Free Tool - Food Safety Quiz

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Food Safety Quiz?

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Want to create a full HACCP plan in 1 hour?

How about a digital Food Safety Management
System in 15 minutes?


1. Bacteria grow especially well in food that is:

Warm, moist, and near-neutral pH

Cool, dry, and alkaline
Cool, dry, and acidic
Very hot, wet, and neutral

2. The temperature danger zone is between:

104 °F to 284 °F
40°F to 140°F
39°F to 347°F
None of the above

3. A foodborne illness often caused by

contaminated chicken and eggs is:

Gastrointestinal illness

4. Choose the best answer on how you can

stop germs from growing in food.

Keep it warm
Put it in the refrigerator
Keep it covered
Cook the food well

5. What is the recommended temperature of a


Below 59°F
Below 46°F°C
Below 41°F
Below 32°F

6. The germs present in raw food can be

destroyed by thorough cooking:

At 140°F
At 212°F
Between 104-122°F
Above 167°F

7. Which of the following is at the lowest risk

of foodborne illness?

Immunocompromised people
Young adults
Pregnant women

8. Spreading bacteria to clean food from

contaminated work surfaces, hands, utensils,
or food is called:

Food infection
Food intoxication

9. Caused by ingestion of food containing live


Food infection
Food intoxication

10. Caused by ingestion of food containing

toxins formed by bacteria.

Food infection
Food intoxication

11. It is an illness caused by consuming

contaminated food or beverage.

Foodborne Illness

12. Process of destroying or removing all living

cells, viable spores (endospores), viruses etc.


13. Process of reducing the growth of

microorganisms or destroying susceptible
vegetative cells only.


14. Which is NOT an example of a physical


Broken glasses

15. Which is NOT an example of a biological



16. The “two-bucket syndrome” is caused by

which microorganism?

E. coli
Candida albicans
Vibrio cholerae

17. Foodborne illness caused by eating honey

and can be deadly to children younger than 12

Typhoid fever

18. Which of the following is NOT a good food

safety practice?

Marinate in the refrigerator.

When in doubt, throw it out.
Avoid the temperature danger zone.
Thawing food at room temperature.

19. An acronym used in food manufacturing to

describe an ingredient that is safe to be
added to food and has been proven not to
cause harm when used as intended.


20. In the fermentation process,

microorganisms produce 2 products that can
inhibit the growth of harmful microorganisms.
What are these two?

Alcohol and acid

Acid and toxins
Secondary metabolites and acid
Primary metabolites and water

21. It is a condition or a person who is infected

but never develops any symptoms or shows
no symptoms.


22. The safest cutting board materials include

all of the following EXCEPT:


23. Vibrio cholerae is a harmful microorganism

found in:

Unpasteurized milk

24. ________ is an infamous cook who has

caused the spread of typhoid fever in New
York in the early 1900s.

Typhoid Ana
Typhoid Mary
Typhoid Jane
Typhoid Susan

25. Perishable foods should not be left out at

room temperature for more than:

1 hour
3 hours
30 minutes
2 hours

26. A heat-sensitive enzyme in milk that is

used as an indicator of pasteurization.

Trypsin inhibitor
Alkaline phosphatase

27. Antimicrobial proteins produced by


Trypsin inhibitor
Alkaline phosphatase

28. Which of the following is NOT a good food

safety practice?

Be smart, keep foods apart.

Put leftover food in large and deep container
Slice large chunks of meat before chilling.
Use di!erent chopping boards.

29. Which is NOT an organism used to

standardize the pasteurization process in

Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Coxiella burnetti
Listeria monocytogenes

30. Pasteurization is a process of heating a

liquid, particularly milk, to a temperature

131°F and 140°F

302°F and 338°F
145°F and 167°F
271°F and 320°F

31. Which process will give milk the longest

shelf life?

UHT (Ultra High Temperature)

HTST (High-Temperature Short Time)
Flash point method
LTH (Low-Temperature Hold)

32. The organism responsible for a foodborne

illness that can be caused by a person
coughing on food is:

S. aureus
E. coli

33. The presence of this bacteria in water

indicates that it is contaminated by fecal

S. aureus
E. coli

34. What are the three types of food


Viral, physical, and sanitizers

Biological, viral and chemical
Biological, microbial, and reagents
Biological, physical, and chemical

35. Which is not part of the seven (7) basic

principles of HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical
Control Point)?

Hazard analysis
Exposure assessment
CCP identifications

36. How long can you keep leftover food in the


1-2 days
3-4 days
5-6 days
7-8 days

37. _________ is used as a preservative in

raw dairy products such as milk in areas in
which cooling system or equipment is not
widely available.

Alkaline phosphatase
Hydrogen peroxide

38. Which food is NOT a major food allergen

based in on the FDA list?


39. Before using the restroom, a person

preparing the food should?

Wash their hands

Take o! their shoes
Change their clothes
Take o! their aprons

40. Food handlers should keep their


Short and unpolished

Clean and long
Long with nail polish
Short with nail polish

41. Large amounts of leftovers should be

divided and placed into _______ containers
for quicker cooling in the refrigerator.


42. Eggs should be cooked to an internal

temperature of ______.

130 degrees
140 degrees
150 degrees
160 degrees

43. The safest way to defrost food is


On the table
Inside the refrigerator
In a bucket of water
Inside the microwave

44. Cans that are leaking, bulging, or with a

foul odor may contain what bacteria?

Listeria monocytogenes
Clostridium botulinum
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Bacillus megaterium

45. The minimum time food handlers to wash

their hands should be?

10 seconds
15 seconds
20 seconds
25 seconds

46. Examples of cross-contamination are:

Liquids from raw meat drip onto vegetables f

Raw meat is cut on the same cutting board a
Food worker handles raw shellfish then assem
All of the above.

47. Listed below are some of the advantages

of milk pasteurization except for one.

Increased shelf life

Helps kill bacteria
Add nutrients
Maintain the taste of milk

48. If you open a can of beans and only eat

half, what should you do with the remaining

Put the half-eaten can in the refrigerator.

Close the lid and just leave it on the table.
Throw it away.
Empty the remaining contents into a new and

49. Aflatoxins are toxins that are harmful to

humans and are produced by what fungi?

Aspergillus flavus
Rhizopus oligosporus
Xeromyces bisporus

50. The 2019 E. coli O157:H7 outbreak in

California was associated with what

Romaine lettuce
Fenugreek sprouts

51. How long will frozen food last in the event

of a power outage?

4 hours
10 hours
24 hours
48 hours

52. Which of the following is an example of

microbial control?

Pest control
All of the above

53. The easiest microbial forms to kill or inhibit


Vegetative cells
None of the above

Food safety quiz

Food safety is a very important matter that

cannot be neglected. It is an absolute
requirement for every food business to keep,
and therefore all food handlers must be adept
at maintaining it. Eating at restaurants has
been identified as one of the largest
contributors to foodborne illness reports
every year. Such reports are attributed to poor
food hygiene practices which can be easily
resolved with adequate training and a
strong food safety management system. A
good way to gauge the aptitude of a food
handler in terms of their food safety
knowledge is to let them take a food safety

The knowledge of food handlers in proper

food handling plays a key role in keeping food
safe. Every year, poor personal hygiene and
handling practices result in foodborne disease
outbreaks that disrupt a community's
productivity. As such, food handlers are
expected to undergo a rigid amount of food
hygiene training to prepare them in handling
ready-to-eat food or raw food and protect
human health. Certifications and permits are
often awarded to food handlers who have
successfully completed food safety training.
Find out how a food safety quiz can help your
employees train for food safety.

What is a Food safety quiz?

A food safety quiz is an evaluation method

that consists of basic and advanced
questions about handling food products in the
food service industry. The questions can
significantly vary from the types of food
contamination to the proper use of a
conventional or digital food thermometer to
measure the correct temperature range for
the safe cooking of ground beef. A safety
quiz can be used to measure the knowledge
of your food worker and teach them about
the important fields of food safety

Essential food safety rules such as

maintaining a conducive environment for food
preparation are important to keep a food
business running. It is part of every food
business team's responsibility to uphold a
very high level of food safety to protect
consumers from dangerous foods.

Preparing food by hands and having indirect

contact with the food to be served would
inevitably require food employees to undergo

Some of the major topics

included in this quiz may include:

Food storage (e.g., the temperature danger

zone for perishable food, holding of cold
foods and hot foods)

Food deliveries

Food preparation (e.g., proper range of

temperatures for cooking raw meats, proper
food temperature control)

Food sanitation

Food safety risks (e.g., risk of cross-


The successful completion of this food safety

quiz can signify a good level of understanding
of food handling practices.

Who needs to complete the

Food safety quiz?

All food workers who have direct and

indirect contact with the food being
prepared and served in a food establishment
may benefit from taking this quiz. It is a legal
requirement for almost all states for food
handlers to have a permit or license indicating
their proficiency in properly handling food. A
food safety quiz can be used as a significant
preparatory tool for more advanced exams
held in food safety training programs.

How often should you use the

Food safety quiz?

Food safety training is an aspect of running

a business that needs to be refreshed
regularly. This means that your employees
must undergo refresher courses to remind
them of proper food safety practices as well
as update their knowledge with the new food
safety policies and regulations.

You can require your employees to take the

food safety quiz at least once a month to
serve as a refresher course. Additionally, all
newly hired food workers must take the
quiz to serve as a food safety assessment and
training in handling any food item.

At FoodDocs, our food safety quiz tool is free

and can be used by food handlers anytime.
Use it to train your team and improve their
approach to food safety constantly.

How can I help my team ensure

food safety?

Food safety managers and food business

owners are responsible for keeping the
knowledge of food handlers on food safety
practices up to date. Regular training
programs and exercises must be provided to
help them improve their skills and broaden
their knowledge.

To help you fulfill these objectives, use our

food safety quiz, free tool at FoodDocs! Our
free tool consists of 50 basic and advanced
questions. The topics included in our food
safety quiz are the most commonly used in
food safety training programs.

Our list of questions is regularly updated to

accommodate new practices and food safety
laws and policies. The correct answer is
immediately revealed to the examinee once
they choose from the choices. It is a great
tool to train your food workers or prepare
them for an upcoming food safety
certification exam! Help them ace their
evaluation tests to get a food handlers card or
permit in no time.

What's even greater with our free food safety

quiz is that it is accessible anytime without
the need to pay. You can take the quiz
repeatedly for your convenience and training.

To help you refresh your knowledge of food

safety practices, here are some common
questions asked by aspiring food handlers:

What are some food safety


Food safety questions can come from topics

such as cooking, storage, delivery,
contamination, and foodborne illnesses.

Here are a few examples of food safety

questions and their answers:

What is the range for the temperature

danger zone? Answer: 40°F to 140°F (4°C
to 60°C).

What is cross-contamination? Answer:

Transfer of pathogens or harmful
bacteria from one food, equipment, or
person, to another.

What is the recommended storage

temperature for cold foods? Answer: 40°F
(4°C) and below.

What is the foodborne illness most

associated with eggs and poultry? Answer:
Salmonellosis (from Salmonella bacteria)

What is an example of a highly-perishable

food? Answer: Eggs

What are 5 food safety rules?

Five common food safety rules may include:

Cook foods thoroughly to correct internal


Avoid cross-contamination

Store foods at the proper temperatures

Always clean the food preparation area

Practice personal hygiene at all times

What are 10 food safety facts?

Here are 10 food safety facts that may help

you address issues and protect consumer

1. Everyone can get a foodborne illness from

consuming a contaminated food item.
People with a compromised immune
system (e.g., pregnant women, children,
and the elderly) are more prone.

2. There are now more than 250 identified

foodborne illnesses in the world.

3. At least 600 million people worldwide fall ill

to foodborne illnesses.

4. Low and middle-income countries spend

around US$ 95.2 billion every year to
address foodborne illnesses.

5. Proper handwashing takes a minimum of 20

seconds to become e!ective.

6. More than 50 million consumers in the US

su!er from food allergy reactions every

7. You cannot use a towel to dry sanitized

dishes. It is always recommended to let
them air-dry to avoid the danger of cross-
contamination from harmful bacteria.

8. Frozen food is less likely to spoil than

ready-to-eat foods. Freezing slows down
the growth of bacteria in food such as E.
coli and Salmonella .

9. A large portion of the foodborne illness

cases that occur every year happen as a
result of eating from a restaurant.

10. Food handlers who do not practice proper

handwashing are the fastest carriers of
contamination in the kitchen.

What are 4 common food safety


Food safety issues significantly increase the

potential of causing foodborne illnesses to
consumers. Here are 4 common issues in the
food industry:

The lack of clean water supply.

Inadequate food safety training for food


Failure to achieve the correct internal

cooking temperature of food significantly
increases the chance of food poisoning

The rise of more resistant foodborne


What's the best way to train my

team in food safety?

Food safety training is a mandatory aspect of

running any kind of food business. Whether
you are running a food truck, a full-on
restaurant, or food producing company, you
need to train your food vendors on how to
properly handle food, understand the
significance of preserving food safety, and
familiarize themselves with food policies.

Our food safety quiz is a great tool to help

your team, but how about when they have to
perform the theoretical knowledge that they
gained from training? As a food business
manager, you need to monitor every food
safety operation and ensure that everything is
running smoothly.

At FoodDocs, we have developed a digital

solution for training food handlers in food
safety! We o!er a smart solution that can help
food handlers focus on their assigned tasks
and learn with more focus. Additionally, our
solution can help your team make food safety
compliance easier.

With our digital solution, you can

get the following benefits:

Automatically generated monitoring

forms with an auto-fill feature. This
feature makes the onboarding of new
employees faster as they are specifically
assigned and specialized for particular food
safety tasks. In addition, these forms can
be automatically prefilled by our system to
save your employees' time and allow them
to focus on the task at hand. The prefilled
information is based on previously logged

Smart notification feature. To help your

employees remember all food safety tasks
every day, our digital solution features a
smart notification system that sends alerts
to your employees.

These alerts can be used as a reminder for an

incoming food safety task or to remind
employees of any food item that needs to be
used soonest. Additionally, these alerts are
also sent to food handlers who need to renew
their food handlers license or permit. The
messages are sent through our mobile

In addition to helping your team with their

food safety training, our digital solution also
o!ers features that can help you manage
your business operations:

Real-time dashboard. Our system features

a dashboard that gives you an overview of
your food safety operations and progress.
This feature can help you save at least 20%
of your time in managing your team. It can
also be used to quickly identify areas that
need more attention and employees that
will require retraining.

Cloud storage. You can also get a digital

storage space where you can store all your
digital documents in one location.

Our digital Food Safety Management System

was built to make food safety issues easier to
solve. With our digital solution, you can rest
easy that all tasks are done correctly and on
time. It can even help you make training an
e!ortless task for everyone.

To get our digital solution, all you have to do is

to answer a few basic questions that will
describe your operations to our system. After
answering, our system will automatically
generate a comprehensive digital FSMS
complete with all the mentioned features. The
whole process would only take an average
of 15 minutes!

Too good to be true? We say, try our features

yourself for free! If you sign up with us now,
you can enjoy our free, 14-day trial which will
let you experience all of our features
firsthand. Enjoy easy food safety compliance

Switch to digital in 15

An automated setup enables you to

go digital in 15 minutes

Our app notifications help your team

to remember all daily tasks

Save time on supervising and use

automatically filled monitoring sheets


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