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I. Objective
At the end of an interactive discussion, the pupils are expected to:
1. Enumerate the ways to protect and conserve the tropical rainforest, coral reefs
and mangrove swamps
2. Illustrates how can we protect and conserve the tropical rainforest, Coral reefs
and mangrove swamps
3. Appreciate the importance of protecting and conserving the tropical rainforest,
coral reefs, and mangrove swamps.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Protection and Conservation of Ecosystem
Reference: The new Science Links Worktext in science and technology 6
Materials: Visual Aids, pictures, Powerpoint Presentation

III. Procedure

Teacher Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activity
 Prayer
Class let us all stand up and put
ourselves in the presence of the Lord
as we pray.
(Students will stand up and pray)

 Greetings
Good morning class.
Good morning teacher!

 Checking of Attendance
Is there any absent for today’s class?

Nobody is absent, teacher

Very Good! Perfect attendance
 Class Agreement
As we go on to our formal and very
interesting discussion, I want you to
know first that we have and
agreements that should be followed:
1. Sit properly
2. Listen and participate to the
3. Raise your right hand if you
want to ask question and

B. Review Yes teacher!

- We already discuss the mangrove
- Do you remember what a mangrove
swamp is?
- Students will volunteer to answer.
(Mangroves are trees that grow along the
coasts. They are usually found in shallow
waters along the mouths of bays, lagoons,
and rivers.)
- Very good!!

C. Motivation
- Let’s plays the game called “Who am I”

Guess the name of animals or plants in the

picture. Fill in the missing letters to complete
the name.











- Can you tell me what is the condition of

these organisms/animals in the
ecosystem they belong? They are being endangered.

- Stop cutting trees

- What can we do to protect them or - Stop throwing garbage in the forest
save them? or rivers
- Clean our environment

- Very good!!

D. Presentation
Ecosystem Conservation
- Human activities disturb and
destroy biodiversity and the natural
balance of the ecosystem. Most of
these activities alter the structure
and functions of both living and
nonliving components of the
ecosystem. Some of mans trade
activities disrupt the
interrelationship in the ecosystem.

Strategies in protecting and conserving

Soil Conservation
- Soil conservation helps restore the
nutrients of the soil
- This will make the plants and other
organisms live and grow
- Soil conservation involves
Water Conservation
- One of the most essential needs of
humans, plants, and animals is clean
fresh water.
- Water supply in the reservoir could
be increased through an effective
watershed management.
- Wise used of water is also important
for water conservation.
Protecting forest, Coral reefs, and Swamp
- Rainforests are often called the
lungs of the planet for their role in
absorbing carbon dioxide, a
greenhouse gas, and increasing local
- Rainforests also stabilize climate,
house incredible amounts of plants
and wildlife, and produce nourishing
rainfall around the planet.
- Rainforests are the source of
medicines and food; support tribal
people; and are an interesting place
to visit.
- Coral ecosystems are a source of
food for millions; protect coastlines
from storms and erosion; provide
habitat, spawning, and nursery
grounds for important fish species;
provide jobs and income to local
fishers, recreation, and tourism; are
a source of new medicine.
- Mangroves are the first line of
defense for coastal communities.
They stabilize shorelines by slowing
erosion and provide natural barriers
protecting coastal communities
from increased natural calamities or
- Mangrove swamps are home to a
large variety of fish, crab, shrimp,
and mollusk species. d. (The students volunteer to answer)
- (Ask students how tropical
rainforests, coral reefs, and
mangroves are important in our
- Today, tropical rainforests, coral
reefs, and mangrove swamps are
disappearing from the face of the
- Despite the growing international
concern, these are continuing to be
destroyed. These destructions have
a global impact through species
extinction and the loss of important
ecosystem services and resources.
However, these destructions can be
slowed, stopped, and in some cases
even reversed.
- We need to protect and conserve
the Earth’s resources. We need to
give high value to our tropical
rainforests, coral reefs, and
mangrove swamps. Here are some
ways to protect and conserve it.
1. Habitat restoration
2. Reforestation or replanting a
3. Mangrove rehabilitation.
4. Wildlife conservation which
includes protecting a sanctuary
where animals live.
5. Supporting projects of the
government and non-
government organizations that
protect the tropical rainforest,
coral reefs, and mangrove
6. Joining organizations that
conduct educational campaigns
and give information on how to
protect and conserve it. Being
responsible to the development
and restoration of Earth’s
resources like the tropical rain
forests, mangrove swamps and
coral reefs are key for the long- e. (The students volunteer to answer)
term benefits to mankind.
- (Ask students how can they protect
and conserve tropical rainforests,
coral reefs, and mangroves.)

- Learning Task 1 – Activity

Now we will have an activity. The
name of the activity is “Family
Feud”. The class will be divided into
two groups (boys & girls) each group
will choose 3 representatives to
participate in the quiz show. The
group with the highest points wins
the game.
E. Generalization
1. How can we protect and conserve
rainforests, coral reefs, and
2. Why do we need to protect them?
3. How can we help in our own way to
protect and conserve them?

IV. Application
Write PC if the following statement shows protecting and conserving tropical rainforest,
coral reefs, and mangrove swamps, and write N if not.
_________1. Replanting trees in the forest.
_________2. Striking or touching a coral reef.
_________3. Participating in local coastal cleanups.
_________4. Clearing mangroves for property development.
_________5. Establishing Park for recreation.

V. Evaluation
Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer. Use a separate sheet for your answer. Write
your answer in a ¼ sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following strategies shows how to conserve the balance of life in the
ecosystem? a. massive cutting of trees
b. conserving the needs of living things
c. destroying wildlife ecosystem
d. Dumping garbage anywhere

2. Which of the following shows wildlife conservation?

a. excessive hunting of wild animals
b. protecting the forests against harmful activities
c. practicing the kaingin system in the forest
d. muro-ami fishing

3. Here are some ways of protecting and conserving wildlife, which one is not?
a. Buy products made from animal parts.
b. Protect a fish sanctuary.
c. Support programs for wildlife conservation.
d. Help raise funds for environmental conservation.

4. Which of the following destroys coral reefs?

a. mangrove planting b. building man-made fish sanctuaries
c. waste dumping
d. coastal cleanup

5. The following shows mangrove rehabilitation, EXCEPT:

a. Planting mangrove seedlings in the mangrove swamps.
b. Supporting projects for mangrove rehabilitation.
c. Making the mangrove swamps a dumping site.
d. Joining the campaign against mangrove destruction.

VI. Assignment
Answer the following briefly
1. Identify ways to conserve the wildlife ecosystem.
2. How can you family help conserve the resources needed by living things?
3. Joseph heard that the accelerated global extinction rate due to rainforest

Prepared by:
Romel D. Ramos

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