ED158 Assignment 3 2021

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Assignment 3

Due date: 28th May, 2021

Value: 15 % of your total assessment

Length: At least 1,200 words 1.5 spaced using Times New Roman; 12 point.

“Why is gender participation an issue in non-formal education in your home

country? Discuss the challenges that may be faced in involving women in
decision-making processes. Identify challenges to the implementation”

a) Answer the above question in relation to what you have learnt in the course.

b) Reflect on your own home country.

c) Cite any rural development that has an aspect of gender participation in it,
occurring in your home country.

d) Refer to 5 or more relevant journals or books for your source (publication from
2010 onwards)

Format: You can break the flow of your essay by using sub-titles.
Marking Rubric

Assignment 2, 2021

Unsatisfactor Needs Good Excellent Mark

y improvement s
3-4 marks 5 marks
0 – 1mark 2 marks

Depth of Writer simply Contains some Contains all Writer has

reflection restates facts required ideas required described
without any on gender ideas. Essay gender
examples from participation, but shows participation
home country. not thoroughly thorough as an issue
The writer’s explored. Lacks research on in non-
point of view detailed topic of formal
is not evident explanation gender education in
or/and participatio home
supporting n. Writer’s country.
examples. point of Demonstrate
view is also s fresh,
apparent. original
and ideas.
Ideas are
and clear

Organisatio No clear Includes an Organisatio Organisation

n direction. Main organizational n is enhances
ideas are skeleton but generally the main
vague and often strays from good, but ideas.
connections main idea. some Supporting
confusing or Lacking irrelevant information
incomplete transition details or is presented
unclear logically,
transitions with smooth

Required Excludes Some missing Includes Application

component essential components and most integration
s components does not fully components is addressed
and fails to meet the and meets thoroughly.
address requirements for most
expectations the assignment requirement
of the
assignment. s

Sentence Frequent Some errors in Generally, The writing

fluency and grammar and grammar and applies flows with
mechanic spelling word choice. appropriate strong and
errors. Choppy Incomplete word specific
and hard to sentences. choices. words used
follow Needs more Some stiff, to convey
sentences. thorough choppy meaning.
Incorrect use proofreading sentences. Proofreading
of words. No Occasional is thorough.
evidence of spelling Correct
proof reading errors spelling and

Reference Has less than Has 3 articles as Has 4 Has 5

3 articles for reference articles as articles and
reference reference more

Out of 25

Out of 15%

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