ACC 155

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and currently records these incoming

Directions: Identify the stage where the following activities are purchases in a paper journal.
done. Choose between Planning, Analysis, Design, Development, ____________________ 3. A store wants to determine the best
Testing, Implementation, Maintenance or Review.
product price to include factors for the
expected sales volume at each price
____________________ 1. Defining project goals and scope.
____________________ 2. Gathering and analyzing user
____________________ 4. A store wants to make sure if a
promotional sale of kids’ shorts is
____________________ 3. Creating architectural and detailed
design specifications.
____________________ 5. A store wants to know if they should
____________________ 4. Writing and compiling the code.
expand to a new location.
____________________ 5. Conducting unit and integration tests.
____________________ 6. Deploying the system to a live
Directions: Choose the best answer by encircling the letter.
1. What is the primary purpose of an information system?
____________________ 7. Performing regular system updates
a. To collect raw data
and backups. b. To store data
____________________ 8. Reviewing the system for c. To turn raw data into useful information for decision
improvements and updates. making
____________________ 9. Identifying potential risks and d. To delete unnecessary data
mitigation strategies.
2. Which component of an information system includes
____________________ 10. Ensuring the system meets
programs and applications used to process data?
performance standards. a. Hardware
b. Software
Directions: Identify which type of Information System is used for c. Database
each task either EIS, MIS, DSS or TPS d. Network
____________________ 1.A store wants to know if a re-branding
of a product is needed. 3. What characteristic of an information system refers to the
____________________ 2. A store purchases hundreds of spare manner in which each component functions with other
parts every day from multiple sellers components?

a. Organization to business systems.
b. Interaction c. To manage the financial aspects of system development
c. Interdependence projects.
d. Integration d. To handle customer support for software applications.

4. Which managerial level uses operational information?

a. Upper management
b. Middle management
c. Department heads 8. Which of the following skills is NOT essential for a systems
d. Day-to-day operations staff analyst?
a. Technical skills
5. Which component of an information system is described as b. Business skills
the technologies or techniques used to link and integrate c. Marketing skills
all components? d. Communication skills
a. Hardware
b. Software 9. Which component is primarily responsible for the technical
c. Network issues surrounding how the system will interact with the
d. Procedures organization's technical infrastructure?
a. Business analyst
6. Which of the following best describes systems b. Requirements analyst
development? c. Infrastructure analyst
a. The process of maintaining existing business systems. d. Change management analyst
b. The process of developing new or updated procedures
and technologies to improve a business situation. 10. Statement 1: The business analyst focuses on identifying
c. The process of selling new software applications to the business value that the system will create.
businesses. Statement 2: The infrastructure analyst is responsible for
d. The process of designing hardware for business ensuring that user training on the new system is provided.
systems. a. Both statements are true.
b. Both statements are false.
7. What is the primary role of a systems analyst? c. Only Statement 1 is true.
a. To create marketing strategies for new systems. d. Only Statement 2 is true.
b. To diagnose problems and recommend improvements

11. Which of the following roles focuses on ensuring adequate Statement 2: The business analyst must have significant
documentation and support for users? training and experience in networking, database
a. Business analyst administration, and various hardware and software
b. Change management analyst products.
c. Requirements analyst a. Both statements are true.
d. Infrastructure analyst b. Both statements are false.
c. Only Statement 1 is true.
12. What is the main responsibility of the project manager in a d. Only Statement 2 is true.
system development project?
a. To complete the project on time and within budget 16. Which document describes the scope of the new system
b. To design new business processes and contains estimates of time, costs, and benefits?
c. To develop new hardware solutions a. System request
d. To provide user training on the new system b. B. Feasibility report
c. System specification
13. Statement 1: System design involves gathering and d. Test plan
interpreting facts to recommend improvements.
17. During which SDLC stage are Data Flow Diagrams and Run
Statement 2: System analysis involves planning a new
Charts commonly used?
business system or replacing an existing one.
a. Planning
a. Both statements are true.
b. Analysis
b. Both statements are false.
c. Design
c. Only Statement 1 is true.
d. Development
d. Only Statement 2 is true.
18. Statement 1: A system request explains how a system that
14. Which role is responsible for developing strategies to supports a business need will create business value.
overcome resistance to change? Statement 2: The feasibility report includes the data flow
a. Systems analyst and file storage organization.
b. Business analyst Statement 3: The system specification is produced during
c. Requirements analyst the analysis stage.
d. Change management analyst a. Only Statement 1 is true.
b. Only Statement 2 is true.
15. Statement 1: The systems analyst's primary role is to focus c. Only Statement 3 is true.
on the IS issues surrounding the system. d. Statements 1 and 3 are true.
19. Which SDLC stage involves converting the design into c. Only Statement 3 is true.
workable solutions such as programs or modules? d. Statements 1, 2, and 3 are true.
a. Analysis 23. During which SDLC stage is a review conducted to assess if
b. Design objectives were met, and to evaluate cost and
c. Development performance?
d. Implementation a. Development
b. Implementation
20. Statement 1: The test plan outlines the overall strategy and c. Maintenance
approach for testing a system. d. Review
Statement 2: Test data includes specific data used during
the testing process. 24. Statement 1: The system becomes functional in a live
Statement 3: Test results document the outcomes of environment during the maintenance stage.
executed test cases. Statement 2: Live usage can reveal errors that were not
a. Only Statement 1 is true. detected during testing.
b. Only Statement 2 is true. Statement 3: Maintenance may include changes due to new
c. Only Statement 3 is true. user requirements or misunderstandings.
d. Statements 1, 2, and 3 are true. a. Only Statement 1 is true.
b. Only Statement 2 is true.
21. What is the primary focus of the implementation stage in c. Only Statement 3 is true.
the SDLC? d. Statements 1, 2, and 3 are true.
a. Training users and converting data
b. Developing a feasibility report 25. Which SDLC stage involves gathering requirements through
c. Gathering system requirements interviews, observations, and questionnaires?
d. Testing and debugging the system a. Planning
22. Statement 1: Direct changeover completely replaces the old b. Analysis
system with the new system in one go. c. Design
Statement 2: Parallel changeover involves running both old d. Development
and new systems simultaneously.
Statement 3: Pilot changeover introduces the new system
to a small, limited group of users before a full rollout. -end of quiz-
a. Only Statement 1 is true.
b. Only Statement 2 is true.

1. C
2. B
3. B
4. D
5. C
6. B
7. B
8. C
9. C
10. C
11. B
12. A
13. B
14. D
1. Planning 16. B
2. Analysis 17. B
3. Design 18. D
4. Development 19. C
5. Testing 20. D
6. Implementation 21. A
7. Maintenance 22. D
8. Review 23. D
9. Planning 24. D
10. Testing 25. B


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