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Reading Horse Body Language: Green-Yellow-Red Zone Behaviors

Robin Foster 2016©


POSTURE & stands, weight weight leans forward or spins and moves away
MOVEMENT balanced over four backward animated movements
legs frozen and braced barges forward
relaxed body and face rear leg anchored back rushes backward, lunges
slow fluid movement backs up slowly forward
recumbent hesitant movement rears
quick, small movement kick threat / kicks
of the feet strikes
paws ground (digs)
NECK & HEAD head lowered to ground muscle tension in neck tosses head
head level or slightly neck arched head held very high, nose
above withers head and neck raised pointed upward
neck muscles relaxed above withers head held low, tucked and
bobs head forward
tense neck and facial
TAIL base of tail low and tail raised at base tail raised at base and held
relaxed tail swishes high, above croup
tail falls straight down tail swishes violently
EARS forward or slightly to stiffly erect and forward held stiffly back or to the
the side backward, not pinned side
relaxed at the base to the side, tips set wide pinned back to the head
move back and forth
EYES eyes half closed open wide sclera (white) visible eye
eyes soft and round triangular shaped roll
skin smooth above eyes wrinkles above eye eyes may be wide open or
blinking pupils dilated partially closed
muscles above eyes tense.
MOUTH & open slightly Closed, lips tight, with closed with tight lips
NOSE relaxed lower lip wrinkles teeth exposed
lip without wrinkles muzzle flat bite threat, snaps at, bites
lips extended to nostrils tense, elongated nostrils wide or narrowed
explore or flared, air scents
sniffing lick and chew
nips / mouthy
ATTENTION easy to shift attention; all senses on alert takes action to flee or
“attention without hard to break focus or fight
tension” shift attention unable to eat
takes food readily loss of appetite OR
snatches at food or grass.

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