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High Yield Notes

Dilute solution: It contains small 4. Percentage volume/ volume : It is
amount of solute per unit volume of volume of solute dissolved per
solution. 100cm^3 of solution.
Concentrated solution: It contains Percent v/v = Volume of solute x 100
greater amount of solute per unit jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjVolume of solution
volume of solution.
There are various units of MOLARITY:
concentration of solution.
The amount of solute, solvent may
It is number of moles of solute
be expressed by volume, mass,
dissolved per dm^3 of solution.
number of moles or percentage
It depends on temperature, because
it is based upon volume of solution.
When temperature increases, the
PERCENTAGE COMPOSITION: amount of solute remain constant
but volume of solute increase
The amount of solute and solvent slightly, thus molarity decrease.
can be expressed in percentage Molarity = Mass of solute/Molar
composition in, mass of solute x 1 / Volume of
1. percentage weight/weight: It is solution in dm^3
weight of a solute dissolved per 100
parts by weight of solution.
Mass percent = Mass of solute x 100
Mass of solution
2. percentage weight/ volume: It is
weight of solute dissolved per 100
parts of volume of solution.
Percent w/v = Mass of solute x 100
Volume of solution

3. percentage volume/ weight: It is

number of cm^3 of solute dissolved
per 100g of solution.
Percent v/w = Volume of solute x 100
Mass of solution

PreMed.PK 1
It is number of moles of solute in 1kg The number of parts by weight (or
of solvent. volume) of a solute per trillion parts
by weight (or volume) of a solution.
Molality = Mass of solute/Molar mass ppT = Mass or volume of solute x 10^12
of solute x 1/Mass of solvent in kg Mass or volume of solution
Molality = Number of moles of solute SOLUTION ARE EXPRESSED IN: ppm
Mass of solvent in kg ,ppb, ppt.
It is independent of temperature.
It is indirect expression of ratio of
moles of solute to moles of solvent,
because in molar solution the
quantity of solvent is greater
The mole fraction of any component
2 in mixture is ratio of it’s number of
moles to total number of moles of all
components present.
Suppose a solution contain na and
nb moles of two components A and
B.. Mole fraction of each is given by:
Mole fraction of component A=
Xa= na
na + nb
Mole fraction of component B =
Xb= nb
na + nb


The number of parts by weight (or
volume) of a solute per million parts
by weight (or volume) of a solution.
ppm =
Mass or volume of solute x 10^6
Mass or volume of solution


The number of parts by weight (or
volume) of a solute per billion parts
by weight (or volume) of a solution.
ppb =
Mass or volume of solute x 10^9
Mass or volume of solution

PreMed.PK 2
The conversions are done when
we know formula mass and
densities of solute and solutions.
The following given table shows
different units of concentration
of five important compounds.

NAME % Density
(Mol /
OF ACID w/w (g/cm3)

H2SO4 98% 18 1.84

H3PO4 85.5% 4.8 1.70

HNO3 70.4% 15.9 1.42

HCL 37.2% 12.1 1.19

CH3COOH 99.8% 17.4 1.05

EXAMPLE 10.11 (FTB):

NaOH is used to neutralize acid,
to treat cellulose in preparation
of rayon and to remove potato
peels in commercial use.
250cm^3 of 2M NaOH is mixed
with 250cm^3 of water.
Calculate Molality of resulting
250cm^3 of 2M NaOH contain =
250 cm^3 x 2/1000cm^3 = 0.5
moles of NaOH
Total volume of solution = 250
cm^3 + 250 cm^3 = 500cm^3 =
0.5 dm^3
Molarity of resulting solution =
0.5 moles/ 0.5 dm^3 = 1M

PreMed.PK 3
Nine possible types of solution are given as:

SOLUTE SOLVENT Solid with liquids forms a
solution i.e homogenous
Gas Gas Air
The solute solvent forces help
in dissolution process by
O2 in water,
Gas Liquid minimizing the strong inter
CO2 in water
molecular forces of solids.
This dissolution give rise to
H2 absorbed the concept of like dissolve
Gas Solid by palladium like. Polar solute dissolves in
polar solvents, non polar
Mist, fog, solute dissolves in non polar
Liquid Gas cloud, liquid solvents.
air pollutants

Alcohol in
water, milk
Liquid Liquid benzene in
They are divided into 3
LIQUIDS: It is defined as
Mercury in
mixing of two or more liquids
Liquid Solid silver, butter,
cheese into each other, that can be
mixed in all proportions.
Solid Gas in smoke LIQUIDS: It is defined as
mixing of two or more liquids
Sugar in into each other to particular
Solid Liquid water, jellies, extent after which they
paint cannot mix into each other.
Ether dissolves water up to
Metal alloys extent of 1.2%.
pearls, opal, Water dissolves ether up to
Solid Solid carbon in extent of 6.5%.
iron (steel) Upon shaking, two layers are
formed on each other. Each
layer is a saturated solution of
the other liquid. Such
solutions are called conjugate

PreMed.PK 4
The temperature of 65.9 degree
celsius at which two conjugate IDEAL NON - IDEAL
solutions merge into one another SOLUTIONS SOLUTIONS
is called critical temperature.
Its examples are:
1) phenol – water system If forces of
phenol forms upper layer and If forces of
attraction between
water forms lower layer. attraction between
2) Triethyl amine water system.
molecules of
molecules of
3) nicotine – water system. different
IMMISCIBLE. These liquids do not
components are
different when
dissolve into each other at any same when they are
they are in pure
proportion or any temperature. in pure state, they
Its example are:
state, they are
are ideal solution.
1) Water + benzene non-ideal solution.
2) Water and carbondisulfide
If volume of
If volume of
solution is not
solution is equal to
equal to sum of
sum of individual
individual volumes
volumes of
of components,
components, the
the solution is
solution is ideal.
non- ideal.

They do not have

They have zero
zero enthalpy
enthalpy change as
change as heat of
heat of solution.

They obey Raoult’s

Law. This is best They do not obey
criterion for Raoult’s law.
checking ideality of
a solution.

PreMed.PK 5
Given by French chemist Raoult's law is strictly applicable only to ideal
Raoult. solutions, where the intermolecular forces
He discovered a quantitative between the solvent and solute are similar.
relationship between vapor For better understanding, let’s have a
pressure and concentration of look on example:
solution. Example: Suppose we have a solution
STATEMENT: When non-volatile containing 0.5 moles of ethanol
solute is dissolved in a solvent, (CH3CH2OH) and 0.5 moles of methanol
the vapor pressure of solution (CH3OH). The vapor pressure of pure ethanol
is directly proportional to mole is 100 mmHg, and the vapor pressure of pure
fraction of solvent. The relative methanol is 80 mmHg. We want to calculate
lowering of vapor pressure the lowering of vapor pressure caused by
depends on temperature. (ptb) the presence of the other component in the
Or solution.
2 The relative lowering of vapor Solution:
pressure is equal to mole Calculate the mole fraction of each
fraction of solute. Lowering in component: Mole fraction of ethanol
vapour pressure depends on (X)ethanol = moles of ethanol / total moles
temperature, where as = 0.5 moles / (0.5 moles + 0.5 moles) = 0.5
lowering of mole fraction is Mole fraction of methanol
independent of temperature. (X)methanol = moles of methanol / total
(ftb) moles = 0.5 moles / (0.5 moles + 0.5 moles)
Mathematically, Raoult's law = 0.5
can be expressed as follows: Apply Raoult's law to calculate the partial
P₁ = X₁ * P₁^° vapor pressures: Partial vapor pressure of
Where: ethanol
P₁ is the partial vapor pressure (P)ethanol = (X)ethanol * (P)ethanol^°
of component 1 in the solution. = 0.5 * 100 mmHg = 50 mmHg
X₁ is the mole fraction of Partial vapor pressure of methanol
component 1 in the solution. (Pmethanol) = (X)methanol *
P₁^° is the vapor pressure of (P)methanol^° = 0.5 * 80 mmHg =
component 1 in its pure state. 40mmHg
Raoult's law assumes ideal Calculate the lowering of vapor pressure:
behavior of both the solvent The lowering of vapor pressure is given
and the solute, meaning that by the difference between the vapor
there are no significant pressure of the pure solvent (ethanol or
interactions between the methanol) and the partial vapor pressure
particles of the two in the solution.
components or any deviations Lowering of vapor pressure for ethanol
from ideal behavior. (ΔPethanol) = (P)ethanol^° - (P)ethanol =
100 mmHg - 50 mmHg = 50 mmHg
Lowering of vapor pressure for methanol
(ΔPmethanol) = (P)methanol^° -
(P)methanol = 80 mmHg - 40 mmHg =
40 mmHg
PreMed.PK 6
Definition : Explanation:
Mixture of miscible liquids are A is more volatile than B. A
classified as: a) ideal solutions graph is plotted between x- axis
b)non- ideal solutions. and y-axis, then two curves are
obtained. The upper curve
represents the composition of
vapors of solutions. And the
This solution obeys Raoult’s law.
lower curve represents
Some ideal solution pairs which
composition of liquid mixture.
forms liquid pairs are : benzene-
Consider G point as
toulene, benzene – ether,
temperature. The boiling point
chlorobenzene- bromobenzene.
corresponds to Point I. It meets
Fractional distillation of ideal
liquids curve at H and vapor
mixture of two liquids:
curve at C. The composition of
2 Fractional distillation is a
liquid mixture corresponds to
process used to separate a
point H as shown by point I. At
mixture of two or more volatile
point I there is greater
liquids based on their different
percentage of B and less
boiling points. Let's consider an
percentage of A and at point K
example of fractional distillation
there I more percentage of A
for an ideal mixture of two
and less percentage of B as
compared to mixture at point I.
Example: Let’s take a complete
The point K is at vapor state, so
miscible solution of two
because A has low Boiling point,
components A and B.
it is present in vapor state in
greater percentage than point I.
If the temperature at point G is
maintained , the distillate will
have greater percentage of A
and less percentage of B. This is
because the fraction which is
going to be distillated will be in
vapor state and it has greater %
of A. The composition at K is
again going to be distillated.
The boiling point of it will be X
and it is the temperature at
which the distillate of
composition Z is obtained.

PreMed.PK 7
The distillate at point Z will be The condensed ethanol, which has
further distillated and the distillate a higher concentration of ethanol
will then become rich in A, and compared to the original mixture,
residue will be rich in B. The is collected in a separate flask. This
process of distillation will be process is known as the distillate.
repeated until pure component A Separation: The liquid remaining in
is obtained. the distillation flask, which is now
The liquid mixtures which distill enriched in water, undergoes the
with change in composition are same process as the temperature
called zeotropic mixtures. For continues to rise. Water molecules
example mixture of ethanol and will start to vaporize, rise up the
water can be separated into pure fractionating column, condense in
components by distillation. the condenser, and are collected
Example: Suppose we have an separately. This is the second
ideal mixture of ethanol (boiling fraction obtained in the distillation
point: 78.4°C) and water (boiling process.
point: 100°C). The distillation process continues
2 until all the ethanol and water are
Explanation: separated. The temperature is
The mixture is placed in a carefully controlled, allowing each
distillation apparatus consisting of component to vaporize and
a distillation flask, a fractionating condense separately based on
column, a condenser, and a their different boiling points.
collection flask. By employing fractional distillation,
Heat is applied to the distillation it is possible to obtain ethanol and
flask, raising the temperature of water as separate distillates. The
the mixture. As the temperature separation is achieved because the
increases, the liquid with the lower component with the lower boiling
boiling point (ethanol) will start to point (ethanol) vaporizes first and
vaporize first. condenses in the fractionating
Ethanol molecules, being more column and condenser, while the
volatile, will evaporate from the component with the higher boiling
liquid mixture and rise up through point (water) remains in the
the fractionating column. The distillation flask.
vapor contains a higher Fractional distillation is effective for
concentration of ethanol separating volatile components in
compared to the liquid mixture. mixtures, especially when they
The ethanol vapor rises up the have significantly different boiling
fractionating column, it points.
encounters a cooler environment
in the condenser. The condenser
cools the vapor, causing it to
condense back into a liquid.

PreMed.PK 8
NON- IDEAL SOLUTIONS: When a positive deviation occurs, it
suggests that the intermolecular
forces between the solvent and
These solutions show deviation
solute are stronger than the forces
from Raoult’s law. They have
between the solvent-solvent or
difference in their molecular
solute-solute molecules. As a result,
structures. Their vapor pressure
the solvent molecules are more
may be positive or negative.
likely to escape from the solution
Azeotropic solutions boil at
and enter the vapor phase,
constant temperature and and
increasing the observed vapor
distil over without change in
composition at any temperature
Ethanol- water is an example of this
like aa pure chemical compound.
type. It boils at 78.1 C with 4.5%
The deviation of solution are of
water and 95.5% alcohol. 78.1C is
two types:
lower than boiling point of ethanol
A) Positive deviation
(78.5C) and water (100C).
B) negative deviation
In Raoult's law, a negative deviation
If a graph is plotted between
refers to a situation where the
composition and vapour pressure
observed vapor pressure of a
of solution and it shows positive
component in a non-ideal solution
deviation from Raoult’s law, the
is lower than the vapor pressure
total vapor pressure rises to
predicted by Raoult's law. This
deviation occurs when there are
In Raoult's law, a positive
repulsive interactions between the
deviation refers to a situation
molecules of the solvent and the
where the observed vapor
solute, leading to a decrease in the
pressure of a component in a
vapor pressure of the solvent.
non-ideal solution is higher than
When a negative deviation occurs,
the vapor pressure predicted by
it suggests that the intermolecular
Raoult's law. This deviation occurs
forces between the solvent and
when there is an attractive
solute are weaker than the forces
interaction between the
between the solvent-solvent or
molecules of the solvent and the
solute-solute molecules. As a result,
solute, leading to an increase in
the solvent molecules are more
the vapor pressure of the solvent.
likely to stay in the solution rather
than escaping into the vapor phase,
resulting in a lower observed vapor
For example, HCl forms an
azeotropic mixture with water,
boiling at 110C and containing
20.24% of acid.

PreMed.PK 9
solute in solution when it is in SOLUBILTY:
equilibrium with solid substance Pressure has negligible effect on
in a particular temperature. solubility of liquids and solid but
It is expressed in terms of several it increases solubility of gas.
grams of solute in 100g of solvent. Henry's law states that at a
There are two types of solutions: constant temperature, the
Saturated solutions and amount of a given gas that
Unsaturated solutions. dissolves in a liquid is directly
Unsaturated solutions: They can proportional to the partial
dissolve more solute in them pressure of that gas in
under existing conditions. equilibrium with that liquid. It is
Saturated solutions: They cannot obeyed by dilute solution of
dissolve more solute in it on gases.
2 existing conditions. To determine solubility, a
NOTE: Substances that have saturated solution is prepared on
similar structures and constant temperature, then
intermolecular forces, are soluble. solution is filtered and taken out
And the substances which have in china dish, from mass of
dissimilar structures and residue the solubility can be
intermolecular forces are calculated.
graphical representation
EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE OF between temperature and
SOLUBILITY: solubility of substances is called
An increase in temperature solubility curve. It is of two types:
increases the solubility of a solid a) continuous solubility curves
in a liquid. b) discontinuous solubility curves.
The variation of solubility with CONTINUOUS SOLUBILITY
temperature can be predicted CURVES: They do not show sharp
from the enthalpy of the solution. breaks. It example include: KCI,
If ΔH of the solution is negative, NaCI and NaNO3 which gives
the solubility of the solid straight lines. KCIO3, K2Cr2O7
decreases as the increase in and CaCI2 also how continuous
temperature. solubility curves.
If ΔH of the solution is in positive, DIS-CONTINUOUS SOLUBILITY
the solubility of solid increase as CURVES: These curves are
increase in temperature. combination of two or more
The solubility of gases decreases solubility curves. Its examples are
with increase in temperature. curves of: Na2SO4.10H2O,

PreMed.PK 10
It is a technique of separation of
impurities from chemical products
Impure solute is dissolved in a hot
solvent in which desired solute is less
soluble than impurities. When this
solution is cooled, the the desired solute
which was less soluble solute comes out
leaving behind the mixture as impurity.
In this way desired product is
crystallized from solution.

PreMed.PK 11
These are the properties that Again, the supply of vapor is cutoff but
depends on number of solute this time permanently.
and solvent molecules or ions. The thermometer and rose head are
Colligative properties of dilute removed and volume of solution is
solution are as under: measured.
Lowering of vapor pressure: The difference of two boiling point is
When a solvent contain non- given by ΔTb.
volatile solute particles, the The following formula is then used to
escaping tendency of solvent calculate molecular mass of solute:
particles from surface of solution M2 = Kb/ ΔTb x 1000W2/W1
decreases and vapor pressure is Measuring Depression of freezing point:
lowered. by Beckmann’s freezing point apparatus:
Elevation of boiling point: when The apparatus consists of:
the vapor pressure is lowered, the A freezing tube with side arm. It contains
temperature at which solvent in solvent and is fitted with a stirrer and
solution state boils is increased. Beckmann’s thermometer.
An outer larger tube into which freezing
MEASURING OF BOILING POINT tube is adjusted. The air jacket in
ELEVATION: between these tubes help to achieve a
This is done by Landsberger's slower and more uniform rate of cooling.
method. The apparatus has four A large jar containing freezing mixture
major parts: around 20 to 25g of it is taken. The bulb
1. Inner tube with hole at its side of thermometer is immersed in liquid.
2. Boiling flask PROCESS:
3. Outer tube Approximate freezing point of solvent is
4. Thermometer measured by direct cooling freezing
PROCESS: point tube in freezing mixture.
1. The solvent is placed in inner The freezing point is then put in air jacket
tube. and cooled slowly.
2. Some amount of solvent is taken Now solvent will be remelted by
in another separate flask and its removing tube from bath.
vapors are sent into this tube. 0.2 to 0.3g of solute is added to the tube.
3. The vapors causes the solvent in Freezing point is determined by stirring
tube to boil by latent heat of solution.
condensation. The difference of two freezing points is
4. This temperature is then noted as determined by value of ΔT.
boiling point of pure solvent. The given formula is then used to
5. The supply of vapor is then calculate molar mass of solute:
temporarily cut off and wight M2 = Kf/ ΔTf x 1000 W2/W1
pellet of solute is dropped in Osmotic pressure
inner tube. To observe colligative properties,
6. The vapors are again allowed to following should be fulfilled:
pass and temperature is again i) solution should be dilute
noted. ii) It should be non-volatile
iii) It should be non-electrolyte

PreMed.PK 12
The energetics of solutions refers ENTHALPY:
to the energy changes that occur It is defined as heat changed when one
during the process of dissolving a mole of substance is dissolved in
solute in a solvent. The specified number of moles of solvent at a
concentration of the solute also given temperature. It is given by symbol
affects the energetics of a ΔHsolu. ΔHsolu gives difference between
solution. Colligative properties, energy possessed by a solution after
such as boiling point elevation formation and original energy of
and freezing point depression, components before mixing.
depend on the number of solute This chart give value of heat of solution
particles present in the solution. for different ionic solids in water at
These properties are directly infinite dilution.
related to the concentration of The magnitude of heat of solution gives
the solute and can be used to important idea about strength of
2 determine its molecular weight intermolecular forces of attraction
or assess the purity of a between components which mix to form
substance. solution.
The energetics of solutions deals
with the fundamental principles
that govern the dissolution HEAT OF
process. The strength of forces SUBSTANCE SOLUTION
between the molecules of solute
and solvent decide whether the (KJ.mol-1)
process of dissolution will be
exothermic or endothermic. NaCl 4.98
The process of dissolution occurs
with either absorption or release
NH4NO3 26.0
of energy. This is due to breaking
or forming of intermolecular
forces of attraction between KCl 17.8
solute and solvent molecules.
KI 21.4
The quantity of heat energy
absorbed or evolved when a NH4CI 16.2
substance forms solution, is
termed as heat of solution. LiCl -35.0

Li2CO3 -12.8

PreMed.PK 13
Let’s understand this with an These are the hydration energy of
example: common ions:
Take an ionic compound for
example potassium iodide and
dissolve it in water. ΔH (ion
The ions will start separating k+ ION
will be separated and I- will be
These ions are now surrounded by
solvent molecules. H+ -1075
The first step was breaking lattice
to separate the ions, energy was Li+ -499
required for this step to be
completed which was then
Na+ -390
2 provided, so this step is an
endothermic step. The energy
that was needed to separate the Ag+ -464
crystalline solid into ionic charges
is called lattice energy, and it is K+ -305
always higher for ionic solids.
The second step is hydration of
ions as they were brought into
Mg+2 -1891
water. A hydrated ion is attracted
by solvent dipoles and energy is Cu+2 -1562
released thus this step is
exothermic. The energy given by NH4- -281
this step is called hydration
energy or energy of solvation.
K+ + I + XH2O ---------> K+ (aq) + I-
F- -457

Cl- -384

Br- -351

OH- -460

PreMed.PK 14
The process in which water The water molecules which contains
molecules surround and interact substances as they are crystallized
with solute ions or molecules is from aqueous solutions are called
called hydration. water molecules of water
The ions which surround molecules crystallization or water of
are called hydrated ions. crystallization.
The number oof molecules which 3. HYDROLYSIS:
surrounds given ions depends on The interaction between salts and
size of ion and magnitude of water are called hydrolytic reaction
charge. and phenomenon is called hydrolysis.
If the size of ion is small and is When sodium chloride is dissolved in
highly positive ion, it has high water, the ionic bond between sodium
charge density, so greater number (Na+) and chloride (Cl-) is broken, and
2 of molecules will surround it. the compound dissociates into its
Negatively charged ions have low constituent ions, Na+ and Cl-. This
charge density and have smaller dissociation is a result of the solvent
number of water molecules properties of water, which can
surround them. separate and surround individual ions
NOTE: IONS WITH HIGH CHARGE due to its polar nature.
DENSITY HAS A GREATER ABILITY The dissociation of sodium chloride in
TO ATTRACT POLAR WATER water can be represented by the
MOLECULES THAN IONS WITH following equation:
SMALLER CHARGE DENSITY. NaCl (s) + H2O (l) → Na+ (aq) + Cl- (aq)
2. HYDRATES: In this equation, (s) represents the
The crystalline substance which solid state of NaCl, (l) represents the
contain chemically combined liquid state of water, and (aq)
water in definite proportion is represents the aqueous state of the
called a hydrate. ions.
The hydrates are produced when It's important to note that this process
aqueous solution of soluble salts is does not involve a chemical reaction
evaporated. where water molecules are broken
The water molecules are attached down or bonded to the ions. The water
with cations is hydrates. molecules simply surround and
For example in CuSO4.5H2O, four solvate the separated sodium and
water molecules are attached with chloride ions, allowing them to move
Cu+2 and one with SO4-2. Cu+2 has freely in the solution.
greater charge density and size of
Cu+2 is much smaller than the
SO4-2 which has same amount of
charge, this is the reason why
water molecules are attached to
Cu+2 more.

PreMed.PK 15
NH4, AlCl3, CuSO4 gives acidic Sodium acetate is a salt of acetic
solution in water. Their hydrolytic acid, and its hydrolysis in water
reaction produce weak bases generates acetic acid itself. Acetic
Al(OH)3, NH4OH and Cu(OH)2. But acid is a weak acid, and sodium
CL- and SO4-2 are weak conjugate hydroxide is a strong base.
base and are not hydrolyzed in The hydrolysis of sodium acetate is
water thus H+ remains free in an example of a salt hydrolysis
solution so there solutions are reaction, where a salt compound
acidic in character. reacts with water to produce an
Na2CO3 and CH3COONa forms acid and a strong base. Thus the
basic solution water. resulting solution is base solution.
The hydrolysis of sodium acetate
(CH3COONa) results in the
breakdown of sodium acetate into
its constituent ions and the
production of acetic acid.
The hydrolysis reaction can be
2 represented by the following
In this equation, sodium acetate
(CH3COONa) reacts with water
(H2O) to form acetic acid
(CH3COOH) and sodium hydroxide
During hydrolysis, the water
molecules break the ionic bond in
sodium acetate, resulting in the
release of sodium ions (Na+) and
acetate ions (CH3COO-).
Additionally, one water molecule
donates a proton (H+) to the
acetate ion, converting it into
acetic acid (CH3COOH). The
remaining hydroxide ion (OH-)
combines with the sodium ion to
form sodium hydroxide (NaOH).

PreMed.PK 16
A heterogenous mixture of tiny Lyophilic molecules: Lyophilic
particles of substance dispersed molecules, also known as hydrophilic
through a medium is called molecules, are substances that have
colloidal dispersion or a colloid. an affinity or attraction toward the
The aggregate of this ions or dispersion medium (usually water)
molecule ranges in size from 1 to and can easily mix or dissolve in it.
10^3nm. These particles are visible These molecules have polar groups or
in electron microscope but invisible functional moieties that can form
in ordinary microscope. hydrogen bonds or other strong
In a colloid, the dispersed phase interactions with water molecules.
consists of tiny particles or droplets Lyophilic molecules are typically
that are uniformly distributed soluble in water and can form stable
throughout the continuous phase. colloidal systems without the need for
The continuous phase is the additional stabilizing agents.
2 medium in which the dispersed Example: Sugar (e.g., sucrose) is a
phase is suspended. Common lyophilic molecule. It readily dissolves
examples of colloids include milk, in water due to its hydrophilic nature
gelatin, fog, and paint. and can form a stable colloidal
The three main types of colloids solution, such as when making a
are: sugar syrup.
Solid colloid: In this type of colloid, 2. Lyophobic molecules: Lyophobic
solid particles are dispersed in a molecules, also known as hydrophobic
liquid or solid medium. An example molecules, are substances that have a
is a sol, where small solid particles low affinity or aversion to the
are suspended in a liquid. dispersion medium (usually water)
Liquid colloid: In this type, liquid and do not easily mix or dissolve in it.
droplets are dispersed in another These molecules are typically nonpolar
liquid. Emulsions, like oil dispersed or have nonpolar regions, which do
in water or vice versa, are common not form strong interactions with
examples of liquid colloids. water molecules. Lyophobic
Gas colloid: In this type, gas molecules tend to cluster together
bubbles are dispersed in a liquid or and separate from water, forming
solid medium. Foam, such as aggregates or droplets.
whipped cream or frothy Example: Oil (e.g., vegetable oil) is a
beverages. In foams, gas bubbles lyophobic molecule. It does not readily
are trapped and stabilized by a dissolve in water due to its
liquid or solid matrix. hydrophobic nature.

PreMed.PK 17
A suspension is a type of Mostly they are cloudy or opaque, but
heterogeneous mixture in which some may be transparent.
solid particles or liquid droplets are The Tyndall effect refers to the
dispersed in a liquid or gas phenomenon where light is scattered
medium. Unlike in a solution or a or dispersed by colloidal particles or
colloid, the dispersed particles in a suspended particles in a transparent
suspension are typically larger and medium. When a beam of light passes
not uniformly distributed through a transparent medium, it
throughout the medium. Over generally travels in a straight line
time, the particles in a suspension without being visible. When the light
settle down due to gravity, forming encounters particles or droplets in the
a sediment or precipitate at the medium, such as colloidal particles or
bottom. tiny dust particles, it gets scattered in
In a suspension, the dispersed different directions. This scattering of
particles are generally insoluble in light makes the beam visible as it
the medium and can be visible to illuminates the path of the scattered
2 the naked eye. light.
Examples include muddy water, They exhibit Brownian motion.
orange juice with pulp, blood, paint Colloids can be stable or unstable,
etc. depending on the balance between
These suspensions scatter and attractive and repulsive forces among
reflect light. the dispersed particles.
NOTE: BLUE COLOUR OF SKY IS Colloidal particles can diffuse through
DUE TO THE SCATTERING OF a medium, but their diffusion rate is
LIGHT BY COLLOIDAL DUST generally slower compared to smaller
WATER ALSO LOOKS BLUE UE TO Due to their larger particle size,
SCATTERING EFFECT OF LIGHT BY colloids may not pass through filters
COLLOIDAL IMPURIITES IN SEA designed to separate smaller particles
WATER. or molecules.
Colloidal systems can exhibit unique
optical properties, such as selective
absorption, scattering, and
interference of light.
The large surface area of colloids
facilitates interactions with the
surrounding medium and influences
the behavior and reactivity of colloidal
Colloids often display higher viscosity
compared to the pure solvent or
dispersion medium.

PreMed.PK 18
Colloids are classified
according to dispersed COLLOID NATURE AND
and dispersing
substances are gas, liquid
or solid.
Milk of
MNEMONIC FOR TYPE OF Solid particles
starch in
COLLOIDS: SOL dispersed water, paints,
through a liquid coloured
Felix Saw An Enormous
glasses, gems.
Giant Going South Super
Foam Continuous
Solid Foam network of solid
2 Aerosol
GEL jellies,
Emulsion gelatin.
liquid medium
Solid Aerosol
Sol Either a solid or
Solid Sol AEROSOL liquid dispersed Smoke, fog.
in gas

Liquid dispersed Milk,

in another liquid mayonnaise.

Bubble of a gas cream, soap,
FOAM suspended in leather,
liquid or solid whipped

PreMed.PK 19

1 SIZE OF PARTICLE 1-10^3nm >10^3nm 0.1 -1nm

2 PHASE heterogenous heterogenous Homogenous

Particles are Particles are

Particles are
composed of composed of
3 AGGREGATE composed of 1
10^3 or 10^9 more than
to 10^3 atoms
atoms. 10^9 atoms

Positive or Positive or
CHARGE ON Positive or negative or negative or
PARTICLE negative may be may be
neutral neutral

Invisible by
naked eye and
visible by visible by
VISIBILITY OF naked eye and naked eye and
5 microscope
PARTICLES ordinary ordinary
but visible in
microscope microscope

Particles can Particles can

Particles can
pass through pass through
pass through
ordinary ordinary
ordinary filter
6 FILTERABILITY filter paper filter paper
paper but not
but not but not from
from ultra
from ultra ultra filter
filter paper.
filter paper. paper.

PreMed.PK 20

7 Scatter light Scatter light
LIGHT Scatter light

Particles do
Particles do Particles
not settle
EFFECT OF not settle settle under
8 under
GRAVITY under influence influence of
influence of
of gravity gravity

PreMed.PK 21

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