtained from the Heading Charges

Division and the previous three years in that area/adjacent group/seven numbers.

The average rate arrived at as a result of the total purchase and sale of the artery, whichever is higher

The rate will be taken into consideration for the purpose of assessment and compensation for damages

incurred for the construction of high pressure towers and dams under the assessment period.
Remuneration should be secured.

(d) the market value rate financed by the assessment point fee division of farm/dhabgar farm arterial in
which no purchase and sale transactions have taken place in that area/adjacent group/seven number

during the last three years after the commencement of work by the transmission company in connection

with the project of high pressure transmission line- (Ready Reckoner Rate) should be paid as per the

6) In determining the assessment of the arterial area covered by the sub-high pressure tower, the following “b”

While determining the rating of the belt under high pressure loss as and under

As per (5) above on how to assess the field and Dhabgar field arteries.
Explanation is given in Appendix-A attached with Tamak Example.

7) Sub-divisional level assessment of concerned farms Jadhamman/others as per methodology

Assessing the road to the relevant transmission licensee company and farm/road owner
to inform

8) In case of dispute regarding the ownership rights of the canal and the area of the farm/other canal

Government Financial Lessons on Counting and Ownership. 02.11.2022 MiL Para no. As per 2.2 Taluka

land records should be ascertained from the office. Farms/other land owners related to Moka Panchnamanar

under “B(3)” or “C(5)” of this Government Act.

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And related transmission companies should agree on the ownership rights and area of the artery

Dhatkani Bhoomi Adhbhalekha will not need to be confirmed by Dhavbhaga.

9) Compromise in the order after passing the order for payment of compensation

In case of death of the person, the said payment is required documents [Heir certificate

(Heirship Certificate)/Succession Certificate] by completing

To be paid to their legal heirs as per the order passed.

10) To pay the amount of arterial compensation under arterial hypertension in equal two stages

should come Mobdla Manora in the first phase at the time of foundation and Mobdla Manora in the second phase

To be given at the time of erection.

11) Pulmonary artery from which a high-pressure artery has been implanted

Compensation of the artery below the belt during actual erection (while pulling the string-

Stringing) should be given.

12) If there is a change in the ownership rights of the Jadhamni during the construction of the High Pressure

Tower and Wadhamani, additional compensation will be payable to the new owner. That is

While disbursing compensation for stroke compensation in a phased manner, they are
At the time the Jadhaman should be given to the Jadhaman owner whose name is there. Also of pulses/

In return for the compensation of the plantations, the then Jadhaman owner/slaughterer.

will be eligible. However, it should be ensured that such compensation has not been paid before.

13) Capacity enhancement of commissioned and high pressure transmission vehicles and

Remuneration for increased affected area during modernization. But the aforesaid

No compensation shall be payable for the mano erected before the high pressure transmission lines and for
the arterial under the belt of the line. Compensation of the affected artery in any condition

The practice will be learned once only by the concerned competent authority/transmission licensed company.

Be careful.

14) Date of publication of the said proposed deposit i.e. Government Accounts Payable Date. 02.11.2022 on or

after such habitual high pressure as recommended by Nadhavan

Regulations applicable to transmission expansion projects. Also, the said government was financially bankrupt

Under Construction means those that are yet to be completed

Also applicable with retrospective effect to the habitable project of construction of sub-high pressure transmission line

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Radhahal. However, compensation has been paid in lieu of compensation for arterials affected by
high-pressure transmission lines or high-pressure transmission lines in the ongoing or yet-to-be-

commissioned high-pressure transmission line projects and as per the approved information. If the

amount of compensation is higher than that of the Jadhamani, then the amount of compensation

shall be paid to the concerned Jadhamani owner. But care should be taken to ensure that the amount

of compensation is not recovered from the concerned farm/land owner if the payment is less than

the land compensation as per the proposed scheme.

15) A written notice should be given by the concerned transmission licensee company to the persons/

entities doing unauthorized work in the back of the high voltage transmission line to automatically

report unauthorized/illegal work. If such unauthorized persons/organizations do not voluntarily enter

such banks, the relevant department/mechanism/constitutional self-governing body/authorities should

be immediately informed by the concerned transmission license company to take action against such
illegal/unauthorized banks. The transmission company concerned will not be responsible for any

consequential or consequential loss due to such unauthorized / illegal activities.

17) The amount payable as compensation should be deposited in the bank account of the concerned

farmer/jadham owner through NEFT/RTGS. In exceptional / unusual circumstances, compensation

payable by way of direction should be paid.

18) If more than one person is involved in respect of payment of a land, the said farm/land owner/owner

shall pay Rs. 100/- on stamp paper of Consent/ Affidavit/ Power of Attorney/ Notarized Affidavit in

the name of one of the concerned persons mentioned above and deposited in the bank account of
the concerned person using Online (RTGS/NEFT) method. In exceptional circumstances such

remuneration may also be paid by way of directive.

19) After the completion of the project of construction of sub-high pressure line, the relevant transmission

licensee company should report to the revenue department to take the record of payment to the
owner of the line for seven-twelve sections of their line.

20) Relating to the remuneration of the compensation fund as determined by the sub-divisional level

assessment authority or the district level high court authority.

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Government/Private/Private Transmission Licensed Companies related to farm/land owners

Will pay from their revenue.

b) Arterial area occupied by mano, its measurement and procedure for evaluation of that area:

(1) For the base of the mano when calculating the hypotensive mano-filled artery.

By enrolling from the existing Adhabhakalpa/Adhabhayaandhtraki Dhabhaga (Dhadzain Dhadpayment)

Excavation area of all the four foundations should be taken as per the mental drawing (Dhadzain /

Drawing) done under the prepared dental assessment.

(2) The length and width of the base of the sub-high pressure mano should be measured in units of dhamtar.

(3) For the said measurement, by making five names before the concerned farmer/jadham owner/grocer.

In relation to joint counting of base transmission companies in headquarter and settlement area.

Any two persons may appear as witnesses.

(4) After measuring the damaged artery, the relevant transmission licensee company shall
Subdivision level related to compensation proposal of high pressure psycho-entrained artery

The evaluation will be sent to Shamti.

(5) Illustrative as illustrated in the appended Padardishta-B

Calculation of base compensation of high pressure mana as shown in the diagram

Follow the formula below.

Formula - Compensation of total psyche covered area = (Length in trench X Length in trench

Rs.) X [(Market Value Rate Sheet Rate (Ready Reckoner Rate)) or (in last three years

(5) of the average rate of purchase and sale transactions made

Rate which is higher] X 2.

(6) If the area of the artery falls to a fractional number after the measurement of the artery, it shall be rounded to the next whole number.

Adjustment should be made. (eg 125.2 sq.m = 126 sq.m)

c) Calculation of the area of the artery under the belt of high pressure vessel depending on the voltage level and

the method of evaluation of that area:

(1, 2 and 3) are exemplified in Annexure-C (1, 2 and 3).

For construction of high pressure transmission line below as shown in the illustrative diagram.

The area of the aorta under direct obstruction on both sides of the erector spinae.

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Also spanned by the transverse inclination of transmission lines as shown in the diagram.

areas, including trees near the site, potential run-off in storms and storms, etc.
Safety distance required to prevent injury to life and personal injury and other damage
(RoW Line corridor) is maintained.

(1) As directed by the Central Electricity Authority, the width of the artery under the Line
Corridor shall be as per the attached perimeter for example.

According to the voltage level, the diameter of the artery under the belt of the conductor is as follows.

Voltage Level Width of Line Corridor (in Meters)

66 kV 18
110 kV 132 22
kV 220 kV 27
400 kV 35
Ekpath Wadhahani 400 46
KV Dhadwapath 46
Vadhahani +/- 500 KV HVDC 52
765 kV Ekpath Wadhahani 64
765 KV Dhadwapath 67
Vadhahani +/- 800 KV. HVDC 69
1200 KV 89

(2) pulsatile blood from arteries through which blood is passed under high-pressure catheters;
Allowable allowance for arterials coming under Line Corridor.

(3) Single-way/double-way/multi-way under high-pressure manholes with right and left sides.
Conductor bands for wires with center line and voltage level
Equal distance between right and left sides should be understood as width.

(4) Where the center line of the sub-high pressure mano intersects the field/arterial arm/boundary/boundary.

The distance between them should be understood as a length.

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(5) For the said measurement by making a five-point name in front of the farmer/jadham owner/owner concerned.

Transmission companies associated with joint metering of arteries under high-voltage transmission belts

Any two persons from the wealthy and settled areas will be present as witnesses.

(6) Measure the length and width of the artery under the belt of high pressure vessel in meters.
should come

(7) If single-sided high-pressure duct work on double- or multi-path high-pressure ducts;

If so, the area under cultivation belt and calculation of remuneration is as under point no. 8 (b)

Meeting should be done according to formula. Also, when the work of pulling the wire on the other

side of the tower will be done in Bhadhavashti on the previously erected tower, under the belt of Wadhahani.

In addition, compensation should be given for the Line Corridor. But both sides at the same time

If the string is pulled, the payment will be very heavy. 8 (a) Payable as per mill formula
will remain

(8) Calculation of area under high pressure belt and compensation as per following formula
should be done.

a) For DCDC
Line/MCMC Line):
Formula - Compensation for total affected area = [Length X (Width X 2)] X [Rate as per
Market Value Tariff (Ready Reckoner Rate) or (Purchases of previous three years
(5) the average rate as per transaction array) whichever is higher]

X 30%.*

b) One-way transmission on Dhadwapath tower i.e. (SCDC Line) / Pulling wire on the other side
on previously erected Dhadwapath tower (2 Ckt Stringing):

Formula - Compensation for Total Affected Area = [Length X Width] X [Rate as per
Market Value Tariff (Ready Reckoner Rate) or (Purchases and Purchases in last three years
(5) the average rate as per transaction array) whichever is higher]

X 30%.*

(* Dhatap- Compensation for the area under the waist band as measured by the artery

15% + Arterial Area Remuneration in the form of Non-Compulsory Disability Allowance

Total 30% remuneration including 15% remuneration)

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d) Procedure for compensation of trees, sedges and other trees: During construction of high

voltage transmission line, the concerned farmers / landowners

Damage to trees, shrubs or other plants is caused by damage to the arteries. Compensation for such compensation

The lesson is learned. In paying such compensation under the relevant section
Farmers/Jadamans in respect of compensation after being approved by the competent authority as mentioned above.

given to the owners. Accordingly-

(1) In case of damage to crops/shrubs/other trees in the affected area on the relevant arterial during foundation laying,

erection of the tower and laying of cables, to the concerned land owner.

Compensation should be given.

(2) Compensation in case of damage to crops/shrubs/other vegetation in the affected area on the concerned arterial

during capacity augmentation or modernization of existing high pressure vessels.

should be given

(3) During the construction of high pressure tower or dam, damage to other trees in the field / in the affected area

should be reported in front of Production Officer, concerned farmer, two witnesses and officer of concerned
transmission company. (4) Shocks caused during high pressure tower foundation, tower

erection and wire pulling.

Panchnama related to farmers, two witnesses and transmission licensee company officials

should be presented. From the area of the said Panchnama and related section of the Government

The amount of compensation should be fixed as per the prevailing rules and accordingly the compensation shall

be paid to the concerned farm/road owner by the respective Transmission Licensee Company from their revenue.
should do

(5) Moka panchnama before Taluka Agriculture Officer/Production Officer in case of trees.

Number of trees, trunk thickness, average age of trees, average annual

Production and income from it etc. By taking matters into consideration, the trees will grow

To be done and the assessment of total loss of trees to be done by the Taluka Agriculture Officer / Production

Officer as per the prevailing guidelines of Agriculture/Production Department.

Accordingly, the compensation should be paid to the respective farm/land owner by the respective transmission

license company from their revenue. (6) Relating

to compensation due for loss of trees (trees not included in the notified list of the Forest Department) in the affected


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The relevant transmission licensee company shall pay the concerned farm/jadman owner from their revenue after

obtaining the valuation from the department.

(7) Compensation payable by the Forest Department concerned for the loss of trees in the affected area included in the

notified list (categorized) of the Forest Department on private arterials.

After obtaining the assessment, the same shall be paid to the concerned farm/land owner by the concerned transmission

licensee company from their revenue.

(e) In respect of arterials of Forest/Central/State/Central Government authorized authority:

(1) If high pressure transmission lines are being constructed through arterials of forest division, such forests

Relating to the compensation payable under the prevailing rules of the Forest Department for damage to the artery.

After assessment and approval by the Forest Officer concerned transmission licensee.

Why Paninevan Dhavbhag should be paid from their revenue.

(2) subject to the terms and conditions of the Forest Department in respect of forest leases allotted by the Forest Department;

Remaining compensation to the concerned forest lessee shall be paid by the concerned transmission licensee company

from their revenue.

(3) Central Government in relation to canals owned by Central Government and Central Government authorities.

As per the prevailing/current rules and procedures of the concerned Ministry, the compensation for damage to the mains

shall be paid by the concerned transmission licensee company from their revenue.

should do

(4) Government / Non-Governmental Institutions to Private Individuals / Institutions on Lease / Jadhaman

Compensation for damage to such premises/arterials, if applicable, to the lessee/lease

The consumers should be paid from their revenue by the concerned transmission licensee company as per the procedure

mentioned in the said Government Act.

(e) Scope and Methodology of Sub-Divisional Level Assessment Mechanism: (1) Sub-

high pressure transmission line and associated mental disorders affected and affected;

Sub Dhavbhag Dhanhai in Dhajlha to determine compensation for compensation of Jadhamani

Sub-divisional level evaluation conducted under the chairmanship of Sub-Divisional Officer

lesson 02.11.2022 has been established under the Government Order as follows:-

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A.No. Designation Current position

1 Sub-Divisional Officer (Provincial Officer) 2 President

Deputy Inspector Land Records 3 Member

Assistant Director, Town Planning Assessment (Concerned Section) 4 Member

Taluka / Sub-Divisional Agricultural Officer 5 Head of Member

concerned Secondary Finance Member

6 Related Transmission Licensing Company 7 State Member

Transmission Undertaking (Mahapareshan) Sub-Division by Dhanhai authorized, Members

Dhakman executive Adhbhayanta daja officer

(2) For the above sub-divisional level assessment opportunity the State Transmission Undertaking shall a. No. As per

sub-section 7, the orders of the executive officer/officer of similar rank should be followed after the government

has been in financial position.

(3) Measurement of the arterial under high pressure pressure as well as the arterial coming under the belt of the

concerned transmission licensed company under the above “B (3)” and “C (5)” shall be signed by the member

secretary of the said authority and the concerned Sub Divisional Officer ( (Provincial Officer) and Sadhamti

President to propose a compensation fund for the compensation of Jadhamani.

should be submitted.

(4) According to the proposal received, the Deputy Divisional Officer (Provincial Officer) and the Chairman of the said

proposal shall hold a meeting of the other members of the said proposal committee within 30 days and take

immediate action on it.

(5) After confirming the assessment by the sub-divisional level assessment authority, the relevant matters regarding
the assessment, if appropriate, to the concerned transmission licensee company to the farm/land owner/owner.

Orders should be executed within 7 days for payment of the sum assured.

(6) The concerned transmission licensee company shall pay the compensation due to the concerned farm/land owner

from their revenue within 30 days as ordered by the chairman of the sub-divisional level assessment committee.

(c) Function and mode of operation of low-level low-

pressure currents: (1) High-pressure transmission losses and associated

disturbances and

In respect of compensation for the damages caused by the Jadmani, the Dhajalha-level Adhapaliya Sadhamti

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Under the chairmanship of the concerned Revenue Collector. 02.11.2022 vide Govt

has been established as follows:-

A.No. Designation Current position

1 Revenue Collector President

2 Officer authorized by concerned Deputy Divisional Member

3 Officer (Provincial Officer) State Transmission Undertaking (Mahapareshan) 4 Member

Officer of concerned Transmission Licensee Company Member

(2) State Transmission Undertaking for the above Dhajalha level Adhpaliya Sdhamti a. No. According to 3, the orders of

the Finance Superintendent of Finance/similar Finance Officer should be enforced after the Government has made

financial progress.

(3) Conveyance to the farm/land owner/occupier concerned against the order passed by the sub-divisional level assessee

in connection with the payment of land compensation.

Within 30 days from the date of receipt of the order by the licensed company, a written appeal may be filed before

the Subcommittee constituted under the chairmanship of the concerned Collector.

(4) From the sub-divisional level assessment committee on the sub-divisional level filed by the said Sub-Divisional Court.

While calling for the report, the habitants should be heard.

(5) During the hearing, without hearing the parties' side, the Government Financial Industry, Uja and Labor Division no.

Pavamo-2021/Pro.No.170/Uja-4, Date No. 02 November 2022 should be thoroughly checked as per the provisions.

(6) If the concerned arbitrators after hearing sufficient facts to present their case find the aggrieved facts, the appellate

authority shall re-evaluate the order passed by the sub-divisional level authority on its own and either refer the

case to the sub-divisional level assessment authority for reconsideration or avoid the appellate authority. The

Dhajla level subordinates will promptly amend their orders with appropriate reasons (Speaking Order).

(7) Dhajla-level subduction after subduction to subduction is maximum.

Dhankali should be withdrawn within 60 days.

(8) To the farmer/land owner/owner/disbursement licensee concerned against the orders/deposits passed by the

subordinate authority in respect of payment for compensation of land.

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An appeal can be taken to the competent court in relation to the case. If any other fraudulent Adhapal / Dhanvedan is filed, it

will not be taken into consideration.

o) In case of exceptional / extraordinary circumstances:

The sub-divisional level assessors should take into account the exceptional/unusual situation, importance of the project and the

delay in the project and pass the order of compensation with proper data regarding the compensation for the compensation of the


66 K.V. as per the work class and work method approved as above. And more than 2. To order that
the relevant authorities should take necessary action to pay the compensation to the concerned farmers/

owners of the under-high-pressure transmission lines as compensation for the arterial roads under the belt

of the under-high-pressure transmission lines and under the belt of the under-high-pressure transmission
lines. are coming 3. The said Government is the Government of Maharashtra

www.maharashtra.gov.in This code is available on this site and its serial number is 202212011248599610.

This Government is being executed by attesting with the signature of Dhanay Dhadjital. By order and in the
name of the Governor of Maharashtra.

( Suresh Redekar )

Companions :- Padardishta A, B, C (1,2,3) and V Deputy Chief Minister, Government of Maharashtra


1) Hon. Dear Governor

2) Hon. Chairman, Maharashtra Board of Directors, Maharashtra Board of Directors, Mumbai.

3) Hon. President, Maharashtra Dhyansabha, Maharashtra Dhyanmandal Secretariat, Mumbai.

4) Hon. Dhavroi Party Leader, Dhyanpadharshad / Dhyansabha, Maharashtra Dhyanmandal Secretariat, Mumbai.

5) Hon. Deputy Chairman, Maharashtra Board of Directors, Maharashtra Board of Directors, Mumbai.

6) Hon. Vice-President, Maharashtra Board of Directors, Maharashtra Board of Directors, Mumbai.

7) Habit Honorable Dhavansabha, Dhavanpadharshad and Member of Parliament.

8) Hon. Additional Chief Secretary to the Chief Minister, Maharashtra State

9) Hon. Chief Minister's Office, Ministry, Mumbai- 400 032

10) Hon. Priyan Sadhachav of the Deputy Chief Minister, Ministry, Mumbai- 400 032

11) Habits. Minister / Hon. Private Office of the Minister of State, Mantralaya, Mumbai- 400 032

12) Hon. Chief Secretary, Ministry, Mumbai-400 032

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13) Habitapar Chief Sachchav/Prian Sachchav/Sachchav, Mantralaya, Mumbai- 400 032 14)

Prian Sachchav, Dhawan Mandal Sachchawalaya, Dhawan Bhavan, Mumbai.

15) Chief Fisheries Commissioner, State Fisheries Commission, New Administrative Building,

Mumbai. 16) State Chief Service Rights Commissioner, State Service Rights

Commission, Mumbai. 17) Office of the Controller, Public Commissioner and Deputy Public Commissioner, 1st Floor,

New Administrative Building,

Mumbai- 400 032 18) Director General, Directorate General of Media and

Public Resources, Mumbai. 19)

Divisional Commissioner of

Customs. 20) Customary Collector. 21) Chief Executive Officer

of the Habitajalha Boards. 22) Habit

Commissioner, Mayor. 23) Head of Department/Head of Office under Ministry of

Finance. 24) Accountant General Accounts-1 (Accounting Protection), Maharashtra,

Mumbai- 400 020 25) Accountant General Accounts-1 (Accounting and Permissibility),

Maharashtra, Mumbai- 400 020 26) Accountant General Accounts-1

(Accounting Protection), Maharashtra, Nagpur 27) Accountant General Accounts-1

(Accounts and Permissibility), Maharashtra, Nagpur 28) Addition and

Accounts Officer, Wande (East) Mumbai- 400 051 29) Managing Director, Maharashtra State Electricity Mandal Sutriari

Company, 3rd Floor, Hong Kong Building,

Hutatma Chowk, Mumbai - 400 023 30) Chairman & Managing Director, Maharashtra State Electricity Transmission Co.,

Prakashganga, Wandekula Sankul, Wande (East),

Mumbai-400 051 31) Chairman & Managing Director, Maharashtra State Electricity Transmission Company M.A.,

Prakashgad, Wande (East),

Mumbai-400 051 32) Chairman & Managing Director, Maharashtra State Electricity Regulatory Company M.A.,

Prakashgad, Wande (East),

Mumbai-400 051 33) Chairman, Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission, 13th Floor, Valday Red Center No. 1,

Kar Parade, Kulaba, Mumbai-

400 005 34) Mah Sanch Lak, Maha Shri Uja Dwak S Adhikaran, And Row, Opposite Spicer College,

Constitutional Commissioner's Office, Ai, Pune- 411007

35) Director (Projects), Mahapareshan Company, Mumbai

36) Chief Engineer, State Transmission Undertaking, Mahapareshan Company,

Mumbai 37) Habit Chief Engineer, Substation High Pressure Transmission Mandal, Vashi/ Pune/ Karad/ Aurangabad/
Nagpur/ Amravati/ Nadhshak

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38) Executive Director, Power Grid Corporation Or India, Nara-Nari Karag Road, Sampratinagar,

39) Assistant Commissioner
(Town Planning), Pune 40) Assistant
Deputy Inspector (Revenue) 41)
Assistant Deputy Inspector (Agriculture)

42) Deputy Assistant Inspector

(Urban Planning) 43) Assistant Deputy Inspector (Udm) 44) Manager The Director, Tata
Power Ransadhamshan Co., Ltd., Homi Modi Street, Mumbai-01 45) Adani

Ransadhamshan India, Adani House, Ahmedabad-380 009 46) Kharghar-Dhavkroli

Ransadhamshan Pvt. ), Mumbai-51 47) Amravati Power Ransadhamshan Co.,

Ltd., Naandgaonpeth, Amravati-444 602 48) Adani Electricity Mumbai Inra Dr.,
Dedhwadas Lane, Borivali (W), Mumbai-400 100 49) Maharashtra Eastern Grid Power
Ransadhamshan Co., Ltd. Dhl., Dhaswheel Lines,
Nagpur-440 001 50) Mumbai Uja Magadhl., Belapur, Navi
Mumbai-400 614 51) Habita Chief Nagarpadharshad/ Nagarpadhalka/
Nagar Panchayat. 52) Jaigad Power Ranasdhamshan Bldg., Wande-ku La Sankul,
Wande (West), Mumbai-51 53) Deputy Secretary/
Asst. -16), Mantra Lay, Mumbai-400032 55) Dunvinasti/Energy-4, Industries, Power & Co. Second Division, Mantr


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Sixty-four - a

Illustrative example of how to assess a farm/farm (non-agricultural) artery affected by a high pressure

turbine tower and below the turbine belt

Suppose: 1) 400 kV. DC Area of base of line “D type” tower = 18 X 18 = 324 sq.m.

2) Area of affected artery of the band below the lesion = 10000 sq.m. 3) Ready

reckoner hectare rate of agricultural land is Rs. 3 lakhs i.e. square meter rate of agricultural

land = 300000/10000 = Rs.30. per sq.m. 4) Average rate of

purchase and sale transaction of agricultural artery in last three years =

Rs. 4 lakhs per hectare i.e. the average rate per square meter according to the purchase and
sale of farm land = 400000/10000 = 40 Rs. per sq.m. 5) Ready Reckoner Rate

of Dhabgar Agricultural Artery (Non-Agricultural) = Rs.1000/- per sq.m. 6) Average

rate of purchase and sale transaction of Dhabgar Shet Jadhamani in last three years = Rs.900/- per

sq.m. a)Assessment of

compensation payable for compensation of towered arterial: 1) For farm arterial- i)

Area of farm artery

covered by tower of farm arterial through which the high pressure transmission line passes = 324
sq.m. ---- As in 1 above suppose here

ii) If we compare the hectare ready reckoner rate of agriculture at 3 and 4 above and the average rate

arrived at during the last 3 years as the average rate is higher, 400 KV. D.C.Q. Line's assessment of

D-type aneurysms = 324

Sq.Dhamtar X 40 X 2 = Rs. 25,920/-

2) For Dhabgar Field (Non-agricultural)

Artery- i) Area of Artery Covered by Arterial Channel where High Pressure Transmission Line passes
through Dhabgar Field Artery = 324 sq.m. ---- As in 1 above suppose here

ii) Ready reckoner rate of Dhabgar agricultural artery at 4 above suppose = Rs.1000/- per sq.m.

iii) 400 kV. D.C.Q. Line's assessment of D-type aneurysms = 324

Sq.Dhamtar X 1000* X 2 = Rs. 6,48,000/- (*

The rate of addition is the difference between rates 5 and 6 above).

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b) Assessment of compensation payable for compensation of artery encroached upon by band of injury:

1) For field arteries-

i) Area of artery affected by vascular band = 10000 sq.--- Assume 2 above


ii) Valuation of field artery affected by weevil belt=10000X40*X30%= Rs.


(*Assuming the rate above which is the relative difference between rates 3 and 4 above)

2) For Dhabgar Shet (Non-Agricultural) artery-

i) Area of Dhabgar field (non-agricultural) artery affected by weed belt = 10000 sq.m. --- As per
above assumption 2 ii)

Valuation of Dhabgar field (non-agricultural) artery affected by weevil belt=10000X1000*X30%=

Rs. 30,00,000/- (*Assuming the above rate is the

additional rate which is the relative difference between the rate of 5 and 6 here)

Note: Figures mentioned in 1 to 6 above are for illustrative purposes only and do not relate to actual
measurements, rates and valuations.


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