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IT Network & Information Security Carrier

Path, a Challenging and Rewarding


Speaker: - Mr Vikas Sinha Sir

The IT network and information security career path is a rapidly
growing field that offers a wide range of job opportunities for
individuals who are interested in protecting computer networks,
systems, and data from unauthorized access, use, disclosure,
disruption, modification, or destruction. As technology advances and
cyber threats become more sophisticated, the demand for skilled
professionals in this field continues to increase. This report will
provide an overview of the IT network and information security
career path, including job roles, required skills, salary ranges, and
professional certifications.

As we see the Trend of the culture For Better job related field and to
select their domain for study or Job many people adopt the Software
field because it is easily seen and Presented in-front of Everyone but
we missed some of the facts that we require a person who can handle
the Back-end side of a Software like managing of Servers and APIs
and in this case because of not having proper knowledge of the
Servers Networks and Phishing Attacks so we end-up like breaching
our data to the other person or Company.
So to make people aware about these type of problem and to generate
awareness among them there we Study the Subject Information
Security/Cyber Security and Build a strong career in “IT Network &
Information Security” which is a challenging path for us to maintain a
constant focus on the maintenance of the server so that data of person
should be kept private and it’s a rewarding career because it helps to
generate awareness among the people about their privacies and
denying the Accepting the Permission of devices by themselves
Which Lead to make stoppage in the sharing of the data’s.
As cyber threats become more sophisticated, the role of IT network
and information security professionals becomes more pivotal. They
stand as the gatekeepers, protecting organizations from cyberattacks,
data breaches, and potentially devastating consequences, We see some
of the challenges and and Rewarding in this Field :-

Challenges Like :-
*Constant Evolution: Cyber threats and technologies evolve rapidly.
Staying current with the latest trends and emerging threats is an
ongoing challenge.

*Complexity: Managing and securing vast and intricate network

infrastructures is no small feat. IT security professionals must
navigate a labyrinth of devices, protocols, and systems.

*Compliance and Regulation: Keeping up with the myriad of

industry regulations and compliance requirements is essential for
ensuring the legal and ethical integrity of IT systems.

*User Awareness: Educating and raising awareness among end-users

about security best practices is an uphill battle, as human error
remains a significant vulnerability.
*Incident Response: Preparing for and responding to security
incidents, including data breaches, requires swift and precise action to
mitigate damage and minimize downtime.

Rewards of the IT Network & Information Security Career:

*High Demand: The growing threat landscape guarantees a
consistent demand for skilled professionals, leading to job security
and competitive salaries.

*Intellectual Stimulation: The ever-evolving nature of the field

ensures that boredom is a rarity. There is always something new to
learn and explore.

*Problem-Solving: IT security professionals have the satisfaction of

solving complex puzzles daily, as they work to identify vulnerabilities
and develop robust defense strategies.

*Impact: By safeguarding data and networks, professionals in this

field play a crucial role in protecting individuals, organizations, and
even nations from cyber threats.

*Career Progression: Opportunities for career advancement abound,

with paths leading to roles such as Chief Information Security Officer
(CISO) or cybersecurity consultant.
=>But still somewhere still a doubt remains with us is that what type
of course or certification is required to make a career in this field like
I’m taking a example of “Expert it is a website for
the people in Information Technology related jobs and it allows to
ask each other for tech help, receive instant help via chat , hire
freelancers and browse tech jobs and it also provide a database of
around 4 million plus technology solutions, researched articles and
videos, and a global network of technology professionals.”
And if I take a example of company like “NASSCOM( National
Association of Software and Services Companies) it is a trade
association of Indian Information technology(IT) and its work is to
provide the job related to these type of searches”.


IT companies collect a vast amount of data from various sources,
including customer interactions, website visits, social media, and sales
transactions. This data can be used to gain valuable insights into
customer behavior, preferences, and market trends. In this report, we
will explore the types of data collected by IT companies, how they
collect it, and the ways in which they use it to inform their business
Types of Data Collected:
1. Customer Interaction Data: IT companies collect data on
customer interactions through various channels, including email,
phone, chat, and social media. This data includes customer
queries, feedback, and complaints.
2. Website Analytics Data: IT companies collect data on website
visitors, including their location, browsing history, search terms,
and clickstream behaviour. This data helps companies
understand how users interact with their websites and identify
areas for improvement.
3. Social Media Data: IT companies collect data from social media
platforms, including likes, shares, comments, and followers.
This data provides insights into customer sentiment and
4. Sales Transaction Data: IT companies collect data on sales
transactions, including product purchases, payment methods,
and delivery addresses. This data helps companies understand
customer buying habits and preferences.
5. User-Generated Content: IT companies collect user-generated
content, such as reviews, ratings, and comments. This data
provides insights into customer satisfaction and product

A data breach refers to the unauthorized access, theft, or disclosure of
sensitive information, often resulting in the compromise of personal,
financial, or confidential data.

Data breaches have become an increasingly common occurrence in

today's digital age, and IT companies are not immune to this threat. A
data breach can have serious consequences for both the company and
its customers, including financial loss, reputational damage, and legal
liability. In this report, we will examine the issue of data breaches in
IT companies and provide recommendations for preventing and
mitigating these incidents.

Causes of Data Breaches in IT Companies:

There are several factors that contribute to data breaches in IT
companies. Some of the most common causes include:
6. Human error: Employee mistakes, such as accidentally deleting
files or clicking on phishing links, can lead to data breaches.
7. Poor password management: Weak passwords or failure to
follow password best practices can make it easy for hackers to
gain unauthorized access to systems and data.
8. Outdated software and technology: Failure to keep software and
technology up to date can leave vulnerabilities that hackers can
9. Lack of encryption: Failure to encrypt data can make it
accessible to unauthorized parties.
10. Third-party vendors: Data breaches can occur when third-
party vendors or contractors with access to sensitive data
experience a breach.

Consequences of Data Breaches in IT Companies:

Data breaches in IT companies can have serious consequences, both
financially and reputationally. Some of the potential consequences
11. Financial loss: Data breaches can result in significant
financial losses for IT companies, particularly if they involve the
theft of sensitive data or intellectual property.
12. Reputational damage: A data breach can damage the
reputation of an IT company, potentially leading to a loss of
customer trust and business.
13. Legal liability: IT companies may be held legally
responsible for data breaches, particularly if they fail to meet
industry standards for data security.
14. Loss of competitive advantage: If an IT company suffers a
data breach, it may lose its competitive advantage in the


Some of the steps that can be followed to help us be safe from losing
our data are:
1. Check the sender, while recieving an e-mail, if it is from a
trusted source or not,
2. Validate URL reputation before opening it:
URL reputation refers to the trustworthiness or credibility of a
website's domain or URL. It is a measure of how safe and
reliable a website is perceived to be by users, search engines,
and other online entities. A website with a good URL reputation
is more likely to be trusted by visitors, ranked higher in search
engine results pages (SERPs), and less likely to be flagged as
malicious or spammy.
3. Check app permissions before installing:
App permissions refer to the specific privileges or access rights
that an application or software program requires in order to
function properly on a device or system. These permissions
define the level of access that an app has to certain resources,
such as hardware, software, and user data, and help ensure
that the app operates within a defined scope and does not i
nterfere with other apps or system function.
And many more.


Security Analyst: The primary responsibility of a security analyst is to
monitor and maintain the security posture of an organization's
computer systems and networks. They assess potential risks and
vulnerabilities, implement preventative measures, and respond to
15. Penetration Tester: Also known as ethical hackers,
penetration testers simulate cyber attacks on an organization's
computer systems and networks to identify weaknesses and
vulnerabilities. They use the same techniques and tools as
malicious hackers but instead of exploiting them, they identify
and report them to the organization.
16. Incident Responder: When a cyber attack occurs, incident
responders are called upon to contain the damage, minimize the
impact, and restore normal operations. They work quickly to
identify the source of the breach, isolate affected systems, and
clean up malware or other malicious code.
17. Chief Information Security Officer (CISO): The CISO is
responsible for overseeing and implementing an organization's
overall information security strategy. They develop policies,
procedures, and standards for ensuring the confidentiality,
integrity, and availability of data and systems.
18. Security Consultant: Security consultants work with
organizations to evaluate their current security posture and
recommend improvements. They may specialize in specific
areas such as cloud security, network security, or application
19. Security Engineer: Security engineers design and
implement secure solutions to protect computer systems and
networks. They may work on projects such as configuring
firewalls, setting up intrusion detection systems, and
implementing encryption technologies.
20. Cybersecurity Architect: Cybersecurity architects design
and build secure computing environments. They may work on
projects such as creating secure cloud infrastructures,
implementing identity and access management systems, and
developing secure software development lifecycles.

Required Skills:
21. Technical knowledge: Professionals in the IT network and
information security career path need to have a strong
understanding of computer systems, networks, protocols, and
security technologies.
22. Problem-solving skills: These professionals must be able
to analyze complex security issues and come up with effective
23. Communication skills: Good communication skills are
essential for working with both technical and non-technical
stakeholders to understand security needs and implement
24. Attention to detail: Security professionals must be
meticulous in identifying and addressing potential security risks.
25. Continuous learning: The field of IT network and
information security is constantly evolving, so professionals
must stay up-to-date with new technologies, threats, and best

=> Till Now we have seen that what is data breaching ,how data is
breached what are the challenges , roles and Importance of Network
Security ,but in this field there is lack of Women Workers in Network
Security Market so we should help and promote the Women’s in our
Surrounding by letting them know abouts the benefits Working in
Network Company .

Benefits of Working As a Women In IT Network &

Information Security Company: -

* Diversity: Women bring diverse perspectives and experiences to

the table, which can lead to more creative problem-solving and

*Equal Opportunities: Many IT companies are actively working to

promote gender diversity, which can translate into equal
opportunities for women in terms of career advancement and
leadership roles.

*Supportive Work Environment: Some companies prioritize

creating inclusive and supportive work environments for women,
including mentorship programs, women's affinity groups, and
policies to address gender-related issues and there will a pickup and
drop facility will be available for the women if they work before
9Am and After 6 Pm.

*Networking Opportunities: Women-focused events and

conferences in the tech industry can provide excellent networking
opportunities, helping you connect with other professionals and
potential mentors

*Career Growth: Companies that value diversity often invest in the

career growth of their female employees through training, leadership
development, and promotions.
*Mentorship: Many successful women in IT are willing to mentor
and support other women in the field, offering valuable guidance and

*Increased Visibility: Being a woman in a male-dominated field can

make you stand out, potentially leading to more recognition and
career opportunities.

*Closing the Gender Gap: By working in IT Network &

Information Security, you contribute to closing the gender gap in
technology, setting an example for future generations of women in

*Challenging and Rewarding Work: Information security is a

dynamic and ever-evolving field that offers intellectually stimulating
and challenging work, which can be very rewarding.

*Competitive Compensation: Many IT Network & Information

Security positions offer competitive salaries and benefits, ensuring
that women in this field are well-compensated for their expertise.

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