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Hotel COVID-19 Prevention

Self Inspection Checklist


Start Date of Self-Inspection 22-Sep-21

End Date of Self-Inspection 9/23/2021

Name of Covid 19 Representative conducting self inspection Manjhu M

Contact of Covid 19 Representative 02818488 ext 169

Establishment Name Southern Sun

Star Rating 4

Region Abudhabi

13 07/10/202406:39:30
Licensing Regulatory Compliance
Department of Culture and Tourism - (DCT Abu Dhabi)
SL. No. Category Checklist Item/ Areas ( Employees, visitors, Guests, Contactors where applicable) STATUS

Has the COVID-19 representative been assigned? is COVID-19 representive is ensuring compliance with COVID-19 preventive guidelines and
1 General YES

2 General Is temperature screening conducted through thermal cameras or hand held temperature devices installed ? YES

3 General Is entrance denied if no temperature check is conducted upon entering the premisis YES

4 General Is entry denied for those of high temperature (more than 37.3 Degree Celsius) and record log maintained for those with high temperature? YES

5 General Are Venue guidelines displayed upon arrival? YES

6 General all requirments have been communicated to staff, visitors and contractors via methods deemed appropriate? YES

7 General Are appropriate PPE Provided/ worn to/by everyone? YES

8 General Is there availability of hand sanitizers at various locations inside the facility? YES

9 General Is total capacity reduced up to DCT approved percentage occupancy? YES

10 General Are Social distancing protocols for queue management, restaurants, public seating, at the overall facility developed and followed? YES

Is daily misting of disinfection solution performed in all the operational areas as well as cleaning and disinfection of the premisis conducted
11 General YES
after daily duty timings?

Are all common surfaces, areas/touch points properly cleaned and disinfected using the recommended products and methods by Department
12 General YES
of Health Abu Dhabi?

Is cleaning frequency increased of high touch point areas: public area door handles, reception areas, waiting chairs, elevators buttons,
13 General YES
escalators handles, digital and other pens at reception?

14 General Are guest encouraged to use 'smart' payments as a preferred methods? Are smart payment machines disinfected? YES

15 General Are all touch screens (except POS machines) available within the facilities disabled? YES

16 General Are all newspapers, magazines and water dispensers removed from the premises until further notice? YES

17 General Are Pedal operated waste bins with plastic liner placed through out the facility YES

Are you to communicating to employees to download "ALHOSN " the official UAE app for contact tracing and health testing? Are
18 Employee Safety YES
recommendations given to guest on usage of "ALHOSN" app?

19 Employee Safety Hotel staff are abiding by the precautionary measures and hygine requirments set? YES

13 07/10/202406:39:30
Licensing Regulatory Compliance
Department of Culture and Tourism - (DCT Abu Dhabi)
SL. No. Category Checklist Item/ Areas ( Employees, visitors, Guests, Contactors where applicable) STATUS

20 Employee Safety Is daily up-to-date list of colleagues on sick leave, the reason and expected return date maintained? YES

21 Employee Safety Is temperature check performed for all employee's multiple times throughout operating hours ? YES

Are staff showing flu symptoms denied access to the hotel premises and records maintained? Have you reported instances to the “Estijaba”
22 Employee Safety service of DOH on 8001717? Are employees informed and enforced that employees should remain/would be sent home for at least 14 days in YES
case they present any symptoms?

23 Employee Safety Do all employees undergo COVID-19 testing prior to reopening of the establishment? YES

Has staff who are above 50 years old, Pregnant and who have any underlying health conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, respiratory
24 Employee Safety diseases and immunity linked diseases been identified? YES
(Special care must be taken to ensure that they are not exposed to any possible risk of exposure.)

25 Employee Safety Is the timing of meal breaks arranged to reduce the number of people sharing a space/room ? YES

26 Employee Safety Are employee's uniforms washed daily? YES

Are in-house guests with flu symptoms not allowed out of the room until medical checks get cleared and records maintained? Have you
27 Guest Safety YES
reported instances to the “Estijaba” service of DOH on 800 1717?

In the event of presumptive case of COVID-19 ,is there a protocol for the guest's room to be removed from service and quarantined? The
28 Guest Safety YES
guest room will not be returned to service until case has been confirmed or cleared.

In the event of a positive case, is there a protocol for the room to be returned to service only after undergoing an enhanced disinfection
29 Guest Safety YES
protocol by a licensed third-party expert?

General Cleaning & Disinfection

30 Are dedicated cleaners available in restrooms to clean and disinfect the toilets per usage? YES

General Cleaning & Disinfection

31 Are chemicals use for disinfections approved by EPA or approved /registered with relevant local authorities? YES

General Cleaning & Disinfection

32 Are document records maintained for all cleaning and disinfection actions performed? Do records mention the type of disinfectants used? YES

General Cleaning & Disinfection Are manufacturer’s instructions followed for all cleaning and disinfection products for (concentration, expiration date, application method and
33 YES
Protocols contact time, etc.)?

Are maximum number of people allowed in the hotel transport car is restricted to 3 (including driver). Are Sanitizer gel and wipes available in
34 Transport NA
the car for guests use?

buses for staff and guest use ensure that each row seats only 2 persons on either side center path and alternate row to be kept empty?
35 Transport NA
Are Sanitizer gel and wipes available in the bus for guests use?

36 Transport Are masks worn by all commuters throughout the journey, however gloves are optional? NA

Are elevators restricted to occupy up to DCT approved percentage capacity?Are there dedicated elevators for People of determination and
37 Elevators YES
these should not be occupied by more than 2 persons?

13 07/10/202406:39:30
Licensing Regulatory Compliance
Department of Culture and Tourism - (DCT Abu Dhabi)
SL. No. Category Checklist Item/ Areas ( Employees, visitors, Guests, Contactors where applicable) STATUS

Are elevator buttons disinfected by mopping with a linen/absorbable cloth soaked in approved disinfection chemical in addition to normal
38 Elevators YES

39 Elevators Are elevator floors marked with directions for guests on how to stand (not facing other guests)? YES

Are there dedicated cleaners in restrooms to disinfect after every use and ensure regular disinfection of all entrances and surfaces considered
40 Public Restrooms YES
to be of high frequency of contacts?

Are Soap, sanitizer and disposable paper dispensers checked on regular basis to avoid any absence? (In case of a breakage, they must be
41 Public Restrooms YES
replaced or repaired immediately).

Is every alternate wash basins turned off and signed as not in use?Is every alternate urinal in men washroom blocked and signed closed?Are
42 Public Restrooms YES
all electrical hair / hand dryers de-energized completely?

Is clean linen distributed in a clearly marked and closed containers?and Is soiled linen separated from clean linen in close containers to avoid
43 Guest Room Cleaning & Disinfection YES

44 Guest Room Cleaning & Disinfection Are employees provided with individual trolleys and cleaning material? YES

45 Guest Room Cleaning & Disinfection Are Mini Bars services subjected to regular cleaning and disinfection and other appropriate protocols? YES

Are all surfaces in the room (such as wall coverings, mattresses, furniture, furnishings bath fittings, floors and floor coverings also including
46 Guest Room Cleaning & Disinfection YES
identified high touchpoints such as door handles, drawers, remote, bedside tables) disinfected daily using approved chemicals?

47 Guest Room Cleaning & Disinfection Are rooms assigned to guests thoroughly cleaned, disinfected and sealed with a disinfection sticker that the guest will break upon entry? YES

Food & Beverage Services & kitchen &

48 Is F&B Operation, kitchen & stewarding& staff cafteria of the hotel adhere to ADAFSA requirements for food safety compliance? YES
stewarding & Staff Cafteria

Food & Beverage Services & kitchen & For seating and table arrangements,Max 10 persons allowed on each table ensuring 2 meter distance between the tables.
49 YES
stewarding & Staff Cafteria

Food & Beverage Services & kitchen & Are any food seasoning and condiments such as salt, pepper, sugar, ketchup and mustard given out in sachets & one time use only, not re-
50 YES
stewarding & Staff Cafteria useable containers?

Food & Beverage Services & kitchen & Are menus sanitized after every guest use? Where sanitization is not possible, are disposable menus or digital menus used? (Digital menus
51 YES
stewarding & Staff Cafteria must be sanitized before and after use.)

Are all dishes, silverware, and glassware washed and sanitized, including items that have not been used, as they might have been in contact
Food & Beverage Services & kitchen &
52 with the hands of guests or staff? Further, if Reusable cutlery and chinaware are used, are you ensuring dishwashers with sanitizing high YES
stewarding & Staff Cafteria
temperature (final rinse temperature equivalent or above 82 degree centigrade cycles are used)?

Is ongoing and regular disinfection work including tables, surfaces and chairs performed with minimum 70% alcohol disinfectant solution
Food & Beverage Services & kitchen &
53 after each customer departure in the restaurants? YES
stewarding & Staff Cafteria
(Ensure cleaning and disinfection for all facilities after daily duty timings)

13 07/10/202406:39:30
Licensing Regulatory Compliance
Department of Culture and Tourism - (DCT Abu Dhabi)
SL. No. Category Checklist Item/ Areas ( Employees, visitors, Guests, Contactors where applicable) STATUS

Is the buffet counter setup to ensure 2m gap between guests lining up ? Are buffet stations always manned by a chef or a server (certified
Food & Beverage Services & kitchen &
54 food handler as per ADAFSA requirements) ? YES
stewarding & Staff Cafteria
( only dedicated servers will be allowed to touch the food and serve to individual plates)

Food & Beverage Services & kitchen &

55 Is Kitchen access strictly prohibited to any person foreign to the department? YES
stewarding & Staff Cafteria

Food & Beverage Services & kitchen & Do kitchen staff must wear cap, gloves and masks? Are uniforms washed daily? Does stewarding staff wear cap, gloves and masks to be
56 YES
stewarding & Staff Cafteria changed every hour. Uniform must be washed daily?

Food & Beverage Services & kitchen & Are gloves changed by all kitchen staff after each meal preparation or interaction?Does stewarding staff wear cap, gloves and masks to be
57 YES
stewarding & Staff Cafteria changed every hour. Uniform must be washed daily?

Are Sunbeds and loungers placed at a 2 meter distance to maintain social distancing, double lounger set up is allowed only for family
members. Sunbeds/loungers to be cleaned and disinfected after each guest? Is a clear color coded notification placed on the sunbed /
58 Swimming pool & beach YES
lounger to indicate that the Sunbed / Lounger is ready to occupy (RED = not ready GREEN = ready)? Sunbeds and loungers are to be
assigned by staff members only.

Do life guards wear face masks? All life guard equipment to be disinfected prior shift start and / or after usage. Is lifeguard equipped with a
59 Swimming pool & beach YES
first aid kit comprising a rescue mask and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation protection piece to be available in two sizes(adults & children)?

Is Beach area divided in to following zones:

1) Zone 1 Single Visitors
60 Swimming pool & beach 2) Zone 2 Visiting Couples NA
3) Zone 3 Families/Groups
Are colored flags erected to signal the zones?

Is swimming pool water quality test conducted before resuming operations?

61 Swimming pool & beach (Total Coliforms, Fecal Coliforms, Heterotrophic Plat Count, Ps. Aeruginosa, Fecal Streptococci & Legionella)and Are strict chemical dosage YES
protocols followed as per the requirements of Guide to Executive Regulations of Law # 2 for the year 2012.(Swimming pools)?

Are changing rooms, lockers and shower facilities permitted on the condition that cleaning and disinfection is performed after every use and
62 Swimming pool & beach YES
physical distancing must be maintained at all times? (Facilities to be closed in case of non compliance to above condition)

Are all the equipment cleaned and disinfected by dedicated cleaners in health club (gym) after every guest usage ?Is material provided to
63 Health Club & sport activities wipe/disinfect equipment before and after use? In case hotels are providing the playing items, are all the equipment / rackets / tennis, balls NA
cleaned and disinfected by dedicated cleaners after every booking?

Are the health club (gym) equipment realigned in a spaced out manner separating them by at least 2m?Is physical distancing observed during
64 Health Club & sport activities YES
group training sessions, provided number of participants does not exceed DCT approved percentage of the capacity of the session?

Are greeters recording appropriate details before guests are allowed to use health club (gym) facilities (to allow easy contact tracing if
65 Health Club & sport activities YES

Are guests informed on usage of face masks at all times and while engaged in light or moderate physical activity?
66 Health Club & sport activities YES
(But this can be lowered/removed whilst engaged in strenuous physical exercise.

Are spa, massage Centre are aligned with the circular 70 requirements and sauna, steam and jacuzzi are regularly cleaned and disinfected and
67 Health Club & sport activities NA
physical distance rule followed?

Is entry restricted to the players only and no extra guests or other family members to be admitted to confirm to social distancing
68 Health Club & sport activities NA

13 07/10/202406:39:30
Licensing Regulatory Compliance
Department of Culture and Tourism - (DCT Abu Dhabi)
SL. No. Category Checklist Item/ Areas ( Employees, visitors, Guests, Contactors where applicable) STATUS

Are court intervals increased to allow players to finish and leave the area before the next set of players arrive and to allow for appropriate
69 Health Club & sport activities NA
interval for cleaning and disinfection interval after each court booking?

Are arrival and drop off times of kids staggered in intervals to limit the contact amongst children? Is there designated staff at premises to
70 Kids Play Area (if permitted by DCT) NA
regulate the flow of kids to ensure social distancing?

71 Kids Play Area (if permitted by DCT) Are parents/guardians given instructions of do's and don'ts related to new guidelines before admitting their children in play area? NA

Are toys that children may place in their mouths or that are otherwise contaminated by body secretions or excretions set aside until they are
72 Kids Play Area (if permitted by DCT) cleaned by hand by a person wearing gloves. Toys to be cleaned with water and detergent, rinsed, sanitized with approved sanitizers, rinsed NA
again, and air-dried for the re-use and after every usage by kids?

73 Kids Play Area (if permitted by DCT) Are toys that cannot be cleaned and sanitized discarded for use by children? NA

Shops, Saloons, Prayer & Ablution Does hotel ensure that the vendors (third party, shops & Saloons) are compliant with DED guidelines (if any) and ensure adherence to all
74 NA
Facilities preventive measures for Covid-19 for social distancing, PPE Usage, general hygiene, cleaning and disinfection?

Shops, Saloons, Prayer & Ablution

75 is the hotel complying to DCT guidelines/ circular regarding prayer room and abulation facilities? YES

76 Training & Awarness Are all the employees appropriately trained for COVID-19 prevention? As well hand washing and good personal hygiene? YES

Are awareness campaigns launched focusing on hygiene measures including regular educational talks and presentations to employees in
77 Training & Awarness YES
groups, and preferably in different languages?

Is staff sufficiently trained in infection prevention and control for COVID-19 positive persons? Are employees aware of emergency response
78 Training & Awarness YES
protocol and COVID-19 suspected cases handling guidelines?

Is there a dedicated mandatory isolation room to isolate suspected cases and is a medical team available and on standby throughout
79 Isolation Room YES
operating hours?

Is every guest that has a body temperature of or higher than 37.3 Degrees Celsius escorted to a designated isolation room in close proximity
80 Isolation Room to the main entrance, with the “Estijaba” service at the operation center at the Department of Health to be alerted (on 800 1717) in line with YES
local COVID-19 rules and regulations?

In case person wants to leave the hotel immediately, do hotels obtain person's ID and contact details?Are all ID and contact details of this
81 Isolation Room YES
person recorded and forwarded to the General Manager?

Is procedure for Isolation Room developed and communicated to all hotel employees?Is the ill person isolated in a room on a temporary basis
82 Isolation Room YES
until the intervention of local health authorities to ensure the room is not shared with other guests?

83 Goods Delivery Are Product Movement Protocols developed and Goods Inspection Team appointed to ensure compliance to these Protocols? YES

Are vendors advised on how hotel premises will accept goods and how their staff should arrive with necessary protective gear? And Is specific
84 Goods Delivery YES
delivery time fixed for each delivery?

85 Goods Delivery After delivery, is loading bay area access strictly prohibited to any person foreign to the department? YES

Is there an established drop off area to avoid contact with the delivery person?
86 Goods Delivery YES
If no, does staff wear mask and gloves. Is social distancing marking of 2 meter distance rule, clearly defined on the floors and followed?

13 07/10/202406:39:30
Licensing Regulatory Compliance
Department of Culture and Tourism - (DCT Abu Dhabi)
SL. No. Category Checklist Item/ Areas ( Employees, visitors, Guests, Contactors where applicable) STATUS

87 Laundry Are hampers and carts used for transporting laundry coming from external third parties cleaned and disinfected before entering the hotel? YES

88 Laundry Is Soiled linen transported in closed bags to the launderer? YES

89 Laundry Is clear segregation maintained between clean and dirty laundry to avoid cross-contaminations? YES

Do all employees wear appropriate PPEs at all times and change frequently when needed?Are gloves changed and disposed after checking of
90 Laundry YES
each contaminated laundry bag?

91 Laundry Are there contactless pick-up and delivery protocols for providing guest laundry and dry-cleaning services? YES

Meeting Room & Banquetting Facilities

92 are meeting room and banquetting facilities adhering to DCT guidelines when allowed to operate? YES
(if permitted by DCT)

93 Management of Covid-19 cases Have you developed the procedures to manage COVID-19 suspect cases and post handling of cases in line with DOH requirements? YES

Have your establishment reports the covid-19 positive cases if any ( Employees & Guests) to DCT via COVID-19 positive case survey after
94 Management of Covid-19 cases YES
31 Jan 2021?

Are there procedures for quarantine/isolation of cases in place when a positive case is identified, and is Cleaning and disinfection of the
95 Management of Covid-19 cases YES
rooms with Covid positive cases done in line with the DOH requirements?

Is management of the possible contacts of the sick guest taken place in accordance with instructions from the local public health authority
96 Management of Covid-19 cases YES
(DOH)?Are documents and records maintained for all preventive measures?

97 Management of Covid-19 cases Are records of COVID -19 cases/incidents retained for audit trail? YES

Are all common surfaces, areas/touch points properly cleaned and disinfected using the recommended products and methods by Department
98 Staff Accomdation of Health Abu Dhabi? Is cleaning frequency increased for high touch point areas: public area door handles, reception areas, waiting chairs, YES
elevators buttons, escalators handles, digital and other pen at reception?

99 Staff Accomdation Are document records maintained for all cleaning and disinfection actions performed? Do records mention the type of disinfectants used? YES

Are COVID-19 prevention supplies provided for staff and residents in common areas at your facility, such as soap, hand sanitizers, tissues,
100 Staff Accomdation YES
trash baskets, and cloth face coverings that are washed or discarded after each use?

13 07/10/202406:39:30
Licensing Regulatory Compliance
Department of Culture and Tourism - (DCT Abu Dhabi)
Corrective Actions Additional Comments

13 07/10/202406:39:30
Licensing Regulatory Compliance
Department of Culture and Tourism - (DCT Abu Dhabi)
Corrective Actions Additional Comments

13 07/10/202406:39:30
Licensing Regulatory Compliance
Department of Culture and Tourism - (DCT Abu Dhabi)
Corrective Actions Additional Comments

13 07/10/202406:39:30
Licensing Regulatory Compliance
Department of Culture and Tourism - (DCT Abu Dhabi)
Corrective Actions Additional Comments

13 07/10/202406:39:30
Licensing Regulatory Compliance
Department of Culture and Tourism - (DCT Abu Dhabi)
Corrective Actions Additional Comments

13 07/10/202406:39:30
Licensing Regulatory Compliance
Department of Culture and Tourism - (DCT Abu Dhabi)
Corrective Actions Additional Comments

13 07/10/202406:39:30
Licensing Regulatory Compliance
Department of Culture and Tourism - (DCT Abu Dhabi)

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