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Allowed Vs. Aloud

Allowed – means permitted
Aloud – means audibly or out loud

Two Vs. Too Vs. To

Two – is a number
Too – is a preposition
To – means ‘also’ or ‘excessively’ or a ‘lot‘

Flower Vs. Flour

Flower – is a blooming plant
Flour – is a food

Profit Vs. Prophet

Profit – is used to talk of financial gain
Prophet – is a person who predicts future events

Serial Vs. Cereal

Serial – relates to a series or sequence – like TV show
Cereal – is a breakfast food – like corn flakes

New Vs. Knew

New – means recently made or discovered
Knew – is the past tense of ‘Know’

Weak Vs. Week

Weak – means lacking strength
Week – means period of seven days

Site Vs. Sight Vs. Cite

Cite – means to quote as evidence or to mention as an
Site – refers to a location or place
Sight – relates to vision or something that is seen

Witch Vs. which

Witch – refers to a sorceress
Which – is a pronoun used to ask about a choice or
Hear Vs. Hear
Here – is an adverb indicating a place
Hear – is an verb meaning to perceive sound through
our ears

Your Vs. You’re

Your – is a possessive pronoun indicating ownership
You’re – is a contraction of “you are”

Weather Vs. Whether

Whether – is used to introduce a choice or indicate
Weather – refers to the state of the atmosphere

Its Vs. It’s

Its – is a possessive pronoun showing ownership
It’s – is a contraction of “it is” or “it has”

Principle Vs. Principal

Principal – is a person who holds a high position in an
Principle – refers to a fundamental truth or belief
Principle – is the original amount of money in an

Personal Vs. Personnel

Personal – relating to an individual
Personnel – the employee or staff of an organization

Brake Vs. Break

Brake – is the device used to stop a vehicle
Break – means to shatter or pause
Break – be a piece – like break a piece of chocolate

Peace Vs. Piece

Peace – is like calm state of harmony
Piece – refers to a part or portion of something

Desert Vs. Dessert

Desert – is a dry area – like the Sahara Desert
Dessert – is a sweet, ice cream, or brownie
Bear Vs. Bare
Bear – is be a large mammal
Bear – can be used as a verb meaning to endure or
Bare – means naked or uncovered like barefoot

Allusion Vs. Illusion

Allusion – refers to indirect reference
Illusion – is something that appears real but is not

Accept Vs. Except

Accept – is a verb meaning to agree to receive or
undertake something
Except – is a preposition meaning excluding or not

Affect Vs. Effect

Affect – is a verb meaning to influence to make an
impact on something else
Effect – is a noun which is the result or consequence
of something
Lose Vs. Loose
Lose – is a verb meaning to misplace or fail to win
Loose – is an adjective meaning not tight or free from

Their Vs. There Vs. They’re

Their – is a possessive pronoun showing ownership
There – is an adverb indicating a place
They’re – is a contraction of “They are”

Stationary Vs. Stationery

Stationery – with an ‘e’ refers to paper, envelopes
and writing materials
Stationary – with an ‘a’ means not moving

Then Vs. Than

Then – is an adverb indicating a specific time or
sequence of events
Than – is a conjunction used for making comparisons

Adverse Vs. Averse

Adverse – means unfavorable or harmful
Averse – means having a strong dislike or
oppositions to something

Pray Vs. Prey

Pray – is to make a request or offer a prayer
Prey – refers to an animals hunted or captured by
another for food

Peruse Vs. Browse

Peruse – means to examine or read thoroughly
Browse – means to casually look through

Complement Vs. Compliment

Complement – means something that completes or
goes well with something else
Compliment – is an expression of praise

Discreet Vs. Discrete

Discreet – means careful and a little secretive in
one’s speech or actions
Discrete – means individually separate and distinct
Elicit Vs. Illicit
Elicit – means to draw out or evoke a response
Illicit – means illegal or forbidden

Flounder Vs. Founder

Flounder – means to struggle awkwardly or have
difficulty doing something
Founder – refers to the person who establishes or
creates something , such as the founder of a company

Improve Vs. Improvise

Improve – means to make something better
Improvise- means to create or perform
spontaneously without preparation

Morning Vs. Mourning

Morning – its early part of a day
Mourning – is the act of grieving or expressing

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