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1. It is a form of energy associated with the kinetic random motion of large number of molecules.

A. Energy B. Heat C. Entropy D . Pressure

2. A process which gives the same states or conditions after the system undergoes a series of process
A. Isothermal process B. Reversible process C. Cyclic process D. Quasi-static process
3. Is one in which a system departs from equilibrium state only infinitesimally at every instant.
A. Isothermal process B. Reversible process C. Cyclic process D. Quasi-static process
4. Is a working substance that has homogeneous and invariable chemical composition even though there is a
change of phase.
A. Working substance B. Pure substance C. Molecules D. Solution
5. Is a substance which energy can be stored or from which energy can be removed.
A. Working substance B. Pure substance C. Molecules D. Solution
6. It is the most efficient thermodynamics cycle. It consists of two isothermal and two isentropic processes.
A. Rankine cycle B. Otto cycle C. Carnot cycle D. Turbine
7. Internally reversible constant temperature process of a pure substance.
A. Isothermal process B. Polyntropic process C. Isobaric process D. Isentropic process
8. Internally reversible constant volume process.
A. Isothermal process B. Isometric process C. Isobaric process D. Isentropic process
9. Internally reversible constant pressure process of a pure substance.
A. Isothermal process B. Isometric process C. Isobaric process D. Isentropic process
10. In a confined gas, if the volume is held constant, the absolute pressure is directly proportional to the
absolute. A. Isothermal process B. Clausius statement C. Charles law D. Gay Lussac’s law
11. A reversible process in which there is no flow of heat between a system and its surrounding.
A. Isothermal process B. Isometric process C. Isobaric process D. Isentropic process
12. It states that if two bodies are in thermal equilibrium with a third body, then they will both have the same
A. Boyle’s law B. Zeroth law C. Charles law D. Zero law
13. A system where mass and energy can cross boundaries.
A. Closed system B. Isolated system C. Open system D. Density
14. A system where mass cannot cross boundaries, only energy can.
A. Closed system B. Isolated system C. Open system D. Density
15. A system where both mass and energy cannot cross the boundary .
A. Closed system B. Isolated system C. Open system D. Density
16. It states that heat cannot be transferred from cold body to a hot body without an input of work.
A. Second law of thermodynamics B. Clausius inequality C. Clausius statement D. Entropy
17. It states that it is impossible to construct a heat pump that operates without input work.
A. Second law of thermodynamics B. Clausius inequality C. Clausius statement D. Entropy
18. It is when a system undergoes any changes.
A. System process B. Thermodynamics processes C. Entropy D. Work
19. Is the temperature measured from absolute zero.
A. Temperature B. Absolute temperature C. Sensible heat D. Latent heat
20. It is the true pressure measured above a perfect vacuum.
A. Pressure B. Atmospheric pressure C. Absolute pressure D. Bar

21. If the melting point of aluminum is 1220°F, determine its melting point in Celsius and Kelvin.

A. 660°C and 933K B. 695 °C and 1155K C. 660°C and 1155K D. 695°C and 933K

Solution: °C= (5/9)(°F-32)= (5/9)(1220-32)= 660°C

K= °C+273 = 660+273= 933K

21. A volume of 300m³ of air is measured at a pressure of 730mmhg absolute and a temperature of 45°C. What
is the Volume in ft³ at 760mmhg absolute and 0°C?
A. 912 ft³ B. 712ft³ C. 812.55 ft³ D. 912.55ft³
Given: V1=300m³, P1= 730mmhg, P2= 760mmhg, T1= 45°C, T2=0°C
Unknown: V2

[730mmhg(300m³)]/318K = [(760mmhg)V2]/273K
V2= 688.68/2.78= 247.73 m³ x (3.28ft/1m)³
V2= 812.55ft³ ans.
23. What is the maximum possible cycle efficiency of a heat engine operating
between a heat source at 380 F and a heat sink at 27 F?
A. 42% B. 45% C. 40% D. 56%

Given: Tc=27F+460=487°R, Th=380F+460=840°R

Solution: cycle efficiency= 1-(Tc/Th)x100
cycle efficiency= 1-(487/840)x100
cycle efficiency= 42% ans.
24. Given the following information about a system, calculate specific internal energy
(in Btu/lbm). P=220psia v= 2.6 ft³/lbm h= 900 Btu/lbm
A. 824.74 btu/lbm B. 794.13 btu/lbm C. 624.13 btu/lbm D. 694.74 btu/lbm

Solution: u= h-Pv
=900 but/lbm – (220 lbf/in²)(2.6 ft³/lbm)(144in²/ft²)[Btu/(778ft-lbf)]
u= 794.13 btu/lbm ans.

25. A 7 lbm system was taken from 37° F to 145° F. How much energy in the form of heat was added to the system
To produce this temperature increase? Cp=1.6 Btu/lbm-F
A. 1309.6 btu B. 1209.6 btu C. 1109.6 btu D. 1409.6 btu

Given: m=7lbm, T1=37°F, T2= 145°F Q=mCp(T2-T1) = 7(1.6)(145-37) = 1209.6 btu ans.
26. A system contains 120kg of saturated liquid and 6kg of saturated vapor.
What is the quality of the system?
A. 0.48 B. 0.98 C. 0.048 D. 0.0048

Solution: x= m(sl)/(m(sv)+m(sl)) = 6kg/(120kg+6kg)

Given: m(sl)= 120kg, m(sv)=6kg x= 6kg/126kg = 0.048 ans.
27. If an object has a weight of 45N on the moon, what would the same object
weigh on Venus? G(moon)= 1.625 m/s², G(venus)= 8.87m/s² ,G(earth)=9.81m/s²
A. 271.66N and 245.63N B. 176.5N and 203.7N C. 306 N and 487N D. 235N and 487N

Moon:( 45N x 9.81m/s²)/ 1.625m/s² = 271.66N
Venus:(271.66N x 8.87m/s²)/9.81m/s² = 245.63 N
28. A Carnot engine operating between 527°C and 27°C produces 56 kJ of work. Determine (a) Q₁, (b) AS during
Heat rejection, and (c) efficiency.
A. 89.6kJ, -0.112kJ/K, 62.5% B. 79.6kJ, -0.326 kJ/K C. 96kJ, 1.71kJ/K, 86% D. 68kJ, 0.326kJ/K,

Solution: a) e= 1-(Tc/Th)= 1-(300/500)=0.625; Qa=W/e= 56/0.625 = 89.6kJ

Given: Th=527+273=800K b) Qr= Qa-W= 89.6kJ-56kJ=-33.6kJ
Tc=27+273= 300K S3-S4= Qr/Tc= -33.6kJ/300K= -0.112 kJ/K
W=56kJ c) e=0.625 x 100= 62.5%
29. A 30 mL graduated cylinder is filled by mercury metal weighing 0.405kg. Calculate the density of mercury.
A. 12.3g/mL B. 3g/mL C. 7g/mL D. 13.5g/mL
Solution: density= m/V = (0.405kg x 1000g/1kg)/30mL= 405g/30mL
Given: V=30mL, m= 0.404kg density (mercury)= 13.5g/mL

30. 0.23m³ of air at 1700kPaa and 160°C is cooled to 25°C at constant volume. What are (a) the final pressure, (b)
the work, (c) the change of internal energy, (d) the transferred heat, (e) the change of enthalpy, and (f) the
change of entropy?
A. 800kPaa, 760kJ, -413kJ, B. 96kPaa, 0, 82kJ, -42kJ, 0.6kJ/K C. 930kPaa, 205kJ, D. 1170kPaa,0, ,
230kJ, 0.1kJ/K 30kJ, 106kJ, -0.1kJ/K -305.16kJ

Solution: a) P2=(P1 x T2)/T1= (1700 x 298K)/433 = 1170kPaa

Given: V=0.23m³, P=1700kPaa b) W=0 ; volume is constant
T1=160°C, T2= 25°C c) m= P1V1/RT1 = (1700 x 0.23)/(0.287 x 433)= 3.15 kg
f) S2-S1= mCvln(T2/T1) U2-U1= mCv(T2-T1)= 3.15(0.7176)(298-433) = -305.16 kJ
= 3.15(0.7176)ln(298/433) d) Q= mCv(T2-T1)= 3.15(0.7176)(298-433) = -305.16 kJ
= -0.845 kJ/K e) h2-h1= mCp(T2-T1)= 3.15(1.0047)(298-433) = -427.25 kJ

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