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Citizen's Charter Template

Maximum Processing Person in Charge

Service Documentary
Who may avail Detailed Steps and Duration Processing Fee (Position, Unit,
Applied For Requirements
Time in Php Division)
Registration for Treatment, Storage 1. Official Letter of Request APPLICANT: 20 working days P15,000.00 EMB REGIONAL OFFICE
Treatment, and Disposal (TSD) 2. Duly notarized Affidavit attesting to the truth, Submit applicaiton together with the documentary
Storage and Facility accuracy and genuineness of all information, requirements to EMB Regional Office Amendment: Clearance and Pemitting Division [CPD]
Disposal (TSD) documents and records contained and EMB REGIONAL OFFICE: P1,000.00 - Hazwaste Permitting Section
Facility attached in the application Hazwaste Permitting Section
3. Accomplished Registration Form for HW 1. Assess the completeness of documents Environmental Monitoring and
Treater (Form B ver. 2018) submitted Enforcement Division [EMED]
4. Copy of Environmental Compliance Hazwaste Monitoring Section - Hazwaste Monitoring Section
Certificate (ECC) 2. Inspect the facility and provide categorical
5. Valid Permit to Operate recommendation (10 working days aftere receipt EMB CENTRAL OFFICE
6. Valid Discharge Permit from the HWMS Permitting Section)
7. Environmental Guarantee Fund (as per DAO 3. Request payment from the proponent and have Hazardous Waste Management Section
2000-05) the photocopy of the receipt forwarded to the (HWMS)
8. Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) or Clearance and Pemitting Division [CPD] EVALUATORS
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Hazwaste Permitting Section (Maria Leonie Lynn Ruiz, Elizabeth
submitted to EMB Regional Offices 4. Consolidate the application documents including Cariño, Patrick Cristobal, Santini
9. Process Flow Diagram and detailed the Inspection Report and prepare transmittal for Quiocson, Julito Tangalin, Irvin
description of each treatment/recycling the initial of CPD Chief and Regional Director Cadavona, Ma. Clarisse Diaz, Rasheila
process identifying all/by products and endorsement signature (5 working days from the Yanina Antasuda)
residues date of payment and receipt of the Inspection
10. Pollution Control Officer accreditation Report from Environmental Monitoring and Geri Geronimo Sañez
certificate Enforcement Division [EMED] Chief, HWMS
11. Storage Management plan for raw materials,
residues, by-products and end-products EMB CENTRAL OFFICE: Renato Cruz
12. Long term plan for the recycled/ 5. Review the recommendation of the Regional Chief, Environmental Quality
processed/end-product Office; Prepare evaluation report and TSD Management Division (EQMD)
13. Photograph/s of the facilities showing Registration Certificate; Sign evaluation report and
processing areas, storage areas endorse together with the TSD Registration Engr. Metodio Turbella
14. Contingency and Emergency Plan based on Certificate [HWMS Evaluator]; Director
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment 6. Review/Sign evaluation report and endorse to
Studies EQMD [Chief, HWMS Section]; EMB Records Section
15. Accountability Statement (duly notarized) 7. Review/Sign evaluation report and endorse to
16. Valid Contract with a registered Office of the Director [Chief, EQMD]
Transporter(s) (3 working days)
17. Chemical Control Order (CCO) [Cyanide, 8. Review/sign TSD Registration Certificate [EMB
Mercury, Lead, ODS, PCB and Asbestos] (if Director] (2 working days)
applicable) 9. Release signed TSD Registration Certificate to
Applicant [EMB Record Section]

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