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Student A: Hello, how are you? I would like to know what your favorite free time activities are.

Student B: Hello, I'm fine, thank you. My favorite free time activities are reading science fiction
books and riding my bike in the park. I don't like watching television or doing housework. And
you, what are your favorite free time activities?

Student A: I really like playing soccer with my friends and cooking new dishes at home. I don't
like running long distances or lifting weights in the gym at all.

Student B: Interesting. When and where do you like to play soccer and cook?

Student A: I like to play soccer on the weekends on the school field, and I usually cook on
Saturday afternoons in my kitchen. And you? When and where do you like to read and ride your

Student B: I like to read at night before going to sleep in my room, and I ride my bike on
Sunday mornings in central park.

Student A: That's great! I think it's great that we both have such varied activities. Do you have
any science fiction books you recommend?

Student B: Sure, I recommend "Dune" by Frank Herbert, it's one of my favorites. And you, do
you have any recipes that you enjoy cooking?

Student A: Yes, I love making paella. It's a little complicated, but the result is worth it. Have you
ever tried cooking something new?

Student B: I'm not very good at cooking, but I would like to try it someday. Maybe I can try
something simpler first.

Student A: You could start with a simple pasta, it's easy and always delicious. And as for
football, have you ever played?

Student B: I've played a couple of times, but I prefer to watch the games on television. Do you
have a favorite team?
Student A: Yes, I am a big fan of Real Madrid. And you, do you follow any sport?

Student B: I don't follow sports much, but I enjoy watching the Olympic Games every four

Student A: The Olympic Games are great, there are so many interesting disciplines. Thanks for
sharing your preferences with me!

Student B: Thanks to you too. It was a pleasure to talk about our free time activities. See you

Student A: See you later!

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